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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSH FIEL,D, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 191 1 EVENING EDITION. police covers Great, Assortment New Spring Patterns $2 to $ 1 0 Spreads 0 ir new lino Iuih no equal for the vury lntost fltjlca and lowest prices $1.80 ho $6.00 ere's a Bargain I'lnln Scrim and Ktomlnes for Stencilling In 'vory, Croan or Will to. 25 Cents Per Yard IlOSKIIl'Ittl MAX IS KILLED. By Pas- ('. 11. .ntUi'ou Hun Down senger Train. UOSKIlt'UO. Ore. Mar. 9. An other tragic tloath, presumably tho result of excess! tu Indulgence In In toxicating liquors, was recorded In Rosolnirg at an curly hour the other morning, when C. 11. Anderson, an of the Hlmes & Oliver Ileal Kstate company, or this city, was in irtantly killed by belli utrtick by t-Htlhbouiul pamnger train, No. 17, a ihort distance wett of tho rock cut, In North Hofebtti'g. (UltiHN'KJ; .MAN WKDS. nofi THE WKATIIKIt. (Hv Associated PreaO OREGON -Fair tonight Friday; coolc In cant, enitorl Hall of tho ferry Transit running be tween Jlarshflold and Eaatsldo during tho month of February carried tho following tralllc; passengers, 3279; doublo tennis, ICC; single team?, 121; outos, 10; stock, 21. Hum Scarlet Fever. Miss Eunlco Nichols of Jlarshflold. who Is taking tho niirsos' course nt tho Good Sama ritan hospital in Portland, is now Buf fering from scarlet fever. Her nioth- alr tonight and lor,I,R uoni sennet lever, ner niotu wlth heavy frost 'or, ,r8, H11'0 Nichols, who went to ly winds. j Jutland to see her was unable to l.orAl. ti:mpnratvrk POUT. CRETONNES, All lore for covering Shirtwaist Boxes or hangings. 12 1-2 to 35 Cents Per Yard rry MOSltg ornery CW A quiet wedding was solemnlaed nt the office of Attornv Frank G. Mlrelll shortly after seven o'clock Sunday evening, when Miss Emma 'SlminoiKls. aged 17 yoars, and until recently of Portland, became the wife I of Jerry Ruben, or Gardiner, County ! Judge G. W. Wonnacott. officiating. I he groom Is -17 years of ago, and Is quite well known In tho vicinity of Gardiner where ho has boon employ ed for several yoars. Tho happy cou ple left for tho northern city whore they Intend to reside permanently. I Kopeburg News. For twonty-four hours ending nt 4:13 p. in.. Mar. S. by Mrs. E. MlugttB, special govertiinoiit meteorological obsorvor: Maximum r0 Minimum an At 4.43. p. m -17 Preclpltntlon C7 Wind, Southwest; rainy. 4.04 RE- 0 LKAVKS I'Olt 1IOMK. To AddrcsM Reserves. Capt. Jlnc genn of tho Breakwater, will address tho Marshfiold Naval Reserves to I night. His address will bo ono of I a sorlcs for tho purposo of giving tho jmon n gonoral knowlodgo of soafar , lug. return today as was expected. Lenten Service. In Emmanuel Episcopal church on Friday evening or this week nt 7:30 thero will be tho first of a sories of Lenten addres ses on ".Men of the lllblo, with Les sons from tholr lives for Men of To day." Tho service Is far all, but men especially are cordially Invltod to bo present. ARC corn rbmover A Hire and prompt remedy for tho Pnlnless removal of Corns, Warts. Bunions and Callouses". Satlxfactlon gunrantuud or your monoy back. PRICK ur. CENTS. ' For Sale nt "The ltuny Corner" i Agent for I ho Arcli Family Remedies Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. Tin: nusvrCORNEi: prone hd.h. THE BIG STICK Is useful in its place, It does not matter whethor you want ono big stick or enough lumber to build a house, or barn you can get what you want when you want it if you come to us, . .f-' . K We have the most complete stock of lumber carried on Coos Bay, White Cedar Boat Lumber, Spruce, Fir Interior Finish, Mouldings, Sash & Doors, Shingles, Roofing and Build ing Paper, Lath, etc. Come In and look over our stock whether you want to buy anything just now or not, You are always wel come here, C A. SMITH LUMBER & MT'G. CO. l'liouo 100.J Rctnll Ymils, 182 So. Broadway Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO AND JOSSON CEMENT. The best Domestic and Imported brands. Plaster, Llmo, Brick and all kinds of bullderB material. HUGH McLAIN ntT GENERAL CONTRACTOR riru-K. SOUTH BROADWAY. PnONE 201. I Coos Bav-Rosebunr St a ire Line ? stage between Rosebur& and .Marshfleld. Stage leaves dally I"0 M SCIIETTEK Agent, O. P. BARNARD, MARKET AV., Marshfleld. Agent, ROSEBUBG, Ore. PHONE 11 ptfO.E ire!t th Tu,rkl8a Datn- Remember a TURKISH BATH " J will help you. Phone 214-J. Bangor Poultry Yards CRYSTAL WHITE ORPINGTONS. KELLERSTRASS STRAIN. Ill At Baiidoii. Frank Layton, tho ...! If .. ....... fun Ifnlliiia ... n .1 l ..... Ill I it II uutUIMim 1IIII11, IB IlllllU II, William Dlngman and three chil dren, or Myrtle Point, who lma been spending a few days In Hie city vis iting at the home of the formor'ii at Bnndon whore ho suffered an nt-brother-ln-lw. T. D. Carion. left for tack of hoart falluro a day or two their home this afternoon Kowbiirg ago. He H now Improving and will 'ew bo ablo to bo out soon itulotM throat- Two A iv Arrowed. Ray Tlbbots and Addison Cook were arrested' by Night Watch Shoup last night for lighting 011 Front street. It scomod that Cook made some romarks to Tlb bcttB when the lattor was talking to someone nnd tho latter resented tho roninrk. Thoy nro to havo a hear ing beforo Rocordor Butler this after noon at !l o'clock. Personal GARDINER WOMAN JIOVIW. Kgga for tale $2.50 and f3.R0 par; sotting of 15. Tho lay more pay more kind. AUo ran furulili single comb. Drown Leghorn egg at $1.25 par li. Pen In headed by son of C. R. PICCIv and .T. D. Goiw will loavo Saturday for Portland on Imslnoss. oneil pneumonia develops. Mrt. JL A. Yarbrough of Gardiner, Ik here rlnltlng her sletvr. Jl-f. R. K. Cox. and alto to place a tomltttono over the grave of her mothar. She Rooster that took ilrat prlie at State ,f rwUl' llnal with lingeue and tho homo of Mrs. K Fair In 1010. Call on or address Geo. JL Sells. North Rend, Or., Phone 131 first Class Laimdry work Is moat doslrablo to anyono wishing tholr llnon to possess that particular finish no necessary to good tasto In dress. WI-J DO THAT CLASS OK WORK Ono Trial will Convince Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHOTO-: MAIN .T7-.I Ladles Art Club. Tho nioetlng of the Ladles Art Club whlah was to bo held at Mrs. Lang's tomorrow linn been postponed until Friday, JIaroli 17, whon the mooting will bo held nt LoJIIoux, in Gi;0, T. TRIJADGOLD of Baudot! Is a Jlarihlleld visitor today. il1 . L. PI1I-:lAN of Myrtlo Point Is a Jlamhllold business visitor. that ion nro probably aware pneumonia nlwnyu resu cold resultl Jierlalu's Why take tho risk when this roniedy may ho had for a trlllo? For sale by nil dealers. win prouniiiy come iiore to loento. Ferndnlo. Kngene Register. . Auto .Man lleiv. JL L. Curry of XOTM'I-: W. V. T. L. Portlnnd arrivod horo today to tako The regular huslnoss nietlnx of chnrgo of Goo. aoodruin'a now gnra- the W. C. T. U. will bo hold at Jlrs. go. Jlr. Curry la direct from tho Cn- I). Nelson's, on Sixth stroot nonr illllno shops at Portland and Is an ninr-hlm. Cnthollc church Friday at 3 P. JL PIIONI-: I. S. ICAUFJIAN iVJ CO YOUR coal onnmts 91..10 pi:r ton. .auto oxport. rlod and his Ho wiib rccontly bride enmo with .Mrs. A. G. Aiken will OPK.V up her store at Conulllo City with a com plete lino of Spring and Summer millinery on or about JIarch 21st. Ferry Tralllc. Tho roport of Cipt UKPOIIT OF Till: CONIHTION of tho iFlananan & Bennett Bank .MRS. JOHN KPPKRSQN of Rivortim Is In .Marsh mil it recelvlnk tr-wt-ment. J1RS. R. II. OLSON nnd Jlrs. T. J. Jlacgcnn of Kmplro nro Marshllcld visitors today. AUGUST FAULK Y oxpoctH to leavo Saturday for Portland and other northern points. J. D. IIAML'N nnd wlfo will loavo Saturday for Portlnnd on business and pleasure, """- t4 . ff tl'it W B ,u "nr8Illl0"1 urogon, in uio taio Its from a j VV 113 1 jC Will UO ' I of Oronoii. nt tho closo or biislnoas, l.f " C0UI Im-l, neon Plo Pans .v! Mnrch S- ian' ItCMtlllCl-S. Pnill'll Tllllnmlv wno liuu I I " l' Mull) lull c uouifcii iiomouj was usej. T ,,., ,Hn,,,0 ona sail n- nivp running ran no ' ' T MlnnV Tin n,i .t Ovordrnfts, Bcourod nnd IViforatod Pie Pans nc "nsecured SohIiik Jlnchlno Oil. . . . , Bo nonds, accurltlos, etc.. . . Mn tcli Safes :...1c UnnklnB houso, furnl- Stove Liftors ' no I 'ur0- nnd Ixturea . . . Straw Cuffs, pair Be D" fro, m'lrovod ro- Vegetaldo nrushes Be1 sorvo bauke J Pairs Heel Plates Be .Checks and other cash Sink Brushes Bel RoniB. TijicIiik Wheol ... , Be! Cash on hand. Fire Shovels Be Insoles, nalr Be Total. F.wj Beators Be MUS. C. K. BUOADBKNT and Jlrs. Anno Bnrklow of Myrtlo Point aro JIarshllold shoppers today. Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good horses and caroful drivers nro now at tho dis posal of tho Coos Bay public at KKASONAULK HATES Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip anywhoro any time. Horses boarded and rigs cared !or. Now hearso and special accommo dations provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLES PHONE 273-J. 3,280.05 SS.S25.GS 50,000.00 JIANLKY AUNKSON of Myrtlo .Point, who recently underwent nn opera tion horo for appendicitis Is re ported Improving. TAYLOU DKMENT of Myrtlo Point enmo over today to accompnny Judgo Hall on a trip of Inspection over tho South Inlot road. v 10,313.71 j c SAVAGE of tho Coqulllo Sen- tlnol passed through hero today on 7,807.18 ( r0t0 homo from a buslnoss trip to 70.49S.71 rortiana. Nntnu'K Graters Be mid 1000 othor things at POOS BAY ASH STORE The Storo That Saves You Money. Ji'KO. N. BOLT, . - MniuigiT. Fnnii Htivel. Muislifleld. Surplus fund Undivided profits, loss ox- ponses nnd taxes paid Duo to banks and bank- 0T8 t Individual deposits sub- Jloney. Ject to check $5-15,552.35 MR C0X( jnnJtor ot tho Jlarshflold Liabilities. I i.ii. HO,nnl linllillnir. lmH boon auf- forliiR from a sovoro attack of la grlppo tho last fow days. Capital stock paid In. . . . J 50,000.00 -15,000.00 FOR RENT (I room modern house near Catholic church. Seo C. F. JIcGoorge. I FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, No. 135 2nd street, Johnson Bldg., near Chandlor Hotel. l-OK S.i.i-. compieio soda liiaiiu fncturlng and bottling plant, In wholo or In any pnrt. First and complete. G. T. Treadgold, Ban don, Orogon." FOR RENT t room house, corner Donnelly ave. and Ninth street ?10 month, Why Bo You Think I Advertise? To got bottor acquainted with tho p'eoplo of Coos county. To got tho pooplo better acquainted with mo and the goodness of Stafford's can dles. To sell m oio ot our puro can dles. To help "put peoplo next" to tho best and most delicately flavor ed candy nindo. To mnko tho Jour ney along lifo's pathway plensanter, enslor, bottor, sweetor and moro worth while. You know Tom Jlooro says: "As wo Journey through life let us live by tho way." Stafford's candy adds to life's Joys. Try It and seo Demand certificates of doposlt 0.2C0.02 Tlmo certificates of do poslt 11C.3S9.51 Cashlor's checks out standing 17,497.92 8.905.C9 -wjr. GRIMES and wlfo nro planning I to broak up housokcoplng In West 33,027.87 Mnrshllold owing to Mrs. Grimes' I poor health. Thoy aro also plan- 205, -ICG. 31 ntng an oxtondod aoutuorn and I cnBtoru trip. WANTED Position for limn and wlfo without children. Inquire Blanco hotel. FOR RENT Threo furnished house keeping rooms. Phono 49-L. (Mjcvclk WANTED Competent girl for gen eral housowo'rk. Apply to Jlrs. M. C. Horton. FOR RENT Four aero ranch. Apply W. N. Ekblad & Son, Hardware Store. TWO STORES. SM0 Front St 11 Central Ave. REAL ESTATE. If you want to get some of the best buys In this section, seo mo. If you want to sell or loaso your property, list It with me. AUG. FRIZEEN, 08, Central Are., Jlarshflcld. Total J545.552.35 Stnto of Orogon. County of Coos, ss: I, U. F. WILLIAMS, Cashlor of tho abovo-nnmod bank, to solemnly swonr that tho nbovo statement Is truo to tho best of my knowlodgo nnd be lief. R. F. WILLIAMS, Cnfihlor. Subscribed nnd sworn to boforo mo this 9th day of JIarch, 1911. ARTHUR JIcKEOWN. Notary Public. Correct Attoat: J. W. BENNETT, JAS. II. FLANAGAN, R. F. WILLTAJ1S, Directors. IS YOUR SKIN ON FIRE? Does It seoin to you that you can't Btnnd another mlniito of that awful, ! burning Itch? That It J1UST bo coolod? That you JIUST havo relief? Got a nilxturo of Oil of Wlntor greon, Thymol, ami other soothing Ingredients as compounded only In D. 1). D. Prescription. Tho vory first drops STOP that awful burning Instantly! Tho first drops sootho and heal! D. D. I), gives you comfort cloan sos tho skin ot all Impurities and washos away pimples and blotches over night! Tako our word on It as your local druggist. Got a J1.00 or a 25 cent bottlo to day. Red Cross Drug Storo. FOR THE LAND'S SAKE SEE DOW HE HAS JUST WHAT THE GROUND WANTS SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY SPECIAL PRICES IN QUANTITIES. ' 1 k.