K "rmjMm FIWBrmiMp,i"llWfilll IHWiWVWJflWl' ' pW"V -.rwy sbo' Jpi'MJp.-r 'V .T. IT THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1911 31 Personal Notes -Mili-to-Man Clothier" li'llllillLlLUlIllP lWJL JWL ...IMi' ill YtfiamTa!M'$itimrs:i raSffSfSt&nQ: 1WSM tBTO.V4 ..11 tUAU UiittiMLXti January Woolen Goods Sale jmfmli ft Men's Clothing $30.00 Suits mid Overcoats $21 .85 $25.00 Suits and Overcoats 1 9.85 $22.50 Suits and Overcoats 6.85 $20.00 Suits and Overcoats 14.85 $17.50 Suits and Overcoats 1 2.85 $15.00 Suits and Overcoats J J .85 Boy's Clothing $8.50 Suits and Overcoats $6.35 $7.50 Suits and Overcoats 5.65 $6.50 Suits and Overcoats 4.65 $5.00 Suits and Overcoats 3.85 $1.50 Suits and Overcoats 3.35 $11.50 Suits and Overcoats 2.65 L IF fSSB Lj3 ft r?3 SALE CLOSES TUESDAY, JANUARY .3 1ST linvm-irtTTrtln Marshficld Oregon The Woolen Mill Store Marshficld Oregon SI fuSffi MIMlS"M"'"to"Man cio""cr telSllSB til Arch Corn Remover A auro nnd prompt remedy for the painless roniovnl of corns. Just put a little on tho corn nnd the corn is ready to bo removed In n vory short time. You don't havo to limp nnd suffer. ARCH CORN REMOVER WILL DO THE WORK. PRICE li3 CENTS For Snlo nt "The Busy Corner" , Agents for (ho ARCH FAMILY REMEDIES. BRIEFS OK ItANDOX. XOT1CE. All Coos county warrants drawn on tho aenernl Fund nnd endorsed Vl'MH of Clty-by-tho-Son An Told By prior to October 1, 1909, will bo 'lllu HKlf. pnld on presentation nt my olllco In T. I). Pruett, who had tho contract Coqulllo, Oregon. No Interest will for supplying logs for tho Aberdeen bo allowed on nny of tho warrants mill, hns Just llulHhcd tho same. Mr. aftor January 28, 1911. Pruett will glvo up logging to pros Dated this 27th day of January, pect on his plnco nt Boar Crook. 1911. T. M. DIMMICIC, County Treasurer. AX HANDLES direct from Arkan sas at MILKER'S. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. Our Saturday Market Basket Is well filled with tho Rest of Puro Foods. Just received a shipment of freshCOOKIES you know tho kind, on tho 8to(lmor Plant. .HICHELIEU CODFISH PRESSED FIGS, LAYER RAISINS PICKLED PIGS FEET HOME MADE KRAUT LARGE QUEEN OLIVES RIPE OLIVES IN nULK SWEET, SOUR and DILL PICKLES In bulk. Wo still havo tho best POTATOES on Coos nny, raised In High Sandy "Soil. Always FRESH EGGS nnd nUTTER Our I.ht of Fresh Fruits mill Veget ables for Saturday. FHKSH VKGETAIILKS FRESH LETTUCE CELERY, CAULIFLOWER, SWEET POTATOES, TURNIPS, PURE HONEY IN COMR GREEN' ONIONS, CARROTS, BEETS. PARSNIPS, RUTABAGAS, CABBAGE. CRANBERRIES. FilESlI TOMATOES, FRESH COOS BAY LETTUCE also HEAD LETTUCE. FRESH FRUITS BANANAS LEMONS ORANGES 50c, -10c, 30c and 25c per dozon. JAP ORANGES 10c nnd 20c per doz. APPLES nnd FRESH COCOANUTS. All kinds of FRESH DRIED FRUITS. Wo also havo tho best selected lino of CANNED GOODS nt tho most reasonable prices. Phono Your Order. FOR SALE HO Acres of land Milt able for general or truck farming. Will soil all or part. Partly Im- Mejvln Willis, tho 11-months-old son of J. E. Willis, dlod yestorday nt S.00 a. m. It is nil tho moro snd ns tho family came hero from Port land only nbout a weok ngo nnd tho llttlo child wns then nppnrently well. Wo nro plonsed to announco that Ed. Perdue, who n week ngo met with nn accident, breaking his log whllo working at Johnson's mill, Is getting nlong vory nicely. xotici: to dog owners. provod. Good wntor. Deal direct Notleo Is heroby given that nil dogs with ownor. For a fow days only, in Marshflold on which tho Uconso Is Address 'X' caro Tlmos. j not pnld on or boforo Fobrunry 6, 1911, will bo taken up nnd $1 pen FOR THAT CnriK't mid window nlty ddcd to tho rogulnr Uconso. In cleaning, floor polishing, otc, callcaso this Is not promptly paid, tho up A. Landles, phono S-J Resl- wnrrnnts will bo sworn out for tfio donco phono 3127. ownors and tho penalty imposod. - Ownors of dogs nro kindly requost- 1HG MONEY Wo want mi ngent hi P(l to comply nnd avoid futiiro trou- ovory town; sniary anu commis- i,i0 J. W. CARTER, City Mnrshal. Dated, Marshflold, Oregon, Janu ary 20, 1911. slou; references required; for full particulars, address subscription Dopt., NATIONAL SPORTSMAN, Inc., 7B Federal St., Boston, Mass. Ollivant & Weaver PURE FOOD GROCER YMEX A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE Phone -275- Try Our red RiBuox Cnrnpr Srrl JSTARD PUMPKIN " il U. and Central -- Avenue CUST, One Can Makes Three Pies at D conts per Pie, Nothing Botter. Coos Bay Steam Laundry PROMPT SERVICE SATISFACTORY WORK REASONABLE PRICES OUR WORK WILL PLEASE YOU. Phono Main 57-J mid a wagon will cnll. Mnrshfleld Oregon Electric lamps suited for every purpose. For tho home, Offlco, Launches, Automobile, Miniature Flash Light Colored Lamps for dec orative purposes for salo or rent. Open until 0:30 o'clock week days; Saturday until 9:00 P. M. Phono your oidcrb for delivery. Coos Bay Wiring Co. rilONE 237-J. -ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE WANTED TO EXCHANGE Thor oughly modern bungalow, llvo rooms, bath, pantry, closot, etc. for vacant property or ranch. I. S. Kaufman & Co. Just Arrived n noV nnd complcto lino of LOST Information for return of n doublo end skiff decked foro nnd , j att., is ft. long. A liberal reward WHIPS Whalebone Seal Hide Raw hide mid Muggy Whlp. Vulcanized rawhide on it whins, dron ton oxnress by 11. A. Church, Marshflold. Oro. whM ,omlo( mako whpB 8tock8 " TTrrrT" : and lashes. A comploto stock of FOR RENT F.irnW.ed npartnient ',.,. ,., ... 41l raM. im -i. v.viimiii, ... ..v ...uu ,...u ...- ways on hand. Repairing n specialty. E. L. HOPSON Corner Front nnd Central LOCAL TI.MPEUATl RE PORT. RE- For twenty-four hours ondlng nt 4-43 p. m., .Inn. JIG, by Mrs. E. Mlugus, Bpeclnl govemmont moteorologlcnl observer: Maximum Minimum At 4:43 p. in Precipitation Wind Southwest; rnln. 3S 32 38 .97 Other OlIU'fiN. Tho Marshflold lire department has oloctod Jack Dn is president for tho ensuing year, Will Longstnff wrretnry nnd Jns. Cowan treasurer. Factory ltii"y. II. C. Kmrnn ro imrt that he Is gottlug n good run of luminous for the broom handle factory which he li running In tho old Ktnvo mill at I'erudnlo. Buyx Lllicil'. Tho Smith-Powers Logging company has bought the stenmer Llborty from J. C. Orny, representing n number of claim holders ngalnst tho boat. Tho vossel was hid In for $l,rir0 nnd It Is ex pected this will pay nbout novonty Ilvo cents on tho dollar. Emiiiis Ne,t Week. Through un orror, It wnH Btated tho Hrst semester examinations In tho Murshfleld pub lic schools wore to bo hold this weok. They will open next Wednesday and continue tho bnlauco of the week. Tho North Bend school examinations woro hold this week. DR, HORSPALL left this morning for Bnndou. C. W. McKELLlPS of North Bend, is n Marshflold business visitor today. GEORGE IIADSIIEDY and wlfo will leave on tho Redondo for San Francisco. ENOCH HOLMBERG, returned from Denver, Colo., whore ho spent tho' Clulstmas holidays. J. R. SMITH returned to North Bend today aftor a brief business visit in Mnrshflold. MRS. T. J. MAGENN enmo up from Empire yoatcrdny to visit Cnpt. Magnnu nnd friends here. MRS. A. R. SEARS has boon confin ed to hor homo tho Inst fow days by an attack of In grlppo. MRS. J. W. INGRAM will ontortnln the Bridge chili at hor homo, G22 S. 10th St., next Wednesdny nft-omoon. B. U. 110LCOMB of Ton Mile, wnH a Marshflold visitor this week. Ho will mnke n trip down the const as far ns Kurokn soon. A. G. THRIFT of Bnndon la In tho city on. business nnd wns a guost on the excursion down tho Bay given In honor of MnJ. Morrow. Ih Bankrupt. Notices havo boon received hero that Jus. W. Duncan, formerly of tho North Bend Furni ture company, hnu been duly ndju dlcnted n bankrupt In tho fcdornl court nt Portland. Tho first meet ing of his creditors will bo hold Jan uary 20. Duncan loft Coos Bny somo tlmo ngo. MRS. G. W. HEATH from Crooks ton, Minn., mot Mrs. Geo. F. Mu roll In Los Angeles nnd has re turned to Mhrshfleld with hor, She will visit hero for about two months. Enforce Collection. Mnrshal Car tor Ib arranging to onforco tho collec tion of tho Marshflold dog licenses, So fnr, owners of only nbout fifty dogs havo pnld tho Uconso this year. Ho has .decided to glvo them a llt tlo moro grnco In which to pay nnd If not settled thon, thoy will bo pon-nllzcd. (Jo to Valley. Tho MnrHhflold high school bnBkot ball team goes to Coqulllo this afternoon to piny tho Coqulllo high school team this eve nlng. Tho games with tho other val ley teams will bo played lntor, It be lug decided to mnko two or throo trips on Fridays, theroby reducing tho amount of tlmo the mombors of tho team will be nbsont from school. MILK CANS at MILNER'S. SEWING MACHINES nt .MILNER'S. COOKED FOOD SALE nt Lowls' SATURDAY from 1 to G P. M. by Ladles of tho BAPTIST church. BUTTER AND EGGS DOWN. In O'Connoll building. Phono No. 113-L. WANTED Energetic young man re siding In Marshflold to act as our local agent, taking orders from dealers thoro for fruits and pro duce on commission basis. Wrlto to Pngo & Son, Portlnnd. FOR SALE Ki'fctniirmit In Ilniidon, host location, reasonable rent, at n bargain, Address Miss A. A. King, Bnndon, Oregon. PERMANENT POSITION For locnl man; must bo hustler; experience not necessary; good wages. Writo Safety & Economy Damper Co., 440 Sherlock Bldg., Portland, Oro. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, Phono 49-L. FOR SALE Three homestead relin quishments, wrlto Box 253 Co qulllo, Oregon. FOR SALE Cheap, 100 acres tim ber land in Curry county. Apply Hall & Hall. COOS BAY LIVERY Wo havo secured tho livery busi ness of L, II. Holsucr and nro pre pared to render oxcellont service tc tho people of Coos Bay, Careful drivers, good rigs and everything that will mean satisfactory sorvlce to tho public. Pjiono us for a driving horse, n rig or anything needed In tho livery lino. Wo nlso do a trucking business of all kinds. BLANCIIARD BROTHERS. Livery, Feed mid Sales Service. 141 First nnd Alder Streets. Phono 138-J Turkish Baths 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 214-J ? F. S. Dow AnnoiincoK Reduction In Price of Those Articles. F. S. Dow announced this morning Hint huttor nnd eggs, tho prices of both of which havo been soaring In flying mnchluo mnuner took n tum ble, Buttor Is down 10 conts on n two poudn Bqunro and eggs nro on o cents per dozon, buttor being quoted 70 cents Instead of S5 conts " 1 eggs 35 conts Instend of 40 cents. YOUR BREAKFAST TABLE Can bo Plentifully Supplied from our Suporlor lino of Bronkfust Foods. , Read this List: OATMEAL VIOLET OATS STEEL CUT OATMEAL OATMEAL IN BULK COLUMBIA OATS, PACKAGE AND IN BULK. WHEAT FOODS Cream or Wheat, Pearls of Wheat, Germea, Columbia Wheat Flakes In package and bulk. Dr. Prlco's Wheat Flakes (celorled), Albor's Bros. Clacked Wheat, Shrodded Wheat, Post Toastlos, Grapo Nuts, Kollogg's Corn Flakes, Force. Cook's Grocery FhoaelSO tfor yow Sunday Dinner. MASONIC OPERA HOUSE. Mr. Wm. F. Bornoll tho now man ager of tho Masonic Opora Houso, takes prldo In saying, that ho has ono of tho prettlost llttlo play Iioubos on tho Pacific coast. Mr. Bornoll Is n man who wants tho best money can buy. Ho asks no ono to do nnythlng thnt ho wont do hlmsolf. If necessary ho can tako a, brush and paint sconory, or help lay carpot, or play with tho orches tra. Mr. Bornoll was with John Philip Sousa for six years playing first cor net solo, thoroforo ho Ib a groat lovor of music, nnd ono of the features of tho Mnsonlc will bo tho soven pleco nrchostrn. Tho story of "Tho Battlo" donls with tho building of n rnllrond. A cortaln portion of Alleno Houston's laud has been condemned for right of wny. Sho rofusoH to lot tho Rnll rond cross hor land nnd thon thoy try to buy her off, but to no nvnll. Hor lovor litis been solectod ns tho ono to build tho road, nnd whon sho learns this, they at onco bocomo cnomlcs. Tho third net shows whoro tho railroad has reached hor fonco and nro nbout to cross whon Alleno nnd hor cowboys thy to stop them. Tho foreman of tho Rnnch hns been wounded nnd brought to whoro thoy nro working. Ho fires upon Ashby, tho Euglneor, of tho rond nnd wounds him and thou dies hlmsolf. Alleno Houston nnd hor cowboys finish tho road. Ashby recovers nnd nil ends well. Tho Lndles of tho Bnptlst church will hold n COOKED Food SALE SATURDAY afternoon nt LEWIS'. Hnvo MILNER do INfl nnd TINNING. your PLUMB- For Your Sunday Dinner Hero nro somo suggestions thnt may help you you know our qual ity. VEGETABLES CELERY LETTUCE CARROTS TURNIPS RUTABAGAS SWEET POTATOES CABBAGE FRESH PINEAPPLES ORANGES BALDWIN AND BELLFLOWER APPLES CRANBERRIES All kinds of canned VEGETABLES. THE FAMOUS H. B. Table Fruits at 25 Cents por can. The Bazar HOUSE OF QUALITY. Phone 8S-J In Vi mimiiiiiimtMkim ml HIM!! i ii n mMimyimftnirjjfe. . - tiriMB uvAi-.. . ..AftMIJifcata