THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHRELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 31, 91 1 EVENING EDITION. I WOULD H HARBOR 1 (Continued from page 1 ) completed its amendment of tlio measure as it passed the House. The House bill curried 2,202,i)3S, and to this was added J1.705.HS1 in casn appropriations and $3,3S0,2S2 in continuing contracts. Among the itonis of increase are: San Pablo Hay, Cal., $100,000 cash and $300,000 continuing con tract. Humboldt Day, Cal., $170,000 cash and $717,400 continuing contract. Lower Columbia River, Ore., $200,000 cash and $320,000 continu ing contract. Wlllapa Klvor and harbor, Wash., $50,000 cash and $1 IS, 112 continu ing contract. llollhiRhnm Hay, Wash., $2.",000 cash and $"125,250 continuing con tract. Olyinpla Harbor, Wash., $13,000 cash. Tlio bill contains tho following items affecting Oregon: Continuing Coos Day Improve ments, $10,000; lnnlntonnuco THIn mook Day and liar, $5,000; malntc nnnco Wlllnmotto Improvements above Portland $20,000; containing Columbia and Lower Wlllametto Im provements below Portland, $300, 000, and authorizing the Secretary of War to construct two dredging plants from future appropriations not ex ceeding $320,000, exclusive of tho amounts heretofore appropriated; continuing Improvement nnd main tenance at tho mouth of tho Colum bia, $050,000; gauging tho waters of tho Columbia, $1,000. Improving tho Sluslnw Hlver, $50, 000, and tho authorization of $165, 000, provided $215,000 aro furnished by local Interests for tho samo pro ject. Also authorizing tho construc tion of tho Port of Sliislaw nf n south Jotty at an exponso of $100,000; maintenance of Improvement between tho mouth of the Wlllametto and tho city of Vancouver, $3,000; continu ing Improvements between Tho Dal les and tho head of Celllo Falls, $25,000; Improving Snnko Itlvor to Pittsburgh Landing, $15,000. Sur veys aro authorized of Nohalom Riv er, Nchnlom bar, Oregon Slough nnd Ynqulnn river. Tho bill as reported carries $2, 009,000 cash appropriations for Ore gon projects and $320,000 nro auth orized for contracts for years subse quent to tho next fiscal year. groundhog as barometer Queer Habits of Little Animal Indi cates Weather All the Year. Huffalo Nowb: Crlchelow Smith has discovered tho ovoryday use of tho groundhog. "I havo found how to untlllzo tho groundhog as a barometer," said he. "It la something of n discovery, too. TCcvor before has It been known, but a groundhog Is tho best barometer all the year through that naturo af fords. Everybody Uiiowb that on Candlemas day tho groundhog comes out of his hole and If ho sees his shadow returns for six weeks more of sleep, because there will bo that much more winter. Dut I found by observing tho .llttlo animal ho can foreenst tho weather all tho year round, and I havo n tamo groundhog on my farm In Pennsylvania who does beats tho weather bureau all hollow, "When It Is going to rain tho groundhog won't drink for a week at least. Ho knows he'll get enough water when wet weather comes. Whon n drought is due ho will drink llko a fish. 1 havo tried It out, plac ing my pot groundhog, Pcto, in a room with a dish of water. "I keep a pllo of straw In the Toom too. If wnrm weather Is com ing ho doesn't bother It, but If It Is duo to be cold ho will gnther it into n nlco comfortable nest three days to n wool; ahoad of tho cool weather, In winter he uses tho nest all tho time, of course, but then ho will eat moro nhead of cold weather than ho will before n warm snell, storing up naturo's fuel for cold, I suppose. "Ho even forotolls earthquakes nnd calamities of that sort. I car ried him with me In n cage to Cali fornia sovoral years ago and n fort night before tho Sail Francisco earth quake" wo wore In Los Angeles, He wont ernzy nt that time gnawed his cago and tried to escape. I n'most Jind hi in killed as rabid. Afterwards """" t WITH THE t TOAST A N.D TEA J O (.'COM IJVK.MNO, V DRESS. Courage oozes out of the holes In ii ragged Milt anil fear enters. Rut give the same man n new suit, clean linen, a good hat and shining shoes and you will see how soon fear will tly away and eoulldcneo lie restored, lie who before was afraid to speak In whNpers lest he might lie heard and consequently seen will now tnll loudly of milium dollar itopmltlou, though he may not have u cent In hi pocket. It Is the duty of every iiiiiti to drct as well and neatly as hH means and circumstances will nllow. lie should cultivate t-nte In his uppnre! and show wisdom in lis selection, ills tmilu ob ject should be to give grace to his llgure and attractiveness to his general uppeiirniiee: but. nlmvc all. he should dress In ac cordance and In keeping with his station In llfo. Rov. Madison C. Peters. "YOU'VE (.'OITA (JO ROUND" 1. There nro no short-cuts in life, my friend You'vo gotta ro' round. Or wheresoever tho wny may wend, You'vo gotta go 'round. Or howsoever tho wny may trond, With here n crook nnd there a bend. You'll live to learn In tho end, my friend, You'vo gotta go 'round. II. Thoro nro by-wnys that nro moro tho mode, Hut you'vo gotta go 'round. There nro offshota tempting to tho load, nut you'vo gotta go 'round. Thoro nro short-cuts many men hnvo strode That seem to lend to tho last abodo, Hut none of them intersects tho rond, You'vo gottn go 'round. III. There nro no tlnie-savers through tho wall You'vo gottn go 'round. It's n long nnd sometimes weary haul, Hut you'vo gotta go 'round. Thoro nro times when tho strongest of us fall, Tho road Is long and tho way will pall. Hut tho long Is tho suro way, after nil You'vo gotta go 'round. the quiet observer says: Don't Imnglno you nro n strong linn and hnvo to look llcrco all tho time. Renl tears nro becoming nlmost ns raro with tho women ns real hnlr. Grass widows aro not Idle during tho tlmo tho lawn mower Is out of season. A policeman hns n dangerous Job, but overwork Is nover counted among tho hazards. You can compliment nuy woman by telling her sho hns a "nervous temperament." Circumstances hnvo nothing on tho price you can pay tho lawyer In this matter of altering cases. What has become of tlio old fash ioned young mnn who went to bonrd at his girl's home before ho married her? Caruso declares that matrimony is full of dangers. Wo fear Caruso has had a very confidential chat with Nat Goodwin recently. A woman preacher In Mnlno who l.i to bo mnrried says she will con tinue to preach. What woman ever quits after sho is married? It Is dllllcult for some Coos Hay mop to tell tho difference between self-conlldenco nnd conceit, nnd to 1 realized that his intuition told him of tlio coming danger. "Pcto now is about S years old, but ho never hns failed mo ns n bnr- ometor. 1 wouldn't part wlMi h'.n for $1,000. Ho has saved me nnro thnn that In handling cops cu my farm through his we:i.nrr piignostl-cntlons." v Great Play Tonight Masonic Opera House BERNKM. STOCK CO. PRESENTS "CLASSMATES Comedy Drama In 3 Acts. IMtlCKS 23, :.- GET RESERVED SEATS know Just whore to between the two. draw tho lino Every mnn who serves on a Jury should hnvo tho right to use the word "Hon." as n prefix to his nnme. It has always been our theory that tho mnn who steals another's wife Isn't renlly guilty of grand Inrceny. Rnther cruel of Dame Fashion to decreo that false hair must go Just whon tho Chlnefio figured on ex changing their queues for tho coin. A Georgia mnn 10G yearn of ngo says lie Is sorry ho can't quit chewing tobacco. Scorns ho Is almost old enough to quit chewing victuals ns well ns tobacco. Come tell us Mr. Sand berg, conic tell us once for nil Cnn you not henr with your good ear Mr. Whltmore'a enrncst call? Tho hearts of him nnd Murphy bent with sympathetic throb Ah ovory day tho gossips say that you hnvo lost your Job. Aro you, ain't you, nro you, ain't you, nro you on tho Job? Come, hurry, Mr. Sandborg, for they In suspense wait. With cagor hope to sco you lopo back to your own front gnto They'll lovo you thoro, they'll prnlso you thoro nnd nt your death they'll sob, Not with, relief, but honest grief, If you'll but quit tho Job. Aro you, ain't you, aro you, nin't you, nro you on tho Job? PEACE. To be prepared for war Is ono of the most effectual means of preserving peace. George Wash ington. ONETH AXI) TWOTII. Such vows wo mnko, such vows wo tnko On January oneth; Such things eschew, such things get through On January oneth. Wo swear to quit, wo dnro to quit On Jnnunry oneth; Wo'll drink no moro, wo think no moro On Jnnunry oneth, Tho pipe wo'll quit, no pipe wo'll hit On Jnnunry onoth; All habits glad aro habits bad On January oneth. Hut swearing oft Is n'oarlng off Ily January twoth, And habits bad are habits glad By Janunry twoth. WASH THOSE PIMPLES OFF Uso D. D. D., that mild, soothing wash, that recognized remedy for Eczema and all skin troubles. First drops tnko away that awful burning Itch, clonnse the skin wash away every plmplo every Impurity. Noth ing llko D. D. D. for tho complexion. Got n 25c trial bottle today, worth ton times Its cost to hnvo a bottlo In tho house. At any rate, drop Into our store to talk over the merits of this wondorful prescription. Red Cross Drug Storo. 1 AT 9? AM) 50 CENTS. AT THE "BUSY CORNER" OBSERVATIONS. (U)OI) EVENING. Wisdom Is knowing what to do next; skill Is knowing how to do It, nnd vlrttio is doing It. Dnvld Starr Jordan. 4- O tho gray fog nnd the weather foul Tho wind so rough nnd cold Them I would greet ns kind nnd sweet, With Joyful henrt nnd bold If but my ship wore heading homo Tho wny wo wont of old! O thcro's no purplo evening dim No dawn of wlld-roso glow No Summer balm of stars nnd calm Mny enso my outenst woo Now I wont my wny In n weary ship, Tho way that exiles go. Why should tho tolling of home truths always mean tho telling of something unplonBnnt to tho listen er? And why cannot dtherwleo kind nnd worthy pcoplo restrain their ardor for, truth In this direction? Tho kindly scrap of praise, or en couragement, or oven (lattery, con tained In n pleasant homo truth could only do good mid mnko for happi ness. Yet tho homo truthcr who will Insist on tho unbccomlngncss of n hnt will nover dream of uttering a true trlbuto to tho char pi lug face boncnth it, nnd tho truthful critic of his family's backsltdlnga nnd down fallings will never think It tho least necessary to remark on their success ful steps forwnrd. , Pleasant things nro so much' pleas nntor saying. Encouragement Is so Infinitely moro helpful thnn criticism. Oh, why cannot homo truths bo mndo agreeable truths? No mnn can got on so well In this world ns ho whoso dally walk nnd conversation aro clean and consistent, whoso henrt is puro, nnd whoso llfo Is honorable. A religious spirit helps every man. It Is a comfort nnd an Inspiration, nnd mnkes him strongor, wiser, nnd bettor In ovory relation of life, Thero Is no substitute for it. It mny bo nssalled by Its enemies, ns It has been, but they offer nothing In Its place. It has stood tho test of centuries nnd has nevor tailed to help and bless mnnklnd. It Is strong er todny thnn at any provlous period of its history. Tho world has rever ence for truth nnd religion, nnd cour ageously follows their teachings. Employment nwalts his coming and honor crowns his pnth. Moro than nil this, conscious of rectitude, ho meets tho cares of llfo with courngo; tho duties which confront him ho discharges with mnnly honesty. If you hnvo anything to sell, trade, rent or want help, try a want nd. Electric lamps suited for overy purpose. For the homo, Offlco, Launches, Automobllo, Miniature Flash Light Colored Lamps for dec orative purposes for sale or rent. Open until 6:30 o'clock week days; Saturday until 9:00 P. M. Phone your orders for delivery. Coos Bay Wiring Co. rnONE 237-J. TKe Last Buying January to mnko tho last threo days tho lnrgest In our January Clearan Sale. Wo hnvo Cut Prices Deeper thnn Ever. This npplles to Clothn Wool Underwear, Dlankots nnd Comforts. BUY NOW. Hub Clothing and Shoe Co, MAttSIIRLELD-"iIONIiY TALKS "-BANDON Eastside Winners 1 Block in Homo Addition, cntaliilng over 3. acres for $903 0 Lots for $175, East MnrsliP.(t 10 Lots for $000 East Marsliflcld 1 0 Lots for ; $800 Eastside ALL GOOD BAY VIEWS TERMS EASY OTHER GOOD BUYS 2 Lots on Fifth street nonr Hennessey residence for $000 plus $225 street Improvement bonds. Corner Johnson nnd Fifth street, 50.M0 for $050 plus $223 street Improvement bonds. Sco Title, Guarantee & Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manage, "THE FRIEND OF COOS BAY" STEAMER ALLIANCE Connecting with tho 'orth Bank rond nt Portland EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Will salt from Portland for Coos Bny nnd Eurekn, on a ten-ihy schedule, calling nt Marsliflcld both ways, NORTH PACIFIC 3TEAMSIIIP COMPANY. C. F. McGKOHGE, Agent STEAMER BREAKWATER Sails from Alnswortli Dock, Portland, nt 8 P. M., every , Tucidaj. Sails from Coos Bay every Saturday nt service of tlilo. Reservation! will not be held later thnn Friday noon, unless tickets nre nurcluicd. ti, 11. KEATING, AGENT STEAMER M. F. PLANT Sails for San Francisco every eight days. TICKETS RESERVED UP TO THE ARRIVAL OF THE SniP, RESERVATIONS -WILL BB CANCELLED AT THAT TIME VH LESS TICKET IS BOUGHT. " ' 1 1 . 1 1 F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshf ield Ore THE FAST Steamer Redondo Will mnko regulnr trips cnrrylnR Coos Bny nnd Snn Francisco. All reservations for passengers iiuido nt Alllnnco Dock, Marshfleld nnd Inter-Ocean Transp. Co. Union Street Whnrf No. 2, Sm Francisco. For Information, phono 1 t-J or 283. Will sail for San Pedro 10 n. in., January 20, calling nt San Francisco both ways. INTER-OPEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. All kinds ot monumental work promptly and artistically exe cuted, Call at our works on South Broadway. Coos Bay-Koseburg Stage Line Dally stage between Roseburg and Marsluleld. Stngeleave dally and Sunday at 7 p. ni. Fare, $0.00. OTTO SrjHETTER. Acent. 120 MARKET AV., Marshfleld. PHONE tl THE LLOYD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY nOTEL Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 75c and $1.00; week $2.00 to $5.00. House keeping apartments with gas ranges $10.00 to $18.00 per month. FREE BATHS E. W. SULLIVAN, Prop. GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE. Day iiT; rilONE MAIN 33-L AND COMMODIOUS (Equipped with Wireless) passengers nnd frcluht between Pacific Monumental and Building Works H. H. WILSON, Proprietor MARSHFIELD, ORE. O. P. BARNARD, A eent, ROHEBURO. ORK. SAVE MONEY By having your old clothos pressel nnd cleaned. Makes them look bet ter and wear longer. Satisfaction guaranteed. COOS BAY TAILORING CO. J. W. Josephson, Mgr. 180 South Broadway. Marsliflcld'