B TO?wh -i-i )Wl i v j VT'f "y ," fVfr' i J ?iKWBBMfl ?iilj'rirlfitWfR".Il wppnxjsp iTVissSBttsmwimmHmmn. saaca THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD,. OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1911- 4 f t r A I r fj a t t c a C l! I o n O P 8t T e O l -! i' l' i I 1 - : i in b ' lu v n rj la v! ! ' o tl n M 3 o. fl l! t t 1. 11 t; c is 'i V r Vi ililiN NEW QUARTERS iiALii loses gun. Oregon Power Co. and Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. Have Moved. Mnrshflold's ndvancomont In me tropolitan airs was novor nioro In avldonco thnn In tho handsome nuw ounrtors of tho Oregon Power Com- pany nnd the Tltlo Qnnrnnteo nnd Abstract Company In tho now Coko building, liotli Arms havo moved this wcok Into tholr now quartors nnd while not fully Bottled they mnko n splendid showing. Tho Oregon Power Company occu py tho comor room which had boon handsomely finished and with a tos sclatod tllo flooring and Its flno fix tures glvos It a thoroughly niotro polltan appearance Mnnngor .Ton nlngs Is to bo congartulatod. It provos ho knows how to lit an olllce at woll a manago tho concern. Tho Title Cluarantee nnd Altrnct Company occupy tho first room ad joining tho main entrance. It ha bgon fitted like the Oregon Power Co's office with bank fixtures and with a large rear work room In so arranged as to bring tho outlro work ing forco Into systematic touch with onch other. It Is an office that Is a credit to Its mnnngor, Ilonry Seng stnokon, and tho c!ty of Mnrshllold as woll. Coos County Man Is Mobbed Near Reselling. ROSEUURG, Ore., Jan. G. Hnrd Ij had Oeorge Qulno assumed tho of fice of sheriff of Douglas count this morning when he received a tele phone message from Kiddie to lio effect that a Coos county resident named Hall, who Is traveling through the country bj- private conveyance, hod been robbed of a valuable gun some tlmo Inst night. With no clow, other than n description of tho gun, Shorlff Qulno nnd Doputy Snm Stnr mor Immodlntoly sot to work, nnd aftor an hour's search found tho weapon In tho possession of tho Rhoadcs second hand store. From ono of tho clerks to whom tho fel low had sold tho gun a fair descrip tion of tho man was obtained, and shortly nftor ho was arrested at Mooro's livery barn as ho was about to loavo town. When taken Into custody ho gnvo his nnmo ns Byron Alton, In Kosoburg. Like most per sons nrrosted for crimes of tills na ture, ho professed Innocence, nnd claimed Hint ho hnd purchased tho gun from n "hnlf-breod" whom he met In tho vicinity of Kiddle. He wiih recommitted to tho state reform school, i I "What you miss if you do not take advantage of Ooodrmn's 1NG SALR Jt is u t often you have an opportunity to buy of merchandise at WHOLESALE COST. STOCK TAK sucli a clean line Over coats for 00 09o $3 ZcSOand ' dinti 'see $ J5Qv CB? fit. Personal Notes JUSTICE TURPEN of Emplro was a Slurahlluld vls'tor ynsterdny. C. F. MuKNIdllT has moved his of llco Into tho now Coke building. W. .1. WHITE of llnndon wnB n Mnrslillold builuoae visitor this wcok. E. X. IIAKKY and wife of Sltkuni nra ipoudlng a few dy In Marth fluid, SUI'T. 3. 0. KAAH of the North Ilnnil schools, Is a MuraufMd visit tor today. FLOYD COKKIfll.T and wife and eon of .North HhmiI, viilted Marahfluld friends yeatordny. GKORflK SHERIDAN roturned on tho M. P. Plant from San Fran cisco to lettuuio IiIh position us nianiigor of tho North lluud con-donsary. A. S. HAMMOND nnd wife of Co qulllo pnstiod through lioro yostor day en route homo from Portland whoro Mrs. Hnmmoud lms buou tnklug inodlcnl truntmout. 1 S. DOW roturned todny on tho M. F. Plnnt from a IiubIuowi (tip to Snu Frnnnlseo. Ho reports Hint tho outlook there for n good sonson Is oxcollont nnd nonrly evoryono is optimistic. ROBERT BREEN nnd wlfo linvo re turned to the Hay after nn otond od nbsenco, Mr. Ureon holds a government modal for his heroic rosouo work nt the tlmo of the Tnronin disaster. Will Find Our Saturday SllltSco i eevnioT i-a STROUSE a QROS. oautiiwomc Can Yon ieat JIL ?o.00 Packard Shoes. ..$3.S3 -to.OO Stetson Hats . . .$3.85 $3.00 and $3.50 Hats. .$2.35 All $1.30 and $1.75 Shirts $1.20 4ft Sr MAIISIIFIKM) $1.25 & $1.50 Neckwear 95c 75c Neckwear 55c 50e Neckwear 10c Wool Underwear . . . 25 PerCent OiT tl Everything Going est Cosfco Do Not Wait But Buy Now rr"? C Basket 'F. H. CltOSDY will leave tomorrow for llnndon and from there will proceod to San Francisco, Mr. Crosby's deporturo will bo greatly regretted by tho many friends ho hns mndo during his stny hero. .MISS MAflU: KINO, who bus been visiting relatives hero, will !eao for Oakland, Cnl., the first of the month to visit hor sister, Miss Eve lyn King, nnd will also ontor col lego thero tho first of Mnrch Hor ninny friends In Mnrshfleld nnd North Pond wish her success, Filled with everything (loud PIJK1B IIONI3Y IN COMI1 IMtlSSSIOI) FK18, LAYKK 11A1S1NS IMCKMCD PK1S FHICT 1IO.MK MAD13 KKAUT KAIUll'J QUKKN OI.IVIJS KIl'K OMVKS IN HULK Pent MINCK MUAT that Is mndo. ItiMt I'OTATOHS on Coos Pay Kalsod on High Sandy Laud, Our Uxt of 1'ivhh Fruit h mul Veget ables fofSntunlay. fhiisii vr.tiirrAiiijics FKHSU I.KTTUCK CHMCKY, CAUMFLOWKK, SWKKT POTATOKS, HUNCH TUKN1PS OltUIJN ONIONS, CARROTS, mjirrs, parsnips, rutahaoas, CAllllAau, CRANIIKKRIKS. FUKSII FUl'ITS FRKSH PINKAPPLKS, 11ANANAS. ORANOKS LHMONS JAP ORANHKS APPI.KS nnd nil kinds or DR1HD FRUITS. Como ami See Tliem. Phono Your Onler. mmmmmEKm&mmmmEmi mM&mw8$& MrrmMsmmi OLLIVANT & WEAVER Till: Pl'Ri: IX)OI fiROCKUMUN A Oood Pluco to Trade. Phono U7.1, Cor. ilixl ami Coutnil Ave Good Goods At Low Prices IIiuo you ever lookod over our line of kitchen, pantry and table furnish ings? If you haven't you will be surpris ed how far a little money will go townrds making your homo complete. ' No matter how good a housewife you niny bo, you can't ninko tho' homo whnt It should bo unions you ' havo the dishes nnd cooking utensils. I Our lino includes tho host china' wnre, pottery, porcolnln, coppor nnd , tin goods on tho market and tho ro- mark of nonrly every ono who lookB thorn over tho llrst tlmo Is, "How can you sell thorn so chonp." Drop In tho net time you nro down town. "Trmlo here mul Save Money" Till-: FAST AND COMMODIOUS SteSMeir Redosido (Fiilmvil w ,! Wlrole.ss) Will make regular trips carrying imssenger.s ami freight iK'tvtoen oos Hay nnd San IVanclhco. All reservations for passengers inailo nt Alilnuco Dock, Mtmdiflclri ami Inter-Ocenu 'i'niusp, Co. Union Street Wharf No. 2, Sua Francisco. For information, phono I 1-J or li!5. INTKR-OCIUN TRANSPORTATION COMPANV. Coos Bay Cash Store Oi:o. N. llOIr, - - Manager. Front Street, Miirnhftelil. STEAMER M. F. PLANT Sails for San Francisco ever eight days. TICKETS RESERVED UP TO THE ARRIVAL OF THE SHIP, RESERVATIONS WILL HE CANCELLED AT THAT TIME UN LESS TICKET IS HOUGIIT. F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshfield Ore SAVE MONEY ny having your old clothes pressol mid clonucd. Makes thorn look hot ter nnd wear longer. Satisfaction guaranteed, COOS HAY TAILORING CO. J. W Josephson, Mgr. 1HO South llroiulwuy. Mnrsliflelil TWO ARE EXECUTED. Agents of HlncK Hnml Society Are Electrocuted. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) DANNI3MOKA, N Y , Jan. 0. Do nilulca Forrera and Vincent Leonar do, the young Italians who murdered n ront collector at the command of the "Pluck Hnml" society woro oloc trocutod nt Clinton prison todny. Leonardo confessed Just boforo ho -ns strapped U tl.e chair. 4 y Oe your HUNTER'S and ANG. JEER'S LICENSE at MILNER'S. Your Sunday Roast ROAST REEF Wo havo it rendy for you. Sweet and Juicy. ROAST MUTTON ROAST POR1C Union Meat Market Phono Us Your Ordor. Phono DS. STEAMER BREAKWATER Snils from Alnsworth Dock, Portland, nt 8 P. M., every Tuesday. Snlls from Coos Ray every Saturday nt service of tide. Reservations will not bo held later Uinn Friday noon, unless tickets are purchased. L, II. KEATING, AGENT PHONE MAIN 35-L For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage FREE DELIVERIES S A. SI. mid 2 P. M, Phono 78-J. Pacific Monumental and Building Works H. II. WILSON, Proprietor MARSHFIELD, ORE. All kinds ot monumontal vork promptly and artistically exe cuted. Call at our workf V P-vtosoy "THE FRIEND OF COOS HAY" STEAMER, ALLIANCE Connecting with tho 'orth Bank road at Portland EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Will sail from Portland for Coos Bay and Eureka, on a ten-dav sclicdulo, calling at MarshfloU both ways. Sails for Portland from Mnrsliflold, Friday, January C. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. C. F. McGEORGE, Agent COOS BAY LIVERY o hnvo secured the Ilvory bus!- nn3a nt T tl ii.i . - Ul u. ii. iiuianer nua nro iro pared to rondor excellent servlco to tho people of Coos Bnv. Pnmf,.i drlvors, good rlga nnd everything that, will moan satlsfnctorv nrvin the Public. Phnnn no ji..i fl horse, a rig or anything needed in ft nu uvcry uno, wo also do 8 trucking business of all kinds. Blnnchnrd, Rezin & Rlnnchnrd Uvery, Feed and Sales Service, 141 First and Alder 8treqts. Phono 13 8-J 100" Coos Bay-R.oselwrg Stage Line Dally stage between Roseburg and Slni-bluleld. Stagoleavea daUy aud Sunday nt 7 u. in. Fnro, 80.00. OTTO SniETTER, Agent, 120 MARKET AW, Slarshileld. o. P. BARXARD, PHONE 11 Agent, ROSERrRG. ORJB. TIUP NESTED n'A'nnKii PLYMOUTH ROCKS. Our matlngs havo produced stnnd. ard-bred spoclmena of exhibition quality with records of 242, 227, 222 eggs in 365 days. Ruby Chicks and Eggs for Hutching Book your orders now for snrlnir aoiivery. A few rnriorr,ia f-zmi 1. . . . .w... neavy laying stock for $5.00. il Plymouth Place, Poultry Yards FPRn TlAPIIXTAX' n rms.l.1..1.1 1.. .,.- 'Eli """ m -Ufa, 1'iiono HHJ GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DO"Tj7Yr-opyE7 Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono aiai. ZT -fl, mri 1 5r- ? r" ,j -m:;-. ( JW-i.ia.TMf-n3.-,m ttfJiaJM-... ft L