The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 04, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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soclnl happonlngs, Intended for
publication In the society depart
ment of The Times, must bo sub
mitted to tlii) editor not later
than C o'clock . in. Frldny of
uacu wcok. Exceptions will bo
allowed only In cases wlicro
evouts occur later tban the- tlino
Llfo Is growln' brighter
Evory dnyj
Souls aro growin' whltor
Evory day.
Hlrda nro alngln' swooter,
Girls nro lookln' nontor,
Life, It grows compUtor
Every day.
Koop your song n-goln
Every day;
Xmi your music flowin'
Mrory day.
Cast off sad raplulu',
Shlno the murky llnln',
Kmp the sun n-thlnln
Evory day,
THE M0TI1KR who slays young
with her children Is doing the
world an Infinite amount of
I! I wood, savs Katherlno Kin. The re
tention of tho youthful spirit Is
aomothlng other women might well
wr.vy because It bring a hnppluoiH
.nothing olso ran.
Tho mother who doe this can ap
preciate her children's outlook upon
llfo nml help them to form their
careers Just tho nld most young
, people need but rarely gt. Tho per
fect sympathy thus established will
dnst through llfo and after tho moth
er Is. gono will bo the greatest In
fliicurn In hor chlld'H life.
MothorH lament beonuso they oatiy
loso control of their children, but It
In rnroly tho mother who stays young
whh bor children who Is called upon
o vegrot In thin wlso.
Thero Is scarcely ti prettlor sight
In tho world than that of a mother
niul daughter living In perfect com
panionship with each otlior. The
tlnughter gets a very great den! of
iwplrnUon from such close living
juirt tho mother certainly dorlves ft
mint deal of comfort from It.
Tt may bo n sncrlllco In tho begin
ning for n mother to give up her own
predilections to outer Into the nmuso
monta and the ambitions of her
dnughfor, but thero comes n time
wlion she lluds that It has been
-worth all It hns cost and tbnt It has
r Leon eminently worth while. The
daughter who grows up with the Idea
that mother Is her best friend, who
Hurts It ns natural as anything In the
" oriel to Include her mother In her
calculations, gets a harmony that Is
restful and Invigorating.
When tho time comes thnt only
one trnvols tho road of life whore hut
n llttlo while before thero woro two,
17 T there Is the sweet consolation Hint
one hns lived tho truo measure of
life. If It Is the mother who Is call
ed first Hho has given tho daughter
nn experience thnt shall be her shlold
through nil tho worries and tempta
tions of the after years.
Hut even before that time comes
often when she reaches n point In
Jiff's road where there Is only au
Interrogation point luston.1 of direc
tion, she will stop and ask herself
vhnt mother would advise under the
circumstances. And by bor knowl
edge of mother's thoughts on Just
these things she Is able to mnko the
right deoislon. I
It Isn't tho dnughtor who grows '
nwny from tho mothor aH often as.
It Is tho mothor who grows nwav I
from tho daughter. This is partlcu-
rly likely to happen where the
htbor hns Intercuts outside tho
5mo. She leaves her growing
lughtor too much to tho society of
.alters, and ofton to foreign Inllu-
oucos. Some day sho awakens to find
liorsolf Bopnrated ns far from bor
child as If they dwelt at tho opposite
Tho companionable mother gets
lior daughter's eonfldouco nnd holds
It through tho crltlcnl years. Sho is
nblo to discriminate botweon tho
young peoplo with whom hor ohlld
Us thrown Into association nnd sho Is
tfblo to surround hor with just tho
Tight typo of companions to keep hor
clean nnd wholesome. Surely tho
undertaking Is well worth whllo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. K. V. Kruse of
North Ilenil this week nnnounced the
engagement of tholr dnughter, Miss
llerthn, to Dr. Goo. A. Cnphoy of
Portland. Tho nuptials will take
place about the mlddlo of March.
Miss Kruw Is one of the most charm
ing of Coos Day's young women and
Dr. Caphuy Is a prominent young
physician of Portland. The ap
proaching marriage Is the culmina
tion of a romance beginning soon
after Miss Kruse entered up mi p
courM ns trained nurse In a Port
land "hospital where she and hor
husband-to-be mot.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Parsons are
planning to leave soon for an extend
ed visit at their old homo near Kan
sas City and at other points of ln
lerest In the middle west. They
will be absent several weeks.
o -
The following from the Portland
Journal Is handsome compliment to
leading women's club of Marshfleld:
"While It Is too early to even ap
proximate the returns from scholar
ship loan fund day, It Is safe to say
that tho fund will bo Increased by a
handsomo sum total. Many of the
towns hnvo sent word thnt they
cither had or wore giving, ontertaln
ments nnd tho proceeds would be
forwarded as hooh ns the returns
woro all In. To tho Progress club of
Mnrshlleld Is duo tho honor, this
venr, of holng tho first to hond n re
mittance. It Is not ulwnyfl convenient
for clubs to hold their benellt on the
exact date, and while nu effort Is
made to havo tho last Wednesday of
January strictly observed, for the
benefit that comes from united ac
tion, yet the Imposslblo Is novor ex
pected, nnd the first to sond in their
donation Is always looked upon ns
tho forerunner of what Is to come.
It Is odd, however, that ono of tho
farthest away clubs, nnd one that If
not privileged often to come In per
sonal touch with the federation when
In convention, should respond so
promptly, but It Is only another evi
dence of tho growing Interest In this
work nnd the bronduoss of Its scope."
MIkh JosbIo Chnso Is ontertnlnlng
a number or friends nt tho home of
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Dennett this aft
ernoon, llrldge IS the diversion.
Tho nnnual banquet of tho Flvo
Ilundrod club was hold Monday eve
ning at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. A.
J. Sherwood, about 10 peoplo en
Joying tho olcgnut spread and tho
social time following. After the ban
quet the evening was spout In play
ing flvo hundrod, Mrs. O. C. Sanford
winning the ladles first prize, a cut
glass water bottle. Mr. D. D. Pierce
won the first prlzo for gentlemen, a
sot of military brushos. nnd Mr. O.
C. Sanford won . the consolation.
Punch was served during the pro
gress of the game. Those presont
wero Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Evland, Mr.
and Mrs. Jnck Lamb. Mr. and Mrs.
PERSONAL notices of visitors
In the city, or or Coos liny peoplo
who visit In other cltlos, together
with notices of social affairs, nro
gladly received In tho Hoclal de
pattmen. Telephone 'iu:il. No
tices of club meetings will bo pub
lished nnd secrutarlos aro kindly
roquostHil to furnish s.ime.
l'red Single, Mr. nnd Mrs. Allan Col
lier, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. C. Sanford, Mr.
and Mr. Geo. horeuz, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Geo. E. Peoples, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J.
Shorwood, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. lloto,
Mr. and Mrs. Clias. Gage, Mr. and
Mrs. D. 1). Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Uert
1'olsom, Mr. nnd Mrs. Goo. Uoblnson,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sinclair, Miss
Eltte Collier, Miss Clare Sherwood,
Mrs. Oweni, Miss Gretchen Sher
wood, Mr. L. II. lltixard and Mr.
Stephen Hoekett. Coqullle Herald.
ladles of the Marshfleld Pres
byterian church are planning a
"Colonial Evening" to be held Fob
ruary 22.
Mrs. C. J. MlUIs nnd Miss Mable
Clare MlUIs had been hoeteeses nl
a series of very delightful sewing
parties at their homo In South
Marshllold the last few weeks. Im
promptu musical numbers lmve con
tributed much to thorn. Light re
freshments hnvo been served nt ench.
Last Saturday afternoon, tholr
guests Included Mrs. E. Kelley, Mrs.
H. T. Stroot, Mrs. M. II. Illlven, Mrs.
W. 1 Mlllor. Mrs. G. W. Kaufman.
Mrs. K. McCrny, Miss Mario T. Ma
loney, Miss Francis Franso, Mrs.
Alva Doll nnd Miss Florence Graham.
Thursday afternoon, tholr guests
Includes Mrs. V. It. IlalnoB, Mrs. II.
S. Tower, Mrs. 13. F. Morrlssoy, Mrs.
M. C. Horton, Mrs. I. S. Kaufman,
Mrs. A. II. Powers, Mrs. C. II. Marsh,
Mrs. 0, LpUpy Hall, Mrs.C. It. Peck,
Mrs. F. S. Dow, Mrs." iloath, Mrs.
J. V. Smonton, Mrs. Geo. F. Murch,
Mrs. Chns. Curtlss.
Miss Kugculn Schilling of Gardiner
hns been spending the week as tho
guest of hor mint, Mrs. W. P. Mur-,
ft. Paul's Missionary society hold
their regular meeting at the homo of
Mrs. Walters. February 3. The reg
ular election of the otneera was hold.
Tho following officers wero elected:
Edith Ayros, president; Mnry Mc-'
Arthur, vice-president; Helen Roes,
secretary: Mrs. Walters, treasurer;
Molly Johnson, collector.
Program cMiimltteo Lillian Sea
man, Virginia Clarke, Wllma Hoag
laud. Refreshment commlttoo Msyin
,Tone3, MnrJorlo Drews rnd Edna
Johnson. Tho society adjourned to
meet the first Friday In March.
At the meeting of tl-e Chamlnado
club wIMi Mrs. Wm. Horsfall Jr..
Wednesday mo nil nit, Mrs. J. S. Coke
rend n paper on "The Growth of Or-
f Continued on Pago S.)
1911 Ford Touring Car
The Ford motto Is high priced quality In a low priced car. A
fully equipped 5-pnssenger touring car Including top, wind
shlold, magnets, gas nnd oil lamps, speedometer, and horn.
Delivered any place In Coos County for JSSO.OO.
For catalog and full information address
Distributing Agent, Coos County.
Mr January Business of
ar Exceeds py
tore Than 7 3 Per Cent
taisiness for the
torresDonding Month i
To Whom it may or (loos con com,
This to certify thnt I havo this day examined tho books
and records of GOING & HA11VFY COMPANY for
tho months of January, 1910, and January, 1911, and find
therefrom that tho business of said company for tho lal
tor month e.rceeds by more than 73 the business thereof
for the former month.
IN TESTIMONY WU K HE OF, r havohorounto sub
scribed my name and affixed my notarial seal at Marsh
field, Oregon, this Ath day of February, 19.11.
Notary Public for Oregon.
A Pretty Good Start for the
New Year
What's the answer?
Answer-More Coos Bay people getting wise as to where to buy up-to-date
goods at money-saving prices.
Remember, it's not what you make, but what you save that makes you rich!
Going Harvey Co.
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