, ,-, ADS. NEWS .WIIKV BUSINESS IS SLOW, AD ; ,'HTISi:. THAT IT l'AYS IS EVI . !:...mi itV SUCCESSFUL llt'SI- GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BY READING Tin: COOS RAY TIMES. all the news all the time tersely told :: :: :: .: fJ Nl!U BOSSES EVERYWHERE ;: MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Established in 1K7K hh The Coast Mnll VOL XXXIV MARSHFIELD,OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall mill Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 45. EIE COURT UPHOLD il 'H h" et& wr jjr W &A ,,i.bwmhiw I'""""" "' " r ' " iwrim rirMininiiiim UMiMMiWMWWiwiiMiMBiwijwjMWiwiwi iiiwimiw niwiMirfmn i SEC. iLLIIBES RE9BR5 US UNITED STATES WARRIORS JUNKET B HtlBtH bT HNS lilBlbl president Accepts and Appoints Walter L Fisher of Chicago. BAIXINCER.SAYS 'HEALTH IS BAD Tender to"Retire"Made In Let ter to 'Executive Two Months Ago. . ll.M.IN(ii:it HEEKr REVENUE (Hy AHSoclntCd'tu'roBS.) WASHINGTON, I). C, Mnr. 7. Secretary B.illlngcr In n stn- temcnt Into today deUarcd his -purpose "to prosecute tho nrch cousplrntorB who hnvo boon fol- lowing mo Willi tho- nBsnBsln'B knife. Tlio country shitll know fully tho Injustice-ot-'tho nt- tadiaioiuMtf:" A 4 ''' . By Associated Prees to Coos Day Times.) iftctvrtiYW iviC. .Mnr. 7. ,w,, lirtiiimur i.n ro.iRt.ed n, .' tccrctnry of -tho IntoTlur nnd -vlll bo Eticcccdca 'by 'Walter L. Flflhcr of Chicago. BallhiKcr teinlerod hlh reHlgiriition In n letter of .InnuiirylO biiBlng vt en tirely on thu coinlltlon of his lvalth. President Taft replied oxprcBHlng confiflenco In nalllnger, Ids rohic tance to nccvpt Ills reBlgmitlon and requested the Becrethry to remain lit ofllee until tho close of tho M-sslon of Consroi. Immediately on udjourn- ment of Congas, -Mr. nalllnger re- newcil his rpquent thnt ho bo rollovcd it o date BuitlnR-thoProBldent'B con venience, hut Immediately If pottBlble. Today, President Tnft In n lottor 'formally itccopted -tho resignation. Tnft Scorrs Ci'ltk-s. Mr. Flslier will tnko Olllcoln n few days. Tlio correspondence -Sio-, " i''i "- - tween tho President tind-lhUllnger 18 -cades In WnBhlngton for tho con not voluminous, but displays beyond trnetlon of tho Pacific hlglrvvay. The question tho -confidence -which Tntt road 'has been located frnrnTJlalno t reposed In nnlllnRvr threughoul Vancouver, ho mid. nnd much of the the long slegb nnd the Indignation construction done. In nrltlsh Colum lth which he has viewed 'the at- bin the'Paclflc highway for Its on Ire tU.n tho sceretarysperaonnl lute-'length to tho Alaska boundary has Brlt.f been loeuted, nnd Its construction Is uIdnnntliMH..4n"iiiiMtlin1rCBt- dent In -a letter to Ralllnger. "to say that von hnv ! H,n nMrt nf O.IO v,f .,. ... i i - I1C 1111)31 lllBCrilIIIIUIin CJIIDIII- h for tho defamation of character that history enn show." nnd In tjie nchi8lon f his letter tho President declares thnt "ovory llbro of my na ture robels ngnlnst such hypocrisy," referring to -tho nttneks on Dnllln ier' character, "and never doubt me to fight such a combination nnd such methods to the 'bitter end, lest sue ff In this Instfinco may form a de moralizing precedent, but -vorsonnl tonsldendlon for you nnd yours '"" makes me feel that I have no right to ask you -for a further sncrlfjfe.' ., OOIXfl TO SEATTLE. ""ftiiKcr nids Good.Rye to Cnbliw Associates. (By Associated Pres3 to Coos Day Tlmiio WASHINGTON, U C, Mar. 7. Bretary Balllnger bade good-bye to ! M fellow cnhinoi n,i,nrn .. tho I White Hnnu, ,! . i, ict -.w.,ww wtunjt a v hd iic v slon of the President's council 1091 be will attend. As ho wns Icav- "5 tne White Houso ho said, "I feel Jtter than I hnvo felt for two years. 1 shall leavo for Seattle Just as soon a I possibly can." MILLIXF.RY OPENING. Mrs A. G. Aiken will open her Wtaplete lino nf nnrlm. hikI Diimmor ,,,. - -J.....O ..u uu -. """nery March 9, at her new store la the Coos building. Jt you have anything to sell, trade Bt or want hnin i .ni tent want help, try a want nd. BID ISSUES to m jhhs Judge Donald Points Out 'Big Advantage Derived From Good Highways. TOKTIMNIVUre., Mnr.'7.-'-"aive tho tho money tho farmers Iobo In n Daupoii muddy roads, nnd I will build national hlghwn)s to connect nil tlio great itles of both constH, and I 'Will build a fleet of battleships nB fomlhlnblo nB tho Atlnntlc fleot that wont nround tho Horn In addition. Let mo lmvo tho money loss of flvo years 'nn'd '1 will pay tho n-atlonal dobt, nnd In Blx years I will -Mo all I proposo nnd pay for tho Panama cnmtl 'befitdctf:,, Jutlgo J. T. Rona'td, president Of tho Pacific Highway association, mado'thls statement to cmphnslzu tho 'Tonsoiia why tho farmers shonld'taad Tather 'than "deter tho -movement Tor soon ronds. no wi speaking to friends of tho 'Pacific highway move' ment hi tho Commercial club. "It Is tlmo our nntlonal govern ment nil! Bomothlng for tho farmers. Tho farmers niAku no per cent of tho oxportB, anil thoy got Iofb thnn 1 per cent of national expenditures as di rect bonoTlts. Tho nntlon should get Into tho rond building business." 1Yns1i1iiKtii Fiinnrm After Roads. JR """ Bn, l ' ""- l"Kton. Ills 'homo state, tho 'farmers ro In favor of nny proper movement for good roads. He expressed rogro tnat in uregon mo laruiurn -niiuuiu lmvo been cblefly responstblo for tho Meefnt of good roaxls loglslatlmi. In Washington n -2 mill road tax has Uon provided 1iy tho leglslnturo. -and In nddltlon a law will be passed by tbe legislature providing a half mill A .11 ...hahIi 1UAOI t Mlf fHOm "1 1)0 COI.ipieieu wiiiun . ." California, on tho south. Una just an- tlHJrlZCU Ml appropr.auin nf -lis. highways'0 000. 000 for two trunk . north nnd south, nnd the California peoplo. said Judge uonnia. nuvo uuiu wnni tlmt tliev nro waiting now io loam -whoro tho Pacific highway 1n Oregon will cross tho boundary, In wdor that thoy may connect vrltli It bouth. 'Neither British Columuln, AVnshlngton nor California Is slow In road plnns, said Judgo Ronald. Advhctf n lllglnuiy Iliirenu. TW Oroeon ho advised that by all . means tho stuto establish a highway ...... , ,.i .-., bnroaru The tommissioner .. - w n business man anu nn ensiueur. ig, cooperation would bo of stent value both to eountles nnd nny trunk rond ed decision In the general rote cases, projects. I the western lines havo notified the Judge Donald pooh-poohed 1io ru- j comrnS8i0n they will cancel tho pro ral notion that a little money must p0BeA advances In commodity rates hp distributed over nil tho roads. Ho nnd accept the ruling. raid that If one road wore built ctnn- rltto at a time 1t would serve as tin object lesson for nil tho rest, aiso it ( uuiiaing. nna men pay mo innouu onld bo UBnble. Tho system now ls,iess from the profits of good roads n Hmnn cravol between tbo mud-. w v. ....-,- u holeB and trust to providence to get to town. Franco. Bald Judge Ronald, nas spent ICOO.000.000 on roads. and( each year receives $800,000,000 from tourists, most of them from tlio unu- t cd States. Switzerland has spent f $25,000,000 on highways and gots $200,000,000 a year from tourists. li.n..i, nnW a fraction tho bIzo of """'!" " . . ( H.U..C,.. -..- , Oregon. Doth Oregon and wasmng-, ton havo scenery beyond comparison .Kii thnt nf Switzerland, yet It re- malns an unavailable assot because .. nm nn mads fit for tourist trav- there aro no roads fit for tourist el, he pointed out. ti.a Ronald advised that the peo- President Taft Orders Mobiliz ation of Army and Navy On Southern Border to Answer Critics. (fly Aasoclntcd Press to Coob Day Times.) WASHINGTONI). C, Mnr. 7. In answer to charges thnt tho United Stntos nrmy Is not prepared for nctunl wnrfnro nnd that It is lacking every ob cntlal that goes to mnko up n dbfonslvo forco, tho general staff by direction of President Taft has or derdd n -magnificent -tout of tho wholo ninchlnery controlling tho moblllzn tlon ofaMio nrmy on-n scalo greater than before attempted In time of pence in this country. Last night, President Tnft ordered tho aBsom blago in Toxns of 20;000 troops. Tlio Navy nlso will tko part and n formldnbla fleet of armored cruisers Btipplomcntcd by nuxlltarlca ncccs- I ..;' ....... . . .1 sary 10 me buccobbiui mnimonanco oi n hostllo naval forco on tho conBt of m onomy will tnko plaoo off tho Texas shore lino. Troopn arc nlrondy on tho move nnd It Is tho intontlon to' have thlxtforco of 20,(tt0 represent RUMOR TROUBLE Report Thai. Great Britain Be Appealed to Unless Unit ed States .Protects Horeign Interests There. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tluiea.) WASHINGTON, .ID. C, Mar. 7. Thero wiuj n report In circulation In WVashlngttui todny rthnt unlets ttho 'Jinlted StJds took cognizance ctftlho AVIATORIWINS GREAT PRIZE Renaux Lands On Summit offeteamship Left Yesterday Aft- Putde-Done and Gets $20fO00. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) CLERMONT-FERRAND, rtanco Mnr. 7. Aviator Renuux flying nt tbo mnaM I'ny-de-Domo, winning tho spwinl Mlchelln prize ut $20,000. - RATj: DECISION ACCltPTED. Western Railway Will Not Fight For Inrit'iisc. (Dy Associated ..Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar. 6. In accordance with nn agreomont of the mllwnya of tho Wertern Truok lne Association based ati tho siifi- cestlon of the Interstate Commerce commission In tho recently announc- plo of Oregon Issue bonds for road Eastern states are doing this, ho said, and are benefiting. CATHOLICS NEED, NOT FAST ON .MARCH 17. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Mar. 7. By virtue of a dispensation granted by Popo Plus X upon petition of Archbishop Rlordan, . uatnoncs oi u San Francisco aro exempteu from the obligation of fasting and abstlnenco on tho feast of St. Patrick, which this year falls on Friday. about one fourth of thenrmy of tho United States. Trouble In Mexico. While every effort Is mndo In ofll clnl circles here to glvo this great movement tho appearance of Blmplo preparations for maneuvers, thero nro persistent rumors of tho govern ment preparing for moro serious eventualities. Confidential reports from Mexico of lato have encournged tho belief of many that conditions in tho Mexican republic nro far from being nB satisfactory as oluclnl asser tions seem to InQlcnto. Immonso for eign Interests are nt Btako In Chihua hua for oxamplo nnd their owners havo been very uneasy as to what would happen to them In enso of widespread disorders. JUST TH.UXIXfl THIP. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar. 7. Following a cabinet meeting at tho Whlto IlousortoUtiy a statement was issued declaring tho movement of troopB to Texas and to tho border of Mexico In California Is solely for tho purpose of maneuvers nnd for tho training of olllcoru uind men. ABOUT BO Bltuatlon tltnt appeals will bo mndo to Great Brrtnln to protect tho foreign Intorcsts In Northorn 'Mexico. Tho roport could not bo confirmed but It was iduiiiltancous with tho of-1 flclnl announcements that an army nlrondy wns conccntrntlng within ' striking dlbtitnee of tho Mexican bor- dcr. Tho Whlto Houso Itself gave a ' statement of tho mobilization for tho purpoEO of hOltling mnirouvors in volving poHBlhle (operations against Galveston. SAIL MONDAY ernoon For Portland With Many. Tho Alliance sailed late yostordrry ntternoon for Portland wltti n fairly good passenger list nnd freight cargo from hero. She had many through pnBsengors from Eureka us well ns considerable freight from thoro. Among thoso sailing from here on hor woro the -following: D. Dadly, Mlko Bunts, Mrs. M. Dunts, G. -N. Sltts, Mrs. G. N. Sltta, T. Funnel, John Funnel, R. G. Gal- 'brelth, A. D. Towner, John Campbell, Miss E. Campbell, Miss E. Campbell, Kied Marx, C. Taylor, John Nylund. 3IT,AMATH VAIJ-S TO AVA1T. Five SalooiiH. Permitted. Fall to Open; Crowds Disappointed. .missioned ofllces to bo filled soon nro KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., Mnr. 7. expected to participate. Tho exnm- Thcre wns a disappointed crowd of .Inntlon will bo on martial drills and people hero March 1, which was the matters on which Instruction has nf,,nn wiiini, hAHvnQBiinnn.lbeon given. Llout. Dnlch, formerly ed to open Its wot goods dispensaries butnotonooftheflvosaloonmen.se. lected to operate those places, was , ready to begin business. It was an nounced that they will bo opened within tho next fe wdays. Klamath Falls has beon dry since soon after tho election of June, 1908. FUNERAL HELD TODAY. William Arthur Morris Victim of Ty. phold nnd Complications. The funoral of William Arthur Morris, tho youth from McPherson, Kas., who died at tho Homo hospital Sunday, was held this afternoon nt 2:30, tho Rev. G. L. Hall officiating. Morris, who was an electrician, came here thrco weoks ago with his brother, Jasper Morris, from Rono, Wai. TTn wna n,i nlnptrlnlnn Almnnt .lull w " w ... -. i Immediately after his arrival, ho was taken III, typhoid developing and tho rupture of n blood vessel finally producing death. A father and mother and othor rplnttvdB Kiirvlva at McPherson. Kas. PORT OF S KIEV CASES L Adjournment of Hearing Taken Until March 20 Here Some Testimony. Tho examination of Major L. D. Kinney in tho Coos Day Rapid Tran sit company's bankruptcy proceed ings has .been ndjoumed until March 20 by Ilofcrco McICulght. Mcnnwhllo on March 14, Itofereo Mc- ICnlplit will en to Portland to hoar. testimony In tho bankruptcy notions against L. D. Kinney personally nnd tho Dolt Lino Railway. Major Klnnoy hns been n volumi nous wltneB8. Unjlor oath, ho do- Mnrml Hint lin wfiq noirntlndnir with tho Hill interests for tho sale of his Coos Day properties to them and thnt It lawyora and creditors didn't Inter fere, ho hoped thnt tho deal would bo consumatod April 25. Furthermore, lio stated two representatives of tho Hill Intorcsts wcro Investigating his property bore. Ttoforoo McKnlght mndo n ruling thnt tho representatives of tho crodl- tors nnd Mnjor Klnnoy would linvo to cadh doposlt $100 with tho court to covor expenses before they would bo nllowcd to croB8-oxam!no or Introdiicn tcBtlmony. Mnjor Klnnoy snld that , this wns a hardship on him nB al though ho and his companies had property thoy hnd no ensh. Any way, ho docldod to didn't enro to cross- oxamlno or Introduco ovldonco nnd didn't hnvo to put up tho $100. Questioned nbout Bomo of tho Judg ments ngnlnst him nnd IiIr companies, Mnjor Klnnoy stntod thoBo hnd beon sottlcd. When told by A. S. Ilnnv in tho cnBo will probably reach horo mond thnt tho satlBfactlon of tho ( tho day aftor tomorrow. If tho opl Judgments hnd not been entered of nlon goes Into tho mnttor nB tiler" record, Mnjor Klnnoy Bnld ho had not ' oughly ns Is oxpectod from the (Hod tho Instruments showing thomnunt of tlmo tho court hns takorr untlsfacUon of thorn becnuso If theso n decldo tho rnso. It Ib not oxpected" Judgments woro eliminated, othor thnt thero will bo much ground for crodltors would simply Jump in nnd asking n rohenrlng. However, thirty got moro Judgments nnd bother him. dnvs In nllowod"f6r application for ru A wholo lot of history of his deal-' rohoarlng. lugs on Coob Day wnB given by Mnjor I Thoro yet remains to bo dlsnosod or Klnnoy and In reciting It. ho took ,i10 In0 cng0 jn tj,0 fodornl court boiho wnrm nips nt F. P. ( John K. Kollock nnd others, -said. Walto. It Is TO HOLD EXAMS. lVoinotlons Iii Nnvnl Reserve to He On Ability Shown. Idout. R. O. tlraves, now In com mnnd of tho locnl divisions- of tho Oregon Nnvnl Resorvos, has deter mined that all promotions nro to bo strictly on merit and to mnko cortnln of It has ordored nn examination to bo hold March 27 In which all do - siring to competo for tho non-com- of the United States Regular Army, and D. A. Jonea and, P. K. Gottlns former National Qunrusmon nro to bo tho Judges of tho oxamlnntlon. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Tho Dreakwator sails tonight from Portland for Coos Day. The Sausallto and Ottilllo Fjord reached Dandon Sunday to load with lumber and coal. . ( Tho Flfleld reached Dandon from San Francisco yesterday. Tho Rodondo sails from San Fran- Cisco today with passongors and. freight. "Just In". Smart hats In great profusion. Trlmmod nnd semi-trimmed lints. All the spring styles will be In evidence at the preliminary ( showing nt our atoro on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week, J This showing embodies all tho cor- .recv styles and the prices are modo- rate. CLARKE MILL S Highest Court In State Sus tains Validity of Organiza tion. i WILL ENABLE THEM ! TO PUSH IMPROVEMENTS: People Elated Over Great Vic tory In Behalf of Harbor Advancement. A tclcgrnm rccolvcd at noon today by C. R. Peck, nttornoy for tho Port of Coos Dny commlBslou, nnnouucod that tho Oregon Supremo Court lladi , neu uocwion oi ouuro jonc 8. Coko In tho circuit court uphold Ing tho validity of tho commission. J. W. Uonnott, nttornoy for tho Dcnnott TniBt compnny nnd tho Southern Oregon company, which iworo attacking tno validity of tho Port Commission, nfso received a tel egram to tho aamo effect. This Is tho most gratifying nowsr thnt has bcon received on thq Dny In n long time nnd cnusod much oln tlon nmong thoso hearing tho nown. "This means that wo can now go ahead and do something," romnrked T)r. 13. Mlngus of tho Port Commlfl-1 nlon. "Wo enn got busy now nnd do tho things thnt we hnvo boon nnxtomr to do nnd what tho people havo bcon anxious for tn ndvnnco tho Interests of Coos Dny." "Secretary Henry flongstnekon nnd' port Commissioner Wlnnor of North nond woro also highly olatodovor tho victory. Tho commlsslnnors nnd C. R. Pock: woro tho recipients of congratula tions from many aides. Tlio opinion of tho Supremo Court j w),rn nttneks tho validity of tho com- mission on tho snmo grounds thnt woro disposed of In tho Supromo Court enso nnd also tho question about South Inlet being n soparnto watershod. Judgo Wolvorton boforo whom It wns argued wished to wait for tho decision of tho Orogon 8u promn Court In tho nrosent enso bo foro hnudlng down his decision Im tho Hnlo case. FIRE IN MINNEAPOLIS. . No T.hes Lost In Destruction of Syn (Unite Building. Associated Press to Cons fDy Par Times.) MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., Mnr. ff. It Is definitely established thnt no lives woro lost In tho flro which des- , troyed the Syndicate building Sun dny, entailing a losa of $120,000. ! DEAF-MUTE MINISTER HOLDS' FUNERAL IN SIGN CODE. 4 KANSAS CITY. Mar. 7. A - funeral In sign languago was - hold hero, when tho Rov. J. II. Cloud, a deaf-mute minister from St. Louis, preached tho service over tho body of Char- lea L. Minor, n deaf-mute. Mrs. Minor, who Is nlso unnblo to hear or talk, mado tho arrange- monts for tho benefit of a largo numbor of friends who nro slml- larly afflicted. As tho Rov. Mr. Cloud wont through tho service It wua translated nnd repeated to thoso of tho audience who enn hoar by tho Rev O C McGlnloy, pas tor of tho First Presbytorfan church here, C DUB ION ..a 8i the Times Want Ads. v r t