I'wiimiminnuwHupnw ii jwU'iWJMJWM'm ir "." r nmm!.wpwmmytilf3i'tiiiif "12 I- t ; m THE COOS BAY TIM&, JKArtSHFIEL'DJ 0REffilfiTU6SDAYr JAlMTARY 1. '19ii1r- r;'V- 1-V t Kammerer's arance Nothing Reserved Everything Reduced "Wool Dross Materials, AVaistins, Silks, Flannels, Cotton Goods of all kinds, Table Linnons, Napkins, Art Squares, Towling, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, trimmings of all kinds, Un derwear, Gloves, Keady-to-AVear Garments, Cloaks and Suits, etc., etc. Closing Out Entire Stock of Gent's and and Boys' Clothing and Furnishing Goods WATCH PAPERS FOR PARTICULARS OF THIS GREAT MONEY-SAVING EVENT Greatest Offer Ever in the Shoe Department NO EXCEPTIONS, LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES ALL TO BE CLOSED OUT AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES. vmm1 r UZ-i.-v- -. t v. vt.' -?' mii r,i v xj JBaeS&ffia OorSets 2& MERCHANT KAMMER.ER. i EIS Lively Controversy Started Over National Flower of United States. NEW YOUK, N. Y., Jnn. 10. Tho war between advocates of moun tnln laurel nnil tho defendants of columbine ns tho National (lower of tho United States, la on full tilt In Now Yorlc. It It) tho chief subject (scheduled for debate at tho .National Arts club boforo n mooting of repre sentatives of 3S state doforntlona of women's clubs. A majority of tho delegates are Bald to favor the mountain laurel, but tho columbine partisans have tho udvautiiKo of u tborouKh orguulzu tlon on their "columbine nssoela tlon" which will thin year memo rlnllzo congress, asking formal roeog nltlon of tho columbine as the Na tional oinblom. Tho Federated Wo mous club aro expected to go on rec ord as favoring one or two other flowers, A plant to servo proporly tho pur poses of a national flower Is kuppob cd to moot the following conditions, which woro outlined in 1800 at tho National Flower Convention in Ash vlllo, N. C. It should bo a native of tho Unit ed States and should grow wild over tho greater part of Its area. It should bloom on ono of easy cul tivation in any garden. It should not bo weak or in any way offeiiBlvo or harmful to health. It should bear what in the popular 80U80 Is called a tlowor and should not bo morely a follago plant or ono chiefly valuod for Its fruit. It snoulil lend ltsolf readily to floral decoration by varloty ami puri ty of color and distinctiveness of form, and tho foaturea characteristic of its form should comblno auch sim plicity and graco that when used conventionally In decoration designs tho flower may bo readily recogulzod Independently of Us color. gahdi.neh pioneer dead. Win. Andci-son, Well-Known Rcsl dent, Victim of Cancer of Stomach OARD1NER, Ore, Jan. 17. Win. Anderson, a well-known resident of Gardiner, died last night of cancer of tho stomach. Ho had been HI for some time. Ho was about 05 years old and had until his illness been employed na n tallyman at tho mill. Ho Is survived by a wifo and family. FOR INLAND WATERWAYS. Commission to Investigate Them Provided For. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, 1). C, Jan. 17. Tho appointment of a board by tho president to prepare a comprehensive plan of inland waterways develop ment for tho consideration of Con gress Is provided In an amendment to tho river and harbors bill Intro duced In the Senate today by Senator Nowlauds of Nevada. Tho amend ment carrion an appropriation of llf ty thousand dollars. $30,000 FIRE ATPB (Continued from paco 1.) RHAMV FOR WAR. Members of IIoiim Denounce Critic. of I'lillcil States. (Hy Associated l'ress to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON. 11. C, Jan. 17. In an Impassioned speech In tho House, Chairman Hull of tho Mili tary Affairs Committee denounced Frederick W. Huldokohor, military critic and upheld tho readiness of tho Wnr Department to meet all war emergencies. Chairman Tawnoy of tho appropriations eommitteo de nounced Huldokoher's criticism as false and declared tho amount spent by this government for preparation of war tho last ten years would build four Pnnania canals. The LADIES Aid of tho METHOD 1ST church will have HOT TAMALEK l-'OU SALE after I o'clock Wednes day, January IS at tho CUUltCil PARLORS. Now homo SEWING MACHINES and Neodlos at MILNER'S. IIAIXKS Hour Is always good. Ask your neighbor about It. PIows-Dlso HARROWS and sptko tooth Harrows nt MILNER'S. tho buildings was something that de serves tho highest commendation. Only tho excitement could have kept Bomo of them up." Saved iloo Schilling. .Too Schilling, proprietor of tho Gnrdlnor hotel had retired but a llt tlo whllo prior to tho Haines breaking out, having to get up early this morning to got tho stngo passengers off. Soon after tho accident occur red, Dr. llousoworth encountered Mrs. Schilling who wna terror stric ken. She told him that Mr. Schilling had retired In room HO. Realizing that tho smoko and flames might soon shut off means of exit, Hi. llousoworth rushed upstairs. Tho smoko was thou so douse In the hall ways that matchos had to bo used. Not finding Mr. Schilling's room quickly, Dr. llousoworth callod to him and finally located him. Had a few minutes moro elapsed, Mr. Schil ling might have been overcome. Saved Coeds Hum. Considerable furnlturo nnd house hold bolonglngs woro carried out of tho hotels nnd buildings nearby soon after it was descovored that tho flames were going to spread. First this was piled In tho strcot but ow ing to tho sparks, it was decided to carry it Into tho Harleyman building which was thought safe Later tho firo spread to this building and con sumed It together with tho belong ings of other firo victims that had been stored there ns a placo of safe ty. IiOio Everything. Many of tho victims of -the fire lost not only their household goods but their clothing. Mr. and Mrs. Schil ling saved? practically none of tholr clothing and personal effects. Today, W. F. Jowott of tho Gardi ner Mill company, tendered tho use of his big wnrehouso of Mr. Schilling as temporary quarters to resume business. This will be fitted up at once ns temporary hotel quarters, i MudftohllllnKlii a telephone con versation hero this morning stated that ho would at onco bogln rebuild ing tho burned hotel nnd will put up even a bettor placo. Ills many friends on tho liny this morning wero proffering any assist- anco they might bo able to givo him. Good flour good bread. So try HAINES for tho next sack. advertised list. List of unclaimed lotters remain ing in tho Mnrshfiold, Oregon Post- jolllco, Jnnunry 15, 1911. Persona calling for tho "snino will plenso say advortlscd and pay ono cent for onch ndvertlsed lottor called for: Nell Archer, Hugh Albrocht, Os car AxoUon, Mnrgaret Camplllo, Mnrtln Carlson, Jay Casselman, A. II. Cox, Eugono Colo, Krlck Krlcksou, It. A. Rlllntt. V. T. TCrllilv Tnn I.'!,.... C. It. Forroll. Ell Forsmnn, J. money, t. t. uniuen, J. A. Hall, Al fred Hnlling, Horman Hnnson, Miss Pearl Heath, Miss Julia Hoolling, Mrs. Gust Jenson, Hnzol Johnson, Aloxnnter KuJIla, Mlnnlo Mnthows, J. It. Mntson, W. L. Sullivan, John Michel, Jas. Pyburn, llruno Pollto, Ams nnssmusson, John Richardson, Albert Stltfor, John Strang, Miss Shlrloy Stlfflor, Mrs. C. A. Stlfllor, Mrs. E. E. Strong, Ingval Skytter holm, Leottn Smith, Fred W. Tny lor, Seymour Tylor. Mrs. A. J. Tip pit, Chns. Ward, Mrs. Graco Weavor, Petter Wermor, Mrs. Lucy Weaver, Graham Youngman. W. D. CURTIS, Postmastor. Protect Your Health By Getting One of Our Low-Priced Umbrellas It's Gonna Rain Again. Coos Bay Cash Store GEO. X. HOLT, Manager. Front Street, Mandiflchl. OIL SUPPLIES Tho Coos Bay Oil and Supply Company under tho raanngoment ot J. W. Flnnagan will continue to han dlo tho Union Oil Company's gaso lino, dlstlllato, bonzlno and coal oil at tholr ol houso across tho Bay to which placo thoy have moved tholr office.' honft 302., NEW LIVERY Fancy now rigs, good horses and. caroful drivers arc now at tho dis posal ot the Coob Day public at REASONARLE RATES. Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for nny trip anywhero any time. Horsos boarded nnd rigs enrod for. Now hoarso and special accommo dations provldod for funoral partlos. W. L. CONDRON'S Livery & Feed Stables FOR GOOD WORK Hrlng your clothos to us. Cleaning, pressing nnd repairing n specialty, by experienced men. Satisfaction guaranteed DLANCHARl) .V; 1)01). SON, South llroiuhvay. SEE FRIZEEN " If you want to got in on somo of the est real estato bargains on tho Day Also if you want tho best lnsur- nnco at tho best rates.. . AUGUST FRIZEEN, 68 Central Ave. Marshfmd, Ore. THE LLOYD MARSHFIELD POPULAR FAMILY HOTEL Rntes roduced to: Day 50c, 75c and $1.00; week $2.00 to $5.00. House keeping apartments with gns ranges $10.00 to $18.00 per month. FREE DATHS-.-E. W. SULLIVAN, Prop. HOME LAND Co. See us for Investments on Coot' Day. We guarantee owner's price to be our price. Phono 74L. 244 Front St We Want You To See The new Ideas in Spring Shoes and Oxfords. Assortments how Complete, Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. MAttSHFIELD- "MONEY TALKS "-DANDON SAVE MONET Dy having your old clothos nressol nnd cleaned. Makes them look bet tor and wear longer. Satisfaction, guaranteed. COOS bay TAILORING CO. J. W, Josephson, Mgr. 1BQ South Hroiulwny. Marsliflcld" Have That Roof Fixed, xow See CORTHELL rhone aiai. Constipation is tho cause of many ailments nnd disorders Mint mnkn llfo miserable. Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, keep your bowols regular and you will avoid those diseases. For sale by alL dealers. - V IK. oILuh H . !. !SC7M rjri'j!!.? -1' v fiirGt i , w. itismmat vj W jij: