The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 28, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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(f-jjjp- -y w !UIIVF)I1WWV ''
Established In 1878
lus Tlio Const Mnll
TERSELY 1 OLD is :: s: ti '.:
A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall
and Coos Hay Advertiser.
No. 13.
Major Morrow Gives His Views
On Harbor and Bar
Favors Restoration of North
Jetty But Hard to Get
In n "heart to hnnrt tnlk" with n
number of Mnrshllold business men
nt the Milllcoinn. club Inst evening,
Mnjor Jny Moorow, chief of the Unit
ed Stntca Engineers for this district,
in ml o a most en ml Id and complete
statement of what ho bollovcd would
be necessary to Bocuro further gov'
eminent nld In Improving Coos Bay
harbor and bar. Ills talk enmo ntj
tlio closo of an Informal smoker ten-'
dcrcd In his honor at tlio club nnd
followed short talks by Judgo John
S. Coke, J. Albort Matson, J. V.
Snicnton and others. I
Briefly stated, the jirlnclpnl points
brought out In Major Morrow's In
formal tnlk was as follows:
"That ho bollovcd Coos Dny'B pros
pects warranted a deopor bnr and tho
restoration of tho north Jetty.
"That tho construction of a rail
road to Coos nay would practically
Insure- tho necessary government ap
propriation for tho hnrbor Improve
ment and that tho pcoplo horo should
ccntrallzo tholr energies on securing
a railroad.
"That tho showing of sufllclont
commorco hero and possible lncrcaso
In It would bo neccssnry boforo oven
a favorablo report from him as chief
of onglneors of this district would bo
considered; also that tho urgency of
tho work hero would havo to bo
shown to bo as great or grentor than
othor harbors clamoring for govern
ment aid.
"That tho pcoplo cooporato moro
with tho engineers and mako a moro
united effort to advance their own
Honored by Club.
Near tho closo of a very entertain
ing evening during which formality
was disposed with, interims enliven
ed by music, songs and story, Presi
dent J. Albort Matson proposed that
tho club show Its appreciation of
Major Morrow by electing him to
honorary llfo membership In tho
Mllllcoma club. Tho resolution mot
with unanimous approval.
Judgo John S. Coko next spoke on
Coos Bay's appreciation of tho visit
of Major Mclndoo. In It, ho told of
the possibilities of Coos Bay, Its tim
ber resources which excel any similar
area in tho world, its coal, Its dairies.
Us fruit, vogotablo and agricultural
possibilities and its cllmato. Fur
thermore, ho pointed out tho com
pletion of tho Panama canal would
Increase tho demand for tho lumber
of tho Pacific jorthwest which can
be supplied frgjp Coos Bay with COO
miles loss haul than from any othor
Major Morrow began his talk by
declaring that from what he had
seen, read and otherwise learned of
Coos Bay, ho believed that Judgo
Coke had not extolled it any too
high. Ho previously won a warm
spot In the hearts of his audionco by
counting from ono to thirty-two and
adding "thirty-two feet of water on
the Coob Bay bar."
Then he went on to say that ho
believed that conditions hero justified
the deeper bar and warranted tho
reconstruction of the North Jetty
but declared that it would require
much money and to get this, it was
necessary to mako a showing to Con
gress that would convince them of
tho necessity of the appropriation.
aonieming moro than tho re-
Prospects Poor For Mail Get
ting Through Soon and Wire
Communication Still Cut
This afternoon, the letter
mall due hero Thursday and
; Friday reached Mnrshfluld.
Personally Insnects Lower Ravi Tll0' lmd n lmrd tln, nicking
, j
and BarMay Get An
other Dredge.
Yesterday atiornoon, .lujor .Mor
row, nnginuer i.uuio and a i.uuy ui
.MtironiiuiU una .unu iiniJ uuomeoB
men visliud tuu tower uuy on u mp
ot inspection, tno steamer Flyer uu
liit; cmirtoicu uy mo iuiwoiuioiu
Linuuucr ot Commerce tor tuu pur
pobu. -unjor .Morrow was rather reticent
on tno trip, being more inclined to
personally inspect tlio buy und bar
During tho trip, J. V. Bonnett re
ferred to tho dissatisfaction of somo
relative to tho bar dredge, saying
"Somo of these people hero tuluu
they know more auouihowttio barlm
provement should bo done than tho
engineers and oppose tho bar dredge."
"Yes, they probably think they
know jnoro about it than all tho en
gineers and pilots or masters ot ves
sels," was Mayor Morrow's only re
sponse. During the trip In discussing with
Henry Seugutackcn, secretary ot tho
Port of Coos Bay commission, the
possible preventing of the shoaling
of tho harbor channel near tho mouth
ot North Jnlot by building a bulk
head acroBa tho tldo lints and turn
ing tho channol, Mnjor Morrow said
that caro must bo oxorclBcd lest tho
tldo Hats bo reduced too much and
tho sluicing of tho bar bo impeded.
Ho pointed out that tho restriction
of tho total area which Is overflowed
at high tldo would bo detrimental to
the bar.
May Lonso Dredge.
During tho afternoon In discussing
tho Intention to send tho dredgo Ore
gon to tho Coqulllo, Juno 1, to do
some work thoro, Major Morrow said
that it might bo possible to securo
another dredgo to come In horo and
work on tho Coos Bay project so
that there would bo no delay.
A. II. Powers nnd Mayor Straw
urged Major Morrow that tho dredgo
Orogon bo moved nt an early dato to
cut down tho shoal oppoalto the Cold
Storngo plant und at tho same tlmo
fill In North Front street to permit
its paving. Major Morrow Intimated
this could bo done, ns tho job was
not a very big ono, but ho said that
just as soon nB tho presont project
opposlto North Bend was completed
that tho Oregon must bo moved to
cut down tho Pony Inlet shoal.
Praises (ho Coqullle.
Major Morrow said tho Coqulllo
was a. very pretty river, reminding
him greatly of tho Rnppahanock
which la noted In tho east for Its
beauty. Ho said that when tho gov
ernment completed Its present pro
ject there, It will bo In excellent
shape for the present needs ot navigation.
He said that the dredgo Oregon
would go there about Juno 1, and he
expected that it wo,uld be able to fin
even tho loiter mall through.
It Is uncertnln when tho next
batch of mall will bo brought
It will probably bo boiuo tlmo yet
before tho mail can get through from
RoBeburg, according to Cnpt. C. W.
Harris of Sumner who was In Marsh
field today. Cnpt. Harris says thnt
an unusually largo number of trees
hnvo fallen across tho road, even
near Sumner. Today was tho llrst
chanco they had to do cffodlvo work
clearing tho road, the high wind
yesterday cnuslng moro trees to top
ple over nnd niennco any ono who had
the timidity to venture out.
Tho rond Is In awful condition ns
a result of tho bhow, rain nnd fallen
Tho total precipitation on Coos
Bny slnco tho llrst of Inst Septem
ber Is 42.05 Inches, according to tho
ofllclnl records kept by Mrs. E.
Mlngus. This is -1.31 Inches more
thnn tho average rnlnfnll for the
same period for" tho Inst nlno yenrs.
Thoro is little prospect of long dls-
tnnco phone of telegraph communic
ation being restored soon. Tho lines
tiro in bad shape. Tho Western
Union hns not been nblo to restore
I service even ns far as Laird's.
ish tho removal of tho 145,000 yards
of dredging in a couple of months
so that It will return to Coos Bay
sometime In August. Ho Is planning
It so that tho trip over will be made
during good weather and back be
fore the fall storms are liable to
come on.
Ho was Impressed by tho fact that
tho Coqullle river steamer on which
ho made the trip to Bandon was
able to buy its coal at. tho Riverton
mine at fl per ton.
Move Llfo Saving Station.
It Is likely that a movement will
A. E. Adelsperger Says East
erners Have Most Favor
able Impression.
"In nil my experience, I nover
heard of such n comparatively sninll
town being ns woll advertised and
well-known ns Coos Bny," remarked
A. E. Adelsporgor who returned this
week with his fnmliy from nn ex
tended trip through tho mlddlo west,
most of tho tlmo bolng spent nt his
old homo In Indlnnu and In Mlunon-
"Every person I encountered when
they hoard I was from Marahfleld,
Immediately began asking moro
nbout Coos Bay about which thoy
had heard and about whoso futuro
they had formed a most favorablo
opinion, it wbb a revelation to mo.
Many told mo they were planning to
mako a trip horo this ounimor. If
wo only had n railroad, tho amount
of tourist buBlnesB Coos Bay would
onjoy would bo phonomonnl.
"No, I didn't hoar any definite
railroad news but I went to tell you
that Coos Bay and Marshfleld looks
mighty good after a trip through tho
country. In tho east, tho business
outlook Is very good. There is plen
ty of money but tho people havo not
fully got over their tendency to wait
and seo what will happon. The next
few monthB ought to overcome this
waiting tendency nnd mako times
unusually prosperous.
"Thoy aro having a very hard win
ter in tho north and mlddlo west.
Thoro was lots of snow in Minnea
polis and it was thirty-two below
zero when I was thoro."
Better Tlwn Portland.
"Tho lumber nnd lodging business
in this section 1b much moro active
than It is on tho Columbia River and
around Portland," remarked A. B.
Daly who has just returned from tho
Koso city. "Many of tho logging
camps thoro aro shut down nnd many
men nro out of work. I was surpris
ed to find it bo quiot In tho lumber
buBlness thero and It made me feel
pretty good to think how lively
things aro in Coos county. It Is ex
pected that buBlness thero will pick
up shortly."
Marshfield High School Basket
Ball Team Defeated 46
to 11 Last Night.
Tho Myrtlo Point high achool bas
ket ball team had an easy victory
over Marahfleld thero last night, win
ning by n scoro of 40 to 11. Myrtlo
Point scored n bnskot n fow seconds
after tho bnll was tossed up, nt tho
beglnnlug of tho gnmo and had their
own wny from start to finish. Marsh
fleld showed lock of prnctice, whllo
the .Myrtlo Point team did excellent
work, having played togothor for tho
lost threo years. Marshflold's work
was not poor.- butMvrtlo Point iunt
played rings around thovrsllbrBrJ-.
It will bo threo weeks boforo an
other gamo is played bore, and
Marshflold will put In tho time train
ing hard. Rev. J. Rlchnrd Olson has
consented to coach tho boys nnd thoy
will got to work in earnest.
At present the teams stand as fol
lows: Played. Won. Lost
Coos Bay Fruit Growers So
Decide at Called Meet
ing Here Today.
At n called meeting of tho Coon
Bny Fruit Growers association at tho
Marshlleld Chnmber of Commerce
this morning, It wn8 decided among
otnor tilings to go nhond with tho
ennnery project and endeavor to havo
It In readiness for handling this sen
son's crop. A. O. KJelland was ap
pointed n committee of ono to nego
tiate for possible sites at North Bend
nnd President P. M. Hall-Lowls to
do'so In Marshfleld.
It was decided that reports on pos
sible sites nnd statements of tho
cost of tho plant be Bubmlttod
to tho regular general meeting
of tho association which Is to bo hold
next Saturday. At this tlmo, tho
uninnco or 1110 subscriptions ncccs
sary will bo tnkon so that work on
tho ennnory can bo begun at nn early
Tho Idea is to rush the cannery to
completion so thnt all of tho crops
can bo handled by it this season.
Contracts will bo entered into
with farmers to produco vegetables
for canning, and small and troo
fruits will bo tnkon caro of nt their
Location of Panama Fair to Be
Determined Next Week
By Body.
Impression Is That San Fran
cisco Will Hold One Even
If Beaten.
Congress will tuko tho first voto
on deciding whether San Francisco
or New Orleans will securo tho Pana
mn Exposition In 1915 next Tuesday.
TIiIb was tho Information brought by,
II. M. Hydo who has Just arrived In
via Drain.
This was tho llrst Information con-
corning tho mattor In which thoro In
Intonso Interest locnlly slnco tho last
press dispatches In Tho Times.
Yesterday was devoted to n furtlw
cr hearing of San Francisco's claims
and tho day previous to a furthor,
hearing of Now Orleans' claims.
Thoro appears to bo a general Im-
prcsslon thnt San Francisco will go
nhead nnd hold nn exposition wheth
er It Is chosen by tho government or
not. Of course tho Indorsement ot
tho government would monn a big
thlng but San Francisco would havo
tho support of nil tho western states.
Myrtlo Point. ... 2
North Bend. . . . 1
Coqullle 2
Bandon l
Marshfleld. ... 2
Tho Marshflold high school play
ers last night wore: forwards Stuts
man and C. Clarko; ccntor S.
Clarke; guardsBolt and Larson;
substitutes McCormac and Carlson.
Myrtle Point forwards Schneider
Reed; center "Wilson; guards
and Reed; conter "Wilson, guards
Brewer nnd Davenport.
commendation of the district engln- be started soon to have tho govern
or la necessary to secure tho ap
propriations," he said in substance.
"My experience of twenty-five years
'n the work has demonstrated this.
(Continued pn Pago 8.)
ment move the life saving station
from Its present location In the lower
bay to a point nearer the bar, It
has been suggested that it bo located
either on tho spit extending from the
north Jetty opposite tho mouth of
South Slough or on tho opposlto side
of the channel at Coos Head, which
Is moro protected than tho Spit.
It Is pointed out that at the pres
ent location, It would require a half
hour or so to got a life boat to where
It would likely to bo needed In case
of accident.
Members of Party,
Among tboso making tho trip
yesterday were:
F. E. Leefe, Judgo J. S. Coke,
C. R. Peck, Henry Sengstacken,
A, H. Powers, Claud Nasburg,
J. H. Flanagan, J. "W. Bennett,
I. S. Kaufman, E. A. Anderson,
Ivy Condron, Peter Loggle,
Dan E. Moloney, H. C, Dlers,
Capt. J. J. Reynolds, E. E. Straw,
C. S. Wlnsor, Capt. W. B. Olson,
Albort J. Mendel, C. J. MlIIIs.
Capt. O. M. Hansen,
Steamship Left This Morning
For Portland With Many
Tho Breakwater salledlfor Portland
this morning with a good sized
passenger list and considerable mis
cellaneous freight.
Among those sailing on tho Break
water were tho following:
C. E. Collins, II. B. Hall, Fred D.
Spear, J. J. Richardson, L. M. Estus,
J. E. Ellis, Mrs. J. E. Ellis, Mlko
Mntson, Fred Petoraon, John Horn,
C. M. Eborhart, J. J. Reynolds, H.
Gaddes, "W. H. Pullen, James Barlo
gl, C. F. Folsom, MrB. C. F. Folsom,
L. M. Jones, Fred Engllch, Frnnk W.
Smith, Sam Brackloy, Mrs. F. Hol
land, H. C. Olllmoro, A. Creo, A. Mc
Phoraon, II. S. Colomnn, Mra. Cara
Burns, Mrs. E. L. Bradley, A. "W.
"Welch, E. A. Carpentor, M. C. Win
ters, D. E. Prathor, A. E. Barr, John
Chapman, Inez Flagg, L. J. Simpson,
Mrs. L. J. Simpson, A. B. Zolglor,
E. J. Davenport, Ials Marsh, J. J.
Final Effort to Tow Stranded I w: "'tT1 Lb?"' J"!.u S
w.v. ...., I,.... I IWUIIIV, Utlll 11)1),
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 28. If
a married man leaves homo for
Vessel Off Will Be
Made Today.
According to Dave
Wllhelmlna, which went ashore a
week ago at the mouth of tho Ump
qua, was still fast far up on tho
beach yesterday. She had boen
driven a little further up. Capt.
Cornwall of the tug Gleaner had
made arrangements to mako the final
efforts to haul her back Jn on tho
high tldo today but few had any
hopes of Its being a success. If it
falls, tho plan Is to Immediately put
skis on her and try and pull her on
over Into "Winchester Bay, Instead of
letting her lie there the balance of
the" winter. So far, It is claimed that
tho damage to her has beon compara
tively small.
Steamship Arrived This Morn.
;n0 'from Eureka and teft
The AUIanco arrived In this morn
Ing from Eureka and saUod a fowl
hours intor for Portland. Sho waa
delayed by tho rough woathor. aoutli
of hero and also by a rough bar at
Eureka. Capt. 0. L. Thomson ia
endeavoring to mako up lost tlmo
and to got back on his regular sched
ule. Last Tuesday night, whon they
wore unablo to cross out horo, It Is
stated that Capt. Thomson hired a
hall in Empire and took all tho pas
sengers who bo dcslrod down and en
tortalnod them at an old fashlonod
dnnco. Tho Eureka Horald contain
ed almost a column about It.
Among thoBo coming horo from
Euroka on tho AUIanco wore MIsa B.
Robinson, W. Howo, L. II. Foaa and
Hnzol Matthews.
Among thoso rosorvlng passago
from horo to Portlnnd on tho AUIanco
woro tho following:
MIbs Mlnnlo Smith, Loona Baker,
W. I). Matthows, D, Dolasbutt, John
Chapman, Robert M. Baker, O. N".
Smith. A. McPherson, A. Creo, J. T.
Marshall, G. "W. Hoator. W. J. Slnt-
tory, D. "Wilde.
can't tell all about whoro thoy havo
been throughout tho day. If tho
should remain silent, as
a, husband
few hours a night, occa8lonally, might bo wlso on somo occasions, tho
should ho tell his wlfo Juat whoro
ho has been and mako a full report
of what was said and done? Tho
women who bring suite for dlvorco
in the circuit court bellevo ho should.
In practically overy petition filed
thero Is nn allegation by tho wife
about the husband staying out late
at least one night in their married
llfo whon he could not give n patls
factory account of himself when ho
returned. The Injured and Innocent
wlfo classes that as an Indignity.
Somo wives allege In their divorce
petitions thnt the husband couldn't
account satisfactorily as to his con
duct and whoreabouts either day or
Women who seek divorces aro aft
wlfo still has tho advantago in tho
dlvorco suit, becauso she will allego
ho refused to answer hor questions
about his whereabouts.
In a petition for dlvorco brought
recently In tho circuit court by Mln
nlo Leo against Don T. Leo, Mrs. Leo
alleged her husband frequently re
mained away late at night, "when ho
know It was against hor wish and
For ages tho wlfo has beon tho
ono who promised to oboy, but tho
"wish and deslro" of tho wlfo Is now
a command which must bo rockonod
with In tho dlvorco courts.
Tnko your SUNDAY DINNER nt
Tho CIIANDLKIt. Snoelnl mnnii.
, , -. .- .... ... ia
ioko uerman tough Cure for your;er tho men who do not stay at homo RESERVE tables for PARTIES by
cough RED CROSS Drug store. from dinner until breakfast and PHONE.
nriMiiiiiiiitwf-jtT rtrrftTTfflfiti fritifcm n"--'---"- ---v -. -.. ,&.,.,,..... , f gMUtitlkif
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