"7" rr i - t 7T "" t-t-t THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1911 l f 1 GIVES VIEWS ON WATERWORKS Edgar McDaniel of North Bend Sets Forth Situation As He Sees It. Edgar JIcDnnlol, editor of the .North Bond Ilnrbor nnd a member of tho Bpcclal committee of North Bond city council to endeavor to sc enro nn adequate water system for North Bond and Marshllold, makes tho following statement In his paper this week of tho situation: "That North llond Is as liol pious as a child os regards water pressure fire protection Is a fact that no one will dispute. Firemen Thursday night fought flro without water and succeeded too. A hose was at tached to one of tho hydrants that tho city pays tho Mnrsliflohl Water Co,, a monthly rontal of ?2C.r0 and not enough water could be had to throw n stream over a man's head. Tho salt water mains, with four big steam pumps on tho waterfront at tached at Intervals failed tho flro boys, and It was not until after tho big building had nearly burned down nnd two buildings on tho opposite sldo of tho street were nblazo thnt nressurc was raised sufficient to control the lire. 'lio system cost the city $S,000 to begin with and many largo sums of money have been expended for repairs on same since. It Is evident that something is wrong, all will agree to that. Ex pert advice lovoals that tho salt water system la faulty but not so seriously so but It can bo remedied. We need no export advice to bo con vinced that tho Mnrshflold Water company cannot be of benefit with out an entire rc-lnstallatlon. hat are the people going to do nbout this? We nro one of tho many citi zens who do not propose to sit Idly by and see our town burn up. taking chances of having every penny's worth of property wo own dostroyed. "We linvo been convinced that these conditions can bo reinodlod for nil time to come and wo are going to see Hint tho peoplo liavo an op portunity of each saying for himself whether or not they shnll bo romo- dled." tho Plant today for Stockton, Cal., where they will spend a month with NORTH REND NEWS. C. M. Byler nnd family leave on 3da will relatives and friends Mr. J. F. Evans of California, n roclstered nharmncist, has accepted a position with the North Uend Drug compnny. A. J. Davis has moved his stock of general meichnndlso from his building which wns dnmnged by flro Friday to tho building ocruplcd by the Frey store. Supt. Hnab jins secured President ICertv of the ; Oregtfn Agricultural College at Corvallls to deliver the commencement address of tho North Hend schools this year. W. II. Klbler hns boon acting as night watch In tho Reynolds mill. Mayor and Mrs. L. ,T. Simpson plan to lenvo Saturday for Portland where they will spend n few days with friends and lntor go to Snn Francls co where they will mako relatives a two weeks visit. NOTICE. I SPKAV PUMPS at MIIjNER'S. Tho pnrty who took Algers' row boat No. .", North Rend, Is known. If snnio Isn't returned-to owner im mediately tho guilty party will bo prosecuted full extent of tho law. FIRE SALE! Monday, January 30th, 1911 A. J. DAVIS WILT, OFjrail HIS STOCK OV Shoes, Hats, Caps and Dry Goods At reduced prices. The goods are not dnniiigod by heat, smoke, or water, but some are soiled ard the boxes are gone. At Frey's Old Store, North Bend, Ore. People Use Electric Flat Irons the Year Round ,( s They arc equally as convenient in fall and winter as they are in the hot weather. There may be less discomfort from kitchen fires, to be sure, but the electric flat iron has many other advantages than saving heat. They save drudgery. They save footsteps between ironing board and stove. They never need changing. They are always clean and uniformly -hot ready at your elbow. ! " Thousands of Women' use them who prefer to iron little things themselves ir? their own room, or elsewhere, on short notice. An elec tric iron once tried is never afterward disnensed with. Why not try one yourself. Ask us for particulars. LkL "WfcW Oregon Power Company OneThird Off on Overcoats and Raincoats SEE WINDOW DISPLAY $30,00 Coats Now, $20.00 $25,00 Coats . Now $16.65 $20,00 Coats Now $13.35 $18,00 Coats Now $12.00 $15,00 Coats Now $10.00 $12,00 Coats Now $8.00 Remember we do not carry merchandise over from one season to another, These Prices Apply on All Winter Suits As Well Assortments and sizes are being broken It is up to you to come eaily, Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. MAl?SimEL"D-"MONIir TALKS"-13 ANDON Good Evening HAVE YOU ANY LAUN)nY? & If bo, do not form that this , HIE laundry haro you Bot th ' work, nnd prices nro every on!- rouch. Call up nnd 01,0 of th0 dH rs will call nnd explain nil ,uuu. !" you. All tolopbono cnlls nm ..,.... - . --.w iiuirir t running attended to, becniiBo vo nro wo wagons. OUJt GUARANTEE IS YOUR SAT. ISFAOTION. MARSHFIELD HANI) AND STLJ ;:nii7cy Urns., 1'rop. Vlinne 22og' FOR GOOD WORK Bring your clothes to iih. Clcanln? pressing nnd repairing n specialty' by experienced men. SntlsfnM.J gunruntced lllANCIIARD & nm, SON, South ItroiKhvny. "THE Fill END OF COOS HAY" STEAMER. ALLIANCE Connecting with tho orth Ilnnk rond at Portlnnd equipped with wireless. Will sail from Portlnnd for Coon nay nnd Eurekn, on n ten-day schedule, calling nt MarahflolJ both wnys. NORTH pacific steamship company. C. F. McGEORGE, Agent For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese nnd ice Coos Bay Ice ,& Cold Storage FREE DELIVERIES H A. M. nnd 2 P. M. Phono V.U3. j tit I 'taJJW.'T M : FLA Tko Ml STEAMER BREAKWATER Sails from Aln.swortli Dock, Poitlnntl, nt 8 P. M eicry Tuesday. Sails from Coos liny every Snitirdny nt service of tide. Reservations not bo held Inter than Frlt'ny noon, unless tickets nro purclinscd. L. H. KEATING, AGENT PHONE MAIN SS-Ij HOME LAND Co. Soo ub for InvostmontR on Coct Bay. Wo guarantee owner's price M bo our prlco. Phono 7IU Ufll Front St. STEAMER ML F. PLANT Sails for San Francisco every eight days. TICKETS RESERVED UP TO THE ARRIVAL OP THE SHIP RESERVATIONS WILTi HE CANCELLED AT THAT TIME Un' LESS TICKET IS I10UGIIT. F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshfield Ore 100 TRAP NESTED HAIIIIKD PLYMOUTH HOCKS. Our mntlngs have produced stand rd-bred specimens of exhlbltloa utility with reeorda of 212, 227,!!! egg In 3015 dnys. Bnby Chirks nnd Eggs for Hiitcliln( nook your orders now for sprbf ellvery. A fow cockorols froa heavy Inylng stock for J5. 00. Plymouth Plnec, Poultry Ynnli FHED. BACHMAN, Prop. fnrshfleld, Hox 185, Phono 2M THE FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo (Equipped u'lth WlrolosH) Will ninko regular trips cnrralnc imssPi,iroi ,....i f....ii.. i... Coos n,,y ! Snn Frnnclsco. All reoervntlons for iwssengers niado txt Alllnnco Dock, .Mairshllehl nnd Inter-Ocenn Tnuibn Co Vi"r ST 2r' ,w "' S',n F"-"- r Infonnntlon, 'phono I1.J or shs. Will snll for Snn Pedro 10 . ,., jIllim.y , tit Snn Frnuclhro both wnys. JXTEIt-OCEAN THANSPOUTATION COMPANY j Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO AND JOSSON CEMENT. ine oest Domestic nnd Imported brnnds Plaster, Llino, Brick and all klnaa of bulldera material. OFFICI HUGH McLAIN , GENERAL CONTRACTOR B. SOUTH BROADWAY. PHONE 201. Coal Cheapest Fuel on Coos Bay Lump caul ?J.r0. Nut conl $3.00. Wo do nil kinds of hauling, nd contracting. Horaea nnd vohlclesfor salo. For quick delivery call on L. H. HEISNER or phono 120-J or 49-L. SEE FHIZEEN f you want to got In on somo of tin est real estato bargains on tho Bar Also if you want tho best Insur ance at tho best ratos. AUGUST FHIZEEN. 08 Central Ave. MarshMd, Ore. LIBBY COAL I havo secured tho last two months' run of tho high grndo coal fron tho old Llbby mlno nnd nm able tO' soil nnd dollvor It now for J?.T l'KIV 1'ON. Send In your orders nt once. Ordors promptly fillet. Romonibcr I nm still giving the best I Ivory sorvlco possible W. L. CONDRON'S LIVEHY AND FEED STABLES PHONE 27iI-J. Coos Bay-Roseburg Stace Line Dally stage betv, eeu7 Hoseburg and Mnrs&d. Sago?evea dU " d Sunday nt 7 p. in. Fare, $0.00. Uy nd OTTO SnilCTTER, Agent, "ai " "rsiineia. n p ninvinn Agent. ROSEmma. ORX. PHONE 11 f Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono U121. JH. G. W. LESLIE, OrndlintO of tho Amnrlrnn Rnhoo! l Osteopathy at Klrksvillo, Mo. Offlc- n Eldorado Blk. Hours 9 to 12; H" ; Phono 1G1-J; Marshfield; Oregon, j - 1 Your Sunday Roast Wo havo It ready for you. DR. J. W. INGRAM, Physician nnd Sorgoon. 209-210 rnira nnlMInc Phones: Ofllco 1C2J; Residence M'M J. W. BENNETT, Lawyer. Ofllco over Flanagan & Bennett Baa AJarsnneld, Orego8- Sweet and Juicy. "AST BEEF ROAST MUTTON UOAST PORK Union Meat Market Phono Us Your Order, - .... uln. WfAL S. TURPEN, " Architect, - w yu, 0.ver Qhqmber of Commerce. ,