-r- mmmntTt-m .,m m--jmtl i fcy. I -i !' , ? , THE COOS BAr TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, 191T- : I f I i ".- ft ' ' t i Li. W r'rh I 1. (U3 COOS BAY TIMES Entered at tho postofflco at Marsh Clold, Oregon, for transmission through the malls os second class mall mnlter. M. C. MALOXEY Kdltor nnd Pub. UAX K. MALONEY Xcws Kdltor An Independent Republican nowa paper publlshod overy evening except Sunday, and Weekly by Tho Coos Hay Times Publishing Co. Unltod States' both have to tnclclo tho special interests entrenched at Ot tawa as well as at Washington. Spokesinnn-Hcvlow. t W I T H T H E l toastandtea: Dedicated to tho Bcrvlco of tho people, that no good cause shall lack u champion, and that evil shall not thrlvo unopposed. Tho Coos Day Times reprosonts u consolidation of tho Dally Coast Mall and Tho Coos Day Advortlser. Tho CoaBt Mall was tho first dally estab lished on Coos Day and Tho Coon Bay Times Is Its Immediate successor. GOOD EYEXIXG. UliSCItIITIO. KATES. DAILY. Ono year $G.0f Per month 50 Whon pnid strictly In advnnco tho oubscrlptlon prlco of tho Coos liny Times Is ?5.00 per yenr or $2. GO for six months. WEEKLY. Ono year $1,50 Blessed Is tho innn who hns the Klft of mnking friends, for It Is ono of God's best gifts. It Involves mnny things, but above nil is tho power of going out of one's solf and seeing and appro- elating whatever Is noble nnd lovable In another. Thomas Hughes. sSSSSMI Mfiiyr MARSHFIELD Wl OIL SUPPLIES Official Paper of Coon Comity, OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITV OF MARSHFIELD. Address all communications to COOS MAY DAILY TIMES, yainrsliflcld t: :: :: :: Oregon A (SOOI) example. Till-: 300 mon nt tho Masonic ban (iiot In Iowa who pledged them selves not to Indulge lir profau Jty, set an oxnmplo thnt mon every where might well follow regardless of lodgo nlllllntlons. Among all tho useless habits which men havo, none Is more use less than tho habit of profanity. It nerves no good purpose whatsoovor; it Is n sign of weakness and lack or Helf-ccntrol; It Is conrxo; It befoul th mouth; It hurts oharaolorr lr gtvofl olfomo, and generally it lb ob octlonnblo. Men who bogln by - awMirlnK nt what they consider IiIk provoontlon to swear, end by swoar 'Ing d road fill oaths at such little things us a unock of soot on tho end of thu now. Thoy swear whon thev nrs mud and whon thoy uro gliul: they iwonr whon matters nro wortw or whon mutter nro well. It make 310 dlfftironrn ultlmntoly whnt thu ocmiHlon and on slightest excuse tho mouth IIowh forth Its unsty, btuspho moiiH Htrenm. EUnwhoro men aro pledging thorn HolvoH by thousands ngnliiHt profan ity. In tho Catholic church alone n movement of this sort is under way, which has onlltftod liuudrudK of thou sands alroady. Why Hhouldu't Coos Hay men. who stand for everything ICIubt that li good and decent, get In lino? A DKCK OF UAHD.S. A deck of cards hns mnny hearts" IJut never falls In love; It hns, I'm tofd, nt times, cold htimlH' That novor wear a glove; Although tho deck they often cut. You never hoar It squeal; It no'er cntnplufns when'cr It gettr A downright shameful deal, To draw n card, a pencil you Will never need nt nil; FA hand of cards don't vtalt, though' It sometimes gets a call; To hold one's temper In a game Is very little' use, For if you pick a two-spot up. You're unro to raise the deuce. Smart Stt. Poit New Year's .Mother Route. Turkoy sorved hot, Turkey Burred cold, Turkey remnants an the table, flto dnys old. Somo like- ft hot, So mo like it cold, Hut I like It served ns hash, ft to daytr old. cheer up: Coos Dnyftos who complain should think of two foot of snow and pto ple freezing fo death In tho oast. iH I Remember, 'Everything at a Sacrifice Just think, $20.00 buys a $30.00 high art Suit. For the next ten days you can have any article in the store at WHOLESALE COST.. Tho Coos Hay Oil and Supply, Company tinder tho management ot J. W. Flanagan will continue to han dle tho Union Oil Company's Basc. lino, dlsttlluto, benzlno and coal or nt their oil hotiso ncross tho Hay jp which placo they linvo moved thtr ofllco. Phone .102. mssssswss& imtsjiTL-: J3gmems8i0 sLiP Table Fruits A "Hrnccr" mny numb tho effect. of it. Facer, but It nover can heal ftf Often Troublo only niottus to pasa tho Time o" Day Willi yortf "nohemln" tuny Imvo no sen coast, but It's pitifully oy to go to p'm-o on la rockT ltpliin m Ocod Fellow is mighty hnnl work when you're reduced to Mitklng a Ilusliuw of It: When you'vo dancod you. mum pay ' til ICIddor!' Vent tiiow the tjunllty "Hlghost Ormlo" AprlcutB, hadvos and Mired per cmr -.to: Lemon Cling- Peaches,, halvos and' sliced, per can. . . ..l!.tr Vellow Crawfords, por enn -."e PearK, per ctn li."5e ltojnl Ann and Black Cherries, per can . ' ii.le Green Gnge Ugg Planr, por cair. i .ii.Ti: Raspberries and Strawberries, per can U5e LognnUerrloi', por can UOe. II. IH. I'resrrirN unci ,Iclllis of nil Klnils, II. If. Peas, nono hotter, per can- -;... Ulle II. Ii. String Ilenns, por win. . .20c II. Ul. Main Corn, por can trie II. It: Tonmeoitf, solid pack, two onus for i!. II. n. Aipurtiifus Tips, iwr cnu. .ilOe Ollveu In tins, -c and. . . .!."( ii. s: "Just da Oor Fish In tho ilta" Is the Iliilnr of the Ileaten! The Bazar IIQCTSE OF QUA.CITY. Phono :tu When thoy say well," they don't! that you; "moan THU IJ,0Y1 mahsiifiuld's popular V.UI1LY HOJTEIi Ratos icduced to: Day 50c, 75c and 11.00; woelc ?2.00 to J5.00. Houso- It'H a mark of distinction to bo keeping npartmontB with gas ranges black-balled by tho It-Can't-Ito-Dono t.Ott to $18.00 per month. FREE MATHS- H. W. SULLIVAX, Proih UlKil.Nti UKCIPItOCITY. CAN any open minded, well-informed mint advanco any sound roason why there should not bo reciprocity lwtwoeu Cunada and tho Unltod Sttttos? Tho Industrial and commercial ln UrottM or tho adjoining sections of the two countries from lh Oulf of fit. lwi-enra to Puget Sound, mv ulwtautlHlly thu mine. Mnsehu (uttM needs the ohenp coal of Nova Suot'n; Ilrltlsh Columbia, tho capital mid uutorprlno or tho state of Wash ington. The American tariff on Canadian ewl benefits tho eoal Imrous of thoj Unltod Statmi. but hampers tho lu duetrloa and oonaiiuun-s that reciulio luexpeualvo fuel. The Cauadlnn tariff on American fruit Iwuenta-whom? but deprives the Inland Umpire or a logical mar-, ket and the Canadian consumer of a i necesalty or 1'fe. Thu Spokesmnn Uoview of December 80 and '-'l pointed out that the mining develop ment at Howlnnd, U. C, had been Initiated by altiaeue of this etnte. Prealdent Dryan of WaahluKiou Htfltu eollege develoita the luferenco i for reoltiroolty by a letter to The Sjulteawau-Uevlew. 11 urges the abolltiou cf our tar o oh Oanad an ceieala. t oal aud lum ber In exchange for Canada abolish- i- ii tff on Amerlcuu fruit aud Tl " " " 'i i. i What he says ' "' s,utngtM of -uch recl- , on., to Spokane culls for serious vonaid'eratlou from the Spokane Chnmbor of Commerco and Ilepre-sentatlve-clect LaFclletto Western Omada and tho wctern 1 15 i i i Si mk i Mae4aBMa(iaMBwaaa-M-ai BIG GAME CARTRIDGES "A Kill In Every Cartridge" is the UMC achievement a standard of cer tainty possible; only as a result of UMC experience, UMC development, UMC progressiveness, resources, facilities, in dividual skill and fare. It ii the knoclc'down-killing-powct and uatquillcd mudnootn ii, Hut nuxe ihem the invariable ammunilioo choice ol real bij-came iliootrri. v. ho lea can anmcciale liu.nm but unite on eipannon tint aie alwasn lhtt,a lOO'l of the UMC Cait lidi, Hut make Ihem the invarjable ai icai ng.game iiiooirti, vino ul can appiei liaiaid. Their pcelciencei diffdr in ntlei, um atirwgc. Try the new UMC I lollow Poinl Dullrt-lhe grwtett rauih- loomervet deUd more fhockwg'and killing power than u afforded by any other bullt, "Leimok"' poviJei .22'iout newwt cattridie foi imall game and target ihooling. ' LMC l.uafonlet Natt our tuttmnlt on run hox, uhkh iwl only (uaranlttilhtcarlnJmM U SltnJarJ timu to tht uUattnttf Iht mjf t i'uufdn.. THE UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE COMPANY Ajtncy : 299 Broadway, Nes1 York City Came loin for 1910 mailed dtt. B&st$Me Winners 1 Iflock In Il.nno Addition, 0ntalnlng over 3 acres for $D0O C Lots for . ... $175, Fast Mnrshlltla 10 Hots for $000 iChnt Mnrshllcld 1C Lots for ?800 Knstsldtr ALL GOOD I1IVY VIHW -JTEII.1IS HASV See Title,. Gnarantec &. Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, wm!,sa COOS BAY LIVERY Wo have secured tho livery bua ncss of L. II. Holoncr and aro pre parod to render oxcollont sorvlco to tho peoplo of Cooa Day. Careful drlvora, good rlga and everything that will menu satisfactory scrvlco to tho public. Phono ua for a driving, horse, n riff or anything needed In tho livery line. Wo also d0 n trucking business of nil kinds. Itlntichard, Itezln .V: Itlaiicbard Jdvery, IVcd ami Snles Service. Ill First nnd Aldor Streets. I'bono 138-J First Trust and Savings Bank OF COOS U.IY MAItSIIFIKLl), OltKfiO.V. CAITI'AL VUIUiY 1'AIl). 9100,000.00 OFFICIJItS AM) niKIXTOHS: JOIIX S. COKW, I'rosldQtU. DOItSKY KUIJITZBK, Cauuler. JOHN F. HALL, W. S. CIIAXDJCEIt, II1JNUY SKXaSTACKEN; WILLIAM GUDIKS, STIiPIIEN C. KOQBKS, DIt. C. W. TOWEIt, M. C. IIOllTOX, Vlco-Prosldont nud Manager. DOItS A OHMKItAL H'A.VKIXf .1X11 TIIUST IIL'SIMSS. YOL'lt nrsi.VKSS SOLlClTi:i)t. Snff Deposit. Hoes for- rent in our Steel lliieif, flro mill burKlnr mf VanltM. nt t!t.00 nnd .up . peiv annum. Wo havo a now Uno of Holophane Shades for Tungsten Lntnpu they will double your ttuidlopowor. Coos Bay Wiring Co. 1MIOVK 2S7J. IOO TUAP XKSTKP HAHIti:i) PLY.MOrTH ItOCKS. Our rnntlugs have produced stand ard-brud specimens of exhibition finality with records of 212, 227, 22! eggs rn .tOS days-. Ibiliy Chicles iimr ICKS for Ilnlchlni: lloofc your orders now for spring delivery. A fow coclrurols from heavy laying utoclt for ?TT.00. ITymoutli Place, Poultry YnnU FltHD. IIACIIMAN Prop. MniMlWlelil, IMv IH.(, Phone '2M Turkish Baths 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 2 14-J mri'Kli CAIlDIXKIt, nt Gardiner, Oregon, hns boen it- modelled and improved nnd is under now management. Bueclal accommo- dntlons for stngo pnssongors nnd for people dodlrlng a rost nt tho seashore. "Vou'H iJUe tho Place." .T. B. SCHILLING. Prourlotor HOME LAND 2b; Boo ue for Investments on Cooi; Day. Wo guarantee owner's prlco bo our price. Plume 74L. 304 Prout Btl The First National Bank of Coos Bay STItlOTA- A C M.MKItCIAL IIAXIC. J Weils Fiii-ko Xevntla Xntlo DHAWS Tlu I'nlteil States Xutlonal MltAl-TS 1',H' National Park Ihink, OX nnl llanlc, San Francisco, Cal llann. Portland.. Oro. Xow Ytir. NV Y. ,'rho Corn i:cliaiiKe Xutlonul llnnk, Clilcngo. 111. The Itauk of Scotland, London, liglnnd. ii I'lie Cieillt Lyoiiuuis, Paris, Franco. In addition wu draw drafts on nil principal banking centors In Kuropo. Asia, AQ-Ica. Australia. China. Jnnnn Xnrth rnrt .,.i So. Am-erlcn. Powonnl nnd commeiclnl accounts kopt subject tuchee'e CurtlllcntOB. of Doposlta lysued, Safe Doposlt Iloxes for rout. Flanagan (Sb Bennett Dank of Marshfield, Oregon Oldest Uiiiitc In Coos County, UstaWlslied In. 1HHO. Pii.d up Capital, Surplus, nud Undivided Pniflts over SHOO 000 Assets Over Half Million DoIIiim. ' ' Does a general banking buslnoss nnd draws drafts on tho Bniv ot California, San Francisco, Cal.; Hanovoiv National Uank, X. Y. First Natlona Dank Portland. Ore.; First National Sonic, 1W Uurg, Ore.; Tho London Joint Stock Uank, Ltd., London, England. Also sells exchango on all ol tho principal cltlos at Europe Individual and corporation accounts Icopt subject to check. Safo deposit lock boxos for rent. ' " 1 orncERS: '7- )y-.!!Ki?KJ.T. l-n-sWent. .1. 21. FLAXACAX. V..Pr. i'. 11,1,1 A.AIh, Cusliler. GEO. V WIXCIIESTKIt. ssf Cnsli IXTKKKST PM1) OX TtMK 1)e"oVit"' ,,S,, The Nortli Bend Manufacturing Co. IS XOW PKEP UtEl) TO Fl'liXISII Show Cases and Store Fixtures EesL Quality Woikmanchip and Prices ESTIMATES C1IEKIM ILLY FLUXISIIEI). SEE FKIZEEX If you wnnt to not In on eomo of lh best real estate bargains on the Day Also if you want tho best Insur ance at tho best rates. AUGUST FItlZEEX, j8 Central Ave. MarshHild, Ore. TK. G. Wfc LESLIE, -' Osteopathic Physician Cradunto ot tho American school of Osteopathy at Klrkstfllo, Mo. Ofll In EldorndM 111k. Hours 9 to 12? 1 4; Phono IC1-J; Mnshflold; Oregon. It. J. V. INGHAM, Physician nud Sturgeon. 2,03-210 Cote DulldluR PhonoeA Olllco iaJ; RosldQu.ee 162U D' (J W. HENNUrr, Lawyer, Olllco over Flanagan & Bennott Dank Marsnnout, Oregon. VWM. Si TUltPKN, " " W Architect. Over Chamber ot Commerce. We cirry ull tho Remlngtou made'.s of i-epeatlug guna and ul.o the ouu-r in. a i.; imu r.sve pruod b.-i t butted to the Coos Bay country. v i : . o o:.or n:iy speci.'.l i -odol i.ufl secun I' ir . . !x o( i '.itildgvi. 1 v nipleto, i re it for yoa promptly. The GuBBery "Sportsmen's Headquariser" FI10XTST, MAItSHFIELl). J - . Tl Hill Coa! eaer MOUNT 11IAIILO AND JOSSOX CEMEXT. mo uest uomesiie and Imported brands. Plaster, Lime, Brick and all kinds of builders material. HUGH McLAIN aJUNHRAL CONTRACTOR SOUTH nnoAnuuv vr-,--l brlf PHONE 201. OFFICE SOUTH BROADWAY. xoTicr: to dog owxeks. Xotlco Is horoby 'given that nnnual licenses on dogs in tho clt of Mnrshflold nro now duo. Tho city ordlnanco provides as follows; "Tho owner or porsona having hi charge any dog kept or owned with in the city of Mnrshflold shall on or bofore tho first day of January in each yonr pay to the city recorder the sum of threo dollars to- cacn and ovory male dog; tho sum of ?5 fo oach and overy female dbg. widen shall entitle him to a receipt from the city recorder designating the owners' unmo and tho number of the license." v AH dogs found within tho cPy limits of the city of Marshfield with: out a license tag will bo taken uj'i by the city marshal and 1 extra! will be charged for Bamo and If not paid then, tho dog will bo killed All Ucenso3 must bo paid on or I before January 15, ion. J. W, CARTER ' City Marshal, -. ..,.A" -JUX V-L. mknTV'MWvW' - --" liTi 'imi - s- wk- tnr -- jM .lS--: Hv 'W jV? '