THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1911 EVENING EDITION. . ""' COOS BAY TIMES Entered nt the postofllco nt Mnrsh field, Oregon, for trnnsmlsalin through the mnlls iih second claw tnnll matter. II. c. mai.oxkv AX k. mai-oxkv Killtor mill Puli. Xi'ws KtlltDi my on tho subject of taxation: Those who receive no tax bills limy not nnllzo how far tho taxes nro drawn from them, hut In point of net eve rybody who works and lives on nn Income provided by hi own offorts twtys tuxes. TIMS DOKS.VT SKKM POSSIIM.K. t WITH THE t ; toastandtea: 44 :T An Independent Republican news paper published evor evening ?x cont Sunday, and Weekly by The Coos Hay Times PiiIiIInIiIiik C'i. j wichusetU. says an oxclinngo. Thnt niiy man could be guilty UK case of a man alleged to have traded hl wife for a knlfo Is mr I (I to have come to life In Mas- Dedicated to tho scrvlco of tli people, that no good causa shall lack a champion, and that evil shall not thrlvo unopposed. Tho Coos Hay Times represents it consolidation of tho Dally Const Mall and Tho Coos Day Advertiser. The Coast Mall was tho first dally cslao llshod on Coos Day and Tho Coos Day Times Is Its Immcdlato suc cessor. suiiscimptiox katks. DAILY. Ono year JC.00 Per month 50 When paid strictly In advance- tho subscription price of the Coos liny Times Is ?!5.00 per year or ?2.50 fo. months. WKKKIiY. o year $1.50 of such a thing seems Improbable, and that anything of the kind could by nuy possible chnnco have taken plnco In staid, strict, toe-the-chnlk-llno New Kngland adds Interest, mys tery and amazoment to tho affair. Detectives from Doston nro dc-f good kvhxixk. The fault, dear Unitus. Is not In our stars, but In our- selves, that wo arc underlings. Shakespeare. The OI(l-l'nsiloiiel Xlglit Shirt. How denr to this heart Is tho old- fnBhlonod night shirt, Which so ninny follows have thrown on tho shelf; Kncli night after dolling a stiffly starched white shirt, I welcome Its freedom and feel like myself. V to Sale of dels and Ends Price-Slashing clared to have discovered that such u mny bo g B,mpo tru,y QMQm OFFICIAL (). swap took place, nnu Hint a "Jnck knlfo to boot" figured In tho trnnsnctlon. Incldcntnlly, It Is relnted thnt ono of tho pnrtlos to the dicker mndc tho romnrk that ho didn't remember whether ho gnvo or received tho knife. Tho following statement Is also ri edited to ono of tho alleged parti cipants: "Ono day he," referring to tho other bnrgnlner. "nskod mo If I wouldn't take his wife, ns ho was go ing to leave, ho I agreed. My wlfo Minnie hadn't been living with me OK Till: (.TrVjfor some time, no I told him he could Olllcliil I'nper of Coos County. tic Some sneer that It linngs like n snek on a rail, lie that as It mny, I In lnnguago cm- phntlc, Declnro for tho night shirt with long, flowing tnll, Tho nice, comfy night shirt, Tho loose fitting night shirt, The old fnslilonod night shirt with long, flowing tnll, Hoe them in our window and be convinced. The following arc the items on sale:' Tho dlH8ntIsflcd landlord often In dulges In moving words. .MAItSHI'llv'M). Addross nil communications to COOS HAY DAII,Y TI.MKS, Marxlillehl :: :: :: :: Oregon 2Vi:itYII()DY DAYS Till: TAXIIS. I tnko her. Then the knlfo wns mndo to boot." There's certainly n lino example of goiioroslty. - it's lomnrknbla It stnggers tho liumnn Imagination. A wlfo and n knlfo to hoot tnll; about self-sncrlflco! And nil this took plnco In Now stouv von tiii: day. ! Hero Is ono that V. S. Dow tolls: Two oystors woro In n big pot full of milk, getting ready for stow. Snld ono oyster to tho othor: "Wlicro nro wo?" "At n church suppor," wns tho re ply. Whereupon tho llttlo oyster anld: "Wlint on onrth do they wnnt of both of lis?" 4 vory silly notion Is sedulously l Inculcated by petty politicians isnKinii(l. at tho iiresent tlmo nnmely t BCarroly seoms hollovnble. thnt nobody but rich people mo much I Hml the locale been given ns tho j concerned nbout taxoa that It' South Sen Islnnds or tho Arctic clr-l $100 Reward, $100 should be it HntlHfactlon to tho poorer' do' U m,R,lt ,10t linvo B0",notl BA out' The r....l.-r.or il.N..n,.or wfli i i-h-a-m . ..... , , , ..... Of reason, hut to think of Mlissacllll- Inmi Unit lliorHmuWlniii'ilrrmU-.l rtltmn. Inhnbltnnlu of n city, for lustnnco, .. .. , , , ., . , .. Hi k-Iimiw h iwn niitotomro in nil n Hotts, thnt contro of culture, thnt ro- i.m'vnn.i Imi u cmnrnl. iinll'n cntnrrli to hnvo tholr wealthy fellow citizens in ,immnV. u. Wnlltv of !i,l,, '".i"1!' " -li ouro !- 1chm n to gion oi propnoi), mm imam) ui ttu imMtnil friitcitilly. nlimi liolii neon. nquoozcil by taxation, us the money niornllty. being tnngled up In nny lXn"lll UMvMmum hSSiS will ho used to buy things for tho hiicIi donl Is Hhocklng very nuicn iml1,.,iliiKliri-ilymon tin. iiioiwi mihIihii. public, bo thnt oven If wealth Is over- ho, tiio font tlnitmi of iiic.tifn.p, nn.i uhinirthe taxed, It Is no one's nffalr biu tho !LiClaWti.!!::!! Tletlm'H tho public. In fact, being Ily rights tho llrst cooking lesson I,VoVAVr,;,;VahY.vV"r o!Ii,Vlr, V",?: tho gnlner. This is fnlso nnd mis- glvon n lirlilo by tho domestic outllt iVt'of'utVIo.Vrn'l1"1 " fnl1'' " ' l,r" H,m,f"r chlovoiiH doctrine. should be on "roasting." She will ...... ' K.J.t:nKNrvfo., Toledo, o. ,. .... . HiiM liv nil lrilHKll. 7.V. Hero Is tho law of political ocono- And plenty of use for It later on. Tkf Hull.' imiiliy I'lliKinrion.ifiiniiou f it jSLaplc Dresser, regular $15.00 cut to $9.85 Oxford Tapestry TJug, 9x12, reg. $12.50 cut to .$8.73 Gcnnine Mahogany Rocker, reg. $19.50 cut to $12.00 Flower Vases, regular 75e cut to 35c Water Glasses, regular sot 30c cut to 20c Decorated Parlor Lamp, regular. $2.50 cut to $1.60 Decorated Parlor Lamp, regular. $2.25 cut to $l.-lo Lace Curtains, regular Lace Curtains, regular Laco Curtains, regular Lace Curtains, regular Lace Curtains, regular Lace Curtains, regular Mission Jardinier Stand, reg. .$1.75 cut to 95c .$2.50 cut to $1.25 .$;.00cutto $1.50 .$:).00cutto $1.25 .$1.00 cut to $1.95 i .$5.00 cut to $2.10 .$.'.50 cut to $1.90 .$1.00 cut to $2.10 Mission Jardinier Stand, reg, Child's Go-Cart, regular $13.50 cut to $9.00 M Child's Go-Cart, regular $lS.00cutto$M.15 f Look in our window and see for yourself. 4'fvW. jy-TS44 .fi '... i ymtiA U Wfr-4&t - - ZZEZ-viJ Goin arvey IO COlPLETE HOUSE PUBNTSTIERS. vlAor,lv faLitD lo Tas.kttWCLLI YOiveSot Y0UR? lfsUM NO. 1 - BOT HOTJ V -l" TOVOuAtoyrTMC i NEfeVETOCAUMEAWAY TOR LITTLE HAROLD! VVxX"C-n , ACWMiiA0C3 OF f ItCTRlC 1. TROM HV WASHINO. I DOfO) ITS ME FOR. THE. I YXW -r- 19,T y (WANT ELECTRIC LIQHT3.J VVA5HT0B DEPARTMEftTly vk 'J? wM J Sir ift' Ik 1 -T-jafes- mill .sii5. Sr uila r'rmi'L. i . lvAll i i i i , , . valtQSi .. !fi fALL vnti nn i Pirr tiif riATuPs I CAM &AVE YOUAuS I iT'tW I I INTO THE VASKER., PRESS THE H'?" aTfTLAOR AND DRUDGERY 1 (Zl A'fA AMP ELECTRICITY DOES THE REST 3 8v a siMt'te appcicationL A 2 ( v I -r a y r-i rr-r-iTy. want C I ) sl )rIZ U jj. IO HCKOU r IT i ) J S r"- &V x "n)K ftfjryA fflffi vafcu msBX- r- nzw w wKfe. Aihi fmi r(OH3HNT7KOt.Ao noovc cohcv )fl 1 1 l l""w.THt El ECTRlC LIGHTS POt) u jfLOiVs . fi-OUMr AKVY-ANPAN EUCTI?iC S H & W W At VT 7l l FLECTPIC ELECTRIC r Bt I r (V Vv" gr chaping pish elcctwc i&Zx-&L WM Er ML i Pacific Monumental and Building Works H. II. WILSON', Proprietor .MAItSHFlELD, ORE. All kinds or inonumontal work promptly and artistically oxo cutod. Call at our works on Soutu Droadway. Look! Shirts Only 1c Apiece For this wook only wo will launder shirts for ono cent. Positively no crodlt nt this prlco and tho cont must bo of tho Issue of 1S77. Coos Bay Steam Laundry l'llll.MJ .M.UX 57.J OIL SUPPLIES The Coos Day Oil and Supplj Company under the manncomn, J. W. Flanogau will contlnuo to han Ulo tho Union Oil Company's naso lino, distillate, benzine and coal ol at their oil houso across the Hay U which placo thoy have moved theli llfllnw Phn..,. "J A.l . "...I,' ...i it TitAP xi:sti:d n.iti$i:i 1'hv.Morrn ltocKs. . Our iuntiiiB hae nrodueed stan.l. ard-brod bpeclmens of exhibition quality with records of 212.227,222 tgw In 365 day. Il.ily Chli'Ks ami i:KKS for HntcliliiK Hook your order now ror spring illlvory. A few cockerels from hoavy laying stock for ?3.00. Pljiiioiilh Plnco, Poultry Yards. FUKD. nACIIMAN, Prop. Mni-MilloUl, Uov jk.i, i'j)Ht. SH Coal Cheapest Fuel on Coos Bay Lump coal $.no. .t coal $:i.oo. Wo do nil Kinds of hauling, and contracting. Horsos and vohlclos for bale.' For quick dollve-y call ou L. H. HEISNER or phone 120-j or iD-h, Oregon Power Company Constipation Is tho cnuso of manv ailments and disorders that make life miserable, Tako Chamberlain- Stomach and Liver Tablets, koon your bowels rogular and you win avoid thoso diseases. For sale liv .iii dealors. If you have anything to sell, trade, rent or want help, try a want ad. Good Livery Service Fancy new rls. good Imi-t. ,i cnieful drivers are now at the dl. posal of the Coos n.n public at masnxAiii.K IUTI Hlgs or rigs with drhors ready f, r any trip anywhere auy time. Uorseg boarded and rl eared for. New hearse and special aconmnio. datlons provided for funeral parties. VV. L. CONDRON'S ' Mvi:v am. n:i: staiius pnovi: a7;..T. Good Evening If so, do not fiipwaf .!.. .... . Tnn . , - v I'mi mis is Tllh laundry herejou get the best work, and prices are ,n mwy . , reach. Call p aUlJ 0I1 of t tor8vrn U H d-Wb' oou. All telephone calls ar8 aulck., l.v nttemliui n i. nlug two wagons. Ul ,l WWAXTFK 18 YOl-R SAT. ISIWCTIOX. l,AM, Axn STKl MVXliHY. uoy H,os.. P,,,,,, ,,,, Turkish Baths 210-213 Cocs Building PHONE 214-J XOIIt'i: TO COXTItACTOHS. Notlco Is hereby given that scald bids will bo received for the altera tlon nnd nrrnngomont of tho upptr story of tho Court IIouso at Coqulll. Orogon, Bo,parato bids will bo reced ed for sky-llght or light well, for the plumbing, for tho carpenter work nnd bids for tho wholo work. Work to bo dono according to tho plnusaod specifications on fllo with the count? clerk. Work to bo completed by tho 15th day of April, 1911. Fivo por cento! tho amount of bid to bo deiiosltei with bid nnd nil bids to bo filed with tho County Clork on or bofore the 2nd day of March, 1911, ntlOo'clock A. M. Tho County Court reserve the right to reject nny and nil blJs and to award tho contract to a bidder or bidders not tho lowost If In the Judg ment of tho Court It Is for t'n best luterest of tho county. Dated at Coqullle, 0"e. n, tuU 15th day or February A. V. lU JAMES W T? 5N'. Count v Clert Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono 3121, XOTKK TO COXTlt VCTOIIV Notice 1b horoby given that sealed bids will bo rocelved for tl,e con struction of a scow to bo used as a ferrj nt tho City of Coqullle, Oregon where tho ferry 13 now established. The same to bo built on the same plan nnd of tho samo dimensions as the old ferry scow, except that the same Is to bo provided with vcnMU tlon and ventilators. Tho scow is to be completed on or bofore the first lay of April, 1911. Fivo per cent. of amount of bid to be deposited with tho County Clerk and nil bids to u fllod with tho County Clerk on or before tho 2nd day of Marco. H, nt 10 o'clock A. M. Tho Cotmtv Pnnrt rnaorvrS t&e right to reject any and all bids and to award tho contract to a bidder not the lowest, If in tho Judgment of the Court It Is for tho best interest of tho County. Dated at Coqullle, Oregon, tH 15th day of February, 1911. JAMES WATSON. County Clerk-