THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1911 CATALOG nEADV TO MAIL! a t.,.1.i(nftli Wt "i . ? V.... Illtl rrnn ilrnanill bOOD teed lend for tW Catalog st the bell. Wnio now 10 in S. H. LILLY CO., Seattle, Wn. I o,ocCKi5v XaU nEADV to mail! S$$$$$Sro s5ssgjjsji' '":$$S?.i?y;-...-. -sg" , & - l N i 1 I 1 lum Pudding nml Fruit Cake EAro mntlo nftcr u private Gor innn recipe nnd contain noth ing but tho very best material. ri'hcy nro hotter than homo nintlc. If you don't bollovo It ly one for your Now Year's Mlniicr. Coos Bay Bakery iniE PLACE FOR GOODIES. IL IUPPLIES s io Coos Bay Oil and Eupplj pony under tho management ol Flanagan will contlnuo to linn- tho Union Oil Company's gnao dlstlllato, benzlno and coal ol iclr oil Iioubo across tho Day tc placo they havo moved tholi Phono 302. ADD, HUNT and Co. (TRACTORS AM) BUILDERS. II kinds of repairs nml hhop work ppllr attended to nml neatly done. Phono 1C1X. hen you hnvo n cold get n hot f Chnraberlnln's Cough Remedy. Ill soon fix you up all right and ward off any tendency toward monln. This remedy contains plum or other narcotic and may iven as confidently to 'a baby an m nauu. Bold by all dealers. Comfortable Shaving A well-known business man in this city recently said: "You 'will never appreciate the comfort and safety in shaving yourself 'till you do so ncaththe clear white light of a General Electric Mazda Lamp." "I have discovered that this wonderful lamp costs less to use than the ordinary carbon incandescent; that it gives twice the light; and that the quality of light is far superior the nearest approach to actual daylight." The experience of this man has been the experience of thousands. They have found that this wonderful new iuujjj uiitjuiciu me nomc nice sunsmnc. Now what wc want you to do is this: Come in for a moment today nnd give us the chance to prove to your absolute satisfaction that if you are not now enjoying the untold advantages of electric light, there is no longer a possi ble excuse for vou not to. The General Electric Mazda Lamp has made electric light as cheap ash is conveni ent Your call today puts you under no obligation what ever, and is bound to result in ultimate profit to you. I Be Careful to lee that ihr fftmntlt C.F. mniuinim U r i w ''" " " NtVHWQtMtN every eicctnc mop you touy. I V K v JB& i wx- jr a Pf mi mr jM '- L' S HOE A Bit Different No. 2282 Gun Metal I CidJ Supported Arch "Autocrat" Ltit No. 22B2. An l-nprovrd Coir fort tlioo cf dull cnlWdn A teal arch built between Ida olej under your Initrp tup porn mo weak loot borrnt and rclicvrt tlni! foot. A "Senate" thoa that i loallicr lined. PETER CLAUSEN. Front Street Miirslilleld A POETKSS OK PASSION 'k OREGON POWER. CO. II m JL ViPtV i&M , Cms . A CUAN.WWl . 'J' COAL CJL "AATh 'A.'i Air. MP I v W A? 6 - s SrfflDfi) CTusv JSCflR. TV 7iWV2 XV 73nnrtrt might Immortnllzo our fhao Uiundry work In vorwo, after nome of her deli cate llngorlc had boon dono up here. Hut tho mon would not get in n passion, list ho rnthor soothed at Uio Blglft Kit their linen returned from our irp-to-dato laundry. We use tlio utmost enro "with each gar ment, thoroughly elennso and Iron It, nntl return It lotfklug Bpollcssty ImTtinctilirto. 1'OOH HAY HTKAM TjAUXIiIIY TBIOXR IATX R7-.7. E fiGUAXZ 'M -n t:a& -r OxMMZii a ,' 'ii y i i Tho past has proven that Investments In croall aero tracts near growing cities aro tho most profitable. The C. D. R. 8. has buch to offer. 'Okas. J Druschko, Marshflold, Ore. f If You tVEIUJ TO ASK ANY BIERCHAXT, AXY ADVERTISER niG OR TATTLE) WHAT PAPER TO USE TO COVER- COOS COUNTY AX11 PRODUCE RESULTS, TlIE ItEPLY UXDOUUTEDLX. WOULD HE USE THE TIMES It's absoluto pre-emlnency In this field Is uriQuestloned. BEST FOR ADVERTISER. BEST FOR THE HOME It blazes the way for others to follow. PHONE YOOR WANTS Courteous clerks to fulfill your wishes. The Coos Bay Times 133 -J COOS BAY LIVERY Wo hnvo secured tho livery busi ness of L. II. HcIsDor nnd nro pto wirod to render cxcellont service to flio pcordo of Cooa Dny. Cnrctul flTlvors, good rigs and everything Mat wIIl mean satisfactory eervleo to lino public. Phono us for a driving 'liorso, a rig or anything ncedefl Id tSio livery line. Wo also do a Crocking business of alt kinds. MLVrcCirAHI) tJDROTIIXRS. lilvcry, Ftctl und Sales Scrvlco. 141 First and Aldor Streets. Phone 138-J 8EE FZMZEEX It O'ou vvinnt to get I in on some of ttio tmt rottl stato bnrsalns on the Day Also HI you want tho best Inoar- imao -at !ho best nrlcs. AUGUST FRIZEEN, B 'Centra? A vo. Mnrshmid.-Oro. Have'That Roof fixed NOW Sec CORTHELL Phone 31i!l. HOME LAND Co. &m ue 'tor InTesucenta oa Cooa Day. Wo guarantee owner's prlco to be osr prlee. i hoot iii. an JToni nt,i san'E MOXEY Dy having your old clothes prc&sej and cleaned. 3Iakea them look bet ter and wear longer. Satisfaction guaranteed. COOS HAY TAILORING CO. J. W. Jocephson, Wgr. i80 South Di'ooduny. Mnrsliflcld FOR GOOD WORK bring your clothes to us. Cleaning, pressing and repairing a specialty, by experienced mon. Satisfaction guia-anteod HLAXCHARD & DOD SOX, South Hroudwny. Turkish Baths 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 214-J NEW LIVERY Fancy new rigs, good horses nnd careful drivers are now at tho dis posal of the Coos Bay public at REASOXADLE RATES. Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip anywhere any time. Horses boarded and rigs cared for. New hearse and special accommo dations provided for funeral parties W. L. CONDRON'S Livery & Feed Stables SYNOPSIS OF TlIE COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS JANUARY JIM I TEltM. In Re Vacation Expenses November nnd December 11)10. OfllccrB salaries $1,073.31 Circuit court 1120.50 Indigent soldiers 120.00 Janitor S0.00 County bounty 127.00 Indigents 279. 00 State bounty. . .' 278.00 In Ho .luMlee nntl Coioner'N Courts. J. P. DlBt. Xo. 1. A. E. Sinister, making up Jury List ?3.00 J. V. Hudson, assisting making jury list 2.00 R. W. Marshall, assisting limit ing Jury list 2.00 J. P. Dlst. Xo. 2. Stnto vs. Kolloy. C. L. Ponnock, J. P. fees $ 1.75 J. W. Carter, mnklng arrest. . . 2.75 W. H. Cox, constnhlo 5.30 Mrs. Horsey Kroltzor, witness 1.70 Mrs. K. S. Unrgolt 1.70 Stnto vs. Wnllnco C. L. Ponnock, J. P. fcos. . . $ 1.00 Stnto vs. Morgan. C. L. Ponnock, J. P. fcos. . . .$3.70 J. P. Dlst. No. 3. Stnto vs. Elliott. E. O. I). Holdon, J. P. fees.. $10.05 John Illcknm, constable. . . . 3.00 ChaB. Hansen, witness 1.50 Clnii'lo Elliott, witness. . . t 1.50 Clydo Elliott, witness 1.50 S. L. Curry, witness 1.50 Stnto vs. Gorman. E. Q. D. Holdcu, J. P. fees. . .$4.25 Stnto vs. Jnnco. E. Q. D. Holdon, J. P. fees. . .$10.30 S. W. Johnson, countable fees 7. -10 Ed. Anderson, witness. . . . 2.00 A. McAdnms, witness 2.90 Joo Levis, witness 2.90 Paul lloytl, witness 2.90 Dan Urovluo, witness 2.90 J. P. Dlst, No. 5. Stnto vs. Endlcott nnd .Nosier. E. A. Dodgo, J. P. fees. . . .$3.55 Y1I. It. Corliln, constable fees 5.40 Mrs. S. S, Jeffries, witness... 5.7u Jonnlu Jeffries, witness. . . $5.70 J. M. Hrlstow, witness. . . . 3.70 S. 8. Joffrles, witness 5.70 Frank Meocnra, witness. . . 5.70 J. V, pist. No. Sfcrte vs. Barnes, aco. P. Topping, J. P. lees.. $9. 25 R. E. Gardner, constable lees. 2.70 A. Soabury, witness. . . , . 1.50 Jack Plumber, witness. . . . 1.50 J. B. Gross, witness 1.50 John Hill, "witness 1.50 J. M. Cross, witness. .... 1.50 Letta Dell, witness 1.50 B. D. Strnuhnl, witness. . . . 1.50 State vs. Hatdier. Geo. P. Topping, J. P. fees.. $7.10 E. M. Illackerby, constable foes 24. GO Bandon Livery stnble, 2 trips with team 18.00 -Stato vs. Asliton Geo. P. Tojping', J. P. Tees.. $4. 85 E. Boagrd, witness 4.20 II. K. Perkins, witness. . . . 3,50 F. M. Morgan, constable. . . 4,00 State vs. Maupen Geo. P. Topping, J. P. fees. . . . $5,00 F. A. Ilolmnn, constable, foes. . 1,8b E. M. Dlackerby, executing commitment G.20 tO. W. ReVt, making Jury list. Dlst. N6. C 3.00 A. D. Morso, assisting In mak ing Jury list 2.00 JS. M. Gallior, assisting In mak ing Jury list 2.00 Juvenile Department. W. B. Cox, constablo In ro Percy Morgan, delinquent. .$18, GO W. B. Cox, constablo In ro Wal lace, delinquent 2,10 L. A. Llljeqvlst, Dop. Proa. At torney, telephone, bills, etc.. $39.80 W. B. Cox sorvlng grand Jury subpoenas $15.95 Coroner Courts. Investigation, II. M. Davidson. R. E. Golden, coroner $17. 05 J. W. Ward, witness 1.50 Arthur Turner, witness. . . . 1.50 W. P. McICenna, witness. . . 1,50 Charles Taylor, witness. . . . 1.50 Investigation, Matt Miller. R. E. Golden, coroner, etc. . .$13.00 Fred Grlnolds, witness .... 1.50 Albln Scetar, witness 1.00 Inquest, O. W. Morloy R. E. Golden, coroner, mlleago, etc $18.50 Gus Hamilton, juror nnd mlle ago 2.20 Orwln Johnson, Juror nnd mlle ago ,.., 1,80 N. E, Bnrklow, Juror and "mile age. . , , 2.40 J. L, Knight, Juror and milo- age ....$2.00 Orlo Johnson, Juror and mile age 1.80 A. S. Ward, Juror and mlleago 2.00 Carl V. Ilushnoll, witness... 2.10 W. M. Strain, witness. . . . 2.10 Leslie Johnson, performing au topsy 20,00 In Rts Circuit Court Expenses. Walter Sinclair, wltnoss, Dlst. A.ltJ y MtliU Dora Slnclnlr, witness, Dlst. Atty 2. GO Osa Adams, wltlicss, Dlst. Atty 5. SO Isa Adams, witness, Dlst. Atty 5. SO .1. W. Carter, sorvlng Pros. At torney subpoena GO Claude NnBburg, wltnoss Stnto vs. llorron Sept 23. GO William Hunter, witness Stnto vs. llorron Supt 23. GO S. W. Johnson, denth watch, State vs. Gnrrlson 9.00 Tho liaxtor, monls for Jury nnd ballllf, Decombcr 1910.... 3,25 Gus Hamilton, serving G. J. subpoenas 2.20 Grand Jurors Adj. Sopt. 1910 Term. L. A. Lnwhoru $22.20 W. A. Gngo 19.10 Hoy Fox '1S.00 Oeo. D. MiukIIko 22.20 Charles Gnjso 18.00 W. E. Dletz 10.80 Charles Collier 20.G0 Sept. Adj. 1910 Term. Grand Jury Wltuossos. Hermit. Mnthlsou $7.G0 Joe Lovln 7.10 Daniel llrovlno 7.40 Paul Boyd . . 7.40 L. M. Mashlno 5. GO Addlo Ilolllson 5. GO Mrs. C. R. Woodward. . . . C.G0 Win. Olson 3.40 Letta Bell 7.20 J. B. Gross 7.20 Ray Carey 7.20 Lottlo Bruchl 9.20 Wm. Wlgant 10.80 William Strain 13.80 D. S. Illgglns 14.40 F.M.Morgan 13.20 F. G. Whitney 13.20 , Chns. Dnusch 8.00 Reuben Roupp G.40' Wm. Whlto. . . 7.20 It. E. Gardner. A. McAdnms . . R. E. Pnyno. . . Ileun Mnthlsou I'cto Smith. . . Tom Illtz. . . J. A. Senbury. . John Snyder. .' C. It. Woodwnrd K. Yntnn. . . . Jack Plummor, John Hill. . . ft 7.20 3.40 7.20 7.20 3.40 3.40 14.40 5.G0 5.G0 5.40 1G.40 ' 7.20 ' Letta Boll 2.00 ' B. D. Strauhal 7.20 ' Win. Chandler 9.G0 ' Carl Bmhnoll 13.80' Mrs. Alma Strain 13.80' Clydo Mncy. 13.2y G. Barr 13.20 Fred II. Colgrovo 13.20 Orlo Johnson 5. GO J. L. Knight 15. GO Floronco Evans 2.00 F. C. Roblson 7,20 J. M. Hrlstow 39.00 Decorabor 1910 Term. Jurors. William Buck $18.G0 O. E. Marstors 3G.40 William James ,x 19.20 Willis Neoly 37.G0 Nols P. Nelson 37.G0 f- 33.00 20.20 3.00 30.40. 3G'.Gu 37.20 18.G0 Geo. E, Peoples. Nels Neygron. . G. W. Halter. . C. W. Dyo. . . . John Noglo. . . Fred Johnson (North B) . . . . John Mattson. , Frank Fish. . , A. B. Sargeant. Fred Johnson (.North Fork) . 30. 00 E.M.Jenkins 30.40 II. A. King 38.20 J. W. Williams 7.20 Clint Carman. Geo. A. Gould E. Lowlu. , . L. H. Keating. S. Apploton. . J. G. Fish. . . 18,80 40.20 S.20 G.G0 31.80 24:00 R. II. Olson 38.00 W. R. Davis 3G.G0 O. S. Coleman 17.40 E. Schneider 34.80 JoBeph Lapp. 3G.90 L.J.Davison 39.40 W. S. Mack ' 37.G0 W.S.Graham 4.80 J. II. Giles 29.20" John Neal. . . ., 34.00" Special Venire. Ell Ellis 2.00" E. O. Howe 2.00 I. P. JohnBon G.00 Bystnnders. CInuilo L. KIddor $0.00 O. Wilson G.00 Decombor 1910 Torm. Grand Jury Witnesses: Florenco Evans $4 00 Henry Dlbbleo 1120 (Continued on Page G.) .ii Mtjl Litfl'iilTtl fill iTti Ow ... J.t.V--,