01003 rr I ADS. vm NEWS WHEN BUSINESS IS BLOW, AM VERT1SE. THAT IT l'AVS IS EVI DENCED by successful bubi- NESS HOUSES EVERYWHERE !: GET IT WHILE IT IS NKW BT HEADING THE COOS HAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS ALw THE TIMR TERSELY TOLD :: :: :: it :i MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Established In 1H78 iih Tho Const Mail. VOL. XXXIII. MARSHFIELD.OREG'ON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 191 1- EVENING EDITION. A Co-olll..tlo.. l Times, Coast Mall aj U9 niiil Coos liny Advertiser. N (B !i r SENATOR ELMS VIRGINIA, Noted Figure In Upper Body of Congress Passes Away In Washington. HAD BEEN ILL FOR A LONG TIME Both Houses Adjourn Today Soon After Convening, In His Memory. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Jnn. 5. Doth houses of congross adjourned enrly todny In niomory of Sonntnr Elklns. Tho Hoiiho ndjouriiod nftor dovotlnB hnlf nn hour to pressing business. Tho Sonnto wns In session only six minutes. Scnntor Stpphon 11. Elklns of West Virginia, died nt midnight Inst night of septic nnnemln. Tho tariff commission bill wns In troduced In tho IIoubo. It wbb fram cd by Congressman Longworth of Ohio, nftcr conforcnccs with rcgulnr nnd Insurgent ropubllcnns. It pro vides for a pormnnont tariff bonrd nnd for further powers to ninko It n thoroughly olllclcnt body, pnrtlcu jlarly ns to fncllltlcs for Investigation. AHGUE TOBACCO CASE. NoU'tl Trust Attempts to Prevent Its Dlssnliillon. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, 1). C, .Inn. 5. Tho second light of tho Amorlonn To bacco corporations nKnlnst Kb dis solution by a decree of tho Supremo Court of tho United Stutoa undor tho Shormnn null-truit law began today when tholr attorneys advanced tho llnnl arguments In hohnlf of tholr cnuso. FALKENSTEIN NEW PRESIDENT Is Elected at Organization of North Bend Council For Ensuing Year. At tho first regular meeting of tho now city council In North Doud this week, organization for tho ensuing year was effectod by tho election of L. P. Falkonsteln ob president. Two ballots woro taken to solect tho pres ident. On tho first ballot, Falkons teln received two, McDanlel ono nnd Ward two nnd on tho second ballot, FalkenBteln received three nnd Ward two nnd Falkonstoln wns declared elected. Mayor L. J. Simpson and Dr. Bar tlo were not present nnd consequent ly will not tnko tho oath of offlce un tl tho rogular meeting noxt Tuesday night, Tho annual reports of tho various city officials were received, road nnd approved nnd placed on file. No other business wns brought up. AGrD COOPLE IS Chris. Nelson and Wife Burned to Death In Their North Dakota Home. (By Associated Pross to Coos Day Times.) YANKTON, N. D., Jan. 5. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chris Nelson, aged 82 and 72f were burned to death In a flro that destroyed their home last night. CREMATED OF WEST DIED LAST NIGHT Report That Asiatic Cities Were Ruined by Quake and Lake Formed On Site. (Dy Assoclnted Pross to Coos Bay Times.) ST. PETERSBURG, Ituusln, Jan. 5. A meiingo from TnBhkont, Rus sian Turkostnn, snya there nro un eoullnuod rumors that tho towns of Prozhuvalsk and Pishpok woro dos troyod yesterday by tho earthquake, nnd that a lnko wnH formed on tho slto of tho former plnce. Each town hns n population of about eight thousand. Steamship In Early This Morn ing From Portland With Large Number. Tho Breakwater nrrlvod In onrly till morning from Portland nftor n good trip down tho const. She had n .large paasengor list and u fnlr cargo of freight. The Breakwater will sail nt 1 o'clock Saturday for Portland. Anion those nrrlvliiK on the Dronkwntor wore tho following: 13. S. Tuttle, R. Hodburg, Jno. Bo lonl, Delia Clinton, Chas. Menofco, W. J. Pullon, Mrs. Pillion, Mrs. Fos ter, E. lllbbort, C. Burnor, Boyd Humor, Mrs. A. Vohrs, Alfrod Vonrs, J. Buchmullor, Mro. Buchmullor, Francis Buchmullor, Mrs. Nonh, Win, Grant, G. 'Mclaughlin, Louis Hooves, A. W. Perkins, F. Cnttorlln, Mrs. Catterlln, W. K. Mngnedor, J. W. Phillips. W. T. Keith, A. H. Clinton, Mrs. Clinton, Miss Pullon, C. II. Pul lon, Mrs. Pullon, Ivan Pullon, Leslto Pullon, Goo. GrnvcB, D. Johnston, II. SnvonorliiB, 0. Norman, B. Stoffn, J. O'Haro, Claud Giles, F. Maodko, D. Donovan, D. Gibson, C. M. Booth, W. Knott, Mrs. Lolghton, N. Poters, E. E. Lyons, Ida Irolnnd, E. Allen, Mrs. Alton, Mrs. Smith, Huron Smith, B. E. Wolch, Otto Fuson, N. Poureath, L. J. Simpson, Mrs. Simpson, A. S. Hammond, Mrs. Hammond, W. II. Pullon, Mrs. Day, T. Jnys, II. Jnr ney, Sam Bracknoy, Fred Taylor, W. C. Adams, Geo. Chlfohous, C. White head nnd Jess Bell, PROVES FATAL Miss Grace Bunch of Florence Dies at Mercy Hospital In North Bend. Miss Grace Bunch, tho seventeen-yoar-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bunch of Florence, died yestor day nt Mercy hospital In North Bend. She was brought hero several weeks ago to undergo an operation for In juries sustained from a horso's kick sometime ngo. Besides her parents, she Is surviv ed by sevoral brothers, Mrs. A. L. Foster of South Mnrshflold, Is a cousin of tho deceased. Tho funeral will tako place In Marshflold but tho date will not bo fixed until tho othor members of tho family aro ablo to reach here. Mrs. Bunch, the mother of the deceased, Is now at the Foster home. ruir towns are destroyed ARRIVE TODAY ON BREAKWATER ' K LET US TALK IT OVER THE discussion In tho city council Tuosdny evening of the lnndequncy of tho prcsontwnterworkssystem wns as tlniolynsltwaslmportnnt. Tho oxlstlngcondltlonsnrc rapidly bosoming Intolerable. Not only Is tho supply Inadequate hut tho so-called reservoir or sourco of supply Is such ns to bo a menace to tho health of tho city. There Is nn ever present thrent of epidemic from Impurities. Thnt wo hnvo thus far fortunately escaped Is no warrant or nssuranco that such good fortune will contluuo Indefinitely. Tho residents of South Mnrshflcld aro without wntor several hours nearly every day becaiiBo of poor pressure Thoy must resort to filling tubs nnd buckotH during hours when they can securo water to provide against tho Sahara dryness of tho pipes whcui tho water works Is not working. During theso hours tho pressure on tho mnlns would bo wholly iusulllclcnt to provide protection In event of any smnll flro. This means tho city's payment for n protection that Is not afforded. Thcro Ib no dcslro on tho part of Tho Times, nnd It feels certain tho snmo Is truo of tho members of tho city council, to hnrnss or embarrass tho present proprietors of tho wntor works system. Thoy nro respected nnd worthy citizens largely Interested In tho city's wclfnrc. Self preserva tion nnd protection Is tho first law of nature howovor, nnd In Its ohsor vanco tho pcoplo of MnrRhflold will bo compollcd Boon to tnko boiuo nutlon to protect tho proporty and the lives of Its citizens In tho mattor of nn ndequnto and ptiro supply of water. Tho Tlmos lias refrained front comment on this mattor hoping thnt tlioro might bo ho mo Improvement In conditions. Mnttors liavo boon growing worso Instead of hotter and action of some sort will soon bo forced upon tho city. It Is understood that tho present ownors have had tho wator works system on tho market for sale for some time. At least ono or two parties havo mndo thorough Investigation of tho project nnd woro pre pared to tako It over but tho price demanded wns said to bo so at variation with tho real vnluo that It was refused. It Ib not quite right, to expross It mildly, for tho owners to seek to Invest their proporty with additional vnluo by long extension of n frnuchlso thnt tho city attorney declares Is written wholly In tho Interests of the wator company. This Ik n mattor of tho most vital lmportnnco to tho city of Mnrshflold nnd ItH future. It Ib something thnt requires prompt action. "Delays aro dangerous" Ib n trlto and thrcadbnro old saying but Its application In this Instnnco Is ns apt no It Ib true. A water works system Is to a city what tho circulation of tho blood Is to tho body. It Is as necessary to lifo ns tho nlr wo brentho. Any contamination or InHUtllclcncy In tho supply Is a menace to health nnd property. Tho solution of this problem should appeal to and engage tho earnest thought of every cltlzon as well as tho city council. Tho Times throws open Its columns to tho people who can think nnd suggest soino solution. Wo Khnll bo glnd to rccoive and publish tho least and last ongnglng Iden thnt will ho of nsslstnnco In tho solving of It. Tho lmportnnco of this public problem dosorvos immodlnto nnd sorlous consideration. 1 Postal Clerk Harry 0. Clarke of Spokane Wounded and the Northern Pacific Bandits Escape. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) SEATTLE, Wnsh., Jnn. 5. Tho two robbors who looted tho mnll enr Urge Humane Treatment of Animals and That Tariff Be Left Alone. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 5. Pleas for humanitarian laws requiring tho quick transit of livo stock, for less restriction of grazing by tho forestry bureau, and for united nctlon In de manding that tho present tariff on wool bo loft untouched, woro the fea tures In a general discussion nt tho National Wool Growers convention. Tho concensus of opinion favors tho Incorporation of the body and Omaha as tho next place of meeting. Eastorn cardod woolen manufac turers will present their tariff views tomorrow. A law requiring tho hon est labelling of fabrics Is favored by tho resolutions committee. Officers will ho elected tomorrow. NEW RULE LAID DOWN. Interstate Commerce Commission Adopts Plan to Follow. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON. D. C, Jan. 5. Tho awarding of reparation by no means necessarily follows tho reduc tion of a rate, whether by voluntary nctlon of tho carriers or by order of tho Interstate Commerce Commission Is the principle laid down today by tho commission to govern proceed ings In reparation cases. w w IS EAR SEATTLE of tho North Const LImltod of tho Northern Pacific, soon nftor It loft tho station hero lust night nnd who shot tho iiirII cleric, Harry O'Clnrk of Spokane, undoubtedly left tho train nt Argo, whoro tho train stop- pod beenmo of n crowing, nnd nro believed to hnvo returned to Seat tle Clark will recovor. It Is not known how much tho robbers obtnlnod. MANY DIE IN TRAINJRECK Fifteen Killed Outright and Fif ty Injured In South Africa. (By Assoclnted Pross to Coos Bay Times.) QUEENSTOWN, Union of Africa, Jan. 5. Fifteen woro killed nnd fif ty Injured In a wreck of a train near Nathcnrt, Capo Colony, today, SEE MISSING BALLOON. Air Craft Long Mining Sighted In Sweden. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Timos.) DERLIN, Germany, Jan. 5. A news dispatch from Copenhagen re ports that a balloon supposed to bo tho Gorman HUdebrandt, missing since December 29, passed over Hoogannes, Sweden, last night. No passengers were visible. The balloon HUdebrandt ascended from Schmargendorf, Germany, last Thursday. Nothing has been seen of It sluco. It carried four persons who planned a 48-hour trip. Jf NOTICE On January 1, 1911, tho business conducted by Chas. Stauff was suc ceeded by Stauff Grocery Co. All persons knowing themselves Indebt ed to tho former Urm will please call and settle. CHAS. STAUFF. The Times Want Ads bring results I STATE OF L ATTACK Mexican Federal Troops Plan to Attack Revolutionists From Both Sides. (Dy Associated Press to Coos ' Times.) EL PASO, Tox., Jnn. 5. Thrco hundred Mexican soldiers, who nr rlvcd nt Junroz last night from Chi huahua loft over tho Mexican North wostorn road today to attack tho In surroctos In tho rear while Genornl Navarro is attacking them from tho front. Tho rebels nro now believed to bo concentrated nt Guerrero nnd Pcdcmnlcs. NEW OFFICERS ARE INSTALLED Coos Bay Camp, W. 0. W., and Fraternal Order of Eagles Hold Ceremonies. Tho Installation of officers of two Mnrshflold lodgos took place Inst evening. MnrHhllold Aorlo, No. BOS, Frater nal Order of Kaglos following tholr Installation onjoyed n banquet nnd n short informal program. Tho ovent waa for Eagles only and about 100 woro In nttoudnnoe. Hugh McLnlu presided ns tonstmastor nnd during tho ovonlng, tho Golden West Qunr tetto rondored a number of selec tions. Sovornl short Informal talks woro made. Tho officers are ns fal lows: Past pros'dent Win, Holland. Presldont .1. W. Davis. Vlco-prosldont M. J. Ostrow. Chaplain C. It. Flanagan. Secretary C. C. Going. Trensuror Win. Longstnff. Insldo guard Matt Harto. Outsldo guard Harry Monofoo. Trusteos D. A. Curry, Fred John son nnd Wnltor Condron. AV. O. W. Install. Coos Day Camp, No. 19G, W.O.W., Installed tholr now officers last ovo nlng. Besides tho Installation, tlioro wns Initiation but tho usual social wns postponed until a later dato. Tho following wero Installed: C. C. D. L. Dlmmlck. A. L. Percy Peoto. Clerk W. U. DouglaB. Banker Israel Lando, Escort H. M. Tuttle. Wntch Perry Mnuzoy, Sentry Calvin Lnngworthy, Managor Thomas Coke. Cap and Glasses of Missing Aviator Reported Found In Belgium. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Timos.) BRUSSELS, Bolglum, Jan. 5. - Tho Aoro club today received a dis patch from tho Ostondo Aero Club, saying aviators' cap and glassos, probably thoso worn by Cecil Graco who was supposed to bo lost In tho North Sea, woro picked up at sea of Narlakorko on tho Bolglan coast, Have your Job printing done ni Tho Times office. if FIND TRACE OF CECIL GRACE TO LOSE I S Decision On Marble Creek Claims Will Be In Favor of Settlers. SEC. BALLINGER IS SAID TO HAVE WRITTEM Homesteaders In Part of Coeur d'Alene Reserva tion May Lose. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) SPOKANE, Wash., Jnn. C That tho homestondors nnd not tho stnto of Idaho will gain tho tltlo to tho disputed Mnrblo Crook timber claims valued nt four to flvo million dol lnrs Ib Indicated by a letter of Sec rotary of tho Interior Dalllngor made public horo. Tho letter was written In November to Former Gov ernor Brady of Idaho, and stntos that tho decision In favor of tho sottloroi Is being delayed only to glvo tho state n chanco to protect Itself by gaining tltlo to othor Innds to mako up for tho loss of Marblo Creek. It Is expected tho decision may moan tho ousting settlers from Bectlono nutnbored sixteen and thirty-six In tho rccontly oponed Coour d'Alono reservation, tho sccrotnry holding that the Htato had no right to give up tho tltlo to this land. OREGON' PLAN FOR IOWA. Both United State .Senators Thcro I'll voi- It. (By AuoolnteU Proa to Coos Day Tlmos.) DES MOINES, la., Jnn. C Son- , ntor Lafayetto Young today doclnr od himself In favor of tho onnotmont of the Orogon primary lnw by tho coining Iowa legislature. Senator Cummins yesterday ondorsod tho Orogon prlmnrj plan, CLUB IN NORTH BEND CHANGED Reorganization of Commercial Organization Effected Last Night. Last ovonlng, n reorganization of tho North Bend Commercial club was effectod, now by-lnwB being ndopted nnd now officers olectod. Undor tho reorganization, tho club' nB a body will tako tho placo of tho old oxccutlvo commlttoo, regular meetings bolng provided for oach mouth. Tho reorganized club starts with about forty mombors and It is oxpectod th's numbor will bo In creased, For president, thoro woro only two candidates voted on, Potor Logglo nnd R. A. Wornlch, tho(othor nominees withdrawing. Tho election resulted ns follows: President R, A. Wornlch. VIce-presldont L. F, Falkonstolir.. Treasurer E. F. Russoll, Secretary J. G, Mullen. It Is proposed to make the club moro actlvo and at each mooting, tho president is to namo a commlttoo ot three to provide entertainment for tho next session, FRUIT GROWERS ATTENTIONS Notice for annual mooting of tha Coos Bay Fruit Growers' Association conflicts with dato sot for meeting of Coos Bay Creamery Association. i'horoforo, plenso, tako notlco that tho annual mooting of this associa tion will bo. hold at 1 p. in., Satur day, January 11, 1911, at Chamber ot Commorco, Marshflold, Instead oC January 7th, as previously stated. COOS BAY FRUIT GROWERS? ASSOCIATION, By P. M. HALL-LEWIS, President Read tho Times Want Ads. V )1 S V 'a f ?i U j'-ahfe C 4-r it,info,t$&x