jr" OIocb ag l$mt& ADS. NEWS WHEN BUSINESS IS SLOW, Al VERTISE. THAT IT PAYS IS EVI DENCED V SUCCESSFUL HUSI NESS HOUSES EVERYWHERE :: GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW HY READING THE COOS MAY TIMR8. ALL THE NEWS ALu TUB TIME TERSELY '1 OLD t: :: :: :: ti MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Established lit 1878 iih The Coast Mall VOL. XXXIV. MARSHFIELD,OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mail and Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 8. LUES Longshoremen Force Alliance Warehouse Doors and Take Freight. POLICEMAN AT NORTH BEND IS OVERWHELMED Breakwater, Alliance and Manager Bergman of Gar diner In Mixup. What threatened o develop Into a small Blzod riot nt North Bond Sat urday afternoon passed over for tho time being a a a result of u force of longshoremen overwhelming Marshal llnrnea who wub trying to prevent the taking of snlmou from the Alli ance warehouse for shipment on tho Drenkwntor. Tho door of tho ware house was forced after Agent Painter of tho Alliance had locked It and tho ttnlmon taken aboard tho Break water. Tho clash resulted from rivalry be tween tho two steamship lines for business nnd of courso each side has a different version of It. Tho mat ter will probably be threshed out In tho courts. It BooniB that Agent C. F. McGeor go of the Alllanco arranged to han dle tho salmon pack of tho Coopera tive Cannery at Gardiner. Ilelng un able to got any bont In or out, Man ager Carl Bcrgmnn of the Coopera tive contracted with him for tho ship ment from Gnrdlnor to Astoria. Mr. McGeorgo chartered tiro schooner Wllhclmlnn to carry tho salmon from Gardiner to Coos Bny and from hero It was to bo taken to Astoria on tho Alllanco. Owing to tho rough weather, tho shipment had been delayed and be sides this, the recent accident to the Alllanco delayed It still more Part of tho shipment was brought down by tho Wllhclmlnn last wcok, nnd placed In tho Alllanco warehouso at North Bond to await tho arrival of tho Alllanco today for reshlpment. Meanwhile Managor Bergman was getting anxious to got tho salmon to Astoria bo ho arranged for tho Breakwater to toko It out. The Breakwater and Alliance agents clashed about It, Agent Mc Georgo refusing to turn It over to the Breakwater on tho ground that he had handled It part wny, that it was routed over his line nnd that Mr. Bergman had no right to chango the routing except on notice from W. E. Tallant of Astoria, tho consi gnee. Supt. Miller of tho Breakwater says ho was not going to attempt to tako tho salmon until Saturday noon when Mr. Bergman arrived from Gar diner nnd Insisted that It go on tho Breakwater. Agent Painter nt North Bend - fused to turn it over nnd locked tho warehouso doors to provont tho long shoromen taking It. Acting, It Is clnlmed, on Mr. Bergmnn's orders, tho longshoremen forced tho lock on tho door and proceeded to carry tho salmon aboard tho Breakwater. Then Agent Painter called Marshal Barnes and tho oJllcer ordered them to desist but they would not heed him nnd nil tho salmon there was put aboard tho Breakwater. Agent McGeorgo hns taken tho matter up with C. P. Doe who Is operating tho Alllanco nnd the mat ter will be taken up In tho courts. Mr. Doo has further notified Agent McGeorgo to secure sufficient men to overwhelm nny possible further at tempts of the kind and tho matter may develop Into n serious freight war. ALLIANCE IN TODAY. Steamship Arrives From Portland After Good Trip. The Alliance, which hns been on dry-dock nt Portland for tho last I fpw weeks undergoing renalrs and "I'e-atlons, arrived here this morn 'ng after a good trip from Portland STEAMSHIP WAR OVER III LIVELY M I HU IN MEUATTL E Diaz's Troops Reported to Have Lost Heavily In Con Test Last Week. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PRESIDIO, Tex., Jan. 23. That fully ono hundred government troops were killed In n fight two days ago at Ojlnagl wns tho report received hero ,todny. It wns stated that tho heavy casualty list Is duo to an nmbiiBcndc. LIBBY HE IS Employers' Liability Law Given Given As One of Reasons For Doing It. Llbby mine nftor fifty-eight con secutive years of operation Is being closed down by tho Oregon ConI and Navigation compnny. This Is tho first time tho inlno hnB been comple tely closed down for any extensive tlmo since It was first opened up by tho late Patrick Flanngan. Pnt Hennessey, superintendent of tho mine, stated today that tho cloeo down wns principally on account of tho now employers' liability law in Oregon which works too grent a hardship on tho employors. Somo other causes entered Into It, but Mr. Hennessey did not want to discuss tho matter further for publication. Tho mine is not worked out, ho says, but still has plenty of coal. Goodall & Perkins nro going out of tho coal business entirely. Tho live stock, cars and tools of tho mine will bo sold off nnd the store at Llbby closed and the stock taken elsowhere. From nil appearances, It is not believed that tho mlno will bo re opened until tho Oregon Coal and Navigation company's holdings hore are sold. Just what effect tho closing of the mine will havo on tho steamship M. F. Plant Is not definitely known. It Is indirectly stated, though, that unless tho vessel 1b given sufllclent business between hore nnd San Francisco to warrant oporatlng her, sho will bo taken off this run. HOTEL FIRE IN IS One Dead and Five Seriously Hurt In Blaze at the Millard. OMAHA, Neb., Jan. 23. Ono man Is dead and five are In a serious condition from a disastrous flro ear ly today at tho Millard hotel. Three hundred guests were asleep when tho fire broke out. Many barely escaped. Thomas J. Fields of Sioux City died of suffocation. Tho prop erty loss Is ten thousand. Whllo sho had onlj4 a few passen gers for Coos Bay, se had a largo list for Eureka. Sho had a big cargo of freight for hero and the Coqulllo and Eureka. If sho Is able to dis charge her freight In tlmo, she will sail late this afternoon for Eurekn. If not, she will sail early tomorrow SVrfA AtA.. tiiJ! - 1 DM TWENTY CHINESE Trouble at Hankow Follows Shooting of Coolie by Brit ish Policeman Fear Furth er Trouble. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) HANKOW, China, Jan. 23. Am erican Consul General Robert Brent Mosher today requested his govern- CLAIMS BILL KILLED T y Measure for Reparation of War Depredations In South Is Knock Out. (By Assoclntcd Press to Coos Bnj Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Jon. 23. The omnibus clnlms bill, aggregating approximately three millions, em bracing reparation mostly for dam ages In tho south in connection with war doprcdatloiiB wns killed for this session by tho Houso Committee on clnlms today which aftor a subcom mittee investigated indefinitely .post poned tho action. BIG CASES TO BE United States Supreme Court Takes Vacation to Con sider Them. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON. D. C, Jan. 23. Tho Supromo Court of tho United States after announcing opinions noxt Monday will tako a recess until February 20. It Is belloved much of tho recess will bo spent considering tho arguments nnd preparing deci sions in tho Standard Oil, Amorlcan Tobacco and Corporation Tax cases. On tho theory Congress cannot confer Jurisdiction on tho Supremo Court of tho United Stntes for tho solo purposo of testing tho constitu tionality of a law, tho Suprome Court today declined to consider tho constitutionality of laws Increasing tho restrictions on tho salo and otherwise affecting Indian lands In Oklahoma. new excuse of flunks. (By Associated Press to Coos r Times.) UTICA, N. Y Jan. 23. An un usual number of "Fluuks" Is predict ed nt tho midwinter examinations of Cornoll becauso of lngrlppo and mumps being so prevalent. HAD FIUK AT ABERDEEN. Milwaukee DMslou OHIces Destroyed With $100,000 Loss. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) ABERDEEN, S. D., Jan. 23. The division headquarters of tho Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul here were destroyed by flro today. The loss Is $100,000. CHILD IIADLY BURNED. Mertio Mast, tho five-year-old daughter of Hardy Mast, of Lee, was badly burned by spilling the contents of a boiling coffee pot over herself last Saturday evening. A number of peoplo of that locality were spend ing the evening at the skating rink there, nnd whllo they wore prepar ing a luncheon tho llttlo girl mot with tho nccldent. Ono limb was qulto badly burned, but at last re ports she was getting along us well as could bo expected. Coqullle Her ald. u ..??J2 C KILLED IN IT mont to send n gunboat to this port , to protect American Interests In ovent of n contlnuntlon of the riot-, lug which occurred yesterday follow-, lug tho report that a coolie had been killed by n British pollccmnn. j German nnd British marines were Innded nnd twenty Chinese wero killed In tho rioting. Today foreign concessions nro protected by Chinese troops. T IN David Graham Phillips Assas sinated By Unknown Who Shoots Self. (By Assoclntcd Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, N. Y Jan. 23. David Grnlinm Phillips, tho novelist, wns shot and probably fatally wound ed near tho Princeton club this aft ernoon. Tho nuthor was shot by an uniden tified man whllo on hta way from his homo to tho Princeton club this nftcrnoon. His condition Is soriotiB. lie wns taken to Bollovuo hospital. His assnllant shot nnd killed himself. Hugh McLain Has Rough Ex perience Coming From Roseburg. Hugh McLain returned Saturday evening from Salem whore ho was In attendance nt tho Inauguration of Governor West as tho govornor's special guest. Mr. McLain had an experience on ills trip from Rosoburg to Coos Bay by way of Sumner on tho old Coos Bny wagon road that makes him more than over an enthusiastic ad vocato of good roads. Ho left Rose burg at 1:30 Monday afternoon of last weok and spont tho entiro six days reaching this city ovor somo ot tho worst roads ho thinks theronro In tho country. Tho rond Is good nnd bad In spots and It Is theso spots that dot tho highway with do lay and danger. Tho wholo road Is a horrlblo example of lack of systom In tho mnnner of Its management. Mr. McLain stntes that closo observa tion of tho route convinces him that tho road could bo mado pnssablo In Coos county by an expenditure of $-10,000 and probnbly $20,000 In Douglas county. Mr. McLnln re gards It as the best Investment both counties could mnke to forward their Interests, Mr. McLain says In tho condition of tho road in somo sections that tho width of tho vehlclo tires has no ef fect for wheels with tires as brond as tho moral law would not bo of any value. What Is needed Is a plank road and systomatlc effort In that direction will bo tho only solu tion of a good all the year road. KEACIIES BAN FRANCISCO. A telegram received hero today announces that tho Nnnn Smith with tho Lakmo In tow reached San Fran cisco safely early Sunday morning. As yet, no word has been received as to what salvage the Nann Smith will receive for saving tho Lakmo. CAN'T AGREE ON PRICE. At a meeting of tho Mnrshflold sa loon proprietors yesterday, plans for Increasing tho prlco of boozo wore talked over. All tho liquor dealers with tho oxcoptlon of J. N. Burko of tho Coos Bay Beer Company, It Is said, favored the Increases to go Into effect February 1. Another meotlng will be hold Inter to deter mine what shall bo done. H WAGON ROAD IN BAD SHAPE THOUSANDS OE TELEGRAMS IDE UflTF RMVINR ! TO BE PROBED Illinois Grand Jury to Investi gate Alleged Fraud In Cannon Election. (By Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) DANVILLE, III., Jan. 23. Tho Vermillion county grand Jury will begin today an investigation ot the buying nnd selling of votes In the pnst elections chiefly tho general election Inst November In which Cannon, spenker of tho Houso of representatives was elected. FORMJEAGUE Insurgents In Congress Unite to Advance Popular Government. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 23. Tho organization of n Republican Progressive Leaguo by tho "Progres sive" Republican senators, represen tatives, governors nnd others, nn or ganization which shall seek to light for tho establishment of popular government, was announced hero to day. Tho plans for tho new leaguo which has been underway since tho assembling of Congress wore con cluded nt a meeting hero Saturday night when tho declaration of prin ciples was signed, tho constitution adopted and tho following officers elocted; President Sonator Jonathan Bourno of Oregon. FIrso vice-president Represen tative Norrls of Nebraska. Second vlco-presldent Governor Charles Osborn of Michigan. Tronsuror Charles Crane of Chi cago. Executlvo committee Senator Clap of Minnesotn, Senator Brlstow of Kansas, Ropresontnttvo Hubbard of Iown, Representative Lenroot of Wisconsin, Representative-elect Kent of California, Clifford Plnchot, Geor ge Record of Now Jersoy, nnd tho president, vice-president nnd treas urer. Tho declaration of principles says tho organization hns for Its ob ject tho promotion of popular gov ornmont nnd legislation. Telephone Wire to Gardiner Down and News Can't Be Obtained. Tho long distance phuiio wire be tween Gardiner and Coos Bay has been down Blnco previous to Satur day and consequently no word could bo obtained from there relatlvo to tho oxtent of tho Wllhclmlnn nccl dent. The first nows obtainable will bo when tho Drain Btngo lino boat ar rives lato this afternoon. Many nro Inclined to bollevo that ovon though bIio wont aground on tho South Spit as roported. sho would get off without serious damage, as sho wan without cargo. NO WORD FROM MLHELM1 F OF 'FRISCO Oregon Business Men and Commercial Organizations Unite In Effort. APPEAL TO PRESIDENT AND THE CONGRESSMEN Special Wire Will Be Kept Busy For Thirty-Six Hours With Messages. (By Assoclntcd Press to Coos Bny Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., Jnn. 23. A leased wire estnbllBhod by tho West ern Union direct from Portland tc tho White Houso Is being freighted today with messages to President Tnft requesting recognition of San Francisco for the site ot tho Pnnnma Canal exposition. From nil tho lead ing commercial organizations Im Portland, from ninny loading citi zens of tho city nnd from nil tho conrmcrclnl bodies In tho Oregon De velopment League, numbering 120 associations, and from fraternal so cieties and mercantile firms, mes sages aro pouring in upon Prcstdont Tnft requesting thnt ho uso his In fluence to Bocuro tho exposition for Snn Francisco In 1915. This torrent of telegrams will not ccaBo for at least 3G hours. This campaign oa tho pnrt of Oregon cltlzous and com mercial organizations Is snld to bo tho most oxtonslvo and unique ovor conducted for nny promotion purposo In this country. Tho campaign of Portland nnd Oregon does stop with requests to tho President nnd to Oro gon delegation In Washington, but also Involves sending thousands of messages by Portland and Oregon business firms to buslnoss men and their correspondents and representa tives from many states asking thorn to glvo their asslstanco to tho causo, through legislative and other chan nels. SEATTLK ALSO HELPS. Business Men There Rend Message to President mid Congressmen. (By Associated Press to Coot Bay Times.) SEATTLE, Wash, Jan. 23. A groat number of telegraphic mes sages woro sent from Sonttlo today to Prealdont Taft urging him to ubo his Influenco In tho Bottloment ot tho exposition matter on brond busi ness lines. Messages woro also sent by buslnoss men nnd organizations to congressmen nnd senators asking that San Francisco bo chosen ns the convention city. STEEL TRUST IS TAKEN OP Investigation of Great Combine Is Asked By Resolution In Congress. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 23. Declnrlng that tho steel ludustry has passed from the hands ot those who developod It Into tho hands of thoao who practice dubious acts by which tho law 1b violated and tho public exploited, Representative Stnnloy of Kentucky urged tho rules commltteo of tho Houbq today to approve hla resolution calling for an Investiga tion of tho so-called steol trust. SHOOTS GIRL AND SELF. Baltimore Mini Commits Double- i Crime. (By Associated Press to C903 Bay Times.) BALTIMORE, Md., Jan. 23. Mat . tie Hnndlnls was shot and ktllod hero today by Herman Enzo who then 'shot himself with fatal offect. Vi .V i