THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 30.191 1-,-., ,.. AJ I - ' ' r' nBHHHMHB m I Lt COOS , BAY TIMES Entorcd nt tho postofflco nt Marsh Clold, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls os second class mall matter. M. C. MALONKY Editor nml Pub. DAN E. MALOXEY News Editor An Indoponilent Republican news paper published every evening except Sunday, and Weekly by Tho Coos Hay Times Publishing Co. Dedicated to tlio servlco of the jicoplo, that no good cause shall lack a champion, and that ovll shall not thrlvo unopposed. Tho Coos Bay Tlmos represents n consolidation of the Dally Coast Mall and Tho Coos Day Advertiser. The Coast Mall was tho first dally estab lished on Coos Day and Tho Coos Day Tlmos Is Its fmmodliito sue cossor. I W I T H T H E i t toastandtea: some puzzlers. Where can a man buy n cap for his knee? Or a key for a block of his hnlr? Can his eyes be called an academy Because thero nro pupils there? In the crown of his head what gems are set? Who travels tho bridge of his nose? Cnn he use whoii shingling the roof of his mouth The nails on the ends of his toes? L COK LATER MANAGER Or PROMOTION COM MITTEE OK PORTLAND COM MITTEE OK PORTLAND COM MERCIAL CLUIt PLAN'S TO VIS IT COOS HAV. SUIISCRIPTIOX RATES. DAILY. Ono year $G.0O JPor month 60 When paid strictly In advance the Description prlco of tho Coos Day Times Is $5.00 per yoflr or $2.50 for elx months. weekly. One year $1.50 Official Paper of Coos County. What doos he raise from a slip of his tongue? Who plays on the drums of Ills oars? And who cnn tell tho cut and style Of the cont his stomach wears? Can the crook of Ills olbow be tent to Jail? And If to, what did It do? How does he sharpen his xhoulder bladea? I'll be hanged If I know do you? OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CIT1 OF MAHSIIPIELI). Address all communications to COOS HAV DAILY TIMES, Mnrshflcld :: :: :: :: Oregon A CITY'S HEAL GREATNESS. COOS HAY citizens have given much tlmo to thought for tho matorlal development of their community and tho expansion of Its industries, Its trade and Its popula tion. Why not glvo a little thought for tho moral development of their community and tho bettorment of tholr citizenship. Why not hnvo some such senti ment as this to Btlmulntu our citiz enship: Wo will novor bring dlsgrnco to this our city by any act of dlshonosty or cowardlco, nor over desert our Buffering com rades In tho ranks; wo will fight Tor tho IdonlH and sacred things of tho city, both nlono and with many; wo will revero nml obey tho city's laws, nnd do our host to Incite n like roiipect nnd ro-voit-nco In those nhove us who stre prone to annul and set thorn ut naught: wo will strive un ceasingly to quicken the public's boiiso of civic duty; thnt thus, In nil theso wnya wo will trans mit this city not only not loss, hut groator, bettor and moro bcnutlful thnn lt was transmit ted to us. Something llko twenty centuries ago ovory citizen of Athens was re quired to plodgo himself to that sentiment under oath and mnko lt tho standard of his citizenship. Whllo Athenian citizenship was maintain ed on thnt basis, Athens flourished nnd mndo of itself tho grontost nnd most beautiful city of the world. "When Athonlnu citizenship fell from thnt standard. Athens foil mid he enmo n mere memory of Its former splendor. Now Industrie. Increased trade nnd inmo people contribute to big ness In a city, but lino citizenship jilono contribute to real grentuow. It Ih worth whllo to boar that In mind hero on Cow liny whore we nro ambitious to attain real greatness, TO HURT THE TOWX. Opposo improvonientH. Mistrust public men. Hun tho town down to strangers, ltofuso to ndvortlso In your paper. Do not Invost a cont lay out your monoy somowhoro else. Ho pnrtloular to discredit tho mo tives of public-spirited men. hengthen your face when n strnn gor sponks of locating in tho town or vnlloy. If n man wnuta to buy your prop erty ask him two pricos for it. If ho wants anybody olse's, Inter foro nml discourage him. Rofuso to see the merit in any scheme that doos not exactly bunollt you. nun down everything nnd every body but Numbor Ono. Tho Amalgamated Prevaricator's Club mot an tho Waterfront nnd fell to discussing tho woather. Vlnco Pratt remarked that G. X. Holt's story of cold weathei reminded htm of a wlntor in Kansas when a far- nior went out after n load of' hay. Ho was smoking his pipe when the blizzard struck, and it blew nil the tobacco out, and frozo the pipe to Ills mouth, then tho snow sifted through the pipe stem, filling him with snowbnlls. They poured hot water through the pipe to thaw the snow balls and tho poor man sweat Icicles for nearly n week. It was a hard winter. "Well, ono winter I trnvoled In Idnho nnd Montana," chimed In Col. Going " and In one of tho small towns thcrd It got so cold that a pumpkin frozo so solid thnt they used It for an nuvll for two years, and tho stock looked bo tough that they mndo ax handles out of their shadows. The wind blow tho snow through tho keyhole, nnd drifted in to the clock, limiting It run so slow that thero were only four dnys in tho week. And tho nose of tho ten kettle was frozen off. .Those were days that tried men's soles nnd up pers, too." "Well, sir," remnrkod Dnvo Staf ford, "ono tlmo when I was living buck In lllluoy, In hog killing time we had a kettle of boiling water sot ting on tho stove, nnd wo took 't out In the yard and it froze bo dog gono quick tho Ico was hot." Tho club thon ndjonrned without wnltlug for n motion. C. C. Chnpmnn, mnnagcr of the Promotion Committee of the Port land Commercial club, who had planned to ncconipany the delegation of Portland business men who were to have accompanied the Anvil on hot- Initial trip to this and other nearby points, writes that ho expects to come hero soon, anyway. .lust when the Anvil will bo here, no one here appears to know. She was at Florence the other dny -nnd it was reported today thnt she was at Tiandou but this could not be con firmed. Mr. Chapman in a letter to The Times says: "Copy of your Issue of January 1 7 til containing news Item that I was coming to Mnrshllcld with tho Chamber of Commcrco delegation mnkos mo feel still worso than over that I missed the trip. Tho kind and generous things you sny arc very much appreciated by Portland and myself nnd I assure you thnt the first business delegation thnt goes from Portland to Mnrshflcld will have me as a member. "Tho other trip wns callod off without my knowledge, In fact I wns In tho stateroom of tho steamer be foro I learned it had happened. If a delegation goes from Portland this spring I certainty nm coming any way as I am very anxious to seo the Coos liny country nnd moot your progressive .Maraiiiicid men with n vlow of rendering your locality bet tor advertising service. Wo nro con stantly referring inquiries to Coos Hay nnd always tako pleasuro In snying a good word for your district. I think wo cnn servo you still bettor If wo got Into thnt closor personnl touch that results from nn occasional visit." THE mTtAlAw Bench C 5) Made' J( SHOE No. 205S. A turdr comfortable toe room hoo for heavy men. Two full doublo sole of the old method bark tan nage a feature of all "Senato" iliocl. Dronil heeli wide, round toe. Upper leather it (elected Auttrallan kid. PETER CLAUSEN Exclusive Shoo Storo iAfiw iwwy No. 2oss MA i.T3H iii lining, No. 20SS Winter Welahl Dlucherof Genutnit AuttralianKaniaroo FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Capital fully paid $100,000.00 "YV. S. Chandler, President; . M. C. Ilorlou, Vice-President; Dorsey Krcitzer, Cashier. Hay T. Kaufman, -AfsI. Cashier D1UKCTOBS: "V S. Chandler, John S. Coke, V. "IT. Douglas, John .'I' Hall, "Win. C! rimes, h S. Dow, S. 0. iWrs, AV. I Murphy, M. C. Jlorton. DOES A GJ'JNKBAL BANKING JU'SrNI'JSS. Interest paid on time and savings deposits, safe deposit boxes i'or rent in our steel lined fire and bur glar proof vaults. Coal Cheapest fJ on loos Bav Ltniiit conl si. no. v... I " conl Hiia Wo do nil kinds f ,lnitl ,..,t.nll.,.. tt O' 111 " , " ,,,rBCB nnd vehicle,, sale. For quick delivery ca L. or phone H. HEISNER mo 120-.J or lo-I,. M SEE I'lllEKv f vnn wnnl in tmt l .... .. " os- " sonic of iv, est real ostato bargains on tha Also If you want the best nrj,. iiiilu ul iiiu uusi rates, AUGUST I'1'IKI-ti.V 03 Central Ave. MnrahPeM. q!k Good Evening HAVE VOL A XV LAlM)it If so, do not forgot thl , THE laundry when. v,, w. ,he b(( worn, an.i prices niv in (l r. t(i rencn. uiui up and " "., rs will call nnd f.,ilnln all dctalljii yoil. All telephone MIN nro nnirH. nttiMiilotl to, beciMHP wo me rnnnlm wo wagons. OUlt C5UAI5AXTEE IS VOUIt SAT ISI'ACTIOX. .MAItSIIKIEI.l) HAXI) AXI) STK.1M luWXiniY. .i!iin7ir llro., Prop. I'hone 220J, Flanagan (Sit Bennett Bank of Marshf ield, Oregon Olilcut Hank In Coos Comity, INtubllslud In 1HHI). Paid up Capital, Surplus, itutl Undivided Profit over 8100,000. Assets Over Half Million Do law. Does a gouoral bnnklng business nnd draws drafts on tho DatK of Callfomln, San Francisco, Crl.; Hanover National Dank, N. Y.; First Xntlonnl Dank, Portland, Oro.; First National Hank, Ilo4i burg, Ore.; Tho London Joint Stock Dank, Ltd., London, England. Also sells exchnngo on all of tho principal cities of Europe. Individual nnd corporation accounts kept subject to check. Safe doposlt lock boxes for rent. OFFICERS: J. I1EXXETT, President. J. II. FLAXAOAN. V.-Prci. It. P. WILLIAMS, Cashier. GEO. E. WIXCHESTEU, Asst. Cash. IXTEHEST PAID OX TIME DEPOSITS. Have That Roof Fixed NOW Fathor sometimes hns n hunch thnt thero Is plenty of sympathy for and laws to protect all tho white slavos except him. If you nlways speak tho truth peo ple will overlook your bad grammar. WII.IIELMIXA STILL FAST Gleaner Unable to Pull Schooner Off From lleach. The Wltholmlna Is still high on tho bench near Gnrdlnor. Yesterday Capt. Cornwall of tho tug Gleaner got n cablo on hor but only moved hor about tho length of tho vessel. Capt. Tyler has offered $1,000 for the hauling of tho Wilhelmlnn baok Into deep wator nnd Capt. Cornwall will make other attempts. TAIT FAVOIIS 'FltlSCO. Vote Will llo Taken On Panaina E position Tuesday. WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. 0. San Francisco U believed to have won tho fair, Inasmuch ns President Taft ileelKred that ho favorod the coast city. Congress U to vote on lt to morrow. New Orleans hoostors Sat urday admitted thnt San Francisco Is far In tho load, according to n sta tement given out as follows: "It Is tho unnnlmous verdict of of ficials at Washington that San Fran cisco has tho best of struggle and will probably win. Wo hnvo an un olllclal stntomont today thnt telo Kinius containing 100,000 signatures hnvo been sent from the West to Washington demanding thnt San Francisco bo granted the fair." KEV. TIll'USTOX TO ASTOHIA. Former Mnrshflcld ltnptKt Minister Leaves Charge nt Haines. HAINES, Ore., Jan. 30. Rev. D. W. Thurston, for the past year pas tor of tho First naptlst church, has tendered his resignation to tho church board and aecouted a call to tho pastorato of tho First naptlst church at Astoria, and will tako up Talk In tho loafing places of how tho work In his now field tho first linrd tlmos nro and how things in gon-( of February. Rev. Thurston was oral nro, in your estimation, going formerlv nnstor of tho naptlst church to tho demnltlou bow-wows. Ex. nt Marshfleld, Ore. ROAD HAD NEAR SVMXEH. Tho RoBoburg N'ows of Inst week In commenting on Hugh McLnln's stntoment of tho condition of tho old Coos Dny wagon road, snys: "In connection with this It might bo stated that Mr. Darunrd, who has tho contract for carrying tho mall ovor this route, Is tnnklng tho trips on schedule time up to within throo miles of Sumnor, In Coos county, whoro vory bnd roads aro encounter ed, nnd necessarily causes much dc lay. Mr. Damnrd Informs Tho N'ows thnt, botween Sltkuin and Sumner thoro Is flvo miles of road which Is almost tmpnssable." Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIADLO AXI) JOSSON CEMEXT. Tho best Domestic nnd Imported brands. Plaster, Llmo, Drlck and all klnas of builders matorlal. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR ' OFFICE, SOUTH I1HOADWAY. PHONE 201. See CORTHELL Phono iJllit. COOS BAY LIVERY Wo huvo secured tho livery bat! ness of L. II. Hclsnor and aro pr pnrod to render excellent service to tho peoplo of Coos Day. Careful drivers, good rigs nnd ovcrvthlsj that will mean satisfactory service to tho public. Phono us for a drlrltj horse, n rig or anything needed li the livery lino. Wo also do i trucking business of nil kinds. IILAXCHAHI) HltOTIIEIlS. Livery, Food and Sales Service. Ml First and Alder Streets. Phono 138-J ANOTHER HOLIDAY COMING. "Columbus Dny" May lie Added to Calendar List. SALEM, Ore., Jnu. 2S. If tho stnto senate follows the oxamplo set by the house in the passngo of house bill No. 3, and Govornor Wost gives his oxocutlvo sanction to tho meas ure, the state of Orogon will have nnothor lognl-holldny to observe, and common labor will hnvo another day of rost oach year. This U tho bill which proposes to sot nsldo October 12th of each year as a logal holiday In commomoratlon of tho dlscovory of America by Christopher Columbus, to bo known ns Columbus Day." Tho bill wns de feated Wednosdny by n voto of 2S for nnd 24 ngalnst, when McKInney nnd Clyde changed tholr votes to no" In ordor to bo In position to movo n reconsideration. It enmo up for reconsideration upon motion of McKInney, socondod by Clyde, nnd , wns passed by n largo majority. Fonts, who championed tho bill ' charged that tho only opposition that bnd nrravod the adoption of another legal holiday were the manufacturers and other emplovors of lnbor. whoso nrlnolnal objection rested In the fact tbnt thev would have to nay labomrs time and a half to work mon frnt i'iv: while GUI n Hnod River nnd Wnsen unnko ninlmt lis ndnntlon on io "rniin-' thnt tho larrlciiltnrnl In toroato pf tlio state wrr nnlst f'O prnntton nf nt morn hollliVR ho. noso thev ohloctod to nnvlnt; the'r po'inol teneherfj for a rtav's work which they did not perform. Eastside Winners 1 Dlock In Homo Addition, routalnlng ovor 3 ncres for $003 c Lots for $476, East Manliao'd 10 Lots for $000 East Marshfleld 1C Lots for $8oo Eastsldn ALL GOOD HAY VIEWS TERMS EASY OTHER GOOD I1UYS 2 Lots on Fifth street near Honnossoy residonco for $C00 plus $225 street Improvement bonds. Cornor Johnson and Fifth street, 50x140 for $050 plus $225 streot Improvement bonds. x See Title, Guarantee &. Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, rw FOR GOOD WORK Ilrlng your clothes to us. Cteanlnj. pressing nnd repairing n specialty, by oxporlonccd men. Sntlsfactloi guaranteed IILAXCHAHI) & DON SOX, South llnutduity. SAVE MOXEY ny having your old clothes prcssel nnd cleaned. Makes them look bet tor and wear longor. Satisfaction guaranteed. COOS HAY TAILORING CO. J. W. JosopliBon, Mgr. 180 South Hroadway. MarshOcI' Coos Bay-Roseburg Stage Line Dally stage between ltoaeburg and MarM.ileld. Stageioavcs diill, uuu Sunday nt 7 j. in. Fmv, Sd.OO. irrro SPHETTER, Agent, 120 MARKET AV., Marshtltld. PlinXK 11 O. V, UARXARI), Acent. ROSEHURO. OHW Tll. G. W. LESLIE, - Osteopathic Physician Graduato of tho American school of Osteopathy nt Klrksvlllo. Mo. Office' u Eldorado Dlk. Hours 9 to 12; 1 to ; Phono 1C1-J; Mnrshflold; Oregon. DR. J. W. INGRAM, Physician nnd Snrgoon. 209-210 Coko Dulldlng. houoa: Olllco 1C2J; Rosldenco 16!b X W. HEXXETT, lawyer. onico over Flanagan & Dennett Dank Marshfleld, Oregon. YY7M. S. TURPEN, Ap1iIi Architect. Over Chambor of Coramorco. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF RELIABL BUSINESS HOUSES Mother's Restaurant Has been consolidated with tho RLAXCO GRILL ItOOM In nianco Hotel and Is bettor pre pared thnn ever to serve good meals. Go To WILLEY & SCHR0EDER for Plumbing and Heating Marshflold, Ore., Phone 773 GET YOUR JOR PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES OFFICE. Letter Heads, H1U Heads, Enve lopes, Calling Cards, etc. STADDEN AH kinds of photograph work, bromide enlarging and kodak fin-ishlng. Butter Wrappers Printed at The Times' Office J. i..;koontz Machine and Repair Shops GENERAL MACHINIST Steam and Gas Engine Work At Hollacd'a boat shop, Front street, Marshfleld, Ore. mmmmammmmillammmmmmt ,j J E$s$regtma