E !K THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREbON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 191 1 EVEMING EDITION. Little Talks on Advertising TALK No. 5 ARRIVE HERE ON HONEYMOON ADVERTISING A SJIAI.Ii STORE. whfM ho emta?IIUh them with price tiia or nhnw cmrdi. Iw l advertising although ho may not admit It or. nmllzc It. Tho shrowdost, most cnutlous, nml most fnrscoliiB merchants- of the Jas. H. Htitchcson and Bride of Eureka Visit Relatives On Coos Bay. .Ian. II. Hutchosnn anil IiIb brldo arrived hero Saturday evening for a visit with Mr. Hutchoson's mother, Mrs. A. HutchoBon of Pino street. "Jimmy," for -that Is what nil his html of Coob liny friends still liiBlst on calling him, Is being wnrmly wel comed hero. Tho Eureka Herald gives tho fol lowing account of tho wedding and tho departure of Mr. and Mrs. Hut choBon: "IJIuo skies and n rndlnnt sun shlno Bmlled their congrntulntlons on tho wedding day of MIbb Clara Rog ers and JatncB M. Htitchcson whoso nmrrlago, which waB solemnized at tho homo of tho bride's mother, Mrs. Kntherlno Hogors, on II street, Is ono of tho most Interesting events that has Illuminated Society's chro nicle for many dnys. "A charming simplicity character ized the details of tho pretty cere mony, which was rend by tho Rev erend Fnthor Kennedy of St. Hor nard'H Catholic church, and only tho relatives and Intimate friends of tho happy young people were prcRont, tho usual attendnnts being dispensed, with. J a I .t. l.llHHn.l tHntinlllllT A nniiusoniuiy uuiuim "-"h suit of navy bluo with n smnrt blnck lint encircled In roynl bluo ostrich plumes wns worn by tho bride, who is of tho dnlnty brunotto typo of beauty. Sbo cnrrled nn exqulslto bou- quct of white blosBoms. "Following tho coromony, tho brldo mid groom led tho wny to tho dining room, whoro n dnlnty wedding breakfast was served, nnd horo n morry hour wnB pnnscil while tho chnrmlng brldo nnd happy groom woro mndo tho Inspiration of Innit mernhlo toasts nnd good wishes be foro tho hour of departure, drawing nonr, warned thorn that It wns tlmo to leuvo. Kim-lovliiK frlondfl had decorated tho carriage In whlto ribbons, with! fow dnngllng flhoes that had seen better dnys to finish tho picture, nnd n h tho brldo and groom boarded tho Topokn thoy were showored with nunntltlcs of rlco nnd old shoes. Over ono hundred of their Intlmnto friends woro awaiting them at tho dock to tendor thorn an ovntlon such ns do- parting newly weds nro seldom honor ed with. Ah thoy stood on deck, n crowd of mirthful friends gathered In nn admiring circles on tho wharf nud n bnnd of vocnl muHlclnns led by I Joseph Walsh, who was seconded by' Cliiul ob Do F Case, Jnmes Sullivan i nnd others rendered serenades In i honor or tho bride. Tho'groom nlso, figured In the musical attentions ns Btrnlim of "Ho's n Jolly Good Fellow" nnd "Good-byo Jimmy," nccompnnled by sundry showers of rlco thrown be tween times. Tho stntorooms had been doeornted with placards, bou quets of carrots, beets nnd other ga" den products, mid nothing wns left uiidono that could show thnt tho, popular couple had been neglected. I "Hoth Mr. Ilutchosoii nnd his brldo I nro too well-known to need iny furthor Introdiirtlon, bo being num bered among the leading progressive business men of tho city, promluont In affairs social, while Mrs. Hnt.li son Is ono of tho fairest members of local society, whose sweetness, beau- ma t ... ml. . I for tho iftivon: l am ennn" 18 " M. C. llorton. tvw God's In tho world nml tho woiltllnK: Itinerary Includes n loisure- world Is Ills Heaven. '' trl" tnro,,R" U, Bor n "f. "", state, no specified time being ar- Try Times Want Ads. ranged for tho nbsenco, after which ( .Mr. ami .mis. itiHcnoson win return to this city to make their home." (Hy Frank T.ooml.. In Gill's Ilullotln. Portland, Onwin. Tim best wny to open till article iiiiii muni iiiinvviiiin ......... -- Is to tell you frankly my personal r0B0I,t ,iny, arc almost Invariably opinion of advertising In general. To honvy advertlsorM, and when one do this It is necessary to go back a -tops to consider the vast sums of fow in. to tho tlmo when I gave money expended each year by these up the study of medicine to become well Informed nnd widely exper once, nnr ofcsBlonnl advertisement writer, "cnlors, does It no scorn likely that s i;;1 oV; , :":;: - n,,,vcrt,8,n rur ,lg or m .0. that wouldn't ho forced but unprofitable they would have d.s- , .i .iM.in n ru- vnnrs or continued It long ngo? n n.lvcr Ifo wit 1 In n o onrs or RAntM ,. be forced out of business. ....... ,.. 1,1 With thU Idea In mind, I look up y "i" ' """ """" the 8 tidy of advertising with tho In- not "o t nil tho thing for n small ine sum '" merchant, but It should bo roinom- rnt ons of n ink ng It n llfo Pro S .l ?Sl K w ,pItolmb. I-. P-U-r today Isn't what It was ago ones and I have also seen nmnll ' twenty years ngo when tho dealers Bland Mill and In some In- Btoro was llttlo ore. inn s grow smaller as tho result of Tho oxpcrloneo of tho proprietor their attltudo for or ngnlnst adverlls- of a lnrgo business Hoiibo. who stnrt- , cd In In n small wny n number of Providing thoy know how. overy J'cnrs ngo, Is best expressed In a fow firm or In.llvl.lnn1 ongnged In busl- words ins spoken to In. writer by tho ness could do n certnln amount of Proprietor In quest Ion " prontablo advertising. learned by experience tho vnluo of To those merchniHB who declare advertising. Ovor forty years ngo thnt ndverllslng does not pny, It Is wo bognn huslness In tho usunl way only ncccHsnry to point to tho lm- Hinnll comer Btoro In n nmnll , m n.ivnrii.inf country town. For ovor twonty-flvo mnttor contained In nny nntlonnl or yearn wo didn't ndvortlso bccmiso It local magazine or newspaper nnd to cost too much. Ono dny about fl - remind them of tho fnct thnt Uicbo teen yenra ngo wo woko up nnd Btnrt- nds nro Inserted voluntnrlly by tho od doing n llttlo ndvortlslng. Good I . .. 1 I .1 Aa.l mi InAMnnB. dealer, thnt their spneo Is Increased results woro noucuu, iiu u ...b.v. oach year, and that tho ratcn for d our nnnco. This waa repeated spneo also Increase each year. from tlmo to tlmo until today wo uso Don't overtook tho fact that tho moro newspaper and other ndvortls majorlty of theflo biiiuo heavy ndvor-;ing medliimn tlinn nny othor concern tlsors ntnrted In business n fow yonrs of our kind In tho ontlro country nnd ngo on n Btiinll scalo and labored wo havo tho largest buslnoBS. Kach tediously along on a Binnll Bcalo until year wo Increase our advertising np thoy renllzcd tho vnluo of retnll nil- proprlatlon nnd thoroby our snles. TcrtlBlng, nnd provided for It In their Wo uollovo that had wo neglected to regular yearly appropriation. I ndvortlso wo would Btlll bo occupying F.vory tlmo n luerchnnt dlsplnys IiIb n smnll comer store." goodB temptingly In his windows or This Is tho Gill bonk stationery on hlB counters, and particularly atom "n roriiaiiu "X ' i E1 &3Ms& 3: atefMJJ$?A i wTuur jfflMMnsL 1, II IS 1 TO BAR TROSTS IN AUSTRALIA AITIMt AM.. Formal Notice Served On Busi ness World That They Will Not Be Allowed. ny Associated Press to Coos Hny Times.) MHIillOUHN'i:, Australia, Fob. 27. Tho commonwealth of Australia Thero Ih nothing lit llfo but tho Joy of tho minute, Thero Ih nothing In love that wo do not put In It, Thero Is nothing can happen unless wo begin It, Thero Is nothing worth winning but what wo can win It! Thero In nothing so sad as to sot us a-slghlng, There is nothing wo'd do that Is not worth tho trying, Thoro Is never n danger too great for defying, Tho beauty of oarth it Is folly denying! served notice mi tho business world today thnt It would not harbor for- There Is never n sorrow should cnuso ...... .............. ... i us repining, For sorrows were mndo for tho splr tho subject, Sir W. W. Host, minister ,. 1..i1111. of trade, says, "Tho action of tho So (urn j yor ri0,j8 imI(Jo OMt itt government will intend to trust their lining onnrntlons in AiiBtralln whether cmi- Of silver shall rival tho 81111 111 Its ducted directly or Indirectly and will . shining. not permit n repetition In Australia ' of the scandals and merciless moth- If you think that too long you have oils characterizing monopolies In oth-' waited nud striven, or pnrta of tho world." .Thou romembor you'vo gotten ns much ns you'vo given, WANTKI Ciimpeteiit ghl for gen- m tho loaf of your burden Just look oral housework. Apply to .Mrs. i If you hnvo anything to sell, trade, rout or want help, try a want nil. The Enterprise Meat Market Will Move Tonight Into the store room directly acioss the street from tho present location into tho place formerly occupied by Mother's Rostaurant. Wo Will Be Open Tomorrow With a full lino of CHOICE BEEF PORK MUTTON and SAUSAGE. GIVE US A CALL, ENTERPRISE MARKET Geo. W. King, Proprietor. PHONE 52-J Now Is the Time to Plant Garden I I have practical knowledge of tho kind of seeds that are best suited to, I Coos county climate and soil. This ' knowledge was gained by planting , j seeds and growing vegetables. I Have Selected Seeds i With great caro and can guarantee them. 1 can give you Information J nbout best time for planting and oth er Information. I have some flno onion sets raised from seed. Como In and talk It over with me. It will ost you nothing ami may bo money In your pocket. ! IVY CONUKOX 1 Pioneer Grocery phoni: 81. J. Mnrslillcltl It's a wise head that wears a Stetson Hat New Spring Styles Now on Display MOXKY TAliKS' Hub Clothing & bhoe Co. " First Class Laundry work Is most desirable to nnyono wishing .their linen to pim,,, iial particular finish so ih'ci-.i v to good tnsto In dress. VH DO THAT TIjASS OP tm,( Ono Trlnl will Convince Coos Bay Steam Laundry IMIOXK MAIX 57..I Halliday House Xortli Front Street, over ltiTiiU,ncr olllce. N. C. HALLIDAY, Prop, Under now management ami con. ducted In flrst clnss Bhnpe. Complete. ly overhauled and now best Kuropean hotel on tho Dny. Itooms from 110 cents up per tin;. PIANOS! PIANOS! Consider tho exceptional opportunity of being able to get ono of tho world's finest pianos direct from tho factory, by paying onlj a Tew dollars down, and tho balance In monthly payments extend ing over threo years If desired. Call mid Investigate. Open evenings. BUSH $b LANE PIANOJCO. otoxxT:ll iimmi. maimcct avk. axh axw bt. XOxt to Cloldui Itulo Stoi-o Mnndinchl It. p. MBYKIl, Mnnngor. Eastside Winners 1 DIock In Homo Addition, "ontalnlng over 3 acres for 93 C Lots for J47G, East Mnrshflo.rt 10 Lots for!! $C00 East Mnrshllolil 1C Lots for 800 Ea8t8lll ALL GOOD HAY VIEWS TKHMS EASY OTH EH CJOOI) HL'YS Huslness property, 50x100, on Second street, CO feet north of Central $0,000 n snap OOvlOO In Scngstncken nddltlon, with two-story houso nenrly now for ?l,noo n nioncy-mnker See Title, Guarantee &. Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager LADD, HUNT and Co. COXTKACTOHS AXI) HUII.DEIIS. All kinds of repairs ami shop work promptly attended to nml neatly done. rhflno 1C1X. Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good horses anl careful drivers nro now nt tho dli posnl of tho Coos Dny public nt HEASOXAHLE HATES Hlgs or rigs with drivers ready for nny trip nnywhoro nny time. Horses boarded nnd rigs enred .'or. Now honrso nnd special accommo dations provldod for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVEItY AXI) FEED STA11LE8 1'IIOXIJ 27JI-J. Coos Bay-Roseburg: Stage Line Dally stage lK-twcon ltosebiirf, nml Mnr.slilU'lil. Stage leaves dally nml Similays lit 7 p. m. .Fare, $0,00. OTTO SCHETTEH, Agent, V. V. HAHXAHI), VM MAHKET AV., Miirnlilleld. Agent, HOSEHUHO, Ore. 1110X13 11 ffJ '' THE FAST AXI) COMMODIOUS Streamer R.edoido S2S W,IU Will nuike regular trips carrying passengers both ways mid freight between Coos Hay nml San FinncUco. AlIrcgmntluustorpasseiigcrH mndo nt Alliance" Dock, Marslillclil nud liiter-Ocenii Transp, Co. Union Street Wharf Xo. ii, S-ui Francisco. Fur Information, phono I I .J or -H3. Will sull from Mnrtdillcld for Sun Frnuclsco, TliurMlny Mnit'li -nil. IXTEH-OCEAX THAXSPOHTAT10X COMPAXY. "THE FHIHND OF COOS HAY" S. S. ALLIANCE rox.i:cTi. with thu; xohtii haxk hoad at pohtlaxd WILL SAIL FHOM POHTLAXD FOH COOS HAY AT 8 P. M WEDXESDAY, MAHCH 1, LEAYIXtJ COOS HAY FOH PUHFIC V FRIDAY, MAHCH a. ' ' XOHTII PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPAXY. PHOXE 11 (VF. McGEOHGE, Agent OLD KELIAULK STEAMER BREAKWATER ALWAYS OX TIME Sails from Alnsuorth Dock, Portland, nt 8 P. M every Tuesday Sails from Coos Hay every Saturday at service of tide. Heservatlons' nlll not bo held later than Friday noon, unless tickets are purchased I, II. KEATIXG, AOEXT ,,n0XK Muy g HOUSES FOH HEXT " 5 room houses, $11, $12 and $13.00 HOMP I AIMT O G room Houses, $14 00 and 116,00 J;, lrWV uO, 7 room Houses $20.00 Ba, ! ' f estmems on Coo. viuay. wo guarnteo owner'a nrip AUG. FHIZEEX, 08, Centinl Ave., Mni-blifU'ld bo our price. Phone 74Ij. 804 Front St TRY A WANT AD IN TIMES IF YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS GoodEvening HAVE YOU AXY LAl'XIll? If so, do not forgot that this li THE laundry whero you get tho best work,, and prices nro In every one's reach. Call up nnd ono of tho drlr ors will rnll nnd explain nil doUlls to you. All tolophono calls nro quick ly nttcndod to, becnuso wo nro iiIiirwo wagons. OUK GUAHAXTiFe'iS YOUIt SAT. . isiwcnox. MAHSHFIELD IIAXI) AXI) STIIWI LAUXDHY. Mauzcy Hros., Prop. Phono 22W Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono U121. FAAHLY nOTEL TUB MOYD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 75c 1 $1.00: wook $2.00 to $B.OO. Honsf- keeping apartments with gas ranp $10.00 to $18.00 per month, tnt DATHS K. AV. 8ULLIVAX, Prop. 100 THAI NESTED IIAHKH I'LYMOUTH HOCKS. Our matlngs hnvo produced stand- ard-bred snoclmons of exbtbltloi quality wlUi records of 212,227,J eggs In 365 dnys. Hnby Chicks nml Eggs for UMclM Hook your orders now for spM dnilvori- A tnw cockerels W3 heavy laying stock for $5.00. Plymouth Place, Poultry Yard. pnun. nACHMAN. Prop. i i.ii.i.i ii. ut Phono 2 iiii7siiiiitiii. jtrv '.... .- FOH GOOD -IVOItK nrlnp vnnr rlnMino to US. ClcanW nresslnir nnd ronalrlng n specUW by oxporlenced men. Satlsfactlo" guaranteed HLAXCIIAHD & " SOX, South Uromlwny. PROFESSIONALIDIRECTORl rK. G. AV. LESLIE, if rv. ,....,... 1. 1 itlivclrlilll Orndimto of tho American bVUV ' Osteopathy nt Kirksvllle, Mo. ' In Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to I2i ' I; Phono 161-J; MarshneldOre pR. J. AV. IXGHAM, Physlclnn mid Surgeon. nnr. r. . n -.-I Tl..llllne Phones: Ottico 102J; ltesldcnce J W. BENNETT, Lawyer. - k Office over Flanagan & Bennett ITdVflllflAlrl W M. S. TURPEN, Architect. Ovor Chamber of Commere lSAslsMtHP,r ' -'" -" -.iviiift.1 .JliHsf lssftsl I WiiBfc 1VlPIIslAr!?SSBsMMMsBsflssflHnsf " )ssH JL issssl 'Jmmmmm--rrr . kux u iJM.;u. . EESH