piiVm- aftmra ADS. NEWS wiirv ni'sixwss is bmw, ad- V, TISK. THAT IT PAYS 18 KVI , MTD 1V SUCOKSSKl-l, III'SI '"' ...iiMi,iii,in.' .. gut it while it is new nv HEADING THE (XH)S 1AV TIMES. Al.li THE NEWS ALL THIS TIME TERSELY TOM) tt :: t " m:ss ihus'w im ,. MKMIU'll OK ASSOCIATED PRESS Established In 1K7H us The Const Mall VOL XXXIV MARSHFIELD.OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Tliitoo, Coast Mall niul Coo liny 1vpitlcr. No. 40. -i- rmTr,Wl (EjOT IpHII I IHIER INS FIGHT li SENATE 6? VOTE OF 46 TO 40 Effort to Oust Illinois Senator Defeated In That Body Today. ELEVEN DEMOCRATS COME TO HIS AID' Cullom Also Votes For Him As Does Perkins Oregon Men Against. (By Aaanrlntcd PrCBB 10 UOOH UIVJ ,WjU.... Times.) I Mnr. 1. u'tauixnTON'. D. C )1 M -- - The Senate today by a voto of 40 to at The Chandler today. Cleric Van 40 sustained William Lorlmor's tltlo ' Dnyn snld ho hud not seen him nil to a scat In tho Soiiuto, dofontlng du"; . I. .,!., ,l.,n1nrltiP hlfl AlllOllg tllOBO With WllOllt lie linB HovcrlJKo's resolution declnritiB nis , , , ,, , . clc Ion by the Illinois. leBlslaturo to ," tentative arrangements to ac be mcgnl. Lorlmor was not In tho Pny him south Friday or Satur- chamber when tho voto was taken. ,fty to b0Bln work' t,lcro ,B I,tl, chamber win... i . ,.. knowlodgo of tho matter. Ono mnn Tho voto stood nays (for Lorimer , , . ,., ., . . -Zbllcw. nndlw. Br.ndow. ''' ? ' f '" " " . dT :i" '"'" "'",od '""' " - "' '" Cullom, uunis, uli , Jstrumcnt men had nut off at Port llngnam, uupum, i,..., -.-. - per, uamuie, uukkw"""""' Hoyburn, Kcan, McCumbor, Nixon, Oliver, Penrose Coin, Porklns, Piles, HIchnrdRon, Scott, Smoot, Stephen son, Warden nnd Wetmorc. nmnnrnia llnllov. Dnnkhcnd, . n..M.lm in Ilnlf. Fletcher, Poster. Johnston, Paynter, Simmons, Smith of Maryland, Thorn ton, Tillman and Watson. Total 40. Lorlmor did not vote. Taliaferro did not respond when IiIh nnmo was called nnd this may signify his bo lus paired with Frnslor, Aldrlch and Terrell paired and Uioro waB ono va cancy Hughon of Colorado. All other senators voted for tho motion and against Lorlmor. 1JKJ CHOWD PRESENT. Iirgo NiiiiiIkt Gather to "Witness Vote On fiorliuor. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day TlmcB.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mnr. 1. Althouch tho voto on tho Lorlmor case was not to occur until 1:30 this nftcrnoon, tho galleries of tho Son- ato chamber began to fill at nlno o'clock nnd when tho Sonnto convon- cd at 11 o'clock, nn unusually lnrgo number of sonators wero In their sent8, , ,. Owing to tho fact that a majority of the commltteo on privileges and elections did not nccompnny Ub re port exonerating i.onmor wiui solution on which a voto couiu uo wJw or(ored t,,0 BtrII0( or Joln Pre8i. taken, the action today wns In m-'dont h Qf th0 Intornatlonol Ty- nectlon with Dovorldgo'a resolution h,cn, Unlon wno declares tho which declnred Lorlmer not duly ntrlko linnutl)orlzod. Illegal nnd un legally elected by tho Illinois loglsla- wnrranted Lynch ,8 8aid to hnvo tur,0, , loft Wnshlngton'for Chicago. .HUSl Ol 1110 BL'IUUUrU tllllll.-IUi.il anxious to expedlto tho business but Senator Stono Insisted on tho read ing of tho full journal. On conclu sion of tho routlno proceedings, Owen began his speech against Lorlmor, during which ho read n' tologram from Govornor Donoen containing a categorical reply to all of Lorlmor'a f1AAlir.nll S - 11..wl 1... "vvuouuujin, UWVI. WUB lUlluntu ; I Simmons who spoko for Lorlmo'. nft er which ionmer replied to me .vo- neen telegram read by Owen Smith of Mlchltran. then toi)K the floor In opposition on conclusion ot Smith's remarks and promptly nt 1:30 the roll call began. Just before tho roll call, Smith was followed by Lafolletto, tho last speaker, whose Impassioned address denouncing Lorlmer was Interrupted by the gavol announcing that one thirty hnd arrived, Tho vice-president ordered tho resolution read, and then ordered tho calling ot tho roll, WED AT GARDINER. GARDINER, Ore., Mar. 1. At tho homo of Peter Cowan hero last Mon day. Fred N. Cassldy and Miss Min nie E. Fosbank, both of Florence, were united in mnrrlago by the Rev. uuuea in marriage Dy me uev. Father Springer of North Dend. They will make their home la Florence. I NO HE NEWS OF RAILROAD R. Hayse Reputed to Be Organ izing Survey Party, Not Seen Today. It. llaysc, tlie reported Southern Drwtlfln ntwrltirtjit tt1wt tu utt Id Iwt iiviiiw itiii.. f tv tn ouui vu mu nni, M nrtw tf nwm hum f mnh. I Q.IIIO II VIU11 U MlVil IIV.IU IWI )- Ing n survey botween Crescent City niul Port Orford. vnn not tn tin worm Orford by n San Francisco Hteamer. It wnn also reported hero today that C. It. Wado and othora nt Dan don wero reviving tho Dandon nnd Port Orford Itallway project which Stovo Henderson organized n year or B0 nB Clash BetweenUnionsIn News paper Offices Curtail To day's Publications. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Dny Times.) CHICAGO, III., Mar. 1. Tho of- f0rtB to settlo tho strlko of tho nows- lmj)or UnotyporB continued today, TJ(o morn,ng ,mpor8 B8Ued todny by ngrconot con88ted of four pages ony nnd tho ovonlng pBper8 promised to tfco Mmo T,)0 JBUB, foronoon 'editions of tho afternoon pnpors woro . ,.nilo,H. ftB iocniB iu not Issued. Tho chapols, as locals In each olllco aro called to meet today to docldo whothor to stand bohlnd l-;prC3ldont o'Drlen of tho Union, ALOXfi Til 15 WATKHFllOXT. Tho tug Gleaner arrived In Gardiner today. from Tho Randolph Is loading for Port Orford and Gold Dcach. rjtJjQ XlllallCO 8U1IB Portland for Coos Day. Tho Alliance sails todny nu. m.nnniv cm 11 ml from Baildoil ,,.. tn cnn Francisco. Tho Redondo will snll at 12 o'clock tomorrow for San Francisco. Tho Drenkwator Is due tonight or early In tho morning from Portland. Tho Wllhelmlna, which has been receiving repairs at the North Dond shipyards, sailed for the north to day. ALHAXY PROPER HAS -1,275. CHICAGO, III., Mar. 1. Popula tion statistics of tho 13th census an nounced included: Albany, Or., 4,275 for 1910, against 3,419 In 1900. cnniVO MIT.T.IXERY OPENING .. at MRS. ELROD'S on Friday and Saturday. BIG STRIKE ON IN CHICAGO TRAIN ROBBERS Heldun Iron Mountain ExDress;i,,t8 wh0 ,n8t nl8ht robbcd th0 8nf0 In Missouri and Escape With Small Booty Near St. Louis. (lly Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) ST. LOUIS, Mo., Mar. 1. No trace lins been found of the two ban- REBEL BAND IS Mexican Town Just Across Border Expects Attack at Any Time. (Ily Associated ProBs to Coos Day Times.) WACO, Ariz., Mnr. 1. Although ttm rnbel bnnd which canturod the NEARIN6 WACO tho rebel band which capturcu 'cclvod Word today lhat Charles Foils frontier Monday aro reported to bo'im,, been arrested at tho Juarez race . . . ..... wlth In striking dlstanco ot Naco, Mex no battle has yet occurred al though tho attack Is expected momen tarily. TO 1 Ed. Quinn. Longer, Has to Work Twelve and One Half Days on Street. Ed. Quinn, a logger, was arrested Inst night for giving liquor to Percy Morgan, n minor. Today ho appear ed before City Recorder Dutlor and a flno ot $25 was Imposed. Quinn didn't have tho monoy nnd wbb sen tenced to work It out on tho atreot under Commissioner Lawhorno. Ho will bo allowod $2 por day on tho street so that ho has twolvo and a half days to servo. Tho offonso wns committed yester day. Tho Morgan lad 1b known ns a "bad boy" and while ho wasn't Into xicated by tho liquor given him by Quinn, ho showed tho effects of It. Young Morgan Is now on proba tion in tho county Juvenile court for "rolling" a logger hero sometime ago for ?3G. Othor offenses havo been attributed to him and unless his pa rents, who woro formerly employed at a logging camp on South Inlet, succeed In making him bohavo, he probably will bo sent to tho state re formatory. POSSES AFTER T GIVES LIQUOR BOY FINED HAINES HUGS fronMen and Blood Hounds Trail Robbers Who Shot Eastern Oregon Saloon Man. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) DAKER, Ore., Mar. 1. Two sher iffs, a pair of bloodhounds and posses from Haines and Daker are pursuing tho two mon who aro supposed to bo the robbers that last night shot Edw. McCullough, a saloonkeopor at Hai nes, while still another posso left here this morning to head the men off. Although It is expected tho men will bo caught at any time, they had not been found up to noon today. SPRIXG OPEXIXG OF MILLINERY Thursday, Friday and Saturday qf this week, at 110 Front St. A Miss Dirdsey, an up-to-date trimmer froifti Portland, is with Mrs. Donaldson this f Benson. GOT WRONG 0NE10ER 1ADE FOR of tlio Iron Mountnln train after binding and gagging Express Mes senger Mcltoberts. The amount of money secured by the robbers Is not announced. It Is thought the rob bers Intended to rob train No. 8 which enmo Into city on No. 4'b tlmo una" which carried $ 100,000 In gold from Houston. SVWiNV MAIL THIEF IS oi.-in Clio n,.M lnM7 uiictuuc riiiia wuymaiiufflBii Race Track Theft On Oakland Ferry. (Dy Associated Pross to Coo Dnj . TimpB l 1,mc "' SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Mar. 1. . Tho local postolllco authorities re- ARRESTER una uocn nrrcstcu ai mo Juarez raco.'"" "' " " .. track on the chargo ot stealing four ho declared he was "tired o, .1. this reclstercd mall nouchcfl from tho Oakland ferry boats during Decem ber and January. Mrs. J. Arnott of South Marsh- field Dies Suddenly of Heart Trouble. Mrs. J. Arnott died suddenly of heart falluro nt tholr homo In South Mnrshflold about midnight last night. Whllo sho hnd not been well for somotlme, sho hnd been nblo to attend to her household dutlos and there was no Intimation of hor con dition bolng Borlous. Shortly beforo midnight, Mr. Ar nott waB nwakoned by n moan from his wife. Ho noticed at onco that she wns Buffering nnd ho hastily cnll- od Dr. Golden who Uvea only n few ilnnrn frnm tholr llOIllO. wiiut. ".-. Mww"- i Golden arrived, sho wns Just pass- ing nwny. Mrs. Arnott wna about sixty-five years old. Sho wns born nt George town, 111., and hnd resided on Coos Dny about twenty years. Mr. Ar nott has for years boen employed as a painter on tho Dny. Desldea Mr. Arnott, ono son by a previous mar rlago survives. Tho funeral will ho held from tho homo nt 2 o'clock Thursday nftor noon, tho Rev. Mr. Knox olllclatlng. TO BE RELEASED Converse and Blatt, Held by Mexico As Spies, Were Arrested In America. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Di Tines.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar. 1. An agent of the Department of Jus tice, who has been investigating tho claims of Converse and Dlatt that they wero arrested on American soil, saya all evldonce corroborates what the boya say. The United States Is expected to demand their immediate release by the Mexican government. SPRIXG MILL1XERY. On Friday and Saturday of this week I will havo my complete lino or Spring Millinery on display. MRS. ELROI). Everything NEAT and CLEAN' at the O. K. CHOP HOUSE. PASSES AWAY DURING NIGHT TWO BOYS TO BEGIN ROBIN ENTERS GUILTY PLEA New York Banker Drops Insa nity Defense and Will Be Sentenced. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Times.) Dny NEW YOKK. N. Y.. Mar. 1. Jos- - 'pleaded guilty today In tho Supreme Court to a chargo of larceny of $27,- 000 from tho Washington Savings unnic. llouin wob romanuca to mo lomua . ,.,-, , .in i. ... until March 27 when he will bo son - tonccd. Tho collapse of Robin's do - fenso of Insanity wns foreshadowed last night when It was reported that 'i. .ii it mi i r nn n,in fooling." KILL PRIZE FIGHT DILL. Tommy HuriiH Lowh Out In Wishing- ton Senate. (Ey Associated Press to Coo OLYMPIA, WaBli., Mar. 1. Tho Sonnto today killed Tommy Hums' bill for legalizing prize fighting. Thief Secures $1,000 In Bills From Pouch On Princess v Beatrice. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) VAiNVUU Vl'.Il, II. j., ... I. viiu . . .. . . .. . .....i. tnousanu aownrs cons.gueu . a ... In this city from Prince Rupert wns mi tiinr vna Btoion irom W1U I...... bngjJ stoamor Princess Dentrlco I on hor way from tho north. Tho money wna tn tho shnno of bills, no cold dust or coin being taken. Tho robbor opened sovoral lottcrs containing monoy orders or checks but discarded nil of theso. Ono man whom tho postofllco inspectors nro Booking Is believed to havo committed tho rob- bory. GIVKX -1AIL TERMS. Siitlift'llii Musicians AnrsU'd nt Myr tle Point Pmilfilieri. Tho Rosohurg Rovlow says: m.ii., iiv. r. iinnninff i.nnnl bills nt Sutherlln. James Stewart and . . . ROBS MAIL ON ALASKA BOAT Paul Holtlor. translont musicians nnu," l"u ovlu" """ " " rani...i Uninnr in TuRtinn L tlio present in tho placo of tho Ad- Marstors- court this afternoon. Holt- lor was fined 7G nnd Stewart ?50.,bo put on mo uoppor uivor. ., A a nnlHmK mnn liml nnv ninnfiV. thftV TUn woro committed to Jnll for terms equlvalont to ono day for each $2 of tho fine. Ed. Durko, tholr compa nion, was roleasod upon showing that ho had made a satisfactory settle .., m. m, rni:nn.Hnr winfR. L. D. Kennedy, director of tho Suth-.flrst autos to make tho run since orlln Band, of which the trio wore, Inst fall. They report the road In membora. Tho defendants, upon fnlr condition and they woro able to leaving Sutherlln ono night last t through- without much dlfllculty. week, hended for MarBhflold, but woro arrested and detnlnod at Myr tle Point upon request of tho sheriff's olllco In this city. After serving 37 V6 days' tlmo In tho Douglas coun ty Jail, Holtlor will be taken to Hub bard, Marlon county, whore a war rant for his arrest Is standing. Ho Is accused of Jumping n board bill thoro also and of soiling a cornet not belonging to him." It Is tho COFFEE that will PLEASE YOU at tho O. K. CHOP HOUSE. I Read The Times Want Ads, ARE RUEF 14 YEAR'S TERM Judge Lawlor Issues Instru-. ment For Sending Him, to San Qucntin. WILL PROBABLY NOT BE TAKEN THERE TODAY Term Is On Conviction of Brib ing Supervisor Furey There. (lly Associated Press to Coos Day (' Associated Press Tlmc8) I SAN FHANCISCO, Cnl., Mar. 1. An order committing Abraham RueC t0 San Quontln whero ho will Borve in tcm of 14 years on tho chargo ot bribing Supervisor Furey wnB mndo , ,,',,,.,,, , today by Superior Judge Lawlor. Tho U,UU1 "- "" ' offlco and n deputy was sent to tho branch county Jail whero Ruof Is con- JrancU couy a 1 where Rue Is fined. It is hnrdly nrobnblo that Rucf will bo removed' to San Quontln today ns tho order will not roach tho county Jail In tlmo for tho regular uniiy trip oi ii.o prisun van 10 ua penitentiary. Later Ruof has ben granted n Btny of seven days to onablo him to closo up IiIh business affairs boforo going to prison. THE WHEAT MARKET. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) CHICAGO, III., Mar. 1. Wheat closed May 89 l-8c; July, 88c; Sop tcmbor, S7 3-Sc. PORTLAND, Oro., Mar. 1. unchanged. -Wheat WAITENKTEIX CASE DEMY. Arnilmiiui'iit of Former Chlof Hentllo Postponed. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Dky Times.) SEATTLE, Wash., Mar. 1. Tho Arraignment of Formor Chlof of Po n - -- llco Wannonstoln sot for todny was , unt QwnR tJjo lmhm of ,lg nttornoy to bo present In court today. VOTE IX XEW YORK. Shechnii SHU Lomls In Rnntorlnl Itnce. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day Times.) ALRANY, N. Y., Mnr. 1. Tho thlrty-seovnth ballot for Senator re sulted: Sheohan, 77; Littleton, 18; Scattering 11; Dopow, 71. XEW RUN FOR PLANT. San Francisco pnpors In announc ing tho salo of tho steamship M. F. Plant to the Alaska Coast StoaniBhln company, state that sho will bo put A Um fJnnMln.Cnn Prnnnlonft run fnf mlrol Simpson, but that eventually MAKE TRIP IX AUTOS. D. L. Footo, Cloudo Nasburg ana" R. Towor yesterday mndo the trip to North Dond In tholr nutos, the ' 1 HORN. MORGAN To Mr. nnd Mrs. Norrls V. Morgan of Daniels Creole, a son, February 27. AMONG THE SIOK. Little Cnthnrino Toyo, daughter ot Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Toyo, is ill ot pneumonia. Mrs. Nolllo Johuson of South Mnrshflold, is qulto 111 of a complica tion of dlsenses duo to hor advancod years. A