THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1911 EVENING EDITION. K- COOS BAY TIMES Entered at Hi postolllre at Marsh field, OirRnn. fr tranamlastjn tlirotigli (lie malls mi second class tnall matter. 'If. r. MAI.O.MCV Editor mill I'uli, UV IC. SIAI.OXKY Nowi IMItor week carrying tho Information Hint J tho patient In suing tho surgeon for J the Japanese nnvnl constructors WITH TH F "i tho loss of III physiological super-, They mint be particular 10-, those Los AiiKoIoiions. It would i 10, 000. j . ,800111 that most any man would bo We cite this not m mi Instance ufu aa a a willing to lose bin appendix just to i i i ii i ii u 4 'lalse us" by beginning the building1 TOAST AND TEA 2 Unity. of une that will have a tonnage "'! pie, tl An lnd'i'liilrtlt Rctpithllrail news paper publlMu'd rvery evening ex cept Sunday, nml Weekly by The Ohm IIh.v Times PiiMInIiIiiv Co. Dedicated to the service of the people, that no good cause shall lack n champion, and that ovll shall not thrive unopposed. Tho Coos Hay Times represunts a consolidation of tho Dally Coast Mall and Tho Coos liny Advertiser. The Const Mall was the first dally estab lished on Coos liny nud Tho Coos liny Times Is Its Immedlnto stio-cossor. SU1ISCHIPTION HATES. DAILY. Ono yonr $0.00 Per month GO Whon pnld strictly In ndvnncotho oubscrlptlon price of the Coos Hny Times Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 fo. months. wi:hklv. n yonr $1,150 rlralry In natal armaments of the two nations, but as an evidence of the rapid Increase In site of modern vessels. The II. and O. Hallway, under John V. Garrett: the Pennsylvania Rallrond, tinder Thomas A. Scott, or tho New York Central Itallwny. In the days of Commodore Vaudorbllt, compared with the groat nntlonnl systems these roads are todny, show to some extent the advances In mod ern transportation, ns well ns In the general development of nil huslnoss enterprises. Todnys glgnntlc ves sels, enterprises, buildings and busi ness systems may seem dwnfts to the next generation. cood kvpnino. Even when your nffnlrs be A man doosn't necwearlly have to such ns toiequlreyourwholent- possess a wooden liuail to belong ton 1 Unit out that ho did not hne enncer. teutlon you should look mental ly towards Ood from time to tlmo, ns mariners do, who, to ar rive at the port for which thoy uro bound, look moro up to wards heaven than down on tho sea on which thoy sail. 15. M. Gouldburn. nitow'Tii op thi: west i. ioi,i. TICAL POWER. nillclnl Paper of ('mm t'nimiy. OFFICIAL PAPER OP Til 15 CITV OF .MARSH PI ELD. A' Address all cnmmuulratloiis to COON HAY DAILY TIMES, Mnridilleld :: :: :: :; Oregon NO NEED ALARM OVER Till: KY WOMAN. rjjwHE Rev. Will A. IJolta of Spo T l.nuo bollovos thnt tho now wo man threatens the pence and so- of the Amorlcnn homo. In his opinion her Increased fond ness for pnrlliimentnry law, clubs and bridgo whist Is driving husbands and study of tho proposed reappor tionment In congress shown thnt tho center of political power Is moving from the Atlnutlc toward the Pacific coast. in the electoral college of 1SSS tho states west of tho Hocky mountains) hnd 17 votes out of n totnl of 101. In tho electoral college of 1012, If tho present program la adopted, thoso states will have Tit! votes, npportlon ed ns follows: California in Washington. Colorado. . Oregon. . . Idaho. . . Montana. . Utah. , . . New Moxlco. Arizona. . , Novndn. . . Wyoming. . IMMKIIt MlllitM I When tho breezes Chase tho snoozes Prom tho bnlmy ntniosphoro, And tho dcnlor Hoists n fooler, Advertising fresh bock beer, Thon n follow Peols so mellow Sort of gives up to spring's chnrm. Ho would like to Take n hike to Rural wilds nud work a farm. What's tho reason "When tho Honsou i Of tho building branch Is hero, That n fooling Co m oh n-stenllng O'or n follow, sort of queer? Wnnta to get out, And to set out Harden truck around his homo Wants to pick up, And to kick up Wants to agitato tho loam. lumber organisation. A follow that break In nnder the rules of tho gnme Is welcome, but most of tho would-bes want to rewrite tho rulos. Women nro nlwnys ready tr be cashiers In the matrimonial game, but few of them deslro to sign on ns working partners. Some Coos Hay women who nro ho fond of drifting along the brink of destruction would bo too frightened to holler for help If thoy foil In. Know vtn A Now Jersey Judge has decided that dental work In not n luxury but ono of tho necessities of life. And wo must ndmlt thnt tho cost mnkes It look llko buying bacon and other necessaries. 5G When n-wluglug Coma n-slnglng Merry hnrblngors tho blrdB And tho flowers Pill tho bowers, Thon you fool too full for words. Keep n-worklng; Can't bo Hhlrklug. Just u drudging follow') luck. Dreaming? Quit It. T ( Totnl. . . . With the now totnl of f31 In tho electoral college thlH means that tho Pnclllc HtatcH will have a pcrceutngoj r 1 A i !....,.. I r t o nn l.. icu in iw.ii, uinn-uti ui 'i., un in lowo.' !-..... ul aons from tho protective hearth to tho The rate of Increase In other parts C,ro yorwIf wm, Rin,on tnlc,c snloona and sinful places of tho "f ,no country for tho same period, i , world. compared with that or the Htntes In ,-,, . ,. . the Pnclllc northwest', Is shown In tho rhoro nro "snarling, cross-grnlnod f , , ,, wit-on ...! ...nil. il ........ .... .lOllOnlllh HIIIIU. ........ ...,u iiimiivin, un uiiiiiii, WHO nro responsible for hoiiio of man's When senntoiH nro elected by pop ulnr vote thero will bo no sonntorlnl dendlocks thnt tie up tho public's loglslntlvo business for weeks, ns In four stntos nt presont. tiii: valentine 1115 wants. I used to wnnt n tlnsolod card, Ornately scrolled with verses, Hut now give 1110 n creditor Who promptly rolmbursos. A crusndor In New Jersey has started n movement ngalnst the use of the wonl "hollo" maintaining thnt It Is profanity ns popularly ab breviated. Might hotter pny his at tention to tho profanity caused by tho hollo girl. One Man Cm9t ver f -i This Is true in the complex art of olectiicnl prodtictl nml an plication. On kind of oxport knowledge Is demanded of the dynamo ma. nufncUror; another kind Is required of tho ninn who keeps the mnchlneij running. Illumination has developed n bpIciico 0r In own. Electric power, In Its larger uses calls for years of stud; and training. 1 When wo ndvortlso that wo hnvo exports competent to Invcstl gnto power needs of any size and variety, nml to glvo nutliorlta. tlvo ndvlco, wo moan Just what wo Bay. Tho Dyllcaby organization Includes engineers, cnpablo of grap. pllng with the biggest kinds of clcctrlcni Instnllntlons. Tliero arc men for nil phnseB nnd nnglos of tho electrical Industry. Tho entire staff Is nt the call of ovcry oporatlng company Al though tho man wanted In a particular emergency may bo a thousand miles nwny, his services nro to be obtained ns soon as the rnllronds can bring htm. Tho-whole Hyllesby organization Is nt the sorvlco of overycus tomer. Our olcctrlcal engineering Btnlt Is nt tho dlsposnl of tho power user largo or small. If permission Is given, the right men will lie sont to solve his power problems, . TELEPHONE ITS Oregon Power Company waywardness, but take tho world by nnd largo their numbor Is too Insig nificant to warrant serious tropldiv 1 Now England. 1 Now York. . Ohio. . . . Per Ct. Por Ct. 1888. 1012. 0.5 8.0 0.0 8.r. 0.2 !.! 1.2 10.0 nt of political $ tiii: quiet oiiserveh SAYS: About tho only thing somo , Coos Hny men are ever respon- 1 slblo for Is 11 delay. It takes 11 protty fnlr mechanic to keep a pipe In running order. tlllll. The now wnniiin. nu il.mlntn.l i.. m- iiiiu i- . ,. I Pnclllc Stntos. by Mr. Ilotts, Is still 11 typo qui to ,, . ., , .... 1 11 .... I Thnt this 1 in-., linn 111,1, in mi iirovniuni. 1 lit) 1 . . . . . .'1, . .... woman who cares more for public l""uor ,ownr,, ,ho W0Ht ,8 n K"m'n, ,1,wr' bIx,,"-'-,' M prob llfo nnd playing bridge than for llor':,,,0lv," ""r'" ''y ,h !"Ct, J,'"11 ',,,,,U ,""!', , "m"ni h cvo"' home nnd children Is too decided nil1'" ,SSS Ul ",n,,m K of ,,u' - t liocmiiHo hIio wnsn't kidnapped .......... . . .1 . 1 1 . 'slppl hnd u totnl of 101 electors, or thnt day. oxcoptlon to tho genornl rulo to war-,,, ' ' , , . .,,. , , i .. ...., 1. 1.... .. n '2.1.0 per cent, iignliiHt 297 olootora, rant nnytllug more than nu nmusod . ,., .. . nnd casual Interest lor 71.1 por cent, for tho eastern As n general proposition, tho Ter- ,,,,.,. ,,....,',..,.., ,. , I states, the now apportionment for rllilo Toothacho has tho Torrlblo IIIIIIUII lllilll IHKIIMJIIIK HUT U- PUU-, in . .. . . . ,on Ho condemnation, It would hoc. net- 'J12 W,U ,rtl, Wt,8l,,r': Mn,?a ,f tor worth while to direct tho public ,,,w,or"' op A'ut ; nt. nnjl tho nttentlon to tho nvernge wife nnrt'" ,,,tw pnBt of. ' '" M,',l'l' m eiut'iiirB, in ui.t )iur I'uiii. Till: I'NPOHTl'.VATi: 1AHT Wo hnvo hurried tho germs, In splto of their squirms, nnd hnvo slain tho snmo (u their lair; Wo nro nftor tho fly with tho baleful eye, nnd tho 'skeoter must any his prayer; We hnvo purified woIIh nnd klllod off Binolls thnt havo risen unto tho skies, Hut In splto or our toll nnd tho wa ter wo boll, tho public upa nnd dies. DOCTOR DOSI5M. Por Snle Lot Times wnnt ad. . Phouu 133-J. got Our Saturday Turk outclassed as an honest, hard working terror. mother, who In overwhelming num bers throughout tho length nud breadth of the laud Is, by sweet wo manliness nnd patient, untiring ef fort, dully fighting to oppose the very thing which the Itev. Will A. Holts loplores. fliaxNTio ships and uaiiavay SYSTIOIS. T11I5 ehnuge In tho srnln of nearly all now uudertukluga ns com pared with those of evon tho re cent past Is Hell I II list rated by the necessity of the city of New York to lcngthi'ii the piers for the ducking of the grent naim -AtUuitle lluers which nro to come aeroa the ocean thU milliliter. Thi- T.usltantn ami the Mauretaula wcii' the limit of iln pier accommo dntl'MiK and with docks of the ex tivn Kngih of but 85 feet mid the Prom n consideration of Uicbo fig ures it is nppnrent mat tne time You enn nlso get n protty good Ifno on how badly a man Is Hinltton by the length of tlmo It takes him whon tho west could bo considered n t() 8U' good-night. negllglblo factor In the political llfo of tho nation has passed and with the i Increasing settlement of the western t territory a new alignment Is nppn rent. which gives tho Pnclllc stntos n political power constantly nppronch lug thnt of tho states In the eastern Mart of the country. A young fellow who begins every other Hontonco with "Hollevo me," is about ns tiresome us the girl who is nlwnys any lug, "Don't you know." HON!) IS PIXKD. (.'ovoiiinit'iit Timber Cum' Agnlut (', A. Smith Appealed. POItTLAND. Ore.. Peb. SS.Pr Uuiluary to the appeal of the Linn A Lane Timber Company ami C. A. Smith cases from the Pederal District Till: SHY HOAHDKH. If luudludlos served flying fish, I do believe, by Jlug, Thnt every tlmo they'd pns tho dish I'd surely got the wing! 11AUUY WINKLKIt. If Inudlndlw nerved SwIUor ohooso Or doughnuts, by my soul, I know the beet of each of these I'd got would be the hole. W. J. CONUAD. Market Eastside Winners I Dlock In Homo Addition, bntnlnlug ovor 3 ncros for $903 6 Lots for WG, Eost MnrshfKrt TO Lots for $000 East Mnrshflcld 10 Lots for ...$800 Eastside ALL GOOD HAY YIP.WS TKHMS KASY OTIIKIt fiOOl) HUYS Business pi-opcriy, COxlOO, on Stcond Btroet, CO foot north of Central $0,000 n snap 30x100 in SongMncken addition, with two-story houso nearly now for ' fJl,noo u moneymnkcr See Title, Guarantee & Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manage, Basket Court to the Circuit Court of Appeals' Attorney J. M. Oearlu had the appeal j If lamtladiiw served Llniburgor bond in each caae lived at $3,000,! To hungry ones who goad her UVmile and Olympic measuring 888' with tho eouaent of DUtilct Attorney To desperatlou by their want. !cCourt. No time waa lUed tu the! rif in 'miKth from how to tern mw nn cii must extend Iter land- hearings when the caae will be ar ..... I ii. i. .iiera or lose the foreign comgued Uforo tht higher tribunal, but j nuroe rpranted by UiMtt ww l.t ( proUablo thy will com up soon. ! if lnndladUw served all tho fruit vi.ul .m. I.Mr. (Ivarin said he was having the That grows, l do oplno Tin' 100-foot extenlot ueceaaary amount of tho bond tKwl so thnt i After every boarder had his slmro tu aivummodate tlj vewwls of tha chltf counsel. LI ml & I'elaud. of Mln 1011 daw will uithout doubt rail to uttpotU. could porfect their part of .i.iur the pur note for the olaw of ih work thor. I'M a or ltd I. and every iwrlod of Those' were the cases affecting j two o- three veais mauy reanonahly lout $500,000 worth of timber own-1 I'NCLIC Dl'DLUY SAYS: 1'" t'ii'ctud to add to the ltfliath at ii tiv llin I. inn .C- l.aiu. iuihiimiiv iml1 A ,,!.. .... II.. ,.n ., f,.n,... ., a --W - -.. ....... -- ... . .w.-... ( . ...,,(,,,, r,, VMI. II IUHUI 11 W I'd only get the odor. COHN15LL LAOUItSTUOM The lemon would bo mine. HUGO QUIST. Hnvo Just received another shipment of FRESH CHACKI5RS nnd COOK IKS from tho National HIscult Co. Wo havo FRESH RANCH EGOS SALMON I3ELLIKS SWEET, SOUR nnd DILL PICKLES. RIPE nnd OREEN OLIVES Pl'RE HONEY in the COMI1 HOME MADE SAUER KRAFT PRESSED FIGS DATES and PICKLED PUIS' FEET REST POTATOES In Coos Ray. Our list of FRESH FRUITS and VHOETAI1LMS for Saturday Includes: Your Sunday Roast HOAST IIEF.F Wo hnvo It rendy for you. Sweet nnd Juicy. HOAST MUTTON KO.tST PORK Union Meat Market mono us your Order. Phono fJS. "" " i unvai ooueiriiw- mt. tiHiiin, tine 10 wtucn tne govern- l" meut attacked on the ground that The Etrurla, of the Cunard lino, the land had ben acuulred by collu- 20 vi-ari ago a favorite veaael with lou. The local court held to the gov- tiviii Atlantic travelers, and tho erniueut's otiuteutlon. aud It U from Tc iiioiile, to ell known upon liar without sayln' a dtim word to him." lintibii wutera. would scarcely bo tukeu. t"idM for the vessels uow euterlng the tiade. Our naval appropriation bill of this session carries with it authority to build two bnttleshlpa of approxi mate ly 30,000 tons each, nnd ft cablegram from Toklo came In last Very few of the men who have tha this ruling that au appeal Is to be succeeded In climbing near enough H.UM'IST LAD11CS Will sell Chic ken Ta males Saturday afternoon nt Lowls' nlso THE DAKAR. to the top to touch big success have found It necessary to uso the saloon as a too hold. Vegetables CARROTS DEBTS TURNIPS PARSNIPS OREEN ONIONS CAULIFLOWER CELERY FRESH TOMATOES HEAD LETTUCE SWEET POTATOES CAtlDAOE RHUIURD HUTADAGAS RRUSSULS SPROUTS FIGS, black PETER SCOTT'S FIGS, white HOT HOUSE LET- DATES TUCK. New Shlpmont of HEINZ 57 varl- otlos. PHONE YOUR ORDER. Prodi Fruits DANANAS ORANGES LEMONS PINEAPPLES JAP ORANGES CRANBERRIES DRIED FRUITS APPLES PEARS PRUNES APRICOTS PEACHES Look! Shirts Only 1 c Apiece Good Livery Service Fan.y now rigs, good horses and enreful drivers nro now nt the dls- For this week only we will launder PSal ot tho Cooa Dny I)Uul,c nt shirts for ono cent. Positively uo ' UEASO.V.YHLE HATES credit nt this price and tho cent 'must' Illf?8 or r'Ba wl,h drlvors ready for bo of tho ls8uo of 1S77. n".v trip nnywhora any time. Horses bonrded nnd rigs enrod !or. New hearse nnd spcjlal ncconimo datlons provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S MVEItY AND FEED STAIILUS PHONE ST:!-.!. Coos Bay Steam Laundry l'HOXi: MAIN 37.., Electric lamps suited for everj purpose. For tha home, oiUce Launches. Automobile. Miniature Flash Light Colored Lnmns for . orative purposes for sale or rent Open until 6:30 o-clock week davg; Saturday until 9: no P. M. Phone your orders for delivery. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J. Wanted A want ad will soil Phone 133-J. It. Down In Los Angoles n surgoon oporatlng on n man for cancer, find ing that tho patient did not havo cancer, cut out tho appendix. Now 0LUVANT& WEAVER THE PURE FOOD GROCKRMEX Try Our 1U1 Itibbou Pumpkin. A Good Placo to Trade, Phono 275. Cor. 3rd and Central Avt Coal Cheapest Fuel on Coos Bav Lump eonl $t..-,o. x,,t coaf $z.M Wo do all lmU f hau contracting. Horses nd vehicles for sale. For quick delivery call on L. H. HEISNER or phono 120-J or 40-L. Turkish Baths 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 214-J Good Evening HAVE YOU ANY LAUNDRY? If o. dc not forgot that th s Is THE laundry whero you get the best work, and prices nro In every one's reach. Call up and ono of the driv ers will call and explain nil details to you. All tolophono calls nro quick ly attended to. because wo are run ning two wagons. OUR GUARAXTFI.f IS YOUK SAT- 1SFACTION. MA15SHFIELD HAND AND STKVM LAUXDHY. Mnuzey Uros., iroi)l pi,one 220-J Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phone tJitll. FAMILY HOTEL TRE LLOYD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR Rates reduced to Day 50c, 75c and 51.00; week 12.00 to ?5.00. House 'eeplng apartments with gas ranges P0 00 to $18.00 per month. FREE BATHS-E. w. SULLIVAN, Prop.