THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 911 EVENING EDITION. n -1P w xt. .Auyi.HK r ' -a5?tfCT DR. DAVID ROBERTS Veterinary Prescriptions COWCLEANKn .- $1.00 CALr CUOLEHA IIEMJCDY 1.00 COW TOKIC ........... .................. .60 IIAHD MILKING OUTFIT 50 MItK TEVEB OUTFIT .... 8.00 COLIC DRENCH.. 75 OEIIM KILLBn 80 ANTISEPTIC rOULTICE 1.00 DISINFECTALL, per Gal... 1.25 wonM rownnn so WHITE LINIMENT. CO ADSOMJENT 1.00 WAHTINE - 80 TEVEIl I'ABTE 1.00 HEALING LOTION 80 HEAVE POWDEH 30 HOnSE TONIC 80 HOG TONIC 1.00 FLY OIL, per Gallon . 1.33 One Prescription (at Every Animal Aliment" DR. DAVIO ROBERTS "PRACTICAL HOME VETERINARIAN," Cloth Bound, It Free. Ask the 80LE AGENT Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. "Till: lll'H Y CORNER" MARSHFIELD, ORE. Electric lamps Btiltcd for ovory purpose. For tho homo, Olllco.j Launches, Autoinobllo, Mlnlaturo I'insil Mglll llliuruu liiuiiim iur uvm- orntlvo purposes for snlo or rent. Open until 0:30 o'clock week ilnyaj Satunlny until 9:00 P. M. Plume your orders for delivery. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 2U7-J. WANTED FAHMKHS ia COOS COUNTY to know thnt wo carry the famous l.ll. DAVID ROBERTS ,.l.SC 'Htl'TIONH FOR EVE- UV -WIMAIj AILMENT. rnr old saying, " Buy Hob ,.,i . medicine mid Bavo your 8,,,r ia ns true today as It w, ago. Hero la a list r few remedies: i RST NATIONAL i U D OF COOS BAY Capital fully paid $100,OOQ.OO W. S. Chaiullcr, President; M. C. Horton, Vice-President; Dorsey Krcitzcr, Cashier.. Ray T. Kaufman, Asst. Cashior BIBECTOBS: W. S. Chandler, John S. Coke, W. XT. Douglas, John P. Hall, Wm. Grimes, P. S. Dow, S. C. Rogers, W. P. Murphy, M. C. ITorton. BOES A GENEBAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid on time and savings deposits, safe deposit hoNcs for rent in our steel lined fire and bur glar proof vaults. Flanagan &b Bennett Bank of Marshf ield, Oregon (libst Bank In Coos County. Established in IKHO. I'.i il up Capital, Surplus, nnd Undivided Prollts over $1(10,(100. Wcin Over llnlf Million Do lars. l-( soils avnhmiL'ii on nil of I' a gonoral liankiiig business nnd draws drafts on tho Unn.c l '.I'lfornla, Snn Francisco, Cnl.; Hanover National Bank, N. Y.; 1 lr,' Nntionnl Dank, Portland, Ore; First National Hank, Ro b'ir Ore; The London Joint Stock Hank, Ltd., Loudon, England. Indiv.iliinl nnd corporation accounts kept subject to chuck. Safo 0 poIt lock uoxos for rent. OFFICERS: T. W. DENNETT, President, .f. H. FLANAGAN, V..Pie. R. F. WILLIAMS. C.ishier. C.V.O. 13. WINCH ESTER, Abst. Cash. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Eastside Wiimers 1 Block In Homo Addition, Vontalnlng ovor 3 acres for ?90D 6 Lots for , $475, East Marshall 10 Lots for ?000 East Mnrshlleld 10 Lots for ?800 Eastsldo ALL GOOD BAY VIEWS TERMS EASY OTHER GOOD BUYS Business property, 50x100, on. Second street, CO feet north of Central $,()()() a snap DOvloO In SeiiKstncken addition, with two-story houso nearly now for $1,500 n money-maker See Title, Guarantee & Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager ebb: The Dover Protection You need il most for your feet ihcsc days, and your health de pends on your shoes. Take no chances wear SHOE and you're assured both protection and service. WE KNOW A complete showing at $5.00 Some feu) styles $6.00 The Woolen Mill Store Mlll-lo-Mau Clothier Marshlleld, Ore. urn: :m t tho lirllicllinl CltlOS Of EliropO. JtfJ2Sm mm m jUjjTl tfl JfLra S BANK North Bend News Mrs. E. II. IIodBon of South Coos Illver was a Uny visitor yesterday. Geo. Moss nn (I wife nnd children were Marshflold visitors yesterday. The revival nt the Methodist cliiircli Is being continued this week. Mils Olive O'Mnrn, who has beon iiultu 111 Is able to be out again Mrs. Fboto of Hnngor, who under went an operation nt Mercy hospital is Improving. Mrs. Victor Wlttlg, who has been 111, will probably have to undergo n minor operation In a dny or two. Mrs. J. O. Horn, who underwent nn operation at Mercy hospital, has recovered sulllclontly to return homo Douglas Doano of Now Mexico Is visiting his brother, J. C. Doano on Catching Inlet, coming here for his health. Karl Michael has sold his home on North Ilcnd Heights to Wm. Ottls nnd moved Into one of tho Oilmen cottages. Mrs. 13. T. Magulro hns returned from a week's visit at Myrtle Point. Slip is rapidly recovering from her recent IIIiiosh. Miss Anna Wlckninn of Empire who has beon 111 for it couple of weeks, closing her school nt Flag staff, expects to bo able to resunio noxt week. IMPOItTANT NOTICE. All .persons lndebtod to Plonoer Grocery Company nro hereby request ed to mnko prompt settlement of same ns It Is necessary to closo our books Immediately, lly so doing you will snvo costs of collection. Mnko payments to Israel Lnndo. II. E. 1H3SSEY, Trustee. Owing to n recent Increnso In supply I can servo n few moro customers with Pure "Rich Jersey Milk Direct from my Dairy, Clean and Snnltnry for only ITio Cents Per Gallon Only 11 limited amount mid delivery must bo mado In tho evening. Address Mrs. D. Ilnynes, P.O. Pox 30.', Marshflold Coos Bay Steam Laundry PROMPT SERVICE SATISFACTORY WORK REASONABLE PRICES OUR WORK WILL PLEASE YOU. Phono Main 57-J mid n wugou will cull. Mnrsliflcltl Oregon 'FIRST CLASS PLUMDER Wants position In Marshlleld. Address Joe Bobelni, Raymond, Wash. rOR RENT Nlne-roonied house In Wost Mnrshlleld Hall & Hall. FOIt SALE Nliie-rooni bungalow, 1 choap. Easy tonus, apply P. O. Box, 4 so Marsiinoiu. FOR SALE S. C. 11. I. Red eggs $t por 15, special into por 100. Ad dress Mrs. J. II. Prlco, Allognny. SHUMAN PIANO FOR SALE Al most now, excellent tone Owner loavlng city. Phono 187X; P.O. Box 719. WANTED Plain and children's sew ing by day. Call 240 N 4th St. WANTED Clean cotton rags nt Times ofllce. Cash paid on deliv ery. FOR SALE Three homestead relin quishments, writo Box 253 Co qullle, Oregon. WANTED A girl for general house work. Apply to Mrs! J. A. Mat son, S93 Central avenue. - .ill - FOR RENT Furnished apartment In O'Connell building. Phono No. 113-L. iEsfflaw SHRIVE TODAY Steamship In Early This Morn ing From San Francisco and San Pedro. The Hedondo nrrlvcd in this morning from San Francisco nnd San Pedro after a fast trip up tho const. Sho had n good passenger list nnd nbout four hundred tons of freight. Tho Hedondo will sail at 9 o'clock Satunlny morning for San Krunclsco. Among thoso arriving on her were tho following: V. 13. Dungnn, W. A. Morris, .1. J. Morris, Goo. II. Hotnor, Mrs. F. 13. Hague, F. 13. Hague, A. 13. Neff, W. P. Murphy, I. C. Fuller, Mary J. Elrod, C. K. Perry, J. F. Strong, M. 13. Ilrownell, J. N. Warren, It. A. Jones, Mrs. It. A. Jones, Thomas Jones, Hay Jones, Annie Jones, Jim Jones, Mnrgarct Jones, Hurdoo Jones. W. C. Ouerln, II. 11. Taylor, A. C. Hlchart, and ton steerage. SI . WILL BENEFIT Panama Exposition and Pana ma Canal Expected to Help Greatly. "Tho opening of tho Pnnnmn cunnl and tho Paunmn oxposltlou nnd the grent benefits tho entire Pacific coast will derive, from both of thorn nro nbout tho only topics of conver sation in Snn Francisco now," re marked Colby Porry of Porry-Mont-gomery company who roturnod to day on tho Redondo from tho south. "All Snn Francisco Is still olntcd ovor tho victory In tho House "No, I didn't hoar any doflnltu railroad nows about Coos Hay nt Snn Francisco. Tho, host rnllrond nows I hoard was that the Pananin cannl would tnko nway so much of the bulky frolght from tho railroads that the railways will be glad to ex tend to ovory nook nnd cornor to got busluosK of nny kind. Ouo Sail Francisco mniiufncturor who now receives ovor two h tin tl roil cntionds of frolght from Now York and other Atlantic points told mo thnt ho would not hnvo n pound como by tho rnll roads when tho cunnl Is finished bo causo' ho can got It by wntor for one fourth what tho railroad rate now Is. Ho estimated that fully one hun dred thousand carloads n yoar of Son Francisco freight would bo dl ver'tod from tho railroads to tho Panama cnnal route "Business prospects nro mighty good becauso every 0110 appears to liavo omorged from tho wnltlng stngo nnd nro now going ahead with all tholr onorgles. WOMEN WIN IN KANSAS. TOPEKA. Kns., Fob. S. Tho Kansas Sonnto passed a rosoltttloii to submit tho nmondinont to tho constitution giving women tho right to vote In nil oloctlons by n voto of 27 to 12. Tho resolution had pre viously passed tho IIouso, Mid-Week Specia Taffey Sale Tomorrow nfternoon, Thursday, wo will sell fresh, lionie-mado (ally at 1" cents the pound. If you ovor ont won't last long nt taffy, como it thnt price Watch for Specials Next Week Lewis' Confectionery XORTII BROADWAY. WHOLE topeNil Kill THE WEATHER, (lly Associated Press.) OREGON. Feb. S. Fair night and Thursday. to- $$ HORN. GR13VI3S To Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Groves of North Demi. Wednes day morning. February S. a nine pound boy. Mother and child nro doing well nnd tho father, who Is cashier of the First Nntionnl Dank of North Rend, says tho llnnnclal situation never looked brighter than today. Ho says the youngster Is nil gold and 24 carats fine Meet Tonight. Marshlleld lodge of Elks will meet tonight to Initiate n cnndldnte or two nnd trnnsnet oth er business. Due Tonight. Tho Breakwater will roach hero tonight nt 10 o'clock from Astorln, according to word re ceived by Agent Miller today. liar Trallle. According to Hunk I Dlevs. tho trnlllc across tho Coos Hay liar during the year 10t0 wob MS,- 000 tons. In ISfHI, tho trnlllc amounted to 14 4. 0.1 r. tons nnd in 1JI0C to ISt.lir. tons. Storage. F. S. Dow has leased n portion of tho Cold Storage company's cold rooms nnd Is plan ning to ndd several now linos to his commission business Including' oys ters and other cold storngo products Children 111. Tho threo-yonr old child of Mr. and Mrs. Will Chapman of West Mnrshlleld who hns been very 111, wns tnkon to Mercy hospital nt North Bend yesterday. Their boii. Ignatius, who has been sick Is Im proving. Xo Olllclnl Advise Postmnstor W. B. Curtis hnfl not been olllclnlly advised thnt tho poBtollleo dopnrt mont hns discontinued printing en velopes. Howover, newspnper re ports nniioiinco thnt Pnatmnstor Gen ornl Hitchcock hns so decided. Figure on Site. Tho projectors of Iho new milk coiidonsnry are now figuring on n site Whether to lo oato It In Marshlleld or on Coos Riv er nonr tho croamery Is bolng debnt ed. 801110 wnnt It In tho city so that It will ho bottor located to get hillk from tho vnrlous InlotB nnd nlso from tiio Coqulllo vnlloy by train. It will bo decided Boon, probably. Visit nt Eugene Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Connors of tho Cottngo Qrovo Leader, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Will Lun dy, of Myrtle Point, spent Friday visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles S. Cochran, troltirnlng to Cottngo Grovo yostordny nfternoon. Mrs, Litudy wns formerly Miss Laura JoncB and wns tho first lady editor In tho stnto, bolng connoctod with tho Nonpareil nt Drain for n long timo. Eugeno Roglstor. Mill Decaying. Tho Courtnoy mill, 0110 of tho most comploto little mills ovor built In this soctlon nnd one thnt Is iiniqiio hocnuso It wns closed down by creditors leforo It ovor out a log, Is now going to plocos. It hns been In litigation alnuo just nrlor to Its lit Kntlnn and now a cnio Involving It Is being heard in the Oregon Siiuromo Court. Pnrt of the roof Is reported to have fnllon In. leaving tbo mnohinory to the mercy of the olomonts. BIG SHIPMENT FOR HAINES. Flour and Feed Dealer Gets Most of Freight On Redoudo. A. T. Hnlnos, tho woll-known Marshflold flour and food ninn, to day rocolvod n big cargo of hay, flour and food on tho Redondo. In fact, his shlpmonts Is snld to havo constituted a largo sharo of tho In coming frolght on tho Redondo. Tho domnnd for his liny, flour and food Is growing ns rapidly that ho hns to rocolvo Bhlpmonts nonrly ovory week to supply tho local domnnd. VALENTINE SOCIAL DANCE. Tho Vnlontlno social dance to bo glvoii nt I. O. O. F. hall noxt Mon day ovonlng under tho nusplcos or tho Indies of tho Episcopal church promisoa to bo one of tho most suc cessful dancos of tho sonson. Tlokots nro soiling rapidly and tho ladlos aro making olnborato preparations to mnko It a most enjoynblo social affair, Personal Notes DR. FOREST of Reaver Hill Is n Marshflold visitor. W. 13. DUNOAN returned today from San Francisco. A. 13. NEFF has returned homo from Snn Francisco. W. J. KYLE of Florence Is oxpocted here today on bitslnewj and pleas ure. W. P. MURPHY arrived home today from a bustnoss trip to San Fran cisco. ALVA DOLL, who has been "111 of tho grip, was able to bo downtown yesterday. MRS. M. J. ELROD has returnod from Snn Francisco and other California points. F. E. HAGUE nnd wife returned to dny from n trip to San Francisco and Los Angeles. Due Friday. The Alliance is duo In Friday from Portland nnd will snll early Saturday for Eurokn. A. L. HOUSEWORTH nnd wife en tertnlned tho Tuesd'ny Night Whist club nt their homo Inst evening. MRS. F. K. GETT1NS ontcrtnlnod n few friends nt her homo yostordny nfternoon nnd is ngnln ontertnln Ing others todny. BEN McMULLEN of Myrtle Point, nccompnnlod by his young son, Fred, has beon making a couplo of dnys' business visit In Mnrsh- flold. PAUL RAUBACH, recontly of Snn Francisco completed negotiations yesterday for tho purchnso of tho 2S0 acres ranch of Win. MncNoll on South Lnko at Lakeside Mr. Rnttbach will tnko Immedlnto pos session. Mrs. Rauhach will leave for San Francisco nnd mnko pre parations for moving their house hold furnlttiro to their now home. BIG BANQUET Initial Observation In Coos County Promises to Be Big Success. Tho Lincoln bnnquot to bo hold at Hotel Chnndlor Satunlny ovonlng glvoB promise of bolng. 0110 of tho most Bticcessful ovonts ovor given in tho city. Tho commlttco on arran gements hnvo boon busy this weok with olnborato preparations. Thoro will bo nddressos by a nuiubor of tho lending professional mid business 111011 of tho city nnd soiuo from out of town. Good delegations nro ex pected from Bnndnn, Myrtlo Point nnd Coqulllo to nttond what will bo tho first Lincoln dny colobratlou over hold In Coos county. Tho program conunltteo has not cnmplotod ltu work but nlrondy has assuranco of n Biilllclout number of sponkors to Insure nu Interesting list of nftor dlunor addresses. Tlckots will bo plncod on salo nt tho Chaudlor tomorrow morning nnd as the number or tickets nro limited thoae desiring seats should mnko tholr reservations ns promptly ns powihlo to avoid disap pointment. Tho dinner Is limited to goutlemon only. Coos Bay Apples Wo hnvo Just replenished our sup ply or this fine fruit. Wo hnve NORTHERN SPIES. BALDWINS BELL FLOWERS PECK'S PLEASANT CANADA RUSSETS SWAAR'S They nro flnennd wo soil thorn for 65c a Box Up ORANGES J.1e to tOc wv dozen, GRAPE FRUIT. Come in and see (hem. The Bazar HOUSE OF QUALITY, Phono U2-J LP