The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 11, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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TERSELY TOLD i: s: :: t: n
Established hi 1K7H
as Tlio Const Mull.
A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll
nnd Coos Buy Advertiser.
No. 154
Pass Resolution Asking Him to
Resign After Lengthy Bat
tle of Words.
Action Taken Despite Mayor
Straw's Insistence. That
Cause Be Assigned.
After ono of tho most lively nml
nnlraatcd sessions tho Miirshflold city
counci lhns over known, that body
Inst ovenlng adopted n resolution by
n voto of four to two culling upon
City Englncor P. A. Sandborg to re
sign. Councilman Albrccht, Copplo,
Coko nnd Ferguson votod In favor
of tho resolution and Councllmcn
Powers nnd Savngo against. Tho
adoption of tho resolution followed
8omo decidedly bitter tilts between
Mayor Straw and tho four momberu
of tho council supporting tho move
ment. Tho matter was sprung by Coun
cilman Albrccht and enmo ns n de-
.aI.Ii.i anfnplan in Mnvnr Rtrnw nni!
ntt with tho nosslblo cxcentlon of
tho thrco other councllmon who sup
ported It.
Tho mnttor was brought up by
Mr. Albrccht Introducing a resolu
tion that tho city dlsponso with tho
city englncor until tho council had
adopted n doflnlto plan of street
work. Ho said that until then tho
city could cut off tho expeuBo of tho
engineer. Councilman Coko second
ed tho motion.
Mayor Straw Immediately "went
up In tho air." Ho declared that if
tho council wanted to ndopt that po
licy ho would boo that no streets wore
Improved tho coming yenr.
Councilman Copplo said that ho
thought tho council had something
to say about that and would do
about ns thoy chooscd.
Mayor Straw said that ho had
6omo rights In tho mnttor and If tho
council wanted to bo bull-headed and
obstreperous, all they dad to do wus
to start right in.
Ho said that If tho council wanted
to dlsponso with tho city englncor,
thoy would hnvo to lntroduco an or
dlnnnco to that effect.
Councilman Copplo demanded that
Albrcclit's motion bo put and Mayor
Straw rofused, and thon Mr. Copplo
appealed from tho chair. Mayor
Straw asked Councilman Coko as
president of tho council to put It but
beforo ho did bo, Councilman Powors
tried to pour oil on tho troubled
waters. Ho said that both thu coun
cllmcn and mayor woro doing
wrong. Ho snld ho had como on tho
council a year and a half ago to try
and straighten mnttors out nnd that
affairs had gono along smoothly. Ho
declared that If tho councllmon nnd
mayor could not get nlong llko gen
tlomon and do business llko tho di
rectors of a corporation, that all
should quit.
Mayor Straw's volco had shown
traces of anger and soma of tho oth
ers also had and for a moment Coun
cilman Powers' offorts at 'concilia
11 "Anybody who will tako n
dare Is n coward." declared
MrB. Mary Potter Uatchcllor of
Lawrence, lnd., a pretty, dash-
Ing young widow, to her no-
phew, Walter It. Uatchcllor. "I
dnro you to marry mo," ho re-
piled, and looked ub If ho
monnt It. "Why why should
I do that?" gasped tho widow. 0
"I want you wo want to keep
you In tho family," Wnltor ns-
sorted. "II'b a dnro; hnvo you
tho norvo?" Sho had, and thoy
wero mnrrlod twenty minutes
later. Tho brldo wns tho widow
of tho brldcgroom'B uncle.
Gang of Workmen In Spain
Struck and Only Five In
jured Survive.
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Dny
11.' Forty porsons were killed and
llvo Injured In a landslide that over
whelmed a gang of laborers, burying
games, ovcryono know whnt wns tho
outcomo of tho boy who Insisted thoy
piny hla way or ho wouldn't play. Mr.
Ferguson said that ho didn't think
tho mnyor wns that kind. Ho said
that tho majority of tho pooplo of
Mnrshfleld had cxpressod thomsolvcs
ns favoring n chnngo of engineers
nnd 'so ho favored It.
Tho mayor wanted when they had
no expressed themselves and Mr.
Ferguson said at tho last election.
Mayor Straw wanted to know If
tho council wnntod to got rid or
Snndborg why thoy didn't say so In
stoad of undertaking It In an undor
hnndod way. Also ho Insisted that
Bomo cause should bo given. Ho
wanted to know If Snndberg wns dis
honest, If ho wns lncompotent or If
thoro was n reason why ho should
be lot out.
Tho mayor's questions whllo for
tho wholo council wcro especially di
rected nt Councilman Copplo who
rotortod that lio didn't hnvo to bo
cntochlzed. Furthormoro, Mr. Cop
plo wnntod to know If tho mayor was
tho dictator of tho council.
"No" responded tho mayor "but If
you fellowB nro honest, fair and
square, como up nnd glvo n reason
why Sandborg should bo lot out. Do
opon and nbovo board about it nnd
don't try it by an undorhandod way."
"Well, If I was tho city engineer
I would hnvo had tho orror in that
Commercial avenuo bridgo near my
homo stralghtonod out it it had to
bo dono at my own expense," said
Coos County Bar Association othor thnn n "nrty t0 th0 BU,t b0
I iiui iiniieii iu Burvu hiiiiiiiiuhh. inib
Wants Coos and Curry Made
Separate District for Prose
cuting Attorney.
(Special to Tho Times.)
DANDON, Oro., Jan. 11. Tho
Coos County Dar Association at Its
annual meeting hero yesterday
launched n movement to havo tho
Oregon Stnto Lcglslaturo farm a
separate prosecuting attorney dis
trict to bo composed of Coos and
Curry counties. Coos, Curry and
Douglas counties now compose n dis
trict with Geo. D. Drown, tho prose
cuting attorney residing In Rosoburg.
Resolutions asking tho chnngo woro
A resolution asking Judgo Coko to
require nttorncys to submit copies of
Instructions thoy nsk to bo given to
tho Jury to tho opposing nttorncy nt
tho samo tlmo thoy presented tho
court was adopted.
Another resolution to tho Oregon
legislature recommends Hint any ono
Is In accordance with tho laws of
othor states.
Another resolution tq tho state
lcglslaturo asks tho lcglslaturo to
provide for a second doputy sheriff
In Coos county. This is to bo with
out any additional expenso to tho
About twonty-nvo attorneys wore
In nttondnncc. Tho business session
was followed by n sumptuous ban
quot. A, S. Hammond wns toast
master and most of tho responses
wcro Impromptu. Tho following of
ficers wcro olected for tho ensuing
President Geo. Topping of Dnn
don. VIco-prcBldont C. F. McKnlght
of Mnrshfleld.
Sec. J. J. Stanloy of Coqulllo.
Treasurer C. A. Schlbrodo ol
Executlvo Commlttco J. W. Don
nott of Mnrshfleld, and A. J. Sher
wood of Coqulllo besides tho nbovo
named oillccrs who nro cx-ofllclo
FALLS CITY, Ore, Jnn. 11.
Proprietor Shot Three Times
and Janitor Badly Beaten
By Thugs.
Captain and Crew of Barges
Lose Lives on Massachu
setts Bar.
(Uy Assoclntcd Press to Coos Dny
Marshfield City Council De
cides Not to Call Special
Franchise Election
After considerable discussion, tho
Marshflold city council last evening
HIGHLAND LIGHT, Mnss., Jan. ; nld t,10 initiative potltion asking thnt
11. Fourteen men comprising tho;tho extension of J. M. Dlnko's stroot
captain and crow of tho coal barges nr frnnch80 bo aubmlttcd to n voto
Corbln. Pino Forest nnd Trovorton, L. tho ,)C0D,Q Mnrch 1Ci on tho tnblo
bound onst in tow o: i no tug iKons-. , . , . , , ,
, . to bo tnkon up nt Borno futuro moot
woro drowned. Tho bnrEes woro
driven ashoro on tho Peakod Hill bar , s'
Tho saloonkeopors of this city
nro snld to bo eluding tho nntl-
treating ordlnnnce recently JJWO MASKED MEN
passed uy mo council nnu mnuo
n part of tho license provisions.
Thoy pass smnll change to tho
men to bo treated by somo pn-
tron, each pays for his own
drink with tho money thus pnss-
ovor, nnd tho entire nmouut Is
again paid by tho mnn standing
tho trcnta. Dy this method, It
Is hold, tho man desiring to
treat can do so without violating
tho law.
International Aeronautical Fe-
deration Will Not Heed
Foreign Protest.
(Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day
PAIUS, Franco, Jnn. 11. Tho in
ternational Aeronautical Federation
which mot horo decided It had no
authority to consider tho protest
against tho award of tho Internation
al balloon trophy to tho Americans.
Escape With About $45 De
spite Owner's Hard Fight
to Thwart Them.
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Day
TACOMA, Wash., Jan. 11. A
saloon nt Dlcrlngcr wns tho scono ot
a desperate affair early yestorday.
Two masked men Bwnggorcd Into tho
plnco nnd orderod Fred Dnrnot, tho
proprietor, tho barkeeper nauiod Mc
Donald and Bovornl patrons to hold
up their hands. Ono was armed with
two rovolvors nnd tho other with
All hands wont up on tho command
but ns ouo ot tho men started to
search tho cash drawer, Darnot soil
ed tho bandit by tho hand thnt hold
tho rovolvor. Tho bandit struggled
nnd forced Dnrnot within rnngo or
his companion's rovolvor and yelled
"shoot, Dill, whllo you'vo got tho
chnnco." And Dill shot Dnrnot in tho
Htomnch. Tho proprietor's hold
weakened and as ho sank to tho floor
tho mnn with whom ho had boom
struggling shot him twlco from tho
rear, onco through tho wnlst unit
tho othor through tho neck, tho bul-
Alan It. Hawley and Augustus ,ot comn out thr0U,h tfc0 Jaw
Tho discussion of tho mnttor was
oponed by Councilman Albrccht rend
ing an nrtlclo by G. A. Dcnnott which
nrguod In favor of allowing tho Dlnko
franchlso extension to stand to glvo
President Decides On Punishment of tho Coos Dny nnd Dolso railway a
early In tho day and wlthlu a fow
hours had gono to pieces.
Tiilkiitlvo Olllcor.
. chance. Mr. Donnott also Intimated
(Dy Associated Pross to Coob Day that tho Southern Pacific boostora
Times.) woro tho ronl opponents ot tho DIako
WASHINGTON, D. C, Jnn. 11. franchlso. Ho nlso took a fow raps
Pronldoiit Tnft has decided that nt tho Southern Pnclflc for trying to
Commander W. S. Sims, the Unltod provont nnv railway getting to Coob
States Naval olllcor. who nt a rocont Day,
dinner in London by tho Lord , a. II. Powors said that ho thought
Mayor of that city doclarod that If It would bo squandering money to go
Groat Drltaln ovor was sorlously to tho oxponso of a Bpociul election to
threatened sho could depend on "ovo- cut Dlnko's oxtonslon n fow monttiB.
ry man, ovory dollnr, ovory drop of Ho said If nnyono olso wna In tho
blood" In this country,
publicly reprimanded.
bo field to got It nnd wns bolng hold up,
Jit would bo n different thing. Ho
' snld ho was in favor ot giving it to
I tho opponents of tho Dlako franchlso
if thoy would nccopt a franchlso as
Conininmlcr of Cruiser Pes Moines good for tho city, that Is If thoy want
Passes Awny. It when Dlnko's tlmo Is up nnd if
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Day niako doos not como through.
Times.) J Councilman Forguson said that ho
WASHINGTON, D. C, Jnn. 11. j,nd boon informed by City Attornoy
Tho Navy Doportmont has boon ad- GoB3 tlmt n 81,ecni election would
vised that Commnndor John F. Luby c08t nboi,t $000 nnd that It would
of tho crulsor Des Moines, died on tnko nl)0l,t nnoty aaya to call it. Ho
that vessel Sunday In tho vicinity of snld th,B wna too much to pny for
tho Capo Vordo Islands.
Post, on tho ground that tho protest
ns it was mado wns Irregular. Tho
Fodoratlon doclnred tho protest
should hnvo boon mado first with tho
sporting commission ot tho Amorlcnn
Aero Club.
cd tho potltion would bo a cloud on
Pinko's franchlso that would havo to
bo removed by y submitting It to n
voto ovontunllyjnuy' way.
Previously Mayor Straw stated
that ho thought somo of tho pcoplo(
responsible for tho potltion should
havo boon prosout nnd given a rea
son for it. Ho asked two or threo
who woro present, whoso unmos woro
on tho petition to give tholr reasons
for signing it.
Southern Pacific.
Councilman Coko snld that tho talk
that tho petitioners woro Southern
Pacific boostora was all "rot." Ho
said that bo far as ho could Judgo,
thoro woro only two men on tho peti
tion whom woro interested in tho
Southern Pacific welfuro and ho
wasn't Buro thoy woro, Ho snld thoso
two woro Dr. E. Mingus and Wm,
Grimes. Ho said that although ho
was a Southorn Pacific omployo, ho
had not been asked to act ono way
or another on tho mnttor.
However, ho Bald n fow days after
tho extension had beon granted, Gon
ornl Managor Mlllls of tho Southorn
Pacific Interests horo had informed
him that ho thought tho oxtonslon
"Dill," continued on guard whllo tho
othor ransacked tho money drawer
obtaining $15.
At this moment tho saloon Janitor
known as "Scolloy," ontorod hair
nwnko nnd protested ovor tho nolso.
Ho wns knocked sonsoless, ench ot
tho bandits striking him on tho head
with tho butt of n rovolvor. Tho rob
bora then escaped.
0 1
Severest Winter Storm In Long
Time Causes Incon
venience Here.
I cutting down tho tlmo a trifle
the futuro, Mr. Forguson Bald ho would moan nnothor dolay of six
would favor compelling' applicants months in Coos Day uottluK a rail
Captain Olson of tho Acmo Tries New for a franchlso to fllo a forfeit bond ' road. Later, Mr. Coko said, he nsk-
Mr. Copplo. "That proves conclu-
tlon had somo effects but It was not , Blvely to me that tho city onglnoer
Councilman Copplo revived It by
declaring that ho would not bo dic
tated to by tho mayor or anyone else
as ho had been chosen to represent
tho people. Ho said that ho was for
improvement and ns a member ot
tho Citizens' league ho had so urged
but at tho same tlmo had desired re
trenchment. Mayor Straw said thnt ho was not
courting courtesy or fnvor but that
ho was going do right as ho saw it.
Ho made It rathor strong by tho
u8o of oxploslvoa such ns ho some
times injects Into his remarks. Ho
eald that ho didn't want nny undor
handod work dono, thnt ho thought
the council as a public body should
bo honest and nbovo board in its do
ings. Ho wanted to know tho rea
son why the matter was proposed.
Councilman Ferguson aroso and
eald that when boys were playing.
makes errors and Is unfit for tho Job.
DesIdeB, I think Mr. Sandborg knows
of tho criticisms of him nnd that
many aro opposed to his work."
Mr. Sandborg, who was present
here arose and declared that tho
Commercial avenuo bridge matter
was duo to a change mado in the
Horo Mayor Straw broke in again
nnd said that tho councllmon should
net as men about it and glvo Mr.
Sandberg a hearing or at least glvo
good reasons why ho should bo dis
charged. Councilman Coko said that ho
didn't think It wns necessary for the
council to glvo nny reason if they
Stuut ut Humboldt Buy. as a guaranteo of good faith
Capt Olsen of the steamer Acmowho Councilman Savage said it looked
is quite well known here as his vessel to him as though someone was wlll-
wnnted to discharge tho engineer.
Mayor Straw differed with him and water, Captain Olson decldod
finally Mr. Coko said that Mr. Sand- make an investigation hlrasolf.
has made a number of trips here has
been pulling off somo new stunts at
Humboldt Day. Tho Eureka Herald
has tho following about it:
"Captain Olsen of tho steamor Ac
me who has a reputation as a rustlor
among seafaring men, performed a
little stunt in Areata bay whllo tho
ship was loading lumbor thoro last
week that won him admiration. Tho
Acme's rudder had boon endangered
in maneuvering to n dock and Cap
tain Olson became worrlod In his
anxiety to know whothor or not it
was still in commission. Finding
that tho cost of securing a diver
would bo rathor high and knowing
that tho Bhlp was not drawing much
berg was incompetent and later add- dove beneath the stern of tho Acme
ed that this was his opinion. Ho four times beforo ho satisfied him-
32JJ2uednpSK?T5 elf that the rudder was all right."
ing to spend about ?G00 ot the city's
money to give Dlako a kick.
Councilman Coko asked that tho
names on tho initiative potltion bo
read and after they wero, ho said ho
was willing to glvo tho people a
chnnco to voto on It and thought tho
council should when a class of citi
zens and taxpayers llko tho 150 or
so on the potltion askod It. Ho said
that ho had opposed tho oxtonslon
from tho first becauso bo thought
Dlako inslncoro.
Someone wanted to know if tho
council had to submit It to an elec
tion. Mayor Straw Bald tho city at
torney had informed him not becauso
tho petition contnlnod a spoclflc date.
If it did not contain tho specific dato,
tho lnltlntivo law would require it
to bo submitted at tho next goneral
Mr. Ferguson said that he believ
ed Mr. Mlllls what he meant but
tho lattor said ho didn't want to dis
cuss it.
Mr. Copplo Bald ho thought the
pooplo would oppose tho special
election if thoy knew it would bo so
Finally Mr. Copplo said that somo
of tho men who had Instigated tho
Initiative movomont had informed
him that tholr objoct was to mako
Dlako show his hand and that they
woro not particular about having tho
olectlon March 1G. In vlow of this,
ho said ho thought It would bo well
to lay it on tho tublo. This was
Ono of tho most sovoro snow nnd
sleet storms that has struck Coos
Day In a long tlmo arrlvod last night
paralyzed long distnuco phono and
tolegrnph wiros.
Tho long dlstnnco phono lines bo
tweon North Bond and Gardlnor, bo
tweon Hosoburg nnd Myrtle Point
and between Coqulllo and Dandou
wont down. It Is oxpected thnt sor
vlco to Rosoburg will bo restorod
somotlmo this afternoon. Tho nan
don sorvlco was restored this fore
noon. Tho Western Union is out of com
mission nnd owing to tho heavy
snow in the mountains it is uncer
tain when sorvlco can bo re-established,
Tho lino camo up for about
ten minutes late yesterday afternoon
and Oporator Carleton was ablo to
get part of The Times' Associated
Presa roport and It went down again.
Asldo from tho damago to tho
wires, tho storm did no damago in
this vicinity. Tho sleot and snow
molted rapidly today and tho young
sters didn't oven got good snowball
ing out of It.
Owing to tho lnclomout weather,
tho mnll was Into again today, not
tho ronchlng hero until nfter 2 o'clock.
dono, Councilman Coko being
only ono opposing It. .
RAINCOATS sold nt LUND'S (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Ba
placo $2.50 nnd $2.75. CLOSING Times.)
OUT. 215 Droadway. BUENOS AYRES, Argentina, Jau.
11. Many fatalities resulted from
RAINCOATS sold nt LUND'S .an oxploslon in a gun powdor factory
place $2.50 and $2.75. CLOSING , at San Martin. Twolvo bodies wero
OUT, 215 Broadway, recovered,
.. - -. V
. i L jA lJmEJj- - ii&