THE COOS BAY TIMES, HARSHFIEUT, OREGON, MONDAY,' FEBRUARY 27, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Pair of Trousers Free! v&b o'JSSn vaucooco ice iaj nu The Woolen Mill Store Mnihllcld MM-to-Man Clithicr Nyafs Comp. For recent nnd chronic Coughs ami CoIiIh, Honrseness, Bronchitis nnd uthcr inflamed cundttloiiB of tliu lungs nnd nlr pnsBngoB. PRICE PER BOTTLE 25 CENTS. For 8nlo nt "The Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. Till: Hl'SV CORNER ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? LET US FIGURE WITH YOU OX THE MATERIALS WE CAX GIVE lOU THE HEST LUMBER FOR YOUK MONEY AS WELL AS INSURE YOU AGAINST RELAYS FROM LACK OF MATERIALS AS WE CARRY A VERY LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OP EVERYTHING IN Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash and Doors, Mouldings, Roofing, Building Paper, Etc. YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME HERE WHETH. Kit YOU ARE NOW READY TO RUY OR NOT. COME IN AND LOOK AT OUR STOCK C. A. SMITH LUMBER & MT'G. CO. l'lione uio.j j H S.I,i:Si-comi imiui empty aths tor ranehors. Apply at Ilal nes. Phone 111 9. j. I l SAr.i: My n0 modern homo in -i .Marsuneld. Grand view. Healthful location. Sacrlllco price. 004 terms -M. E. Whltmoro, I.NTE1 o,rl j, ,, . . wwork in amall family. Can EnPnri tiit i '- uitnts at homo. Lloyd hotol. W v t, low acro ranch. Apply St0 " 6h01ai1 & Son, Hardware F onP' Xo 8," Ironcp.rt hfleld Hand and Steam Lnun ' noiio 229-j I liueWinCoini,Ic, ensollno en- IWiftiJl -mng outflt. Tank and Guaranteed, will Be)l at sa- Here's your chance to get the best pair of Dutchess Trousers in our store Free of Charge. Look in Our Window A solid display of the celebrated Dutchess Trousers is there. Tell us the total value of the trousers in the window. The best guess wins the prize. Dutchess Trousers arc sold under the famous warranty JO cents a a button; $1.00 a rip. Try for the Prize Oregon Cherry Balsam I Iltisy Corner" PHONE t!OH. Retail Yawls, 182 So. Broadway Electric lamps suited for every purpose. For tho homo, Olllco, Launches, Automobile Miniature Flash Light Colored Lamps for doc orntlvo purposes for salo or rent. Opon until 0:30 o'clock week days; Saturday until 9:00 P. M. Phono your orders for delivery. Coos Bay Wiring Co J PHONE 2S17-J. Turkish Bafcfas 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 2 14-J crWco. Dr. Burmlster, North .Bond. FOR SALE Three homestead relln iiulshments, wrlto Box 253 Co qulllo, Oregon. WANTED Girl In kitchen at Hunk or Hill Boarding House. f 15 " WANTED Girl ut Stafford's, "DAY LETTER" RATE. YtoMorn Union Makes Another Re duction In Hate. Mnnngor 8chcttor of tlio Mnrshllold olllco of tlio Western Union hns re ceived the following sclf-cxplnnntnry notice relative to n "day letter" rate thnt Is to be started by the company March 1: "On March lit the Won tor it Union will InntiHurato n day letter service between all Western Union of fice In the United State. This will bo extended to the Western Union of- , flees In Cnnniln as early as nrrnngo- I inents can be made. Efforts will , new bo made to have connecting Hues mltt'it " c''nH" service on "nth-, er lines." Until this Is accomplish-, od full "other line" tolls must bo col-. I locted. Day letters will bo nccoptcd i nt any hour for delivery upon receipt nt destination but will bo secondary to regular dny messages In tho order ot transmission nnd delivery. Code language will not bo accepted, nt theso rntos. Dny letters mny bo tiled by telephone or will bo collected on cnll In tho usunl way. Speclnl dny letter blanks printed In bluo will bo distributed shortly. Until received regular dny blanks stnmped "dny letter" mny bo used. Dny moBsnge envelopes mny also bo uijcd for delivery. The printed condi tions on the new blanks will rosorvo tho right to mnlo telephono delivery of "day letters." Tho full pnld ton word messngo will tnko precedence In trnnstutsslnn nnd delivery over tho "dny letter" but tho lnttor will re colvo n rensonnble. prompt service. The rates for tho "day letter" will bo one and one-half times tho night let tor rnto for fifty words nnd one-fifth of tho Inltlnl chnrge for each nddl- tlonnl ten words or f motion thereof. Example: "Dny letter" rnte, Seattle to Chlcngo, fifty words, 75 con tit. IK- cqnnts $1.13. Enclt additional ten words one-fifth of $1.13 or 23 cents. t X CONCERT t X CHAMINADE CLUB : t TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28 J X MASONIC OPERA HOUSE X X SEATS ON SALE AT X t 'BUSY CORNER'. X t ADMISSION 50c AND 75c X X J Royal Theater Tues. Feb. 28 FRANK nURKE , , . Proscnts HARRY HOLLINGSWORTH & CO. In "The Deserter" A Stirring Military Drama In 3 acts PRICES 15c and 23c Specialties Itctwccn Acts. COOS BAY LIVERY Wo hnvo secured niio llvory busl noss cf L. II. llolsner und nro pre pared to render excellent sorvlco tc tho people of Cons Ray. Careful drivers, good rigs nnd everything i that will moan satisfactory service to I tho public. Phono us tor a driving ' liorso, a rig or anything neoded Ir- ' the livery lino. Wo ulso do trucking business of all kinds. I1L.VNCIIARD HROTHERS. Lliery. Feed ijitd Sales Service. HI FJrst and Alder Streets. Phoim u-J s Coal Cheapest Fuel! on Coos Bay I Lump coal 81.50. Nut coal $3.00. j Wo do nil Kinds of hauling, and contracting. Horses nnd vehicles for salo. For quick dollve-y call on ' L. H. HEISNER ur phono 120-J or 49-L. NOW IS THE TIME To dig up that old Suit and let us get It In shape for you. Cleaned, Repaired and Pressed as' wo do it will make it look llko now. . Satisfaction guaranteed. COOS HAY TAILORING! CO. L J. W. Josophson, Mgr. 180 South Broadway. Marshfleld 'North Bend News Mr. nnd Mrs. E. R. llmlmin are quite 111 at thotr homo on South Coos ltlvor. Mis I.IIIIhu McCmiiii left this nft rrnoon for a visit to I'tttHtlve on South Cut River. Mrs. Surah Wilson of MRrshflelil vhalled her d mm liter. Mlutt Stmneo, who hns Ihmmi nt the Mercy hospital ulnee last Saturday. W. A. .lone, who spent sevoral weeks at the Mercy 'hospital, will be removed to his homo on Union ave nue tomorrow. A lecture on tho famous drama Hen Hur will be given under the aus pices of the Mlzpnh Illble clnss In Eckhoff hnll, Thursdny, Mnrcb 2. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. E. Rlggs, Mr. and Mrs. M. 0. Coleman, Misses Florence nnd Mny Peterson and Miss Cioldlc Rlggs visited with relatives at May yesterday, Mrs. Victor Wlttlg of North Ilond. who uns undergone nn operation nt tho hospltnl two weeks ngo, hns been removed to her home, nnd Is stcndlly Improving. AT THE THEATRE. Tuesdny night will mnrk tho open ing of tho Roynl Thontre by Hnrry llnllliigswnrth nnd Compnny In n 3- act military comedy drnmn "Tho Do sortor." Tho story deals with n young northern soldier who la branded n dosortcr, nnd how n woman hides him, In tho gulso of n servant, nnd saves him from being shot until tho President's pnrdon nrrlvos, Mr HolUngsworth will bo seen ns. tho young northorn soldier nnd Miss Lindsay Drlscoll will bo soon ns tho womnn who saves him nnd tho other members will bo seen to good ndynu tago. Tho compnny will bo seen hero Tuesdny nnd thon piny tho surround ing towns returning hero on Snturday nnd Sunday. Ill Luok. Her fnco was Iter fortune. It innilo you foel nnd. For, Biir.lnu. you felt that Iter fortune win bail. Too Suddan. "Smlthers said the speaker nt tin tnonV meeting today told them to go homo and greet their wives with h kind, cheerful word." 'Smlflit'M vyouldu't dure ih that." "Why?" "Ills wife has n weak heart," NOTICE. Owing to tho largo mtntbor of out standing coal bills and tho difficulty of collecting thorn, I am coinpolled to put tho salo ot Reaver Hill coal on' a cash basis. My customers will ploaso tnko this notlco that all or dcrti for coal til (ho futtiro must bq accompanied 'by cash or cash judd bofnro It Is unloaded from the wagon. Thanking nil my customers for past pntronago and hoping to retain their futuro patronngo by prompt sorvlco nnd full weight. HUGH McLAIN. To Close OUR LINE OF Table Fruits I Wo nro offering tho following tin- usunl monoy-savlng prices this weok: STANDARD FRUITS. Aprlent. 2 cans for SMc -' Penclies, 2 cans for, Penis, 1 can for, H. B. Table Fruits "Highest Grado" While thoy last wo will sell in as sorted lots at $2.50 Per Dozen Cans -vo hnvo following assortment to chopso from: YELLOW FREE PEACHES SLICED CLING STONE PEACHES SLICED BARTLETT PEARS RASPBERRIES ' LOGANBERRIES ' STRAWBERRIES ROYAL ANN CHERRIES ; BLACK CHERRIES Placo orders early to bo certain assortment filled, TlUr-k i3r-rv HOUSE OF QUALITY, Phono 32-J fill LOCAL TI.MPERATl RK PORT. RK- For twenty-four hour ending nt 1:13 p. in., Feb. J(5, by Mrs. K. Mlngus, special government meteorological obsorver: Maximum 47 Minimum 28 At 4: 13 p. m 17 Precipitation 02 Wind Northonst; clear. THE WEATHER. (ny Associated Press.) ORECIOX, Keb. 27 Fair to- night nnd Tuesdny with occn- slonnl rain or snow In south- west. PoHlpone Social. Tho social which the Knlttbts nf nnliinilma lun! nlnn. ,,,, (o R,vo Rt t)lcr ,, ,onB,lt ,, been indefinitely postponed. (JoeH (o Portland. Frnncis II. CInrke, president of tho Coos liny nnd Rniso Rullwny, loft on tho Alllnnco yosterdny for Portlnnd on business connected with It. Holds c t. .Tudgo John S. Coko todny Is holding nu adjourned sosslon of tho circuit court nt Coqulllo to hear somo matters that wero post poned nt tho regular termof court. Send VletvH. Tho Mnrshllold Chamber of Commerce hns a number of Coos liny vlows taken to bo used by tho Hill and Hnrrlmnu Rnllwny systems In ndvortlslng this section through moving picture exhibitions. Council Tonight. Tho Mnrshllold city council will moot this evening to tnko up various city inntters. Tho North Front street Improvement and grade will probably bo one of tho matters to como up. Seeks Relative. Mnrshnl Cnrtor Is looking for another missing rolntlvo. Mrs. E. Ling of 1301 EnBt Frederick nvonue, Spnknnc, wants him to dud E. Ling, who Is supposed to bo In this section. Ho hns not found any trnco of him yet. Work On Road. A small force of men under Mr. Rnmes, former marshal In North Dend, Is improving that part of tho proposed North nond Mnrshflold waterfront roadway along tho Simpson Lumber compnny's property. Tulle Cannery. A mooting of a suh-commlttco of tho oxecutivo com mltteo of tho Mnrshflold Chamber of Conimorco and' P. M. Hnll-Lowls, prosldont ot tho Coos Ray Fruit Growers association Is to bo hold this afternoon to discuss tho fruit can uory project. Season Closes. Tho opon season for all ulioro and wading birds closes March 1, tomorrow. Mud lions nnd ducks cannot bo shot nftor tomorrow without breaking tho lnw. Gamo Warden Cal. Wright asks that tho sportsmen of this section glvo thotr usual cooperation In seeing thnt tho gnmo lnw Is onforcod. ,Olmnge In Hand. Owing to his prlvnto buslnoss Intarosts taking up so much of his tlmo nnd tho fnct thnt ho oxpects to bo absont from tho Tiny, consldornblo of tho tlmo for tho noxt J govornl months. J. Albort Mntson hnB)CAITt ALFRED MATSON will lonvo roslgnod as mnnngor of tho Coos liny, on Ul0 noxt nodonilo for San Fran- Naval Rosorvo Band. Frod lIHOll hns boon elected to. succeed him nnd j ho and Director Fonton nro planning' for a number of concerts and oxour-.MISS EMMA ERICKSON oxncctB to slons to bo given by tho organization In tho onrly spring and suinmor. Trouble Over Salary. Harry Hol Ungsworth nnd othor mombors of tho Bornoll stock company who left thnt organization to piny Indopondunt Snturday night, nttachod the recolpts of the show, Constnblo Cox got about , ?27. Tholr claims of salary, etc., nniount to ?10C. Managor Bernollj My What a Kick! You havo'beon making on huttor, NOW TRY Primrose Pasteurized Your Grocer will tako it back if you don't llko it. nlteges the clnlms nro not valid and will contest them In Justice Pen nock's court. Buys Auto. J. L. Koontr. hns pur chased a White Stmmor nuto In San Kranclseo that arrived on tho Reddi dit today. Decorate Hoiim Friends of Har ry KoImiiii ami MIm .lot Us Wntson, who are to w married within a fow days, have decorated their future jhome In great shape. They nro to occupy tho house on North Second street, Just north of the O'Connoll lint bulldttiK nnd todny nil kinds ot signs and decorations mark tho fu ture home of tho "Newly-weds." Reduce Appmprlatlou. Mayor Straw today received word that Gov. West had permitted tho bill provid ing for the organization of tho Ore gon Nnvnl Reserves to stnnd on ngreement thnt only ? 10,000 of tho $25,000 for Its support for tho two years would bo used. This will handicap tho organization but It is believed thnt It enn bo kept together for thnt amount. Finds Fire. Nlghtwntch Hlshop of tho Merchnnt's pntrol Inst night discovered n blnzo In tho rcfuso bnclc of tho C. A. Johnson furniture store. It wns Just getting under hendwny hut by prompt work Mr. Illshop nnd another mnn succeeded In extinguish ing It before serious dnmago was done. Had It not been for tho tlmo ly discovery by the nlghtwatch, tho blaze would hnvo probnbly been a bad one. Personal Notes IF I WERE CARNEGIE If only I wero Carnegie, With coin to glvo nwny, I'd hang up money prizes for Tho things wo need today. I'd glvo n million to tho man Who would Invent n schomo Whereby tho rnllwny would bo built And not bo Just n dream. I'd glvo n heap of money far A fountain pen, I think, ,, That ono could fill mid not nppcar As though he'd bathed In Ink, I'd hire somebody to Invent A keyholo with light For ubo whon I como homo from lodgo At 10 o'clock nt night. I'm suro I'd glvo a million to Tho mnn who would dovlso A flannel undgrshlrt thnt would When washed, not shrink In slzo. And when ho had Invontod thnt I'd mnko Hilm doubly -rich If ho'd donaturlzo tho stuff And euro It ot Its itch. If only I wero Carnoglo, With coin to glvo nwny, I'd offor money to tho man Or woman nny day Who'd banish all tho knockors And tnnko thorn forovor stay Whlfo tho rest would "got togothor And boost for old Coos Day. FRANK LAYTON arrived horo from Eureka 'yostorday. J. D. HAMLIN roturned today front n business trip to San Frnnclsco. J. E. SCHILLING of Gnrdtuor spoilt Sunday with relatives nnd frlonds In Mnrshflold. MRS. L. COOK nrrlvod horo from Eureka on tho Alllnnco to visit nt tho Goo. E. Cook homo. , Mann nml ntlint Pnllfnrnln nnftitfl clseo nnd to visit. other loovo noxt Saturday for a two months' visit nt tho homo of hor hrothor In Portland. Hnvo your Job printing dono nc Tho Times office If you hnvo anything to soil, trndo, rent or want holp, try a want nd. Tho Tlmos Want Ads bring results