"W' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1911 5 IS Personal Notes GOO W Jan al uary TiTo WOOLEN MILL STORE MHI-to-Man Clothiers Marshfield Oregon LET US TALK IT OVER Whnt docs good health moan to you? Everything, comfort, happiness, plonty. No one can do his life's work without honlth. Wo run a health shop. Our stock of drugs and chemicals Is tho hest and absolutely tho purest. Roiuombor" truo medication Is to nsslHt nature In performing n euro so begin In time and bring your family recipes nnd prescrip tions to tho "Busy Cornor" whero they aro compounded with tho grentcst caro and tho purest and host chemicals used. Called for prescriptions and delivered In any part of town freo of charge. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. WOOD OR COAL FREE WITH HEATING STOVES By taking advuutngo of our r Special Discount of Ten Per Cent on Wood and Coal Heating Stoves. - - During tho month of January you will savo enough money to help pny tho full bill. 'jM "WANTED PrlvnV bumlcih by ln or week. A. M.' Times. IFOR RENT Furnished live-room cottage. Enquire E. A. Elckworth WANTED Position as housekeeper by a trustworthy woman compe tent to tako chargo of house. Ad dress 4A IV enro Tlmos. "WANTED filil to work in cigar fac tory. Splondld opportunity. Apply Stevens' Cigar Factory Plat B. XX)U lll'ICK AUTO SERVICE Phones 3-1J The Gunnery, until G P. M.; GO J Tho Smokehouso, after C P. M., and Sundays. Your patronago solicited. Prompt sor vlco guaranteed. I, R. Tower. WANTED MODERN HOUSE Must ho modern and on upland alto with good walks. Address 'Homo'care Times. TOR RENT Furnished rooms, in quire Mrs. G. A. Lee, North Broad way, cornor of Alder. TOR SALE One Ilolton II Flat Cor net. Bargain If takon quick for cash. McPhorson-GInser Co. TOR SALE 77 J acres on tho North Fork of Coos River, 2 miles above Allegany, new bungalow em's Hats $3.50 Cravenette tj Q Hare . s)60 $3.00 Millicoma 9 OCT Hats . . . $.JJ $2.00 Hats . $135 and bnrn. 20 acres flno bottom land nowly fonced. Spring wnter piped to house. Price $2,G00. 500 will handle. Address C. M. Doutt, Allognny, Oro. FOR RENT OR SALE 180-ncro good dairy or stock fnrm, 7 mllos from Marshfield. 'AddressChnrlot to McMullen, Marshfield. FOR SALE Blooded fov hound pups. Sherman nvonuo, North Bond. A. Hoolllng. FOR RENT House on Meado St, North Bend, cheap to tho right party. F. L. Sumner, Mfld. Oro. WANTED Grocery cleric, n rustler. Address In own haudwrlting P. O. Box 4G0, Marshllold, Ore. FOR SALE Three Humphrey g.ic. lamps cheap. ' In good condition. Palnco hotol, North Bond. FOR SALE Cheap, JflO acres tim ber land In Curry county. Apply Hall & Hall. Just Mado it Tfnrmor fillos (who tins JllSt Cashed a check) I don't think this money's right, alio unsmor vt ouiu you mum counting it again, sir? I think you'll (hid It correct. Furnior Giles (having ,1mm uni Vns. but you bo caroful. young man; It's only Just light. Lon don Sketch. The Happy Medium. Squlro's Daugbter-By the wny, do von snoll your name with n lnrge or a small N, Mrs. McNube? Vlllnger-Oh, mlddlln' large. mlss.-Londou M. A. P. O TIIK WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON, Jan. 7. Fair to- night and Sunday; cooler. Daughter III. Yhc Httlo daughter of Judgo and airs. J. S. Coko Is re ported quite 111 nt their home. Hcdomlo Delayed. Owing to n delay In the alterations In tho steam er Hcdondo which Is now on dry dock at San Francisco, that vessel will not sail for Coos Bay until January 20. Death nt Gniillnor. Itcv. Father Springer of North Bend has been called to Gardiner to conduct the funeral of Mr. Daly, a pioneer of Smith ltlver, 25 miles above Gardi ner, who died a few days ago. Is In Force. The now saloon or dinance Is now In force and will bo distributed next week. However, the proprietors of saloons have to llvo up to It now, nnd If they vdn turo In their places tomorrow, they will bo liable to nrtest. Petition Filed. The referendum petition for submitting tho extension of tho Blnlto street car franchlso to tho voters of Mnrshllold was tiled with City Recorder Butler this week mid will be taken up nt the next meeting of tho council. Waives Right. Judgo C. A. Sehl hredo has forwnrded to tho U. S. Court In Portland a wnlvor of his right to act as refcrco In bankruptcy In tho Coos Bny Rapid Transit Co. case. Judge Sehlbredo did not nd in It his Ineligibility but as there was some objection he did not caro to bo tho cause of n controversy. Kick On Contract. Messrs. Hopo nnd several other Ten Mllo ranchers wore In Mnrahfleld yesterday for the purposo of cancelling tho purchnso of a stallion from nn outside syndi cate. Tho horso wns shipped here and tho ranchers claim that the par ties selling tho stnlllon violated their ngreement. The matter has stirred up considerable comment. Damage Cut (Bass Somo ono who evidently Just securod a diamond ring is cniiBlug somo troublo around town by boring Httlo holes In the plnte glass windows around town. Last night, two holos wero cut In the plate glass In front of Bone brake's ment market on Front street. If they nro caught, It may tnko tho prlco of tholr diamond ring to make restitution for tho dnmngo they nro doing. Jess Day Arrested. Jess Dny, tho prlzo fighter, wos arrested by Con stablo Cox today Just as ho was pror paring to leavo on tho M. F. Plant for San Francisco. Ho was charged with being nn absconding debtor by Mrs. Englund who claimed ho owed hor $7(3. Day wns brought back to Justice Ponnock's court nnd there ho ?nve Mrs. Englund $30 in ensh nnd i Goo. Horron wont on h's note for .ho othor $40. Ho mndo n wild rush to try nnd cntch tho Plnnt. Kid Williams and his manager, M. Mur phy, also left on tho Plnnt. BURNT CORK. The Paste Used by Minstrel Perform ers When "Dlacfcino Up." The popular Impresslou us to the ap plication of burnt curl; by mlustiel performers nnd actors hi general Is that ft Is rubbed on the face and hands of the player from u cork whose end is charred In u eouvenleni gnu Jet. This Impression Is. however. Incorrect. The burnt cork used by uilustnis and others is the product of the theatrical "paint factories," Just as Is any other cosmetic or pigment employed by the profession. One house makes It In the following manner: The corks nro placed In three tlu vessels. ruemhli)g vu!i boilers, with holes punched In their sides and bottom. Alcohol Is sprinkled over the corks, nnd they they are "tired." When the corks have been properly charred they nro placed In muslin sacks, which nro kneaded In barrels of water. This operation fori-us the powdered churowl through the sacks into the water When all the charred corks have been worked through the sacks Into the water In this way the water I drained through u clone canvas stick, uud what remains In that sack Is ready for the prformiM. The stun is put up in cans, from which, when the inhwtrol is ready to "black up." he tnkos n little of the black paste la Uv hands nnd nppllos It to his face, neck and sometimes his hands. New York Herald. from n MltS. A. G. A1K.EN left today San Francisco on business. for MllS. HUB BURT ROGUUS spent yesterday with Mnrshllold friends. I. S. SMITH returned today via Drain from n short visit with his family at Corvallls. JOHN NABB and wife left today for Sluslaw whero Mr. Nabb has ac cepted n position as locksmith In a stono quarry there. SENATOR, W. C. CHASE of Coquille passed through hero today en routo to Salem to attend tho com ing meeting of tho stnto legisla ture CAPT. HARRIS and his dnughtor-ln-lnw and his little grand daughter left today for San Francisco to consult specialists regarding hor health. RUDY CARLSON, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Carlson nt tho Smith General office, who has been quite sick for tho past week, is slightly Improving. BURT COX Is in from Ten Mllo to close n denl for leasing tho old Nichols ranch near Umpire, now owned by Mrs. McMullen. Ho Is n son of W. II. Cox. S. D. MAGNUS, tho genlnl nnd opti mistic philosopher of tho Panama Exposition City "191 G" arrived this afternoon on one of his semi occasional visits to tho Bny whero ho Is nlwnys welcomed, in fnct thero is only ono event that can equnl tho welcomo of tho nrrlvnl of Snm Mngnes nnd thnt Is a rail way. Somo day wo hopo to wel como thorn both togothor. NEWS OF ALLEGANV. Mr. nnd Mrs. Win, Rohlson woro call to Marshllold Wednesday. Dan Roborts is visiting n few days with his sister's family, Mrs. C. U. Edwards. Mr. nnd Mrs. I). Chns. Dlngmnn of North Bond, nro visiting nt tho homo of Burt Gray. Mr. John Long is spondlug tho winter In tho home of his daughter Mrs. Burt Gray. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Roberts nro in Allegany today on the return of their honeymoon trip. Allegany's correspondent hns been too busy with home affairs tho last few dnjs to wrlto notes. Miss Cnrrlo Rodlno has gone to Snlom by wny of Portland to nttend school for a fow months, Mrs. N. Daggett is cook at Plorco's Camp and spent n few days nt hor homo near West Fork bridge. John Newklrk of Loon Lake, has been In North Bond for n fow days spending the holidays passed through our burg on Tuesday eve ning. rrotrncted meetings conducted by Rev. Burt Gray at Allognny have been n great succoss. Several have been convortod nnd many others have been mndo to fool thnt tho world is not dend yet. M. W. Roberts and Mrs. Honriot ta Robison woro mnrrled at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Longstnff in South Marshfield, Decombor 17, by Rev. I. Rutledgo pastor of tho M. E. church. On tho following Tuos day they started on n visit to M. Ro bison's son, Edward Roborts, resid ing in FloroncQ. Mr. Roborts Is nn employe of Smlth-Powors Logging company nnd will reside noar hU work. STRAUSS QUITS JOB. United States Ambassador to Turkey Resigns, (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Tlmo.l WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 7. Oicnr S. Strauss of New York hut re signed ns United Statog ambassador to Turkey. Ilavo your Job Tho Times office. printing dont ni Read the Times Want Ads. . S. DOW returned today business trip to Coiiullle. EW PRESIDENT Former Governor of Idaho Heads National Wool Growers Association. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 7. Frank II. Gooding, former governor of Ida ho, and a brother of Fred W. Good ing, tho retiring president, was elect ed president of tho Nntlonal Wool Growers' Association today. The other now officers nro: Western vice-president, George AitBtln of Salt Lnko; Eastern vlco presldcnt, A. J. Knollln of Chicago. Uxecutivo committee Washington, F. M. Rothrock; Oregon, J. II. Do byn; California, Fred Ellonwood; Arizona, F. W. Perkins; New Mexi co; II. F. Leo, Nebraska; Thomas Nelson; Idnho, Frank J. Hngen barth; Utah, Peter Clegg; Wyoming, William Daley; Montnnn, J. B. El liott. Tho states which did not elect ex ecutive committeemen will bo served by tho present olllcors unless changes nro hereafter nuthorlzed. Omaha Is the next plnce of meet ing. North Bend News Miss Nolllo Tower Bend shopper today. was a North Tho Uandon finished her cargo at old North Bond today. Carl Albrccht of Mnrshfiehl was a North Bend business visitor todny. Mrs. Charles Cnvnnnugh nnd son, Uldou, wore Mnrshllold visitors Thursday. Mrs. W. Poterson of North Inlot Is tho guest of hor daughter, Mrs. John Freelnnd. Geo. Olln of California Is tho guest of his HlBtor, Mrs. Win. Vnughnn of North Bend Heights. John Heath has takon his young son to Salem and placed him to tho stnto school for deaf and mutes. Mrs. Win. Lnwhorno returned to Mnrshflold today after a brief visit with hor mothor Mrs. M. J. Pratt. F. B. Road, who recently Bold his Coos River ranch, nnd his wlfo nro now guests at tho homo of Mrs. Rood's pnronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. Goo, WItto. JnB. L. Stovens will occupy tho Rood ranch tho coming yonr. The North Bond school board has declared tho seat of Mauley H. Strawn on tho bon'rd vncnnt bocniiEo of Mr. Strnwn's oxtondod nbsonco nnd ordorod n special election to bo held Jnnunry 21 to elect his succes sor. F. W. Stovons Is tho first ono to nnnounco his candidacy for tho place. Tho Mlzpah Blblo Class has opened Its rending room In tho Vigors build ng which tnkos tho plnco of a public library until ono is secured for North Bend. Current rending will ho fur nished nnd tho rending room will bo non-soctnrlan, nffordlng n pjneo whoro nil mny spend tho ovonlng or Idlo hours profitably. Tho W. C. T. U. which mot Wed nesday afternoon nnd listened to quito nn interesting tnlk by Row All bright on whnt tho W. C. T. U. had accomplished during tho past 3G years and their great work for torn pernncc. Tho committee on nmuse nieiit nnd entertainment for tho mooting to ho hold Friday, Jnnunry 13, nro Mrs. E. T. Wngnor, JJrs. Footo nnd Mrs. C. A. Nollnor. Tho refroshmont comnilttoe consists of Mrs. Robert McCnnn, Mrs. F. Stovons and Mrs. Win. Jonos, W, Henry of Navarro and the Rod. Honry IV. of Franco was a firm bo liver In tho ndnge, "Spare tho rod and spoil tho child." In n letter to the iiovoruesH of his son be wroto In Oc tober, 1007: "Madame I have to com plain that you hnvo not Informed mo of having dogged my son. I desire nnd request that you will Hog him whonover ho Is disobedient or other wise troublosomo, knowing ns I do that nothing will do him inoro good. I sponk frpm experience, ns'nt his ago I was frequently birched." Paris Gnu-'ols. TALKED HR (Continued from pago 1.) tlvo to tho facilities hero for repair ing ships. The information contain ed in tho lnst bulletin told of condi tions ns they woro about twenty or thirty yenrs ago and do a great In justice to tho harbor. A commltteo was appointed to tnko theso up. As soon ns Mr. Dlcr'a report is completed, copies of It will bo for wnrded to various members of Con gress with requests that they do whnt Is In their power for Coos Bay. Tho Chamber of Commcrco nnd Port of Coos Bay commission will unite In preparing nn argument to Congress why Coos Bay is entitled to a Inrgcr appropriation. II. C. DIors suggested thnt In this attention should be called to tho fnct that tho government holds over ono billion foot of timber tributary to Coos Bay and thnt when tho Panama canal Is completed, tho vnluo of this stump uge will he Increased nt lenst fifty cents per thousand. This Incronso coupled with tho toll that will bo exacted for carrying It through tho cnnnl would net tho government ovor $00,000,000 by having tho Coos Bay hnrbor nvallable. Good Bonds Work. A communication from U. N. Har ry of Sltkum setting forth conditions on tho Coos Bny wagon rond was read. Mr. Harry stated that tho residents nlong tho rand wero taxing themselves to the limit and this year proposed to vote a ton mill lovy, rais ing about $10,000 for road Improve ments. This is to ho iiflcd entirely for grading. He stated thnt nbout two nnd one-half miles of grado had not been planked nnd requested that tho pcoplo of Marshfield should as sist In tho plnnklng. He cstlmntcd It would cost $1,500 per mllo to plank tho rond. R. M. Jennings stated that Judgo Hnll, who recently mndo n trip over tho road had boon, stuck in ono of tho mud holes nnd on his return had the county court appropriated $1,000 for tompornry ropnlr work on tho rond. Mr. Joinings said that Hugh McLaln had mndo n trip out ovor tho rond this week and would tnnke n detailed roport of It on his return. A lottor from J. W. Bonnott Bant ing thnt J. N. Tonl, tho Oregon rcpro sontntlvo on tho National Rlvors nnd l Hnrhors Congress hnd requested jCo08 ny to rn,80 ?200 or $200 to wnrds innliitnlnliig tho organization Lnst year, North Bend did not con tribute anything nnd this year It was decided North Bond should bo nskod to contribute $7f nnd Marshfield the balance, M. C. Horton, Honry Seng stneken and C. C. Going woro named ns n commltteo to secure this. For Publicity. Alva Doll presented n lottor from tho manager of tho publicity depart ment of tho Southorn Pacific for "Community Advertising" which ho wns grontly In favor of. Tho South ern Pacific has been working this for towns nlong tho lino In conjunction with Its Sunset Magazine, It costs from $1,200 to $3,000 to Boctirotho advertising. Tho matter wns rofor red to tho oxccutlvo commltteo for furthor Investigation. Tlioro wns a fnlr nttondnnco nt lnst night's meotlng which wns hold In tho now qunrtors. Tho executive commltteo will meet rogulnrly Fri day ovonlngs nnd it is proposed to hold public meetings from tlmo to time. Got a tr!nl sack of HAINES" flour. BAN ON PAPER. (By Associated Pross to Cooi Bay Tlmos.) GRENOBLE, Franco, Jnn. 7. Tho bishop of Grenohlo hns Issued n de oroo forbidding tho rending to two groat nowspnpors on tho ground thnt thoy nro hostile to tho Catholic ohurch. HAINES flour Is nlwnys good. Ask your neighbor about it. HAINES hay and food nro going fnst. Bottor Join tho othor wlso buyors and got your noxt ordor from HAINES. We Move January 15lh BROWN DRUG CO. GRADUATE CHEMISTS "The Quality Store" MARSHFIELD, OREGON. j&frHl&McllliVs Food .,, tVIabij-?gltfXa VfferrrlPnm M