(Slam Sag Eimtz ADS. 'NEWS WHEN BUSINESS IS BLOW, Al VKRTISE. THAT IT PAYS IS EVI DKNCED IIY SUCCESSFUL BUSI- GET IT WHILE IT 18 NEW BT READING THE COOS BAY TIMKS. ALL THE NEWS AIj TUB TIMB TERSELY 1 OLD t: :: :: t: :: NESS HOUSES EVEUYWimuifl MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Established in 1878 ns TIio Coast Mall VOL. XXXIV. MARSHFIELD,OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1911 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGES; A msMl " Times, con.tM.,11 ' ' mid Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 7. PRESIDENT TAFT NEW PLAN Private Secretaries to Presi dent Must Be of Cabinet Calibre. TO REPLACE NORTON BY HILLES BY MARCH 4 William Barnes Jr., Elected Chairman of New York Republicans. lUy Associated I'resa to Coos liny Times.) WASHINGTON, C, Jan. 21. Charles D. Illlles, assistant secretary of the Treasury, has been offered by President Taft tho position of secret- nrv to tho President. This Informa- Hon camo today from a reliablo source. It was added thnl Utiles Is considering it. Secretary Norton will rctlro to prlvato Hfo after March 5 or Inter, tho President's wishes bolng tho prin cipal factor nxlng date. Futuro secretaries to tho Presi dent probably will ho men of cabinet calibre, men who could rellovo tho President of much departmental work and whoso decisions will prnc tlcnlly bo Until. Under tho reorganization of tho executlvo forco brought nbout dur ing Norton's short term nt tho Whlto House, nil of tho forco with tho ex ception of the sccrotnry will prnc tlcally bo n pormnncut body. RAR.VES IS CHAIRMAN. Albany Met ies lender of New York Republican. (Dy Assoclnted Tobr to Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK, N. Y Jnn. 21. Tho ltcpubllcnn stnto commlttco nt n meeting today olected William Bar nos Jr., of Albany chalrmnn .In suc cession to Estrn P. Prentice whoso resignation wns accepted. DISAGREE IN IOWA. Senate Favors San Francisco nnd House New Orleans. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) DES MOINES, Iowa, Jan. 21. Tho Iown Sonnto has passed n resolu tion favoring San Francisco for tho Pnnnmn exposition, defeating tho concurrent resolution passed by tho Houso favoring New Orleans. SEES NEW ALLIANCE Holland Alleged to Have Joined In German Compact. (Dy Assoclnted Press to Coos Day TlmoH.) PARIS, Franco Jnn. 20. French opinion Is greatly occupied by Hoi land's proposal to fortify Flushing uccnuBo it interprets 1.10 move as 111-. dlcntlng tho Intention of tho Nothor-1 lands to throw hor lot In with tho. triple nlllnnco In event of nn Anglo-Fronch-Gorman conflict. Tho soml- otnclnl press says for fortifications would havo no practical Justification unless It was intended to guard ignlnBt nttnek by Grent Dritaln which Holland has no reason to fear if not tied up with Germany. PLAN NEW NAVY. Portugal Receives Favorable Rids for "Work. LISDON, Portugal, Jan. 21. Tho nlnlster of foreign affairs announced 'odny that fnvorablo bids from both morlcan and English shipbuilding would permit tho immediate reorgan ization of tho navy. Commercial Portugal is In excellent condition, 'ho minister declares. MEET MONDAY NIGHT. Coos Day Council of tho Knights if Pnllltnhln ...111 IA.. nnA1.l nts... " " "" ""' '-"'"' " "-- no regular meeting Monday even- ng. A musical program will bo ;lven and refreshments served. It' vill be for members only. " oy there, get your hay from HAINES IS 10 TRY AT WHITE HOUSE r LITTIiSISTER Des Moines Youngster Dis charges Father's Rabbit Gun With Fatal Effect. (Dy Associated Press to C003 Day Times.) DES MOINES, In., Jan. 21. Little CI lira Corliln, aged six, was killed last night by her three-year-old brother who blow oft the too of her t j,ead with n shotgun which their j miliar had left standing in tho kit- chcu door on Ills return from n rab bit hunt. Gasoline Schooner Reported Driven Up On South Spit of Umpqua.. Tho gasollno schooner Wllhclmlna according to n report reaching hero Into this afternoon Is high on tho South Spit of tho Umpqua. ! Details of tho nccldont nnd now notions hor condition Is could not bo learned. Tho Wllholmlua which has been carrying salmon from Gardiner to Coos Day loft horo nt 2 o'clock yos torday for Gardiner. COAL PICKER SHOT. Denver Woman Killed While Gath ering Fuel. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) DENVER, Colo., Jnn. 20. Tho body of Mrs. Sophia Drnndt, 25 years old and wife of Han E. Drnndt, n cook, wns found In tho Durllngton Rnllway Yards. Sho was shot through tho chest and nppnrontly wns picking up coal In tho yards whon fired upon. VETERANS FATAL ROW. Inmate of Illinois Institution Slays Another. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) DANVILLE, III., Jan. 20. J. S. Mead, nmbulnnco driver, nnd Rob ort Shult, n veteran at tho Soldlors' Homo, were shot nnd killed by How- nn, Tnckor nnoHl0P veteran. Tuck p eMmB hQ WM attncUed Tho 8,100tIng occurred , ft barn. SHEEHAN IS OPPOSED. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) PIERREJ, S. D., Jnn. 20. Tho democratic mombocs of both houses of tho legislature telegraphed Gov ernor Dlx of Now York that If Shee han is olected senator It will cost tho democratic pnrty a million votes- In tho west whllo the election of Shopnrd or,, nn equally representa tivo man would gain that number. A fine assortment of stationery nt Walker Studio. NOTICE TO CHAMHER OF COM MERQE MEMBERS. All members of tho Marshfield Chamber of Commerce nre request ed to bo present nt a general meet ing to be hold Monday ovenlng nt 8 o'clock. Business of importance is to come up, VIOLET HENDERSON, Sec. . , 1 Tai0 your SUNDAY DINNER at The CHANDLER. Special menu. RESERVE tables for PARTIES bv PHONE. S 'llllll HFI MIMA ! IS ON BEACH I AUTO IE PREVENTS DROWNING Pittsburg Woman Shows That Inflated Tube Is Good Life Preserver In Well Accident. (Ey Associated Press to Coor i Times.) PITTSUUIIG. Pn., Jan. 21. Drop ping tho inflated Innor tubo of an automobile tire down Into a well San Francisco Girl Pulls Loose Molar While In Bed Earache Reveals It. (Dy ABSoclntcd Press to Coos liny Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Jan. 21. Taken to 11 hospital, for a sovorc ear acho today, VIoln Dowcn was rollovod by tho rcmovnl of n tooth which in some manner wns placed In hor enr. , Tho girl recalled Hint alio pulled a loose tooth during tho night but did not recall placing It In hor car. SUFFRAGE IN AltKANSAK. Rill Introduced Thoiv to Alloiv men to Vote. (Dy Assoclnted Press to Coos Wfl. Bnj Times.) LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Jnn. 21. SuffniKO for tho women of Arkansas Is proposed In bills offered In tho IIouso of Representatives yesterday. Marshfield Republican Club Planning Subscription Din ner at Chandler. Tho Marshfield Republican club is planning for n Lincoln Day subscrip tion ban,quot to bo given at Tho Cbnndlor hotel Saturday evening, February 11, Lincoln's birthday be ing Sunday, Fobruary 12. In addi tion to tho tribute to tho great liber ator In tho observance of tho anni versary of his birth It Is planned to mnko It nn occasion for tho nctlvo promulgation of republican prin ciples nnd concortod nctlon by tho pnrty In county, stnto nnd nntlon. Thero will bo a number of nddrcsses by prominent republicans. Hon. John S. Coko will bo tho orntor of tho ovonlng nnd will bo followed by brief talks by others, Somo of tho prominent republicans from other pnrts of tho county nro also expected to participate. Lists aro now being circulated. ADMIT WESTERN MINERS, American Federation of Labor Finnl- ly Grants Charter. (Dy Associated Press to C003 Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Jnn. 20, Tho executive council of tho Ameri can Federation of Labor today de cided to grant n charter to tho West ern Federation of Miners on the same basis as that granted tho United Mino Workers of America. The lat ter threatened to withdraw from the American Federation unless tho Western Federation wns admitted. Fresh Photo supplies at Walker Studio. Pocket flash lights at 'the GUNNERY RAINES sells tho best hay. Take your SUNDAY DINNER at The- CHANDLER. Special menu. RESERVE tables for PARTIES bj PHONE, - HAINES', feed Is making him new customers every day. PUT TOOTH IN ! EAR, ASLEEP N 0 BANQUET HERE last night, Margaret Soylor, aged IS. saved tho life of John Wcgscr, aged 15, who had fallen In and was drown ing. The girl discovered his predica ment and tried to Biimmon help from the polleo station, but the employes wore out on a call. She saw tho tube, rushed back and threw It In. Tho tubo kept tho drowning man afloat until tho police arrived. IS Colorado Lady Seven Feet Tall Requires Special Coffin. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmcp.) GRAND JUNCTION, Colo., Jnn. 21. In a special coflln Mrs. Thos. Fltzpntrlck was burled horo yester day. Sho wns seven feet tall and weighed 350 pounds. WILL PAY PENSION. Nicaragua to Settle 'Willi Cannon's Relatives. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NEW ORLEANS, Ln Jnn. 21. Relntives of Rcroy Cnnnon who, with Leonard G. Groco was executed on tho ordor of President Zolayn, will receive n Inrgo ponslon from tho Nlcnrnguaii government, according to Colonel Pnul Mnson of Now York who hns arrived from Nicaragua. DELAY VISIT Will Not Come on Initial Trip of Steamer Anvil As Proposed. Tho proposed vlBlt of Portland business men to Coos county towns on tho Initial trip of tho stcamor An vil has boon abandoned, according to a tologrnm received by MIbs Vlolot Hendorflon, socretary of tho Mnruh fleld Chamber of Commorco today. Tho Anvil and tho delegation was oxpected In hero today but tho data of its arrival Is uncertain. It wns Bchodulod to lenvo Aetorln last Mon day but did not lenvo thero until Thursday. It is presumed that tho recent storm' causod tho Portland mon to chango their plans for tho tlmo bo lng nt any rnto. KILLED INFANT CHILD. Two Illinois Women Sentenced to Fourteen Years. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) GRANITE CITY, 111., Jan. 21. UUffiE WI SHE! IN Mrs. Veronica Robstock and dnugh-iMrs. tor, Anna, nged 22 years, woro aon-J tenced to fourteen years each In tho penitentiary for tho doath of tho daughter's Infant child who was born Thanksgiving Day. On December 13 tho child was found In tho brush heap by school children. Death was duo to strangulation. MAJOR MORROW COMING. Major Jay Morrow chief of tho United States Englneors for this dis trict, is expected to visit Coos Day shortly, to Inspect tho work of the dredgo Oregon and to personally In vestigate desired Improvements of this bar and harbor. Photo views and finishing at Wal ker Studio. Monogram Oil at tho GUNNERY. Have you tried HAINES' FLOUR? Better order a sack at onoo. Columbia battorles nt the GUNNERY ATTORNEY GENERAL WICKERS OPPOSES ALASKA COAL LAID BILL DRIVEN INSANE RY SNOWBALL Herbert C. Porter, New York Newspaperman, Victim of Strange Accident. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y., Jnn. 21. Mndo Insnno by pnln from being hit In tho oyo by n snowbnll thrown by n smnll boy, Herbert C. Portor, editor of a weekly newspaper, was committed to tho stnto hospital. Spe cialists say thcro Is little chanco of n euro being effected. Lakme and Washcalore Lost Lumber Reach Frisco Sunday. Tho Nairn Smith with tho Lnknio in tow will rench Snn Francisco early Sunday. According to n wireless frpni Cnpt. Olson, sho pnssod Eureka last night about S o'clock nnd tho weather was favorable. How much Bttlvago Capt. Olson nnd his crow nnd tho Nnnn Smith recelvo for saving tho Lxikmo will depend on tho dcnl thnt Cnpt. Olson mndo with tho mnstor of tho Lnkmo when tho latter took tho lino. Tho Lakmo's deck load was wash ed off by tho storm. Tho Washcnloro, nnothor steamer plying from Coos Day nnd Dnndon, lost her deck load of lumber In tho storm a few days ago off tho South ern Oregon coast. Shipping News. The M. F. Plant will not sail from San Francisco for Coos Day until Monday afternoon nt 3 o'clock, hnv- Ing been dolnyed taking on cargo. Sho was scheduled to leavo thero to day. Tho Alllnnco will sail from Port land tonight for Coos Day. Tho Dnndon reached Dnndon from Snn Francisco tho day boforo yester day. PLAN FOR LOCAL CHAPTER HOUSE. Tho Myrtlo Wood Chapter of tho American Woman's Leaguo Is work ing to meet tho requirements which will unablo them to sec tiro tho $1, 200 with which to build n Chnptor houso for tho uso of tho women's clubs of Coos Day. Tho local Chap tor was organized nbout n year ago and has enrolled tho following ns nctlvo mombors: Mrs. Chns Murr, Mrs. D. L. Footo, Mrs. Irving Smith, Mrs. C. E. Durns, C. A. Harris, Mrs. Sponcor Smnll, Mrs. E. M. Aloxnndor, Mrs, W. A. Jonos, Mrs. Laura Homme, Mrs. Myra U. Mitchell, Mrs. Clara Johnson, Mrs. Humphry, Mrs. N. G. Humes, Mrs. Frank Rogors, Mrs. E. T. Coffelt, Mrs. Elln Covoy, Mrs. A. A. Emory, Mrs. M. E. Hlldroth, Mrs. Ada Shnrpo, Mrs. Roso McGrnth, Mrs. M. J. Thayor, Mrs. A. W. Mor rison. Mrs. Albright, Mrs. Holon Mc Lnughlnn nnd Mesdnmea Shnrpo, Homme and MncLachlan. Tho honorary members nro Chas. Murr, Wm. Hommo, Franklin Hom me, Chester Hommo, Poter Logglo and C. II. McLaughlin. Tho ofllcorfl nro: Pros., Mrs. N. G, Hnmes; vlco-pres., Mrs. D. L. Footo; bpc. and treas., Mrs. Chas. Murr. At tho Inst meeting, Mrs. Murr nnd Mrs. Emory of North Bond and Mrs. Mit chell of Mnrahfleld woro nppolnted a commlttco to begin tho work of so curing n slto for tho Chapter houso. Tho American Woman's Leaguo Is ono of tho largest nnd richest organ izations In tho United States. 1 DE w Appears Before Senate Com mittee In Opposition to Measure. COURTS WILL PASS ON CUNNINGHAM DEAL Says That Litigation Will Elim inate Necessity of Legis lation. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmos.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 21. Attorney General Wlckcrsham dis cussed tho Alnska coal land bill to day before tho Scnnto Commlttco on Public Lauds. Ho declared tho bill would tie up nil lauds so ns to mnko development Impossible Regarding tho Cunningham claims, ho Bald It tho courts decided tho clnlmnnts on titled to tho claims and decided llko wIbu In tho cnBCB nbout 200 other claimants, tho landn should bo re leased to the clnlninntB. In such ovont, snld tho nttornoy gonoral, thero will ho no need for tho pns--sago of such n bill. WAR ON ISLANDS. Santo Domingo nnd Hnytlcu Troops- Will Soon Meet. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Dajf Times.) PORT AU PRINCE, Haytl, Jan. 20. War with Santo Domingo ap pears Inevitable. Domlulcnn troops havo occupied Grnud Groslor on tho Ilaytlon southern frontier nnd nro mnrchlng on Snlcrou. Tho Hnytlon government will opposo this Invasion and Is hurrying preparations to send, troops to tho menaced point. Steamship Leaves This After noon With Good Pas senger List. Tho Dreakwator sailed this after noon for Portland with a good pas senger list. Sho cnrrled considerable coal and miscellaneous frolght. Among those sailing on tho Droak wntor woro tho following: Mrs. Guy Johnson, Dird Moad, W. A. Kotchum, S. T. Towers, Pnul Bon nlnghnm, J. B. Moran, Miss Reglna Matson, Mrs. Pnul Rnubnch, Paul Raubach, Olo Sandborg, John Yoa kum, II. E. Day, Mablo Day, F. J. Honor, II. 8. Farnum, G. N. Snow, Isnnc R. Tower, C. F. McKnlght, Owon Donnelly, J. A. Johnston, Ouy J. Turnhow, Marlon Wndo, Mrs. S. R. Buoll, S. R. Buoll, A. T. Boldon, Roy Rozln, O. C. Loo, T. N. NJolson, Clara Clayton, Rollo Coboll, Mrs. C. D. Gllkey, D. McKinnon, J. A. Sea bury, Mrs. J. A. Seabury, Marlon Sea bury, Arthur Seabury, Anna Soa hury, Nols ErlckBon, F. D. Donahay, Ed. MuiiBon, Frnnk Dowkor, Mrs. Dowkor, W. E. Lundy, Mrs. Lundy, Chns. Potorson, E. M. Potorson, W. S. Chandler, Put. Welch, A. K. Doan, Poto Nnteok, Gus. Ingman, Tony Stenburg. ASHER IRELAND, who Is connected with tho U. S. Forest Service, Is In tho city from his homo In Camas Valley, on a comblnod business nnd pleasure trip. Whllo horo ho is tho guest of his brother, Cell Ireland. BREAKWATER H OTTO SCIIETTER wns down town today for tho first tlmo slnco hfs recent painful nccldont. Ho mndo the. rip In nn automobllo nnd wns kopt busy receiving tho congra tulations of his frlonds. CnrbdoTt7HE GUNNERY. ' II m i 1 7i 1 4 1 - - iJfka' & bu4fctt3uxfiu. r.W) Jt - j. . . (bivki-. .-1. -, .- IGMfe4Jfc4&, h llMAMt-S Jut V 1 w. MUMUtf.Al&tjfciL "' V