THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 4 KA- Makes Home Baking Easy fill POWDER Absolutely Pure The only baking powder mado from Royal Grape Oroam of Tartar NO ALUM.NO LIME PHOSPHATE THE OIL WELL SHOOTER. r fiftmotlmet DloWn Into Eternity With Hli Own Ammunition. In certain of iho petroleum produc ing districts It boioiuos necessary soim times In opening nn nil well kohii'Muio when the welt bus become clogged or apparently exhausted-to Iirln or to now tho How by exploding nliroglyi. crin lit" the bnttoni of the well. ThH explosive is employed bixauso ll Is ex plode readily by the dropping of n weight upon it. A limn who carrion nitroglycerin from well to well for this purposo Is known In the oil regions us a "shooter." Tho shooter has a wngon In which ID rarry bis explosive. A Hquare box uti dcr the scat Is carefully padded, and whon it has been solidly II Hod with cans of nitroglycerin, which Is a uio-'tiRscs-llkr fluid, he fastens down tho cover r.nd drives slowly nway to the woll thnt ho Is to shoot Usually ho makes the trip very early in thv morn ing to nvold the customary travel nnd no diminish tho chanc of danger. For the moit part tbo rondn are bad, nnd tho wagon jolts along In n way to make any one but nu old shooter do cldodly nervous. If It Is dark there Is great danger that n wheel may drop Into a hole with force enough to doto nato tho oxploslve. Severn! wagons bearing shooters and their load hnvo been blown up, but no one over lived to tell what sort of Jar caused the ox plosion. In such n raso little Is ever found ex cept tho great bole In (ho ground which tho oxploslon hns dug. with possibly n wheel of tbo wagon it quarter of n uillo away In one direction mid another In tho opposllo direction. Tbo shooter generally lakes from SO to 210 quarts of nitroglycerin In his wngon. Tbo smaller amount Is quite enough If It should explode to Jeuvo no trnco of tho driver of tho vehicle. "When tho shooter reaches' the woll which is to bo trentod long torpedo tubes nro placed within the casing of tho well, nnd tho nitroglycerin Is poured carefully into thoin. Tbo well may bo 1,500 feet deep mid Is seldom Ions than n thousand. When one of the tubes Is filled It is lowered with the utmost enro to tbo bottom of tbo well. This operation Is repeated until tbo shunt, cr Is satisfied that tho load Is heavy enough to nccotiiplhih tho purpose. When nl! Is ready a liar of Iron, known as n "godevll." Is dropped Into tho woll. Tho Instant It leaves his hnnd tho shooter t alios to hi heels, seeking A place of safety. Suddenly the earth trembles; there Is n crash, followed by a miap: a tuiif tied sound arises and becomes louder nnd louder until a column of oil mid water shoots from 75 to 100 foot Into tho nlr. Tho country for hundreds of feet around Is tilled with clouds of spray Moating to leeward. When till subsides the well Is In operation mid tho shooter receives his foo nnd drives nwny. Harper's Weekly, Literary Flrett and 8oconds. Tho youthful newspaper reporter who has visions of being u famous au thor Is still wondering over Um epi gram made by u successful confrere when tbo latter noted his disappoint ment over the return f u iiiauuxerlpt. "I thought sure," said the reporter, with n sigh, "that that confounded sto ry would sell. It's good stuff. If I did write It, anil I mn certainly surprised that It en me hack." Tho successful writer grinned nnd then placed tils baud on the oiber man's shoulder. "My dear boy," be said, some wo i grimly, "there are only two singes in the life of a writer. One Is when lio Is surprised at getting his stories back nnd the second when he Is surprised nt not getting them bark. You're In tbo tlrst; I'm ln tbo second. And there you nro." But tho reporter Is still wondering. Philadelphia Times. Why Ho Was on Tlmo. ncmnger wus one day complimented by n lady on the puuctuallty with which ho kept his engagements. "It is n pleasure." said she, "to invite you to dinner, for you never make ub wait." "I am no longer young, madam." to jilled tho poet, "mid experience lias taught mo ono thing-It Is dangerous not to nrrlvo nt the precise hour, for tho guests who nro waiting for you will pass tho tlmo in dlscusstug .your faults." For 11UICIC auto sorvlco l'HOXK .m.J before C. P. M, and C0-J at sight , Fault Finders and Foolishness Being a Brief Dissertation Editor Times: Whon n nmii has done things In n ccrtnln wny for a long time It Is 1 Hoinctliiics hard for lilm to adjust jlilnisclf to now conditions. If ho Is not rnroful ho flnnlly gets so deep into his particular groove that you enn't lift him out with a linmlsplkc, nml If, you attempt such a thing ho usually degenerates Into a common Bcold nnd a finder of fault ho dcvcl- ops a chronic grouch and a look of woe no uoprccnies wic ueseuerucj ' a 1 11.. .1..u . of tho times nnd vociferously lnuds the old condition of things. He Is a misfit, n squaro peg in a round holo. Ho faces backward Instead of forward nnd longs for tho days of the wnr Clllh and tllO Bllll dance. TllO procession has gono nlong nnd left him stranded and nlono to vent his splcon nnd yowl In tho wilderness. Such as he a little whllo ago would hnvo adjudged an Edison n soreeror. I his person n habitation for dnviiB nnd had him drawn and quartered with out benefit of clergy. As such, T believe there is no re publican party In this stnto nt tho present time; let us not docolvo our solves. At first tho party was staunch nnd firm nnd vlrtuoiiR. but nftcr n whllo unscrupulous politicians throt tled It and prostituted tho party to their own selfish purposes. Thoy IA 1. I l.lll.t ll. ...!.- i iihcii ii in urumi nun whkiil uiu i-ithoso principles hnnd nnd root ns lie career, of every mnn who would j wltn fctt0rs of steol through nil ctcr not bend the suppliant kneo nnd fol- lllly wlthout change or readjust low tho lines of their dictation. j mont. To so bollovo would bo nn Tho Iron heel nnd tho mailed Ast LHporslon upon tholr Intelligence. Tho was tho portion of evory person who pnlltlcal system formed by them was refused orders nnd tho lending 8utftblo to their times nd to tho strings, or who believed In common honesty or common decency In mnt- tors pouncni. nioy used mo party .... . . . . solely to furthor tbo nrlvato Inter-, osts of thnmsolves, tholr tools, tholr henchmen nnd tiiolr hnngers on. Tho public was regarded as common prey, j o bo robbed, looted nnd filched. .Grand nnd petit Inrceny In public nffnr8 wn8 tho rulo nnd not tho ox- ception. Lntterly, howover, thlnpfl hnvo changed, In some respects, at least, Now blood has been Infused nnd wo now hnvo tho "Oregon system," or whntover you may elmoso to cnll it, nnd because of this tho grizzled bosses wall, not In contrition, but hecati8o tho white slnvo refuses furth er to contribute to their degeiiorncy. Tho "Oregon system" Is tho out- growth of pnlltlcal conditions nnd thoy aro endowed with "cortnln in they nro tho very peoplo who brought jallenablo rlghtH"; thnt "govern these conditions nhout nnd nro mostjinents nro Instituted among mon, tie to lilnmo or prnlso for tho "system," i riving their Just powers from tho con whether It Is good, bad or Indlfferont. sent of tho governed"; that "when If tbo political Moses, who assumed over nny form of government bo to pilot tho people In times past hnd , comes destructive of thoso ends, It Is proved themselves worthy of confi dence, of disinterested leadership, tho common folks would not hnvo enst them Into the swill barrel nnd gone groping about In search of bet- tor things without ehnrt or compass nnd tho "Oregon system" would not hnvo been so much ns thought of, much loss adopted. That we have made many mlstnkes dnys tho stnndpnts wero known as under the "Oregon system." we can't torles nnd for tho most part had ur deiiy; thnt wo shall mnko mnny more gent business in Canada, but at pro wo expect, First efforts In nny direr- sent thoy stny In our midst nnd em tlon nlwnvs have been and always! ploy themselves in making fnces. will bo largely experimental a mat-1 The fathers of those fathers wero tor of cut and try. In advance, liu-l)so Insurgents In that they at least mnn foresight cannot see nil posslhlo discarded tho Ilg lenvos and donned defects In tlrst things, but wo be- trousers, nnd so on nil tho way down Hove, oven In tho beginning, we hnvo j tho lino to tho tadpole. Another line not committed ns many errors In pro- j 0f yawp Is thnt the peoplo aro not portion ns wero committed nndor tho eompotont to do whnt they hnvo old system. Wo nro willing to com- marked out for themselves under the pare net for act, lnw for law and of- tlolnl against official. No mnn mado law was ever per fect and perhaps nover will be. They all (it too snugly In some places nnd too loosely In others. They all need that ho is Incompetent to perforin to bo gnthered hero and let out yon- that duty will tnko Immediate stops dor. if under the Initiative wo have to qualify and heuco thousands of In mndo laws nobody can under- eompetents have been mndo compo stand, It Is nothing new. Wo hnvo tent by loading thoin with respon been doing that thing ever since wo'slblllty. Tho dangerous man Is the began business nnd no doubt will continue to do the same thing for all tlmo. Tho books are full of such laws and tho truth Is tho greator part of the tlmo of all courts, aro and always have been dovoted to finding the meaning and lntont of the differ ent laws and to tho Interpretation of tholr own decisions nnd tho deci sions of oarh other. It Is said tho Orogon systom "hurts business," Tho samo brand of peo plo claim thnt tbo rogulatkm of cor- norntlous. froljslUSLJUiil rnfisntpe re duction on Buncombe and Politics of rohatos and preferences, the par cols post, the election of United States senators by direct vote and the llle, either does or would "Interfere with business." If n footpad on n public highway should present a gun and demand your valuables and you should put up a fight or take to the woods you too would Jntcrfcro with business. While nobody desires to Interfere with any legitimate busi ness, yet there aro some hinds that BhoM b(J ,ntcrfcrcd wlth ln nlI con scionco Again it Is said our ancestors some years ago established, In this coun try, ccrtnln governmental principles nnd that the Oregon system hns n tendency to modify or change those .,.,,,, i nnrtnln rnanrrtn! Hint j.. ...v. ,'.-., ... .......... .,...-,, ...... any chnngo would he nn evidence of disrespect on our part amounting to sacrilege. Wo nro awaro the fathers pledged their lives, their fortunes nml tll0,(. moBt Hncrc,i onor to tn0 111)ll0l(llnK af u,ogo trlnclilcs nnd thnt tho sacrifices they mado and tho devotion they exhibited in that behnlf Ib almost beyond belief. With ,,rofomul Srattudo we also romem ber thnt they established nnd be queathed to us tho best government tho world hns ever known. Whllo all this nnd much more Is true, yet thoro Is no ovldenco nnywhoro pf their dcslro or Intent to bind ub with . . . condition of things ns they thon'ox- Istod and was largely experimental. H,i t not roved satisfactory to thoin. they, without doubt, would j,nvo changed It In somo respects, Thon !f Uuy W0M,j Jmvo nin(!u Bt. nl,0 cunBC8 wherein win bo tho j,nrn, 0f our j0B tho samo thing to suit conditions In our dny? Tho son Umt ,i008 not rH0 ft utto higher In tbo scnlo than his father hns lived In vn,1( nn,i tho father who would con donm his son for so doing Is unnn turnl. ThosQ fathers incniscives repudiated wore "insurgents" thoy tho doctriuo of their fathers, that tbo iking was tho Lord's nnnoliitcd; thnt I tbo king could do t:o wrong nnd j ruled by vlrtno of dlvlno right. Kor i tho tlrst tlmo on earth they declared that nil men nro created equal; thnt the right of tho people to niter and abolish It, and to Institute now gov- eminent laying Its foundation on such principles, and organizing in such form, ns shall 8 em most like- ly to effect their safety nnd hnppl- ness," and thnt is what wo nro try- lug to do right now with tholr con- sent in black nnd white in tuoso Oregon system. Mnny mlmlt this to be true, In n measure, at least, and therein Is tho base of ultlmnto suc cess. Any self-respecting man who has n duty to perform nnd knows mnn who knows It all, the man whoso every action, lino nnd lineament shouts, "Enquire within for anything you want to know." Such a fellow Is without the pnlo of human bolp nnd you couldn't puncture his egotis tical pate with n pile drlvor ho knows nothing and can never loarn. While wo confess to a fow tumblos yot wo are coming along nicely ln tho main; anyway wo aro ready nnd willing to tnko all that Is coming to us. In the firm belief that we shall got thoro nftor a while- Don't bo ln big a hurry, wo aro doing the very best wo can and the fellow that does that need fenr nothing hero or hereafter. In tho meantime, tho ex pense of tho vlolonlst Is being defray ed by tho folks nnd if thoro nro nny of us who have become so ossified v.e enn't dance we enn nt least re-, member with gratitude that the doors of the llellyaker's union aro always ajnr. i Dearly beloved, wohaveeatenofthc tree of knowledge and the Oregon system hnse come to stny In 0110 form or nnothor, rcgnrdloss of the ; O. K. of T. It. or anybody else. It I has landed hag and baggago nnd the sooner wo kill the fatted calf and hid It welcome tho sooner It will cease to harrow up our souls. We nro charged with being ndrolt manipulators of buncombe; now that may bo true in some sense, but if It Is true In nny sense wo deny nny corner on the buncombo Biipply. We nro not alone by nny means! thoro nro other dextrous artists nnd work ers ln buncombe. Indeed there nro others, thoro nro othors. GEO. WATKINS. IF I HAD ECZEMA I'd wnsh it away with that mild soothing liquid, D. D. D. Trial bot tle, cleansing nway tho Impurities nnd clearing up tho complexion ns nothing else cm. Yes. If I hnd any kind of skin troubles I'D USE D. D. D. Ilcd Cross Drug Storo. Polks Oregon and Washington State Onzoltccr nnd Hujlucss Direc tory. Just Issued for 1911-12 Ib tho most complcto work of tho kind published. It contains nn accurato business di rectory of every city, town nnd vll lago In Oregon and Washington, nnd tho names nnd addresses of country merchants and professional men, lumbermen, etc., who nro located ad jacent to villages; also lists of gov ernment and county officers, commis sioners of deeds, stnto bonrds, statu tory provisions, terms of courts, names of tho postmasters, postofflccs, express, tolcphono nnd telegraph of fices, Justices of tho penco, hotols, dally and weekly newspapers; be sides much other Information useful to all classes of business nnd profes sional men. A descrlptlvo sketch of ench placo Is given, embracing vari ous Itoms of Interest, such as tho lo cation, population, distances to dif ferent points, tho most convenlont shipping stations, tho products that nro marketed, stago communication, trndo statistics, tho nearest bank lo cation, mlnornl Interests, churches, schools, libraries and societies. An Important fcaturo Is tho classified di rectory, giving every business arran ged under Its special heading, thus enabling subscribers to obtain nt n glanco n list of all houses manufac turing or dealing In any particular lino of goods, Tho work gcnornlly Is complied to deserve their liberal patronage. 1'RICi: 90.00. R. L POLK & CO. SEATTLE, Wnsh. Good Evening HAVK YOU ANY LAUXDHY? If so, do not forget that this Is THE laundry whero you got tho best work, nnd prices aro In every ono's rench. Cnll up and ono of tho driv ers will call and explain all details to you. All tolephono calls nro quick ly nttendod to. becauso wo aro run ning two wngons. OUU Ol'AUAXTKK IS YOUlt SAT- 1SFACTIOX. MAHSHFIIXD HAXD AXD STEAM IUVXDHY. Mnuzey llros,, 1'rop. l'hono 220-J Constipation is tho causo of many ailments and disorders that mako llfo miserable. Take Chamborlaln's Stomach and Liver Tablets, keep your bowels rogular and you will avoid theso diseases. For salo by all dealers. Have That Roof Fixed XOW SeeC ORTHELL riione ;tii!i. FOK GOOD WOUK Bring your clothes to us. Cleaning, presslug and repairing a specialty, by experienced men. Satisfaction guaranteed HIi.VNCII.VIin & 1)01). SOX, South Broadway. Bench Made' SHOE Rn. 2055. A .turd eomfnrt.lifa tcm room ihoo for hcjr men. Two full J .11- .L. f !. ..1.1 MAtt.nt Ian. UgUlU..V, U..U1U ........... ....... .-..- Ilrond hfell wlilo, round toe. Upper lenthcr it iclected Auilraiian kid. peter clausex Exclusive Shoo Storo nave a lemuro 01 an enm. .i. faifl ji' FIRST NATIONAL BANK i- OF GOOS BAY Capital fully paid "V. S. Chandler, President; M. C. Hortou, Vice-President ; Dorscy Krcitzcr, Cashier. Ray T. Kaufman, Asst. Cashier VlliECTOIiS: "V. S. Chandler, John S. Coke, W. U. Douglas, John P. Hall, Win. Grimes, P. S. Dow, S. C. Rogers, W. P. Murphy, M. C. Hortou. " DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid on time and savings deposits, safe deposit hoxes for rent in our steel lined fire and bur glar proof vaults. Flanagan Si Bennett Bank of Marshf ield, Orogon Oldest Hank In Coos County, Kstiiblislietl In JH8l. l'nld up Copllnl, SitrpliH, mid Undivided I'rollts over 9100,000. Assets Over Half Million Do lars. Docs a gonoral banking business nnd draws drafts on tho linn of California, San Francisco, Cal.; Hanovor Notlonul Dank, N. Y.; First Natlonnl Dank, Portland, Ore; First National Dnnk, Ilo. burg, Ore.; Tho London Joint Stock Dnnk, Ltd., London, England. Also sells exchange on nil ol tho princlpnl cities of Europe, Individual nnd corporation Accounts kopt subject to check, Sato dopostt lock boxes for ront. OFFICERS: ,T. W. DENNETT, 1'rcsldont. .7. 11. FLANAGAN, V.-lrcs. It. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier. GEO. K. WINCIIESTEIt, Asst. Cash. IXTEUEST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. THE FAST Steamer Redcmdo Will uuiko regular trips carrying passengers both ways nnd freight between Coos Dny ami San Francisco. All reservations) for passengers made nt Alliance Dock, Murslitlchl nnd Iiitcr-Occnii Trnnsp. Co. Union Street Wharf No. 2, Sun Francisco. For information, phono 1 1-J or 28.1. Will sail from San Francisco for Marslilleld, Tues day, March 7th. 1NTED-OCEAN TDAXSPOUTATION COMPANY. "THE FltlEM) S. S. ALLIANCE CONNECTING WITH THE NOItTH HANK llOAl) AT POItTLAXI) WILL SAIL FHOM COOS DAY FOK POItTLAND AT H P. M., MONDAY, MAHCH O, LEAVING POItTLAND FOIt COOS DAY, FltlDAY, MAHCH 10TH. NOHTH PACIFIC 3TEASISIIIP COMPANY. PHONE II 0, Vt McGEOItGE, Agent OLD RELIABLE STEAMER BREAKWATER ALWAYS ON TIME Sails from Alnsworth Dock, Portland, nt 8 P. 31., every Tuesday. Sails from Coos Day every Saturday nt service of tide. Reservations will not bo held Inter than Friday noon, unless tickets nre purclmsed. It. II. KEATIXG, AGENT PHONE .MAIN 33-1 Coos Bay-Roseburg Stage Line Dally stago between Itoseburj, mid Mnrshfleld. Stngo leaves dally mid Sundays at 7 p. m. .Fare, $0.00. OTTO SCHETTEH, Agent, C. P. nARNARD, IU0 MARKET AV., Marslilleld. Agent, ROSEDURG, Ore. PHONE Electric lamps suited for evory purpose. For tho homo, Oftlco. Launches, Automobllo, Mlnlatur Flash Light Colored Lamps for dec oratlvo purposes for sale or rent. Opon until 6:30 o'clock week days? Saturday until 9:00 P. M, Phono your orders for delivery. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J. Coal Cheapest Fuel on loos Bay Lump coal Sl.50. Nut coal .$3.00. Wo do all Kinds of hauling, and contracting. Horses and vehicles for salo. For quick delivery call on L. H. HEISNER or phone 120-J or 49-L. C'S) VK LJkfTrT 2Bsra. ' J i Jt' ,,.,,, h,ih- $100,000.00 AND COMMODIOUS (Equipped with Wireless) OF COOS DAY" 11 Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good horses and careful drivers aro now at the d's" poBal of tho Coos Day public at REASONAHLE RATES Digs or rigs with drlvors ready fr any trip anywhoro any time. Horse boarded and rigs cared lor. Now hoarse and special accommo dations provided for funornl parties- W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEED STAW'18 PHONE 273-J. REAL ESTATE. If you want to get some of tne best buys ln this section, see me lt you want to soil or lease yor property, list It with mo. AUG. FRIZEEN, 08, Central Ave., M'nrsliflclA fflUSLWlWiKey I 5 sZZajffl&l A y No. 20SS L r f-XS Blueh.rof XT 4fr An,,r"UanK"froo READ THE TIMES WANT AD f-"WPQ5; "ww jslt 33EEE21 ...I ..... i..m. q,,i . ,