wmmmmmr9rmmmmm ppipiViyifUi mw THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1,8, 1911- , V COOS BAYTIMES Entered at tho postofflco nt Marsh Hold, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls va second clas? mall matter. M. C. MALOXEV OJLN K. MALOXKY Editor and Tub. News Editor An Indopondent Republican news paper published every ovening except Sunday, and Weekly by Ilio Coos Hny Times Publishing Co. Dodlcatcd to tho service of tho ycoplo, that no good cause Bhall lack a champion, and that ovll shall not thrlvo unopposed. Tho Coos Day Times represents a consolidation of tho Dally Coast Mall and Tho Coos Ray Advertiser. The Const Mall was tho first dally estab lished on Coos Uay and The Coo Bay Times Is Its Immedliite sue coMor. sruscmiTiox rates. DA 1 1 A'. One year $6.00 J'or month SO When paid strictly In adrnnce the mibscrlptlon price of the Coos Ha.v Time is $5.00 per year or $2.50 for clx months. WEEKLY. Ono yonr $1.50 Official Paper of Com County. OFFICIAL PAPER OK Tin: Cm OF MAHSIIFIELR. Address all communications to COOS UAV DAILY TIMES, ilnrshficld :: :: :: :: Oregon IM'FEOTIVH Pl'HLICITY MUST Hi: HACKER RV DEVELOPMENT. T IJANDON they have reorganized A their commercial club nud nro going to glvo particular atten tion to directing the attention of the outstdo world to the merits, ndvnnt ngce nnd resources of. the city by tho sea, nnd they nro many. Well and good! The move Is n Htep on tho right road. It Is foreign missions of tho civic sort. Rut other things nro nt lenst equal ly Important. There In need of municipal missions at home. Wlth ' nut theso tho mission work of pub licity ubrond loses no small measure of Its offcctlvcnosa. IVhllo wo are boasting of our pro vgnws nud roHources to outHldors it Ih up to tho stay-at-homes to develop the country and make Its realities Htirpnss tho claims. Publicity must lie bucked by development. No publicity Ih ho groat, so offoc lvn so attractive to capital nnd do cjlrnblo rosidontH an an cntorprlslng, progressive, publle-Hplritod communi ty. The city beautiful Is nil adver tisement. Good schools, nuiiiorous riml well fliinnrod, are an ndvortlso mout. Dlverillled and numerous In iliiHtrlos nro n menus of publicity. 1-ow cost of living, municipal otllclon cy of administration and reasonable taxes, honestly collected and expend-, od, are magnets that draw the right people. It is well for n community to nil ortlso tho oxtont of Its publicity work being gaged by tho extent of the opportunities offered by that city. Hut It I absolutely necessary that along with the publicity cam paign there should be an ournoat and t'onslnteut crusade for the develop wont of the country within Itelf ms well ns through securing new peo ple and uow Industries. Wo must not think for a moment that our work Is dune when we have iduced our publicity literature tu the hands of prospective settlers. Our lict efforts must be directed to ronfc lug good ever claim net forth. All must work together, loyally and energetically, for a greater Cm county. WHAT IS CIVIC HKAl'TV w HAT Is civic beauty? Not lino streets, parks, fountains and public buildings, "Handsome U ns huudeouie does" ulso applies to n city. If a city be full of lawless ness, rackets, noises, blokorlng. henn dnl. contention as Is not the city bonutlful It Is the city ugly. Order Is honvou's first law everywhere and a city Is no oxceptlon. Lotting things go helter-skelter Is n losing business. Lot a man deface his own property and It depreciates nil proporty. Lot tho city do an 111 yloco of work or pormlt nnothor to Vlo It and tho wolfaro of tho whole -community Is woakoned. Civic life Is tho main thing. It Is for that tine stroots and structures aro oncourag-, ed. Tho truo cjvlc life Implies things tlint aro positive purity, honor, , cleanliness, decency, order, quiet. Bohnvlor Is tho first thing a city needs to take care of It wants to guard Its own honor or wolfaro. Respectability is not in money, houses nor lands It la In conduct and right conduct is a utility, an ad vantage to a community. When thnt Is not lightly prized a community is very unfortunate. A ROUT PAVING. HIGHLY interesting and sug gestive communication isliat from Mr. C. A. Smith in refer A ence to street paving In Marshlleld. Ills Btatemont of tho merits and ef ficiency of wooden block pnvoment Is backed and Bubstnutlntcd by most convincing stntlstlcs. Tho fact that a city like Minneapolis after continu ous experiments extending over many years continues to Increase Its use of this paving at n higher price than other mnterlHls Is an eloquent and emphatic testimonial of Its merits. The paving question la going to be one of Increasing importance on Coos Ray and deserves receive tho thoughtful consideration not only of the city officials hut every cllixen and tax .payer. It is a matter thnt should not be dismiss ed lightly or treated Indifferently. The taxpayers are entitled to n voice In the verdict when they have to foot the bills. Let their Judgment nud decision be fort I Hod by careful Inves tigation of facts and llguroH nnd the experiences of other municipalities along the same line. Someone has said "n wise man profits by the experiences of others; a fool by his own." Marshlleld should not permit actions that would tend to her classification with the lat ter. Thoro nro two cogent and forceful reasons for giving this matter more careful consideration. Tho first and primary is to get tho best posslblo pavement at the most reasonable fig ure. Tho second is tho utilization of a homo product that menus employ ment of local labor nud expenditure of tho taxpayers' money whoro It will do him tho most good. . Tho Times believes thnt It would be tho part of wisdom for tho city council nnd tho property owners to get together nnd have at least a few blocks of this pavomont placed as an experiment. Tho matter Is ono of great Importance nud Involves not only the present but fttturo welfare of the city. Think It over. World Wmy of the Man Who Com bines HiinIiicss Willi Religion. Tho world Ih wnry of tho man who uses the power or Infliieuco of lits church or religion to promote monoy mnklng schemes. It Is well enough for men to carry their religion Into their business; Indeed, they enn scarcely do otherwlso and appear ns effective churchmen. Rut thnt never warrants them In exploiting sacred nlllces for secular ends. Combining church .initiation with financial en terprises for the purposo of Increas ing the prollts of tho latter Is had nnd will soonor or lntor reflect ovll results upon the Individual church man nud his church. WITHOUT REDRESS. Tho lass who minds tho telephone Is busy ns can be; She has a most convincing tone, And though you cannot see Her face, you fanuy there's n frown I'pou her elale brow When she remarks and turns you dowu, "The line Is busy now. ' Although the lick nnd wist nud great In power may bo sure, Shu Is the one who holds your fate Within a grasp secure. . In silence jou nro loft alone, You wonder why and how, When she exclaims in plnold'tonos, "The lluo Is busy now!" A REMINDER OK Till: SXOW STORM. A bo, once took It In his bond That he would exorcise hU sled, lie took that slod Into tho road, Atfd loid ummso how he sload And as ho slod he laughingly cried, What fun upon my sled to slide And as ho slid before ho kuuwed. He from that sliding sled wns bleued Upon the slab whoro ho was laid They carved this line. "This boy was slald." The only original RKN HOLT. FOR GOOD WORK Hr'.ng your clothes to us. Cloanlng, pressing and repairing a specialty, by experienced men. Satisfaction guaranteed HLANCHARD & DOR- SOX, South Broadway. Ths Phonograph. L. 0no pC(j not ufi ntnM of operating a tuachlu.0, too constantly, as tboo Is little danger of wearing It out, ana the motor will give better servlcn when used frequently thnn when al lowed to stand unused, in nil cases avoid winding tho spring too tightly. Stop when It offers strong resistance, in many cases It Is specifically stated that the needles should not be used more thnn once, and these directions should be observed. Not to follow them mentis nlmost certain damage to the records. The machine should be kept well oiled; otherwise Its mo tion will become sluggish. Sewing machine oil may be used for that pur pose. The records should be kept free from dust, as dirt dogs the sound wave grooves nnd tends to 'give a scratchy sound to the reproduction. A good record cleaner may be made by gluing a small piece of velvet carpet to n wooden block. Such n cleaner al ways should be used on dusty records before they are placed on the machine. -Suburban Life. A Dismal World. "Why are you sad, my dear? You ought to be supremely happy. Ileie. I've Just Inherited a fortune, nnd or eryihlng looks 'os.v. 1 can't under stand why nt .such n time us this yon and should!?!1"1"11 lolc o rtl-nml. Wh.it l .1.7 llllvp yon iiiniiu nun nu mi htmie V" "No. no; It isn't thnt. I'll try to throw it off. 1 suppose I'm foolish not to le thoroughly Imppy. Let us not mention the matter again." "Rut I Insist on knowing what It Is that so depresses you. If It's anything that I ciin help I shall" "Well, IT you must know, I've Just heard that the Snoblelgb.s next door nre going to move uwiiy, so she'll not be here to feel Jealous of me when we begin to put on style nfter you get your money." Chicago Record-Herald. Hli Rent Flajj. On Jan. 18 every year, the nnnlver sary of the battle of Waterloo, the Duko of Wellington Is bound to present to the sovereign n siniill flag, which Is the nnnnnl rent In "petit nargenty" by which the estate of Strnthlleldsuye h held of the crown. The ling must be a miniature tricolor or eagle of the Napoleonic army, fringed with sold, with a glided engle on the head of the staff and the number of the year em broidered nt tho top comer of the tlug near tho eagle. An Old Idea. "In those old times when they cut off people'H heads the train of events proceeded on one modern Idea." "What was that." . "The block system." Hultlmore American. Making Sure. Highland Ferryman (during .'iinmi-n-tnry lull In the Htoriui-I'm tbenkln'. sir. I'll Just tuck yer fare. There's no sayln' what inliiit happen tae us. London Punch. fie thnt plnnts thorns must expect to gather rosea Pllpiv. nevor NOTICE TO TAX PAVERS. Tnxos for tho year of 1010 nro duo and pnyablo on nnd nftor Feb ruary 1st, 1911. Throo por cent ro bato up to March 15th. From March 15th to April 3rd pay taxes nt face. Thoro will bo no furthor notice of tho amount of taxes duo sent out by mnll, except whero tho tnxpayorH ro quest It and furnish a list of the property on which they deslro to pay. W. W. GAGK, Sheriff nnd Tnx Collector. Dated: Coqullle, Orogon, January IGth, 1011. One Good Way to Make Money Is to Begin Saving" New Shoe Money" Let us icpair your old shoos they'll woar you two and throo and four times ns long and will look like now ones ns long ns you wonr them. We repair your old shoes while you wnlt or you can leave them hero, we'll fix 'em quickly. Wo'll make you old "cripples" (shoes) look like new nnd thoy will bo easier on your feet than'hnvlng to break In new ones besides tho big difference In the cost of repairs and tho prlco of a now pair. we no Tin: rest repair work ix thk city at thi: low 1st pricks. COME ON BOYS! And take advantage of our closing out salo of raincoats. Rest bargains ever offered on tho nay at only O. O. LUND, "The man who tloes things right." io. 215 South Hroadway, Marshlleld (mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmaaRrmmmmmtmmmBmm . " l SalMglt V' "H ' MSSi, 'ffAyfffJUfiv' Y'''WMf'' . '. " 'pvwm. Waiting Now" "I have plenty of light to dress by, for I am using that wonderful General Electric Mazda Lamp." "I have found that this new lamp gives tvico the light of the ordinary electric incandescent; and it uses less cur rent, too; nnd the quality of light is infinitely superior to that given by the old style carbon incandescent." "When I first heard of the Mazda Lamp I was not using electric light, but when the wonders of this lamp were shown to me, I immediately had my house wired. You will do the same, too, if you take time to have this wonderful lamp demon strated to you." Just drop in for a moment today and let us show you why everyone who tries the G-E Mazda Lamp is so enthusiastic in its praise. Your call on us places you under no obligation. and it may be of dedded advantage to you. OREGON POWER. CO. n i i i i ft I :l X rx .. iK. First Trust and Savings Bank or coos hay All of tho necessary stops author Is ng the consolidation of tho First National Rank nnd tho First Trust nnd Savings Rank hnvo been taken and on Monday January IGth, the First National bank will opon for business In the olllcos now occupied by the First Trust nnd Savings Rank. Tho consolidation of tho two banks will tnko ofTect on or nbout that date, and tho business will bo conducted under tho namo of tho First National Dank. The First National Bank of Coos Bay STRICTLY A COM.MKRCIAL RAXIC. Wells Fargo .Nevada National Rnnir, San Francisco, Cal Tlio United States National Rank, Portland, Oro. The Xntlennl Park Hank, Now YorK, N. Y. The Com KNcliuiigo Notional Hank, Chicago, III. The Hank of Scotland, Loudon, England. DRAWS DRAFTS OX CJlie tivdlt l.yoiinul.s, Paris, Franc". In addition wo draw drafts on all principal banking centers In Kuropo, Asln. Africa, Australl , China, Japan. North, Central nnd So. America, Personal and commeiclal accounts kopt subject tocheck Certificates of Deposits Issued. Safe Deposit Hoxos for rent. Flanagan (Sb Bennett Bank of Marshf ield, Oregon OldeM Hank In Coos County, l-Mnlillsliiil in 18MI). P tl nit Capital, Surplus, mill Undivided Profit!, over 8100,000. Assets Out llulf Million Do bus. Does n general banking business and draws drafts on tho Ban of California, San Francisco, Cal.; Hanover National Rank, N. Y., First National Rank, Portland, Ore.; First National Hank, no burg, Ore.; Tho London Joint Stock Rank. Ltd.. London,- England. Also sells oxchango on all of tho principal cities of Europe. Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to check Sato deposit lock hoxos for rent. OFFICERS: ,' ,V-11l!!?;2f,r' -' ' FLAXAOAX, V.-Pies 11. V. ILL1AMS. Cshler. fiRO. K. WIXCHKSTKR, Asst. Cash. l.NTKHKST IMIII OX TI.ME DEPOSITS. Eastside Winners 1 Rloek In Homo Addition, containing ovor 3 acres for ?900 LTots for 1475, East Mar8M9.rt ' Lots for fGOO East Marshflold VlLot" f0r 800 Eastsldo ALL GOOD HAY VIEWS -TERMS EASY OTHER GOOD RUYS 2 Lots on Fifth street near Heuuessey residence for $000 plus $223 street Improvement bonds. Corner Johnson and Fifth street, 50x140 for ?C50 plus $225 street Improvement bonds. See Title, Guarantee &. Abstract C.n. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manag W ir '' 1 J Jfto..' - i i 'mnnm'ittitiniiiiimmm'' " "I Never Keen Him A - m'w mjgjigngi' :er H For Strictl Fresh' Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage li-HKI! DICIJVIJRIKS H A. M. and a p. j, Phono 7JM. TRAP Xi:STi:i) iMiii,,... Pl.V.MOtTII ROCKS. Our nmtliigs have produced stand. tud-hred specimens of i xlilbltlos quality wmi jocordsof II- 227 eggs In HGii dnys. Ruby Chicks mill KKKs for llnirhln Rook your orders now for sprlaj mi very, a row cockerels frnt heavy lnylng stock for $.".00. Plymouth Place, Poultry Vm,i, FRKI). RACII.MAN, Prop. Mm-xliflolri, Rnv -IK.", Phone 2iw Wo hnvo n now Hno of Holophanc Shades for Tungsten Lamps they will double your cnudlepowor. Coos Bay Wiring Co. niOXK 2.T7.J. COOS BAY LIVERY Wo hnvo secured tho llvory bull ncss of L. II. Helsner nnd aro pre pared to render excellent sorvlco to tho pcoplo of Coos Ray. Careful drivers, good rigs nnd ovorythlni that will mean satisfactory sorvlco to tho public. Phono us for n driving horso, a rig or anything needed la tho livery lino. Wo also do i trucking business of all kinds. IiraXCIIARI) 4i HLAXCHAIlll Livery, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First and Alder StroetB. Phono 138-J Good Evening HAVE YOU AXY LAUXDHY? ' If so, do not forgot that this U THE laundry whoro you get tho best work, and prlcos nro In ovory one'' roach. Call up nnd ono of tho drlv rs will call and explain all details to you. All tolophono calls aro quickly attended to, becauso wo aro running wo wagons. OUR GUARANTEE IS YOUR SAT 1SFACTIOX. SLIRSHFIELI) HAND AND STEAM LAUNDRY. JJnnzey linn., Prop, Phone 220-J. HOTEL GARDINER, at Gardiner, Oregon, has boon re modelled and Improved and Is under now management. Special accommo dations for stage passongors and for neoplo desiring a rest nt tho seashore. "Vou'll Like tho Place." .1. E SCHILLING. Pronrlotor. VI XCEXT'S TRANSFER, CALL UD.S-t- k, v. VIXCENT Hauls everything, any time, nt rea sonable price, satisfaction guar nuteod. Turkish BaUis 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 2 14-J rR. G. W. LESLIE, Osteopathic Physician Graduate of the American school of Osteopathy at Klrksvlllo, Mo. OHlce n Eldorado Dlk. Hours 9 to 12; 1 to 4; Phono 1C1-J; Marshflold; Oregon., DR. J. W. IXGRAM, Physician ana Surgeon. 200-210 Coke Building. Phones; Office 1G2J; Resldonco 162L J. W. HENNETT, Lawyer. Office over Flanagan & Bennett Bank Marshlleld, Oregon. W M. S. TURPEXJ Architect, Over Chamber of Commerce. ft 'tusy M' 'iw ' ml- sr Imi