WWJTT' - "(TH)f Mi.flH.I'IT, H?" "VWl ll "' ""- rr "Jy 1 1 ijvf9MiinfifimPliMN m 'Am- H ADS. NEWS WHEN HUSINESS IS BLOW, Al VEKTISE. THAT IT PAYS IS EVI DlWCED Ml' SUCCESSFUL MUSI NFSS HOUSES EVERYWHERE ;: GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BI HEADING THE COOS JAY T1MKS. ALL THE NEWS AIw THE 'I1MJ0 TERSELY 1 OLD t: :: :: :t t: MEMHER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Established in 1878 ns Tlio Coast Mall VOL. XXXIV. MARSHFIELD,OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall it lid Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 17. mrmiwimi )jwmiiii'i.i' )""-'jw CAW '. EIGHT KILLED MISSING Over 50,000 Pounds of Explo sive In One Detonation On Ship. VESSEL LYING AT JERSEY CITY PIER Over $750,000 Damage Done By Appalling Accident of Unknown Cause. (Ily Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) NEW YOUK, X. Y., Fob. 2. The known dead from yostordny's dynu mlto oxploslon which did $7D0,000 dnmngo In this section numbers eight. Only ilvo bodies lmvo recover ed nnd the names of only nlno of tlio mlsfllng nro known. Nearly a scoro of unknown InbororB who woro nt tlio end of tlio pier nro unnccountod for. Thnt tho dnmngo wns not fnr greater scorns n mlrnclo In vlow of the fact that explosion wns tho lar gest that over occurred anywhere In tentionally or by nccldcnt. Fifty thousand jioundB of dynamite blew up In tho slnglo detonation, nnd it Is n rcmnrkablo fact that fifty thousand pounds moro of dynnmtto that wns standing on n sidetrack within a hundred feet of tho plor did not explode. Tho exact causo of tho exploalon lias not boon established. Tho nuthorltlcs will ninko rigid in vestigation of tho nccldcnt In vlow of statomonts that dynatnlto Is bolng transported without proper Hcenao and under nUogod careless condi tions. EAHLY STOItY OF ACCIDENT. Extent of Jerncy City Dlmister Not Appreciated nt First. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, Fob. 2. Tho dyna mlto boat, Catherine C, lying at the. foot of Henderson street, Jersey City, blew up from somo unknown causo yesterday. Tho explosion was folt In many sections of tho city and in kome largo ofllco buildings and else whero tho excitement assumed al most tho proportions of a panic. Tho boat wns demolished and tho plor at which she was lying wrecked and many boats In tho vicinity damaged. Several persons aro reported to have been killed. Several Injured woro taken to tho hospital. Hundreds of windows In tho downtown district wero broken. Reports from points sovornl miles from tho scene of tho oxploslon tell the dnmngo as n result of tho explo sion was principally broken windows. Thousand upon thousands of panop wero broken in tho business district. Many persons nenr tho scene of tho explosion wero injured nnd ono priest administered tho last sacrament to Ave mon and saw ono headless corpBo near tho pier. A number of Injured persons woro blown Into tho water but wero rescued by . bonts. Many passengers on tho ferryboat Somor vllle which was passing near the scene of tho explosion were injured. HLACK HAND VICTIM. Old Murder Mystery In Pennsylvania May Mo Solved. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) HAZELTON, Pa., Feb. 2. Ac cording to clues discovered today, tho victim of tho barrel murder mystery hero three years ago was probably Miss Bertha Carlow, who disappear ed from West Hazolton, nnd who Is believed to have known the secrets of tho "black hand" gang in this c'ty. Tho body of the woman was hacked to pieces nnd Jammed Into a sugar barrel that was set on Are on Ebervalo mountain whero tho charred corpse was found .by a miner. A shoe and necklace furnish ed the only clue of the Identity of the victim. Try Times' Want Ads. iii Mir fin i FROM DYNAMITE BLAST . i lUliiilLH UUUO ! DH IMI UCHM Goltfred Strohm Passes Away !!10 ",m? t0 ?"', ut "I! l"7T J Mtlon being already pending, it had at Chas. Hanson Home Near Gardiner. (Special to Tho Times.) GARDINER, Ore., Fob. 2. Gott fred Strohm, n well-known former Coos liny mnn died nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns. Hnuson on Smith River, nenr Gnrdlner, Saturday morning, .Inuunry 28. Mr. Strohm 1111(1 been ailing for severnl years, but wns tnkon sorl otiBly 111 Chrlstmns day nnd failed rapidly until his denth, Snturdny morning. Mr. Strohm wns a nntlvo of Swe den, aged 42 years and 10 days. Mr. Strohm ennio to America nbout twenty-three years ago, and has ro sldcd. about nineteen years In Coos county most of tho tlmo In Beaver Hill. Mr. Strohm leaves a mother nnd father, nnd several brothers nnd sisters In Sweden to mourn him, also ono brother In Idnho. , Mr. Strohm wns a man who made friends wherever ho went, nnd lio loaves hosts of friends on Coos Day and Gnrdlner, whero ho has mado his homo for tho past year. Mr. Strohm wns n member of tho Knights of Pythias lodgo of Coqulllo, Orogdn. STEAMEH OE8 AOHOUNI). Princess Adelaide Strikes During Pa get Sound Storm. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SEATTLE, Fob. 2. Tho Canadian Pacific steamer Princess Adelaide wont ashore at Appletreo Point In the snowstorm last night but camo oft unharmed today and proceeded hero. GRANDMOTHER KISSES DEAD CHILD; DIES NEW ORLEANS, La., Feb. 2. Grieving over tho death of hor grand daughter, tho flvo months' old baby 61 Mr. and Mrs. Perry Mason, Mrs. A. J. Mills kissed the cold baby face and within 24 hours was stricken with, spinal meningitis and died. The child had died from the samo dis ease. HIM TODAY Steamship Arrives From Port land With Good List of Passengers. The Breakwater arrived In early this morning after a very good trip down tho coast. The weather was fairly good. Sho had a good list of passengers and considerable miscel laneous freight. Tho Breakwater will sail for Port land at 1 o'clock Saturday. Among those arriving on the Breakwater wero the following: Pnul Rnubach, Mrs. Raubach, E. K. Jones, Chas. Peterson, E. M. Pe terson, L. Morgan, Thos. Wilson, Miss M. Robinson, Carl Davis, Win. Frazenbach, Jno. Damon, Louis So tlron, Mrs. Gilkey, E. M. Rosenthal, Mrs. Kepkey, M. McKenney, Alfred Snow, Gust Mercy, F, Rundle, Lloyd Rundlo, Ruby Rundle, Miss C. Run dle, Miss S. Rundle, J. V. Rundle, E. L. McConnell, R. Nyren. Louis Noble, Geo. Ulrlch, I. R. Tower, C. B. Ray, A. Fllllner, W. H. Lilly, Mrs. Cook, Miss Kate Macgonn, N. Ras mussen, G. Backlaw, T. Warner, H. Courland. BREAKWATER IN House Committees On Agricul ture Asks to Be Discharged On Pinchot Charges. (Dy Associated Prcs3 to Cooa Bny Times.) WASHINGTON', D. C, Fob. 2. Tlio long nwnltod action of tlio Houso ! Commlttoo on Agriculture on the nn1lltlt?nrPlnr1int ItlvnattrrnHftn .n port wns tnkon today, reporting Unit I PL1SIT1 LARGE C. A. Smith Said to Be Figur ing On Shipping Lumber Direct From Here to New York Through Panama Canal. C. A. Smith of tho C. A. Smith Lumber company Is figuring on tho construction of two of tho largest lumber carriers on tho Pacific coast to ply out of Coos Bay when tho Panama cannl is completed, probab ly carrying lumber direct from horo to Now York and other Atlantic ports. Preliminary plans for one of tho vessels is completed nnd tho oth er Is bolng figured on. Mr. Smith Is personally looking after tliq. mat ter nnd innny of tho details nro not known bore. It Is said thnt ho fig- YELLOW FEVER ( DEATH Coxswain On U. S. Cruiser Mariette Victim of Dreaded Disease. ' (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEW ORLEANS, La., Feb. 2. According "to advices recolvod here, J. B. Minor, coxswain on tho United States cruiser Marietta, who died suddenly nt Puerto Cortez harbor, was a victim of yollow fever. HAS FEVER ABOARD. Marietta Ordered to Key West for Examination. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 2. Becauso tho Marietta has sovornl cases of suspected fever nbonrd, tho Navy Department has ordored tho vessel to Koy West. WARREN GETS AIDJF TAFT Kansas Socialist Editor Es capes Prison Sentence and Heavy Fine. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay? Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 2. -President Taft has commuted the sentence of Fred. B. Warren, tho Kansas socialist editor recently sen tenced to six months Imprisonment and J1.500 fine, by striking out tho Imprisonment nnd reducing the fine to $100 to bo collected by civil pro cess only. When you meet farmer and his wife on the street and say to thenij "How aro you getting along?" and the wife replies, "All right; how are. you making It?" yoaan easily tell who Is boss In that family. no function to perform and naked to bo discharged from tlio question. SUBSIDY HILL REPORTED. Measure to Protest American Ship ping From .Monopolies (By AModiitod Proas to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON. D. C, Fob. 2. Th" Humphrey bill to protect Amorl enn trndo nnd Amerlcnn shipping ; from foreign monopolies wns order ed favorably reported to tlio Houso t0(,ny ,,y t,,c Con,mlttco " MorehBnt Marino nnd Fisheries. u res on vossols thnt will carry In tho neighborhood of of lumber. 1,000,000 fcot Tho first vessel ho proposes to construct, nnd tho contract for her wlU probably bo lot soon, will bo nbout eighty fcot longer thnu tho Nnnn Smith and nbout eight fcot wider. Sho Is to draw not over twen ty foot loaded. Tho vossol will bo built on tho Bamo plan of tho Nann Smith, but still further Improved so that the entire cargo can bo loaded and unloaded by slings without re quiring hardly any packing. Tho Besslo Dollar, ono of tho lar- gost .vessels on tho north Pacific, may conio in hero soon to tako on part of a .cargo for China. Sho car ries about 4,000,000 feet, but ow- Ipg to lho,.depth of the Inner harbor will not bo nblo to tako on more thnn 2,000,000 feet here. WELL TD Engagement of Dr. Cophey of Portland and Miss Bertha Kruse Announced. Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Kriiso of North Bond announco tho ongagoment of tholr daughter, Miss Borthn, to Dr. Goo. A. Caphoy of Portland. Tho wedding will tako placo about the' middle of March. Tho announce ment follows n llttlo rotnnnco grow ing out of tho brlde-to-bo's decision to bo a nurse. Sho went to Port land to tako a courso but Instead of winning tho right to wear tho white cap nnd gown for hor life's work, llttlo Dan Oupld brought a proml nont young Portland physician on to tfto scono and tho decision was changed. Miss Krtiso Is ono of tho best known and most charming of Coos Bay's girls and has a host of friends who will congratulate Dr. Caphoy on winning her. Glass & Prudhomme Printing House Burns With $50,000 ' Loss. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 2. Tho plant of Glass & Prudhommo, ono of tho largest printerles on tho coast was burned today, Tho loss Is fifty thousand dollars. Tho origin Is not known, COOS MAY IS SAVED. Associated Press to Coos Times.) (By Bay LOS ANGELES, Cal., Feb. 2. Tho tug Redondo has arrived In the outer harbor with the water logged steam er Coos Bay which ran aground off Ventura and was abandoned by the I KNOWN WD PORTLAND HAS SEVERE FIRE CLAIMS HE COM WHILE UNDER IS. WEBBER IS S1CKEI Former Coos Bay Woman ... wuuo uuj wvunicui Passes Away at Portland After Long Illness. Word has boon received here of tho death of Mrs. Fred Wobbor, n formor well-known resldont of Mnrshficld, which occurred In Port land recently. No particulars have boon learned. Mrs. Webber moved away from hero with her family n number of yenrs ago and hnd resided at Port land most of tho tlmo since. For sov ornl years sho has been practically an invalid so that her death was not altogether unexpected, Sho was about seventy years old and Is sur vived by a husband nnd sovernl chil dren. Her oldest daugktcr, Mrs. Lockwood, has resided at homo for somo tlmo, taking care of tho mother. Tho Webber family camo horo In 1872 nnd Mr. Wobbor wns Identified with tho lumber mills In this section during tholr stny here. COOS BAY W0IVIAN DIES IN SAN FRANCISCO Mrs. Elizabeth Weeks Well-Kuoiwi Hero Passe.s Away After u Brief HlllCM. News was recolvod horo today of tho death In San Francisco, January 25, 1911, of Mrs. Ellzaboth Weeks, wlfo of E. Weeks, who for Bovornl years was licnd Cauklor nt tho Kruso & Banks ship yard In North Bond. Mrs. Weeks was well-known on Coos Bay and was a most lovoablo character. Kind and genorous al most to n fault, sho wns dearly loved by nil thoso who woro fortunato enough to know hor. Much sympnthy Is expressed for RECEIVED SAD NEWS. Mrs. Henry Hlnck Gets Telegram Tclilng of SlMcr'H Denth. Mrs. Henry Black received a tele gram today from Richmond, Miss., announcing tho death of her only sister, Mrs. M. Shotwell. Tho telo gram did not glvo nny details except thnt hor death was vory sudden, as sho was sick only a fow days, Sho was 77 years old at tho tlmo of hor death. SAIL SOUTH ON THEjLLIANCE Steamship Arrives From Port land; Sails This Afternoon For Eureka. The Alllnnco arrived in early to day from Portland. Sho brought a big shipment of machinery for tho Oregon Power Company and had con siderable freight for Eureka. Sho also had a good passenger list for Eureka. R. M. Baker, L. Wright and G. K. Towers woro among thoso coming horo from Portland on her. Sho sailed this afternoon for Eu reka and among thoso going from hero on hor woro tho following: W. R. Wood, Fred Olin, Louis Fless, Arthur Turner, J. M. Nyo and Lawrence Conery. Tho Alliance Is scheduled to sail from hero for Portland nt 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, People will say meaner things In a letter to an enemy than they will say to his face, MITTED MURDER HYPNOTIC POWER Dr. Pantchenko Claims Count De Lassy Influenced Noted Crime. PLEADS GUILTY AT THE SECOND HEARING Count Said to Have Been Prompted to Deed by Greed For Wealth. (By Associated Proas to Coos Bay, Tlmos.) ST, PETERSBURG, RtiBsIn, Fob. 2. Thero was an unuBiinl occurronco at today's Hussion of tho trial for tho murder of Count O'Brien Do Lassy, and tho notorious prisoner, Dr. Pant chenko, the lntter being called on to plead n second tlmo. Ho plcadod guilty (is boforo. Tho count la nc cuscd of hnvlng employed tho doctor to murdor his brothor-ln-law, Count. Vnssolll Bourturlln, tho hoir o estates bf an estimated vnluo of 3, CdO.OOO In or'dor that tho proporty, might bo lnhorltod by tho Countess Do Lassy. Pantchenko confessed Uia guilt but set up tho dofonso ho com mitted tho crime whllo undor tho hypnotic Intluenco of Count Do Los sy. SENATE TO ACT FRIDAY. Wellington Now Wiiii(s l'minnw Exposition. (Ey Associated Press to Coon V i Times,) WASHINGTON, D, C, Fob. 2. Tho Sonato Commlttoo on Industrial Expositions yesterday hc,ard tho claims of San Francisco nnd Now Or leans for tho honor of Panama canal exposition and a now city, nono othor than Washington, D. C, Is Betting forth Its claims for tho distinction, through a commlttoo of business men. Tho Washington peoplo, how ever, deslro a distinction from tho exposition to bo hold in San Fran cisco or Now Orleans. Tho commlt teo will hold Its final meeting Fri day. T. i NO TRACE OF HEIRESS. Think Dorothy Arnold May Havo Gono Abroud. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay, Times.) NEW YORK, N. Y.. Fob. 2. It la fifty-one dnys Blnco Dorothy Arnold, tho heiress, dlsnpponrod. Dotcctlves are now looking toward tho old world for somo cluo of hor whoro abouts. But hor fathor, Francis R. Arnold, still believes sho is dead. Tho girl's mother has boon in Europo sovoral weeks searching for hor daughter. Tho fact that reading mattor of several Europoan steam ship lines was found In Dorothy's possession is taken to indicate, Bho may bo abroad. TO CLOSE OFFICES. Government at Land Minnclies to bo Consolidated. (By Associated Pres3 to Coos Bay, Times.) SEATTLE, Wnsh., Feb. 2. Tho Seattle land ofilce for many yoars ono of tho most important In tho United States, now does so llttlo bus iness that thoro Is talk of tho con solidation of tho Seattlo, Vancouvor and Olympln land onicos. Tho pub lic domain has nearly all passed into privato ownership, honco tho slump In U land omco UU8,ness DIG SLUMP AT NOME. -r (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, U. U., i-ou. 2. Tho population of Nome, Alaska, for 1910 is 2.000 against 12,488 for tho 1900 cen- sus which was taken during tlio rush to tho gold Holds. Read the Times Want Ads, 1 1 t