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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, Idll EVENING EDITION. NORTH y-Hwiajnai!HE!f.A'i'HT igTTi KrwmxarrrnKwmi sixttcmstiarsmnxnvAiL,- Trae?gjgi3ea...Maffifiii:3 jzgnXrxaB&2ZZZS23&AiiaiX IWMAlUAgKaMMt4'tJftAaUflgtSa 1 BEND srr2S3ffi23S3S233Err-rT7-. JMWtMaJ HMMHHMHQBECajBi L, Crowds Are Thronging This Store Daily to Get Their Share of These Bargains Coos Bay has never seen such crowds and such buying. This sale brings people back again and again. Have you been here? If you have you need no urging to come again. If you haven't been here, don't wait another day if you can help it. You are missing an opportunity seldom offered in a lifetime to save money on good merchandise. This Big Stock Still Alive With Bargains Hundreds of dollars' worth of merchandise has gone out of this store and into as many homes since this sale opened. And yet, this gigantic store is almost as complete and unbroken as on the first day. There is still a wide assortment of everything from which to make selections. But to avoid possible disappointment, don't wait too long. Miscellaneous Closing Ou Items GOc Japanese 3llk. All colors. Cloning out snlo price, yard only JjC 3G Inch nil wool Albatross. Closing out,, salo prlco yard only JlrC fl.00 nil wool Molinlr Dress Goods. 44- A( Inch. Closing out salo prlco ynrd nrVC Ono lot of Vnl. Laces worth up to 10c. Clos- lug out snlo price, ynrd lC All Linen Irish Lnco, Sc to 12 Wc values. Clos- . lng out snlo price, ynrd ttC 2Rc Figured Curtnln Swiss. Closing out snlo - prlco, ynrd )C 20c Hlenclied mul brown Turkish Towels. -Closing out snlo price, each DC Amoskong Apron Oliighnin, li nnd 10 ynrd g cuts to closo out ynrd only JC irc flno Dress Ginghams. Closing out salu price, ynrd only OC 1000 Disc Tnlklng Mnchlno Itocords, newest - solcctlous. Roublo fnco. Only DVJC One lot of Corsets, sizes IS to 3ti, Former . g prices up to $2.00. To clone out each. . . .40C Ono lot of famous Lyra $fi and $0 Cor--p QO sets. To closo out, each ip I iU7 Only a Few of the Many Savings Infant's COc Soft solo Shoes. Closing out snlo prlco, pair 15c Children's black vlcl lnco shoes, sizes 1 to - 5. To closo out, pair 40C Child's $1.76 vlcl and boxcalf Shoes, rk C to 12. To closo out, pair 95c Misses' nnd Roys $2.25 Shoes. 12 tOjj, 2. Closing out salo price, pair p 1 4C Women's $2.50 to $3.50DressShoes,Ju-tf llotts & Comforts. Closing out price, Jp 1 9&J Women's $1.00 Sor'osls Dress Shoes. g QtZ. Closing out snlo' price, pair ij)tv0) Children's 50c Hubhors 35c Women's, Misses nnd Hoys, 75c Heavy Rub- hers, pnlr 5jC Men's Storm Rubbers to closo out, pair $1.50 Hoys' nnd Girls' ICneo Rubber Doots, pnlr Hoys, $3.50 Hip Rubber Roots, pnlr Men's $4.50 Heavy Kneo Rubber Doots, pair ?5c 95c $2.25 $2.98 Men's $6.00 Hip Heavy Rubber Roots, pair Doss of Road Jumpers nnd Overalls for men , COc Roy's Overalls nnd Jumpers Men's $1.50 nnd $2.00 Work Pants, pnlr , $4.50 60c 40c 95c $2.75 nnd $3.00 Corduroy nnd Wool-, . Work Pants'. !(. 1 9 'r J' $3.50 Mon'slIenvyUluonnnnclShlrtB, "'y $2.65 $2.00 Men's Heavy Wool Underwear, - garment J 1 ,35 200 Men's $1.50 Dress Shirts, to closo , t 75c Men's $2.25 nnd $2.50 Dress Shirts, - cl jS I .35 C5o nnd 70c Work ShlrtH, . each 45C $1.25 Heavy Cotton Work Shirts, ench Hundreds of Other Items Like These 1000 pounds of Fresh Candy, Jiwt received from the inutiufuctimT. .(JiinninUHtl pure. Dainty nnd Delicious. Hiinm kind you J pay "Oc nnd -.1c for. Pound J Qq 87c I $1.25 Men'8 Wool Undorwcnr, tnn nnd 0 grey, gnrmont iJ5C 5c Dexter Knitting Cotton, ball 5c lino Toilet Soaps, now, 8 bam for 10c Industrial Tar Soap, 1 bars for Clark's O. N. T. Thread, dozen 25c Hoys' Heavy Ribbed Cotton Hose, pair 15c Women's blnck Cotton Hobo, pair ' Infant's 25c Wool Hoso, to closo, pnlr 35c .Men's fine Wool Dross Sox, pair 15o Men's Cotton Sox, blnck nnd tnn, Q I'nlr OC Men's light weight 35c Dnlbrlgan under- m wear, garment C G5c medium lmnw nnitnn .. ...!......, v..., "IIUII HIIUUIIIl'lll, K'" f JDC .2 l-2c 25c .25c 40c 12 l-2c 8c l?c 25c incut. DOORS OPEN DAILY AT 9:00 A. M. Store Open Evenings MYERS & CO. CLOSING-OUT SALE, NORTH BEND Entire Stock Offered At a Sacrifice Fixtures for Sale rg W W OF SESSION (Continued from pace 1.) nnd representative districts, was not passed, the legislature did re-dlstrlct the state Into congressional districts, making Multnomah the third dis trict. The llrst congressional district under this bill, which Is heforo tho governor, consists of tho counties of Westom Oregon, excepting Multno mah alone, whllo tho second congres slounl dUtrlct Is mado up of nil of the counties cast of tho Cascades, I'ominl.KsloiH'rtt Chosen at Iju-go. liy tho provisions of u bill intro duced by tho re-apportlonmont com mttteo tn the House, tho three mem bers of tho railroad commission here after will bo olectod from the stnto nt largo, but one of tho commissioners Is to bo elected from Hnstorn Oregon. Health To Ho Cmmloil. An lncroased appropriation of $25,000 annually was provided for tho protection of tho livestock Inter ests of tho state nnd for tho eradica tion of tho diseases with which this Industry Is assailed. Human kind Is nlso furnlshod Incronsed protection through tho annual appropriation of $15,000 for the stnto board of health in its efforts to stamp out typhoid fever opldomlos nnd other mnllgnnnt dlseasoa. A furthor appropriation of $5,000 was mado for fighting tho bu bonic plague. The Initiative nnd referendum nnd other laws enacted by tho people were not amended or ndded to, not excepting the local option law. Ono law was passed, howovor, which pro hibits the use of lliiuor on railway trains. Through tho creation of tho stnto board of game and flsh commission ers, tho game and flsh Interests of the state are consolidated tinder ono board of sovon members. In addi tion to this Important change, the game laws of tho state ns they apply to nearly every county In tho stnto wero amended In Important particu lars, all looking to tho preservation of game. One Important enactment was tho hill protecting Chinese phea sants for the ensuing two yonrs. Hours of IjiImu" Regulated. Whllo the labor organizations did not get all that they nsked, tho legis lature passed a bill limiting tho hours of trainmen to 14 hours In nny one day and tho hours of dispatchers to nine hours In nny 24. Another bill provides that boys under IS years old shall not be employed ns messen ger boys between tho hours of 10 p. in. and 5 a. m. Still nnother bill of Interest to labor was that by Rey nolds, exempting small manufactur ing concerns from tho operation of the factory Inspection law. While tho eight-hour law was kill ed In the House, the employers' com pensation act, doslgned to relieve the laboring men of tho stnto, was nlso defeated In the stnto, was also defeat ed In the same body through tho light that was made against It by rep resentatives of organized labor. With tho passage by tho Senate of tho highway commission net nnd of tho stnto aid net as passed by tho Houso assures tho state of workable, good roads laws. For nwhllo the Senate and Houso wero deadlocked on tho good roads question anil It looked as If legislation nloug these Hues would fall. Tho Houso refused to pass the state aid bill and the Son nto refused to consider the House bllla until tho stnto nld bill was In cluded. As passed, tho bill carries $310,000 half of tho original llgure. That tho Granger opposition to this bill had not wholly died out wns shown by tho motion of Chapman of Washington to postpono tho bill In definitely. This failed by a good voto. llnlley Not OuMrtl. J. W. llalley, Stnto Dairy nnd Food Commissioner, wns not ousted from ofllco by tho present legislature. Of Interest to out-of-town people wore bills passed regulating beo cul ture, preventing tho snlo of mls brnuded insectlcido and establishing the qual'ty of condensed milk and es tablishing nn otllclnl apple box. Tho size of box decided on Is IS Inches by 11 Vi deep and 10l wldo Insldo measurement. All of tho Institutions fnred well nnd tho University of Oregon nnd Oregon Agricultural College fared better than over before, the only cut j In the main requests of either being j $12,000 from tho estimate of the university. Then that Institution received $503,252 and the Oregon! Agricultural College' $410,000 from actual appropriations nsldo from the continuing appropriations. ' 3.00 Axminster Rugs Reduced to $2.15 THEM, AK TOHa, , mnmm , LATE CO..O,Sfill, 0,E,ST,,S ,se0UJi ,,, a puck .x mimv no,,, ro ,,,, nvi; r 1 RUGS. U NOW IS THK Ol'l'OKTL'XlTr. COMKFUIIV .v.. "' ''""A AM) TAKB YOUR CHOICK SUCH lUROAIXS SEVER T,tWl T " Perry, Montgomery & Co. Turkish Baths 21C-213 Coos Building PHONE214-J I Ill!isJob Printing -rrr-sr krJ(!'a Mi'(BPa,1!i.1 T?&! 7'V'llBk'UTjL! ' '111 EMMM ra La.j aCEEVagHEK "" ,..v 7i -w , HMfir"- ""-'"- """ r-""f