...SKw !" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1911 EVENING EDITION. ' ( t h ; L- Little Talks on Advertising TALK No. 4 TOPICS OK TIIK TIMES ADVERTISING Is tho key tlmt whon turned In the lock of Business opoiiB the Portal of Prosperity. No Joke la very funny whan n man The unnwako merchant often won- tlso. The business ho ought to have .1 . .n, rivnl "rnn nfford to his "hare" of tho trade In his pcnd bo much money for ndvcrtls- lino-goes In largo part, to tho com- i,nB chapped lips. Ing." He Is sure that ho could not petltor who seeks It, who can afford . that It would bankrupt him In short to advertise for It. The profits on the, Few Cos Day men arc made round o-dor to "plunge" Into publicity on trade drawn away from the timid ad- shouldered by sawing wood. tho Ecalc that tho other fellow docs. ; vertlser uy tno nggrcssno uu ,..., "Tho othor fellow Is not worrying tho latter s advertising uw.s ..u about tho cost" of his advertising, for tho slmplo reason that ho doesn't have to pay It. Tho competitor wno leaves n comfortable surplus. Ths Is a fact which progressive merchants arc providing all the tlmo If puffs arc really going out It will mean a hair's breadth escape for somo of us. cannot "afford" to advertise, really,, so It ought to havo some personal in offect, pays tho bills of tho man significance to tno overcautious u who can "afford" It. " n,0 who nro wnltlnB to BOt rlch .. I I....I- Iinfnrn "flatIll I." mlpnlllltn ItdVOrtlS Ho pays tnem in mo iuhb ui hub- . ..u...n n rm.RPd bv Ills failure to ndvor-1 Ing campaigns, adequate ndvcrtls- A man In Eastern Oregon drilling for water found oil. Let's hopo ho wasn't thirsty. FASTEST ROUND TRIP IS MB E Nann Smith Establishes Re cord of Four Davs and Seventeen Hours. When tho Nann Smith arrived In from Hay Point yesterday, CapL I). W. Olson established a now record for tlmo on tho run ly four days and seventeen making tho round trip. MYRTLElPOiNTfir WlliS GAME Mother, may I go out to fly? Oh, yes, but dear, beware. Hang your bIiocs on the flying chine, Hut don't go In the air. D. Y. STAFFORD ran- For a whllo New Orleans dealers may be too peevish to advertise Pa- namn hats In their list of summer I headweaf. Basket Ball Team Now Leads Coos County Leaque North Bend Toniqht. Tho Marshllold High school basket ball team wont down again to de feat before tho fast Myrtlo Point, I team by a scoro of 22 to A. Tho MOSLEMS DIE IN SHIPWRECK Rumor That Turkish Vessel Filled With Pilgrims Was Burned at Sea. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) CONSTANTINOPLE, Feb. 21. A local newspaper rcportB tho Turkish Btcamer Harriet tilled with Mouslcm pilgrims was burned at sea. Not one of tho passengers escaped. Tho re port Is not confirmed. "WAS IT SPELLED WITH "l",., A drop of ink makes thousands think, As you havo often heard, Dut ono drop spilled has often 'stilled Pop's thought Into ono word. Sho wna oxncHgnnio, however, was n good ono, auJ i rentccn hours m08t 0f Myrtlo Point's baskets wcro Tho Washington, D. C, peoplo who started n row when told that Christ would return In 1915 arc evidently not prepared to welcome him. "1 hear thoro nro minors of n scandnl at the rooming house." j "Whoro there nro so ninny roomers thoro nro almost sure to bo scandals." Halliday House North Front Street, over Urcnhwnter olllce. v N. C. HALLIDAY, Prop. Undor now management nnd con ducted In first clnss shape. Complete ly overhauled and now best European hotel on tho Day. Itooiiit from "3 cents up per day. I That girl who killed herself bo- mauo on long uirows. m""" . .., . Att .. .... .....,.. bo This is tlmo Included discharging ! ft WY Bamo and equalled nn o(J nm,, mg,lt nt caHt ,mvo wnt. n cargo of nearly 1,800,000 feet of tho Myrt, 10,,nt boys n lam1W01rV until sho had mot Nat Goodwin. , but most of tho shots for tho basket, lumoor at uny roini, shopping anno ofo gpo,c(, ,)y 1Jrowop nn(, DftVcn. city wharf and taking on n big ship- ,,ort tho jJyrt0 Point guards. Most mont of oil. Sho would hnvo beat 0f tho onlookers pronounced Myrtlo tho tlmo sho mndo somo had It not Point tho best tenm that hna been been for a northwesterly wind do- seen in action on tho Hay. Tho laying her progress all tho way tho 'crowd was smnll, less thnn a him- HOUSES FOR KENT 5 room houses, $11, $12 nnd $13.00 C room Houses, $14.00 and $10.00 7 room Houses $20.00 AUG. FIUZEEN, OH, Ccntml Ave., Mnrslillcld. coast. Sho had a very flno trip down. In tho Inst ten weeks, sho lins maintain ed a schcdiilo of n round trip n week, doing better than anyono had thought It possible for tho big lum ber carrlor to do. This tlmo fllio also brought dred peoplo turning out to tho game Following was tho lineup: Mnrshtleld C Clarko Stutsman S Clarko I Carlson SPRING'S ADVENT Tho Jonquils soon will dot ground; Tho gay lamb chop Ero very long will frisk around Tho butcher shop. HARRY McKEOWN. tho HOME LAND Co. Sco us for, Investment on Coot Day. Wo guarantee owner's prlco to bo our prlco. rbono 71L. 14 Front St r f 1 t c r g 1 R Myrtlo Point. fl 10 num jovo Wlth n Schnoldor i)0nutfUi nnd Intelligent womnnwho' on' Is frnnk enough to admit that oppo Dcment ai.H nriipt. Davenport Drower up.McCormnck somo of tho machinery for tho Inrgo! Mr. Drown of Myrtlo Point acted traveling olectrle crano which Is bo- as rofereo and S. DrlggB as umplro. ing Instnllcd at her loading slip and . Tonight Myrtlo Point meotH North which will cxpedlto tho loading. I Ilond nt North Dend, and Coqulllo Capt. Olaon reports 'that San j goes to Dnndon to play tho Dandon Francisco nnd tho Ooldon Oato cities team. nro already beginning to show tho Tho Htnndlng of tho Coos county boom that tho locating of tho Pann-.teams now Is as follows: ma exposition thoro menus. Tho Played Won Lost Pet. lumber market thero Is consequently picking up nnd tho proBpectH nro fr(jinndon ono of tho best years that Snn Fran Cisco has enjoyed In a long tlmo. OBSERVATIONS. ' Alfalfa always does bettor on lower Innd, ns tho whiskers remark ed to tho bald head, Cultivating n thirst Ih nnothor form of Intensive agriculture that doesn't Increaso tho net yield much. Myrtlo Point 5 4 1 .800 Dnndon 4 3 1 .750 Coqulllo 4 2 2 .500 North llond 2 1 1 .B00 Mnrshtleld 5 0 5 .000 DECLINE IN LONDON. Wo may havo freak legislators In Oregon, but nothing to equal tho Now Jersey solon who proposes to limit by statute tho nmoiint of food a per son may consumo nt each meal. A great deal of fuss Is being mndo over tho fnct that a Salom, Ohio, wo ninn slept for a week and suffered no hnrm ns a result. Thoro nro times when many of us feel that wo could duplicate tho feat. COOS BAY LIVERY Wo havo secured tho livery busi ness of L. II. Holsner nnd nro pro pnrod to render excellent sorvlco to tho peoplo of Coos Day. Careful drivers, good rigs nnd everything that will monn satisfactory sorvlco to tho public. Phono us for n driving horse, a rig or anything needed Ir tho livery line. Wo also do 8 trucking business of all kinds. IILANCIIAHD DUOTHEItS. Livery, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First and Alder Streets. Phono 138-J .Tho hobblo skirt Is going out, j Wo'ro glad to seo It go I Dut It's so narrow roundabout It moves almighty slow. DORSEY KREITZBR. Day According to the Senttlo pnpors n miner has returned from tho Klon dlko with $150,000 In bin cork leg, Ho should bo caroful or somo ono will pull It. URGE LOHIMER VOTE. Prlco of American Hallway Stocks Drop CoiiolderuMc. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Times.) LONDON, England, Fob. 24. Am erican rnllroad securities took a big drop today as a result of yesterday's decision or tho Interstate Commerco Commission. Tho drop ranged from two to six points. IOO TRAP NESTED 1IAUKEI) PLYMOUTH HOCUS. Our mntlngs hnvo produced stnnd- NOW IS THE TIME To dig up that old Suit nnd let ua get It in shnpo for you. Clcnncd, Ropairod and Pressed ns we do It will mako it look llko now. Satisfaction guaranteed. COOS DAY TAILORING CO. , J. W. Josophson, Mgr. 1KO South Broadway. Marshfield AMENDMENT IS ADOPTED. Friend of Illinois Man Want Senate to Decide. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 21. Determination to get u vote lioforo ndjournmout wns expressed today by a friend of Senator Lorlmer who wero on hand in forco In tho Senate chamber at tho beginning of tho ses sion today. MonMiro AlVectliiK Popular Election of Senator Ih Adopted. (Dy Associated Proas to Coo Baj Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 21. The Sutherland amendment to tho Koran resolution for the popular election of Senators was adopted by tho Senate 50 to 37. FLEEING IIKOKEIt CAUGHT. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY T-NuTTTvTisTnr" -' Osteopathic Physician nrndiintn nf tlin Aniorlr.in sOinnl nf ard-bred specimens of J1'0" Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. Office quality with records of 242,227.222 n EIdorndo jj,k Hour8 10 t0 12. j t0 eggs In 3G5 days. ., p, 16W Mar8nflod. Oregon. iiiiii jiiirnn iiiii i.imn iwr ik.iiiii.i i hook your orucrs now tor bpnug delivery. A few cockorols from honvy laying stock for $5.00. Plynioiitlt Place, Poultry Yards. FRED. DACHMAN, Prop. Mnrshtleld, llov IH.1, Phono 288 FOR GOOD WORK Bring your clothes to us. Cleaning, pressing nnd repairing a specialty, by oxporloncod men. Satisfaction guaranteed DLANCHARD & 1)01). SON, South llrondwny. J-ML J. W. INGRAM, Pliyhlrlnn nnd Surgeon. 209-210 Coko Building Phones: Ofllco lttlM; Rehldeuco UV21, J. W. DENNETT, Lawyer. pfllco over Flanagan & Bonnett Bank Marshflold, Oregon w M. S. TURPEN, Architect. Over Chamber of Commerce. DA VILLA QUITS RACE. Revolutionary Lender In Honduras AVIll Hasten Peace. (Ry Associated Press to ho Coos Day Times.) PUERTO CORTEX, Feb. 24. Genoral Mniiuel Davllla. leader of tho revolutionary movement, has withdrawn formally as a candidate on tho provisional presidency of Honduras and thoro Is prospect of an early agreement with tho govern ment. Tho cbolco of a tompofnry sue Robert E. Davlo Wanted In Dostou Anvsted at lllo do Janeiro. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) BOSTON, Mass., Feb. 21. Tho authorities havo been advised of tho arrest at Rio do Janeiro of Robert E. Davie, tho missing Boston broker, who Is charged with embezzlemonl of a half million dollars In nionoy nnd securities from a largo number of persons. "THE FRIEND OF COOS DAY" CHARLTON CASE UP Ciim of American Murder 1" Italy Reaches Highest Court. (Dy Associated Press to tho Cooa Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 24. S. S. ALLIANCE CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH DANK ROAD AT PORTLAND WILL SAIL FROM PORTLAND FOR COOS DAY AT 8 P. M., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1W, LEAVING COOS DAY FOR EUREKA THURSDAY, MARCH 2. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE 1 1 C. F. McGEORGE, Agent Tho caso of Porter Charlton, tho cessor to Davllla may bo forced upon young American In custody on tho Thomas C. Dawson, special ropro- ohargo of murdorlng his wife in Itn sontntlvo of tho United States at tho ly last year, reached tho Supremo peace conference. Court of the United States today. Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIADLO AND JOSSON CEMENT. The best DomtfEtlo and Imported brands. Plaster, Lime, Brick and all kinds of builders material, HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH DROADWAY. PHONE 201. T-r It's a wise head that wears a Stetson Hat New Spring Styles Now on Display M.ONEY TAIiliS Mnrtdillcld Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. Itaudiiii FREE CONCERT Saturday Afternoon, Feb. 25 At, 2:30 P. M. The Bush & Lano Piano Company will glvo a frco concert tomor row afternoon, on their player-piano. This Instrument Is manu factured In their own factories and la mndo of specially Bolccted materials. This Is the only player piano thnt has n apodal solo attachment In which tho molody can bo played nbovo tho accom paniment, and any note deslroil enn bo accentuated. Como and hear this wondoiful instrument tomorrow nftornoon. Tho concert will tnko plnco In our salesrooms, O'Connoll bldg., nnd to each lady and child present, wo Bhnll glvo n beautiful and useful souvenir. BUSH Sb LANE PIANO CO. OVONNELL 11111(1. .MARKET AVE. AND 2ND ST. Next to Golden Rule Store Mnndillcld It. P. MEYER, Manager. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GOOS BAY Capital fully paid $100,000.00 "W. S. Chandler, President; M. 0. Horton, Vice-President; Dorsey Kreitzcr, Cashier. Ray T. Kaufman, Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS: W. S. Chandler, John S. Coke, AY. U. Douglas, John F. Hall, Win. O rimes, F. S. Dow, S. 0. Rogers, W. P. Murphy, M. C. Horton. DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid on time and savings deposits, safe deposit boxes for rent in our steel lined fire and bur glar proof vaults. Flanagan (Sit Bennett Bank of Marshfield, Oregon Oldcut Dank In Coos County, Established in 1880. Paid up Capital, Surplus, and Undivided Profits over 9100,000. AwetH Over Half .Million Do lars. Does a gonornl banking business and draws drafts on tho Ban of California, San Francisco, Cal.; Hanover National Dank, N. Y.i First National Bank, Portland, Oro.; First National Dank, Ro burg, Ore.: Tho London Joint Stock Bank, Ltd., London, England. Also sells exchange on nil of tho principal cities of Europe. Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to check. Safo doposlt lock boxes for rent. OFFICERS: ,? ,VVmVN!1:F' P"""''"!. -1. H. FLANAGAN, V.-Prc. , R. 1-. WILLIAMS, Cashier. GEO. E. WINCHESTER, Asst. Cash. INTEREST PAH) ON TIME DEPOSITS. THE FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo (Equipped witb Wireless) Will make regular trips carrying passengers both ways and freight between Coos Day and San Francisco. AllKAnin.,anrimSseimcrs mndo nt Alliance Dock, Marshfield nnd Inter-Occnn Transp. Co. tnlcm Street Wlmrf No. 2, S- Francisco. For Information, phone i i-J or i.85. will bull for Mnrslilleld from Snn Francisco, Sntur. day, Februarv ".. ' IXTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMTANY. I""-""""""" -"". m OLD RELIABLE STEAMER BREAKWATER ALWAYS ON TIME Sails from Alnsworth Dock, Portland, at 8 p. M., every Tuesday. ,5';,T ,C?1s,nar V Saturday at servico of Ude. Reservations will not be held later than Friday noon, unless ticket are purchased. I, II. KEATING, AGENT rnoNE MAlN 35-b TRY A WANT AD IN TIMES IF YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS