THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1911 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES Entered At the postoffice at Marsh Held, Oregon, for transmlssl n through the malls a second claw tnnll matter. ii - tf. C. M.W.OXKV Editor hihI Pub. tA i:. mai.onky News Editor E-" .!;; '-.,' - " ? An independent Republican news paper published every evening e cepf S.inday. and Weekly by The Coos Hay Times Publishing Co. WITH THE t I toastandtea: ooor kvknino. Dedicated to the service of the people, that no good cause shall lack n champion, and that evil shall not thrive unopposed. Tho Coon Hay Times represents a consolidation of tho Dally Coast Mall and Tho Coos Hay Advertiser. The Const Mall whs the first dally estab lished on Coos Hay and The Coos liny Times Is Its Immediate sue-cessor. sujiscriwion RATES. DAILY. Ono yenr JG.UO For month 50 When paid strictly In ndvance th subscription price of the Coon liny j",,"icb Is $5.00 por yenr or ?2.50 fo inontliH. WEEKLY. yenr $1.50 HOW TO LIVE. So lire thnt when thy nummoni eouie tii Jutti The Innumerable caravan which move To that niyterlotw realm where each xhull take Hit chamber In the silent halls of death Thou go not. like the quarry slave nt night, '"urged to hi dungeon, b' sustained niul soothed lly an unfaltering trust, ap- pronch thy grave I.Ike one that vrH the drapery of his couch About him mid lies down to pleasant dreams. William Cttllon Hrynnt. fltclnl Paper of Poos County. OFFICIAL PAPER OK THK (TIT OP MAItMIIFIELD. Addres.i all comtminlratlons to COOS MAY IIAII.V TIMES, HIiirNlillchl :: :: :: :: Oregon TIME TO CLKAX I'P. DON'T FEEL BLUE. like to hear a feller who will .hletle at hlx work: like to lienr n worker who will hum a Jlttle tun. Kf a feller's got mno muele. why. he ain't mi apt to shirk. He can ohatiae a bleak December Into mild and merry June. What's the use o' feelln' blue? There I sunshine here fur you. Life la mostly what you make It. Make It mellerllke an' true. Care will often run away Kf he finite you're' say. Open up your music, brother, an, by thunder, let It play! There' enough uv Bloom an' sorrer uv tli kind that hea to If. I.oia uv It's imaginary; you kin whistle It away. When you see of trouble akutklu' In the Iota behind a tree Let him see you're merry heart til. Put your record on an' play. What's the use o' feelm" blue? Xatur's happyllke an' true Jp the world to be mor cheerful aa' 'twill do the same fur you. Blue is all right In tho sky, All rlTht In a mn Men's eye. Cut don't Ht it in your system. It will ki,l wu If ii,' Ly. DAMES AND DAUGHTERS. Mrv Kiln t'lngg Young, who a yenr nnd n half nsco beenine the first wom an .uHrlutendent of lnxd In Chlcn i go. hat been re-elected to the oltlce for another year by the board of educa , tltm. Mme. Bryn. wife of the new Nor wegian minister of Washington, h the mother of four children. She I tie ! voted to her family and her home and says thnt coneo,u'iitly she has com paratively little time for clubs and crusade. i:ilen Terry Is sixty-two years old. Her first tnwr of America was made In ivnrt. when she wax thirty-nve. and die has slin Ihmu to this country, elcht tltuis. The fiftieth anniversary f hir unge debut was celebrated in ..'n' u In Usui. Mr. Champ Clark will tie the tlrst "li'hern wmnnu In many years to (lend rfiiiKreaalonnl society If her hus band MiticeetU in Ills ambition to be come speaker of the next house. She has been prominent socially over since she came to Washington with her hus band sixteen years ago. Miss Kntherlne McICensle. settle ment worker and ntithoross. well known among Pittsburg women's or ganisation, has luniigurnted u move ment for nn net of the legislature to screen or otherwise secure windows of hospitals so ns to prevent delirious patients from committing suicide. in Cauitlc. r lots of dlsimreenhlo thing" 1" " . lily, but why In? so egotis tical" "What do you iihmhT" "Nothing, only I think It Is had taste to brnp about jrwir Ktremrth." Morfirn Version. "Take care of the nickel, mid ilio dollurs will take earn of IheTttswh." -Oh. nor "Hat ye." Wot a bit of If. Tkf cure of the nickels and the dollars wilt wt to your wife." Juit a Sugsnt!on. "I am verj' amlaljle." "Are ytutV "I Hiii. In ihrt. my smile N the orlp Inal smile that won't come off." "Kvor try soaklm? your hend?" 8VNOTOI8 OP Till: AXMAIj statkmkxt ov Till German American Insurance Company OK XKW YOIIK. J IX THK STATIC Ol-' XKW VOUIC on the Ulit day of Ieeember. 1810, made to tho Insurance Coiin,!..,,,... Ji.- tho time to year to clean up. Yards, atroHts and alloys should bo renovated ami put In order nilli. debris and what; should Do linu'ed away lnifore warm weather ' ! A JTKIt M. t I lii "f ost-:i- Tho wny to avoid dlaoate and flies " mmt In a prntW life, to n is to eliminate the causes that pnJ-j nothltuz of the iartttthjmtlnK eoiumlt nco them filth and unsanitary eoii-'tw,' dltlons. I Time la at band to plant flowor gardens and rosbusm. la a few ' weelii It wltl be too late. BeantlCy Tr street at ones, thereby Ineroa !sr 're attrartlreaeea of th city an I tr-fintif the ralqe of yoor own yroprty. I ffct wait to Improve your own crarrty to dean up. to beautify. I o it at nnee and now is your col t tt iBlty. j "ske advantaae of It. for a greater, ' '"e attraetlve. a healthier and n u -r Marshfleld. I The TImos auKKesta that Mnyor , Straw Issue a proclamation asking nil Sporting Notes. Detroit Amerlenns will trnln nt Mon roe, Ij.. for the next four seasons. Johnny McCiovern. the Mlunosotn qunrtcrlMtek star, hits been nptoliitetl "n inemlxT of the faculty" nt Xebnis ka, inennliiK that he will eoiich the footlmll team this year. The Xntlnnnl lncros team of Mon treal IioIiU the liincnlrtieiit $l,0Ot) Sol man trophy, (inblemntle of the eliiitu- liioushlp of the Xntlounl UtcrtMse union, the Canadian organisation. Moideenl Drown Is to have n throe fingered rival. He Is Chester L. Xourse. the new Itoston Ited Sox pitcher, who made itilte n reputation In the Ik. while ii niRiubur of the Drown uni versity nine. i Short Stories. The man who never imthes a ml tnke lurarhildy bus uuderliuus w'.u do. There are women who Jnxt ieeui t been Iwro naturnl What mt aUet'HtmliMled lunn need" more than auythlug oIm Is to em;il a smalt boy to run his thought home. A man umy not love his inother-lu low. but lie la mighty glad to mh uer when the Us by has metisles. The iwradox ulmut pin money U tluit It Is the kind that never sticks. nighty-five thousnnd square miles of hind fire drained by I.nko .Superior, Work nt eloHrlug away tho wreck of the great Quebec bridge him gone on for a your, nnd It Is still fur from com pletion. While In 1!WJ the highest price paid for lynx In Alaska win $.'1, In the pres ent season, owing to the Increnseil de mand for this fur. the price lias risen to n maximum of $:;i).r.o. More tlimi r.7,NX),o)0 Index record enids, showing tho ludlvldiml service record of soldiers who fought In the various wars In which this country hint been engaged, uro now on tile In the olllce of the adjutant general of tho nrmy. Current Comment. It Is a shock to u mini when his local tuiimr i-nfiis in lilm fur tint llrst time property ownors to clean up nnd spe- M .. of ,. ,,, t.,zeili clfr n dny on which all tuny unite. I Tho authorities should coopornto with tho citizens In thin matter nnd mnko tho work nn easy tnsk. For tho snko of the health, ns well ns prldo, tho rlennlng should bo dono in n most thorough innnnor. Tho TlmoB hopes thnt everybody will net In unison on this occ.ihIoii, Itcmoni Uor thnt "clonnlluesa In nkln to flod-llnesB." AI'KIiK (iUADKH AD0ITI:D. WALI WA1.DA. Wash., Mnr. S- At tho recent meeting of fruitgrow ers representing the various districts of tho Northwest iiKieomeut on n uni form system of grading npplos for packing, which Is to be followed by the entire Northwest, was made. It Includes "extra fancy." stand-, urd" and "C" grades. The tlrst Is to he of pirfort apples. In which red varieties are to show TR per cent col or and pnrtlrod varieties SO per eeut. j The nt.indurd Is the same, tare that n single sting, scab the sis of a lil'V.i and lack of color Is lermls- slide ' C" grado lueludM all other jneri 'inntuhlo apples. The scab clause In the standard rrr.ulc was secured by (' II. Sproat of !mk1 Hiver, who aaid the apple In dustry of Oregon would be Mrloutly nffeited It scab were not allowed t)i crlst in standard apples. It is agalust i the W.i-iiliiKton law, but will be ur-, tid in Oregon shipments. J Whllu we do not rejoice In our neigh-Imii-'s misfortune, wo uro tint to view It with resignation. Tho mini who tells nil ho known Is easy to understand, It Is the man who says nothing wijo has you guess ing. Krnm tho wny hoiiio persons disre gard their doctors' ndvlcu you'd think It was a free sample. Perplexed. "Sho Is very pretty." "Yoh, but tho poor girl doesn't know what to do about It." "What do you menu?" "She doesn't know whether to go on the atugo or try progressive matrimony from private life." Her Gtiosj. "You are fond of tlowors, I see." MKI worst" "Yes." "What nutkes you think go?" "You use i.uii eieiiaut no wets of speech n ud throw mii lHautlful bou iiuets at yourself." Praper, "IMiur elek, the ship was looking for a tlrydoek." " ilrytloi'kr1 Vta." "You should say a thirsty doctor." Semethlna Coming, "I would like to lie a critic." "I should suy you aw oue." "Who? Me?" "Yes." "TUeu whefe's my aalary?" be establishment of the central iik dgonry boema cerUlu, ther ,ir no oitposltlou so far aa can ha . rt'd. A committee of seven is working on the details of a plan similar to that of the fruit e.vehunge of California and It Is probaulo thnt It will be ndoptod. A ' ltucky boy dropped a matoh Into ' 'owder keg Just to see the', tlv. Ills finish was a bit more i-ilglnal than the "dldn't-know-It-was-londod" kind, at any rate. D Havo your calling cards printed m The Ttmos office, ReMnln. When lovely woman goes to vote. Her Purl outfit wearing. Un .it Hi.- polls must wear hU coat Ant stop his awful swearing. DAWN ON THB HKADLANU. AWN .n:tl a maglcul stillness; oa t'uilU iiulcKi i iii-e profuuiul; On tli'1 .ii i' in ii mki iMiiiviit. a u( liuitfii uiii'.tiil and t4 d. In ti v Iii'.immk u iUnit that vnig not mere iilutluu of sound, ."lul u tliliu with form and bojy, a tliliiU to bo touched and weighed Ytt 1 know tluit 1 dwell In tint inUUt of the i our l the cosmic wheel, lu tbo hot collision of forces and clangor of boundless strife. Mkl the sound of the iMd of the worlds, the rusbliiK worlds, and the ptul Of the thunder of life -William Watson. It may get ho after nwhlU that break fast bacon will be m!i1 nt the ribbon counter, (Jnlveston News. Dr. Wiley's usertlon that In times to come the winds will serve us fuel lias that hot ulr sound. Memphis Commercial. Down In Texas, nceordlng to tho census, there uro 1,000,000 mules. Wo don't suppose that Includes till the kickers either. Council Uluft's Nonpa reil. This Is n good time to look over your enstoff clothing. Tho weather Is sovore, nnd tho deserving poor nro ninny nnd will be grateful. Philadel phia Dress, Tales of Cities. St. Louis has eight largo candy fac tories, employing moro than U.OOO per sons. At present the S.fiOO.OOO population of Miinhnttun Island. New York, Is In creased to :i,000,000 dining business hours. Kvery I Hue n child Is born to n ten ant In the Honeymoon tints In Onkdalo nvenue. Chicago. $.- is taken olY that mouth's rout. Census returns give Mexico City a IktpulMtloii of ultout half inlllloii. auudulujaru JOl.'.HteJ. 1'ueulii 101.3KI, ChlhuaUuu .ttMSll Agutucalleutes -II.-S00, Oaxaeit JITn.'IOO. Getting Along. Yet. I'll turn fifty In lers than a year. Somewhat old fashioned anil foxy. I fear. Kyes srowlng dimmer nnd moscles inon? slow No: not the lad tJint I wns Ion ni Hair Retting thinner nnd mottled with gray. Lep-s not rheumatic, but verging thnt way: reeling, however, quite hearty nml strong. Hut I'm KcttltiK alon.t. Once I was nay ns tlio ne.xt, you snu bet Cock of the walk and the bons of the set. ttlne for n frolic, n foot mce or lleht: Didn't think uotbinK of ilsuclng nil night. Csrnlnif and sjienillng nnd' lisvlnr n time, Just as n fellow will do In bis prime. Chuck full of mischief, though meaning no wrona. But I'm getting along. Those were the days It wns nooil to be yomiT. Nimble of flnoers ami limber of lonin. It 'king- for trouble If trouble wns there, finding- or missing- II, wlmt did I care? t'mirtlng th- ladles or i tinning a rneo. It Is n winder they called me n cose, Ftlllns- the evenliiati with Isughter am song. Rut I'm getting along. Not what you'd oall nn old man, undsr- stnnd Do my aay'n work with the best In the la rid -Ilut In the cvenlti I'm ready to quit, Tlnd a ood place where a fellow oan sit, I.ok at n pPr In clenr printed type. Chat with a ntHalibor or pull at my pipe, letting the oumier ones mlr. with tho throng. l-'or I'm gcttlnic along. A New Problem, Ton cannot' raise a tmy by rule In narrow imth nnd stmlKht. The thlti3s you mud to do nt sehool Are sllshtly out nf date. This (turdy fact Jon mny bemoan, Ilut It Is standing there, lie must work out his life nlone In lte of alt your onrc. And when you oomo to own the truth. Which inlffht not do to frame. You wore not such n model youth When you were In the Knine. . You wunt your little son to prove The boy you'd ls no doubt If you your whiskers could remnvo And once moio try It out. No; you can storm and mgo nnd roar. Kntreat. forbid, ml vise, Try out your thoorlos less or more To mold him to your sloe. Ilut liu another course will iniqi O'er which his sail to trim. And. iirowlnn up a llhely oliap, You will bo pioud of him. Ills chosen Hues he must pursuo, Altbouah It rpolls the plan To realise he Is not ynti: Me Is mint her imiii. lie nmv be winner In the Unlit And mnr! ii benvy rcore And In tho end oome out ull right. Sumo millions have boforo. of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: Capital Amount of capital paid up ?.' Income. Premium rewlTtd during the year In eaeii ? Ittterett. tllvWendi, d rent rlviJ dur ing the year - Income from other toureei rwwlmt during the year , Total Income ? ".ACn DlslnirM'inenls, I.oesofi paid during the year ? 3, I7U,10$.G1 Dlvldentls paid during the year on capital stock ICO.OOO.OO Commissions and salaiie jwld during the M'0 7,180,11)7.01; K3,XH.ri9 'u year. Tnxes, Hconsos, and foes paid during tho your. 1,957,008.39 IS!), 190.31 oS 1,703.23 ..$ 1,701,103.21 . . 13,.171,72r,00 337,000.00 , . oi7 l,S97.70 Amount of nil other expenditures Total expenditures A'-M'tS Vnlue of real ostnte owned Value of stocks nnd bonds owned Loans on mortgages nnd collateral, etc. , Cash Hi hanks and on hand Premiums In course of collection and In transmission 1,3IS,I7S.I9 Interest and rents due and accrued o"u"07.CS Total nsscts admitted In Oregon. . . .- I.lublUlIo. Gross claims for losses unpaid $ Amount of unearned premiums on all out standing risks Due for commission and brokerage.. Alt other liabilities Total liabilities Total Insurance In force December SI, 1910. . . I C.C57 010.57 -$17,17o.H2.os I 720,392.20 G,917,lu2.(M II.S80.5S HS,(rii;.G7 $ S.127.712 0J .11,731.901 091 00 m . . V ... ... ... ... lliisliicss In Oregon For The Vein. Total risk written during the year Grots premiums received during the yenr Premiums returned during the year Losses paM" during tho year Losses Incurrod during the year Total amount of risks outstanding lu Oregon Deceinhor 31. 1910 OMIIMA.V AMKIUCA.V IXSl'IIAXCK COMPANY Dy WM. N. KKKMBK. President, Statutory resident general agent nnd attorney for service: HAUVKY WI:LLS. Portlnnd. Oregon fl IJXItV Si:.V(!STACKi:.V, llesldent Agent, MAItSIII'IKLD, OltKf.'O.V. l.7St7.700 00 10s 2 33 19.C3CGS 3S 91902 30.2i;C 51 , $ fI.7riO.39C.00 Don't forget tho Turkish Dntha 1'iioxi-: aiir. n.o39,ss:.oo PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY rn. g. w. iii:sLii:, Osteopathic Physician Orndunto of tho American school of Osteopathy nt Klrksvllle, Mo, Offlvo In Kldorndo nik. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to I; Phono 161-J; Mnrshflold; Oregon. r-It- J. W. I.VGItAM, Physician nnd Surgeon. 209-210 Coko Uulldlns Phones: Olllco 1II2J; Kesldencv tL J. W. HENXEIT, Iwitvyer. Ofllco over Flanagan & Donnett Dank Marshfleld, Oregon IVTU. S TI'IIIH.'V Architect. I . ' SYNOPSIS OK TIIK AN.M'AI, STATRMR.VT OP TIU3 American Central Life Insurance Co. OF INDIANAPOLIS. IV TIIK STATK OF INDIANA On tho 31st dny of December. 1910, inado to tho Insurniico Commls slorrer of tho State of Oregon, pursuant to inw: Capital. Amount of capital paid up $ 137,000.00 Income, Premiums received during the v.ur $ SS7.0I9.00 Interest, dividends, and runts rocolved dur ing tho year 1-I9.9C2.00 rnconio from other sourvos received during th nr .. 2.S71.00 Total income DMiinxMiu'iilN. Paid for losses, endowments, annuities niid; stirrondor values e. DlvldomlB paid to polfcy holders during the yenr Dividends paid on cnpltnl stock during the yenr see s ee Commissions and salaries paid during tho year Taxes, licenses, and fees paid during the '0nr-" 17,941.00 Amount of all other expenditures 89.S27.00 lutni oxponaitnres .. .Wets. Mnrkot valuo of real estate owned -172 350 00 Loans on mortgages and collntoral, etc. . .. i,27B,Woo Promtum notos nnd policy loans S95 93C 00 Cash In hanks nnd on hand 910-1100 . UUI.-IIIIUUIUU nnu ueiorred premlt ins Other nssets (not) 279,130.00 11.02G.00 10,900.00 2GC.7-I2.00 C7-t.626.00 71,203.00 39,495.00 Total assets, Total assets admitted In Oregon Mali Iitlon. ..$2,839,770.00 $2,S39,77O00 Ovor Chaiubor of Commer. . ... . . ... Flower and Tree. The morning glory blooms uourly. all tho year rotnut lu southern California. The white or paper Ultvh tree U short lived. At uu age when ihe while evtlar, for example. Is Jut lHgluulug to lay ou useful wool the iwper blreh una passed It prime ami u toady for dot ay. Aloe leave; have atnmg fiber, lino for roK. and the JuUe Is used for soap or uuide luto llMinr like elder. An I nloe takes loug ears to grow, some tlmw seveuty jeors. It tlowors once sud dies. Recont Inventions. A new dlulug room chair has a seat that lifts to form u high ouulr for a child. A wire support to hold a watch up rh'ht wheu place! ou a Hat surface sud whk'h may bo folded against tho eoe when i-nrrletl lu tho iw.ket Is a rtvent luveuttou. An Indiana gonitis has npplled the principle of the tdlde trombone to n gas llxture, with whkii a lighted burn er may bo moved to nny point along the wall of n room. First C!?ss Laundry work Is most doslrablo to anyono wishing tholr linen to possess that particular finish so necessary to good tnsto in dress. WK DO THAT CLASS OF WOUK Ono Trial will Convince. Coos Bay Steam Laundry PIIONi: MAIX 57-J Net reserve. . , AH other liabilities. Capital stock.., j Total Habllltlec " 'Pntnl liicnn,,.. i.. '" '' I '"""' m lOTQQ moer SI, 1910. nald rr i.naia oK s7 530.00 . e-- . w. Mtttu vmwwhs--' . .I2.112.01-i.00 30,312.00 .. 137,000.00 f 2,579,357 00 Hustons.. I,. n...... l,. .... Tot.1 risk, written durla. tki T ." ' S5C 175 00 nw premiums received during tho year.':.':.". i 084 00 Total amount of risks outatandi... .. U'' ' ".' "'" ' a' " -"son uocemoor 31, 1910. AU.CAN'cKNTitAL'LiFK ..WlUSci TOWm- $7D'175 Statutory resident genera, agent and ,ii ! L, W. S. MONTGOMERY. Hood Rlvor, Oregon. Mill TUAP NKSTKI) HAltltKD PLYMOITH HOCKS. Our niatlugs hnvo produced stand-nrd-brod spoclniens of oxhlbltlon quality with records of 242,227,222 eggs in 3G5 days. Unity Chicks and Kggs for Hntchliig Hook your ordors now for spring doilvory. A few cockerels from heavy laying stock for 5.00. Plymouth Place, Poultry Ynrds. FRED. BACHMAN, Prop, MnrshfleUI, Uox 485, Phono 288 I Good Evening C00S BAY LIVERY HAVE VOl' ANY iaiWIUtY? ! if c ,i ... .. . . We have secured tho livery bust- If SO. dO Ilflt .X.-J. .. . nw i ,-.. . lual lu,s ls nB Cf L. H. Ilolsnor nnd are pre We have secured tho livery THE lauml-v .i. . ' '" """ c work and ,,riJ- . be8t Pnr8(5 t0 re,u,er excellent service to each can V '" eW 0no's'th "60',,e Coos Bay. Careful ow ill V. ii ? ne f the drlv-: 'irlvors, good rigs' and everything to vn., n , MpUI U details ' tlmt will moan satisfactory service to lv Jt 1 , Vi,uom call ara quick-' tno Public. Phono us for a driving nin- t0' beC8U8e w are run-lhors. a rig or anything needed In ning two wagons. i tho llverv itnn w in do a OCR OCARANTFE Is VOUR SAT- INACTION. MARSHFIELD HAND AND STEAM IjAUXDHY. Mauzcy Hros., rrop. phono trucking business of all kinds. ULANCHARI) BROTHERS. Idvcry, Feed nntl Sales Service, 141 First and Alder Streets. Phone 138-J -Wl UtUIU V, X , iU. uuu V w '" ' '- ' "" "."""JWvr-ir - M.Q v . 4VV -i. -