The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 21, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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    Son, tuesdayebruary 21, 1911 evening edition.
Knterrd at the tMM&w.
fit-Id. Oregon, for fllftliTrfl
through the mnlU as aeooitd elA.
lull matter.
ttiln p.liuljlo tlml makes thoTho first essential to t! o liobl ce
v of mankind hopeful, And nunc ' man houll have, tlu-n, useful
. Thin nrlnrlple of wrvlco Is A garden In a literal hobby as
1 ......
11 aim improves
I. V. MU.ONKV ICrtHwr al l'ttU
l.W K. Mt."MV New- IWItr
. jp '.' " '-i- -
An Independent Republican news
papet published meiy netting x
ctpl Rundey. and Weekly br
Tlir Coo lUy Tm- I'nlilMiIng Co.
Diillcstid to tho serYlce of thi
people, that nn good cause hall Iac
n champion. nn thnt evil shsll not
thrlrn unopposed.
The Coon Buy Tlraei represents h
consolidation of the Dully Coast Mull
nnd The Coos Hay Advertiser. Tht
Coast Mall wm the first ilnlly estab
lished nn Coos Hay And The Chm
Hay Times 1b 11b Immediate sua-cossor.
.si'iiscmmioN ratks.
One year. . ' JG.UO
l'cr month RO
When ixttd strictly In advance th"
siiliHcrlptlon price of the Coor IIh.v
Times Is $5.00 por year or $2.50 fn.'
in op t lis.
e your $ 1 . r 0
tin principle that Is working today
tor the AotntloM of the great social
and polities! And economic problems
of the present time. Altd It alone will
bring right fill solution.
There Is no other Joy In the world
quite so fine as service, nothing else
finite no Inspiring nnd satisfying. He
who rltmbs merely to lie higher than
some other man or to Abase his posi
tion. In truth lowers himself. He
who uses himself and his opportunity
eren In ah humble plate. In truth
exalts himself.
Members of the Oregon general as
sembly who had sehemeM for getting
good roads without the outlay or
money may suecewl In gaining some,
attention, but thnt will bo about nil.
Oregon presently Is going to gut
down to brass tacks ami recognise the
fact that good nmds are to be had
for good money and In no other way.
Of course, after this, the details aro
Imperfect, but this Ib the underlying
Olllcliil Paper of Coos Comity,
Address nil communications to
Mnrxlificld :: :: :: :: Oregon
Tim m:v .Mr.icn.i, ii)i:..
KSCItiniXO tlio "now municipal
Idea," Secretary Woodruff of
the National Munlolpnl longuo,
' " "th li' ihl.-r purpose.! oi tho
i. iii reform movement In muiil
c'.ml government us follows:
To put tho welfare of tho city
nbove tho wolfnio of any political
pnrty or ouudldnto.
To soouro for city business duo
consideration on Its merits, regard
less of Irrelevant (mentions Hitch u
state nnd nntlounl politics. I
To secure direct nominations by
me peopio, without partisan Intor
feronco. To eocuro Hlmpllclty In oloctlona
throiiKh the short bullot, nnd tho
safeguarding of tho control of oloc
tlona by tlio voters.
To secure full publicity for nil mu
nicipal affairs.
To Bccuro the making of nil np
polntmuntH on the basis of efficiency
uml merit solely.
To securo the coiicentrnllon f
both authority nnd responsibility In
tho conduct of municipal business.
'I'lie Mulits of Rome.
As the stars the honvons sprinkling,
with n fnr-orf. frosty twinkling
Hay u sign or God to Hod-usplrlng
So tlio little onrtli-stnrtt beaming Hash
a mossnge through thulr gleam
ing Or the lovo wherein thu household
tires began.
Gentle liandB have set tho frlondly
lamps a-burnlug;
(leutle ahapoH behind thu curtains
go ami come;
Ay tho liomoloss pluck up heart
amidst their yearning
When they see the llghta of home!
well as proHtable,
yowr health. And the looks of the
neighborhood. If your hobby must
be different from your refnlsr busi
ness. It Is hard to mske a better selec
tion than the garden. Borne men find
mechanics I work of different kinds
ah Interesting And useful hobby
AlexiiMder nrnham Bell. Inventor of
the telephone, was a professor of elo
cultoa. hut thst will be forgotten
while he Is long remembered for his ,
Invention, the result of a mechanical
hobby. Perhaps the best hobby for
general purposes Is something In con
nection with your regular vocation.
The doctor who makes a hobby or
u.j. .,asitu1 f.kulnrn fit IiIm lirflffeMudftll.
mf.i,.- i'riini . ... ,.. --.. ..........
becomes a noted specialist. lion lie
nlnva nr u-linn lui wnrlfH. TlinmiiM A.
'"" ' I
Kdlsnn Is tinkering with electrical de-
vices. And that seems to be n pretty
good rule; If your work Isn't sufll-
cleutly Interesting to be your hobby, i
perhaps you should find some other
9 11 I I I I .111-
Trout every human IjuIiik
ns nn end in lilniFolf; never ns
n menus to nn ond. Knnt.
I plugged along nil winter
in n timber cruiser's shuck,
A loggln' half n section
Fourteen mile or better buck.
An wo lived on bonus nnd bncon, i
With such dope as we would getj
'So our dully tabic manners
Were not based on etlkot.
We didn't shnve on Sttndny,
An' our whiskers grew nnd
While tho mountain zophyrs fnnnotl
thorn, '
And the rainy broozoH nourlshod,
So I came to town bewhlukerod,
And my fnm'ly was nfonrud
Cermnny In also tukliiK a couhiih.
Thoy don't have unumorators over
there, but every householder Is given
a blank which must be lllled out nnd
returned to the proper uutliorltlos.
And Is It thorough? Well, If anyone
has ever Investigated tho aoriuiin viuii they saw my hairy fonturoB,
llureau of Htntlstlca they will know A. 11(y lovoly pirato' board,
what' to expect. Are you Htibjoct to'
epileptic llta V How many of your My wlfo rducetl n rnw.r.
Iioiimo windows look out upon tho An. mM, ..My (lcnr( g0 to lti.
street? Whut Is tho religion of your t w0l , tHm, tUo nuor.H C(,K0
servanta? How nmny bathrootna; i didn't dare to do It.
have you? Do you cook with gna w'So , wro niy flU!0 ou anmlny
other fuel? Wore your babies nurs-, W,u (l fncn, f(),.08t growlh
ed from tho bottle? What lent do T t , , ,10 , ,f ,f
you pay? Those nro n row or mo
questions that iirttst be answered nnd
ll is a sure bet that every one of tho
sixty-odd million souls are accounted i
for In some way. They do things that
way ovor there.
Or Hpliiuch greouu or botn.
My liolghborH didn't know mo,
Till: I'lXlvST .IOV.
ALL mon nro cllmbors, but only a
fow got to tho top. As for tho j
ninny, thoy but lend themselves
to the climbing of tho few.
Thnt would be an Intolerable truth
but for the growth of a single great
principle and Its ever widening nc
ceptance among men that service
for othora Is liner and bettor than
mere service for self; that ae;r-sacn-flc
Is more worthy than self-seoKtug.
Nothing es stands out so strongly
in tin- life of Him who hat bu call
ed tli world's great euuuplar as Ills
owi service to humanity, lie inner
ni"iU but what he taught sacrifice
and i.orvlee; He never labored except
l helpful to others. When asked
to n. uno the great comniAUdmeuls.
ii. mimed two. that men should love
C. .1 and thst tlioy should love their I
in i-,iiUors as themselves, aud the see!
onl a said to lie as great as the,
I ' When He was asked to name'
ti. m Mho should outer the kingdom j
i h..iwn. He named those who had
:-. 'l tbose in ueeit. Wheu askel
vlui should be greatest In the klug
d in He named thono who were least
an; fiieu. "8o the last shall bo
Pi i " lie said at another time, "and
tin lust shall bo last." Aud again,
r . one that exalteth hlmaelf
i.iM ho humbled, but he that hutu
i.'. tu himself shall be eialted."
Without this great pviuolplo of
r. iUi, the world would be an Into
li ruble place for tneu to abide tu. would be naught lu it but bit
tii xtrlfe and war aud greed and
cnu'lty aud uuhapplne-ta aud suffer
In i- 15 very man's baud would lie
a?iilnt every other man. Men would
limb up ouly to oppress those upon
wbiiMD shoulders they hud climbed
up It Is the working of this, great
prliu-lple of service that has trans
formed, the world aud brought It out
of Its awful dnrknesti of bygone ages
Into tho enlightenment of thu present.
And the "Oou-mauB" hnvo tho renl
plgs-oyo lu the way of municipal gov
erntuontH, by tho way. If n innn
makea u city more moral or moro
beiiutlful over thoro ho la glvon a mo
dal Instead of u political knife In
the rllm. And speaking of civic
beauty, there are various kinds of It
possible there. Kor with a city, hand
some Is as handsome iIohh. To mnke
a city beautiful, conduct Is as Im
portant us Hue streets aud buildings,
lust as a beautiful woman must have
something beside beautiful clothes
and ornaments and features to be
truh and completely beautiful, so a
truly beautiful city must have olmr- A" von learned to puff upon
acter as woll as parks and puveuieuts,
We believe with Ituskiu that truth,
morality and beauty are one and the
same thing. If Johu didn't say that
then wo claim It as our own.
Air sturied in surprlso
When my fnm'ly Introduce..
As father lu dlHgiuse.
An' my bankers looked bewildered,
With sidling looks askance;
An' on my timber paper
I didn't hnvo a chance.
An' I'm horo to toll tho story
How simple Farmer Dave
Couldn't get a bunking credit
Till ho took the time to shnve.
Then he nourished 'round tho city
I.Ike n bloated millionaire,
And Joined n sporty coterie
As fortune's wonlthy heir.
Yea, I Bliod my oherlshod whiskers,
An' Joined the younger set,
i "". T .: V-Cni vrxTfr'S F5LAM NO. I -BoV HOtf; k w AT .
aorTHC gwcfeHtV R """ PS8JX
i ... m ririDir i trdhhy WAninu. iiajiii i i - -ifcfc.sji j l t -
rSllllBL & IJIHiyL
I '..., .....L, i i S "'rt
SsS i rxn. wu w j?.rpw ? cisii'" i
yi'AM ;P vdU Al L A yMA I J n rcTDif ITV DOF! TUP Oct? i
sj riT i iiriKLC HrrL ua wiiL - i -v - " r ti
sfeiu-i l i vf. - a r rr m. a bbbbbbbbbs r i-i x
MwmMt Jsxf?ms Hr ThwSH?
' M!FJOleCk far V y3) mi JUnseq1 AmmsUv-LL
i S& $& HBRi, iNlSiTTAr"
4, ' r r-v . f "ill vi I I i
ivTT ttn VlrTT ",l" tnaring iun kmiiMk
jyv IV xi I Q iMIBBTiIrl f?&r eJ I 1 1 i"7 aTulaslWL
Oregon Power Company
A dinky elgaret.
So wheu I run for office
1 heard the changes rung
That I was a deru good fellow,
lint oarelessllke and young.
Some antique wise guy has told us
that every man should have a hob-
by: something which ho U entbusias-,
tic about, and about which he tries
to gain new knowledge, sud tries to
Improve. The wisdom of this advice
still holds, with the qualification that
some care should be used lu selecting
the htbby. The mail whose hobby
Is billiards, may In time, become an ,
An' It looks like I'm defeated,
An' soon will have to go
'Way back among the mountains
With the timber wolves and snow;
For I Hud I'll have no staudlug
In the ways of city men
Till the winter sephyrs woo them,
An' my whiskers grow again.
expert, but lu so doing he wastes a
lot of valuable time, aud gets his pic
ture In the l'otlco Gazette as a final
reward. And the same Is true of nu
merous other hobbles men ride to no
purpose but their own satisfaction
$100 Reward, $100
Hit-r.ittl.'r t( lliU i.r wftl t iUh'I in
Kuril thnt llu ii' ! hi l.'i nut' li. uiU'.t ..I-cih'
llltl K Uii.'i l. luvll .L 1.1 riru Ill All lit
-I-.;.. hiiI Unit Wi'aU'iil Hull' 1'Hlnrrli
i in,' l ill.' milk llii o"l. link. Wixun .
Hi. iiixlKiil luil.inllv Hlnrit) Ih hi" n run
.lllllll.iliHl .IImm' rojiitro a i .'iillllilliia
irtaiuitfiil Hull i msrrli iiirv (ikon IiiUt
mil I'liin .tlr.vil)-iimm ))t. IiI.mwI tii.t nut
iniiih iiilii i( llul .Uiii, iliftvliN Utlrtiln
III.' of Ilic IImim' ml Mn!ho
IM li'iil lr.UKili (ii luiU.llin iii iliv itimtltu
lln iin.l n U'lii'g nature lii iloliitr ll uoitt.
the iirirliloi tiWM nuuli tith in It our
ih iKisvrk Uml lh.' rffrr (Ht Uuttint Pul
Isr. lor suv raw thi Ii hiu iu rure. Sru4 tor
1 11 ot UWlilMOUlS .
f. J. P It KSBV CO.. 1Vl4e. 0.
oUt I" sll IVruagpt-. .
Tultf it W mmi rill uur eaHtttpnikm
Tllt)l'(iHT KOU THU DAY.
What a lot of trouble there
would bo In this eouutry if eve-
rybody would observe Wushliu-
ton's birthday by telling the
whole truth, aud nothlug but
the truth on February 22.
P'osri-fJr ft1 rfm-icrio':. foil
flfpl and Building Works
-T " ". WILSON, Proprietor
All kinds of monumcntttl work promptly and artlstlcall exo
cutod. Cnll at our worke on Soutu Broadway.
:rrfc n& i itcm
ruiw ww uvui
The true philosopher glgglos at
himself when he falls dawn.
l mm f
Hams and Bacon
jm sro aktd fur by name, .md those who h ive onii eabn
i p rofMtufcui ItroHil lliiius sud Uacim lu aritilily in..t ui.on 1
i W look --, this sous brand, "('lumbia Jt.niiit" U n trade. VOL
I itS lr u.S. lu-iik. It Uitiiigi.ih.-s tlio hft. '1 !i. re is a
Pfi f Impwtwl dli.-lniw.s.ior. il.iw.v t.uI.itls f,..,
VM I SndPASsedll "'"l l,u'"''- l' to till bi.u.i olmie. The Bi
1 Hi 138 '"''"""'"t' ''"''' "'"inn i-omu'iium with En
VBft. V--' for n t.uts. Ordor c'uriiii.i.i y:,..,. t.ui.. M
ik At Best Dealers, Hotels and Cafea ' Mf
$?V Union Keat Conipauy, 3rtUnd, Ore. Slf
Jiw Tioiiwr TMkMl o tkt rclrt rSwB'
JlU6.ili4WBX 7 HaUB.IJV
We b-t Bucured tne 11 v bus!
'! ' : I.. I' i'oln: .ml "o pre
.in:. ntl.T otr'lii"it f vlco to
:! p.-ipb' oi (ku Hay. Careful
drivers, good rigs nad oterythlng
thnt will tnottii sutlsfucw ry vvlco to
the public. Phono us tor u driving
horse, n rig or nnytliln needed Id
tlio livery lino. Wo nlso do a
trucking business of nil kinds,
niaxciiAHD mioTiircus.
I.I very, I-'cetl titttl Sujes Service.
141 First nnd Alder Streets.
Phono 13S-J
Turkish Baihs
210-213 Coos Building
To dig up thnt old Suit nnd let us
get It In shnpo for you.
Cleaned. Ropnlrod nnd Prcwod as
we do It will nmko It look like niw
Satisfaction guaranteed.
J. W. Josephscn, Jlgr.
10 South Ilrouilmty. Mnrslillchl
M,Ti,an rijij
Moj'c'nes that aid nature ne ,
weyj must offectral. Chnmbi-ilJirf
Coim Remedy acts ou this plan, it
l!aya the cough, ro'.loves the lun ,
e;io-u the te?etloKs and n'ds nnt'i "
in reu.-lng the system to n heal'
condition. Thouanuds hnvo tcs'ld 1
o Its stt:terur excollenco. Sold I "
B'l dealers
A man who Is his own worst eueni
always has plenty of friends.
When your ship coma In be down
at the duok to grab tho hawser.
The Glrllo Shaw at the M.VSONIO
North Prom Street, oier HivaKuater
I olllce.
N. C. H ALU DAY. Prop.
I'nder new management and con
ducted In Arst claw hape. Complete
ly overhauled and now best European
hotel ou the Hay.
Rooms from 515 cents up per day.
! The Coos ay Oil ,art , .,
Company uuder toe mur.8enit,t 0,
' i, w 1,Uuuttu w " ccittuue u hBb
u.e lu-u Utl Cougar--, at,
Has. distillate, benxtne and' eoal oi
which place thav have moved their
office. Phone 302.
"QH. (J. w.'T!:sTiKrvs "
Osteopathic Pliyolclnn
Graduate of the American school t
Osteopathy at Klrksvlllo, Mo. Of.
In Kldorado Ulk. Hours 9 to 12; It'
8; Phone 101-J; Marshflold; Oreg-i".
Pliyxlcinii ami Surgeon.
208-210 Coko Dulldlng
Plioncs: otHce 1(12.1; Residence HI2fi
Offloe over Flanagan & Dennett Dank
Murshfteld, Oregon.
Over Chaiabor of Commerce.
uria .JmJit
. ilAMtim P I " J'' l'l5g'