THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1911 EVENING EDITION. yjen-,you're down witli tho la grippe rotnoinbor Jonnh IIo cumo out all right. You'll coniu out nil right too If you uso LAXCOLD A laxative tablet treatment for coughs, colds and la grippe. PRICE 25 CUNTS PER HON. For Sale at "The Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. THi: Hl'HY CORNER Build That t ' Chicken Yard Now Nothing encourages chickens to Jay belter than to have a largo roomy pen for Iheni to scratch around in. Build it out of 4-foot LATH and save almost half in the cost of construction. "While they last we can make the low price of 10 Cents Per 100 Lath A larfto number of chicken raisers on the Bay have already taken advantage of this offer. CM. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Phone 100-J ttclnil Yards 182, South Broadway Eastside Winners 1 niock In Homo Addition, containing over 3 acres for $900 6 Lots for $475, East Marshflelrt 10 Lots for $000 East Marshflold 1C Lots for $800 Eastsldo ALL GOOD RAY VIEWS TERMS EASY OTHER GOOD nUYS Business property, COxlOO, oa Second street, CO feet north of Central $0,000 a snap 00x100 In Sengstucken addition, with two-story houso nearly now for $1,500 a money-mnker See Title, Guarantee &. Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager n.WI ,v good private hoartlliig and rooming houso with ton steady Boarders. Must soil bocauso of lckuess. Furniture nenrly now. Cost over $300; will soil for $250 w I must get away immediately. Address P. O. Box 795, Marshflold, or call Times ofllce. AXTi:i cilrl n. Keneinl houso . Small family, no children. Mrs- John Lafon. ron sale uolsUIll cnlvcH from 'h0 famos Condron heard. Ad res3 S. W. Shook, Marshflold, or pnone 3031. 1 SALEi00dh0IMl 1HIl,s WJU JM flne varmint dogs. Address 3031 "' Marsllflold' or I)Uono I'OH ItPVT -,, - W "' """1,our " rnnch. Apply Store d& SU' IIardwaro 'AXTE V Xo. l starch Ironer, nt Busy Corner" PHONE 21)8. J unco, wnges $2.00 por dny. At Marshtleld Hand and Steam 'Laun dry, Phono 229-J. FOR RENT XUe-room ami live room houses In Wost Marshflold. Inquire Hall & Hall. FOR SALE Three- homestead rellu tiulshmonts, wrlto Box 253 Co quillo, Oregon. WAXTI5I) Cliainbermald at once. Middle aged womnn preferred. Re ferences required. Lloyd hotel. WANTED Second girl in kitchen. Address or phono ofllco C. A. Smith Lbr, & Mfg. Co. FOR SALE 77 H acres on CoosRIvor 2t. miles north of Allegany, new bungalow and barn all fenced, 20 acres bottom land, flne for pota toes. Spring water piped to houso. Price $2,C00, $1,750 cash will handle. Address C. M. Doutt, Allegany, Ore. WANTED Girl in kitchen nt Hunk or Hill Boarding House. IwAXTEli TO REXT Cottaco or small houso on high ground, Must FORMER CHIEF IS FINED $15 j i "Bill" Smith of North Band Convicted of Assaulting H. D. Smoak. "Dill" Smith, former chief of pol- Ico of North Bond, was lined $ 15 by Mrs. Thomas Pnrey has been serl Clty Recorder Derbyshire thcro on ously 111 at her homo on Virginia charge of assaulting 11. I). Smoak, re- nveuuo Is now Improving. cently of Gardiner. Smith paid the ,, ' , . , I Mrs. M. I). Sherrard, who haB been Hno but Is still lamenting tho fact ,vl8ltlllK r(jltvcs ,loro, rotrned to thut tho ". low in tho caso is defee- tlve." It scorns that Mr. Smith Is living in a house belonging to Smoak. Smoak didn't require him to pay rent, merely desiring an occupant. IIo returned tho other day and decided to occupy the houso himself. Smith objected to moving on Btich brlof no tice Words followed and Smith al leges that Smoak called him a liar whoroupon ho camo back with a cou plo of stiff jabs that changed the color around Smoak's eye. When ho heard that Smoak had sworn out a warrant for him, Smith escaped tho Indignity of having his successor ns chief of police nrrost' him by personally delivering hlmrelf up to the court. lie pleaded not guilty, contending that when a man is called a liar ho Ir justified In lauding n few solid Jolts. City Recorder Derbyshire do clared this wasn't good law, holding '"'K resolutions which are self cxpla that no words Justified an assault and nnlory: ..,.,, Imposed a $13 lino which Smith paid. SAILS TODAY. Tho Alliance sailed this mornlne for Eureka, tho only passengers from n1(I' tho '""""lug resolutions wore here being four or live traveling men. "' lltccl by the Marsh Sho had n number of through pas- flc,d Chamber of Commerce songcrs. Mm. nornwt Atlmi-lnn nnvo "mnn'Of M. 1'. 1'IHIU irum UIO -" - was not created to make life easy for'Sn KrnnclBco run, and hnvo norma woman, nor woman Just to moko R ,"c"' discontinued their coal opera Intoroflthur f,ir mnii" VovnrMinlnaii the fnlr sex will douhtloss conttnuo to make It interesting for us. r ryi LJ IJC ffc I W l(ilnU F HB Rlllrst dovolopment datos nacic nenny We have n fow old plecoa of beau tiful hnnd-pnluted China, Including some Genuine Hnvllaud which wo o offering nt Just half tho original,"10 "01,t," f tU'8 PT,rtJii,nn11i rices. They will make most nccop-' T8l'rU)' .?' ",0. CU ?. .fl' l"? nr pricos. They tnblo gifts or Party Prizes. Thoy Includo Ijirgo Hnvllniul Frtilt plate, wns $3.10, for only 8I..15 Nice Olive or Pickle Dish, was 30c, for only 13o -1 Hnmlsoiuo Dinner Plates, decorated with Coos Ray Roses, wero $1.00 each, now only. . . .flOa 7.1c Cups nud Saucers, only -iOc Beautiful Dessert Plates, wore 75c, now only 10c SEE OUR WINDOW AND CALL AND GET SOME OF THESE CHINA BARGAINS. c OOS BAY ASH STORE The Store Tliat Saves You Money, GEO. X. BOLT, - Manager. Front Street, MnrMifleld. FAMILY nOTEL THE LLOYD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR Rates reducod to: Dny 50c, 75c and 1.00: week S2.00 to Sf,.00. House. keeping npnrtmonts with gas rnngos ; $10.00 to $1S.00 per month. FREE f HATH? I". V. Sl'LLIVAX. Prop. How to cure n cold Is a quostliMi In which many nro interested Just now. Chnmborlaln's Cough Homed has won Its great reputation and Immonso sale by Its remnrkahlo cure of colds. It can always bo depend ed upon. For snlo by nil dealers. FOR SALE High grade Chalmers nuto. This mnchlne is In good con dition nnd has only been run about 2,-100 mllos. Has 2 extra tires, 4 oxtra Inner tubes,, a complete set of auto tools. Will trndo for part city property vacant lots preferred. L. Amadon, 178 Broadway, Marsh flold, Ore. FOR SALE Completo gasoline en gino pumping outfit. Tank nnd all. Guaranteed. Will soil at sa crifice Dr. Burmlster, North Bend. WANTED Girl at Stafford's. ho ronsonnble, wrl'o "Home" care TI nios. iNorth Ncws Mrs. Monde of North Hand Heights is n.ulte 111. , Clarence Man Is 111 at his home with la grippe. Mm. Kd. Scliioffulu of lluynoa In let lti chopping here today. Mrs. Mnrtln Dreen of EaaMdo Is n North Ileml visitor today. her homo at Bandon this morning Miss Ruth Qulovson, who spent several months hero for her, health Is now nblo to attend school In Port land. ' Miss May Peterson returned on this morning Breakwater. Sho has been attending business college nt Portland. Robert McCann, foreman of North Ileml mill and John Freeland nro transacting business In Empire this 'nf,ornoon TRIBUTE TO COMPANY. Murshllcld niniiilx'i of Commerce Passes Resolutions. Tho executive- committee- of tho Marsh field Chamber of Conunorco at its last meeting adopted the follow- II coming 10 mo uouco ni huh uuny that tho Oregon Conl.and Navigation comimny, owned and controlled by tho Qoodnlls and Senntor Perkins, ''n "continued Its operations In this "wnorons, uoounu renwns nuvo permanently withdrawn their steam- U0I18 at tllO LU)y miUO, niltl Whoreas, This ontorprlso owned mill controlled 1)V OOOdnll & PcrklllB for over twenty yonrs Is of historical . ...I.. .......n.. ... tin iiHorosi io huh i-iiiuiuim., n m sixty years, and, "WhoronB, This community hns received gront pecuniary bonoflt from '"hmil fnnu llnv linlni? Inrunlv lOSDOll- .., t.. ., BIUIU IIIUIUIIUIII, illli., "Whoren8, Tho pooplo of Marsh flold and Coos Bay highly appreclato tho benefits that tho ontorprlso con ducted by Goodnll and Perkins hns brought to thorn, and greatly regret tholr withdrawal from this Hold, now therefore, "Bo It resolved, That n vote of thanks bo oxtonded to thorn for tho bonoflts which thoy hnvo bestowed upon Marshflold nnd Its vicinity, In cluding expressions of regret over tholr pormnnont withdrawal from Coos Bay, and that tho secretary bo Instructed to send n copy of these re solutions to tholr San Francisco ad dress." , Read tho Times Wnnt Ads. :n:nns: t x CONCERT t $ CHAMINADE CLUB Z t TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28 t t MASONIC OPERA HOUSE t Z SEATS ON SALE AT 'BUSY CORNER'. I ADMISSION 50c AND 75c t A Railroad to Coos Bay Might increase our population nnd lucroaso the valuos of our real estate but It couldn't IncronBo tho quality of Stafford's Candles. These can dles nro made of the purest and freshest Ingredients thnt can bo had in tho world's markets. That's what makes them so dollcious. Have you tried our "Open Kettle Molasses Chews." Something now and good. , THY THEM. TWO STORES. 230 Front St IIO Central Ave. (JzmHvndi imdm flUEWKS II 'III I ' I.OCAI. TKMPEHATIRE HE- PORTS Tor twonly-four hours ending ot 1:1 3 p. in.. Eeb. 22, by Mrs. 15. Mlngiis, special government meteorological observer: Maximum -19 Minimum 30 At 4:13 p. in Precipitation' Wind Northwest; cloudy. 17 .03 THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON, Feb. 23. Fair to night and Friday. To Rogue River. Tho Coaster Is loading todny for Port Orford and Qold Reach. Sho may cross out this afternoon. Improves Lot. M. C Morton Is having his block In Fcrndnlo levelled nud planted to grass. He plans to erect a fine homo thoro ns soon ns streets are opened up nud Improved. Flml Tlnve Bodies. Tho bodies of three of the men lost on tho Oshkosh hnvo been recovered. One wns Wm. II. Donne, one of the owners, and the other two wore Bailors, Chllberg nud Larson. Is III. Miss Allco Shields, a half sister of Mrs. Geo. 15. Cook, who died Monday night of pneumonia, Is now very 111 of pneumonia at the Cook home. Her condition this morning wns serious. Mrs. Parsons Hotter. Ilorbort Lockhnrt received n letter today from Frank Pnrsons nt Droln stating MrB. PnrsoiiB was recovering from her Ill ness and they would atnrt Wednesday morning on their trip onBtwnrd. Team Runs Away. This morning tho drny tenm of C. II. Walter be- cnhl0 r,iKhtonoil whllo Htnndlng In ...,. ., t, lirnnW-ntni. nfllnn mill (jnHno,i ,, Front street. They wero i . ... . . Htopped by R. C. Cordes ana .Mnrsnni Carter before they did nny damage. Mnny Enjoy Soclnl. Thoro wns n I good turnout nt tho Washington hMMaY cM B,VOn by U' "J' . lMA Lo,,B of E118 ,nBt "lRht .I"'1 tlM tho nffnlr provod a most onjoynblo ono. Following a Keno contest, dancing was enjoyed and refreshments wore sorvod. No Clue Found. Marshal Cartor Is Investigating tho bottlo mystory from Empire. Ho has beon unnblo to find nny cluo to tho Identity of tho nllogod victim although parties from Empire report that a boat was picked up nonr thoro about tho tlmo tho drowning Is reported to lmvo occur red. ' :.. New Piano Store. Tho Bush & Lano Phino Co. of Portland hnvo opened n branch store In Marshflold which will ho under tho local mana gement of II. RoiiBsoau nn experi enced young piano man. Thoy hnvo rented n store room In tho O'Connoll building on market avonuo nnd moved (he-lr tlow stock In todny, TAMALES, nnd COOKED FOOD snlo Saturday nt Lewis Coiifoctlonory Changeable Weather Ir hard on tho completion. To keep tho fnco and hands In n smooth velvety condition In nil kinds of weather, ladles And that B, & S. Swoot Lavondor Cream answora ovory purpose. This Is n liquid cream and contains no greaso or oils. Ploasqut to uso, delightfully porfumed. When rubbed on the skin It Is quickly absorbed nud dlsupponrs, Glovos may bo worn Immodinto ly nfter Its uso. PRICE 25 CENTS FOR SALE BY I'S ONLY BROWN DRUG CO. GRADL'ATE CHEMISTS "THE QL'ALITY STORE." Our New Store, 71 Market Avenue, Coos Building. Oysters Fresh and Large THE SALES LAST WV.KK EXCEEDED OCR BEST WISHES. TRY A CAN AXD RE COXVIXCED. ALL GROCERS KAVJ3 THESC Personal Notes WM. WADE returned today from a business trip to Portland. HARRY WINKLER Is recovering from a brief attack of In grippe. AUGUST FRIZEEN litis recovered from n few days siege ot la grippe A. I). DALY will lonva Saturday for Portland on business nud pleasure MRS. 15. K. JONES plans to lcavo Saturday for Portland to visit rel atives. MISS MAMIE MAIIONI3Y was tho guest of North Ilond friends yes terday. HOWARD KELLY Is still very 111 at tho home of his parents In South Marshflcld. MRS. W. T. MERCHANT expects to lcavo on tho next Rcdondo for a visit in San Francisco. MISS EDNA STANLEY cntortnlnod a fow friendB nt her home In South Mnrshflcld last evening. MISS GENEVIEVE TELLEFSON, who Is now clerking In a store at Coqulllc, spent yostordny with rela tives hero. .1. 15. PERRY, a Portland traveling man, Is reported very ill nt Tho Chnudler from In grippe and othor complications. MRS. O. S. TORREY returned today from extended visit nt tho homo of her daughter In Blnckfoot, Ida ho, W. C. CHASE, senntor from Coos and Curry counties, pnssod through hero today en route homo to Co qulllo nftcr attending tho session of tho legislature. CHRIS SEAMAN arrived on Coos Bay today on his wny to Bnndon from Bolllnghnm, Washington, IIo has purchased tho Bnndon Brew ery and will tnko lmmcdlnto charge of It. MRS. T. C. RUSSELL, who hns beon visiting relatives nt Diamond, Wyoming, returned todny on tho Brcnkwator, Mr. Russoll camo down from Ilonvor Hill last ovo nlng to meet hor. MISS OLIVE O'MARA, who hns beon clerking In Stafford's Front street enndy store, undorwent nn opera tion for appendicitis yesterday. Sho Is reported tri'-havo passed tho or deal successfully nud Is recovering rapidly. S. P. PEIRCE, Joint ropresontntlvo from Coos and Curry counties, and wtfo passed through horo today on routo homo from Salem whore Mr. Pelrco has beon nttondlng tho leg islature. Mr. Polrco says that the report that a law was enacted pormlttlngthouso ofsnenkboats In duck hunting Is erroneous. Shoot ing ducks from row boats, how ovor, Is pormlttod. PLAY TONIGHT. Tho Myrtle Point nnd Marshflold High school basketball teams will piny tonight nt tho Marshllold Tnbor naclo. Tho Myrtlo Point team will como ovor on tho afternoon train