(Ham mm mmu ADS. NEWS ...rcirtSINlSS IS 8M)V. AD i THAT IT PAYS IS KVI- 'Si) hv srcci9i.i'ii nrsi nr.NCi"' " ....vu-iimiim .. GUT IT WHILE IT IS NEW KT HEARING THE COOS HAY TIMHS. ALL Till: NEWS A Mi TIIK TI.MK TERSELY TOM) :: :. !! t: s,.sS nmM - MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS IMntilMic.l In JK7H ns Tho Coast Mall OL XXXIV MARSHFIELD,OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1911 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGES. A Cou-olldntion of Times, Coast Mali and Coon Hay Advertiser. No;. 37. IBS BANDITS ROB WOMAN OF $00jli CURRENCY FOREST FIRE COSTS HEAVY Government Snent Over $1,000,000 In Combatting Flames Alone Last Year. (By Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 25. Tho Brent forest llres Inst full cost tho government $1,050,000 for netu nl expenditures In lighting tho flumes nccordlng to n stntcment by tho Scc- rctnry of Agriculture hoforo tho np oldup Men at Pittsburg Over look Two Other Packages' of $20,000. OSTMISTRESS IS VICTIM OF ROBBERY asliier of Sheridan Coal Com pany Hides Other Valuable Packages. by Associated Press to Cooa Day Times, j PITTSDUIia, Kns Feb. so. Airs. ai Joseph, postmistress nt tho Ful- L coal Ca,mp here, wna heia up Dy no hlshwnymcn Inst night nntl rou ted of 10.000 which sho hnd just rorlatlnn commlUco of tho House Iftelved by express from nnnans T,m govornllHnt provided only $135,- ltr. Tho money wns to bo ilsod to 000 , , . nirhtlnir forest flros. ay oft tho employes of tho Sheridan osl Company todny. ' The money taken wns In ono pnek- Iff. TWO inner ih;ivd .u..t.."B llO.OOO each wero not found by tho lubbers. Tho trnln arrived nt u:ju clock and was mot by Mrs. Joseph , Ind Albert Ilrlggs, cnshler of tho empany. Mrs. Joseph took tho pack-. go containing $10,523 mid left for, fr.e poitofllce. As sho stopped out of ' he door, n masked mnn with n ro- nnnnnnnts nf Illinois Sfinntnr lolver confrontetl hor and demanded , he money. Another robber stood Prevent "White Washing" lear by. .Mrs. Joseph hnnded over he money, firlggs, wlio wns closo I UUdY. tblnd saw wlint wns going on mid brew Ills two pneknges Into n cor- lor. Tho rouuers uni not ungor iu certain If they hnd nil tho monoy tut ran to a buggy nnd escaped. LORIMER VOTE IS HOT TAKEN (ny DAVENPORT IS NAMED. luccccds Wilson Ah National Ilnnlc r.xnmlnei'. I By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmep.) I. Assoclnted Pross to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 25. "With tho Lorlmer rosolutlon on tho cnlondnr nB unfinished buslnoss, I nhnll press It to tho utmost," snld Senntor Burrows, chairman of tho Commlttco on Privileges and Elec tions ns tho Scnnto went Into session todny. Burrows snyn ho will Insist on n voto nB soon ns tho speaking WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 25.- irtln McLean Davenport of Wnsh-'on Lorlmor Is concluded. -ton, has been appointed national, Tho Sonnto cnmo onr to tnkK lank examiner for tho stnto kaiblngton to succeed Eugono f'llion, resigned. of T.' I ELECTION IN GAROINER port to Incorporate Umpqua Town Beaten By 1 Fourteen. fOT ELECTION J- W. Dennett has received word fom Cardlner thnt tho apeclnl elec ta held thero to detormlno whoth- tbe town should bo incornorated. Nlted in tho defeat of those seok s to Incorporate by n majority of oi rourteen. A largo voto was piled. The defeat of tho plnn to incor- i ,e Ume s a Biirprlso nnd Is said ve been due to two causes l-operty owners opposed to paying . ,or municipal improvomonts Prohibitionists who feared that 'be town Was lncnrnnrntml H M be voted wet under tho nnw 0Be rule law. Douclaa conntv In ch 0ardlner Is locnted Is "dry." A PAlIt of TltOI'SKits rnwp n Jst Eue8S(?r ,S(?0 w,nflow nt th0 ,uu, MILL STORE. FREIGRT RATE RAISE IS SUSPENDED NEW TREAT! WITH JAPAN Interstate Commerce Commis sion Prohibits Railways Ad vancing Freight Charges. (By Assoclnted Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, I). C, Feb. 25. Important orders wero Issued by tho COFFEE TROST Interstate Commerce Commission to day suspending the advances in rates lllcd with tho commission. Tho ad vances nro on grain products nnd sepdfl between Chlcngo and Peoria, 111., and vnrlous northwestern stntcs made by the Northern Pacific and Chlcngo, Hock Island and Pacific wero also suspended from March 1 to July 1. PROBE Attorney General Asked Turn Over Date to the House. M IS F MANGLED to .Architect Brinkman of Chicago , Run Down On Railway Tracks. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 25. Tho Houso Commlttco on Judlclnry today ordored favorably reported tho Norrls resolution Instructing tho at torney general to send to tho Houso any information ho has regarding tho alleged monopoly of tho coffco trado. Tho coiumltteo has amended tho bill omitting reference to Brazil. LEAVE TODAY ON BREAKWATER n viva voco voto on tho Lorlmor enso. Tho question was put by Vlce prcsldont Sherman but hoforo a nogn tivo voto was cast sovornl sonntors domnndod tho floor to speak. Tho opposition cnmo from tho nntl-Lorl-mor forces. Efforts woro made to flx II UUIU IUr UIU UIUi ..Ull 1.1. IOV .. .... . Hiiggestod and then Mnrch 2nd, but objection was mndo by Owen in be half of Lafollotto who was nbsont. By a voto of C to 70 tho Sonnto refused nt 3:55 today to adopt a motion by Stono to adjourn by tho ontl-Lorlmor forces ngalnst taking a voto. Balloy announced that If "tho filibuster" continued ho would Insist on keeping tho enso hoforo tho Son- jato even if every appropriation uni failed. At 4:05 tho Lorlmor enso was laid asido until Monday. THE WHEAT MAI1KKT. (By BEN HUR. Toe famous Rtr.t. -.t n.. u to Tf, the sterePtIcon at tho litlan church Monday night, ""rated songs and humorous , Ulr-175 in nil. Two hours ""i amusomm .. .... Hj0 v"1 " msiruc- Assoclated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, 111.. Feb. 25. May Wheat, S9cj July, S7Vc; Soptomber, SO 7-Sc. Many Sail On Steamship For Portland Early This Morning. Tho Brenkwator sailed nt 8 o'clock this morning for Portland with n largo passengor list and a miscellaneous enrgo of freight for Portland. Among thoso sailing on hor woro tho following: T. W. Hlgglnson, Mrs. Farmor, Forn Reeso, F. B. Hnle, J. A. Duncan, Mrs. Duncan, Philip Armour, Nelson Armour, J. A. Bollou, Mrs. E. K. Jones, H. A. Nowphor, Mtb. II. Nich ols, Thos. McNIsh, Pearl Axtoll, Jolm Haggblom, Win. McNeill, Fred Tay lor, Mrs. C. Hayter, Cecil Hayter, Louis Sotorls, Tom Baron, R. M. Ran, J. O. Sponcor, Carl Sager, W. O. WoodB, C. B. Probst, D. T. Probst, M. P. Knupp, C. A. Thomas, L. S. Tay lor. J. C. Savago, Sam Nass, G. S. Thackor, A. W. Sandorlln, Potcr Johnson, J. Lotchnor, C. G. Bogs. I (By Assoclnted Press to Coos Bny Times.) CHICAGO, 111., Feb. 25. William J. Brinkman, nn nrchltcct who de signed most of tho Roman Catholic churches built In Chicago in the Inst ton years, was found dead on the Chi cago, Rock Island & Pacific tracks today mangled boyond recognition. Identification wns mndo through pn pors In his pockets. W N TO IS APPROVEO T fl" PROMOTER TO BT 0. S. SENATE I STATE PRISON I Col. Wm. V. Garland Convicted of Swindling by Selling Worthless Mining Stock (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SEATTLE, Wash., Fob. 25. "Col- oncl" William V. Garland, tho aged promoter convicted of swindling a purchaser of stock In n worthless coal-mlnlng company, was Bontenccd ' todny to an lndctormlnato term of' 3 to 5 years In tho stnto prison. He appealed to the Stato Supremo Court nnd wan released on ball. President Taft's Arrangement With Mikado's Country ' Accepted. IT IS NOW UP TO EMPEROR OF JAPAN; M M RANCHERS United States Weather Bureau to Notify Them of Frost Danger. Dr. E. Mlngus is arranging to give tho rnnchora, gardonors and fruit growors of this section tho benefit of tho govornmont storm nnd frost warnings tho coming aoason to onnblo thoni to protect tholr crops after Mnrch 1. Ho hna nrrnngod with tho United Stntcs Weather Dopartment to havo tho froBt warnings sont to him nt Mnrshfleld ench nftornoon nnd by cooporattng with tho tolophono com panies and through signals, tho ap- pronch of cold wonthor will bo hor aldod to tho growors. I During tho lost fow yenrs, frost Iwnrnlngs havo saved tho fruit grow 'ors nnd vogotablo producors of Cal ifornia hundreds of thousands of dol lars worth of crops. By utilizing tho Binugo Bystom and n llttlo study, tho (ordinary frosts can bo offset and It Is hcllovod tho Coob county growers, lean dorlvo much bonoflt from It. REV. HORSFALL IS QUITE ILL PORTLAND, Oro Fob. 25 Track wheat prices: Club, 773,78c; Blue-) stem, 90p 91c; Red Russian, 7Ccj Valley, SOc; Fortyfold, 79c. VETOES CHASE'S BILLS. Gov. West Applies tho Av to two More of His Measures. Gov. West has applied tho ax to two more of Senator Chase's bills In n list of sixteen vetoes. Most of tho bills vetoed rolated to gatno law changes. Tho first of Senator Chase's measures to get tho nx was tho ono providing for enabling the stato to cede lands to Port Commis sions nnd the last two included ono protecting game fowl and another protecting wild ducks. If you are A GOOD GUESSER, see AJm, . II )UU BID . .ww. ,.. , 15 and-25 cents the corner wlndow at the WOOLES P SlILL STORE. ) Prn Venerable Coos County Divine Faints In Pulpit at Coquille. Archdeacon. Wm. Horsfall, ono of Cooa county's best known and most hljrhlv respected citizens, has been qulto ill at his home in Bandon tho past week from heart trouble and a general breakdown. Yesterday ho was reported improving and his steady recovery Is now hoped for. Last Sunday while conducting ser vices at tho Episcopal church in Co quille, ho suffered an attack of heart failure and fainted In tho pulpit. Ho has been subject to heart trouble for some time. He was taken to his homo In Bnndon where ho suffered another attack but slnco tho last ono has grown much stronger. His son, Dr. Wm. Horsfall Jr., of Marshfleld returned yesterday from a visit with him. MYRTLE OF JfLEXY Aged Ship Carpenter, Fifty Years Resident of Coos Bay, Dies. A. L. Holm, n resident of Cooa Bay for nearly fifty years died yostorday at tho A. Anderson nomo on South Inlet of apoplexy. Ho wnB a ship carpenter and worked In tho vnrlous shipyards on tho Bay during most of tho tlmo. A couplo of years ago his hoalth gavo away suffering a stroke of para lysis. Ho has boon cared for at tho Androw Anderson. Ho was bom In Finland nnd was 71 years, cloven months and ono day old. Fred Holm, Chas Hagqulst nnd n numbor of oth er fnmlllcs on tho Bny nro relatives. Tho funornl will bo hold from tho Swedish Lutheran church Sunday nftornoon nt 1 o'clock nnd friends nro Invited to nttend. LOSTlOTHER Imperial Council of Flowery Kingdom Also Must Ap prove Of It. (By Assoclutcd Press to C003 Bars Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 25. The next step to bo taken to mak operative tho now treaty of trado nudv commorco between America mid Jap an Ib to gain tho npproval of tho Jap anese Emperor nnd tho Imperial pri vate council. It Is not necessary that tho treaty should bo ratlflod bc& tho Japanese diet. It wna approved by tho United Sta tes Sonnto yesterday. LYNCH TWO NEGROES. Georgia Mob Takes Blacks From Jntt and Klays Thoni. (By AsBoclnted Press to Cooa Bay Tlmcs.) AUGUSTA, On., Fob. 25. Bob Jones nnd John Vensoy, negroon charged with tho murder of white mon were tnkon from tho Wnrron tou, Gn jail by a mob at midnight last night and lynched. Tho nogroos wero strung up on tho limb of a trot In tho outskirts of town and rld dlod with bullets. NATIVE VILLAGE BURNEDr IS SO E WS Basketball Team Defeats North Bend 18 to 11 Last Night. Tho Myrtlo Point high school bas ketball team defeated tho North Bond ' High school team at North Bond last night by n score of 18 to 11. Tho gamo was n fast ono from start to finish and was witnessed by tho lar gest crowd that has turned out to a gamo in North Bend this season. Tho lineups were: North Bond Pos Photo Supplies developing and printing. Walker studio. Kibbler Grout Newklrk Hansen Van Zlle Brown 1 B r g 1 f r f c of Myrtle force, McDonough of Umplro, Prof. Grubbs Prof. Raab timekeeper, Myrtlo Point Brewer Davenport Neal Schneider Dement Point was re- N'orth Bend, scorer and BEN HUR at Christian Church MONDAY NIGHT. Detroit Woman Wants Marshal Carter to Locate, Missing' Relative. Marshal J. W. Cartor has been ap pealed to by Mrs. P. E. Deen of 588 Vermont nvenuo, Uotrolt, Michigan, to locate her brothor, George E. Ens ley, whom alio has not seen for eight een yenrs, and who was In Marsh fleld when sho last beard of him. Marshal Carter has boon unnblo to find any traco of Ensloy so far. In hor letter to him, Mrs. Deon Bays: "Can you find n man In your city by tho nnmo of Georgo E. Ensloy? Ho is a brothor of mine. At Christ mas, my daughter, Miss Laura E. Deon (or It mnybo Deem an tho writ ing Is not very plain) of Chatham, Ontario, Canadn, received a post card from him saying that ho was well and IiIb address was Marshflold, Oregon. My daughter has slnco mnr rled and hor address Is Mrs. Louis W. Ranson, Cednr Springs, Ontario. "She wroto In reply to him nnd her letter wns returned Inst week, sny lng 'Unknown there' I also wroto to him January 14 and my letter wns not returned. "I have not seen hi in for eighteen years but Bomotlmes would hoar from him. It Is strango I can't hear from him If he 1b thero Tf you enn find him thero, please notify mo nnd tell him wo are very anxious to hear from him, Tho card he sent was De cember 17.W910," Three Hundred Houses In Manila - Suburb Burned. fBy Assoclnted Pross to Coos Bay., Times.) MANILA, P. I., Fob. 25. Tl(To hundrod native dwellings In Tondo.r&y suburb of Manila, woro buriiod to-day. REVOLT IN PARAGUAY. Another Outbreak In South America Reported. (Ey Associated Press to Coos TlmeB.) BUENOS AYRES, Brazil, Fob. 2f Advices recolved horo today stato that another revolutionary movement has begun In Pnrnguny. NO DAMAGE DONE. SeUuro of Hooks at St. Petersburft.- Wiik For Government. (By Associated Press to Coo Bay Times.) NEW YORK, Fob. 25. Tho Wost Inghouso Electric and Manufacturing Company recolved n cablegram from tho mnnngor at tho St. Petersburg branch saying, "Our position Is satis fnctory. All compnnlos having lnrgo contrnctB with municipalities have had tholr books and papers -takor for Investigation by a spoclal commla slon appointed by tho govornmont." Tho O. K. CHOP HOUSE will DO- CLOSED all day SUNDAY to permit repnporlng nnd a gonoral renovation of tho place. It will bo REOPENED MONDAY morning rendy for busi ness; clean and bright In Its now1 spring dress. Tho best of good thlngsv to cat. Glvo us n call. Tnko your SUNDAY DINNER t Tho CHANDLER. Special menu RESERVE tables for PARTIES Ur PHONE. :n:::mtttnn t t BEN IICH ILLUSTRATED LEC- TCRE MONDAY NIGHT HEAR WILLIAMS AT THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK. i H ) I Irj 1 I M