T- nFvywr ' "fWP 3TFJT" T" "" WHTT fffKfTWW i l 1 . 1 1 1 JHMIU HlipPUPWPp 15UH r-r 1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSH,;IELD, OREGON,; 'THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 9lf EVENING EDITION. ?rwxm,n 1 s COOS BAY TIMES Entorod at tho postofflco nt Marsh Held, Oregon, for transmission through tho mulls as second class mall matter. M. C. MALOXEY DAN 13. MALOXEY Editor mid Pub. Xcws Editor An Independent Republican nows papor published every ovonlng except Sunday, and Weekly by Tho Coos Bay Times Publishing Co. Dedicated to tho sorvico of tho peoplo, that no good causo shall lack a champion, and that evil shall not thrlvo unopposed. Tho Coos Day Times re-presents n consolidation of tho Dally Coast Mall end Tho Coos Day Advertiser. Tho Const Mall was the first dally estab lished on Coos liny and The Coos Day Times Is Its Immedltito suc cessor. SI'USI'HIPTIOX ItATKS. DAILY. One yenr ? 6 . 0 .'4 For month 60 When paid strictly In advnnct the subscription price of the Coos Buy Tlmos Is $5.00 pur year or 2.50 for six months. weekly. Ouo yonr $1.50 Official Paper of Coos County. OFFICIAL PAPER OF TIIK CITY OF MARSIIFIELH. Address all coniniuulcntloiib to COOS DAY DAIIiV TIMES, Hnndificltl :: :: :: :: Oregon xeed of puiiLiu spihit. TUB abstract cssenco of tho com munication appearing In an other column this evening Is tho earnest dcalre of tho writer for . a bettor public spirit on Coos Day whothor It bo applied to n rnllwny or . an exhibit at the Panama Imposition 'or any other advantageous develop ment; and In this particular plea and Its presentment, wo agree moat heartily; In fact wo commend him tfrcoly for the candor and tlmellucaH of his expression. Wo believe we nro justlilod In assuring this good toltizon that there In plenty of amend snout afoot and this city and section nro llvenliiK up and takliiK stock of tho possibilities confronting thorn; that this sousing of the good things In store for us and tho lino nativity apparent In their pursuit, Is sound nud dependable, and that Coos Day trill nut hark back to the Htupld and iAuRlflng courses which have jnarkod her past career. We nro so auro of thts that wu aro congratulat ing ourselves upon having at hint achieved somo show of compensation for tho work dono In this big cruise. Tho lucldonts of municipal pro gress alluded to by tho writer of the communication, nud which nro well known and understood, hnvo each had, for their Initiation, some extra ordinary oxpected, and assured, nd- vantngo, to warrant tho enormous ef forts and unlimited monies requisite for tholr fulllllment; something to work to, and for, and within tho courso of the sacrifices thoy made to progress. Coos fltty has thU Incentive In many directions, a railway, harbor improvement, manufacturing Indus tries. Let us take heed of thiMe other uueeessful cities and emulate tholr Duo example. XIV POUTS. THERE Is not only a powerful suggestion hut food for thought for tho onriuHit friends of Coos Uny harbor In n knowledge and a study of tho troiuondous change that aro taking place In ocean com merce all over tho world. It would seem that the pro-oml-jionio of such great English ports as Liverpool nud Southampton. London and Glasgow, is doomed. Such is the east with mnuy another port in tho world, aud the causo la not far to sook, It Is tho building of mon strous steamers, some of which havo n gross capacity of upwards of 50, 000 tons. The English nro provid ing for the now conditions with an energy which scorns to be more American than Hrltlsh. Thoy nro making the Solent, thoso historic waters In which tho Amoiien's cup was won. Into a new port. Tho Solent Is n narrow strip of son, a strait lying betweon tho Isle of Wight nnd tho mainland of Knglnnd. It tins deen water. Hero a gigantic flock is bolng constructed, with an ontranco 300 foot wldo and dockago nf te. li being constructed. This port would only bo an hour and n half from London. Of courso, this will not provldo sufficient space and other ports will havo to be constructed. It Is probable that this will mean even the further extension of London seaward nnd tho construction of n port at Southend, forty miles below London brldgo In tho estuary of the Thames river. Exactly what Liver pool nnd Glasgow menu to do has not as yet been developed, but It Is un likely thnt the Glasgoweglans, at all ovonts, will yield without a struggle. The Glasgoweglans nro Intensely proud of tholr port they mndo out of the muddy ditch thnt Is called the Clyde, and that pride will lead to great undertakings. There la a characteristic story told of the pride of tho Scot In his port: A Glasgoweglan showed a son of St. Louis the Clyde, and the American, looking at the little runlet, said. "If you want to see a river go to the Mississippi. It Is -1.000 miles long nnd ten broad." "Ilech," retorted the Scot, "the Almlchty made yon river, we made this yuu orrsel." And that's the pride and the In spiration the people of Coos Day should feel In tholr harbor. The Al mighty hns done much for Coos Day and we should do something "oor- sols." THE YOUTH CITIZEN. T HE HOPE of every nation lies tho the with Its young: They nro holrs of Its glory today, hostages of its glory tomorrow. They nro of tho very meat and marrow progress and tho reliableness there of. Whonovor n community Is call ed upon to sacrifice Its best and most virile, to disease, accident, death, it loses heavily, bocauso Its futuro is discounted Just that much in tho lost forco of character, power, oxamplo nnd mensuro of success. Tho old, tho world-weary, tho experience-worn, tho tlmc-tlrcd, mny bo easlor dispensed with In the great gnmo of life, bocauso of their fullllmcnt of tho tanks set them nnd tho anticipated end, approaching duly; yet greatly as wo mny grieve for their pnaslng, wo know wo nro required by tho good thoy hnvo done, tho histories they hnvo wrought, that death In tholr case yields Its bless ing ns did tholr lives. Hut with the voting It Is nil dlfferont. They nro so charged with tho beauty aud grrco and worth of living, so keen ly strung to high endonvor nnd splendid ambitions: so eager nnd ready nud strong nnd rich with hope, thnt whatsoever annihilates them and denies society tho culmination of their dreams and vibrant faculties must be chargod to tho bitter doblt of tho life-account of tho nation. Tho possibilities, oven tho prob abilities, of a young life well nur turned to engnge with tho world, are almost Infinite; no one knows what superb dovolopmont lies dormnnt capacity of the young, that, at tho supremo nud phychologlcnl moment, may burst forth In the frultngo of hlg and universal servlco to mankind and glorify the peoplo giving and sponsoring that life. This Is tho only gunge wherewith to safely ro gnrd aud cherish our young, as has been proven In thousands of In stances whoro tho world has boen served magnificently, nnd forover. by somo uiifoldmeut of genius; some unsuspected, yot propitious, play of wisdom and gracious Inspira tion. We do well to glvo them tho uttermost advantage, tho Inst iar Km of public aud prlvato lutorost and help In forming their standards aud shaping tholr careers: For In the end. even though It be achieved In obscurity, they will recoinponso us to our heart's content, nud oftonor than not, to our national pride nud glory. God bless nnd preserve the young! THE WRITER'S MISSION. Ws HEN one comes down to the st analysis, tho writer, In tho true sense, Is a message- bearer. Whether his work bo In peotry or prose; whether It be Im mediate, or pormanent, whothor It bo In roiunnco, or In history, bio graphy, essays whether It bo tho work of tho moment In dally Jour nalism, or the great work of play wrltlng, or novels, or uhntover form it may take tho writer Is, primarily, n transmitter. He must have some thing worth transmitting. It may bo In the highest creative work; It may bo In tho roportorlal tasks of dally journalism hut Its koynoto Is signi ficance. . . . Whatevor tho dlflleul- ties, tho obstacles, tho hardships, ho must "follow tho g'-eara." Ho must spaco for 13 to 15 vessols, each 800 feet long. In addition, four dry dorks each 1000 feet long aro also i y try vJ7 ' r People Use Electric ,(' use them who prefer to iron little things themselves in " tit fir fwrn rnnrn. nr rlsfwrinrf on snort notice. An elec- Oregon keep faith with Ills Ideals. Now this is tho spirit, absolutely tho only spirit in which literature, which Is both an art nnd n profession, n voca tion, primarily, nnd an accomplish ment nud nn acquirement, secondari ly, can bo pursuod In any light of real success. For that success Is not whnt ono gets out of It! That suc cess Is what ono puts Into it! Lilian Whiting. MODEL DWELLINGS FOR WAGE EARNERS IN MILWAUKEE. Tho legislature granted to Mllwnu keo tho right to buy, own nud sell ronl ostato. ny means of this the nd ministration will put tho city In possession of real ostato on tho out skirts. Tho land Is being platted with roferenco to model dwolllngs for wngo-onrnors. Cortnln soctlons are to be sot aside for Industrial aud manufacturing purposos. Other sec tions will be devotod to commorolnl lutorests, nud still othors will bo re served entirely for rosldoncos. Solvo tho problom of chonp and rapid trans portation nnd tho working poople tuny llvo by tho rlvors, nmld sunshine and shade, tho melody and song of nature's open fields. This tho ad ministration Is dotormlued to bring about. It la the purposo so to plat thoso rosldence districts that every houso will hnvo land onough to lot tho sunlight Into ovory room nnd to provldo for garden and lawn. Socloty, It Is said, Is bothering with tho question of whnt a woman should call her husbnnd. Some Coos Ray women call him "he," and get away with It. $100 Reward, $100 Tlip rcnderi cf thl iiior wlllk vleaed to learn tlmt there UiU u-a-l one ilrelet imrare that toleitee hat been nble to eure In nil Its Ukvi. niiil thnt in ('Atiirril Hull' Cutnrrh Cure W the milviKiiuiM' cure now known to the iiuMKkI friHetiitlx ( nUrni beliw a eon tttutlonitl ilUi-A.c nvifren a ntltiitlnniil treatment Hull Catarrh cure U taken inter nal aitlni; illrivilN iiiHiii the hlooil ami mil eoiih amiaevai.f h. tem thereby iletro)iiia: the (oniiilation of the ilWean' ami nlvlniMhe l lent mmii.Mli fti ImlMiiif up the romiitit tiiin ami aietiri; nature In iloini; U uotk The iroprteUira hae 10 murh (altli In (f i ur atlve pewera that thev rff.r One lliitnlretl I)iil lari for any cao that It (aiu to cure Semi for Kit o( tetlinoula'i o , . . .. ,K J P.nKSKV A CO , Toledo. O, PoM lv nM nniEclit TV I Take HalU' Kumlly Pill lor contttpatlon ,e Year Round They are equally as convenient in fall and winter as they are in the hot weather. There may be less discomfort from kitchen fires, to be sure, but the electric flat iron has many other advantages than saving heat. They save drudgery. They save footsteps betweea ironing board and stove. They never need changing. They are always clean and uniformly hot ready at your elbow. Thousands of Women trie iron once tried is never afterward dispensed with- Why not try one yourself. Ask us for particulars. Power Company FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Capital fully paid $100,000.00 "YV. S. Chandler, President; M. C. Horton, Vice-President; Dorsey Kreitzer, Cashier. Ray T. Knufmnn, Asst. Cnshior DIIiEGTOIiS: TV. S. Chandler, John S. Coke, W. U. Douglas, John P. Hall, Win. Grimes, P. S. Dow, S. C. Rogers. AY. P. Murphy, M. C. Horton. DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid on time and savings deposits, safe deposit boxes for rent in our steel lined firo and bur glar proof vaults. Flanagan () Bennett Bank of Marshf ield, Oregon Oldest Rank In Coos County, FstnbUshi'd lit 1H81. Paid up Caiiltnl, Surplus and I'ntllvlditl Prollls over 8100 000 Assets Over Half Million Do lars. Doos a goneral bnnklng business nnd draws drafts on tho Ban of California, San Francisco, Cnl.; Hanover National Dank. X Y First National Rank, Portland, Ore.; First National Hank. Roh.u burg, Ore.; Tho London Joint Stock Bank, Ltd.. London, England Also sells exchnugo on all of tho principal cities of Riiropo Individual nnd corporation Accomits kept subject to check Sain deposit lock boxos for rent. OFFICERS: .1. w. ni;..i;n riesuie.it. .1. h. Flanagan, v..pi, R. F. WILLIAMS. lsMv. GRO. F. WINCHRSTRR, Asst. 1XTKKKST PAID ON TIMK DEPOSITS. Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIARLO AND JOSSON CEMENT. The best Domestic and Importod brands. Plaster, Llino, Brick and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICK, SOUTH BROADWAY. PROVE "01 1 The Times Does Job Printing Flat es. Cash. Coos Bay Steam Laundry PROMPT SERVICE SATISFACTORY WOnK REASONABLE PIIICE3 OUR WORK WILL PLKASU YOU.' Phone .Main 57-.! and a nKm nj', vail. j Mni-.sltllolfl n,v. Coal Cheapest Fuel on Coos Bay Lump coal 9i.n0. Xut nml $.i.no, Wo do nil kinds of lmitllng, Mi contracting. Horses nnd vehicles for sale. For quick dellve-y call oa L. H. HEISNER or phono 120-.I or lll-L. 100 thai nested iluiiikd plvmoitii not us. Our inntliigs have pu.diuod stand. rd-bred specimens or 1 )i)(w uallty with records of iml', 22', 2jj eggs in ill!, days. Unity Chicks and Egfts for 1 liitc-Iiln-f Hook your orders now for siirlns ellvery. A few cockerels from henvy laying ntoclc for $.V00. Plymouth Plate, Poultry Yard FRED. 1IACIIMAN, Prop. lanlilh'ltl, Iliiv -IH.", Phone IW Good Evening HAVE YOU AXY LAUNDRY'.' If so, do not forget that this li THE laundry whoro you get tho ten work, unJ prices nro In evory one'j roach. Call up and ono of tho drlr rs will call and cxphtln all dctallitt you. All tolephono calls aro nulcklr nttondod to, becauso wo aro runnluj wo wagons. OUR GUAKAXTBlTlS YOUR 8AT ISFACTIOX. MARSHFIELD HANI) AND STEAM LAUNDRY. ;&ui7cy linn.. Prop. Phono 229-J, Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono 3121. COOS BAY LIVERY Wo hnvo secured tho livery bull ness of L. II. Holsner nnd nro pre pnrod to ronder excellent service to the peoplo or Coos Day. Careful d rlvors, good rigs nud oveiy thins that will mean satisfactory service to tho public. Phono us for n drlvloi horse, a rlB or anything needed la tho livery lino. AVo also do trucking buslnoss of all kinds. RLANCHAUD KKOTIIERS. Livery, Fowl and Sales Service. 141 First nnd Alder Streots. Phono 138-J FOR GOOD WORK Bring your clothes to us. Cleaning, pressing and repnlrlng a specialty, by experienced men. Satisfaction guaranteed IILAXCHAKD Of' SOX, South llroiutniiy. Turkish Ba&hs 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 214-J iHOMBLANDCo. Boo tie for luvesiaionis on Coo Bay. Wo guaruiee owner's price to be our price. Phone 74L. 904 Front St THE LLOYD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEL Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 75c and $1.00; weok $2.00 to ?5.00. House keeping npnrtmonts with gas ranges $10.00 to $18.00 per month. FREE BATHS H. W. SULLIVAN, 1W T"R. G. W. LESLIE, Osteopathic Physician Gradunto of the American school of Osteopathy at Klrksvlllo. Mo. Offlc u Eldorado Blk. Hours 9 to 12; 1 ; Phono 1G1-J; Marshfleld; Oregon. DR. J. W. INGRAM, Physician and Snrgeon. 209-210 Coko Building, hones: Office 162J; Residence lMu W. HENNETT, Lawyer. J, Office over Flanagan & Bennett Bnkj Marshfleld, OregoM TVTJ. S. TURPEN, "" VV Architect. Over Chamber of Commerce. m m r m 3Sk it &MB k t !lk. f Vlk f I Jr, ijlL MrrB 'nr-r-T-nitttiiiii J BjKo4iSlib&3ffifP