ttftmra ADS. NEWS u,,rv nrsiXBSS is slow, ad- T TlSi:. THAT IT PAYS IS EVI- !ivci: iv successful iiusi- X SS nntSKS EVERYWHERE GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW 111 READING THE (X)OS HAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME TERSELY TOLD : :: memiikk or associated press KMiilillsliuil in 1878 as Tlio Const Mail VOL XXXIV MARSHFIELD,0REG0N, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 191 1 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGES.'1 '""" . c9tai.ui , 4g mill Coos liny Advertiser. (Eons flag NIL DECLARED LAW IS ALL OVER MEXICO TODAY Government Announces Mild Form of Military Rule Effective. UNITED STATES NAVAL VESSELS GUARD COASTS LEAVE TODAY ON BREAKWATER1 plain His Connection With Alleged Bribery In Lorimer's Election. to Coos Day ! Gunboats Ordered to Visit Pac ific Ports of Mexico Immediately. Steamship Sails This Morning For Portland With Many Passengers. Tho Rronkwnter Bulled nt 8 o'clock Texas Senator Wanted to Ex- ,ck'8 Bn,oon ln ewengo for noistinw'a I vote tor Lorlmcr Tor United States Senator. Holstlnw produced a do- J posit sltii with that ntnount on tlio State bank of Chicago ln which hank ho said ho lintl deposited tho money. The deposit slip was taken to Washington by a BUb-commltteo Investigating Lorimer's election and ,1110 insi Knowieugo oi mo wncro- Stato's Attorney Ilurko today ordor- abotits of tho slip was when Dallcy cd a subpoena duces tecum for Unit-(hold It In his hand during his speech cd States Senator .Joseph W. Dallcy in tho Senate In defenso of Lorlmcr of Texas summoning him as a wit- and denounced It as a forgery, Dnl ncss in tho case against Stato Sen-j ley's explanation Is that while ho was ator John S. Drodorlck of Chlcngo addressing tho Sonato somo one took charged by Former Stato Soantor Da- tho slip from his hand. Ho cannot (Dy Associated Press Times.) SPRINGFIELD, 111., Mar. 11. i . " ' i vld II. Holstlaw with paying him remember who It was. Droderlck'ri 'r.nn .. T..I.. 4.. mAn ,. m . I . . . . . . , '"i""" u "" ". iwv, i.i uroucr-,caso is set for trial March 20. ! thlH mori,,,,8 'or Portland. She had .MARTIAL 1AW IN MEXICO. n J"1" crt' of outgoing freight nnd . " ubout seventy passengers. (Uy Associated Press.) Among those sailing on her wcro MEXICO CITY, Mnr. 11. !t)lu folIowlng. The government today ileclded to suspend tho constitutional guarantee throughout tho re- & Wn,tur -Morgan, Percy Morgan, public. This means a mild form Q. C. McAteo, II. 0. Erlckson, John of martial law. Urunetto, Lottlso Ilrunotto, A. 0. Plstot, Alfred Schcen. E. B. Mncone. Aug. Farley, S. Vandcrborg, L. H. Arnot, J. 1). (Jobs, 1). S. Ames, D. Q. Woldon, C. C. Wlntormute, W. T. Ilunmert, Fred Lund, Mrs. It. II. Van Zylo, Mrs. J. II. April, W. D. Mitchell, C. M. Romlg, Anna Gld mark, Frank McBurcnu, W. Thump- IS KILLED Of 5-STORY FALL E W S BAILEY WITNESS IN BRIBERY CASE TWO ARE SLII AID 01 IS SHOT BY ITALIAN VAGABOND I T (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, I). C, Mar. 11. I Tho gunboat Princeton, now nt Pa nama hns been ordered northward, touching nt Acnpulco, Mexico and probably other Mexican ports while tho gunboat Yorktown will snll south ward from Snn Diego also with or ders to stop nt several Mexican ports. These orders aro In conjunction I lth those Issued a fow days ago. Tho gunboats Tncoma and the scout ! cruiser Chester will establish n patrol ot tho United States vessels along both coasts of Mexico. II ARRIVE Lowell Attorney Drops to Death American Middleweight Knocks In San Francisco Hotel Today. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Cal Mar. 11. Falling from tho fifth story of his ho tel hero today Edward II. Tucker, an attorney of Lowell, Mass., was crush- son, C. It. Peck, C. F. McKnlght, T. od to death on tho skylight four Bto- Large Number of Passengers Brought by Steamship From San Francisco The Rcdomlo arrived In yesterday from San Francisco. Sho hnd tho largest cargo of freight that sho has brought up in a long tlmo. A num ber of goats wero brought Jn for Ton Mile ranchers who will uso thorn o dear underbrush land. Tho goats ere shipped In crates and wore un folded last night. This morning, four little "kids" had put In nppe'ar-ince. The Redondo will sail for Snn Francisco Monday morning at 10:30. Among those arrlvlnc on tho Ito- aondo wero Mrs. II. Swnrhart Stohlmann, O. Lnttln, Mrs. O. Lattin, rles below, J. M. Fisher, C. S. Lovland, Harry C. tragedy. Funk, F. W. Estborg, Lola Hoover, Geo. F. Smith, Gus Domos, J. D. Hnmlln, Mrs. J. I). Hnmlln, Alex Mat son, Mrs. Alex Mntson, Wnltor Mot son, Ellen Matson, J. Mnrlnndor, Con Schuster, aeo. Wolch, Mrs. a. W. Welch, C. F. Wngnor, W. W. ProBsoy, H. A. Phillips, F. G. Tillman, J. E. I'orry, Otto Miller, E. D. Hnl, A. K. Wnllnco, 12. M. Eldrodgo, Jas B. Lano, Mrs. Lano, Drat Ford, Mrs. C. J. Millls, Miss Mablo Mlllls, Hy Ro blnsou, II. S. Hnmmond, J. D. Kol loy, C. C. Domusdoffor, Frod Dengor, D. DlesBas, P. Woldsoth, II. II. Morton. No ono witnessed tho n T Out Australian at Sidney Today. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tiroes.) SIDNEY, N. S. W., Mar. 11. Bil ly Fapke, tho American mlddlowclght, knocked out Dave Smith, Australian middleweight champion, In tho seventh round today. Last month Papko lost to Smith on a foul. TEAR INDIANS L W ran ss AS Mexican Rebels Say They Will Redmen In Capture Town Near San Diego. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) SAN DIEGO, Cnl., Mar. 11. "Wo British Columbia Threaten Trouble Against Settlers. Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day J. Albert Matson Reports Busi ness Conditions Rapidly Improving. J. Albert Matson, who has Just ic- tumed from an extended stay ln Sun Francisco, reports gcnornl business conditions Improving rapidly. "Thoro Is a strong undercurrent of enthusiastic optimism In San Fran cisco that Is certain Indication not only of good times abend, but lively Union. Ileal cstato is commencing to chnngo hands nt advancing prices nnd parties with unimproved property aro making nrrangomonts for build ing on an oxtonslvo scale." "Tho basis of all this feeling thnt several good business years aro abend of San Francisco and other portions of tho Pacific const Is a solid founda tion ot largo Improvements already .. 'docldod upon. Somoono with a pen- ennnt lor ngures uns stated that tne amounts already appropriated for ex penditure in nnd nround San Fran cisco amounts to about $4,000,000 ? month for tho next four years. This Includes $75,000,000 thnt tho South ern Pacific hns dotormlncd on for electrification of forrys, trolloy ex tensions nnd terminals; $20,000,000 for tho exposition nnd other oxpondl turcs thnt mako a grand total that Is making oven tho solid citizens of tho liny City dizzy with Joy and hopo. Of courso, Joy, I know, is soinotlmos caused by hopo thnt is nothing but "hop" with an "o" on It, but In this caBo It Is dlfferont. The wholo const Is In for sovernl big business years nnd Coos Day Is bound to got hor shnro of tho gonoral prosperity." Repays Kindness of California Rancher by Attacking Family. WOUNDED WOMAN CRAWLS FOR AID Times,) SPOKANE, Wash., Mar. 11. War will attack Tla Junna tonight," says may bo declared by tho Indians on n niCBsngo sent to sub-prefecto Jo La roqtiB in command of tho forces nt tho llttlo Mexican town ncross tho who aro crowding them from boundary lino from San Diego today lnnd. Father Dollot, a priest, tho Fort Gcorgo resorvo In British Columbia against tho whlto sottlors tholr who pro- negro named Francisco Salinas. Tho Qhnniff fionn RnoQ in nnnmnrk forco Is camped 20 miles east of Tin For Men For Myrtle Point Robbery. W. F. Miller, superintendent of tho local railway, was advised today that tho two men suspected of having a and ! knowledgo of tho Myrtlo Point depot by tho filibustering forco ot Mexicans has returned to Nelson, D. C, undor tho leadership of tho halt-breed diets troublo with tho Indians. Ho declares It will bo necessary for tho provincial government to mnko up tho losses tho Red men aro suffering nt tho hands of whites to provent wnr. Slayer Escapes and Posses Are Hot On His Trail Fear Violence. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) IGNACIO, Cnl., Mnr. 11. A ranch man mimed I.nfrnnchl nnd his 10 yoar 'old nephew, Albert wero shot nnd killed, nnd Mrs, Hose Lnfranchl shot In tho leg today by an unknown Itn llnn whom they hnd given lodging overnight. Tho murdoror Is pursuod by two posses of armed rnnchmou. Tho murder wns entirely unprovoked. MrB. Lnfranchl with two bullets In hor legs dragged horsolf hnlf a mllo to the nearest neighbor and gavo tho nlarm. Tho feeling Is high and it la believed thoolllcors of tho law will have difficulty in saving tho murdoror from violence. TAFT TAKES REST. President Will KnJoy Respect nt AugiiNtn. AUGU8TA, Gn Mnr. 11. Presi dent Tnft ronched Augusta early to day for n brief porlod ot rest boforo returning to Washington. LARGE ESTATE OE MRS. E Junna and Is snld to number 140 men. At noon tho band; It wns said, had begun marching to Tin Junna. 'blld, S. Kearns. Mrs. G. Rulbnch. E. ' .,i.i.n... m nmiii nt rnn. blmpion, W. Edwin Trlbblo, R. . mapk. curry county, nnd that Sher iff Gngo hnd gono nftor them. Tho snmo two wore nrrested on sus picion nt Dnndon but wero rolcased Campbell, Annie- Ferris, Jns. Dalnes, Q. Chrhtenson, S. Hughes, J. F. Leg '". D. L. Greeno. W. J. Wilson. v-uusey, M. Johnnneson, J. D. Lln-DOforo sheriff Gngo could get them. ""enn. Mrs. Llndormenn, Mss Mr jllllor wns Informed that they undernieiin. Miss A. Hogland. L. W. ' admlttod at Dandon that they know "loertson, A. Dunham, Guy Leo, W.ltno two mon who pullod off the rob er, D. Ferdlnnml. P. nimno t J. it ,. ' - - -. uory, . Aaams' W. D. Hughes, J. D. Sto- Th0 two arrested at Denmark aro . G. E. Sanborn, G. W. Sinclair SUPnosod to bo tho straugors who " ,en steerage. I wftro ham:inc around Myrtlo Point prior to tho robbery nnd they made NO CALL FOR T i General Wood Decides That There Are Enough Now On Border. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay w MILLIONAIRE Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar. 11. ACT DFTROOPS Decide to Suspend Active Oper ations In Mexico Pending Developments. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Bay Ap- Times.) MEXICALI, Mex., Mar. 11. By I such a hurried doparturo from there fj0 additional troops have been order- an ordor from tho revolutionary Jun ! nbout tho tlmo tho robbery occurred that they did not settle their hotel bill. FOUND GUILTY Promoter Hillmarr of Seattle Announces He Will Appeal Case. RIG SLIDE O.N CANAL. Two Killed nnd Several Injured Near Gntiinlock. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) COLON, Panama, Mar. 11. A blc slide of earth at tho north end of iGatunlock of tho Panama canal oc l,,..,.,i id- nieht. Two men wero ETTLE, Wash., Mar. 11. Clar-' killed and soveral Injured. A quan- HlHnmn, tho millionaire tlty of machlnory was burled. ed to Texas or California nor are such orders in contemplation at tho present tlmo according to General Leonard Wood, chief of staff. His statement Is ln answer to a re ta in Los Angeles tho departure of tho rebols from Ensonada, was dofor red. The Junta has decided to sus pend all but defensive measures un til It becomes more evident what tho port that the War Department was United States army is to do nlong tho ooruer. n me uimeu aiuiuu iuiuuud preparing to Bend another division to to tnko Moxlco, there Is np uso wast- ence d, ot Bsi promotcr was und euilty lory I th mnlls rraudulently by a m tho federal court lato yester "Von thii-i., . ... ,. Vl, luiinis, ana win car- "fie to the hlchor ennrts. In rneantimo i. ..... . .. . 'lOOoo ' Ttbe For I1UIOK auto service PHONE 31-J before C. P. M. and CO-J at night Property Left By Her Is praised at Nearly $3,000,000. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CONCORD, N. II.. Mar. 11. A valuation ot $2,512, HG Is placed on tho estato In Now Hampshlro ot tho Into Mrs. Mary Baker Glovor Eddy, founder of tho Christian Sclenco church. Tho property in Massachu setts is unofficially estimated nt $250,000. Tho chlof Items In Nov Hampshlro aro stocks and bonds $1, 057,788 nnd copyrights valued it $1,400,000. ARONUIST IS W MS G the southern frontier. It Is mado Jng ve8 nnfl moi)oy flgnUnB for Hb. clear officially in Army circles that 0rty," said Simon Berthold today, tho forces In process of mobilization y0 wjh Walt until Washington at San Antonio, Galveston and San Bj,ows its hand, although It appears Diego aro adequate for present needs. tna tM0 mobilization of troops ut Tho War Department, however, Is tno border can mean but ono thing recruiting tho Infantry regulars of te occupation and annexation of Mnlnr Gfiinrn Carter's division at tifnvlnn Tf thnt hn trim, nil tho work San Antonio to their full strength. wo have done will go for naught." i City, Cal., Thursday night, according pected of being tho agent of tho ro Tho division now numbers about 10,-1 . 000 enlisted men and it is expected Take your SUNDAY DINNER nt it will be increased to 16,000 by tho Tho CHANDLER. Special menu. 0)' TWO KILLED or SiWSLIDE Residents of Sierra City, Cal., Victims of Disaster There Thursday. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) RENO, Nov., Mar, 11. Two men wore killed by a snowslldo at Sierra Light Tender In Harbor Thought to Have Been Drown- ed Tuesday Night. John AronqulBt, who haa had chnrgo of lighting tho hnrbor lights on Coos Day for tho past twolvo yoars, has turned up missing nnd Is Biipposcil to havo been drowned Tues day night whllo looking nftor tho lights in tho lower harbor. His boat was found nenr Porter yesterday by Chns. Hunseckor. It wns ln go yd condition but thoro Is nothing to In dlcato tho whereabouts of tlio owner. Aronqulst loft horo about ton min utes nftor nino o'clock Tuesday eve ning and has not boon seen by any ono slnco. It is said that in tho twolvo years ho has had charfto ot lighting tho hnrborjlghts, ho nover misscu n nigm uiuu nuor iuh uuap- penrnnco this weok. John Hayncs nnd other friends ot tho deceased feel certain that ho must hnvo accidentally fallen hi nnd been drowned, Aronqulst had no rolntlves horo and lived in a float liouso on North Front street. SOSPECT HELD AT ENSENADA Man Suspected of Exploding Dynamite, Being Rebel Agent and Murderer Caught. fDy Assoclntod Pross to Coos Day Times.) SAN DIEGO, Cal., Mar. 11. Charged with exploding dynamlto in tho streets ot Ensonada nnd sus- to advices received hero today. Havollne AUTOMOBILE OIL, heavy medium and special at EK11LAD ( addition of recruits ln tho ordinary , RESERVE tables for PARTIES Hardwa-o Store. iway. J PHONE. Havollne AUTOMOBILE OIL, heavy medium nnd special at EKULAD Hardware Store, bol forces, a man bolloved to bo J. H. Dick, wnnted ln Los Angolas on tho chargo of murder, Is ln custody at Ensennda according to Informa tion recolved hero.