(Qjuus ADS. ttt0 NEWS oirr it W.IU.K it is xuw n READING TUN COOS HAY TIMES AMi THE XEW8 ALL THE TIME TERSELY TO...) :: :: :: :: MKMUER OP ASSOCIATED PRKSS KMnbllshciI In 1H78 n Tlio Const Mnll VOL XXXIV MARSHFIELD.OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Time, Const Mnll niul Coos .Jny Advertiser. No.,36. I....V ntSIXKSS IS 8IX)V, AD I i ..AT.riuvs.suvi. i?Ti nv successful ni'si. Js, llOtSia KVKItVWllKHB tl Lffl FOUND MINE NEAR Feared That Manv Miners Were Victims In Belmont Shaft Blaze. BODIES OF SOME ARE RECOVERED TODAY ! Fire Extinciuishpd and Rescu ing Party Is Able to Make Progress. (By Associated ProsB to Coos liny Times.; .Amnlll vv. . Poh. 24. T.10 lunvi m -. - ( ....., nnrV III tllO IlellllOtlt IlllllO, which caught nro yesterday, found ( eleven bodies today and It Is bolloved still othcra will bo round aB tno res cuers penetrnto deeper Into tlio mine. The flro 1ms been cxt.nguisncu Pettyjohn & Nicols Get Verdict In Oreflon Supreme Court. The case of Pettyjohn & Nicola vs the Oregon Conl nnd Nnvlgntlon Co. has just been decided In the Supremo Court of tlio Stnto In favor of Pet tyjohn & Nicols, ThlB enso Is of more or less Interest to locnl ship pers. It will bo recalled Mint In 190S, on her wny hero from Snn Francisco, the schooner M. P. Plant broke her shaft nnd lost her propel ler at sea nnd wns towed Into Coos Bay by the John Paulson. Upon her arrival tlio owners of tlio Plant claimed they wero entitled to nalvago on account of such towngo nnd thnt they had a right to hold tho cargo until such salvago was paid, or secu rity given therefor by tho shippers, Pettyjohn & Nicols refused to pay any salvngo or to give any bond nnd brought an nctlon against tho Plant's owners for possession of cer tain goods consigned to thorn. Tho cate has been strenuously contested 'rm Justlco Pennock'a court to tho Supremo Court of tho stnto, all courts holding In succession thnt Pettyjohn & Nicols wero not requir ed to pay nny snlvoge. Williams, Wood nnd Llnthlcum, Clark, niako nnd Llljcqvlst wero nt torneys for 0. C. & N. Co., nnd Geo. Watklns, was nttorney for Pettyjohn & Nicols. MOTOR CLUB'S Dates for Annual Reqatta Not FixedCruises Are Arranged. Commodoro Durmlstor of tho Coos Bay Motor Boat club today announc ed the plans of tho club for tho sea son. Tho exact dates of tho regatta Mve not been fixed owing to tho an nual boating exhibition hero having t0 be on dates that will not conflict lth other regattas on tho coast. The dates of tho regular cruises, Picnics and excursions and the desti nations are as follows: April 9 Government quarry on orth Coos River. May 7 Government works In low er Bay. May 31 Open crulso, destination not fixed, Juno 11 Piper's Grove. July 13. South Coos River. August 14 Sumner. September 13 Open cruise. PLANT LOSES ! SALVAGE GASEj I PLANS V IN TONOPAH TOOAY LOSES LIFEIIN Lieut West Frozen to Death Near Nome While Aiding Woman. flly Associated Press to Coos Tiny Times.) NOME, Alaska, Feb. 2 1. Lieute nant S. D. West, U. S. A. of Port Dnvls, wnB frozen to denth yesterday while stalking n trail flvo miles from Tlskou during the severest blizzard over known here. Mrs. Davenport, wife of the depu ty United States marshal nnd for whom West was marking n trail, wnlked Into Tlshou through tlio snow nnd reported his death. Doputy Mnrshnl Davenport went out nnd found tlio body nnd brought It Id. West was 33 years of ago. TRIES 10 COT STATE BILLS Representative Peirce Fails In Effort to Reduce Ap propriations. "A few of us who wero opposed to tho extrnvngnnco of tho Oregon legislature thought to'overcomo It by compelling Gov. West to exercise his 'threat of vetoing cortr.ln appropria tions If tho stnto printer flat-salary hill was not passed but wo lnckod numbers," romnrked Storor Pelrco, Joint representative of Coos and Cur ry county, who wns In Mnrshfleld , yestordny on routo homo to Curry i county. "I wns in favor of tho flat nnlnrv 1.111 tnr lir ntntn nrlntor nnd voted for It tho first time when It I wnB beaton. Then when it como back I with n messngo from Gov. Wes,t de iclnrlng thnt unless It wns pnssed, ho .would veto other mensures, wo snw D a chnnco to cut down stnto expenses by dofentlng It. Wo did our best but couldn't." Neither Representative Polrco or Sonntor Chnso explnlnod nbout Gov. West's veto of tho bill to enable tho stnto to cede tide lnnds to port com missions, which wns desired by Coos Bay. Representative JPelrco announces that unless something unexpected happens ho will bo n candldato for reolectlon. Ho believes ,that ho will bo nblo to accomplish considerably more for his constituents next time. Concerning his record at Salem, a paper there says: "Representative Peirce of Coos and Curry, made one of tho best re cords in tho legislature. Ho stood with men like Hollls and Shaw ngnlnst extravagant appropriations. If such men had been on tho ways nnd mennB committee there would have been a different outcome. Mr. Pelrco hnd ono bill of the greatest vnluo to the people his high school bill. Ho was several terms a county clerk, and one of the most compe tent men In the House." Representative Ttackleff returned overland. Tho principal measure ho got through was tho bill preventing railroads from bottling up a territory by occupying the passes or strategic points on tho right of way. This is a copy of the Washington law nnd wns brought to the attention of tho legislature by Francis H. Clarke of Mnrshfleld. Whether Gov. West will approve of It, Is not yet known. Read Tho Times' Want Ado. PL T SOLD FOB ALASKA BUN Steamship Formerly On Coos Bay Run Disposed of to Packers Association For Northern Trade. Tho steamer M. P. Plnnt, which wnB recently taken off tho Coos Uny -Snn PrnnclBco run, has been sold and It Is understood thnt tho Alaska Packers association nro tho pur chasers. Tho latter concern hns been negotiating for her nnd while tho ndvlse did not stnto exnetly who thu purchnscrs were, tho Inference is thnt tho packers bought hero for the Pugot Sound-AlnBkn trndu. Supt. Hennessey of tho O. C. & N. company Btated today thnt tho ncwB of tho snlo wns correct and that TEXT OF TREATY terms op new agreement publish.:.) in washington DOES NOT provide FOIt ex CLUSIOX. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 24. Tho now Jnpnneso treaty text, which was published hero today mid which Is now ponding In tho Scnato Com mittee, comprises otghtccn articles. Most of thoBO covor Biibjocts already treated in tho existing convention though In many instances tho lan guage was changed to mnko provi sion for modorn conditions. Perhaps tho most important fenturo of tho document which, whllo not part of tho trenty is attached to it In con nection with tho correspondence, Is tho following declaration: "In proceeding this day to tho slgnnturo of tho treaty of commorco nnd navigation between Japan nnd FIFTY HUN Many Killed and Injured When Train Crashes Into Ravine Near Valparaiso. (Ey Associated Press to Coos I TlraeB.) VALPARAISO, Chill, Fob. 24. A rajlway train Jumped tho track on a brldgo near tho American Braden Copper Company today and plunged Into tho ravine. Fifty wore killed or injured. American Recruit Slavs Insur recto and Trouble Is Brewing Now. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) MBXICALI, Mex., Feb. 24. "Wild BUI" Hatfield, a member of the famous McCoy Hatfield feud of Kentucky, ono of tho American re cruits of General Loyvls of the rebel army, shot and killed a Mexi can Insurrecto laBt night. Nothing was done with Hatfield by the ln surrectos. It Is feared the shooting may cause a serious feud between tho American and Mexican members of the rebel army. A PAIR of TROUSERS FREE to tho best guesser See window at the WOOLEN MILL STORE. Try Times' Want Ads. ; GHili WRECK FEAR FEOD OF BO REBELS he presumed thnt the Alaska Pack ers association wns the purchaser. The price wns not learned al though It Is supposed to be In tho neighborhood of $G0,000. The M. P. Plant wns one of the flrBt prizes tnken by Amcrlcn in the SpnnlBh-Amcrlcnu wnr. Whllo the Llbby mine was being operated, tho Goodall-Pcrklns com pany refused to scpnratc tho ship and the property in a sale but now the mine Is closed down, they evidently thought It unnecessary on Insisting on the Joint sale. While vnrlous ones hnvo been ne gotiating for the O. C. & N. Co.'s waterfrontnge, coal property and T AAA nMKAn t Inn,. Imtm i n tlnflti Iftn IUtlVJ ,IVD JL lUilll IIUIVi IIU Wl'IIUlli; deal hns Icon mnilc, ns nonr ns can bo nsccrtnincHl. IS GIVEN OUT tho United States, tho undersigned Jnpnneso ambassador In Washing ton, duly authorized by his govern ment hnd tho honor to declnro that tho Imperial Japancso government Is fully prepared to maintain with oqunl effectiveness tho llmltntlon nnd control which they hnvo for tho past thrco years been exercised In tho regulation of emigration of la borers to tho United States. Y, Uchl-, da, Feb. 21, 1011." , Tho first artlclo of tho trenty as-' sorts tho right of citizens or subjects ' of tho two countries to ontor, trnvol, reside, Icnso houses nnd shops nnd residences and In gonoral do any thing coincident to trade. They nro exempted from nny spe clnl taxation not Imposed upon nn tlvo subjects, nro guaranteed "tho most constant protection and secu rity far tholr persons nnd property" on submitting themselves to tho con ditions plnced upon tho nntlves. They nro also oxomptod from military sor vlco and forced loans. BILL LEFT TO Senate Committee Refuses tc Favor Or Oppose Canadian Reciprocity Measure (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 24. Tho McCall bill to carry out tho pro visions of tho Canadian reciprocity agreement was ordered reported t tho Senato today without recommen dation. By a voto of C to 7 tho com mittee refused to report either fu vorably or advorsoly. Tho decision to report tho bill without recommondntlon wns unani mous. Tho bill thoreforo will como beforo tho Senato In tho exact form In which It was passed by tho House. If consideration 1b given to proposed amendments, It seems certain that no voto can bo had at tho present ses sion. DISAGREE OVER IT. Sonio In Northwest Favor Recipro city nnd Othcra Oppose It. (By Associated I ess to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 24. President Taft today made public a telegram signed by a dozen lumber and other companies of the state of Washington who declared that tho Pacific north west "has not a single interest that will suffer from tho Canadian reciprocity agreement." They said they wero opposed to any amendment that would endanger tho adoption or the agreement. On the other hand, the Seattlo Cham ber of Commerce telegraphed that tho adoption of tho bill would be a serious .blow to tho Interests of tho Pacific northwest. TAMALES and COOKED FOOD sale Saturday at Lewis Confectionery SENATE I INCREASE IN FBEI6RT RATES KNOCKED OUT Adverse Decision to Railways Results In Sharp Declines In East. (By Associated Press to Coos Bny Times. ) NEW YORK, N. Y Fob. 24. The Block mnrket today reflected Its opinion of tho Interstate Commerce Commission's decision against the Increased freight rates by henvy snlcs of stock nt sharply declining prices from two to four points below tho cIobo of last night. The security j vnlucs of some western rnllronds' stocks showed nvcrngo losses of four points from yestcrdny's. Southern Pacific fell off 4 3-4 nt tho opening, Northern Pacific slump ed four points, St. Paul wns down 416, Union Pacific declined 4 nnd Atchison sold nt four nnd halt less thnn yesterday. Normnl conditions prevailed In tho stock mnrket during the noon hour, tho fluctuations be ing ordorly nnd business much re stricted. IN EARLY DAYS Washington Birthday Celebra tion at Gold Beach Has Bloody Endina. Tho following account of ono of tho trnglc events of early days In Coos and Curry counties was written for Tho Times by A. G. Aiken of this city: ON February 22, 185G, tho settlors wcrohavlngn danconf'El lonsburg"; nowcallcd 'Gold Beach' Mr. Riley was sheriff and was serving soino pnpors up tho river. On his roturn down ho heard shooting at tho ferry, about four miles from tho mouth of tho river. Riley mado haste to tho danco ns his wife was thero. Ho told what ho thought was up. Thoy all went to work to prepare for tho worst. Everybody went armed, oven to dances In thoso dnys nnd eve ry woman In tho llttlo settlement was at tho danco, except Mrs. Oulsel nnd family. Mr. Gulsel nnd three llttlo boys wero killed thnt night, tho old est was a boy about nlno, tho next about seven nnd tho next flvo years. Mrs. Gulsel and daughter aged 12 or 13 and a baby girl about 3 months old wero taken prlsonors. Thoy wore with tho Indians threo montlfs nnd suffored many hardships. Tho plan of tho Indians wns to kill all that did not go to tho danco In tho early ovc nlng nnd thoso thnt did go to the danco wero to bo killed on their re turn home. Tholr homes woro des troyed and about twenty settlers wero killed that night. Mr. Meservoy was elected cnptnln of tho company thnt was formed at the dance nnd tho party went to work and orected or fixed n barricade that night and held the fort until they wero relieved by tho Port Orford Volunteers. Chas. Brown, a Swedo that was at tho dance negotiated with tho Indians for the release of Mrs. Gulsel nnd her two children threo months lntor. tmttttstnm$$ i 1 HEAR WILLIAMS I t AT THE Z t CHRISTIAN CHURCH t t EVERY NIGHT t t THIS WEEK. X REN HUH ILLUSTRATED LEC Tl'KK .mumiai ftiuiu , $$$$$$!$!$?$$$$$$$$&?$$$$ j BIC DROP IN STOCKS TODAY I TRAGEDY BY COMMISSION Interstate Commerce Holds That Raises Are Not Jus tified. RAILROADS ARE UP IN AIR AS RESULT Declare They Will Retaliate by Cutting Off Improve ments. (By Associated Press to Coos Bayr Times.) NEW YORK, N. Y., Fob. 24 Ai meeting of tho cxccutlvo ofllccrs and general counsel of tho railroads In tho official classifications territory hns been cnlled for Mondny noxt In this city to dotcrmlno what action shall bo taken by tho railroads re garding tho decision of tho lntor state Commerce Commission In tha frelght rate cobcs yesterday when Ifir was hold that tho railroads both o&st nnd west woro not entitled to any In crease in rates. Tho commission.' disapproved of tho proposed ad vances and ordered tho carrlors by March 10 to withdraw tho proposed rates leaving tho old rates In cffocU MAKES VEILED THREATi .'rt'Hldcnt UiioYrwoml of tho Erfo SayN Hiillwnyn Will Retaliate. (By Associated Press to Coos Bar-' Times.) NEW YORK, N. Y., Fob. 24. "This decision Is going to cost tho public dearly," assorted President Undorwood of the Erlo Railway com menting today on tho freight rato de cision. "Rnllroad revenues como from tho great consuming public aniT that is whore tho burdon Imposed by this finding will rest," Undorwood said tho railroads would not buy any i nidro equipment or mnko extensions -beyond actual Immediate require ments nnd that as few men as aro ab. solutoly required to oporato tho linos- nnd keep them In ropnlr will bo glvoru employment. 'DIVINE RIGHT" HAF.lt. Says Railways Will Suffer No More- ' Thun' Public. (By Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) PHILADELPHIA, Fob. 24. Goo. P. Bnor, president of tho Philadel phia and Rending also bond of tho Centrnl rnllroad of Now Jorsoy, ex pressed gront surprlso nt tho deci sion of tho Interstate Commorco Commission and stated "it tho ro sult shall bo to bring nboul a gon erAl reduction in wages and In ma terial nnd supplies, In tho end tho rnllronds will suffer no moro than tho general public." Seven American Sailors Desert Battleship at San Dieqo and Leave for Border (By Associated Press to Coos Bay? Times.) SAN DIEGO, Cal., Fol). 24. STx: deserters from tho crulsor California nro being sought today in tho brusU botweon San Dlogo and tho Moxlcan line. Originally thero was sovon, but Carl C. Gordon was accidentally shot In both legs yostorday and Is now In the hospital. Tho nion havo securod civilian clothes, carablnos and plenty of ammunition. It Is bolloved their objoct Is to Join tho Moxlcnn roUeJs. If you btTa GOD GUESSER, sou tho corner window at the WOOLEN MILL STORE. QUIT TO JOIN INBfflr