THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 191 1 EVENING EDITION. 3 Free Trousers for a Good Guesser Guess the total value of the trousers displayed in our window We will give the best pair in our store for the best guess. Here's a chance to find out just how much you know about values in something you wear every day; and maybe win the prize. See the Exhibit in Our Window It's made up of the celebrated Dutchess Trousers; the kind that are warranted not to rip nor lose their buttons justly claim ed to be the strogest trousers in the world , ! TOPICS OF THE TIMKS. i i v r mm ' r'Mm , jam jwmmM t IH i oRB&SSZ&l Try for the Prizes Guesses Free for AH MIIMo.Mmi niitlili'ix. The Woolen Mill Store Murslillehl, Oregon. B. P. D. White Pine Expectorant MENTHOLATED For CougliB, Colda, Hoaracneas, IlroncliItlH, Sorothront mul all tils cnHoa of tlio thront nntl lungs. U'h worth Ita weight In gold. PRICE ttt AXR 50c per bottle. PRICES RECLINING. For Sale at "The Husy Corner" Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. Till: Bl'SV CORNER 1MIOXK U08. V. S. Dow yoBtorday nniioiincod 'a decline or llvo cents per pound on fresh butter, ranking two pound Bqunrcs retail at seventy cents nn-l cold storage bttttor retail at forty live cents for a pound and n half square. Flour also dropped five cents per sack nud Is now retailing at $1.55. Mr. Dow says tho egg sup ply Is running heavy and ho looks for a decllno In them. AXI IT ROESNT MATTER Why are wo here and where are wo hound? Nobody knows the answer; iij me we wrnpi in gloom pro found? Nobody know tho answer. Why are we born and why do wo die? Why are wo slated to struggle and algh, And whither away as tho days go by? Nobody knows the answer! Why doos tho wrong ho often pre vail? Nobody knows the answer; Why do wo see facos haggard and pale? Nobody knows tho answer. Why arc we harried and why aro wo torn And hustled about from tho day wo are born, To win niggard thanks but a great deal of scorn? Nobody knows tho nnswor? Why aro tho wicked 'bout twenty to one? Nobody knows tho nnswor; Why do wo sigh for prohibited fun? Nobody knows tho answer. Why is the truth so ontnnglod with lies? Why Is It folly seonis fair as It flies? Why nro wo fools, bo wo over bo wlso? Nobody knows tho nnswor! Why does It rain whon wo want It to shtno? Nobody knows tho nnswor; Why aro wo poor when we'd llko to be flno? Nobody knows tho answer. Why do wo father bo ninny nilstnkes? Why Is n dream gone as booh iib one wnkes? Why does n follow spend nil thnt ho innkes? Nobody knows tho nnswor! tpwi o mh'ai, temperattre kk- tout. o For twenty-four hour oinlinv a nt I: 13 p. m., Fob. 23, by Mrs. E. Mlngus. special government meteorological obiorvor: Mnxlmuin r,-, Minimum s At 1:13 p. in fil 4- Precipitation. . . Personal Notes .IAS LANDH1T11 of Coos River was a Mnrshlleld visitor today. MISS DOROTHY WATSON of Co qullle Is a Muralt field visitor. . . .none Wind Northwest; clear. THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON, Feb. 2-1. Occn slonnl rain or snow flurries to- night nnd Saturday. 4 Takes Prisoner.-sheriff Qulne and his thrco prisoners loft for Ro Boburg on tho Drain Btago this morning. Injures Foot C. II. Marsh uns tained n badly bruised foot today as n result of n honvy timber falling, on It nt the depot whoro ho Is employed. In Dcnllt Valley C. .1. Mlllls, lo oal roprosentatlvo of tho Southern Pacific Interests, is now In "Death Valley", California. Just what his mission thoro Ib and whon ho will re turn Is not known locally. BYRON HOLCOMH of Ten Mile Is a Marahfleld busInoM visitor. W. J. CONRAD oxpocta to loavo to morrow for Portlnnd on business. OHO. N: DOLT nnd family nro tho latost victims of la grlppo epidemic. MISS MA11EL MoLAUOHLIN is re ported recovering from a sevcro attack of pneumonia. J. ALBERT MATSON expects to loavo tomorrow or next day for Snn Francisco on business. MRS. IIATTIE NICHOLS expects to leavo tomorrow for Portlnnd to visit her daughter, MIbb Eunlco Nichols. DAVE LILJROTH of Hcnvor Hill hns boon hero for n couplo of days overhauling tho electric auto of C. J. Mlllls. Rend tho Times Want Ads. VT .4W&.1B WMd I hat r- 1 Chicken Yard Now I I Nothing encourages chickens to lay better than to have n large roomy pen i'or them to scratch around in. Build il out of 4-foot LATH and save almost half in the cost of construction. While they last we can make the low prico of 11?IS mv&: mxm&s &Z&J Romombor, oIbo, that getting up early is less Important than gottlng busy. Attaches FIkIi. John Parley has nttnehed ten enscs or fish nt tho Cold Storngo plnnt belonging to tho Union Flshorles company of Portlnnd to Bocuro paymont of a claim against tho company nnd Mnnngor ChnBo. RAY 0LLIVANT is reported down with la grlppo todny. Fred Wea ver hns Just rocovorod from a siogo of It. MRS. CHRISTIE of Gnrdlnor will lonvo for hor homo tomorrow, hav ing fully lecoverod from her ro cont operation. n m t&: LOST Pair iium glasses Reward for return to C. Bey, Chandler hotel. In L. case, Liud- Resides his other mistakes, tho liar usually ovoreatlinntoa hiiuinu credulity. Goodiimi Relter Thayor nrlmea yesterday received n tolegram from Oeo. Goodrum who hns been III nt his hotol In Portland stntlng that ho waa iiblo to bo up for the llrst tlmo nnd would return na booh na ho wns nblo. This will bo grntlfylng nowa to Mr. Qoodrum'H frloudB, MRS. HORTON nnd children arriv ed horo from Portlnnd yesturdny to Join Mr. Hortoti who tock M. D. Poyntz's plnco In this territory. CIIAS RODINE of Allogany wbb in Marshllold yestordny to moot his daughter who returned from n vJb It In Portland and other northern points. I HAVE A good private hoarding nud rooming liouso with ton steady boardors. Must sell becnuso of. Blckness. Furniture nonrly now. Cost over 1500; will sell for ?2G0 as I must get nwny imniodlntoly. Address P. O. Dox 79C, Mnr8hflold, or call Times office. WANTED Girl for general lioiiho work. Small family, no children. Mrs. John Lafon. Whon a baby Is homely thoro is al ways Homebody to say that It looks like Its father. A womnn can carry a lot of stuff In a hand bag, including, occasional ly, n llttlo money. Among other things In which wo man Is man's superior, might bo mentioned her gift for blaming It on tho men. FOR SALE Holstelu calves from tho famous Condron heard. Ad dress S. W. Shook, Mnrahflold, or Phono 3031. Governor Foss of Massachusetts declares tho monoy rulo Is over. Rut doos ho think tho goldon rulo will over begin? Not Willi Hernell. Mnnngor Ror noll of tho Mnaonlc Opora Hoiibo an nounces that tho threo Itlnornnt mu sicians from Stithorlln who woro nr rested yestordny nt Myrtle Point on n folony chnrgo woro not ongngod by him. Ho snyB ho undoratnnda thnt thoy enmo horo to tnko n position with n company which ono or two of Ills dlschnrged nctors nro talking of organizing. LEE TOTTEN, a former resident of Marshllold who moved, to Texas n fow ycara nr,(, uiu yoturpod with ha family and taken il position at tho Smith mill, JACORSON, who hns tho contrncf for building tho Jettlos nt Flo rence, nrrivod horo on tho Rronk wntor en routo to tho Sluslaw to resume the work. A bncholor In Phllndolphln hns boon bequeathed a prlvato hospital with slxbrphan Infants In It. Just llko tho old thing to contest tho will, FOR SALE Rloodlioiind pups. Will mako flno varmint dogs. Address S. W. Shook, Marshllold, or .phono 3031. 10CentsPer;100 Lath T 1 i A lar. liav ;' number of chicken raisers on the Bav o already taken advantago of this offer. I'OR RHXT Four aero ranch. Apply W. N. Ekblad & Son, Hardware Store. WANTED A Xu. 1 starch Iioncr, nt onco. wagea ?2.00 per day. At Mnrshlleld Hand and Steam Laun dry, Phoue 229-J. Wilbur Wright declnres thnt llght- honded persons should not bo allowed to noroplnuo, but In n spill n light head ought to bo bettor than a heavy ono. nnn?;n t : t CONCERT t t CHAMINADE CLUB TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28 t t MASONIC OPERA HOUSE t X SEATS ON SALE AT t Z 'BUSY CORNER'. ! t ADMISSION 50o AND 75c ' y. Promises Consideration. R. M. Jennings, gcnornl mnnnger of thr Oregon Power company, todny ro colvod a letter from Gov. West In reaponso to a mossngo which ho nnd others sent tho govornor urging him to npprovo of tho bill constituting tho Oregon Nnvnl Resorvo mllltln. Gov. West snys thnt ho will glvo enroful consideration to tlio mossages whon tho tlmo comes for him to pnaa on tho measure. rriefs op iiaxdo.v. '" CHARLIE LINDSEY. tho fnmous oil export, la calling on his Coos Rny frlonds. Ho anya ho cannot boo much In tho Jap wnr senro be cnuso ho has lost his glasses. DR. LEE, Elijah Smith's physician, nrrivod, on tho Rreakwator yeator day and reports that Mr. Smith U rapidly recovering from his re cent illness nt tho Good Samaritan hospital in Portland. Mr. Smith will cotno horo as soon as ho la nblo. -u p FIRE RUG AT RAXDOX. News of Clty-Ry-ihe-Sea A if Toltl Ry" Recorder. Tho Randon Helghta Land nnd Trust company olectod olllcors nt tholr mooting last weok na followa: Cluls Rnsmussen, Proa.; R, II. Rosa, VIeo-proa.; A. G. Thrift, Sec. nnd Troaa. Tho dlroctors of tho com pany aro; J, L. Krouenberg, R, H. Rosa, T. P. Ilauly, Chris RnamiiBaon and A. Q. Thrift. C Smith Lumber 8c M lione 190-J FOR RENT Xlne.n.uiii anil llve room housea In Wost Marahfleld. ???tt?U8 t?tt$S??SnnU? inqulro Hall & Hall. Retail Yards 1S2, South Broadway FOR SALE Three homestead relln iiulshmonta, wrlto Box 253 Co qullle, Oregon, y.XTED Girl In kitchen at, Hunk, or Hill BQardlng' liouso. iE22ssani5;na fen-R03" Stage Line "") stage lHtHeen TN.oi., i V?.....i..,..,., CV?.. , ,.... i(ij;i; iiiniTs mill c. , -'"siuih itiui .iiiiraiiiii'iu. uajs at 7 n. m. 1?niut 041 rrt WTO SClIIu,, rshfleld. Anvnt. ROSERURG. Ore. 12MAlUCTAVt(Mai.s C. P. RARXARD, PHOXE 11 h KINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE FOR SALE High grade Chalmers auto. This machine is in good con dition and has only boon run nbout 2,400 mllos. Has 2 oxtra tlrea, 1 oxtra lnnor tubes, a comploto sot of auto tools. Wlil trado for part city property vacant lots preforrod. L. Amadon, 17S Broadway, Marsh flold, Ore. FOR SALE Complete gasoline en glno pumping outfit. Tnn.k nnd all. Guaranteed. Will sell at sa crifice. Dr. Durmlster, North Bond. WANTED Girl at Stafford's. Yoisr Morning Beverege Wo moan coffeo, of courso, Not ANY coffeo, but a puro blond that la appetizing, stimulating and wo have tho Idontlcal article. Wo have hoard many good things said of our coffees. Said, too by housokoopore who luve gono tho rounds and come baok to stay. Tho prlcoa from 30 cents to cents tho pound. 50 Tho Phooutx, n flnoly oquljiped pasHcugar anil frolffht steam sehoou er arrived In port this morning nt 0:30 and went up to tho Prospor mill to lond lumber. Tho Phoonlx Is nbout tho slzo of tho Eliznboth nud has first clasa passonger accommoda tions for 22 pnssongors and will car ry about 350,000 foot of lumber. Tho Phoonlx bolonga to tho Kruso Co., nnd will bo run horo by thorn, It be coming upparout that tho Ellzaboth could not handlo nil tho bualuoss of the company botweon this port and Frisco, so both boats will bo on tho run horoaftor. This mnkos three first class passengor boats botwoun hoio and Snn Francisco. Tho Rnndon Recordor says: "Saturday night about 11 o'clock flro was discovered In tho aliod at tho rear end of tho Arcade saloon, and at about tho salilo tliliu ft almllur flro was dlacovorod in tho rear of tho Opora Baloon. Roth flro woro ovl dontly of Incendiary origin, aa thoy were lusldo tho buildings nnd In onch caso a barrel containing straw and othor trash lu which bottldd beer hnd beon packed, waa whoro tho flro waa dlacovorod. Fortunntoly in both In stnncoa tho flro waa dlacovorod nlmost Immodlntely and was oxtlngulshod nt onco without tinning In tho alarm. "There Is no cluo as yot to tho flro Honda, but n enroful wntoh is bolng kept, nnd fchould the culprit nttompt another audi work, he or thoy. will surely bo npprehondod." Seeds ! Seeds'! Wo hnvo recolvod a full lino good reliable Seeds for FIELD i of Cook's Grocery PHOXE 180 Full Lino Gurden Seeds Just Received. NOTICE. Notlco Is horoby glvon thnt Doric Chapter, No. 53, Order of tho East ern Star, will hold an oloctton at Ita next rogulnr communication, Febru ary 28th, 1911, nt vhicli tlmo n treaauror will bo elected for tho on suing year. All monlbors requested to bo nro- I Bont. 1 By order of the W. M FLOWER GARDEN AND VEGETABLE GARDEN GRASS SEEDS Wo can supply you with RED CLOVER TIMOTHY ENGLISH AND ITALIAN' RYE ALS1KE VETCH Don't forget our SWEET PEAS In solid colors 2 ouncos for 10 cts. FERTILIZER Wo have Just wha't you want for your gardon ajid lawn, Ask us about It. The Bazar HOUSE OF QUALITY,