wmmmm1" THECOOS BAY TIMES, MAR.SHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1911 EVENING EDITION. $ News of Nearby Towns W FEAR RIIRRY L :iZ", , .111 I RIM PfL, a t p r q miH .imh. www i People Use Electric Flat Irons the Year Round They arc equally as convenient in fall and winter asX they are in the hot weather. There may be less t discomfort from kitchen fires, to be sure, but the electric ! flat iron has many other advantages than saving heat. They save drudgery. They save footsteps between ironing board and stove. They never need changing. They are always clean and uniformly hot ready at your elbow. Thousands of Women use them who prefer to iron little things themselves in their own room, or elsewhere, on short notice. An elec tric iron once tried is never afterward dispensed with. ' Why not try one yourself. Ask us for particulars. .ntfcrftHLjii iflETiJiBSLCcBMl Oregon Power Company 400 TRAP NESTED BARRED PLYMOUTH HOCKS. Our nmtlngs hnvo produced Btnnd-rd-breil specimens of exhibition uallty with rccorda of 242, 227, 222 ggx In 3C5 days. Htaby Chirks unci Eggs tor Hutching nook your orders now for sprint: ellvery. A fow cockerels from envy laying stock for $5.00. Plymouth Place, Poultry Ynrds FRED. HACHMAN, Prop. fnrshfleld, Ho 4W5, Phono 288 K00S BAY LIVERY We have secured tho llvory busi ness of L. H. Holsner and nrn n ro ared to render excellent servlco to ho people of Coos Day. Careful drivers, good rigs and everything hat will mean satisfactory servlco to ihe public. Phono us for a driving Porte, a rig or anything needed Jr iuu nvery line, wo also do a irucklng business of all kinds. HLANCHARD HHOTIIEHS. Lhery, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First and Aider Streets. Phono 138-J TnE LLOYD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEIj Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 75c and ! Keek $2.00 to 15.00. House. eeplng apartments with gas ranges tu.uo to J18.00 per month. FREE 'AiHSn. W. SUrXlVAV !,.. ... ..-,,, wt,. D- C W. LESLIE, Ostconnthlc Phvulrlnn lraduate of the American school of steopathy at Klrksvllle. Mo. Ofllco 1 Eldorado Dlk. Hnnm n io. i onejCl-j- Marshfleld; Oregon. y. J. W. INGRAM, - J"W1 UIIU OtVTglXMl, 09-210 PnVn nnn.llno. hones: Ofllce 1C2J; Residence 162u W. DENNETT, Lawyer. Wee Over Pl.o-o n. ti ... t, i. fcW. Oregon. tj7M' s' TURPE.V, IklUliHJl ver Chamber of Commerce. Flanagan (Sb Bennett Bank of Marshf ield, Oregon Oldest Hank In Coos County, Estulillalicd la 1880. Paid up Capital, Surplus, '"id Undivided Profits over $100,000. Assets Over Half Million Do lars. Does a general banking business and draws drafts on tho Ban of California, San Francisco, Cal.; Hanover National Dank, N. Y.; First National Dank, Portland, Ore.; First National nank, Ho) burg, Ore.: Tho London Joint Stock Dnnk, Ltd., London, England. Also sells exchange on all of tho principal cities of Europe. Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to check. Safe deposit lock boxes for rent. OFFICERS: J. W. BENNETT, President. J. II. FLANAGAN, V.-Prcs. II. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier. GEO. E. WINCHESTER, Asst. Cash. INTEREST PAH) ON TIME DEPOSITS. Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO AND JOSSON CEMENT. The best Domestic and Imported brands. Plaster, Lime Brick and all kinds of builders material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTO BROADWAY. PnONE 201. M T FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Capital fully paid $100,000.00 TV. S. Chandler, President; M. C. Horton, Vice-President; Dorsey Kreitzor, Cashier. Ray ' T. Kaufman, Asst. Cashier mitEGTOJiS: "NV. S. Chandler, John S. Coke, W. U. Douglas, John F. Hall, Win. Grimes, P. S. Dow, S. 0. Rogers, W. P. Murphy, M. C. Horton. DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid on time and savings deposits, safe deposit boxes for rent in our steel lined fire and bur glar proof vaults. M. W. DUNCAN, OWNER OF Mc KINLEY MINES, MYSTERIOUS LY DISAPPEARS AND WORST IS FEARED. GOLD REACH, Ore., Feb. 4. Word reached this plnco a fow days ago that M. W. Duncan hnd disap peared, and fears nro entertained hero that he has perished in tho snow. Mr. Duncan was owner of tho McKinley mine nnd hns been trapping In thnt vicinity, stopping n pnrt of tho time nt tho McKinley cab in nnd pnrt of tho tlmo nt Lucy Smith's cabin about three miles be low on Hunters creek, nnd was known to have n camp outfit at each cabin. It was not Mr. Duncan's habit to bo gono from town moro thnn two weeks nt ono tlmo nnd ho hns not been seen hero Blnco January 5, n fact that ndds strength to tho belief thnt something serious has happen ed to him. He wtiB known to hnvo had n string of trnps set on Hunters creek nnd it Is feared that ho cither got caught In n bear trap or fell off n foot-Ion thnt spans Hunters creek In an ef fort to visit his trnps. Ho Is an ex pert woodsmnn and It Is not likely thnt ho lost his courso and perish ed, unless an nccldcnt of somo kind befell him. Mr. Duncan woro spectacles all tno tlmo nnd theso wro round on tho tnble. This fact togcthor with tho untidy condition of tho house, lends thoso who know Mr. Duncan best to believe thnt when ho loft tho cnblu It was not his Intention to bo gono very long. A scnrchlng party consisting of E. A. Bnlloy, Harry nnd Jim Gnunt lett nnd Devo Colvln left hero to hunt for him. News of Loner Coqullle As Told By The Hocorde Lcwnh Tribe, No. 48, I. O. R. M. Installed officers at their Inst meet ing as follows: E. M. Dlnckcrby, PnBt Snchcm; J. C. Shields, Sachem; Chris Doetchcr, Sr. Sag.; John Dn nlclson Jr. Sng.; A. J. Hartmnn, C. of A.; J. II. Shields, K. of W.; Emll Leo 1st Snnnnp; C. S. Hubbard, 2nd Snnnnp; E. M. Dlackerby, Prophet; Oscar Hcndrlcsen, G. of F.; Peter Anderson, G. of W. Tho Coos Bay Times of January 2Gth In copying nn article from the Recorder mndc us to sny there were five teachers In the entire Bnndon schools, which was an error. What wo did sny was that thero arc five teachers In tho first threo grndes, and thirteen In tho entire schools, which would mnkc n big difference. Dr. K. A. Loop, recently of Eu gene, hut formerly of Myrtle Point, hns arrived In Dandon nnd will he temporarily located at the Hotel Gal Her until ho can find a sultablo suite of rooms for nn office. THE CO UILLE Dr. A. P. Ingram and wife, of Portland, nrrived In this city Sunday, nnd Intend to loente here. Stanley E. Jenkins nnd Miss Ella Mason wcro united In mnrrlago Sat urday evening, Jan. 2Sth, at tho M. E. Parsonngc, Rov. H. L. Orations officiating. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jenkins nre both wefi-known Dandon young people. NEWS OF COQUILLE. EvcutH nt Coos County Rent An Told By Tho Herald. Tho schooner Ottollo Fjord was towed to Rtvorton Tuesday where sho loaded about 40 tons of conl. Sho will finish her load with lumber nt Prosper for Alaska. D. J. Mitchell Is manngor nt tho M. J. Hartuon furniture storo while Mr. Hnrtson nnd family aro visiting In California. NEWS OF GARDINER. GARDINER, Ore., Feb. 4. Tho Unipqun Rlvor bar is at present in a very good condition. Tho sounding showed 18 fcot nt low water. Tho tug Gleaner towed tho schooner Lilly out nnd sho Is on hor wny to San Frnnclsco. Tho gnsollno schooner OshkoBh Is expected hero from Coos Day to load salmon nt W. P. Reed's cannery nnd tnko them to Astoria. Tho government Is going to estab lish nlno range lights on this river. J It will ho n grent help to navigation. Tho lights will bo placed at cortaln points between W. P. Reed's ennnery and Scottsburg, tho bond of navigation. Mrs. James Richmond went to Marahflohl Tuesday morning going from thero to Allegany to visit with her pnronts. Mayor J. E. Quick spent n fow days in Mnrshflold attending to business matters last week. Alfred Mil lor, living on Cunning ham Creek has just received n flno registered maro from tho Hume stables below Port Orford. Jasper Yoakam and llttlo daughter wont to Mnrshflold Saturday and camo back Monday. Mr. Yoakam had business to attend to nt Mnrshflold. Tho tug Gleaner tried to pull the Wilhelmlnn off, but sho has settled In n bed of snnd nnd tho tug could not movo hor. Cnpt. Tyler, of tho Wilhelmlnn, received n heavy anchor from Sluslnw and intends to pull lie r into tho Umpqun channel with It. As tho bar and ocean is smooth thero is no immedlnto danger of nny serious damage. Tako your SUNDAY DIXXER at Tho CHANDLER. Special menu. RESERVE tnbles for PARTIES by PHONE. The Times Does Job Printing SEED CATALOG READY TO MAIL The leading Seed Catalog of the West Ullr'a Catalog. Your 1011 crop depend on GOOD teed tend for thl Catalog and get the bot. Write now to the CHAS.H. LILLY CO., Seattle, Wn. JjWft c A.O $V jv When you have a cold get a bot tle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I will soon fix you up all right and will ward off any tendency toward pneumonia. This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may bo given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. Sold by nil dealers. Dom to Mr. nnd Mrs. May, January 20, a clrl. Alfred Miss Geneviovo Te'llofson of Marshfleld, camo over last week and Is clerking at Robinson's storo. Married At tho Judge's ofllco In this city, January 27, 1911, Mr. Har vey M. narklow and Miss Ruthn Z. Mlnard. both of Myrtle Point, E. G. D. Holden officiating. Flno progress Is being mado In tho work of repairing tho mill of tho Co qulllo Mill & Mercanttlo company, nnd Manager D. D. Pierce states that In caso they so desired It would only bo a matter of a fow days until thoy could piit things In shape to saw lumber. Dr. K. A. Leep has decided to lo cato in Coqullle, nnd should condi tions prove favorable will open n gonornl hospital horo. Dr. Loop practiced 18 yenrs at Myrtlo Point, but tho past two or threo years ho has been at Eugene. RESIDENTS OF COQUILLE OR GANIZE COMMERCIAL CLUB TO" AID IX DEVELOPING THAT SECTION. COQUILLE, Ore., Fob. 4. Tho Herald says: A good-sized and en thusiastic bunch of boosters mot at tho city hall Tuesday night nnd or ganized a much-needed commercial club to look after tho Interests of tho city. A tempornry organization wns ef fected by electing R. II. Mast, chair man, nnd J. W. Lcnovo, Bccrctnry. A mnttor of supremo lmportnnco discussed by scvernl wns co-opcrntlon with tho city council In selecting a now alto nnd building n now city half. It was suggested that by tho two bodies working togothor possibly ar rangements could bo mndo for n por mnncnt homo for tho club In tho now building, where ono room could bo sct nsldo for exhibits. It was tho sontlment of tho moot--Ing thnt tho old chnmbor of com merce nnd tho Coqulllo club ho In vited to consolidate with tho now or ganization. It was also suggested, and approv ed In nn Informal way, that Coqulllo should co-oporato with tho othor towns of tho valley In publishing sultablo pamphlets to ndvcrtlso this section. Tho pormnnont organization wan completed by organizing tho follow ing officers: R. 11. Mnst, president. L. 11. Hazard, vlco-prcsldont. J. W. Lcnovo, Bocrotnry. C. II. Cleaves, treasurer. A committee of threo wns appoint ed by tho president to drnft n con stitution nnd by-laws, consisting of J. C. Snvngo. E. E. Johnson, nnd J. E. Updlko. This commltteo will tnko up tho mnttor of momberahlp fcos nnd monthly dues nnd tho amounts -will ho determined nt tho noxt meow ing. Another commltteo wns appointed to look nftor tho securing of perma nent club qunrtors. Tho momhora nro C. II. Clonvcs, J. S. Lyons nnd W. II. Mnnsoll. Tho mooting adjourned to Thurs day ovoning, February 9, at which tlmo tho committees will roport, and n constitution nnd sot of by-laws wilt, bo ndoptcd. CURRY COUNTY NEWS. Events Thero Ah Recorded By Gold" Bench Globe. W. T. Whlto nnd Aco Cnroy of Corbln paid tho County Seat a busi ness visit. Mr. Cnroy snys ho hasn't rodo nny bonr or senllons Intoly, but ho don't bnllova ho Is so old but what ho could If a favorablo oppor tunity presented Itself, It was reported horo n short timo ngo thnt tho lluino cstato had bcenr pold. Tho roport, howovor, was un founded, ns wo hnvo boon rollnbly In formed thnt thoro wns nothing to It. MrH. Humo gnvo ordors to tho ranch superintendent, Dort Wells, not to put In any crop this year and the .iimor tha. tho proorty had boon sold etp.'ted from this ordor. Mrs. Mary Ilumo rocontly under went an operation In nn enstorn hos pital. Wo aro glad to stato that she Is out and enjoying good health now. A NOTRE DAME LADY'S APPEAL. To all knonlw; sufferers of rbcumalWm, wheth er muscular or of the Joints, tclatlca, luinujcox, backache, pains In the Udneja or neuralgia ialus, to write to her for a liome treatiueut which ha reiK-att-dly cured all of these torture. She feels It her duty to send It to all sufferer l'llKi:. You cure yourself at home as thousand will testify no change, of climate being neves nry This simple dUeorery banishes uric acid from the blood, loosens the stiffened joint, pur ines the blood, and brighten the eyes, lilting rlittlclty and tone to the whole sjttera. If the atove Interests you, fot firoof adilrese Mn, M. Summers, llox It, Notre Dame, lull. An aged man, whoso iiamo nnd Identity hnvo hoc been learned, was found lying by tho rondsldo early this n-ornlng nonr Win. II. Mooro's placo, ybout sovou miles this sldo of Har bor, In n very pltlnblo condition. Tho man is said to bo vory old and stono bllnd. Ho hnd slopt In Mooro's barn last night nnd ovldcntly had started on his Journoy nnd only got n couplo o hundred ynrds up tho hill. Ho -was: found by Huoy Mooro who tolophon ed tho nows to Sheriff Dlshol, wher requested that tho unfortunnto man bo cared for by tho Moorea until the authorities could do hotter. Savo money by patronizing Tha Times advertisers. mA n, , .f atfi i.frfhiinjifci thfcfc