THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 4 Mysterious Mr.Weyerhauser Little Known of the Billionaire Lumberman Who Is Reported 111 in Pasadena, California. u fit ST. PAUL. Minn.. Mnr. 2. At- free Of debt with enough capital to though Frederick Weycrhauser, the ennble them to strike out with bold bllllounlro lumbcriunn who Is report- ncss and confidence. cd 111 nt Pasadena, California, lias inado his home at St. Paul for many years he Is almost as little known to From the time he acquired his first sawmill until the present the life of Mr. Veyerhati8cr has been a Makes Home Baking" Easy Royal Baking Powder helps the housewife to produce at home, quickly and economically, fine and tasty cake, hot biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and muffins, fresh, clean, tasty and wholesome, with which the ready-made food found at the shop or grocery does not com pare. Royal is the greatest of hake-day helps. BOYAL COOK BOOK-S00 RECEIPTS-SHEE Send Name and Address, tlio people of this city as to tlio pub- slow, unceasing, steady grind of buy ing timber cheap, soiling it nt a pro fit, then acquiring still larger tracts. lie In general. And this dcsplto tho I fact that he Is believed to bo tho ' richest man In tho United States, richer probably by somo millions of dollars thnn John D. Rockefeller, to 1W ' Ho first visited Wisconsin and Min nesota, whore ho discovered lands rich in timber, that could bo pur- whoBo nnmo is synonymous for riches chased for a few cents per acre, lie . in nlmost ovory part of tho clvlllz- and his pnrtnor bought tho lands, ed world. Wcyorhauscr, with Ills Sawmills were constructed, and nion- timber land possessions aggregating ey began to roll In fast. j 30,000,000 acres, is said to bo worth Mr. "Woyerhausor, as tho loading close to $1,250,000,000, which nt tho spirit In tho partnership, created the present rate of advance In lumber Is little known and mysterious "Woycr- lncronslng by Icnps and bounds. ' linn hop syndicate," which soon was : , Tho personality of Frederick Wcy-' acknowledged by tho lumber world It's a wise head that wears a Stetson Mat New Spring Styles Now on Display M O X K Y T A L K S Mnrshileld Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. Itnpdnii orn turna rowoi ca. mw o. Little Talks on Advertising TALK No. 7 crhnuser Is llttlo known. Ho is a recluse and his own business asso ciates have never shared his secrets. I Ills homo life hi this city Is quiet and simple, uvea io moso wno Know him best ho Is n living puzzle, an oulgmn, n mystery. to bo tho moat powerful factor In i tho trade. Tho Mississippi river j boom and logging compnny, of which j ho wns elected president in tho early eighties, has always been tho base of his known transactions. j Mnster of the mnrvellous forests HARDWARE MEN SHOULD VERTISE. AD- "Only by advertising In tho local newspapers and by Intelligent nppll- kee, now of Ccdnr Kalis, president of tho Central Iowa Itetall Lumber man's association, In session nt Dos Moines, In his annual address advis ed tho lumbermen to tine tho news- Ho recom- catlon of tho things learned hero." i mporH f()r n,,vcrt,H,nB iaiTcuonib.H.MHCBinnciiBiKlllloniIcd tl0 .. ()f rllllor.B ,llk ft8 laiK uoioro mo lown iicinu iinru wnro association, "can tho merchant In tho town expect to gnln hiicccsb. It Is not enough merely to unders tand tho principles of good snlosmnn- from tho mall order competition." "There nro many kinds of advertis ing," said Mr. Weart. "For mysolf, I divide them Into threo classes Horn at Noldorsaiilhclm, a hamlet in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan of Southern Germany, in 1834, ho and In Washington and other states' worked as a farm lnborcr until IiIb in tho fnr northwest, Woyorhnusor j eighteenth year, when ho mado up In tlmo canio to control most of tho his mind to scok his fortuno In n logging done on tho Mississippi. Ho land whoro freedom played a inoro was nblo to fix tho prlco of logs, tho prominent part thnn It did in south prlco of handling them on tho rivers, Germany at that tlmo. So in 1852, tho prlco of nnwl'ng them, and tho accompanied by his mother and sis- prlco of tho finished product, tor, ho crossed tho ocean. And In nil this, ho shunned pub- Settling (Irst In Erlo, Pennsylva- lldty llko tho grand llama of Thibet, nla, ho found work In n brewery, but Though possessed apparently of an migrated four years later to Llttlo" unquenchable nmbttlon, ho hns never Hock, Illinois, whoro ho got employ-niado a dlsplny of his wcnlth. Tho ment nt $ 1 a day piling slabs in n Hlmplo llfo of their onrller dnys has In n llttlo moro than a yenr satisfied him nud his family. Ho ho owned tho mill. In a fellow-, hns novor cared for yachts, nutomo worker nt tho mill, P. C. A. IloncK- ( biles, fast horscH and other luxuries mnn, Wcyorhnuscr found n follow- common lo tho mllllonnlro class. His couutrymnii, destined in nfter years four sons all received excellent ed PIANOS DIRECT FROM FACTORY Ily buyng a piano from us, you savo tho mlddlo profit,- name ly, thnt of the retail dealer. Wo guarantee every piano, as wo use only the II nest material obtainable, and employ only tho most skilled workmen. Pay n few dollars down, and the balance monthly. We have a special proposition for you. Call and Investigate. Open evenings. BUSH & LANE PIANO CO. MARKET AVK. AND SXI) ST. R. P.. MEYSIt, Mnnngcr. O'CON'NELL I1M)G. Xext to Golden Itiilo Storo ship and mnnagomont. but tho nier- NoW8,mll,Pi Urrional letter, nnd no- to bo a closo ally In nil his schemes ucntlons, but woro obliged to work ennui muni, in .i .." , ..,. .. V()Uy a(lvorHlllK. lf yu )mvo ,, enterprises. Together ma own conditions, ami uu can w nmVHiiiinnr Mint lu rnnil liv this only through exhaustive study." , trm() , ,)0loV() tJoro ,H m) LUMRERMEN SHOULD ARVHRTISH medluni through which to W, G. Weart, formerly of Choro-' them thnn in this manner." Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIAIILO AM) JOSSOX CEMENT. The beat Domestic nnd Imported brands. Plaster, Ltmo, Drlck nnd all kinds of bulldora matorlal. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. PHONE 201. u nnd enterprises. Togotticr tnoy In tho lumber camps and go through your bought tlio otner men nut or tlio bus- tho mills, ns their father had douo better Iness, nud soon found themselves boforo them. reach 10 PUT MIS! i i I GREAT DEPTH MOTHER LOVE! (Continued f'nm pace 1 tho physlclnns. Tho future years, llfo, homo theso held nothing In promise for her without a bnby, her own baby, to love. There was a long fnc,,,l them " knowingly and will- Hold on tho Snn Prnnclsco nnd Coos 'Mr. Cooley had been 111 for somo time nrgument between tho woman nnd Kly, and I never regretted the de-1 1Jay ,.ulli nm)riing to n report In clr-in,ul waa nli0 fr" "ro to Cnllfor-J tho learned physicians, and It ended termination that was In my heart. I !clnt,(m horo ,,,,. Mr Ktnbrook " " f0W m01,Ul8 "K '" lll,ps lt ns It bogau, with tho woman uncoil- ' Proud of our baby so very proud . ., . . . . ' ' ' , ' tho chnngo In cllmnto would bo bono-' cltiido of tho uuxloiis hiisbnud, the thousand nud one things that strengthened the bond of love be tween thorn, nud nil thnt ended with the moment of returning conscious iiess nfter tho operation was over and uhn full tlin Hirlll nt fi snft wnrn, cheek against her own and tho clutch A. F. EstabrOOrC FlQuTinfJ Oil of n tiny hand nt hor throat these COOS Bay aild San Frail- thlngs go to form nnothor story, ono 5con Ducinncc of tho linest ever told. CSC0 dUSmesS- "I never felt fear, even when con- A' V' ,8,n,"ool tho A- " a' templntlng tho dangers thnt I know ( ,,rook n"'1 company, is llgurlng on I had to face," said Mrs. dates. "I putting the steamers Hnudon nud PI- D.E. Former Marshfield Man Suc cumbs to Long Illness at Modesto, Cal. Ji R. Cooloy received a telegram this morning announcing tho denth of his brother, Dorcnco E. Cooley, nt Modesto, Cul., yestorday morning. dm Pacific Monumental and Building Works H. II. WILSON, Proprlotor MARSHFIELD, ORE. All kinds of inonumontal work promptly nnd artistically exe cuted. Call at our worke on South IJrondwny. Coos Bay-Roseburg Stage Line Dally btngo between ItoKcuurj, nnd Mnrshllcld. Ktngo leaves dally nnd Sundays nt 7 p. in. .Fare, IjSd.OO. OTTO fiCIICTTKIt, Agent, C. P. HAItNAHI), 10 MARKET AV., Miirshlleld. Agent, ROSEUURO, Ore. RHONE 11 vlncod nnd moro determined thnn bo- "d lovo her so much thnt nil I foro to realize tho dream of hor ox- "vo M"w through for her sake Istonce, hor llfo'B ono grontest hope. "l,ol,H H111" ". There was never Sho nsked the meaning nnd explann- nthor In tho world so sweet, nud I tlon of that most wonderful opera- tll,,,lj (5o,l '"l" 1"t, Kl lo me. 1 tlon known to surgical sclenco as the 1,uvo Kvt hopes ftir baby, and If I (TKul-arlM! section, nnd If Its perfor- "m I"hhi io nring nor to honored ninnco would romovo tho obstnclos ""d "",f"l womanhood I shall have thnt niituro had placed In tho way of '" l,,0l " nk or want." tho fulfillment of hor heart's desire. f Likened I'nto a .Minimum. Tho physician told her It would It " 0V0O' nlglit n big, happy mnn Is said to hnvo taken tho matter up wuii muni) iiicni i en niui n ueuuiioi i i mn.i..i. nmimin,.nnin.. f U-WI. n- ,.n lw.; wv mill IIHlbO OI JHB pnSSlllg WnS deal goes through will probably be !."?! ,.1,nBed ,noUlor- w,1 ,oft """ niniln In n ilnr nt tun -.rum iiiiuiiuii wnon woni wns ro- Ilclal to him. A snd phaso of his mt his-aged mothor, v Held Inst week nnd cnught n stonmer Tlio llniiiliin mill l'Kliilil nm nmv on tho Ilnndon-San Prnnclsco run. clolve,, tlmt ,10 I,nd tnkon n t,ir nnd it Is nresumed thnt Mr. Eitn. tho worso ftrr,vo'1 thoro n fow ,10r8 brook's plans are to have tho steam ....... i it ii... i i....,.i .. inn HUH I 111 Hllllrn ir llnn.t II,. ,.11.. I nuu oiiiiiimi ii iiiii, nt' iiiuiiit.'ti iiui, - - - i'v f.ti,,, ,, t.....i.... ,i ... . . ... ' i no tho danger was grent: tho records "ihmikh me long nnn. stops ers stop at Uniidon en route. The two vessels have been enrry- , Iiik lumber to Snn Prnnclsco besides regulnr freight and pnssenger business nnd have frequently stoppod ioo inio to seo nor son nllvo. An other brother of tho deceased roach ed Modesto yesterdny soon nftor death occurred. Mr. Cooloy resided In Marshfield for somo tlmo nnd for a tlmo was as . ,. , . , ,. r, - ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, r :r zzzzrz: ----. ii - THE FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo (Equipped with "Wireless) Will umbo legular trips cairvliiL- ,..,.,., .,,i tiut between Cooa Ray nnd San Francisco. AH reservations forpassciiKCrt nmilo nt Alllniuo Dock, Mnnliflcld and Intcr-Occnn Transp. Co. Union Street Wharf No. a, hiq Frnnclbco. For Infonnatloii, phone i i-J or 1.83. Will sail from Mnrshflcld for Snn Francisco, Thursday March 2nd. 'VIWOCKA.V TRAXSl'ORTATIO.V COMPAXV. Her" idoin, then tiptoes across tho bare tloor and just stnnds nnd here. business with Mr. Falknor hore. Ho was about twenty-two years old and even among the most advanced scion iisis oi Kiigiiiuii, inn iieniu rnio mi- j" buuiud huh i lowing this operation was estimated ll,0KS' "" 100li8' "rut at his llttlo tills manner, nfter his mother bad leaves n wlfo nnd bnby. at more than !!) per cent, and that Krl "" "u, nt M wlfo. At that ,t.,i, (i tho belief Is general that' ho '""oral will bo held In Modes In Amerlcn, until quite recent times, "'""i uiey seem to bo In the pros-' tho operation Is named In honor of to Friday, the mortality was so high that tho 01U' of " Kreat mystery, something' ,, Thte l)oUef ia orroneous. The cost. tlmt nW('a aml "oltl8 tlion spollbound. j title operation wns avoided nt nny cost. .... ". uieu spoiiuouiid. title comes from tho Latin, cnoso ECZGIlia ClirG a Bpniltv Wnch Her previous experiences In bearing ro -tlmenta. certahi.y 1Uatr.s utero. Tho records do not IhTSUS iriiiiiiruii .i a uisiiHiniKiiiK uici ui , ; ..wD. m,n Bnaw another caso to have existed been recognized for yenrs as tho onel be considered. All these and manyJ J . In I Je hour that ,noro n woinnn (IoUberntoIy nml rumP(!y ELt P-r s , other facts were urged upon her. but m"u " o of the day. their wlth fenrlC8, determination faced the all for.,,. r wi., ."'.' .? ' w - '! 11 IB "THE FRIRND OF COOS RAY" whon all had been told she said,:""""8 im8" 1,ll0V0 " head of their with n determination that forbade j t,nillB Klvl. their eyes till with tears further arKUiuent. that her mind,0' Joy ulul Krntltude nnd their souls dangers of pregnnncy, now known thnt there Is no ni,nr knowing thnt when the tlmo enmo for wash, even thoso used by tho beauty her child to bo born sho would hnvo specialists, that can compnro with to face the most delleato of surgical this mild liquid for cleansing tho operations known to science in order skin of pimples, blackheads, rash, that tho lives of herself and hor child nnd all similar skin affections, might bo saved. Mrs. Gates did this. ' For this renson alone, n bottlo of and she says thnt sho Is repaid a D. 1). D. should bo kept on hand in tllOllS.inilfnIll. Tim l'lXVwm-v rvf tlin nt-.n-v linncnknl,! t 1.1.1 nt. . ... any that ever came under their no- the third of Its kind to be performed (patient has been oven more rapid will show you the merits of "this creat Iro till tlio Stnt.ia n...-. I i ....,.. . . . 'llu uiiiiiuu ailliciliaieil anil wns in nvnrv rommlv na n pnninlnvlm. ,,-ot-i. --.-- ... . . v .....v..v .... .. .u.........ii,. nuaii was mado up and that she was ready ,colnmuno '" n rapturo of Joy that is and willing to nssunio tho risk. And , B,Vim finv "untals to know, sho did. Sho placed herself under Wonderful Surgical Skill, tho euro of doctors who declare tho Sa fr as known, tho operation caso ono of the most Interesting nnd which gave little Miss Gates her safe most roploto with heart lntorest of introduction to the great world Is trials and S. S. ALLIANCE I"??1"?'!! WIT" T,,K SOUTH RANK ROAD AT PORTLAND Jtj; ::lt0M I'OKTLAXI) IX)R COOS RAY AT V. M, FRHUy! MARciU3.C,r '' LKAV,Xa C0S "AY F0U EU,lEKA PRONE nXUTU IAC,FI 3TKAMSHIP COMPANY. U. I McGEOKUK, Ageni tlco. Ruby Life Repays AIL in uie .Northwest States. Ono muftu was in l'orunnu, a few yenrs That Is tho story of tho detormlnn- "Bo, when tho lives of twin girls tlon that brought tho llttlo bnby girl , were saved. The other was at a hos into tho world. Tho long months of l'ltnl In Walla 'Walla n year or so ago. suffering and anxiety but novor n Rut theso woro stops taken to savo momont of doubt tho thrilling hour a woman's llfo, ns n Inst rosort. Tho whon doctors and nurses porformed first to bo rocorded wns In 1C1Q, in way deeply gratifying. Sho will re- D. D. D. seems to romovo the turn to hor homo in n fow days more, cause, whatever tho trouble may be, to live out hor happy dream, long uu- cloanslng tho skin, and leaving it as fulfilled. their unusual ofllccs, tho tender boI I- Europe. Caesorwaa given birth In 'HOUSE. It Is tho COFFEE thnt will PLEASE YOU at tho O. K. CHOP soft, as smooth nnd clear as that of a healthy child. Got a 25c bottlo today and keep It in tho house. Red Cross Drug Storo. OLD RELIABLE STEAMER BREAKWATER ALWAYS ON TIME siVz,Arr,rh i)ock' rort,,,n"' nt . . T " w InoM ! uZW7 CVCry SatUn,ay nt 6e",co ot tldo. Reservations l 1 not be held later than Friday uoon, unless tickets are purcluuied. ' H. KEATLVG, AGENT nwia MAIv SS-K i JiraesJioesJob Printing I 1. a j "K