Sag ADS. ttra NEWS .rviusiKSS IS SIM, AH J, tViL THAT IT IMV8 IS KVI- . r S nv sm-KssKi'ii nisi- OUT IT WHILE IT IS XEW IMS READING THIS COOS HAY TIMES. Alili THE XKWS A Mi THK TIME TERSELY TOM) :: :: :: tt M'SS "nlslh '"'""""" MEMBER OK ASSOCIATED PRESS Established la 1878 as Tlio Coiivt Mall MARSHFIELD,OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Coiiolldntloii of Times, Const Mnll Mn oo nml Coos liny Advertiser. IIU00 VOL XXXIV H Wv Cfftt' XtCJ IBDY-IO ARE N SDUTHERM PACIFIC WRECK Broken Rail Cause of Disas trous Accident Near Palisade. THREE VICTIMS IN CRITICAL CONDITION Scene of Wreck Is One of Worst Places On Salt Lake Division. (Oy Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) HEXO, Xev., Feb. 21. Twenty-two men and women nro lying In n hos pital nt Elko, New, today, being treat ed for InJurlcB received Inst night when six cars of Southern Pnclflc patscngor train cnBt bound No. 10, left the mils ono nillo west of Pnll tatle. Thrco of tlio passengers nro acknowledged to bo seriously Injur ed though the railroad ofllclals do not expect them to provo fatal. Tho wreck was duo to a broken rail which lmd a flaw In Its manufac ture. Tho crash enmo Just as tho pnsson pers In tho sleepers wcro preparing to retire. Several cars went crash ing down the steep embankment al most Into tho Humboldt river. Tho fact that tho sceno of tho wreck Is considered ono of tho most dangerous pieces of track In the entire Salt Lnko division prevented n most disastrous wreck ns all tho trains nro driven at slow speed through tho Pnllsndo canyon. Wife of Weil-Known Grocer Succumbs to Pneumonia This Morning. Mrs. Geo. E. Cook, a well known Marahlloltl womnu, died suddenly at midnight Inst night after a short ill ness of pnoumonla and a complica tion of diseases. Tho news of her death enmo ns n great shock to tho many friends of tho family today. Mrs, Cook's mnldon namo wnB Josephlno Shields. Slio was born at San Jofe, Cal December 10; 1875, June 8, 1S95, sho was married to Geo E. Cook. To them four children John, Ida, l,uella and Irono woro born. All survive. Her parents nro dead but a half slstor, Miss AIlco Shields mado her homo hero with her nnd another slstor, Mrs. J. E. Oster houdt, resides nt Enterprise, Oro. Mrs. Cook was a membor of tho Women of Woodcraft nnd tho Royal Neighbors of America and both will participate In the funeral which will he held from tho Mnrshfleld Method ist church at 2 o'clock Wednesdny afternoon. Everywhoro there are expressions of tho deepest sympathy for tho be reaved husband and children. ROYAL XKIGIUIOHS NOTICE. All members of Prldo of Oregon Camp Xo. 2771, Royal Neighbors of 0 America, nro requested to meet at the Mnrshfleld Methodist church Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 to at tend the funeral of Mrs. Geo. E. Cook. By order of ORACLE. WOMEN Or WOODCRAFT. All members of Coos Bay circle of women of Woodcraft aro requested to meet at tho hall at 1:15 p. ro. tomorrow to nttenrt tho funeral of Neighbor Mrs. Geo. Cook at the1 Methodist church at 2 o'clock. Dy' order of ida PATTERSON, Guardian Neighbor. IS. G. E. COOK PASSES AWAY INJURED SHIP SUBSIDY BILL IS UP House Committee Orders Fa vorable Report On Aid For South American Mail Lines (Hy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON', D. C, Fob. 21. Tho ocean mnll subsidy bill which al ready passed tho Senate, was ordered favorably reported today by tho Houho Committee on Postolllccs by n voto of 7 to C. It was amended so ns to omit trans-Pacific lines, making it apply only to South America. ST T House Passes Resolution Per mitting Them to Enter Military School. (Dy Associated J ess to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, 1). C, Fob. 21. A Joint resolution authorizing tho Secretary of War to recelvo for In struction nt West Point two Chlncso to bo designated by that government was passed by tho Houso today. Chairman Hull of tho Military Com mltteo said tho refusal of tho House to net favorably on tho bill would constltuto n stntcment of hostility to Chlun. L IS Prize-Fighter, Weil-Known On Coos Bay, Dies In San Francisco. Luplo Cnrranza, tho pugilist who Is woll known on Coos Day, died sud denly in a San Frnnclsco hospltnl Sunday. Col. C. C. Going, secretary of tho local Aorlo of Eagles, has re ceived a telegram from the San Fran cisco AerlonotlfylnghlmofCarranza's death hut no particulars were given. Carranza Joined tho local" Aorlo of Eagles when ho wns spending some time on tho Day a year or two ago. Ono report has it that Carranza wns suffering from pneumonia nnl thnt his death was duo to that. Definite detailed Information Is ex pected hero soon. Cincinnati Political Leader Held On Perjury Charge By Grand Jury. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CINCINNATI, Feb. 21. George B. Cox, the political leader, was today indicted by the Hamilton county grand Jury on the charge of perjuij Latest SOXGS, dances at the Masonic.) ws GARRANZA STRICKEN boss cor nr "NOW INDICTED MOBILIZE TROOPS Russia and China Prepare For Military Demonstration of Czar. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) ST. PETERSBURG, ItUBsIa, Fob. 21. A dispatch from Harbin says PLAY TONIGHT AT Marshfield High School Basket ball Team Leaves For Valley. Tho Marshfield High school basket ball team loft today for Coqulllo to play tho Coqulllo boys. Marshfield Is still In n crippled condition, Stuts man having not yet rccovorcd from blood poison which not In some tlmo ngo, and Larson bolng barred on nc count of his grades. Mnrshfleld, however, hopes to win dcBplto tho fact that tho boys havo had hard luck slnco tho beginning of tho Benson. Myrtlo Point will como horo Thurs day to plfty tho Mnrshfleld boys. Tho Myrtlo Point tenm Is a strong one. Tho gamo here will bo at tho old Tn bernnclo building. CURTIS GIVEN PLACE AGAIN Marshfield Postmaster Renomi nated By President Taf t Today. (Ey Associated Press to Coos 1 Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 21. President Tnft today sont to tho Son ata tho nomination of William D, Curtis to bo postmnstor at Marsh field, Oro. ABSTRACT LAW DEFEATED. Small Abstractor May Open Hooks nt Will. SALEM, Ore., Fob. 21. Ropro seutntlvo Colo's bill making It unlaw ful for any porson, firm or corpora tion to engago in tho business of making or compiling abstracts of title to real property without having for u6o In such business a comploto sot of abstract books, was unmerci fully bonten In tho houso when It enmo up for final passage. It had few defenders and many dotrnctors. ft wns nrgued against tho bill that It would tend to compel small ab stractors to go out of business whllo thoso who favored tho bill said It was a measuio deemed necessary for tho protection of tho public who woro continually being Biiplled with ab stracts that woro not correct and against which damage tho Injured public had no recourse. Tho bill pro vided that abstract companies give a bond of $10,000 for the payment of any damages that may accruo to any norson by reason of nny error, defi ciency or mistake. Abstract compa nies in countleB of les3 than 10,000 population woro compelled to give n bond for fG.OOO Instead of fiu.uuu. HOT TAMALES at Lewis' confec tionery, Saturday 1 P. M. 1IAITIST LADIES. The beauty CHORUS In now songs TONIGHT at tho Masonic tmtmtttmtftwmm t Al int t CHRISTIAN CHURCH X TONIGHT t t S Services each evening TUIC WCEU T I niO VUUI. $ttittlttKKKKKKftW COUILLE ALONG BOBOEB the Husslan troops are being concen trated nt Klakhta, n settlement In Si beria close to the Chlneso frontier nnd opposite tho Chlneso town of Mlamcchln. Orders have been Issued to strengthen tho wntch on tho frontier. Tho Chinese resident genornl of Mon golia received orders from Pekln to mobilize the border troops. Boiler House Burns and Causes Delay In Operations There. The boiler house at Denver Hill wns destroyed by lire of mysterious origin Saturday night soon after midnight. Tho damage whllo only nmouutlng to ?125 to 1G0 caused the mlno to suspend operations for three days until repairs could bo mudc. Superintendent Ilusscll wns In Mnrshfleld today and said tho ropalrs had been practically completed. Only about 100 tons nro being taken out a day now nt Denver Hill ponding tho completion of tho now shaft. Work on this Is progressing fnlrly woll. DECISION IN Judge Coke Passes Oh Fire Alarm Suit Other Cases Up. J ml go John S. Coko has forwarded to tho county clerk of Multnomah county his decision in tho enso of tho National Automatic Flro Alarm com pany vs. tho City of Portland In which ho makes tho temporary In junction granted tho plnlntlft perma nent. Tlio caso was henrd by him whllo on tho bench In Portland some tlmo ngo. Tho city of Portlnnd sought to enn eel a contrnct with tho company on tho ground that It had never been ro- duced to writing nnd that tho rights claimed by tho company could only bo obtained through a franchise Tho contract was entered Into In 1902, nccordlng to tho olllclnl records of tho flro commission of Portlnnd, tho compnny bolng given tho right to connect up with tho city's flro alarm system. Tho compnny Installed tho flro alarm boxes, many on direct or ders from city officials hut In 1910, Mayor Lane attempted to annul tho contract on tho grounds above given. Tho company secured nn injunction prohibiting tho city from dotnchlng its boxes from tho city flro nlarm system and Judge Coko has mado it permanent. Other Cases. Judge Coko has under considera tion this weok tho hill of exceptions filed by tho attorneys of Frank Gar rison under death sentence for slay ing Roy Perkins. An endeavor to secure a now trjal Is being mado. Other cases before tho court this week Includo tho caso of tho Bank of Bandon vs. J. II. Price ct al and also tho case of Rush vs. Weathorly, tho latter being from North Bend. ORANGES! ORANGES! 150 PER DOZEN. "Larger ones 20c. Others 25 nnd 30c. '.Buy them now. Ivy Con dron, Pioneer Grocery Phono 84-J. Latest SOXGS, dances at tho Masonic. If you havo anything to soil, trade, rent or want help, try a want ad. Havo your Job printing done nt Tho Times office. BEAVEB BILL FIBE SLIGHT LAD VIOLATION S I. W. W. Brigade Make De monstration Around Red Flag Last Night. (Dy Associated Press to C003 Day Times.) REDDING, Cal., Feb. 21. In groups of half n dozen, tho I. W. W. members nro walking tho ties toward Fresno whero tho lcadors say they1 will speak on tho streets nnd go to Jnll. They propoBo to camp at Weed tonight. They stopped nt Montnguc last night and snng tho Mnrsclllnlso around a red flag about the camp fire. VOICE KICKS Declare That Canadian Reci procity Will Eliminate Tariff Benefits. (By Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 21. Tho farmers registered protests against tho Canadian reciprocity agreement in a hearing today boforo tho Sonnto Commltteo on Flnnnco. A number of eastern nnd Central states woro represented. It was declared that Canada Is tho only country fnr mora havo to fear and thnt freo trndo with that country means tho farmers will dorlvo no bonoflt whatever from tho tariff law. Many Passengers Leave For San Francisco On Steamship Yesterday. Tho Redondo sailed lato yesterday aftornoon for San Frnnclsco with n largo list of passengers. Tho south bound freight with tho exception of lumber has been vory light. Among thoso snlllng yesterday woro tho following: W. F. Dowron, J. R. Youngs, J. T. Hobson, F. J. Iloolllng, J. D. Hamlin, L. R. Hughes, Mrs. F. A. Lancelot, Gortrudo Smith, Mrs. G. Raubnck, Mrs. D. R. Mynatt, Miss D. McCul loch, Mrs. E. Johnson, Mrs. T. R. Hughes, Miss Lena Hughes, Mrs. Ho llstor, F. A. Lancelots H. McDonald, O. Norman, Chns. Johnson, S. Kearns, Chas. Hall, C. Lodolro, J. S. Gomos, Donald McDonald, Albon Mc Donald, Mrs. Garfield, Mrs. J. Nel son, Mrs. A. Peterson. John Culjnk, Dan Keofe, O. Anderson, II lams, Joo Parnell. Wllt- POPE PIUS BETTER. Prelate Fully Recovers Front His Re- cent Illness. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) ROME. Feb. 21. Tho Pope ro sumed his audiences today, having fully recovered from his recont at tack of Influenza. LIBRARY NOTICE. Library will bo open tomorrow from 2:00 to 5:00 p. m. only, as It Is a legal holiday. G 1 FARMERS N LI W SAIL SOUTH ON REDONDO IS OE CONSTITUTION Gov. Carroll of Iowa Vetoes. Measure Adopted By Legislature. STANDPAT REPUBLICAN AGAINST DIRECT VOTE Declares That Constitution. Provides Legislators Shall Elect Senators. (By Associated Press to Coos Boy Tim 08.) DES MOINES, In., Fob. 21. Gov ernor Cnrroll todny vetoed tho Oro gon primnry plnn bill which had pass ed both Houses of tho legislature. Governor Carroll In his voto mos sago characterized tho moasuro nn "nn nttompt to Indirectly accomplish something thnt cannot bo dono di rectly" and declared It wob a viola tion of tho constitution of tho Unit ed States ns It abrogated tho section which provides tho legislatures shall elect United States senators. LOIMMKIl CASH VOTE. Semite Mny Determine Illinois Mon'tf., Kit to Tomorrow. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 21, Senator Burrows, chairman of tho Committee on Privileges and Elec tions, announced todny thnt If no oth er senator desired to sponk ho would ask tho Sonnto to voto on tho Lorlmor caso tomorrow nt tho conclusion of Senator Lorlmcr's speech. Case That Maybe Farreachingo Is Begun By Local Land Owners. Declaring thnt n logging rond Iff not a common carrier and conse quently cannot oxerclso tho right ot eminent domain In securing or con demning right of wny ncross private property, Andrew Sandorson and Al fred Brunnell of South Slough havo begun suit against tho Smith-Powers Logging company to compol thent to romovo tholr tracks from across tho' Inttor's land. Tho ovldonco Is being: submitted beforo Miss Annlo amlin, nppolntod n speclnl roforeo by Judge Harris, to tnko tho testimony. It seems thnt tho county court on. petition of tho Coos Bny Timber and Coal compnny ordered a right of way opened ncross tho land of Sandorson nnd Brunoll to permit logging opera tions and lntor granted a franchise, to tho Smith-Powers company permit ting thorn to lay tholr tracks In thlfc rlght of wny. If Sanderson nnd Brunnoll should' win, tho logging companies of Oregon will bo up against a sorlous situation ns such a decision would bo far reach ing Jn its offect. L. A. Llljoqvlst of Coqulllo represents tho plaintiffs In tho case. PRISONERS MUST WORK. ROSEDURG, Oro., Fob. 20. In order that all prisoners conflnod In tho county Jnll may bo self sustain ing. County Judgo G. W. Wonncott entered nn order to tho offect that hereafter nil persons convicted of petty crlmos and committed to the county Jail must work on tho public roads. Concurrent with said ordor Robort Wlnlford was appointed a do- puty shorlff, and It will bo his duty ' to work tho prisoners to tho best nd ! vantage. Three man, at prcsont con flnod In tho Jail, will ho placed at work on tho roads tomorrow morning. LOGGING ROAD SUIT ISBS II JtMt. , n rMWHwAdflMMUfcMau AlK U--M.. jotttmmk w jdtefttL. - im. 7T". "