T p.4.. p 'Ml -it. TTf V j."j 'klOfW U ".fiuSjV-" . i M'h ADS. 1 ! - i i r -1 y arowa mt NEWS itfllEN BUSINESS 18 BLOW, AW VEHT1SI2. THAT IT PAYS IS EVI pHNCED HV SUCCESSFUL IlUSl NESS HOUSES EVERYWHERE :: VOL. XXXIII. EshibllMied hi 1878 iih TIio Const Mall. ', ' ' "" "' " I .mill .11 .I...H.I MMH.I I lM m IIIMIMIMIII .. JJII I .tin '' iMiiii Will HilM'f yjK l&i1'1'"'' M. 1iPTTinSfflS!"f B?TyiiBlrS SLaft(,'w! I i?" Pill Wisy3 ' TOR 1ISSANT FALLS TO LOS ANGELES AVIATOR IS KILLED TAMA WOMAN SHOOTS MAN ; nFITH JT NFW DRI FMIS TfllUV . ,., -, r. - , WMI WJS TRYING TO TJKF RARY . 1J ftaal III! Ill II Iw m U I I (M Ml III I b III III II I I I M U IIRIRIIIIMIB I IIMII I 1 t Daring American Falls Head Foremost From Height of Over 100 Feet. " CAUSE OF ACCIDENT MAY NEVER BE KNOWN Was Endeavoring to Find Landing Place On Small Course When It Occurred (By Associated Press to Coob Day Times.) NEW ORLEANS, Lo., Doc. Jl. 'John D. Molasant, tho nvlator, win killed nonr horo tlitu morning vhllo ,ti?Mg to mnko a landing. Ills mn Wno turned head down at an nltt- r. . . .... ... ....... Mo or one uunurcu icoi, turowing fan out bond flrst. TIio muchlno Laj wrecked. Molssnnt, In flfty horso power Blcrlot monoplnno with f annrlnl nfi-irnllnn irnBOllllO hulk libonrd, loft tlio aviation fluid and flew to Hnrnhnn' whoro a appolal wound had boon lnld out and bvor Jwhleli tho aviator was to try ton tho Mfotinlln mm I' Molssnnt circled tho Hold tpice, f. - - .. . ..1- MM. la uying to nnu a innuiiiK iiiutu. um. ,m dlfllcult. tho field holiiR on! tho edgo of tho Mississippi river With iwamps on all Bldo. , A Suddonly from a cniwo that nny (noor bo known, Molssnnt's uifjiio- (tgano turnod down and wnUliers saw Tu.t . ..iit. r..Ani Mm vminMllfl. "falling ono hnndrod foot and landing rn his bend. Molwwnt wan rufhod to Hat mr nnd hurrlod to a hospital but ho died hoforo ho roachod thoro. Tho nmbulanco and aoveral mir- Keons wore waiting at tho doput to attend Molasant but tho nvlntor died s ho was entering tho station. SECOND WOMAN HIES. Another VlctliiTof St. Pmil Flro Succumbs. (By Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) i A am r i fit flnn Pnn L..,i ' IV hn" wm Injures In u. -i --(, he apartment house flro died, and Itnothor Is not oxpectod to survive "Runaway Car Knocks Props Down, Causing Coal to Bury Miners. By Associated Presa to coos way Times.) fBLUEFIELD, V. Va., Dec. 31. iKeht ni.M IHllori nnrl two inllired t r " " "v,u I. the Lyck-Fork mlno of the Rea Jscket Coal Company near Thacker ,Vben a mlna car ran away knocking I Props down and allowing thou- Ijiwnds of tons of coal to fall on thij A HAPPY NEW YEAHl CfrsTirmurn tq nni'OnTP.n. I8y Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) "WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 30. Minors of serious lighting on the rder between Santo Domingo ana ytl are reported to tho State De- tnient in a cablegram dated yes- day from American Minister Fur- EIGHT DIE IN MINE ACCIDENT MARSHFIELD,OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10ISSIT IN LOR A1ERIGAIS Dead Aviator Won Hearts of New Yorkers When He De feated Englishman. (Dy Associated Press.) NEW YORK, N. Y., Dec. 31. John 13. Molssnnt, who was killed nonr Now Orleans, won tho heart ol every lover of tho daring sport when on October 30, ho flow from BoN mont park around tho Statuo of Liberty and back to tho aviation Hold thordby wresting from tho Eng lishman Clnudo Graham White, ono of tho most highly prized trophlot offorod for norlal foata. . Interest In tho young man boenmo so Intense locally Hint news oi ms fatal plungo cnusod an unusual shock In this city, Molssnnt vm born In Chicago In 1S70. Ho made a number of wonderfully successful, thrilling and wonderful flight. A HAPPY NEW YEAH! LONG FLIGHT IS HDE TODAY Capt. Frank Cody Captures English Prize For Distance and Time. ' (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day Times.) ALDERSIIOT, England, Hoc. 3. Capt. Frnnlc Cody, head of the ballooning dopartmont of tho Brit ish War Olllco, won today tho Drlt- Moil MiMmiin onii for duration nnd 'distance for 1910 by flying 190 tnllos .'. -.. in four hours and fifty minutes, rho flight onneci wnen w 'r - nccldontnliy toucneu wiu bi""- MAKES LONG FLIGHT. French Aviator Tiles for J-ti,tiu PrUe. (By ABsoclated Press to Cooa Bay Times.) BRUSSELS, Belgium, Dec. 31. M. Lanzer, tho r'roncn nviuiur. -rived horo today after a flight from nnt-u which commenced Thursday in an attempt to win a prize of ?20,- 000 for the flight from Paris to Brussels and return with a passen- ger. iA HAPPY NEW YKA1M NO CLASH LIKELY. A. A. V. Offlclnlf Hecloro There Will Ho No Afar of Sports. (Dy Associated, Presa to Cooa Bay limes.) NEW YORK1, N. Y Dec. 30. War between tho Amateur Athletic Union and thp Athletic Researcn so ciety Is unlikely according to A. a. U. officials today. Tho aim of botn organizations Is similar, it is saw, and there is no cause for a clash. The A. A. U. Is willing, its omcium state, that Athletic Federation bran ches be established by tho Research Society to compete among themselves without A. A. U, registration. Only compulsory registration would bo for athletes desiring to compete In A. A. U. open events. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATE!) PRESS Arch Hoxey's Machine Caught In Contrary Wind and Hurl ed to Earth, Killing Him In stantly. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Da; Times.) LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Doc. 31. Arch Hoxey, tho California aviator, this nftcrnoon fell sovernl hundred feet nnd was Instantly killed, Ho.nov was soveral hundred feet In the al? F American Philanthropist Gives $1,250,000 for Reward of German Life Savers. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) BERLIN, Gormany, Dec. 31. Tho announcement wns mado that An- drow Carnegie hns glvon $1,250,000 DEEPJINEL One Killed and Nineteen Injur-; eel In Disaster In New York Today. (Dy Associated Pross.) NEW YORK. N. Y., Doc. 31. Ona wn klllod, nnothor fatally hurt and elghtoon sorlously Injured by tho oxploslon of dynamlto In n tunnol' ono hundred foot bolow tho aurfaw of East Rlvor early todny. Tho nc oldont occurred Just nftor midnight when a shift of "ground bugs" had ( bogun work on tho tnbo which Is to carry tho gas mains from Brooklyn to Mnnhattan. Sevornl blasts woro sot off during tho night apparently ono had hung flro. A HAPPY NEW YEAHl FAMILY DEAD; Philadelphia Man Claims He Slept In House With Bodies Two Weeks (By Associated Pross to Cooa Bay Tlmea.) CLEVELAND, Ohio, Dec. 31 For two weeks while the bodies of his wife and three-year-old' daughter lay In an up-stalrs room, Herman M. Mlelke, and ate In down-stairs room of his Cedar avenuo homo without knowing anything wrong, so o m.a tho pollco today. He Is being hold pending an Investigation. Mlelko, who is a paroled work-house prison er wont to court today to roport and . a.iv. Ai1nra lift while there no ioju mo ....-.- had Just discovered the death of hli wife and daughter, e sum u his wife had quarreled two weeks ,i i, hn.l not soon his wife or child since and said ho supposed thoy had run away. V HAPPY NEW YEAHl Get a fresh box of LOWNEY'S fine CHOCOLATES at tho Red CROSS IIHUG STORE. 0 E P N DIDN'T KM 31. 1910 EVENING EDITION. EIGHT PAGES a con.oii,ition of Tim, const mou No u5 niul Coos liny Auvertlior. , when tho spectntors woro Buddonly nwo-strlcken by seeing his blplano shoot downwards. It turned over twlco In tho doscont, but Hoxoy was not thrown from tho machine. Tho blplnno scomod to hnvo boon cnugh. In the vortex of contrnry winds. It Is ostlmntod that ho was up three hundred feet. From tho nppoaranco of tho body, his life was crushed out by tho weight of tho motor which wa wrenched from Its position In tho machlno by tho force of tho Impact. for tho Cnrnoglo Foundation for Lifo Savers In Gcrmnny. Tho conditions nnd purposes of tho endowment nro slmllnr to thoso of tho "Horo Funds." Previously ostnbllshod by tho Amcrlcnn flnnnclcr nnd phllnn throplst In the United Stntes, Eng land and Franco. Tho bonofltfl of 'tho fund will begin with tho Now Year. Bold Bandits Escape With $8,000 From Waterville Institutions. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) BEATRICE, Nob., Doc. 31. Rob bers blew up tho safoa In tho Cltl zons and Stato Banks at Watorvlllo, Kan., oarly today and escnpod with $8,000. Tho Cltlzona Bnnk lost $G,000 nnd tho Stato Bank $2,000. Tho buildings woro wrocked. Tho robbora cut tho tolophon wires. Cltlzons Woro nwnkonod by tho nolso nnd flred two shots nt tho robbers as they ran down tho stroot but tho rQbbors returned tho flro nnd escaped. A HAPPY NEW YKAKI VOTE SELLERS SENT TO JAIL Ohioans Are Punished For Re cent Wholesale Election Bribery There. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tines.) WEST UNION, Ohio, Dec. 31. Judge Blair sent flvo Manchester men to Jail today on voto-selllng .hg.irnl ThnRfl UTO tllO flrttt jail .nntnfAi noMinllv executed although sontence have been hung over every one of tho guilty men in tno wiiwu sale brlbory investigation. Tho to- l ln,HMmnnl o dntO iS 1.141. ThO men sontonced today woro fined J100 and given eight months In tho work house with disfranchisement ior ht? years. A HAPPY NEW YEARS Get your FLOUR AT HAINES and tho new year will bo happy and pros perous for you all right. V HAPPY NEW YEAR! Tin Mm hunch and go to HAINES for 'your FLOUK and PEED. A HAPPY NKW itkaiu It through Tho Times Want Ads. W !T1 BANKS IN KAHSAWED S Coos Pet and Poultry Associa tion Holds Its Annual 1 Meeting. Tho Coos Poultry and Pet associa tion mot Wodncsdny nftcrnoon In Mr. F. W. Woods' rcnl cstato olllco In North Dcnd. Tho roport of tho rccont poultry exhibition showed $00.00 gnto receipts and $2(.2G en try fees besides $23.50 collected by tho Biicclnl commltteo from business people of Mnrshflold. Aftor nil IjIIIh nro nnld tho nssoclntlou will hnvo about $40 In tho treasury which will bo used for noxt yonr's exhibition. Tho nnnunl election of ofllcora ro- sultod ns follows: Proa. Mr. Fred Bnchman. Vice-pros. Mr. Goo. SollH. Spc. Mrs. Elslo McKolllps. "Trens. Mrs. Ira 1). Bartlo. A HAPPY NEW YEAR! Coos Bay Gas and Electric Co. Becomes Oregon Power Co. -In New Home. Tho Cooh Bay Gas and Eluctrls Company Is moving todny Into Its now offices in tho now Coko building at tho corner of Contrnl avenuo und Second Btrcot. Colncldont with tho chango In location will bo a chauso In namo, tho compnny bolng hence forth known as tho Orogon Power Company, tho namo under which ths Byllesby corporations In this stnto will bo known from now on. Tho company will occupy tho cor ner room and will havo ono of tho Anon offlccB In this section of tho Btato. Tho fixtures havo boon In atallod and nro a handsome typo of counting room stylo. Ooneral Manager R. M. Jennings will havo a flno prlvnto office In thn renr of tho counting room. Tho removal will bo effected todny so that thoy wjll opon thoro for busi ness Monday. A HAPPY NEW YEAR! 4 WOMEN GOOD JURORS. (By ABSOcIntod Press.) a OLYMPIA. Wash., Dec. 31. Qovornor Hay has denied tho ronuest of Bunny-sldo womon who petitioned him to recom- mend to tho legislature tno enactment of a bill exempting 4 women from Jury duty. Ho Btatos In explanation tnai womon who served on tho Jury horo aro sincere In tholr belief that womon .should norvo and tho trial Judgo In tho caso nralsed tholr services highly ! and urges that women Jurors bo generally galled on. Get what you want when you want w w COMPANY TO CHANGE NA1E GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW KT HEADING THE COOS VAY TIMJC8. ALL THE NEWS Aim THE TIMK TERSELY 1 OLD t: :s S :: it Mrs. Victoria C. Herrold Uses Gun to Prevent Kidnap- in(j of Her Child. HARRY WILLIAMS OF SEATTLE IS WOUNDED Child's Father Alleged to Have Hired Them to Do It But Is Frustrated. (By Associated Press to Coos Bar Times.) TACOMA, Wash., Dec. 31. Pre venting two men, nllogod to havo -been sent by her husband, from car rying off hor small child, Mrs. Vic toria C. Herrold today shot and bo-' rtously wounded ono of tho men, Harry Williams, a commercial trav eler for a Chicago houso, living lu Sonttlo. Ho Is In n hospital and may dlo, Horrnco G, Herrold nccompnnl ed by Williams and Sldnoy Marks, an auto mcchnulc from Seattle who Is nlso undor nrrest, nnd a third man who oscnpod, In nn nuto wont to tho Iioiiho whoro Mrfl. Herrold lives. Horrold romnluod on tho sldownlk whllo tho mon went upstnlrs. Tho inou kuookod nt tho door nnd when tho woman oponod It thoy told her they had Bummons callltiK hor 'a court Immodlntoly. Sho i'kuiH u 1J.I. i .. i.nl nnni.'.L. i t .if llW 1VUS U iriUK l f,V. ,Ul'- " child. Ono man attomptel to pmn his way Into the room am! ilu jvi od him agalitBt furthor lutrnmns, but he porBlstod and sho l'fd 'j gun and shot him in tho ;li E.m thon tho mnn did not stop but grab bod up tho child which was cl'ngln; to tho mothor'8 drosB. iho man utd woman struggled for a moment but tho man bocamo wonk nnd Anally do. nlstod and his compnnlon nsslsto'l him to tho street whoro ho foil. Tho mon choUod Mrs. Herrold's mother, Mrs. Margaret C. Rogers, who allied her dnughtor In resisting thorn. Mrs. Horrold Is undor arrest. Tho mon said thoy woro hired by Horrold but did not know thoy had dirty work to do. A HAPPY NEW YEAR! E it V One Killed and Three Injured By Bomb In Tenement House Today. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PATERSON, N. J., Doc. 31. Ono man Is doad and two women and a child were dangerously Injured by a "Black Hand"1 explosion which wrecked a tenomont houso on Scoley stroot. A bomb oxplodea unaer tuo stairway. A HAPPY NEW YKAKI THE WHEAT MARKET. (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Times.) CHICAGO, 111., Deo. 30, Whait "ubor, 92 . 93Vio to closed as follows: D 7-8c; 'May, 90 7-Sc; Ji 93 3-Sc. PORTLAND, Ore., Dec 30, Wheat unchanged. TACOMA, Wash., Dec. 30 Wheat unchanged. 0 BACK N r I f at Port Au Prince.