ii.aw6JjjkA "tjffi siaa5i -g-'-,-r -mr,- . --infr if "ft (000 Wxmtx ADS. NEWS WHEN BUSINESS IS BLOW, Al VEItTISE. THAT IT PAYS IS EVI DENCED HY SUCCESSFUL HUSI NESS HOUSES EVERYWHERE :: GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BT READING THE COOS JAY TIMTC8. ALL THE NEWS AL.j THE TIMR TERSELY a OLD t: s: !S ti it MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Established in 1878 n Tlio Const Mall. VOL. XXXI 1 1. MARSHFIELD,OREGOI!, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, EVENING EDITION. A CoiKoUtlutlnn of Times, Coast Mali nml Coos Day Advertiser. No. 148 t mm PORTLAND IN IS FOR THEFT James Whilen Held In Connec tion With Larceny of ' - $18,000. WAS TAKEN OFF STEAMER "HUMBOLDT Accused Man Is Proprietor of Notorious Saloon In Rose City. (lly Associated Pross to Coos Day Tlmos.) PORTLAND, Oro., Jan. Whllon. nroprlotor of n 1. Jnmos notorious snloon In tills city lias ben nrroatod In connection wltn tnu Inrcony of n mnll pouch containing $18,000 from tlio Btcamor Humboldt on route from Alaska Inst September. Ho was nr rostcd on complaint of the United States post olllco department. President Gooding of National Association, Talks to Port land Convention. (I)y Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.) PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. I. Tlio convention of the Nntlonal Wool Growors opened horo today with llf tcon hundred dologatos prosont. President Fred W. Gooding of Rl'i- lallU, I1UIUU iliB illlliUill IUluil luimn- MIK llio llinii eiiiiuiiiuuu an iiiiuihiik ftho wool Industry, demanding laws 'for tlio humnno treatment of live stock In transit, denouncing tlio ox- Fhorbltant rntes charged by tlio rnll- rond3 for transportation of wool. Pointing to $05 suit ho had on, Gooding declared tho matorlal In suit cost but eight dollnrs, tho rest bolng for lnbor and mnnufneturor's profits. A telegram from Senator Warren of Wyoming denouncing tho "dam muck-rakers" for meddling with tho tariff, met with great applause. Tho credentials commltteo will report tomorrow. Tho Oregon Wool Growers today ondorsod tho Pnnamn-Paclflc exposi tion for San Francisco, olectod nil tho old ofllcora and seloctcd Bnkor C ty ns tho next plnco of meeting. m TODAY Steamship Arrives From Port land and Sails for Eureka This Afternoon. The Alllanco arrived In from Portland early today and sailed this afternoon for Eureka. She had a good cargo of freight and a fair pas senger list. Sho will probably return here Friday and sail tho same day or early Saturday for Portland. Among thoso arriving on tho Al lU'vo'oro tho following: yAMooro and wife, Mrs. R. SJ ,nez Davonport, Mary Wilson, j- amy, woiroru, it. Korston, I, -A Detmerlng, Thos. McNIsh, G. IWllson.J, Wilson, A. Weldman, F. fVagemann, W. Jess, F. Travorso, II. Hale, R. Stain. IEER UP, "It's a .ftod man's fault" Is the Last Stand of tho Won't-Qultsl Try The Times Want Ada, COST OF WOOL GOODS SMALL ARRESTED OF MAIL POOCH Councilman Albrecht Wants Municipal System Investi gatedOther Matters Tho question of securing n munic ipal waterworks systum for Marsh Held was brought up at last night'H meeting of tho city council by Coun cilman Albrecht who condemned tho prosont service. Mr. Albrecht said that he believed tho matter should be thoroughly lnvostlgnted and un less better service could bo secured from the present company that something should bo done. Mr. Al brecht snld that ho bollevcd that Mayor Straw had recommended this to tho council In one of his annual messages and thought this would be an opportune tlmo to hnvo it taken up. Mr. Albrecht said that tho lnck of pressure was fierce, that there was no mains In ninny pnrts of town, that water could not bo obtained ln ninny places to flush sowers and that ninny sections wero practically with out tiro protection. Mnyor 'StJ'aw said that tho Coos Bay Water Company wanted tho council to oxtend their frnnchlso, which has sovonteon yonrs to run, 3 thnt thoy could Issuo twonty-flvo year bonds to rnlso funds to enlarge and Improvo the system. Tom Coko snld that ono roason why ho had opposed tho nntl-trontlug ordinance was bocnuso whou n man snw tlio source or supply or mo wntorworks It miido him feol as though ho could uovor drink the wntor. City Attorney Goss snld that on of tho best things about tho prosont frnnchlso wns that It has only seven teen years to rim. Ho snld under It. tho city cannot forco or roqulro tho company to do anything. Ho si Id tho frnnchlso was drafted by J. W. Dennett for hlmsolf so thnt tho council could lmnglno tho benefits tho city onjoyed undor It. Finally Councilman Copplo was Instructed to consult Manager Flnna gnn of tho Coos Day Wntor Company ond spo what thoy would do. Other Business. Councilman Albrecht wanted some othor unfinished matters closod up now. Ono of these Is tho wntor right which Robert Marsdon claims on tho city pnrk. Mr. Albrecht said that ho thought this tltlo should bo cleared. City Attornoy Goss said that Mr. Marsdon or rather the Bonnott Trust company, in wnoso namo ino mio now is, had a wntor right. Ho said that ho didn't think It wns uny good but that probably tho holders would rotaln It In hopos of holding up tho city for a good sum for It somo day. There was talk of condemning tho old wntor tower, which stands partly In tho streets, and ordering If torn down. Tho matter will bo further Investigated. Mr. Albrecht also wanted tho tltlo to tho old cemetery cleared and tho Southern Oregon Company required to replat Its addition around It In proper shape. As Elijah Smith Is soon to return, a commltteo of tho city council will confer with him about It. TROUBLE IN PORTUGAL. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) MADRID, Jan. 3. A dispatch from Vigo Aras says tho garrison it Valencia Do Mlnho, Portugal, has been confined to the barracks upon order from Lisbon and troops have been ordered to movo at a momont's notice. Tako German Cough Curo for that cough. RED CROSS DRUG STORE WATER WORKS IS DISCUSSED LONDON AROUSED OVI Great Excitement Over Burning of Anarchistic Gang Who Are Thought to Have Com mited Suicide. (By .Associated Press to Coos Bay Times,) LONDON, Englond, Jan. 4. Tho public excitement on tho hunting down of tlio anarchistic burglar gang continues to bo grcnt. Immense crowds assembled today at the sccno of yesterday's battlo, tho like of which has not been known In tho history of London's police depart ment. Tho claim Is established apparent ly that tho building wns fired by tho desperadoes who, seeing escape Im possible, sot fire to tho building mid committed suicide. The police be lieve somo of tho gnug used anar chy to cloak their crimes. It is also established that women wero asso ciated with the gaug'8 operations. Three Hundred Masons At An Iowa Banquet Take Un- usual Vow. CEDAR RAPIDS, In., Jnn. !. - Exactly nt tho hour of midnight three hundred Masons seated at a hnnquot table In tho now consistory tomplo In this city, celebrated St. John's dny by registering a montnl vow uovor again to utter profane language. Tho vow was taken nt tho suggestion of Q rami Master Froi- or'ck Craig of Dos Moines, who wns tho guest of honor nnd the principal spoakor of the evening. Louis Block of Davonport nlso spoke. plotToaid ' warsjs found Americans Alleged to Be Be hind Uprisings In Honduras and Mexico. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Further than a guarded Jan. 4. statement that agonts of tho Dopartmont of Justlco aro watching any violation of tho neutrality laws In con nection with tho revolutionists In Mexico and Honduras, no informa tion of tho Intest development re ferred to ln tho Chicago dispatch Is avallabla at tho Department of Jus tlco today. (By Associated -Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEW ORLEANS, La., Jan. 4. Tho roport published In Chicago that tho government Is Investigating tho alleged connection of Chicago capi talists with the revolutions merely elicited smiles from Now Orleans men who have had more or less to do with filibustering expeditions from this port. NO STATEMENT MADE. Government Ofllclals AVIll Not DIs- cuss Chicago Story. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, III., Jnn. 4. The Record-Hornld today prints a news article In part ns follows: "Caro fully laid plans of Chlcngo and Now York capitalists, owners of silver and coppor mines in Northern Mexi co nnd Honduras to finance revolu tionists ln progress In Central Amer ican countries, coupled with the at tempted dispatching of two fillbus- terlng expeditions into tho war scene, have been unearthed In Chl- NO PROFANITY MASON PLEDGE BATTLE Thrco women nro ln CU8tody- I The nnuiinlf I no tt vnotnclnv'o 1in m. ..v; V....JHH.V.VO wk j vovv;i 1111; o un- tlq nro live policemen, a sergeant of tho Scotlsh Guards and half n dozen spectators who wero wounded by bullets. Two firemen were serious ly wounded, nnd threo slightly hurt In the collapBo of tho burning bulld ng. Threo bodies of supposed mem bers of tho gang have been recovered from the ruins. THINK IT 11AI EHIlOIt. English Papers Criticise Killing of Anarchists. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, England, Jnn. I. A number of London nnd provincial papers criticize severely tho massing Of so lnrgo a body of pollco nnd sol diers, to "destroy n little nost of outlaws," and dcclaro It was a mls- take In pollco tactics which make Englishmen appear "ridiculous, and thnt the affair Is one which tho coun try will bo glad to forget." TW01KILLED IN Eniployes of E. R. Scripps Vic ' tims of Accident In San ' Diego Today. (By Associated Pross io Coos Bay Times.) SAN DIEGO, Cnl., Jan. 4. Through tho skidding of nn auto mobile running nt fifty miles por hour today, Alllo McMlcknn, n chauf feur In tho employ of E. R. Scripps, tho publlBhor, and L. E. Onkes, n bonkkoopor for Scripps woro klllod and Miss Ivy Gnss, n governess, bad ly Injured. Miss Gnss may not sur vive Extensive Damage With Con siderable Loss of Life In Turkish Province. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) TASHEKEBT, Asiatic Prussia, Jan. 4. A violent earthquake In vn- ilotis points In Russian Turkestan occurred from 4 to 4:30 o'clock this morning. Many buildings woro des troyed nnd thoro woro n number of fatalities though tho loss of life Is not known. Great fissures oponod In tho ground. Practically all of tho Btoros and residences nt-Vyorny, tho capital of tho Torrltory of Soml ryhotchonsk, woro destroyed or dnm ngod. Tho city has n population of 23,000. Communication In tho dis turbed district Is Interrupted. FELT IN LONDON. Earthquake of Gigantic ProportloiiH In Recorded. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, England, Jan: 4. . An earthqunko of gigantic proportions was recorded by tho seismograph ln tho obsorvntory of West Brornwlch, botweon 11:3G o'clock last night and 3 : 5C this morning, apparently threo or four thousand miles eastward. Tho oscillation was so vlolont that tho needlo of tho Instrument collaps ed. cago by tho Dopartmont of Justlco. More than ton ngents of tlio depart ment havo been secretly Investigat ing tho wnr plot and arroita of sev eral well-known financier!) may re sult on tho chargo of viola :Ion of tho United States neutrality laws. A "Jackpot" fund for flna icing tho revolutions is said to agg-cgate sev eral mllllr dollars, o s SEVERE QUAKE IN FAR EAST FIVE PERSONS J m TOM COKE IS NEW PRESIDENT Council Organize For Coming Year Other Proceedings Last Night. Last evening. R. A. Copplo and Duncan Ferguson assumed their positions on tho city council nnd that body wns organtzod for tho ensuing year. There was n quostlon as to whether Ferguson or Copplo should tnko J. N. Nelson's chair, but finally Mayor Straw decided that Copplo should and the lattor took tho seat nt the council tnblo that has been occupied by tho Nestor of tho bonrd. For president of tho council for tho coming year, Councilman Powors nomlnntcd A. J. Savago for re-election. R. A. Copplo nomlnntcd Thom as Coko nnd Just nB tho council was about to proceed to voto by ballot, Councilman Powers withdrew tho nomination of Mr. Savago and mndo Mr. Coko'u election uuanlmous. Mr. Savago was not present InBt night. ReserveH Wnnt Help. Ono of tho first matters to come beforo tho now, council was a peti tion from R. O. Graves that tho city council contribute $11) por month to tho Marshllold Naval Rosorvos for armory rout for n fow months whou, tho Rosorvos hopo, tho stnto will ap propriate tnonoy for this purpose. Thoro wns a lively dobnto over tho matter, Councilman Ferguson urging It ns doing something thnt was for tho welfare of tho young men of tho city. Councilman Powors favored it. Councilman Copplo said that he thought tho council hotter think tho matter ovor for n week. Ho said It wns a bad precodont to quickly Jump In and allow tho city's money to bo used for this nnd thnt especially nt n tlmo wiion ho bolioved tho city should retrench nnd cut out nil un necessary expenses, Ho snld that ho thought that tho Rosorvos woro n good thing nnd that ho personally would contribute towards tho subscription asked but that ho did not favor tho city granting tho full amount without nt least ono week's consideration. Ho said that business men had already bought uniforms for tho boys a thing thnt should bo dono by tho stnto and ho didn't think tlio city of Marshflold should aBsumo moro stnto bills. Mayor Straw said that ho didn't like to ndvlso tho council nbout tho mattor becauso ho was senior olllcer of tho Reserves but thnt ho would say thnt tho organization was n good thing. Councilman Coko took tho same vlow ns Mr. Copplo and finally tho matter wns passed over for a week. Antl-Trvatliig Ordinance, Tho nntMrcntlng ordlunnco which was introduced nt tho last session of tho city council was brought up again. Mayor Straw who had loft boforo Its introduction tho first tlmo wanted to know about It. Ho was told it had been Introduced by re quost, having beon hnnded to City Attornoy Goss. Mr. Forguson snl I that ho didn't think ordinances should bo considered unless tho sponsors mndo their names known. Finally somoono mndo a motion that If bo referred back to City Attornoy Goss with instructions to return it to tho author. Mr. Goss did not In form tho council who tho author was but laterit becamo known that Rob ert O. Graves bad drnftod It and glvon It to Mr. Goss to Introduce. Street Cleaning. Tho council has reduced the ex pense of cleaning tho streets by not having them cleanod so often. Front street and Centrnl avenuo nro to bo cloanod every dny, part of tho othor down-town streets ovory othor dny and tho outlying streets onco a (Continued on page 4.) IE KILLEO IN COLLISION TODAY North Coast Limited Crashes Into Burlington at Cheney, Washington. WAS RUNNING AT HIGH SPEED AT TIME "Unexplained Delay of Burling ton Passenger In Taking Siding Causes Accident. (By Associated Press to C003 Bay Times.) SPOKANE Wash., Jan. 4. Rush ing through the Northern Pacific yards at Chouoy this morning, tho North Const LImltod, No. i, Btruck tho ronr enra ,of tho Burlington Pna songer, No. 12. Threo oonchoB woro wredked nnd nt leaBt llvo persona woro killed ns follows: WALTER J. STARR of Srattlo, express messenger of tho North. Const Limited. G. L. WARREN, suporlntondont of Spokane OrphniiB Homo. RcbIt denco nonr Davonport, Wash. I). OLIVER, porter, Chicago. W. MASON, porter of roar Pull man, No. 42, cnat bound. Unidentified man. O. E. DROWN of Omnlin Is miss ing. Ono portor, whoso namo has not been ascertained, was fatally injur ed. Sovornl nro reported missing. Tho search of thd wreckage conti nues. ; . ,iJI Tho Burlington train wna taking tho siding to let tho Limited pass. Boforo tho last earn could clonr tho main track, the fast train crashed into the roar conches, A rollof train of physicians nnd nursos wns rushed Irom Spoknno to the scone, Tho Burlington arrived In Chonoy In plonty of tlmo to mnko tho siding and thoro la nn uuexplnliiod delay of llvo mlnutoR. When ho saw tho Burlington train still on tho main Hue with the North Const coming nt a torrlflc speed down tho mllo strotch of trnck approaching tho yards, tho engineer on tho North Const appllod tho air brakoB but could not stop his train. That tho death lls Is no larger la duo to tho fact that only six porsons woro in tho two two roar Pullmans of tho Burlington train. Judge Welland Fixes Penalty of Pennsylvania Concerns at $40,000 Each. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay" Times.) PHILADELPHIA, Jon. 4. Fol lowing tho govornmont'a prosecution of tho Philadelphia and Rending Railroad, tho Lehigh Valley Rail road compnnlo8 nnd tho Bothlohom Steol Company, charged with unlaw fully robatlng, JudglFvVellnnd of tho United States District court, Inflict ed a flno today In tho tune of $40,- 000 each. Tho defendants will ap peal. McCHACKLIN IS BEAD. (By Associated Tress to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 4. Commodoro McOracklln passod away last night. Ho was ono of tho most noted military flguros of tho present day. MEET WEDNESDAY NIGHT. Marshllold Lodge. No. 11 CO, B. P. O. E., will moot Wednesday night, January 4, to transact Important business, aud nil members nro urge.t to bo prosont. GEO, GOODRUM, Sec. HEAVY FINES FOR REBATING , fi V 11 I A ..fOitft.u',1 C w AmkjL I