THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 7 N AT THE A now hei mflgBfCZESESSX Tinxzsssxsixsnxs&risraaTssEaasssm's iih is. A & Jbc& Mil' .H'ST IN' HKCKIUT 01' AX ADVAXCK SHIPMENT OP MOM I. Till V(i K 'J' ' u K h Y XKW ,X '' V K T T s,mns wmi t'OI. ,R TO MATCH TUN SIIIHT. THKSK ARK AM, THE HACK, SO i;r IS MXK. How About That New Hat? WELL, I IIAVK TIIK XKW i:ST THAT CAX III-: HAD IX TIIK KIXGSBUKV AT $::.oo AXI) STKTSOXS AT 81.00 apyfjfA " """ -or- j New Spring1 Suits? Well I Guess Yes I Drop in and See What I Have to Offer S&KaaZEanftkftiftlt .iiZHATiUiUXSSSSXSPaOSKBIi C r 1 i- . jk . ?V'V 8 row ' 'Jk Y 5 V Si m -v MARSIIFIKLD I PI CHURCHES y?vi fl tr?jj7?jiTr'iK ' "f'Ct b (Mlulstird nml others aro request- to hand the Sunday church no i Ices nut InUr tluui Ft (day evening to nsuro Insertion Sm unlay.') Golden Oak Barber Shop Finest equipped Hliop on Coos liny. A Smooth Shnvo A Good Hair Cut Shoo Shining Clillihvti'H Hair Cuttlnp; a Mpcclnlly. OPPOSITE LLOYD HOTEL 111' XT Kit AS CLARE Y Proprietors. Bangor Poultry Yards CRYSTAL WHITE 0UP1NGT0NS. KELLRRSTRASS STRAIN. Kggs for Halo $2.50 and $3.50 por setting of 1G. Tho lay moro jmy more kind. Also can furnish single comb. Urown Leghorn eggs nt $1.25 per 1G, 1'on Is headed hy son of Jtooster thnt took first prlzo nt Stnto Fair In 1910. Call on or nddress Goo. !. Sells, North Ilond, Or., Phono 431 OIL SUPPLIES Thr Coos Huy Oil and Suppl; Company under the manngomoui o J. VV. Flanagan will continue to liar, dlo tho I'nlon Oil Company's giiBC line, distillate, bonzlne and coal ol t their oil houso across tho Day t( alcb placo thoy have moved tlteli reasons why5 "Twin" PcMal Extension Tables Aro Superior to All Others 1 They linye two pedestals, each complete in itself. 2 Pedestals are oval or oblong, therefore legs arc symmetrical. 3 Two pedestals are stronger than two halves that divide. XOT1C K TO TAX PAYKUS. Taxes for tho year of 1910 nro due and payable on and nfter Fob rary 1st, 1911. Threo por cent ro late up to March 15th. From March 15,h to April 3rd pay taxes at fnco. Tliero will bo no further notice of the amount of taxos duo sent out by fall, except whoro tho taxpayers ro West It and furnish n list of tho Property on which they deslro to Pa' W. W. GAGE, Sheriff and Tax Collector. Dated- CoqiilUe, Oregon, January "'a, i9ii. T. ?U.,.lrn. K6S2t legs a "nds of oomo tables entirely (.iiminnted. 5 Tho troublesomo lochs unnecessary. 0 No unfinished surfaces, locks, holts, etc., exposed when extended. 7 More rigid, having three casters under each 'Twin" or six under the table. 8 Allows insertion of several fillers before spread ing pedestals. Prevents marring of finish on legs. Mlde la Numttoiu Dtilf nt tnJ flaUbe WludliapectTUea !OIX(i AS 1IAUVKY Kxtiuiho AKt'iits. LADD, HUNT and Co. tOXTUACTORS AXD BUILDERS. AU Kinds of repairs and shop work ro,'Ptly attended to and neatly done. Phone 161X. Your Sunday Roast Wo havo It ready for you. Sweet and Jjiley. HOAST m:EF ItOAST MUTTOX KOAST POIHC Union Meat Market Phono Us Your Order. Phono 5S. Offered By I. S. Kaufman & Co. Improved Business Flno building, nil rontod, desirable location. Will pay 10 per cent on Investment. Prospective Business $1,000 14 lots within 5 mlnutu walk of best business coi ner In Marshflold. Modern Bungalow $;t,000 Flvo rooms, bath, closets, etc, and ground 100x110 n corner. C9SS &AY,(m2L(QX. .,... . ll-.l L.l I ,vv wsp y7 SAFE AMJ P , DEAkM VJvO f "' V- CS i COGS BAY 'RELTY SYUNGtoZ DEALERS JVl f.2?., ' COAL CUlCMZtiTluh . farm. mar. ma'sh ai TMfirn 1 1 "in - I - I !. Orsanims or jWjtjul-" MiiPAMS a wmury-'-o Tho past has provenNhat Investments In small acre tracts near growing cities aro tho mest profitable. Tho C. B. R. S. has tuch to offer. Chas. J. Bruschke, Marshflold, Oro. Business Lot $1,000 On Shorman avenue, North Bend, In first block south of Virginia. Cheapest lot .In North Bend. r''"' ISK' Broadway Lots $1,0.'0 Two choice lots, choapobt on Broadway considering location. Bay Park $00 Buys a flno lot In tho above addition, $10 down and $5 per month. Turkish Baths 210-213 Ccos Building PHONE 214-J ) 0 I MTICI) llltKTIIItKX Clll'KCII OF XOItTII HKXI). Sunday School at 10 A. M. Christian Kndeavor nt 0:30 P. M. Preaching Borvlcc at 11 A. M. and 7.30 P. M.. by the pastor, Rev. Albright. i 'llli: liL'THKUAX CHURCH. M Rev. J. Richard Olson, Pastor, li 9:43 A. M. Sundny school always conducted In English. 11 A. .At. Services conducted In tlu Swedish language. First Sunday In Lent. Text. Matt. 21:pl-23. 7:30 P. M. Kngllsh service. Text taken from tho History of thu Pas sion of Our Lord. Choir renders ap propriate music. At North Bend a: 00 P. M. Sundny school. A CHRISTIAX SCIKXCK. 1 Services will be held in the Chris tian Science hall, 327 Third streo;. north, Sunday nt 11 a. v Subject, "Man." MARSilFIKM) CATHOLIC CHURCH. C Rev. Father Mornn, Rector. Mass will bo celebrated In Marsh field 10:30 o'clock Sunday morning, tho Rev. Father J. A. Mo ran celobraut. 4 NORTH HKXI) CATHOLIO CHURCH. Rev. Fathor Springer, Rector. $ Mass will bo celebrated at S o'clock, Sunday morning by tho very Rev. Father Mornn. M ARSIIKIKLI) SCHOOL XOTKS. (Vntrnl SeliiHil. Seventh Grade Those nvoraglng 90 or above In this mouth's tost wore Grate Williams 97. Frank Curtis 90, F.U'ln FlnimKHit 95. Dnmnnr Flles Iturg; 9(1. .Ion llniun US, Marian Sen in mi 91, Xetll Warwick 9S, Isa bel FerKiisou 97, Carl Bnck 90, Ruth DuiiKnu 91. Wm llorsfall 97, Mario Wheeler 94. Kvn llnnnfii OS, Esther Anplttud 92. l)eM-y Stutsman has returned to acliool after lioliin abwnt two weeks. Wltda Harris from Sum nor and Tliolinn Dodge from AlloKnny havo entered the Seventh grade. Sixth grade Tho following pu plla of the Sixth grade had 100 In deportment this month: Emit Back man, Ltlllnii Cook, Estelln Grant, Ru dolph llllstrom, Lnwrcnco Horton, Ida Roihor, Helen Smith, Harold Cnrllle, Honry Joluiaon, Wlnnlo Simpson, Stanley Peters hns left tho Sixth gralle to go to Bunkor Hill. The Sixth grade pupils arc editing n Duhool paper. Tho editor Is Albert Burroughs. Tho reporters aro Mon roe Upton, George Waltklns, Holen Smith, James Smenton, cover design by Urauln Farrlngor. Fifth Grndo. Helen Ruch and Zella Swlnford, who hnve been absent for sovoral days on account of Illness, havo re turned to sohool. Tho Fifth grade aro making rnilla mats nmlor the direction of Miss Knufmnn. Ellis Dodgo of Allegany has en tered the Fifth grade. Norman Petors hns loft school and moved to Hunker Hill where ho will ntteud school, Fourth Grndo. Martha Spraguo of Empire entcrod tho Fourth grado Monday. Vivian Bowen hns been absent this week on account of sickness. Somo excellent Illustrated papers In language were made this week by Eddern Wheeler, Roland Noblo and Virginia Clarke. EPISCOPAL EMMANUEL CHURCH. Row Robt. E. Browning, Rector. 9:30 A. M. Sundny school. 11 A. M. Holy Communion nml sermon. 7:30 P. M. Evening prayer nml sormon. Rev. Browning will conduct sor vIccb In Myers Hall at North Bend nt 2:30 Sundny afternoon. NORTH BEND PRESBY. TERIAX CHURCH. Row D. A. Mac Leod, Minister. 10 A. M. Sunday school. 11 A. M. Preaching service. 0:30 P. M. Christian Endenvor. Preaching service at 7:30 In tho ovoulng with special mimic. All strangers in tho city nro ex tended an Invitation to nil of theso sorvlcos. CHRISTIAX CHURCH. f A. O. Walker, Minister. fy 44 44 4 Pronchlng In tho morning and ovo ulng on tho second nml fourth Sun day of each month. Biblo school nt 10 o'clock. Y, P. S. C, E. nt 0:30 ovory Sun-day. 4 MARSHFIELD 1 PHKSBYTKRIAX CHURCH 1 Sunday school, 10 a. in. shajp. Y. P. S. C. E. at 0:30 p. in. Preaching at 11 a. in., and 7:30 P. m. Third Grado. Charlos Halllday of Astorln and RohhIo Thomas of Ilaiidon havo ca rol led In tho Third grndo this weok. Lillian Sonmnn and Stella Erlcson wore absent this weok on nccouut of sickness. The highest grndos In deportment for Third grade this weok woro: Lillian Sonmnn, Doris Songstackon, Hllmoro Grant, Elrlc Grant, Opal Whobroy and Jonopl Lapp, Second Grade. Tho chlldrou In Mrs. Lnngley'a room planted bonus, pons, onions and radishes on February 23, Today, March 3 tho radishes and onions aro nbovo ground. They also plantod n variety of llowors. Leotn Smith nml Edna Rccs aro on tho sick list. . METHODIST EPISCOPAL Jl Row II. I. Rutledgo, Pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning service, 11 n, in. Epworth League, C:30 p. In, Evening sorvlco at 7:30. A" urauo. Blancho Tliomns from Bnndon on rollod Monday. Ned Smoaton and Forrest Porcy nbsont on account of sickness. Luth Lnnognn has moved to Ton Mllo. Wm. Nelson moved to Co qulllo. h- ( First "B" Grndo. Mrs. Wllbur'H pupils havo beon ninklng nnd painting (Ings and shields for Washington's Birthday. Wllllo Hnlllday of Astoria entoroU First "11" Monday. Edwin Spalding onrollod In First "B" Monday. 3 o'clock Eastsldo sorvlco. C:30 o'clock U. Y. P. IT. 7:30 o'clock Evonlug worship. SEVEXTH DAV ADVEXTI8TS T. G. BUNCH, Mlnlstor. Sovonth Day Advontlst sorvlce are conduotod ovory Saturday at their now church as follows: Sabbath school at 10 a, in. proach lug sorvlco 10:45 a, in. You aro cordially Invited to attend. FIRST IJAITIST CHURCH. Rov G. LoRoy Hall, Resldonco 592 Sixth street Phone: f Residence, 25C-J. f Study, 289-L. ( 10 o'clock Sunday school, Alva Doll, suporlntondent. 11 o'clock Worship. norwi:giax lutherax. ii L. RASMUSSEN, Pastor. ' Sorvlcos Sundny morning at 10:45, Sunday school at 10 o'clock. In North Bond there will bo ser vices at 2:30 p.m. NORTH HKXI) METHODIST CHURCH. O Rov. ALBERT S. H1SEV, Pastor Sundny school 10:00 n. in. Preaching 11:00 a. m. Junior League, 4:00 p. in. Epworth Leaguo, 7:30 p. m.