THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIE1D, OREGON. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1911 EVENING EDITION. coos bay times':v,v:VmV V TOAST A N d TEA I, , Entorod nt the poslonico nt Mnrsh floltl, Oregon, for trnnsmlMl n through the mnlls as second dais Diatl mutter. 'I. C. M.W.OXHV Editor mill Pub. AX 1C. MW.ONKV .News Editor V COOI) EVENING. Aii Independent Republican news paper published evpry evening ex cept Sunday and Weekly by The Coot liny Timet Publishing Co. Dedicated to the service of the pooplo, that no good cnuso shall lack a ohnmplon, mid that ovll shntl not tlirlvo unopposod. Tlio Coos Hny Times represents u coneolldntlon of tho Dally Const Mnll and Tho Coos Hny Advortlsor. Tho Const Mnll wns tho first dnlly ostno llslicd on Coos Hny mid The Coos Hny Times Is Its lmincdlnto successor. Always say a kind word If if you pan. If only that It may Ocoiiip In perhaps with singular opportuneness, entering some mournful man's darkened room like a beautiful firefly, whose happy ponvolutlons ho cannot but watch, forRottliiB Ills ninny trouhles. A. Holps. , i l , ' i E BILL VETOED Gov. West Hits Curry County Interests Body Blow Hurts Coos Bay. SALEM. Ore.. Fob. 27. Governor West lins vetoed tho Pelrco fish bill which tiullined the Initiative lnw jpnssed by the people Inst November SUIISCItlPTION HATES. HAIFA'. Ono year $G.OO Tor month GO When pnld strictly In ndvnnco tho subscription price of tho Coos Hny Times Is Jo. 00 per yonr or $2.50 fo.' months. WEEKLY, o yenr ? l . r 0 THE niow.M.xi test. ! closliiR tho Hokuo to commercial Abou Hen Edict mny ho never die nRlilni?. ti vnin -n. .. fi,tnn, Awoke ono nlRht from drenms of hot f tho nronilgo ,nndo ,,y tll0 governor omitted to tho people In 101 mince pie, And saw n sort of vision In midair, I IEN TO GO ON 1812 BALLOT PORTLAND. Ore. Feb. 27 While stand put members of the lewis luturo wore ready nt nil times to com plain of the overburdened ballot, mid Senator Jny Uowerman took rent glee In referring to the "nine foot ballot," the completod record of tlio Into session shows tho IcRlslnturo bus done Its slinrc toward Inndlug tho ballot for tho next election. No less than six amendments to tho constitution bavo been ordered Hc- not to Interfere with popularly en- Hides theso tho legislature save Its ncicu legislation, inn merits or tno n,.nmrni in maniim qinn nr tun wo- in il it hfiiuiii iw ivuiiuiiiiwmmiii . - Willi iiniuy roue mm numiug B"ieii ..,,.. nr ,,.- hnnlBhliw ivnrkn.l I.v .. ..a.i.. i... fnr,nt ... -. ..w ...,. .. w. ..bU ,j i iiiii II Oil 11 1 (IKU liiivnwuii u j w - . tnnn anffrntrn mtnfltlntl llV n ,,,ur' . I tho lnltlatlvo law were not consld- joint resolution, nnd It nnmed a com-' "Good gracious mo " Den Edict said, or0(li I mttco frnmo nm, 8ubmU ntnHvo who ro you ' -ncn Edict I Governor West signed Eggleston's nws on u,0 subject of taxation, from 1,0 II. 11. 18-1, prohibiting the sale of J which It may bo expected that two or 'steclhcad nnd trout cnimht In the i.. i.nio win mnnnntn. rctclit nr ... . .. - ..- . ...- - H1IW .o ..... - - .-.--- oir, sniu uiu ision, wim ciiiiriuiiiK Tho Vision smiled smiled, too. Hogue river or Its tributaries, and ., ..nnnoitinni nn tim lmllnt In "out; 'also prohibiting the snle of Hnlmon ini2 therefore, will owo their posi- 'They fell mo that romance Is dying ,IirIllB cIoH0(1 8ensoll. A ,mdor thol legislature of 1911. out. Ofllclnl Pnper of Coos County OFFICIAL or1 papeh or THE MAHMIIFIELD. And so I'm canvassing a llttlo bit, Just to Investigate the truth of it. I must bo through my task cro dnwn nrrlvos. I write the nnmos of men who lovo their wives." CITV! "That's me!" cried Abou "put mo I right up top!" I.iltlntlf.. 1.111 1. .....I-,. ..,... I.. !.. I ed senson, tho bill prohibits tho sale 'or shipments of fish, no matter how caught. The Pelrco bill was fathered by the IIuiiio IntoreBtH and passed the legislature after a most vigorous fight. Governor West stated that ho had AddrotM all comiiiuiilcatlons to COOS HAV DAILY TIMES, Mnrslitli'lil :: :: :: : Oregon SETTLE IT. TO T In "Nay. not so fust," the Vision snld.'t vetoed the Eiiulnston bill. n it- "Just stop roneoiisly roportod, mid thnt ho had And think n minute, sir, for you must i ,10 Intontlon of vetoing It. Seven THE average clttzon Intorosled tho gonoral wolfnro of tho city It would seem thnt tho jj. , "',1 ,,tj. ,.01,MC 8,,, H,,lt0 ttip North Front street controversy. Why not got the property owners to own You sometime sponlc to her In snnp- llsh tone: You lot her do too many household tnsks; "on novor give her money till sho Most Important of tho amendments , nre the three denllng with tnxatlon, ' one of which repeals tho amendment cnrrled at tho last election, whereby, counties may adopt their own tax systems ntul experiment, If they choose, with tho slnglo tnx fden. Tho other two submit to the people once more what wore known ns tho grange amendments, defeated Inst Novem ber. Those nro bnsed upon the Wis consin lnw nnd permit the clnsslflcn t Inn of property for tnx purposes, though preserving tho requirement of theso gnmo bills )io wns reported to have vetoed, ho hns permitted to becomo laws. Tim lillln nrn II II 917 l. , .. .. .i . nil ' .'. ...... I that tnxntlon must bo cqnnl nnd unl ten, regulating fishing on tho Wllln-' motto river: II. U. 219 by Lleucii- nH'sj iwobor, to prohibit propagation of You throw tho Sunday nnnors on tho Dullv Vnnlnn imnti it. it ;ir,i iiv nnr. In, i.. ,ii...i itlvo Heals. Imposing Increased tnxn- "'" . - ' .if...n buiuHj tiuivtlkiuil IUIUUIIK III, And you forgot to closo tho front llshlng on Umpqiin river; II. H. 1SI,' form. The loglslnturo thought well of tlio two bills Introduced by Ilepresonln- I jms nt .t nnit I I... 1. ..!.. .... ... . m I nollinr niol n,...,... .... u,.... . ' nun-uu uui. 1 iij iVKKlt'Hluil, III Ullllllllllg HIIIO III ICO-' gothor mid ngreo on hoiiio ono plan nil n .,,.,, . ,nnnl1M ., ..... .,, .... ni i" w '"- " --.. ,. n ...v, .ni, ... ii, teU II) VsllUIil- i 'nHO. ibors, relating to shooting birds from I guess I'll go nwny now from this skiff; S. II. 2r;:J, by Herrlman, pro- . . Place." a tooting salmon In Klamath river and "Hold on!" rrlod Abou, "let mo liavo s. 11. 80, by .Merrymnn, protecting a snyl i wild geeso, I 1 like to bavo her buy lints, anyway.", (iov. . Vest'n Views. Tho Vision stnrod nt him. Then wng- Ho sayB tho pcoplo bavo expressed, god ench wing, I themselves without (lunllllciition on nnd than push It. Tho present con dition Is rapidly becoming Intolerable. Tho council should settle It nnd then proceed with other municipal business. WHY TAXESWHE'HIOHr' T a. pnors, ns they como to con- And passed sldor their tnx stntomonte, thing. nwny ns quick ns nny- should keop It In mind thnt In- Hut when thnt list went to the prln- cronslng IovIoh liuvo not been duel tor's shop entirely to tho municipal end of the Abou Hen EiIIcI'h nnmo was nt tho city government. Tho school lovlos anil the county levies have boon Increased. Tho city lovlos hnvo beon only slightly Increased. Sohool exponses have been grontly Increased In recent years. Mnrshllold linn been building n top. Selected. tho Itoguo Itlvor mntter and loft nothing for the legislature or him self to do other than follow their will. In tho message accompanying this veto ho says: "The purpose of this lifll Is to nul- n Hon upon gifts, legacies nnd Inherl- tnnces. The house pnssed both of them, but thoy were halted In tho Sonnte, whore cortnln fenturos wero objected to nnd whero It wns decid ed tho better plnn would be to lot nil tnx bills, ns distinguished from constitutional amendments, bo fram ed by tho speclnl legislative commit tee. If tho Denis bills had been passed, they would still havo required sub mission to populnr vote, under the 1 amendment adopted Inst November. Thinking tho Heals in ensures were defective in some respects, the son ftto yielded to tho nrgiiment that they should bo defeatod nnd THE HACHEI.OH (llltli SAYS: ur.. ,, i..... ...,o..i i... ,i .. Hiiuuin no neienieii nun ine snecini this state nt tho lust general election. Iro,n,nlt,po kIvo" n f,0 ,mn'1 ,n fram' whereby tho Hogue river wns closed I ,nR c"'lrohen8lvo loglslntlon. tho oniy otner impnrtnnt monsuro .dnl llshliiK on tho snld river hns for nftV(,tlK tnxntlon wns tho bill Impos- "When a mnn snys he loves you, years been controlled by ono man ,nB " ,nx of ont,-nn,f of ono I'0" nt don't nsk him "Why," becnuso by who through riparian ownership, has on nior,KnKC8' A Sonotor Calking, high school that Is bigger and more the time he has round his renson ho maintained a complete monopoly lono of tho Htro"K champions of this oxpoiiBlvo than most cities of this 'will undoubtedly hnvo lost Ills ciithii- upon tho Industry. ThroiiKh tho eiw1b111, ls n nnibor of tho special com- miitoe. tins may also find Its way to elzo. Incrennlng nssessiitentH hnvo given moro money to every depnrtment of tho govorumont at the old levies. Hut In addition to this school mid county lovlos hnvo gone up. Tho tnx lovy Is too high In Mnrsh fleld. There should be curtailment rnthor thnu oNpnuslnn. Tho city council Is not responsible 'sliism." Joymont of this monopoly ho grow wealthy and wns nbsoluto dictator so . far as that stream was concerned. M. K. WHITMOHE SAYS: Dorlvlng his rovenuo from Oregon. jho spont It In Cnllfornln. whoro his "Too ninny nrlvato onliilnns nro family resided and his sunnlles wero publicly expressed." .purchased. Tho mpney he spent for pf (orln,n to v J tho propagation of ush ho spent be- 'i"18110"8- '"n"1 tho ballot ono year from next No vo m her. Ml'cllmicoim Hems for Ilnllot. Aside from the threo tax amend ments ordered submitted, tho pooplo ote on tho following becnuso tho leglslnturo hns A Toxns woman 13fi yours old Is cnuso It would ultlnintely add to Ills0 ,,(,,ormledr reported to be dangerously III. Tho revenue. j Crentlon of the ofllco of lleutennnt for the high levy. Hut the city nows innv bo Ininortnnt. but eertnlnlv1 "Such strenms ns tho Holmio nnd Rovernor. council should see to It thnt the levy It Is not surprising. lush thoreln nro given by the laws of Mkhig stockholders of stnlo bnnks ls not nindo higher and that there! God to the people for their common ,ln,,, to depositors for twice the is no llontliiK debt to dUmedlt the! Thnt eastern doctor who assorts use mid bonellt but this one. through c't-v' that bad oku tnsts Just ns good us the fnvoritlsm of man made laws, mi-in m-iiihii management mat a xihhi ewe evidently linsn't Had nny wn given pver to tho solo use nnd is a proiiieiu jHt to be diwlt with, experience with bud eKs recently. benellt of (his one man. For every dollar opunded In eniilnmeut nnd rpi... i.,.ii...... .,..., . be saved without In auy way Impair ing the tervlee the school give. i. WIFE OIJSKUTION. T1 nmoiini Bui)8crine(i, tho snmo ns stockholders of national bnnks. lloqiilrlng n majority of nil votes east at on election to carry a consti tution niuondiiient, Instead of a mnjorlty of those voting on the pnr- i liroliaaatloil hllllllimln WHIrt tnkan In Dr. AkcNl. who 'say bo Is wastliiK profit. Theroforo the charge that the tll'u,ai" auction at Issue HI time lu a church that paya him closing of the stream Is unjust and $1.Q00 a year, rum the risk of bi.',.0nlUcntory g without foundation, luff regarded an eceeutrle by Coos if. throimli lau i- ih i..L.u. HE Oregou legislature fulled to Boy nroaohera who have to get along iutm-u . .,,. -.a .ni...i f.... pas the drastic measure provld- oh IrtOO iwr annum. years to eulov a wi.toi. while making him rich, retarded the i " - " -.. . .... .n.. Ki-iiwiii Hiiii (lovriimimunr tT iiia orkim- uuiinB wte uifuu ouiuiia lUHue a u in cnureu tor au Hour ueniiul a grievous error. jbtg hat that shuts oft Ills view entire. There Is no more aerlous one use ly." eommeuts the PaMdeiia News. Havo your cilHus cards, printed ai The Times office One Man Can't Know Everything n I I il ,11 ! 1 MIIIM II" iir"ii Til iin II I I .1 I I i , lv sssamssracxmm ssACSuaoiiBzsBsssBft jasauj mill ap This Is true in the complex art of electrical productli.-i plication. One kind of expert knowledge Is domnnded of the di n:no ma. niifncturer; another kind Is required of tho mnn who Kpll)S machines running. Illumlnntlon hns developed a science of In own. Electric power, In Its larger uses calls for years of study and training. When wo advortlso thnt wo hnvo experts competent to Iiivestl gnto power Heeds of nny slzo and variety, and to give authorlu. tlvo advice, wo mean JiiBt what wo say. Tho Byllcsby orgnnlzntlon Includes engineers capable of gmp. pllng with the biggest kinds of electrical Installations. There are men for all phnses and angles of tho electrical Industry. Tho entire staff ls at the cnll of every, operating company. ,. though tho mnn wanted In a particular cmorgency mny bo a thousand miles nwny, his services nro to bo obtained ns soon as the railroads can bring him. Tlio wliolcTllyllesby orgnnlzntlon Is nt tho sorvlco of every cus tomer. Our clcctrlcnl engineering staff Is nt thb dlsposnl of the power user lnrgo or small. If permission Is given, the right men will be sent to solve his power problems. TELEPHONE 17S Oregon Power Company FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Capital fully paid $100,000.00 "W. S. Chandler, President; M. C. TTorton, Vice-President; Dorsey Cashier. Hay T. Kaufman, Agst. C'a.-hier VIUECTOHS: "W. S. Chandler, John S. Coke, AV. U. Douglas, John F. Hall, "Win. Grimes, F. S. Dow, S. C. Kogere. "W. P. urphy, ar. C. Horton. . DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSTNESP. Interest paid on lime and savings deposits, safe deposit boxes for rent in .our steel lined lire and bur glar proof vaults. Flanagan (8b Bennett Bank of Marshf ield, Oregon OldcM Hank In Coos County, Entiibllsliod In 1881). 1 iilil up Capital, Surplus, nutl Undivided I'rollts over $100,000. Assets Over Hulf .Million )0 lars. Does a gonoral banking business nnd draws drafts on tho Baa Sw!.!n,B,i "nPranelwo. Cnl.; Hanover National Hank, N. Y.; K ftt,?n "J"., Portlan-, Ore; Plrat National nnnk. Ro burg, Oro. The London Joint Stock Hank, Ltd., London, England. Also soils oxchango on nil ol tho principal cities of Europe. . JZ u 1 7, .nnd corl)0ratli accounts kopt aubjoct to check. Safe' deposit lock boxes for rent. . t . .,...... OFPJCRHS: " " ri'VV" I. '"Wwit. J. II. PLANAOAN. V.-lres. ii.i.i..MS, cashier. t.EO. E. WINCHESTEH, Asst. Cash. l.NTEHEST l'AIH ON TIME HI-POHlTfi' H. I Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIAIU.0 AND JOSSO.V CEMENT. The host Doimfctlc and Imported brands, riaster. Llmo, nrlck and all kluos of bulldora material. HUGH McLAIN SNERAL CONTRACTOR " ,VI" "" in lllliMDWU', PHONE UOl. lug wvero iwuitltlM.for tho wife di-Mertd. In this failuio Tb Tlines trol of th stream Impk lu the hands 'of all th people, where It, rightfully , lwlongs." MAXV AUK VETOED. A to (It 'That mail Is a Christian who can try. his heirs have no right to com plain when the people see lit. through IllK nassHiro nf atintluii- lnw tn Ih.mi1- against stu-lety than tin offvuw of lClther that or 1h prfr to take hl the snld monopoly and place the con- uuwriiuu. , uuo legutiuwr uap wnere 110 win iw uuouwrvod by pointed out. It brings on pitiful suf-, the preacher. leruiK or 1 iu innocent and ovu doath. Hdcause of a hugbnnd'g do- .l.W DOESN'T CAHK. x sertlou. tht fiouuty authorltlu 1- - contly hurled a half starved bauu and ! (From Ualltw Outiutlst) cnrrlwl tta mother anay to the lnwui, What does Jay Iloweruiau earo If ;,iv. West Applies the nsyiuui. rnat is only im cuae oftm senatorial labors hav ended.' Measures, suffering out of many that niljsht he ami his gubernatorial ambition' S.M.K.M. Or.. Fob.' 27. Of the cited. (have come to naught? Nothing Not' 725 bills that were Introduced lu the As this man said tho law cannot dermal thing, for Mrs. Howeruian two noun of the legislature, 275 of deal too severely with man who take has presetted htm with the finest thm have been allowed to' become womeu from their imt-fiiU or rola- pair of boys ever seen In Oregon. One laws. The legislature Itself filled to tlvos, promising to euro for thorn, was born on the night of February ' pass or Indetlnltely postponed 3S and bring children Into the world, , 17th. and he has been named Jona-I bills or more than half the number und then deaert thuni and Itiava thomthan llourne Howenuan. The other' Introduced ami the governor bv the to starvo and suffer. S110I1 inon hnvo was born early on the morning of , exercise of his veto power, stopped n vlolatod ovory principle of detionoy tho ISth. but for his name there Is a total of 04 bills, which Is tho largest nnd forfeltod ovory elnlm to consld- sort of hesitancy between Daniel Kel-' nuiubor of bills of nny ono session oration. Tho lnw ought to deal labor Howerman and Oswnld West .thnt hns ovor beon vetoed by a gov aternly with them. Uoworman. . 'ornor of this state. iT,EESS::3aESi:sia mmm dirktory or mumi INKS HOUSES 11II-. I'OIiLOWINO 18 A LIST OF lti?i nm 1. ....c... MAHSHF,ELD WHO HALEOOn m'BIXESS MEN IX MEN WHOSE WOIIK MAY nn DEPFVDIM, m.Av 1 0lA1ATEEI) AT FAIH PRICKS OR r.-r.,. MMJ,,!1L11L ,T W,W' WV VOU TO PATHONIE THEM I Mother's Restaurant Has been consolidated with the HLAXCO GHILL HOOM In ninuco Hotel nnd Is better pre pared than ovor to servo good meuls, 60 To WILLEY & SCHR0EDER for Plumbing and Heating MnrstulHtii. Ore., Phono 773 GET VOl'H JOH PIUXTIXG ' DONE AT THE TIMES OFFICE. Letter Heads, Hill ,.,,. y lopes, Cnllimr r,....ic . -""! VII, i Butter Wrappers Printed at The Times' Office STADDEN AH kinds of photograph work, ,,r,,,nl,,,, -li'JJH.R and kodak flu. Wilnu. J. I.. KOONTZ Machine and Repair Shops CJEXERAh MACHINIST Steam and Gas Engine Work At Holland's boat shop, Fronl street, Marshflold, Ore. i v Mi a