The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 25, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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jbBMHU ' " 5"" iw3" JUusFCwk
Pie Time H
Rviirrn'lx u , t , Mv
.. .i.i.... I 'it
wsltllK Ii
our fai)i
mm. V
"mother n
It f
social happenings, Intended for
pvttltcatlon In th soelaty ilpart
mem of The Times, must be sub
mltted to the editor not lstor
than 6 o'clock p. in. Friday of
unoii wk. Kxcoptlons will bo
nllowed only In cases whero
ovtnta occur Inter than the tlino
'when ihfv are lung. Thnt may som I !
unsensible, but H lnu't. Iong skirts
Just tnnrh the Kronnil at the front
unit sldea unit th train art ml
Irrlacoplr. They are only uwtl on
1 reception gown ami evening dresses.
I anil then not Invariably. Many ilanc
J Ing droesos nml dinner frocks are
Hhort. Trotting skirts and suits
clear the Krotind by from two to flvo
Thoro was a young womnn without
nny mothur
Or fnthur or sister or nunty or broth-
"Who mot n young mnu In hor own quarter nnd two yards and
nro conservative wnuus. iou
walk and station
Who had, I am told, not n single re
latlon. This motherless maid and this fnth-
orloss follow
Wont courting oncli olhor, nnd II To
seemed all mollow
ind swoot, for thny
only oach othor,
JAnd not any nunty
ICvorythlng Is nnrfow shoulders,
packs, hips and drosses. A few
short skirts arc about two yards
wldo at tho base. Two yards nnd a
n half
go as far and as fast ns you like In
nny of them with jwrfect comfort. It
Is only the extreme widths that look
ridiculous. The others are pretty
If you like to look slender.
PICKSONAL ! lit visitors
In the ctty, or of Coos liny people
who visit In jthar cities, together
with notices of social nlfalrs, are
gladly received In the social do
pntttneiu. Tclcphono 131(1. No
tires o'f club meetings will bo pub
llshcd and secretaries aro kindly
requested to furnish sime.
Footwear has boon thrown very
had to plonso much In the limelight by
I narrow dromes. You can no longer j
or father or hide n pair of shabby shoes under
I billows of frou-frou. With, hneklug
I suits you should wear high calfskin
I lovo you," he said, and he never boots. Tboy can be laced or button
dllutod ' led, tan or black. Itusslau ctilf-skln
Ills love with the hope that his futli-'wlth n moderate Cuban heel innkos
er wns suited j n good-looking wnlklng shoe. With
"1 love you," she wild, atntl sho add- a soinl-tallorc! nfternoon suit pat
od no other oiit-lonlhor pumps, or patont-loathor
" flemnrk about hoVtu "'e'd p!e"."o shoos with cloth or kid tops nro us
her dear mother. ed. Never woar suede pumps or
..... heer stockings for walking. It
Ar i icive iroiiieii 10 hiiiiiu on mu
, riiole of their wooing,
It r they passed no stand of relations
They wanted onch other nnd not
uoino dozens
lOf uncles nnd utilities nnd pnrcnts
and cousins. )
Is considered very, bad taste. Suodo
'pumps, slippers nnd otnnrordorod nnd I
openwork stockings should bo kept
1 for house nnd evening wear.
White gloves will bo worn this
spring even with trotting suits. With '
tnllor-nindes whlto glovon with broad
And those kluloss youngsters, pray black stitching nro very good look-!
note yo tho mornl, ling, but for" nftornoon nnd evening I
Worn married without having had n 'hKo tho glovos should bo nil whlto. '
real quarrel.
'.They wore not distinguished
wealthy or clever,
Tllut nh, thoy wore happy for over and
ypUN ADVHNT of now lints Is ns
H much nn Indication of tho np
Kor walking you can wear wnslinlilo
ohnmols, doeskin nnd rulndcorafcln,
but for nny other purpose your glo
vus should be kid or suede.
i Scarfs of nil kinds will be used n
deal deal all spring, especially with
one-ploco dresses. Whon they nro
nroaeli of nnrlnir ns any of tho do of black nnd white satin they
fcrloil nnd true signs or which Mother very useful nnd utmost tnko the
Mature provides us each onr. Since l,no r n ro,lt- Tho e,,,ffo" cnrfs
. . . . . i I edged with marabou, BWan-'s-down
lint Hist came Into fashion wil(ir flir ut ,,,IirB0 lmvo I10 wnrinlli;liul
lias found them nn Inexhaustible t,U(). ,,, costume perfectly when
nourco of Intorest. The quest for yon do not care to wenr u wrap.
Iiecomlngness Is always fascinating, o
nnd though we do not always Itud It, Ono of the llrst outings of the sen
It Is every woman's duty to try to Hou wns enjoyed by n small party of
innko the most of herself, say a Murshflold folk last Wednesdny. The
outgoing steamer Topekn wilt mini-,
Iter the bride ami groom among the)
pnssungers, nnd a honeymoon trip of
I Indefinite duration will carry them
i to the southlands, nfter which they
will return to this city to tnko up
I their residence permanently. On nc
I count of tho popularity of both young
I people, their engagement annnunco-
I nicut has been provocative of wide J
Interest, and tho dainty brfde-elect
has figured as tho central figure of
ju whirl of pre-uuptinl festivities for
the tinst two wonks. The ilnte of
the short ., ... ...
nil' nrillllllK llilli liuuil lllll llt'll Willi
I profound secrecy, nnd It wns only
through the medium erf u muiTliiKe
lleense, Issued by the Cupid clerk at
tho court bouse this morning, thnt
the Interesting news leaked out."
Marsh Held' Lodge of Elks, No.
1 100, gnvo a most delightful Wash
ington's Ulrtlidny party ut their hall
last Wednesday evening complimen
tary to tho wives nnd lady friends of
tho momhors. A Keno contest wns
followed by cards and dancing.
Among thosu In attendance were
Messrs. mid MesdnincB ligcne
Crosthwnlt, A. T. Halnos, IT. Y. Staf
ford, 10. S. Hargolt, .r. V. Million
brand, M. C. Mnlouey, Van Duyn, 10.
I). McArthur, Chns. Curtlss, W. N.
Hkhlad. Pat. Tulloy nnd A. 13. Noir
nud Miss Mlldeiillrnud nnd Mrs. Kluel
la Tumor nniF Messrs. Ilosu Smith,
CJeo. 10. nix. Fiinl l'nlntor, W. K.
Hwnyno, Chns. Ollbort, W. It. Malues,
M. C. Smith. Dr. W. A. Tbyo, Geo.
j Itotnnr nnd Jtdm I). (toss.
Irs. W. T. Merc!innt oxpects to
leave on the noxt lledondrr for Sail
KrancUco for nn oxtemled visit. She
had planned this trip for severnl
weeks ago. but wns compelled to,
postpone It on account of Illness. '
Mrs. Fred Single of Coqulllo liasj
boon spending the week ns tho guest
of Mrs. Chns. Nicholson nnd lias,
been the guest of honor nt sevornr'
With tho Morses arid Morse owners as a Pretty Olrl at a Dance. Wo buy
1: quantities from the best liny Melds In the west nnd run muko the
price right. When wanting anything In the line of liny. Feed or Flour
remember Haines can supply you IMIONI0 1DH-J.
Fresh Fr;k
lb frcahi'M . i
and all nth,
ly ma good. v x
how," are w '
h dream i( i
ONIC OK (ll ( lK
will add ttio l i ( (
goodneas to tl o "' '
Hr.MlAV l)l'Mi
Coos Buy Bakm
Pimvi. ,,. . '
I'llOXi: IIM,
Piif a Uilk Sunshine in Your Home
-' V TTZS-a. ' 1"? i
iiun .-ij'u s 'hmi 'i
ym.Yu 3ryr,YtrviiT.r:Mri
- J
of the highest grade of durable
"varnish mid color so combined
thnt when applied to a prop
erly propnrod" surface they will
perfectly produce natural
wood effects..
This Is tin" season of spring
linusei leaning. You will want
to biii'htcn up the homo with
fr.'sli paint fur lloors. Interlo
wood work, nnd furniture.
S r X S II I V M llnlshes me
miWFTlMa'IHIWi'aMii WW
I 1 l UcOt 4 VllUflin Palosi
tlMAiM1 Ml r' ;-,r,rayni
Wc also have the famous
li l.amtx'lt I'loop Vniiilshes
Golden Oak
Barber Sh(
nnest equipped shop on Cooi 8.1
A Smooth Shnvo I
A Good llnlr Cm
Shoe SMiJ
Children's Cutting a i.
OPPOSITK urnn l(mx
II V XT 10 It & ( l.Altny
Have, That Roof hi
iMitine :rj.
fnshlou writer.
trip wns to Cutllp's on South Coos
It tins become well-nigh tmpnsslbb! Hlver nnd tho members of tho party
to create anything sousatlonnl In the were M. C. Morton nnd family, Dr.
wny of n tint. Kxtreme slzo nnd
over-abundiiiH'o of trimming have
consod to surprise. 10 von the gio
tesquo no longer urouses suUlclont
Interest to warrant the contlnunuco
of tho mushroom brim, the lint which
rests so fur down upon the head ns
to almost tilde the wearer's face.
Hut, while there are novelties III
nnd Mrs. J. W. Ingrain. Miss Mary
Kruse, Miss Lucy Powers mid Hev.
and Mrs. Knox mid family.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Savage this
week announced tho engagement of
tlielr daughter. Miss Madge, to Her
bert l Coloman of Chippewa Falls,
Wis. The muriiuge Is to take place ' tl Portland.
tittle, Informal affairs ifuring the
week. j
Mrs. 10; Mlngus entertained tnfs
afternoon at a bridge luncheon.
Mrs. A. 17. Adelspcrger Is hostess
nt sowing this nfternoon.
Mrs. h. M. Noble 1ms Issued' In
vitations for a bridge luncheon at
her homo next Tuesday.
Mrs. ft. K. Jones plans to lonre to
day for a short visit with hor sister.
Mrs. Hoyd M. Mchatdson nnd friend
"Twin'Tedesflal Extension Tables Aro
bupenor to All Others
1 They hove Iwo pedestals, each completani ftsclL
2 Pedestals ore ovnl or oblond there fore legs
ore symmetrical.
3 Two pedestals nre Btronfler than two
halves that divide.
Til 12 LLOYD
Itntes leduced to: Day 50c,7JeJ
11.00; week $2.00 to. $5.00. Hoi
keeping npnrtmontB with gai ru
ro.00 to $18.00 pe: month.
UATK3 n. W. SULLIVAN', rio
UK) TlfAP ni:sti:i) IMM
Our matlngs have produced Ka
nrd-urcir specimens of nhlttM
qunllty with records of 2ii,iV,i
eggs In 3Gt days.
llaliy Chicks nnd nggs for lUtrl
Hook your orders now for ifi
dol ivory. A fow cockcreli Id
honvy laying stock for $5.00.
Plyinoiitli Place, Poultry Viriil
.nrszidifitr, nov ih.i, l'n -. :
largo shapes among the new hats for this summer. Mr. Coleman re pre
wiring and summer wearing, the tout Lamb and company of Chlca
smnll hats aie undoubtedly tli more' go In 8pokane nnd th brlde-to-bc
wxieutrlc. And these amall hata Is a moat chariulug youug Murshtteld
promise to bo more popular than they girl.
The A. N
W. club wa entertained
have boon for many aeasoua.
One Krent charm of these hats Is1
tbe auppleness of the straws from
which they are fashioned. Many lira
eollapslble, while others ilepud en
tirely for shnpe aud trluuulug upo.i
the draping of the straw.
Among theiu are brtuiteas hatn.
Home so siuall at to suggest skul'.-
Announcements were received here
this week of the marriage of William
V. Bernltt and Miss Wilts Lewis, at
Portland. The groom la the son of
Mr. and Mrs. i. W. Uerultt of
(Continued ou Page S)
tar dy of Quality '
Quality In candy is
are rather fussy about.
a matter we
That is wh ,
we lutttit ou absolute purity In all the
l.u.ilA...1 a...t i t. . 1
Marahlteld and was reared lu this "'"' " ' ' "r eon-;
city where he bu tunny frlndi. lie, fwt,0'r.v- This matter of purity U'
l'uiuauer oi pruitt un us nml It Is I
4 The unsiahtlv tlron.
lees n "nds o( some loblea entirelv
5 The troublesome lochs unnecessjrv.
6 No unfinished surf aces, locb, bolts, etc., exposed
when extended.
7 More rigid, hnvinz three casters under each Twin"
or six under the tabic,
8 Allows insertion of several filler before apresd
ing pedestals. Prevents marring of finish
on leps.
Hide IttNuntroui IV-.IM oJ VbliUci
1 (iiiohe gouth.
FOH COOI) WOItlC your clothes to us. C i
pressing nnd repairing a I'fdrl
by exiierlenced men, Satlshe
guaranteed HLANCIIAHI)
SON, .South Hronriiwiy.
OsteopatWc Phjxlclan
Graduate of the Amorlcnn schooll
Ostoopnthy nt Klrksvlllc, Mo.
In ISWorndo nib. Hours 10 to 1MI
1;. Phono 1C1-J; Marshlleldj 0ml
- Pliysldun and Surgeon.
209-210 Coko UulUIing
lMluiips: Olllce 1(12.1; llcldcnt I
v. moNNurr,
Ulllco over Flnnngan & Menneti &
Marsh tint rt O.ttl
Ovpr Chnmlter of C minwfJ
left here several years ago aud
oaps. hut they aiv fashlenwl or the now a prominent youug business wan
wiriest silken' hemp, crushed down of Portland where tho youug couple
upon tho head In Irregular horlion- lll reside.
ml plaits. A fold of wide rlblAn in
tint sotteat satin Is effective trimming
fur this style of hat, being passed
around the base and llulshed In a
oliou or bow at aide or Imok.
Jns. II. Uutcueson and bride nre
expected here shortly for a visit at
the home of the groom's mother and i
sister. Mrs. A. Huteheson aud Mis
i Agnes Huteheson. They will find a.
Suit eoats have been short. They, warm welcome here among the main
nro growing shorter. Hy the time friends of the grooui who was bom,
Iho aprlug styles are well launched and reared ou Coos Hay. Their mar-i
sliortost eoats of all. the boleros rlage took place at Kurekn, Cal.,,
safe to say that more delectable
swoots ennnot be found
tlian nt Stafford's. Alt our candles
nro pure sweet aud dollolous. They
nre the "come again" kind.
"Always Muuotliliig new" at
.Alia i
Htons, will he making n strong
hid for popular fnvor. So far the
lOtons have only boon shown by a
fow of the host Fifth avonuo houws,
but they nro such easy. Inexpensive
lssi Suudny and In nnnouaelug the ;, Fn)1 s,u Ct.ntl.a, Avo
uaie. me isureKa ueraiu sain:
"The utmost simplicity will be the
ko note of a quiet wedding ceremony
that will take place at high uoou.
Sedentary habits, lack of outdoor
i exercise, Insufficient mastication ef
I food, constipation, a toruld llva-.
things to make that you will do well when MU Clara Rogers nlll , worry and anxiety, are the mou
to keep an oye on them. They are .the bride et James M. HutoUebou. at .common causes of "stomach trouble.
... ..i... . .. . i -. .. - w
Tiartloulnrly smart with the rawed- tno Home or hor mother on i street
-wnlstllna skirt.
Tho now skirts aro short oveuj
There will bo no attendants and out)
the relatives will bo present whon
tho solchiu vows nro exchanged Tho
Correct your habits and tako Cham
borln'.n's Stomnoh and Llvor Tablets
mid you will soon be woll again. Foi
8alo by all dealers,
On t. tn. -,-.
H-aQtCTflffB(Pk Wuw
WfcUJ W y H HHttTfH y
1 Utock In Home Addition, r-ontalnlng over 3 acres for $9m
b Lots for ,.. ' r a'M
in Lots for " ' Marshnj'
1C Lots for c0 East Marshfleld
$S00 Eastsldn
l,uo!,c:;tra,;:,o:t? Hsl00, ou sond streot' 8
00,100 in tu-'-; -P
nearly new for . ' nouse
SM.noo a inoncy-innkcr
See Title, GuararVee 8, Abstract Co ""
Notice Is hereb ,i n tHatKJ
bids will bo received for tie
btruotion of a scow to bo used'
ferry at thu City of C l title, 0-'l
whoro tho ferry Is nuw estate
Tho samo to be built oa the'
plan and of tho same dl?iBt
tho old ferry scow, except tn"J
samo is to bo provided with veal
Hon and ventilators. Thosco
be comploted on or before ttej
day of April, 1011. Five p
Of nnimint nt lilil to be df
with tho County Clerk aud all i J
bo tiled with tho County t's"
rH linfM,A . A 0..1 il'l Oi " 1
wi UU1UIU liiO -JIU "
1911, at 10 o'clock A. M.
The Conntv Court reserve'
rluht to rofont nnv and all W"i
. . ..... Mditfl
io awara tho comraci io .j
tho lowest, if In tho JudBeB,.l
Court it is for tho best intere-!
tho County.
Dated at Coqulllo, dres""-
IRMi ilnv nf l?M...iinrV 1911
taatps WATSO-1
CounW '
For Sale Let Times
it Phono 133-J.
fflDJ1 .juw-ii