QLxfflii ADS. wiirv ntsixnss is slow, ad. JlHTISK. THAT IT PAYS IH KV1- in mtii iv si'ccksspti. nisi. N,NS notSKS KVKItVWHHKK ;: NEWS cirr it wiiu.ic it is new hv E RKAIHXC TIIK COOS HAY TIM1S. I AM. THE XKWS Al.ti TIIK TIMA! n MKMHKIt OK ASSOCIATED PRESS TKIISKI.V TOMi :: :: UsInblMieil hi 1H7K its Tim Const Mnll VOL. XXXIV MARSHFIELD.OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A CoiiMilMnllnn of Tlinoi, Omul Mnll mill Coos liny AiIvprllHT. No. 44, HIIWWWH FOUR HURT IK LQGGI WRECK AT One Greek Section Hand Prob ably Fatally Injured In Disaster. BOILER EXPLODES AFTER DERAILMENT Engineer Don McKay Slightly Injured Geo. Snyder Escapes. Four men were Injured, ono per haps fntnlly, In n dlsnstrouB wreck on the McDonald logging rond on Daniels Creole thlfl forenoon. Tho logging trnln was dltclicd nt tho foot of tlie lilll nnd following tho dornll mont, the locomotive holler exploded. The threo most porlously hurt nro three- Grcok section linndB. Don McKay, tho engineer, oscnpod by Jumping but wna pretty bndly bruised nnd shaken up. (Jeo. Snyder of Mnrshflold wnB fire man on tho trnln but ho escaped by Jumping nnd has only a fow minor bruises to show for It. McKay nnd tho threo Greek section hands nro at Mercy hospital In North Bend. While going down tho hill nbout 10 o'clock this morning with n train of logs, tho trnln got out of Engin eer McKay's control. Tho brakes would not respond but ho stuck to the post hoping ugnlnst hope that ho would still bo nblo to regain control of tho runaway train". Just as tho englno left the trnck, ho Jumped and to tills ho undoubtedly owpb his life. Threo fireek section men wero working on ropnlrs noar tho foot of tho hill whon tho wreck occurred. They heard tho train coming nnd stepped off to ono sldo, thinking they would bo clear of It. Howovor. It Jumped tho track nenr thorn and thoy wero caught In tho wreckage Ono known as John Allen was so cIobo that whon tho bollor exploded ho was bndly scalded. Tho wreck occurred at tho samo place whoro tho other bnd wreck on tho road occurred. Expect That About $3,000,000 Be Added to Coos Valuation. T. J. Thrift, county assessor, Is here from Coqulllo todny on business connected with tho 1911 nBscssmont. He has about completed plans for tho work by organizing his forco. Mr. Thrift oxpocts thoro will bo a considerable advance In vnluatlonB In tho new asbessmont, tho Oregon stnto hoard of equalization Insisting on It. The present total assessed valuation of tho county Is nbout $10,000,000 and It Is likely that about $3,000,000 M be added to this amount this year. Tho county court hns ordered "bout $10,000 expended In gottlng the timber land of tho county cruised this year nnd It Is oxpected thnt tho cruising will result In n considerable lncreaso In tho nssessmont on this. Mr. Thrift will assess Coqulllo and Bandon property personally. A. B. Collier and J. S. Lyons will assist him m tho lower valley whllo W. B. Guo rln will assess Myrtle Point nnd vlcl-1 nlt'. W. J. Rust will nssess Marsh field property, C. J. Van Zllo North1 Bend property and Chas. Jackson will , - v-uus iwver ana tno nujoining Inlets. MILLIXERY OPEXIXG. Mrs. a. G. Aiken will open her complete line of spring and summer millinery March 9, at her new store tho Coos building. TO INCREASE ASKFSSIMT NG TRAIN NIELS CREEK DA IN MARSHFIELD Richard Handle of Ten Stricken at Home Hos pital Here. Ulchnrd Hnndlc, nn nged resident of tho Ten Mllo country, died yester day nt tho Homo hospital In Mnrsh lleld where ho had been for several days. Paralysis and hommorhngo of tho brain wero tho causes of death. About ten days ago, Mr. Handlo wns stricken while nn his Mont and was brought to Mnrshflold. Ho was nbout soventy-nino yonrs old. Ho has conducted n gcucrnl storo near tho mouth of North Lake. Mr. Handle wns n nntlvo of Scot land nnd hnd lived In Oregon about ten years. Ho woa twlco married. Two sons survlvo but their where abouts nro not known. Mr. Hnndlo wns opposed to minis ters nnd made n special request that no clorgymau pnrtlclpnto In his fu neral services. This wish will bo carried out and tho final words said by somo layman. Tom Hnll of, Mnrshflold was ap pointed executor of his will. Ho leaves an cstato of between $3,000 nnd $1,000. Tho funornl services will bo held tomorrow at 10 o'clock with Intor niont In tho Odd Follows comotory. YouxitJ max" dies. Youth Ki'om Kansas Succumbs at Hume Hospital. Yosterdny, a young mnn namod Morris died nt tho Homo hospital hero of a complication of diseases. Ho had been In this section only nbout threo weeks, coming lioro from Kansas with a brothor. Ho wns only nbout twenty years old. His family was old tlmo frlonds of M. B. Whlt moro. No nrrnngomonts havo boon nindo concerning tho funeral. VICTOR LACKSTHOM I)KAI. Former Coos liny Man Succumbs In Tevnx. Victor Lnckstrom, former proml nont enrnentor nnd contractor on 1 Coos nay, dldd at Fort Worth, Toxas, last Saturday. Ho loft Coos Day about 20 yoars ago for Alaska. Ho leaves a family thoro, also a brothor, Win, Lnckstrom of Mnrshflold. OP OIS JOB District Attorney Will Retire Next Year L. A. Liljeq- vist a Candidate. L. A. LHJeqvIst of Coqulllo, deputy prosecuting attorney for Coos coun ty, hns announced to friends that ho ...111 l.a n xnmllrlntn fnr district nttor- "'" "" " " I ney In Coos, Curry nnd Douglas l counties to succeed Geo. M. Drown of Rosoburg. Mr. Drown, who has served eighteen or twenty years, haB announced that ho will not bo a candidate for reelection. It Is understood hero that Mr. Brown will glvo his support to Mr. LUJeqvIst. It Is expected that W. W. Cnrdwell and a couple moro Rosoburg attor neys nro aspirants for tho place and It Is likely that Coos county will havo other candidates. Tho vetoing of tho bill providing for a prosecuting attorney for each county by Gov. West complicates tho situation In this district. v TiTTTrnr nuti corvlcn PHONE 31-J before 6, P. M. and CO-J at night BROWN TO GIVE GODUILLE IN C. M. Skeels, Prominent Busi ness Man, Found Dead In Bed There This Morning. (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Ore., Mar. G.C. M. Skeels, one of tho best known busi ness men In Coqulllc, wns found dead In bed nt Ills homo this morning. He hnd passed away during tho night from what is believed to havo been nn attack of heart failure. Last evening, ho nttendod church services nnd appeared to bo In ex cellent health and spirits. Ho linfl been woll. Ho was qulto advanced In yenrs and Is survived by a wlfo and grown family. Ho had planned to leave this week Revolution Breaks Out In Camp of Mexican Revolutionists at Mcxicali. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) MEXICALI, Mox., Mar. G. A mutiny has broken out In tho rnnks of tho Mexican rebels holding Mexi can as a result of tho Inactivity of tho leaders who aro remaining quiet ly In town nwnltlng tho expected ad vnnco of fcdornl troops from Enso nnda. J "Capt." Stanley, nn American who nttomptcd to oust Qcncrnl Loy vn, from tho supremo commnnd of tho Insurrecto forces, wns arrested and Is In Irons. NINETY DIE IN E Forty Others Injured In Rus sian Moving Picture House Sunday.' (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day Times.) ST. PETERSBURG, Russia, Mar. 4 Njnoty persons wero burned to doath and forty Injured In a flro thnt destroyed a moving picture theatre at Dolgole, Sunday. TO Claim That Beaverton Man Who Was Found Burned Had $10,000 In Cabin. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) BEAVERTON, Ore, Mar. C Sus picion Is entertained hero that Fred Mnger, whoso charred remains wero found in the burned ruins of his cab in nenr hero Friday night, was mur dered and that robbery was the mo tive It Is reported that Mager had ovor $10,000 in his possession. WIRES WERE DOWN. Tho Western Union's wire be- tweon Coos Day and Rosoburg went down Sunday evening about 7 o'clock and service wns not restored until about 3 o'clock this afternoon. Tho cause of tho break Is not known nbout 3 o'clock this nftornoon, Tho cause of tho break is not f known. INSURREGTOS FACE MUTINY C SI IBDEB HIE Q uu for his old home In Ohio to lslt his mother whom he hnd not seen In years and who has been qulto Blck. Mr. Skeels conducted tho grocery nnd general merchandise storo on Front street near tho depot. Trouble Over License. Tho Coqulllo city council will have a warm session this evening, It Is ex pected. E. A. Docket, ono of tho sa loon proprietors here, Is nsklng to havo his HconBO renewed nnd City Attorney LUJcqvlst holds thnt this cannot be dono by the council ns an ordlnnncc prohibits granting n liquor license to any one who hns been con victed of a crime nnd holds thnt Mr. Docket's conviction several months ngo bnrs him. What tho outcome of It will be Is linrd to guess. TRY TO GET F Another Application For Re hearing of San Francisco Grafter's Case. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Mar. C Attorneys for Abraham Ruof, tho former political boss who Is sentenc ed to fourteen yenrs Imprisonment for bribery, gnvo notlco to District Attorney FIckort nt cloven o'clock to dny that at four o'clock this after noon they would apply to tho stnto Supromo Court for n rehearing of tho ense. This Is In compllnnco of tho order of Judgo Lnwlor that Ruof should glvo Ave hours notlco of any nttempt to prevent tho execution of his sentence THIRTY HURT IN BAD FIBE Three of Victims of Cleveland Disaster May Die From Injuries. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) CLEVELAND, Ohio, Mar. C. Thirty persons wero Injured In nn early morning flro that consumed n threo-story apartment. Threo may die IS Returns of Chicago Primary to Be Checked On Order of Court. ' (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) CHICAGO, 111., Mar. C County Judgo Owens today ordered a recount of tho ballots cast In tho primary last Tuesday. Tho order was Issued at tho Instance of E. F. Dunno who on tho roturnB was defeated by Car ter H. Harrison. FOREST RESERVE FUNDS. SALEM, Ore, Mnr. C. Tho sec retary of Btato has completed tho ap portionment among tho counties of tho Btato of tho 25 per cent forest reserve receipts. The Btato has a to tal forest area of 10,331, 892 acres, and the total amount apportioned Is $39,035.87, making an apportion ment per acre of $0,024,269. Coos county has 170,720 acres In the for est reserve and receives $424,03 tfrom tho fund. Curry county has 555,997 acres In the reserve and re- celves $1,349.35. DIES DDEHLYA GIVEN DONNE STORM HERE GEO NEW YORK BROKER IS ROBBED OF $110 PACKAGE PLANS OF BAR DREDGE OONE Major Morrow Returns From Washington Can Be Made Suction Dredge. PORTLAND, Ore, .Mnr. C Plane for tho new steel hull son going suc tion dredga with self containing hon- jpers for Coos Day, havo been accept ed by tho chief or engineers nt Wash ington, nccordlng to Mnjor Jay J. Morrow, who has Just returned from tho capital. It Is expected that tho dredgo will bo on Coos Day and ready for operation In about IS monthu. ' ' It will bo of tho lntest and most approved typo several modifications having been mndc in tho plans which wero forwarded by tho chief of en gineers and returned by Major Mor row. It was principally In connection with this work thnt Major Morrow was called cast. Work Is going forward on tho ro- vlsod plnns nnd It Is expected thnt bids will bo called for on tho new dredgo In less than two months. Whllo It Is poBslblo thnt tho dredgo mny bo built on this const and ship builders horo will bo Invited to plnco tondors It Is thought thnt tho work will bo dono on tho enst coast ub It Is figured that It can ho dono thoro at a great deal lower cost than horo becnuso of tho expense of gottlng ma terials ovor tho continent. If, how ovor. tho highest bid hero should bo ns low ns tho onstorn bldB. Including tho cost of towngo around, which le estimated at about $20,000, tho con tract will probably como to tho Paci fic const. Rovlslon mndo In tho plans Includo tho drag nnd tho lndder carrying tho drag, tho Buctlon plpo between tho lnddor and tho pump nnd In provid ing an arrangomont whoroby Instcnd of dredging through tho control woll, a Bldo suction llko thoso In uso on tho dredgo ClntBon can bo provided at any tlmo. It Is tho first of tho central woll typo to bo built nnd If It does not work satisfactorily It can bo changed to tho sldo suction. Is Bettor. Dr. Win. Horsfall Is In recolpt of a lottor from 1Ib father, Archdeacon Horsfnll of Dandon, In which tho latter stntes that ho Is rapidly recovering from his Illness. This will bo gratifying nows to hla many friends on tho Dny. Coos Bay Has One of Its Rare Experiences With Lightn ing and Thunder. Saturday night, Coos Day experi enced ono of the raro electrical storms known horo. For a llttlo while, tho peals of thunder nnd sharp flashes of lightning reminded recent nrrlvals from tho cast of tho old fashioned storms thoro. No danuigo was done Sovoral times during the storm, tho electric lights wont off for an lnstnnt adding to tho fright that somo of tho moro timid ones experienced. Tho storm was brief nnd tho rnln fall wns not ns hoavy ns usually ac companies a thunderstorm. AID FOR CHINESE. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PORTLAND, Ore, Mar. C. Tho first day.s collection of funds for tho Chinese famine sufferers netted $5, 000 which was cabled to Hongkong. ' nui ocvene V Clever Ruse Resorted to In Se curing Valuable Secu rities. ' SUBSTITUTE PACKAGE HIDS THEFT FOR DAYS George Bancroft Knocked Over In Collision and Wealth. Taken. i (Dy Associated Press to Coos- Bay t Times.) I NEW YORK, Mar. C Securities with a mnrket vnluo of ovor $T00, 000 wero stolen from tho pocket oC George Dnucroft, n broker, Thunsdiry. Tho pickpocket substituted nn onvo lopo for the ono taken nnd owing to . this Dnucroft did not discover tho theft until todny. Bnncroft Is 80 yenrs of ngo. It wns his custom ovory Thursday for 25 yenrs to deposit socurltlon In n vault. Ho was on his way to K depository last Thursday whon man ran Into him nnd Bancroft fell to tho pavement. Ho carrlod an on velopo with tho securities In his hand nnd In tho shock of tho collision this fell to tho pnvemont. A young mnn standing nearby as sisted Dnucroft to his fcot nnd ap parently was caroful to hand tho old mnn tho envelope. It was ono of Bancroft's own envelopes tied lit a ......tin. mn. ti .t .1 tin nn.Hl.il I, , n . 1. .& i milium hiij tiuii uu vii, i iuu lb bu 11117 bank nnd deposited It. Todny, when ho wont to chock up tho securities ho discovered that the young mnn who hnd so kindly assist ed him to his feet after tho collision with tho stranger had got away with tho securities. Kinney Hearing. Tho examina tion of Mnjor Kinney In tho Coos Bay Transit Bankruptcy enso continued todny with Major Klnnoy as n wit ness. It Is stated that Major Ktn-noy claims that tho Hill Interests are ne gotiating for tho purchaso or his Plat B proporty for $1,000,000' and thnt tho donl Is to bo decided' AprH 25. ALLIANCE IN EARLY TDDAY Steamship Arrives From Eure ka and Sails For Portland This Afternoon. Tho stonmor Alllanco arrived lis this morning from Eurokn after a good trip up tho const. She had a largo numbor of through pnssongors from Eureka for Portland and brought sovornl for Coos Bay, Among thoso arriving horo on her woro O. R. Annstond, W. W. Stcckcl, Mrs. W. W. Steckel, Col. A. Pnpo, M. Brown nnd J. Jnnsen. Postoffice Clerk Discharged For Manipulating Them For His Own Benefit. (By Assoclatod Pross to Coos Bay Tlmos.l WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar G Arthur Trnvors, chlof clork to td third-assistant postmaster goneial was dismissed from tho service toda by Postmastor Gonoral Httchock, who In a statemont declared Trnvera was guilty of manipulating postngo stamps for his own financial boneflt. USED STAMPS FOR HIMSELF