KTfllHVHWfnC - F--7qjr!,Vpr V ' rw ci HWflflln' TfIfr' ffTrtSTinT" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1911 2 i , t CONTRIBUTIONS concerning roclal happenings, Intended for publication In the society depart ment of The Times, must be sub mitted to the editor not later Uun 6 o'clock p. ra. Friday of mou week. Exceptions will bo allowed only In cases where stents occur lata; than the time mentioned.) OX CONTEMPLATING MATRIMONY Can a fellow marry on eighteen per? I'm stuotc on Mamie and as for her, I've a little old hunch that she'll say "yes," I'm strong with her or I miss my guess. But rents and grub are nwny up high And I can't save money although I try. And though they say that It has been dono, Two can't live as cheaply as ono. Besides, it Isn't a matter of two, Tor kids will come as they always do And Mnmlo will figure and I will sweat Keeping allvo and out of debt. Goo, what a problem to cipher out, H'm mingled despair and love and doubt, Hut I'll toll Mamlo the way I feel And tako n chance In this marriage deal. BERTON RRALEY. THAT part has a wlfo In her husband's success? How much can alio do toward forwarding his plans or how mtich'cnn alio do toward holding him back from achlovlng the thing ho tins set out to do? Supposo two men of equal oppor tunity start nut In life In the biuiio environment, Hays Knthorlno Kip. "Both hnvo aspirations, ability mid energy and both nro uh equal In men .lal equipment iih nuy two human be Inga van bo. Both doslro nbnvo nil things to succood. Both mnrry about the samo time, but there the rosom Mnuee between tholr fortunes ends. Oiih man has mnrrlod n woman who looks upon marriage as n real partnership. She Is companionable. Sho hns n most worthy desire tn holp In building the family fortunes. She roallzo liur II rut opportunity ami duty Is In mnklug the home us charming and comfortable an she enn mnko It. The household worries nre hold In the background nnd she novor bocomo overcurlnti over hor liusbnmrs business affairs or his en gagements. When he wants to talk of either she listens Intelligently and alio talks Intelligently about them. She soon acquires the habit of re mnmborlng tho things he wnuts to Impress upon her mind, nml before she knows It ho Is coming to her not only to tell his troubles and worries, l)ii t to have hor help plan further ad vance In tho future. It Isn't strange when n man so clroumstnncod declares, 'Tvo got tho best counsellor n man ever hnd. Why. my wife's got a hotter head for busi ness than I hnvo. Whatever huccoss I mnko I owe to hor. Say, do you know that whon I was determined to do so nnd so. sho urged me to hang on. bocnuso sho could two that It was tho better thing for me to do? Tho turn In lunk emtio In a little while, and I've blewed hor over sluce." Tho other man married a ilrl who would never Interest herself In his affairs further than to see that she not all his salary wheu It was due. She itaRKod him. hold him bark from maklnif the veutiiroH he believed were for the benefit of the family and wouldn't consent to his tnaklui a change of employment wheu In the new offer the prospects were better, though the salary was smaller to be gin with. She lived life lu Uer own way. but wanted him to have uojlb orty of thought or action. Auy won der he made a failure in life? The difference In the careers of the two men lay In the fact that one had secured a helpmate when ho married, and tho other had tlod a musione around his neck tho mo ment he spoko tho Irrevocable words at tho nltnr. Supposititious casos, Yes, but one does not need to search fr to find their duplicates In real life. Mrs. G. A. Bennett entertained the A. N. W. club at her home Thursda) afternoon. Nearly all the numbers were present. At the business meet ing, Mrs. B. Mlngus was elected to membership to flit the vacancy caus ed by the resignation of Mrs. W. T. Merchant. Delicious refreshments were served. Mrs. It. K. Booth was a guest of the club. Next Thursday, the club will meet with Mrs. John Boar. The Evergreen Bridge club Is be ing entertained this afternoon by Mrs. Eugene O'Connell. Last Sat urday, tho club met with Mrs. F. P. Norton. Besides the club members, Mrs. Norton hnd as guests Mrs. E. Mlngus nnd Mrs. I. S. Kaufman. Mrs. Christine Kruso was again the win ner of the first prize. Last Monday evening, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Hlldonbrand eclobrato their tonth wedding nnnlvorsary at tholr homo on South Third street last Monday evening, n few close friends dropping In for tho Joyful oc casion. Tho parlor nnd dining room was beautifully decorated in red nnd green, little hcart-shnped creations typifying tho occasion. Whist wns tho principal diversion of tho eve ning, tho prizes being won by tho following: Ladles First, Mrs. C. S. Dodge; second, Mrs. H. C. Wright. Gentlemon First, E. D. McArth ur; second, C. S. Dodge. Consolation II. C. Wright. During tho evening, punch wns sorved and at tho conclusion of cards, sumptuous refreshments wcro served. Tho worthy couplo wero recipients of many handsome prcsontR nnd wished many mora such happy anni versaries. Among thoso present wore: Mr. nnd Mrs. Eugene Crosth- walt. Mr. and Mrs. E. I). McArthur, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry G. Hoy, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. B. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. HoiiBoworth, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. S. Dod ge. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Smith nnd Mr. and Mrs. J. (1. Kinney. Tho mnrrlngo of Miss Mary Mc- Nnmnra, who hns boon mnklug hor homo lu Mnrshlleld for some tlmo nnd Allen Rnndlemun, a well-known Coqutllo man, by J ml go John F. Hall, Thursday owning came ns a sur prise to tho many friends nnd ac quaintances of tho couple. They will probably reside on tholr ranch nenr Coqullle, hut for the balance of tho winter probably reside in Coqulllo. Following tho coromonles, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Ostrow entortnlnod a few friends nt n wedding supper In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnndlemnn. Among those prosont woro Mrs. Tom Nicola, Mrs. Pnttorson, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Nay, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Pottyjohn and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hunter. Dr. J. T. McCorniac, who has boon spondlng tho winter In Honolulu for tho bonolU of his health, writes that ho Is groatly Improved nnd now bo- lloves thnt ho will fully recovor soon from the severe nttuek of rheuma tism which hns boon troubling him. Ho now plans to anil from Honolulu for San Francisco March S. Mrs. McCorniac will Join him and thoy will visit tholr daughter. Mrs. French lu California for a few weoks be fore returuiug to the Bay. PERSONAL notices of visitors In the city, or of Coos Bay people who visit In other cities, together with notices of c!h1 affairs, are gladly received in the social de partment Telephone 13H1. No tices of club meetings will be pub lished and secretaries are kindly requested to furnish s.ime. pleasure. Among her guests wcro Miss Genevieve Songstncken, Miss Adn McConnell, Miss Eliznbeth Knuf mnn nnd Mrs. J. C. Kendnll nnd .Messrs. J. C. Kendall, Thnyer Gri mes, Otto Morrlssey nnd G. A. Brown. An informnl supper was given by Misses Hunt nnd Hnlverson last Sat urday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hyden, South Broad way. Tho following guests were In vited: Mr. and Mrs. John LnCha pelle. Mr. and Mrs. Chan. LaChnpel le. Dr. and Mrs. Houseworth, Mrs. Anna Holmes, Miss HenrletTh Eattts, Messrs. Jean Brando. George Hen nessey and Tracy Johnson. A de lightful evening was spent. Mrs. T. L. Carey of North Bend la entertaining her father and mother, Mr. and .Mrs. F. A. Stewart of Port Orford. Last Tuesday evening, the North in the prises going to Mrs. W. A. Toye and Mrs. It. K. Booth. Mrs. Bennett wns assisted in serving re freshments by Mrs. Arthur McKeown f Bend Royal Neighbors nnd Modern nnd Mrs. It. K. Booth. Next Wedncs- j Woodmen of America hold n Joint dny afternoon, Mrs. L. J. Simpson ' Installation of officers nnd soclnl will entertain tho club at her homo which was one of the most delightful in North Bend. Mrs. Willis II. Kennedy Is enter taining n number of young ladles nt her home in South Marshflold this nftcrnoon. The Young Lndles Sowing clrclo spent Monday with Miss Evelyn Pi per nt her homo on Coos River in honor of hor eighth birthday. After a day of sowing, games and romping tho llttlo girls returned homo wish ing Miss Evelyn many happy days. Thoso prcsont woro Emma, Anna nnd Kathleen Fitzgerald, Elva Gray, Pearl Prico, Elslo Gllardi and Evelyn Plpor. Mrs. Geo. F. Murch, who hns been in Wisconsin the InBt few months, whero sho wns called by tho Illness and death of her mother, Is expected homo on tho Nnnn Smith, Last Monday evening Mcsdnmes Wornlch, Windsor, Wm. Vnughan and David Vaughan and Miss Then Kruso wore hostesses at a "Mexican Lunch" at tho Coos Bay Motor Boat club house at North Bond. About forty wore present and tho ovonlng delightfully spent with various di versions. In n nhort lime, n "Chlneso Luncheon" party will bo tendered nt the club. Mrs. Mnry McKnlght has returned from a few days visit with Mrs. Jas Mageo at Empire. Dr. Geo. E. Dlx nnd Frod Powers who hnvo boon touring California In an auto for tho past month aro ox pectod homo of tho Nnnn Smith next week. Both aro greatly Improved In health. Tho Tuosdny Night club will be ontortnlned by Mr. nnd Mrs. Eugeno Crosthwnlt n wook from next Tuos day. Mr. and Mrs. Clnudo Plpor of North Coos Rlvor sorvod a birthday dlnnor Sunday In honor of Mr. John Cllnkenbenrd's llfty-nlnth birthday, nnd his niece, Miss Evelyn Piper's olghth birthday. A very enjoyable tlmo wns spent. Thoso presont woro ns follows: Mr. and Mrs. John Fitz gerald, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Piper, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Cllnkonbenrd, Po to Anderson, Mr. McCulln, Mr. Will Piper, Mr. George Cllnkeiibcard, Mr. nnd Mrs. Clnudo Piper, Evelyn nnd Jack Plpor. o Tho J. G. W. club met Tuesday ovonlng nt tho homo of Mrs. Alfred Johnson Jr., elghten ladles being pre- bont. Tho evening was pleasantly spent In doing fancy work nnd a de lightful social time was onjoyod by nil those prosont. Suppor wns sorv od, nt which tho hostess wns assisted by Miss Vesta Boyrlo and Miss Anna Miller. Coqullle Herald. affairs North Bend lodges have known In n long tlmo. Following tho Installation and prior to n sumptuous banquet, n Bhort progrnm was en joyed, Instrumental numbers being rendered by Mrs. J. A. Ward, O. Sumner and P. L. Swcarlngen nnd a vocal solo by Dr. Bartlo with Mrs. Bartlo as accompanist. Addrcssoo woro mado by Dr. A. L. Houseworth of Marshflold and Rev. J. A. Albright of North Bend. A ditch dialect num ber by Lylo Chapplo and an Irish dialect numbor by Mrs. P. L. Swcar lngen wore highly entertaining. Nearly 150 wero In attendance. Miss Anna Molroso Browning of Borkeloy University, returned to San Francisco today on tho steamship Plant. Miss Browning wns accom panied by her mother, Mrs. Livings ton Browning, who will apend tho ro mnlndcr of the winter In Berkeley with her daughter. t Tho Chamlnndo club met Wednes day nftcrnoon at tho homo of Mrs. Win, Horsfnll Jr., nnd tho principal feature of tho progrnm wns a paper on Handel by Mrs. M. II. Bllven. Asldo from tho regular rehearsal, tho club talked over plans for tho con cert or rccltnl which Is to bo glvon shortly boforo Lent, probnbly during tho Inst week of Fobruary. It has boon decided thnt only local talent shall bo .Invited to participate tliU tlmo and If nrrangemouts can bo mnde, to give another concert In tho early summer for which n soloist will probnbly be brought from Portland. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns. Van Duyn on tortnlned tho Tuosdny Night Whist club Inst Tuesday ovonlng. In the decorations, n red and white color scliemo wns carried out with nastur tiums and sweot pons predominating In tho iloral offoct. Tho club prizes were won by Mrs. Frnnk M. Pnrsons nnd Dorsey Kroltzer and tho guost'a prlzos by Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Neff. Refreshments woro sorvod. Mrs. J. T. Harrlgan was hostess to a fow friends at sowing Thursday and Friday aftornoons. The affairs woro delightfully Informal. Thurs day aftornoon, hor guests included Mesdnmos E. S. Bnrgelt. C. R. Peck, J. V. Smeaton and Wm. Dungnn. lu honor of Miss Ada McConnell. A. E. Adelsnerger and wife and ' last Thursday evenlug. Mrs. Ef- Frlonds of Frank Lamberton, n former well-known resident ot Marshflold but who Is now located at Boise, Idaho, received word this weok of his engagement to nn Idaho lelle. Tho nuptials will tako place nt an early date and although a llt tlo early, Mr. Lamberton's many friends horo will unlto in extondlng host wishes to him and his brldo-to-bo. Mrs. W. T. Merchant oxpects to lenvo soon for San Francisco and Oakland whero sho will visit frlonds and relatives for a few wooks. Last Monday afternoon, tho Pro- tifltiv u'kn ItMVA simiii tka ... i uA iv-i.. i . month, with relative, in Indiana and '..arty of friends at her homo in Tl I I ! ,1 with friend, in California. a ex-! West Mar.hi.eld. The affair was In" The pro i 'w Tn en3n pected home on tho Nana Smith ' formal and va, ions diversions and Im. ' !!T. !. , J " . A,ftrnn early next weV. !,..!,. 0,w,.n.,.., .. "" ""' """ "" " u " Tho Bridge club was pleaaautlv entertalned Wednesday aftoruoou by Mr. J. W. Bennett at her hv.,e which was attractively decorated for CATALOG KEAUy TO MAIL Ths leadincrScedCatubgof thoWeit Lilly's Catalog. Your 1911 crop depend nn r.finn ..A. )...! al.l.r . the OCCaslOU. Owlmr to SOIUO of the nd set the b.t. Write now to Ih. member of the club being unable to CHAS. H.LILLY CO., Seattle, Wn. be present, a number of guests were Invited. Besides tho regular club SST w -W",CC'S-9 monibers, tho guests iucluded Mrs. C. R .Pock, Mrs. Euaono O'Connell. Mrs. Arthur McKeown, .Mrs. Robert lnttilnll TlnnMt nn.l If.... Tt r t ..v.. ...... ..ww.., ,, ., jv, , Jt. mugs, iiiu nurriKxira pun trnitcd lLlJL "' Wr by Mr. Lando who' wa. 1 ntrTriirw r ATA T rra oualrman of the day. Mrs. C. W. tfK IV C m m Uar Bar xCBTl P VVw k V v9nO lower reau "The Tradition of Sir Launfal." Mrs. Bllven sketchos from 'The Blgelow Papors" nnd othor se lections from Lowoll wore rend by Mrs. M. C. Malonoy and Mrs. M. C. Horton. Tho noxt moetlng of tho club will be with Mrs. Ward M. Blako Monday nfternoon, Jnnuary 20. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mllner ontor tnlned a fow friends at a launch par ty last Sunday complimentary to Mr. MIInor'8 brothor, BUI Mllner of Free part, 111., who Is spending n few wooks on the Bny. Tho trip wns made to the bonch nnd although It wns a little chilly for the surf bath ing which Mr. Mllner wanted to show his brother tho ride nnd outing wns Immensely enjoyed. Mrs. Wm. Horsfnll Jr., has receiv ed n letter from Mrs. Mny Dearborn Schwab, the Portland lyric soprnno who wns the soloist of tho recent Chamlnndo club concert, saying that she had n very nice trip homo from Coos Bay. She Is ospeclally enthu siastic over Coos Bay and the cour tealea shown her here. This week, she gnos to North Yakima. Wash., to participate In a concert there. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chauncey M. Bylr of North Bend will leave shortly for Los Angeles where they will spend several weeks. They will nlso visit Mrs. Bylor's shUer nt Stockton boforo returning to tho Bny. On Frldny, January C, the Ladles Art club met nt the home of Mrs. Frank M. Flyo In South Mnrshfleid. Tho officers for tho ensuing yenr wero duly Installed nnd assumed the respective duties of their several of fices ns foltows: President Mrs. Jns. Cowan. Vice-president Mrs. E. D. Mc Arthur. Treasurer Mrs. W. E. Warwick. Secretary Mrs. H. G. Hoy. A delicious lunch wns served by tho hostess, assisted by hor daughter, Miss Bessie Flyo, who also furnished entertainment for tho club in tho matter of music, playing some choice selections on tho piano. All present enjoyed a pleasant aftornoon and tho club was adjourned to meet Friday, January SO, at tho homo ot Mrs. A. L. Housoworth. Mrs. E. E. Straw, who has boon spending tho pnst month with rela tives and frlonds in California cities, will return homo noxt weok. Ono of tho most Instructive and edifying meetings of the Swedish Lutheran Young Peoples society at North Bend wns held last Wednesday evening in tho church pnrlors. Tho following wnB tho program: Recitation Chnrloy Peterson. Vocnl solo Mlko Sandln. Recitation Inn Johnson. Vocnl duot Miss Annn KJellman. Miss Allco Carlson. Reading Sigurd Ekholm. At tho election of officers tho fol lowing officers for tho ensuing year woro elected: Presldont Rev. J. Rlchnrd Olson. Vlco-prosldent Mike Sandln. Rec. Socrotary Inez Anderson. Corresponding Soc. John Forse. Trens. Axel Elglund. Progrnm committee Miss Selmn Ross, Miss Alice Carlson and Iljal mar Anderson. Delicious refreshments woro nft- orwards sorved by John Forse. Er nest Flnell. Axil Elglund nnd .Miss Allco Cnrlson, Tho next meeting will bo held tho socond Wednesday evening of February. Ono of tho most onjoynblo and i probably tho largost attonded social over given in Myrtle Point was held at tho Presbyterian manso on tho evening of tho 6th. Ovor one hun dred wero served with a dainty lunch. Thero was ns much spirit shown by tho older people In tho games that woro played as tho young. As told by ono who was thero Messrs. and Mesdames Roberts, Lowellon, Whltakor, Cooper, Guerln, Plorson and Hendricks wero carried back to tho tlmo when thoy wero boys and Good Goods At Low Prices! Hnvo you over looked over our lino of kitchen, pantry nnd table furnish. nigs.' If you haven't you will bo surpris-.' ed how fnr n llttlo money wm townrds mnklug your homo complete; '" No nintter how good n housewife! you mny be, you enn't mako tho homo what It should bo tinlo3 y0 have tho dishes nnd cooking ulonslls ' Our lino Includes tho best C,n ware, pottery, porcelain, copper and- nil gouiin on me innrKei nnd the re.i marK 01 nearly overy one who lookf them over the first time Is, "0l can you sell them so cheap." 1 Drop lu the next time you nr down town. "TiiuJo here nml Suve Money" Coos Bay Cash Store GEO. N. BOLT, - - MnnngPr. Front Street, Mnrshlleld. OUR Plum Pudding and Fruit Cake Aro mado after a prlvato Ger man rcclpo and contain noth ing but tho very best material. They nro bottor than homo mado. If you don't bollovo It try ono for your Now Year's dinner. Coos Bay Bakery THE PLACE FOR GOODIES. K-K-U----tt-rj-tt-tt--B-8. I You Can Lower the t High Cost of Living By Buying Your Meats AT THE (Continued on Pace 8.) Send Her a Box Today No need to ask any woman if sho likes cnudy if you buy tho kind wo soil. To please hor nnd to provo your discriminating tasto be sure tho namo on tho box Is "STAFFORD." Sho'll know as the creamy do Hght of tho first piece melts in her mouth that "STAFFORD" in oonfectloiiory meaus "best." it's flue facllitio. skillod work ois and , wholesalo buying of purest materials that mnkos Staf ford's confoctlonery tho hlghost posslblo degree of enndy quality. Mako us provo It! Always Something eu nt :: t :: t t: i tt t: i t: i :: i t: ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET TRY IT AND SEE GOOD .MEATS AT Reasonablo Prices PHONE 02-J Geo. W. King PROPRIETOR a GOW WHY BUILDING, a MARSHFIELD i ---- -n-a-a--n--K-- i 8 a i 8 ) 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 8 I 8 l n X tt "S B i 8 i 8 I 8 i 8 I 8 I 8 i 8 I LADD, HUNT and Co. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Ail kinds of repairs nnd shop work promptly nttended to mid neatly done. Phono 1G1X. yP TWO STORES 230 Front St 110 Central Avi. $3.50 RECIPE CURES AVEAK KID NEYS, FREE Relieves Urinnry nnd Kidney Trou bles, Bnckncho, Straining, Swelling, Etc. Stops Plu lu tho lilmlder, KidncyJ nml Back. Wouldn't It bo nlco within a weekl oi so to begin to say goodbye forovMJ to tho scnldlng. drlbbllmr. straining. or too frequent passage of urlno; the lorenenu, nnu tho back-of-the-keaa aches; tho stltchos nnd pains lu toe uuk; me growing muscle wenkness; spots boforo tho eves: vellmv skin; sluggish bowols; swollen eyelids or uiRiee; leg cramps; unnatural suon uroaui; sleeplessness and tho despoa- uoncy j I have a reclpto for thoso troubles that you can depend on, and if yo want to make a quick recovery, '" u"bhi io write and get n copy of n- .inuiy u uoeior woum charge )' $3.50 just for writing this proscrlp- wuu, out i navo it and will ba 6ia io genu it to you entirely free Ju uioji wo n une nice this: Dr. A t- Robinson, K-1491 Luck Bulldlnf. Detroit, MJch.,v nnd I will send it W return mail in a nlaln onvoinne. M you will seo when yuu got it. t&15,. v.,i0 LUHiiuns oniy pure, harmie5 j remedies, but It has great beallnS mi pam-conquerlng power. u will quickly show Us poffWl ""V Ju use . so I think you hl bettor seo what it is withm.t riily.l I will send you a copy free you cl v . uuu vuiu yuureeu at aome. iTritfSi ""iHUBIIn1 iJ ill lit ijHiti itWlAaiiiMBAl banMaHAria