rflFTYWKw'rt ' "T vl? ' V ''TWl(TW"" :rFW''"'? THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON,' TUESDAY JANUARY- "31, 91J EVENING EDITION. T1 T T''w-'f'i'nir,ir, I L COOS BAY TIMES Entorcd at tho postofflco at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second clast mail matter. M. O. MALONEY Editor mid Pub. DAN E. MALONEY News Editor An Independent Hopubllcan news paper published overy oveniug except Sunday, and Weekly by Tho Coos Hay Times Publishing Co. Dedicated to tlio sorvico of thn pooplo, that no good cause shall lack a champion, and that ovlt shall nol thrlvo unopposed. Tho Coos Day TI11103 represents it consolidation of the Dally Coast Mall and Tho Coos Hay Advertiser. Tho Const .Mall was tho first dally estab lished on Coos Hay ami Tho Coos Hay Times Is It Immedltite suc cessor. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. DAILY. Ono year $G.0n Per month SO When paid strictly In advance tht subscription price of tho Coos lln Times Is $5.00 per year or 52.60 for six months. WEEKLV. Ono year $1.50 Official Paper of Coos County. OI'TICIAL PAPER OK THE CITJ OK MAHSHPIELD. Address all communications to COOS DAI DAILY' TIMES, Marahfleld :: :: :: :: Oregon THE MILLICOMA C'Ll'H AXD .MA J. MOHHOW. nnnlIE Important and engaging I placo tho Mllllcoma club occu-1 pies in tho commorclal as well ns tho social life of Marshflcld was pleasantly and prolltably demonstrat ed in tho successful "smoker" given tho other ovoulng to MnJ. Morrow. It afforded 1111 opportunity for this government olllclal to come in closer personal contact with tho represen tative business mon of Coos Hay and nn oxchnngo of news and views re sulted that woro mutually interest ing. Tho more formal functions of this character a 10 Involved In n re straint that hampurs tho full and free expression that follows whou men meet as on this occasion at tho Mllllcoma club. The club at this time performed a publlo sorvico for nil Coos Hay that was of unusual vijlue. it In no manner usurped the Junctions of the Chamber of Com inorco but on tho contrary was sup plemental to tho work of that or ganization. MnJ. Morrow told some plain niul profitable truths to tho assembled business men, In return ho received Information that was enlightening and tho exchnngo was mutually cordial and courteous. It was an event of more than pass ing Importanco to tho commercial in terests of Coos Hay. Tho results that nro cortatn to follow a fuller under Htundlng between men are always broadening and beneficial. This Is tho place and function of tho Mllllco ma club. It Is performing Its mis sion most successfully and Is deserv ing the roiiHdeuce anil generou sup port of Its member and the onoour iiKoment of all legitimate business Interests on Coos Hay. "THE OREGON PLAN" Mff 1 1 has been wild against tho socalled "Orogon Plan." Tho critics of direct legislation and all It Implies, consisting for the most part of machine politicians and ling ers who have been driven to tho tall timber, lime called hor tho "fool of tlio family." A recent onstoni vis itor, a college professor noted for his theoretical knowledge of government, has made sureaatlu remarks concern ing tho Oregon way of doing thing political. Hut despite theso criticisms it Is a slgnlllcaut fact that a great majority of the twenty-seven govern ors who scut messages to the legis latures of their states during tho past wook recommended the adoption of such salient features of tho "Oregon Plan" as the initiative and referen dum and tho direct election of Till tod States sonntors. Tho snmo re ports liavo como front tho fur east and the middle west that have ema nated from the far west. In fur-off Massachusetts Govornor Foss goos oven furthor nnd reconimoiids the adoption of portions of Oregon's cor rupt practices net. TIavo your Job printing domv a The Timoa office. A LITTLE SLOW. THE legislator with a freak law to proposo la a bit backward about coming forward so far In tho present session of the legislature. Our own Senator Chnso's school bath tub Is nbotit tho only ono that has yet been sprung on tho public. Perhaps tho Oregon legislator Is a bit short on Ideas. If ho Is, hero aro a few suggestions from other state legislatures: Down In Kansas a senator Is pre paring n bill to forbid the placing of fancy bands on cigars because they Injure tho wrapper and give the smoker endless trouble. In still another state a bill has been offered restricting the size of a woman's hat for street wear. In still another state an Individual offered n measure providing that pe destrians should carry gongs or horns by day and hetul and tail lights by night If they trespass on the streets or highways. Hut while the session lasts there Is hope that the usual number of freak b!lW will be offered. Who will be the next. HELP THE HOY'S. IX THESE days when much is be ing done for tho conservation of nlmost everything else, wo Bhould not overlook tho movements that have for their purpose tho conserva tion of our boys and setting them on the light way Into manhood. It wns stated recently by a Chi cago Judge that from GG to 70 per cent of tho criminals now going through the courts nro boys or young men ranging from 10 to 25 years of age. Statistics gathered from tho prisons of tho country by workers of the Y. M. C. A. boys' department vorlfy theso figures, for most prison Inmates aro committed along about tho tlmo they get into their twontlcs. Thcso statistics show, further, that tho average crim inal In prison started on his crlmtnnl enrcor soon nfter ho got into his teons and committed his first crimin al net along about high school age. Thoro nro numerous movements now under way to keep boys Interest ed In clean and wholesomo activities. Tho Y. M. C. A. Is tho largest nml best organized among ,thcm; the churches nro promoting various things among boys In a' denomina tional wny: the boy scout movomont Is growing rapidly. Mon nml women who hnvo either n gonoral or n special Interest In bovs cannot find better opportunity for doing great servlro than In some tine of these lines of ondonvor for boys. Pick out Mint movomont which seems to lit your rlrcumstnucos host and then help push It along. It will do you good and It will do many a boy good. THE HIHI) .MAX. TIIEHE IS XO DOUHT that tlio "blrdnian" Is tho proper name for tho expert nvlator. Moro and More Is tho world convinced of the appropriateness of the title ns the days pass and bring in their passing some new achievement In aerial navigation. There Is tho ense of nirdmnu (ilonn Curtlsa nnd his performance down on Sun Diego Hay the other day. Not merely a land blrdinun did ho prove himself, but a swlft-wingod messen ger that can skim over the surface of the water or still through the nil' at will. In all respects save that oi diving and submarine stunts, Mr. Curtis made It clear that man will lie able, eventually, to Indulge In bird-like lllght oer the deep for any distance mid under any conditions, with the strength mid In n manner not unlike that of the stormy petrol. With overy now accomplishment In aviation, amazement Is excited un til people are illspnsotl to think they cauuot be too optimistic or sanguine as to that which the blrdmnii shall finally do. What snno man, ten years ago, would have believed that the achievement by Mr. Curtiss would be possible within the next one hun dred yearn, If ever? Yet there Is tho feat of a man li a winged mnohlno riding the water with till the cor talnty and as gracefully ns tiny footn oted navigator of the deep, and at the will of Its driver rising thore from and cleaving the air like n bird mows nil. WVaftVrOnc 1liinilrel )'llui llewtrt Mr mix cit' of faiurrii timi cannot lx iuirel l) llHtl'M HUrrn fun1 K 1 lllKNKY A 10.. TolKlo, O. t. lli uiuprliiiiHl. lio k'i"ll K J. Che. ilex for tlu' Ut lMri. hiuI Imlli'M' Itlin lr twtlv lioimittlilo lit all liu.lue. iimiimu-Uoii. am! rtimnclallx 'U tocorrj out nny iiwlga Hutu made l liU llrm tllUN,. KlNN'AN MMtVlN, luilonlo imiBjjUU, Toledo. O- Hull' f'Htarrli 1 are U taken internally, act liigdlreotly upon the Mood ami itiueoiu itire fares of the uptfm Testimonial lent free. i'rle 7miu per bottle Sold byaUdnigsUt. Tok. Hall ' KaTrlly rill (orcMHtlpalion. s ft Tin A 'It. Win -' M J J U f FLAT ' RON - People Use Electric u Oregon of passage. Most of us have read M10 tales of thoso wondrous "Arabian Nights," mid wo hnvo been enchanted by the traditional perforninncos of Oriental mngtc. Hut nppllcd science litis raised it modern magician that makes tho feats of tho Oriental fol low look like tho work of mi ama teur, mid tho moro no, from tlio fact that modern magic results In tan gible, sorvlcoablo fact. Portland Telegram. OKLAHOMA MAY BUILD RAILWAY Two Hills to That EllVct Are Hclng Dlsciihsed by Mm Sttito I.cglsliltut'f. A recont Issue of tho Kansas City Star contains the following con cerning 11 state built railway which will bo read with Interest on Coos Hay and future developments follow od carefully. Tho Star says: "A scheme contemplating the building by Oklahoma of n railroad Hue from Northwestern to Southwestern Okla homa, and another lino from north to south paralleling ono of the trunk lino rnllroads, was considered at n eouforonco Inst week by sonnto and house committees Jointly with the olllcers of the Stnto Federation of Labor. Tho constitution of Oklaho ma provides that tho state may en gago In private buslnoss. Tho move ment comes largoly from organized labor. Tho cost of construction, In cluding equipment, Is to bo about $15,000 a mile. Honda for tho build ing would bo lssuod nnd guaranteed by the state. Should the scheme ninko fnvorablo progress In tho legis lature, It will be submitted to a vote of the people. Tho proposal has gained followers In tho legislature. Tho state consti tution pormlts Mint. Two bills, dif fering lu some important particulars, aro boing drawn and will bo discuss ed aim consolidated. A Nebraska woman has remnrkod Mint "bald heads look pretty and clean enough to kiss," but we1 prefer to nwalt the verdict of tho chorus girls who have to look down on a row of shining domes at every per- fort the Year They arc equally as convenient in fall and winter as ' they are in the hot weather. There may be less discomfort from kitchen fires, to be sure, but the electric flat iron has many other advantages than saving heat. They save drudgery. They save footsteps between ironing board and stove. They never need changing. They are always clean and uniformly hot ready at your elbow. Thousands of Women 'use them who prefer to iron little things themselves in their own room, or elsewhere, on short notice. An elec tric iron once tried is never, afterward dispensed with. ' Why not try one yourself. Ask us for particulars. Power Company FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Capital fully paid $100,000.00 "W. S. Chandler, President; M. C. Ilorton, Vice-President; Dorsey Kreitzer, Cashier. Ray T. Knufninn, Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS: W. S. Chandler, John S! Coke, W. IT. Douglas, John P. Hall, "Win. Grimes, P. S. Dow, S. C. Rogers, V. P. Murphy, M. C. Hortou. DOES A GEXERAL DAXKING BUSIXESS. Interest paid on time and savings deposits, safe deposit hoxes for rent in our steel lined lire and bur glar proof, vaults. Flanagan (h Bennett Bank of'Marshfield, Oregon Olilcht Hank In Coos County, Kstnbllslicd n IHHO. Pnlil up Capital, Surplus, null I'lulUMed Prollts over 8100.000. Assets Oor Half Million Do lttr. Doo n general banking business nnd draws drafts on the nan-t of California, San Francisco, Cnl.; Hanover Natlonnl Hank, N Y., First National Uank, Portland, Ore.; First National Unuk, Ro burg, Ore.; The London Joint Stock Hmik, Ltd., London, England. Also sells oxchnnge on nil of the principal cities of Europe. Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to chock Safe doposlt lock boxes for rent. OFFICERS: J. W. DENNETT, President. .1. 1. FLANAOAN, V.-Pres. It. 1 WILLIAMS, Cishler. GEO. V.. WINCHESTER, Asst. Cash INTEREST Pll ON TIME DEPOSITS. Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO AND JOSSON CEMENT. The best Domestic and Imported brands. Plaster, Lime, Brick and all klnd3 of builders material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. PHONE 201. The Times Does Job Printing Flat Irons Coos Bay Steam Laundry ritOMPT SERVICE SATISFACTORY WORK REASONAI1LE PRICES OUR WORK WILL PLEASE YOU. LMioiio Main 57-.T nml n ungon u call. Mnr.slillelil Oregon OIL SUPPLIES Tho Coos i3r.y Oil and Supply Company under tho management of .1. W. Flanagan will continue to han dle tho Union Oil Company's gaso line, distillate, benzine nnd coal oil at their oil house across the Hay to which placo they have moved their ofllce. PhntiM 302. Coal Cheapest fuel on Coos Bay Lump cotil .SI, .",(). Nut coal .s;t,()(), Wo do till kinds of hnullug, ami contracting. Horses nnd vehicles for sale. For quick delivery call cu L. H. HEISNER or phono 11!0-J or I9-L. too trap m:sti:d H.ititi:n PLYMOUTH HOCKS. Our mntlngs hnvo produced stand, rd-hred specimens of exhibition unllty with records of 242, 227, 222 eggs In 3G5 days. Hnby Chicks mid Kggs for Hatching Hook your ordors now for spring ollvery. A few cockerels from heavy laying stock for $5.00. Plymouth Place, Poultry Yard FRED. DACHMAN, Prop. larsliflclil, Hox -IHft, Phone SHH Good Evening HAVE YOU ANY LAUNDRY? If so, do not forgot that this It THE laundry where you got tho bcit work, and prlcos nro In every one' reach. Call up and ono of tho drlr rs will call and oxplnln nil dotalls fa you. All tolcphono calls aro qulcklr attended to, becauso wo nro runnlm wo wagons. OUIt GUARANTEE IS YOUR SAT ISKAOTIOX. MAHSHFIKI.I) HAND AND STKAM LAUNDRY. rJnii7ey Urol,, Pmi Phone H20J. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono :uui. COOS BAY LIVERY Wo havo secured tho livery busi ness of L. II. Holauer nnd are pre pared to rondor excellent sorvico w tho peoplo of Coos nay. Careful drlvors, good rigs and everything that will moan satisfactory sorvico to tho public. Phono us for a driving horso, a rig or unythlng needed In tho livery lino. Wo also do a trucking business of all kinds. HLANCHARD HROTHEHS. Livery, I-Vetl nml Sales Service. Ill First and Aldor Streets. Phono 13S-J FOR GOOD AVOHK Bring your clothos to us. Cleaning, pressing mid repairing a specialty, i by experienced men. Satisfaction I gunraiitoud HLANCHARD l)OI- SON, South Hioiulwiiy. You nro probably aware th.it pnoumonln nlways results from a cold, but you novor heard of a coll resulting In puouinonln when Cham borlaln's Cough Remedy was used. Why take the risk whon this remedy may bo had for a trifle? For sale by nil dealers. T"R. G- W. LESLIE, Osteopathic Physician Graduate of tho American school of Osteopathy nt Klrksvlllo. Mo. Office a Eldorado Blk. Hours 9 to 12; Ho ; Phone 1G1-J; Marshflold; Oregon. DR. J. W. INGRAM, Physician nnd Surgeon. 209-210 Coko Building, hones: Ofllce 1G2J; Residence l32ti J. W. BENNETT, Lawyer. Ofllce over Flanagan & Bennett DaDk Marshfleld, Oregon YYT.M. S. TURPEN, W Architect. Over Chamber of Commerce. .,, mtf.tl. fiup:jimmii3LL3m