m Wxmt& ADS. NEWS WHEN BUSINESS IS SLOW, AD VKKTISE. THAT IT PAYS IS EVI DENCED 1J1 SUCCESSFUL BUSI NESS HOUSES EVERYWHERE :: GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW WV HEADING THE COOS MAY .TIMES. ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME TERSELY TOLD :: :: :; :: member op associated press VOL XXXIV Established In 1878 ns The Const Mnll MARSHFIELD.OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mnll nml Coos liny Advertiser. No. 24. ELM ARE Tfl L (E000 DEAD AND SIX MAN Si ARE LOST ME TROOPS M S G Explosion In Cokedale Shaft Near Trinidad Claims Many Victims. TWO RESCUERS LOSE THEIR LIVES TODAY Many Other Rescuers Over- come By Black Damp This Forenoon. (By Associated I'rcsB to Coos Day TltnoB.) TRINIDAD, Colo., Fob. 10. To the list of nlno known dead nml six missing in the Cokcdnlo mliio nt tho time of the exploHlon Inst night miiHt be ndded tho names of two rescue who loBt their IIvoh today trying to reach tho missing men. Flvo bodies were located this morning. A num ber of rescuers wcro ovorcomo by blnckdnmp. GILL QUITS SOON. Seattle ( Have New Mayor mill Pol- ire Chief Monilny. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) SEATTLE, Wash., Fob. 9. Mayor Hlrnm C. QUI, who wbb oiiHtcd by the voters at Tucsdny's recall, will turn over tho ofllco to his successor, George W. Dllllng, Monday noon. Police Chief Wappcnstcln will ro slgn. Gill will resume tho practice of law. Wappenstclu has not an nounced his plans. Indications Point to Most Pros perous Era, Says R. M. Jennings. "Business conditions In the mlddlo west aro excollont and tho outlook Is for n most prosperous ora," re marked It. M. Jennings, general man ager of tho Oregon Powor company, who has Just returned from a months business trip to enstoru points dur ing which ho nttondod tho annual convention of tho malingers and rep resentatives of H. M. Dyllesby & Co. "Everyone Is nntlclpntlng a ro marknbly prosperous oro for tho en tlro Pacific coast In consequence of tho Panama canal. "Tho officials of onr company wore especially optimistic over the outlook and told us to go ahead with pro jected Improvements. While I didn't hear any railroad news or boom news for Coos Day, our company showed that they liavo tho utmost c-onfldenco In this section by author izing mo to go abend with oxtonslvo Improvements In our property hero. "We are now nrranglng to put now cas cenernnrf wlilMi will In. ereaso our gas making facilities about four times. Wo also plan to Put In n now electric powor plnnt which will be much larger and moro up-to-date than tho presont one." Mr. Jennings bad n most delightful trip to Chicago, going with a party of the H. M. Dyllesby & Company's representatives. At tho Chicago con vention of tho company, over 350 were in nttondnnco nt the elaborate banquet In the Gold Room of tho Au ditorium. A year ago when tho con vention was held, tho company hnd Plants In thirty-ono different cities and this year, they had plants in eighty-seven. TO LICENSE ALIENS. (Dy Associated Press to C003 Day Times.) OLYMPIA, Wash.. Fob. 10. The Senate passed a bill providing that aliens who carry arms must be 11 censed. a fifteen-dollar fee being fixed. GOOD OUTLOOK FOR BUSINESS IN COLORADO M CURB FISHING ON UMPQUA Bill Affecting It Introduced In Legislature Other Meas- ures Taken Up. SALEM, Ore., Feb. 10. Tho DouglnB county delegation has Intro duced 11 bill prohibiting cominercinl fishing In tho Unipqun river above Winchester on tho north fork mid nbovo COO feet below tho Anron Hose flouring mills on tho south fork nt nil times of tho year and below theso points between April 10 and May 10 and between November 20 and Do comber 10 only. On request of tho Hoseburg city council, tho Douglas county delega tion in the House today Introduced a bill providing for tho holding of locnl option elections In incorporated cities and towns in connection with tho general municipal elections. Un der tho present locnl option law all such elections can bo held only on tho first Tuesday after the first Mon day in November. Sunday M.I Hill Killed. Tho llouso Commltteo on Revision of Laws will report unfavorably on Representative Cottel's Sunday clos ing bill. This measure was aimed particularly at cigar mid confection ery stores and grocorlcs, accustomed to transacting business Sundays. Rev. W. F. Martin, representing tho Seventh Day Advontlsts, appear ed beforo tho commltteo tonight and contonded that tho enactment of tho bill would amount to religious legis lation mid an unwarranted Invasion of tho rights of denominations ob serving other than Sunday ns tho dny of rest, to pursue their form of religious worship. Vw Tlilril Coiigvi'HNinnn. For tho purpoBO of reapportioning tho stuto Into thrco Congressional districts, Scnntor Oliver offered n bill which makes tho counties of Multnomah, Columbia mid Clatsop 0110 district. This division docs not satisfy the Multnomah delegation, ns Portland era havo oxpected Multnomah county to'bo n Congressional district by It solf. Seven CIiinm-h of Teachers. With tho pnssago of Senate bill No. 101 by tho Houso, an act of great Importance to tho teachers of Oregon nwnlts only tho slgnnturo of tho governor to becomo offectlvo. It provides for teaching certificates en abling tho holdor to teach In nny county, nlso for tho establishment of I normal training clnsses In any high school. Sovon clnsses of certificates may bo Issued by tho stato superintendent of public Instruction under tho act as follows: Llfo stato certificates, fivo year certificates, primary flvo year certificates, one year certificates, spe cial certificates, temporary county certificates and special district certificates. Tho superintendent Is ompowered to appoint nlno professional teach ers, whoso duty It shall bo to pre pare questions for all state examina tions also to nnmo as many teach ers ns necessary to proparo tho ma nuscripts for stato papers. The bill also specifies tho preparation neces sary to obtain the various grades of certificates. Examinations will be hold in tho county seat of each coun ty on tho first Wednesday In June and December of each year. To establish a teachers' training class It will be necessary for the city or county to provide at least 0110 tenchor who shall dovoto four hours each day to the class and this teach er must havo graduated from a standard normal school or Its equi valent. At least two teachers, exclu sive of tho city superintendent, must give their entire tlmo to instruction In subjects nbove the grammar (Continued on pag 4.). Believe That 153 Adrift On Ice Floe Near Viborg Have Per ished From Exposure. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) VIDOHG, Finland, Feb. 10. Tho ice breaking vessels returned today from n fruitless search for tho ice floo upon which 153 fishermen have been ndrlft for several days, It is be m 1 Children Burned to Death In Destruction of Washing ton Settler's Home. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) EVERETT, Wash., Fob. 10. Two I children aged 3 mid 0 yenrs, of n settler named Hansen living near Granlto Falls, 10 miles northeast of Everett, wcro burned to death in their homo yesterday. ADMIRAL TERRY DEAD. Retired Xuvnl Commander Pusses Awny. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 9. Roar Admiral Silas W. Torry, U.S.N., retired, died hero today of puoumo nln. HATH TUB TRUST LOSES. DcmiirrcrH of Individuals Arc Over ruled at Detroit. (Dy Associated PrcsB to Coos Day Times.) DETROIT, Mich., Fob. 10. Fed eral Judgo Dcnlson today ovorrulcd n demurrer of tho individual defend ants In tho suit of tho government ngnlnst tho so-called "bath tub" trust. LIVED IS BAD, IS Mabel King of Portland Dies and Five Others III of Pto maine Poisoning. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) PORTLAND, Oro., Fob. 10. Ma bel, tho flvo-year-old daughter of Thos. King, Is dead and flvo othor members of tho family aro seriously HI as a result of eating Inst night n liver which physicians say should not havo been sold. Ptomaino poison ing manifested Itself In an unusual ly short tlmo and tho physicians worked for hours to savo tho fam ily, but little Mabel succumbed. Tho others probably will recover. ELAUORATE DECORATIONS WILL HE FEATURES OF LINCOLN DAY CELEBRATION AT THE CHANDLER SATURDAY NIGHT. Final preparations for tho Lincoln banquet at Tho Chandler tomorrow night are being completed today, Tho affair promises to bo ono of tho most olaborato of tho kind over hold here. I Special decorations are being pro vided, a feature of which will be tho "Log Cabin." , Many tickets havo been sold ior tho event nnd It Is expected that niost BANQUET of tho prominent republicans la' tho county will be Jn attendance., t lieved they have perished. One hun dred other fishermen were rescued. SCHLEY IS BETTER. Hero of Santiago Recovering: From Ills Injuries. (Ey Associated Press to Coos I Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 10. Rear Admiral Wlnfield Schley, who suffered n fracture of two ribs by n fnll on an Icy sidewalk hero n few days ago, Is Improving. M BE No Arrest Made Yet for Work of Ghouls at Erie, Pa. Clues Found. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) ERIE, Pa., Feb. 10. Detectives aro at work in connection with tho robbery of the Scott mausoleum and havo several clues which may lend to tho arrest of tho pcrpotrators on account of the retlcenco of the police nnd members of tho family, much mystery Biirrounds tho desecration of tho mausoleum. Although tho sta tement of tho family is to tho ef fect that tho body stolon Is that or Mrs. Anna M. McCullum, Blstor-in- law of Mrs. Scott, tho rumors nro persistent that tho ghouls havo tnkou tho body of tho millionaire congress man. Later It was discovered lato this afternoon that tho body of Mrs. An na McColIum hnd not been removed from tho mausoleum In tho Erlo cemotnry. Tho vault contains 2-1 compartments nnd tho body wns found In ono of theso unmolested. It is now bolloved tho robbery of tho mnusoloum wns for tho solo purposo of securing tho metals on somo of tho caskets. TAKING EXAM ATjOJUILLE Many Applicants For Teachers Certificates at Coos County Seat. COQU1LLE, Ore., Fob. 10. Tho following tenchors aro among thoso taking tho examinations for county certificates this weok: Chloo Duel!, Myrtlo Point; Jesslo Sweet nnd Hnttlo Sweet, Coquillo; Dolla Dryant, Myrtlo Point; Edna L. Dolly, Dora; Grovor C. Myors, Leo; DobsIo Denn, Gravel Ford; Hazel I. Mathews, Norway; James R. Bunch, Gravel Ford; Lurinda Doan, Gravel Ford; Morlo Radabaugh, Arago; Wanda Harry, Sltkum; Vlrln I. Moody, Coquille; Ellzaboth Price, Dancroft; Ruth Plank, Norway; Mrs. Minnie Herman and Florenco McCracken, Myrtlo Point; Mattio Hansen and Minnie Com or, Gravel Ford; C. H. Zenely, Emplro; Grace Dlack, Lola Montgomery, Ivy Wil liams, Arklo Spraguo. C. H. Zenely, Elizabeth Price and Ruth Plank aro taking tho examina tion for state certificates. A. G. Raab and R. E. Dakor are assisting Supt. Dunch In conducting tho examinations. 1-3 off on nil box VALENTINES nt PRENTISS. :::titiitttn:jtt r w TAKEN t BIBLE BAPTISM t AT t CHRISTIAN CHURCH t t TONIGHT t t HEAR WILLIAMS t t TALK ABOUT t t TWO BUILDERS t :nnn::n::n::Hunn: REPULSED AFTER HARO BATTLE BETTFJ ROADS Claim That Change In Caring for Highways Will Save People $4,000,000. SALEM, Ore., Fob. 10. Oregon's mud tnx Is Four Million Dollars. The amount saved would build 1,500 miles of good roads. It would im prove all tho highways In the state. Oregon's mud tax saved would pay by sovcrnl times tho possible tnx for pormnnont highway making under tho proposed good roads bills sub mitted to the legislature by tho Ore gon Good Roads association. A mllo of good ronds built ends tho mud tax nnd begins tho returns on tho Investment from tho good roads construction. Othor miles of good roads open up tho stato to In creased population, intensified pro duction, accelerated dovcloprnont, making possible tho moro pleasures and comforts, bring rural delivery, increased neighborhood sociability, olovato citizenship standards, double In vnluo abutting property. Lowls W. Hill, president of the Grcnt Northern, said tho other day "Orogon Is backward In wngon rond building, our contemplated railroad construction will fnll of Intended dovcloprnont bonofit if tho pcoplo do not mnko good wngon ronds as feed ers to tho railroads," Mr. Hill did not advocato wagon road construc tion to fill his own pockots, ho knows, mid thoso who llvo in the enjoyment of good ronds know too, that pormancnt highways and their iibo nnd benefits fill tho pockots of tho people. Tho vnluo of macadam ronds is not understood nor realized until tho road la made nnd used. Back wardness of road construction in Orogon is explained In two ways: First, Ignornnco of bonoflts; second, opposition to population mid Inton slvo cultivation of tho soli. A" man was found lobbying against tho good roads association highway measures nt tho legislature. "1 own . 5,200 acros of land," ho said, "I havo seven miles of road bordering my proporty; I nm opposed to popula tion greater than now; I nm opposed to good ronds; good roads bring pop ulation nnd might compol mo to cut up my placo; I don't want to cut it up." Tho views of this man aro not shared by peoplo anxious to enter in upon Orogon's undeveloped emplro, nor nro his vlows shared by tho man who really desires to bonofit nnd do volop tho state. The man quoted was controlled by potty selfish local ism, and It would bo Oregon's sorrow If his kind were in tho majority. Unfortunately n mistakon impres sion, duo to lack of Information, con corning tho highway measures has gained placo In tho minds of somo of Oregon's pcoplo. Tho highway bills of the Orogon Good Roads asso ciation woro not framed for tho con struction of Stato roads. They put tho entlro powor of road building In to tho hands of tho peoplo of each county. If all tho measures woro mado law and became operatlvo no county would bo undor greater oblig ation to build roadH than now. Nor Is an excessive road tax contemplat ed. Pooplo In tho cities, when thoy want to hard surface streets Issue bonds providing a sinking fund nnd pay for tho street out of tho increas ed business and propoity values. As much ns anything elso Oregon needs tho advertising value of good roads. If tho peoplo now resident woro not to bo benefited tho vnluo from tho advertising ncross tho na-, tion would moro than offset tho cost of pormnnontly constructing highway systems in every county. Fresh Prussian POULTRY TONIC at RED CROSS Drug Store. NOW IS the TIME to give it. Five-Hour Struggle Won by Revolutionists Near El Paso Today. SHOTS FALL ACROSS RIVER FROM FIGHT United States Will Rush More Troops to Guard Rio Grande Boundary. (Dy Associated Prosa to Coos Day TllllOB.) MULATO, Moxlco, Fob. 10. Fed eral soldlors who attacked tho insur gents near bore yesterday woro ro pulscd after a flvo hours battle. Tho federal Iobb Is heavy. Troops of tho Third United States cnvalry was un der flro during tho engagement, Mex ican shells crossing tho river fre quently. TO GUARD BORDER. I United States Will Send Moro Troops to El Paso. (Dy Associated Press to Coot Day Times.) EL PASO, Tex., Fob. 10. Colonel Shnrpe, commanding tho United States troops hero was advised this morning that moro troopB would bo sent horo to guard tho bordor. WILL EXTEND L Coquille Valley Telephone Com pany Will Raise Funds For Purpose. COQUILLE, Oro., Fob. 10. Tho Herald Bays: Tho annual stock holders meeting of tho Coquille Val ley Tolophono company was hold Monday at tho court houso, nbout 175 stockholders frpm various parts of tho valloy being presont. Tho re ports of the ofllcors wero rocolvod nt tho meeting and approved, and tho following wero elected on tho bonrd of directors: H. L. Stovons, Coquillo; J. D. Clin ton, Norway; Thos. Darklow, Myr tlo Point;- K. H. Hansen, Ora vol Ford; John Mumford, Coquillo; Frank E. Willard, Coquillo; Archio McNalro, Myrtlo Point. Tho directors will hold a meeting horo Saturdny to elect ofllcors for tho coming year and to transact oth er business. Tho compnny has a stockholder membership of over 400, nnd onch will tnko out ono additional share In order to rnlso moiioy with which to enrry on construction work tho com ing yenr. The money raised In this way will amount to ovor $0,000, nnd In addition thereto, tho divi dends of, tho company will bo used for tho snmo purposo, Tho major part of tho construction work this yenr will bo dono 011 tho rural lines. During tho past year exchanges havo bcon put In at Co quillo. Tho compnny now hnB In tho neighborhood of 550 phonos in use, of which about 100 aro In Coquillo, 100 In Myrtlo Point, 300 on tho rural lines connecting with theso two ex changes, mid 50 nt Drldgo, ... !. " WILL REPORT SATURDAY. Ways nnd Means of House Will Re port Canadian Reciprocity. (Dy Ar.soclatod Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 10.--The House Comnilteo on Ways and Moans today postponed action on tho Canadian Reciprocity agreement until tomorrow when tho commltteo probably will vote to report favor ably to tho Houso tho measure em bodying tho agreement. it tr iiMhA., -4.S-'t. -i