THE COOS BAY TIMES, MtARSHFIELD, OREGON, .TUESDAY, DECEMBER 127 . ISTEffEflM. EDITION, I COOS BAY TIMES Entered at the postofflco nt Mnrsh ilold, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls' os second class mail mattor. M. C. MALONKY Editor and Pub. IDAX K. MALONKY Xews Editor An Independent Republican nows papor published every evening except Bundny, and Weekly by Tho Coos liny Times Publishing Co. CLEANING WITH GASOLINE, the way, having boon shipped l.'ther from tho field of Klamath and Central Oregon? Turn tho sky How to Use It In Washing Soiled Gap glas3 round, Mr. Knocker, you havo' ments and Feathers. boon looking through tho wrong end Tocltmn with gasoline the first tntng long enough. lo do Is-to obtain gasoline of a suite iiblu grade. A simple experiment will determine this and make you Inde pendent, of the hdvlco of your dealer. Pour n llttlo on u piece of white wrlt- Not. nelntod. I A .workranu was sulug. tho Swtftf' Packing company In a Kansas City court. , i GOOD EVENING. . Dodlcated to tho servlco of tho people, that no good causo shall lack n. champion, nnd that ovll shall not thrlvo unopposed. Tho Coos bay Times represents a consolidation of tho Dally Coast Mall and Tho Coos Bay Advertiser. Tho Coast Mall was tho first dally estab lished on C003 Day and Tho Coon Day Times Is Its lmmcdlbto successor. SUBSCRIPTION' RATES. DAILY. Ono year JO. 00 Per month ,50 When paid strictly In advanco the subscription prlco of tho Coos Bay TIuios Is JG.00 por year or $2.60 for sir months. WEEKLY. Ono year Official Paper of Coos County. OFFICIAL PAPER OP THE CITY OP MARSIIFIELI). THE SPIRIT OF LOVE. You will find as you look back upon your life lhat the moments that stand out arc the moments when you have done things in a spirit of love. As memory scans the pet, above and beyond all the transitory pleasures of life there leap forward these supreme hours when you have been enabled to do un noticed kindnesses to those round about you, things too trifling to speak about, but which you feel have entered into your eternal life. Henry Drummond. Address all communications to COOJ5 tlAY DAILY TIMES, Marshfleld :: :: : :: Oregon .SOUTHERN' OREGON'S HARBOR. t iTIE habit of looking upon Coos Day as n mcro local asset and as of no special Intorcst to tho county beyond tho ten or twonty mllo limit, mny have becomo fixed In tho mlhds of Uiobo who havo boon forced by Isolation to too long In dulgo It; but tho approval of a time when tho Panama cnnnl will direct Jy connoct It by water with all tho "ports of tho Atlantic nnd of Europo RUggests tho sudden opening of a now efa of tromendotiH important Hit this particular harbor. Tho fact Ihut no other hnrbor llko Coob Bay exists on tho const of Orogon Is one 'f mighty moaning. Tho fact that -no hnrbor of any pretentions cxlntJ for, nt least, two hundred mile uouth of It on tho const Is of such forco that tho commercial world annot overlook it.. But thoro aro floss protontloua facts which Cods Hay pcoplo should mnko thomsolves ticqunlntod with. Do you know that Coos Bay Is noaror, geographically, to Ashlnnd, Mcdford, Grants Pass, Rosobitrg, Myrtlo Point, Oakland, Drnln, Cot tage Grove, Eugopo, Klamnth Fnlls, Coqulllo, Bnndon and Myrtlo Point, than nro Portland or San Frnnclsco? Do you know that South Wostorn Orogon Imports nil Its hnrdwnro, grocorlos, clotheB, fabrics, fiirnlturo, orockory nnd mnnufneturod goods, stlmnted to amount annually to $30,000,000 from tho harbors of Portland nnd San Francisco? Do you know thoro aro 175,000 peoplo In South Western Oregon who export annually $fi0, 000,000 worth of lumbor, fruit, grain, cnttlo nnd prod ucts or fnrm nnd dnlty by way of "Portland and San Frnnclsco? Do yn know that tlioio pooplo a'.l live from ono hundred to flvo hundred ntlloa ncnior to Coos Bay than to vlthor Portland or San Francisco mid that thoy hnvo to pay heavy Iivisht inloa on all thoy send out or "lir'i.'t li? Do you know that rnll roa'l fue east from Coos Bay would furnish all thoso people tho vhenp water transportation which Is rognitlod ns so Important and that It Is a Front Injustlco to thorn that tho LmolU of such transportation .ahouU lio withhold? Them Is another fact which should 1)0 uhdorstood. Tho Panama! canal uill be opon for uso In 1913. There seems no doubt about It. Do you Vnovr that a jobbing houso locntod on Lpob Bay could charter a ship n NVw York and load It with groceries, fabrics, fumlturo, hardware, or whatovor It chose, nnd float tho cargo through tho canal to Coos Bay bo cheaply that It could undersell ithp houses in San Francisco and Tortlnnd, not only in tho country mentlonod, that Is tho 175,000 poo jilo of Southorn Orogon, but In Cou tral Orogon and Southorn Idaho? "Do you know that? Woll, It's a fact, and only tho most obtuse and dlsgruntlod pesslmslt could faH to see, t. Do you knqw that million, or iooi of lumbor will' bo carried by tshlp out of Cops Bay to the Atlac tlo markets when the Panama canal s opon? Do you know that millions f dollars worth of grain will go A PALL VACATION'. Sho wns shy when sho went away Two months ngo preclsoly; But kisses now, I have to say, Real nicely. Sho wob shy for n city miss, I look nt It astutely; And wonder how sho learned to kls So cutely. But sho la not Inclined to tell. And I can only ponder, How do girls learn to kiss so woll? I wonder. Everybody has acquaintances, but few hnvo friends-. WITH THE t TOAST AND TEA t luKPnper of pood quality. If the guso. 4444) "1,u leaves no truce or grease on mo paper uner evaporation you will uu 1 snfo In using It: otherwise It Is useless for your purpose. Second, buy enoilgh gasoline both to wash nnd rinse your garment. Two gallons nro enough for u dress, pro vided you wash It In n proper reecp tncle. which retnrds evaporation by ex posing a comparatively small surface to the air. Many women fall of sue ccss because they do not 'realize the necessity of rinsing the parment In plenty of 'clean gasoline. The gasoline Hint Is left after a parment Is washed can bo allowed to nettle and the clear gasoline, at the (op used again. It Is not ndvlnble. howovcr, to uso the snmo gasoline too often. Now ns to the method of procedure Tor garments In general. Soak thegnrv mont In. gasoline. If It is much solid) twenty-four hours Is not too long ! Mpmhymir 1nlor will be lightened nndi the ptrment nnved much destructive nibbing. Be sure that the vessel In whlclrjou place the carment nnd ksm. ollno-hns n tlpht cot or. A wnsh liollor can beusiil. Cover the opening with, two or more Tnrklsh lowelx. ami over these-plnre the lid and weight It down nil around. Procure n mnnll washboard and.. put ting It into tho boiler, rub tht gar ment! vigorously. JnM nn If using wnenr. Before wetting the garment It Jam goodi plan to locate nil tho nporx that need particular attention by basUh?; around' them vrtth thread Bfi.o traHtlng color. Tftty aro then avv to. 17ml i vhn tho- fptrmit Is wcti t Tto trader parrs of slcerw. the ncklmiil andi tho- hems et skirts must roceL?v special wttontlon. In- the matter od roft bitlg. Donot expect tho gitfiolltH'ihxn nll'tho worlciiev It trill dlsappqlno yout. Blnso the pnzroent to clenri'gnsoluie and' hang lu: the sosshlno noihiiibi to dry,, lTlnnlly prctw it w(th am Iroin of suitable tomporatarv to remove- tho oronscti and a!no w&atovcr (Odor may romala. During. tb- wbolo nroeewup to tho- prcsstae- keI your work, out, of doors, - 'Chro aro- a few specWi av of using gasollau wbkh It majj bu- well to rnouilou. White- strlch fontlKrs can bo cleaned, by ualag gusoUaQ aad (lour, Stlu In cnotighi Sour to jualue a thin i white paste, TTWrougl shako tho,, fcttither lu this. Dry bywavUs In tho- suimhlne uud air. Tho (Tour will shako- out. leaving, yocr fenthue white, sofa uml beautiful. Chiffon, rueljlngs which aro sollck tut not cnuHlu-i. ciui b-cJtvcnntodJjy shaUlug tbeiu In clmr gasoline nnd (lieu dr.Tjig ihein In sunslilnu niuUalr. Small iirtlcU-s. ouch kh faucy ncckwour lu geiiwa walcli nuwt bo trentedixeu I ly. ciu be iut IntQi.a fruit Jar iwurly IIIIihI with piHollnc Using a rubbvr ring. K-rew the topjwu tightly. Tpt tho urtlclM Mak for homo time nnd then shake tbeui vlgoftiusly. ItlmiQ in (ho same inauner luloitr gasoline Dry In the sunshine undiuUr. Coat eolhii'H vjuji often be ctaiued by wetting n gnsolluo and then rubblnp the koIMI part. It: the fabric will warrnut I uml Is muaU wiled uso. an old toothlwusli for thls.pur)oso lnP stead of the cUth. Nwkilt'K cauuot nlways, bo cleaned by the xmp rubbing process. If tlwi Is so try uylUK.ii brush dipped In gaso. Hue to wtu the soiled parts. Sutln. of eourse.,des not pei.wilt )f this Kvni. ment. Urtsisu spots rn.u be renuvHl by rubblug the Hpots with u good white soiip after tlu article I1113 been soaked In giiHollncs Rub hapd aud rinse thoroughly. (insolluu In whh'h soap has becu used cutni( be uh1 a hevum) time, I M.I...I .X .1 .. ... ..... .... - t i.iuei urebsiur ill iiicngo 1 nuuuo. When n man Is accused of crlmo ho Is nlso Buro to bo accused of hav ing a "guilty look." Warmed over potatoes nnd lovo affairs will never bo nblo to pans for tho orfglhur article Tho tolcphono Is about tho only thing wo know or thnt Is a blessings and n curso nt tho snmo time. Tho trouble with tho Friendship, bank Is thnt most pcoplo want tr draw out more than thoy put lib-. A young mnn likes to Impress tll girls that ho has no uso for n look-ng-glass except when ho shnvo3hut It Isn't true-. Aftor n mnn discovers how llttM ho knows ho begins to suspicion- that possibly others do not know msr much ns thoy claim. Did you over know a murt who would wait for dlnnor-at homo ns cheerfully ns ho waits for a-bum freo lunch to ho sorvod? Whon a boy gots old: enough to look thoughtfully down- and ndmln his now clothes, ho Is- also old en ough to look up auit ndmlro tha girls. When nn nngry nuin qunrrols with his wlfo ho expresses his opinion of women, but don't expect him to 00 candid when ho Is making love. MODEU.V VHUSIOX Jack and Jill went up tho htll To fotch a pall of water; Jack fell down, and In latest gown, Jill enmo n-hobbllng ufter. A colored witness wns called "Did yqu work at the plant)" luiwus nslu'd. "Yasslr." "Do you knoivuho foiCT-au und.tha other olllcors?" "Ynsslr." "What wero-i- your 1 rr iwilnnsi with hem?" "Now, look here." wild 'Miei wltfttw. "I'm black mid-1 hoy's .vtilte. UHley ,nln't no rebulnas of nihuiJ"ClPve!fcnd Lender. To Git aPtnd Full fcf'Flih.i To one pond add thrv Htimll Sslu Stir thoroiiglffy and wt tat in 11 Lfusln to air. Select fotir iiluiot). wellifcil llslicrmen. l ftnd place tliom ow top of the pond. Lot (he wlwle hnknta n lint sun foH'dirttir. ocdtMoiinlly liast lug tin' llshormen with whftcd UlCfcer. When thdriuuhly bnnwv reinova- the fishermen, cawfully drrinlug ort 'their stories Into separate 1 ejitacles Al low the sediment to HetU and furare ful compnriKdn of tl results will clearly prove (lint thcrond contains sixty umtitially largo ash. P'ttiauel phla North ixmerloan. AM U. U.w. Carl Schttrx was illninp onr night 5 vvltlt r trim tafllM ltd 1L Mrrlftnt llnlr of. poems h enlletU nud tto .was pleased witri'lilinsolfi The pob 'was .dliemirsliip'-on tho time woraitiih'i or ,joitlcH-4iiSior tub men win oPleiM "I conMer,pfIIU?. .and '.jOlltldnnH benen(h'my not luv.-'lift nmit "I'dt not care for Mn, l'iwvllia'tibo a senator .'Oir tn cabhcet-mlnUttT. nnilrl doubt Itil 'could .'B totnptvd byi tho offer oUthe preshney.v Foe the mat ter of tilat. I would-rather to known ns ri third rata pct thnunas.n,iflrft class BhitcsmamV" "WcHi jiron'f 3n7' Scliutz shoa(wd at hitrtL'-SaturdiiijEvenlnB;rost. Spekpid ,8p44ktrs, Tbcr Is n tule to ttfe effectj that whllo-. Ilpn. Ttlamns Bnuckctt' 1h1 wlchhrd the gnel li) on3,Tvssia'iBCn-. tlpmi .took lit 111 tie,,, bay to th gal lerroot thn hpso otrrpr(jsenbUives.. Looting donm.upon t more npmer- ou-bmnch 5 the rciral leplsluture.-i tl child ns'Afd. "I-'ntbuc. whe,fc tbnW luaro man -U;ibig lu ,tVw, pulpUiiTltb; nJ tntdlct In h'ir.lianil)" "U,c, my,sn," ri'('U)td,itbo fol.pncr , "la (hci&ourte of,Tepresciu,Uves." "And wla ar Uw. otheiueu ,8itt ttug In Huulctrclcs4arouud Wm?'' 'li quired thq-Jlny chn They speakers cfitbe.hoJJio !ot reprvcntatlvei unsuensli vptvtr fu(nlllau Tberor nan u pcoHuimttiu: uttorr,uy lu Texas iv'liosu method iwre ho dn matlc aud unlfpriujy sncassfu that, ho npS only bxiu.uii tho-terrpr of, evil doers, but nn uhlivt of adnilrntftui. (bi-. IteclrHj nmoni tho negnx-s I'ijon rn' tlremeut fromj, olllce lux was, at ohm-' mucd sought. ,fter bj; those ebnrgtli -; wltu.erlmo. The llrst two cn.i whlchi ue iieeiuiei lyauHe-i lu C'llU'ifllou. mh lo his ehagtl'i. An "Id wsxi who had etched liivi iimHK'Utliui lu ' aamlrltig uonder nial, louHtl oil uUlt tHual Inttu-bi wheiu he eoitduvti'd tho tefenbe accosted Just tuxur hi do- eit and said; "Mrs Uai.lti. you sho' U n wwAder. 'l nuurer- wlilebj bldo you's otu they pitto the ijuu. jisi tho snmo." t;ntso anoit'onimour. First Imit and Savings. Ra, OF cuns . iv "U CAPCtiW- FtTLLY OF COOS RAY MARSllFIEM), ORKCO.V. PArD:-:.., OI -KIOEIW .VNI) l)Ri.rmi,u. COKn, Pi cslilimt. l)0qi.'v t.'.m' WIM t ... ' " ""'"in URIME3 JOIIN- JOiLV T. IIAlili, HKNltr SBN'OSTAC JICKW 3T1SPIIBN- C. ROOI 3RS, M, Dn. n v rr,,,. : C. tlOUTON. VltT-Presldcat d Zl rnusT mvi DOES; X GKXERd Ij JUtNKIN; AND . Y OUR. RUSINKSS HOIflOITKI). Snfo- Deixislt Ro( h for- rent tit our Htrci 'llm.,1 . proo-f VniUls 1.1 Luo n.,.i ,.-.. ".:." an4l, : !z l"il """an The First National Bank of Ceo A, BTIUCJCIiV A C SUIKItflAh HANK. " DRAWS DRAFTS fWells Fju-jTh Xevitdiu Xnlloiial'.lljiiil.-. Snn p.. , Tho Unite,, Stales National iu,V PorSto oZ lk M'no iMiimuiu i-nrK'iirnrc. Navi-Torrf v v JTI10 Corn Kxclianprr XaUonnl Rank, Chfcaeo 111 PTI10 Rank pt HcolIauiL Londnm. Knclh, .8 ' in' I rs si . a .. .. " 1110 .rvuix lyjiiiiimis, 1'ariF,. FLinco, In addition wo ucaw drnfjB on :ll principal Iranklnc (, J E-urope, ABln, Afrl.Q, Austi alln,. China, Jpan Nimh qimi3I 50. America, t'or.oimi mii commercial ueuauntj kjnl(Ublrt ntil r?nrt(flrn(nn nt rimirmlta lntmml (lir.n. r. '"! ""r ' "" "rimu,BWt lOT.rtftt, Flanagan (Sit Ifennctt Bank of MarsMic!dlv0reit Oldest Rank in Coos Cotattjr, ICstaMUUctl lu (kHU. Paid up CiipKnlg Surplus, wrt.UuiUyJtled Proi over M90.W& ' Assets Over Unit Mllllom' Dollars. vwi Does n gonorAUbankliiR.buslnc'ss and drnwe dralU nthe Dm of. California, Blew Francno, Cnl.; Hnnover IflttlonaVlUjk.N'T' First Nntlounl Bank, Portland, Onr 5, First Nfttlpnal Dnk, RoiJ ourg. uro.; 1110 iunuuu ajihi oiocmuanK, !'., Lonl$D, Eotll Also boIIb oxcifungo on all of the principal ulUes oi.Eut()i)W Individual nud! 'corporation nccuunts kopt wbjc;t to check. Stfi doposlt lock bo,w lor ru)t. OFPICHiW? 3. REXXITtr, PronUH-nt. J. II. FtKAahNVV.-PrtK. ' R. 1 WIIiIdArf.- Cnshlon. CJKO: K. WIXCIITUt, AmU'CmIi CXTERESC PAID iff TIM U )JtEHSlTft.. HSC Eastside Winners 1 Block litvHoino vAdUltlon, noucalnligoirr3 accrs-for- (IH 0 Lots for.' , 73;.Et JftrthfltU 10 LotB tlirt.i .., f., ,. .,. ....H'-WEaBt'MjrihllM 10 Lots tor ... .m.mimim'i'.mi.wi. .,,i$80ibEititt ALL GWI), RAYVflCWS.. TJUJMS E.ISY See Title', Guarantee & Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, ivtogc J Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIARLO AWDi JOSSON. CEMENT. Tho host Domestlo nnd Iraportod brands. Piaster. Llmo Brick nnd. all kindo. or builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFJTICE. ROUTII HHOaHIWAY. PnOXB SOU Coos Bay-Rosebrg Stage Line uhii kingu oeLMeen KOSSUIirK miu.iljirauiw.tu. oi - Sunday ut 7 t 111. Fnro, 80.00. OTTO SmiKTER Agent, 120. MARKKT AV MnralilleliL PHOVI5 M A girl not only has great troublo In gottlng money to buy n hat, hut sho hns great trouble' In (hiding a hat that suits her after sho gots th money Bo good to tho rubbornecks. They nro tho peoplo who And tlmo to af toml tho weddings, nnd who mnko tho public opinion that decides It tho brldo looked pretty or was a fright. Thoy nlso nttond tho funer als, and It Is through them that busy peoplo learn If tho corpso looked n.i tural, and If tho rolntlvcs wore :'s grlef-strlcken ns they should hnvo beon. They decide If n woman's now dress Is becoming; If a girl makes a good match; If a new baby Is prqtty; they mnko tho soatlmont thnt Is favorable or opposed to 11 girl's singing, her plnno playing, or her recitations In public. They avo tho opinion-makers; bo good to thorn. ' . A MOVING PICTURK. Thoy mot In Now York, Thoy wed In Chicago; Thoy lived In St. Paul, Then came tho embargo., Thoy quit In Duluth. u Did ho know, did she know? He went to Spokane, She finished In Reno. '" Accidental Discharge of 1 Pun, A capital pun may nrli-v by pure, no tldeut, us revqrded lu UucUi-'a "Rnolt of Table Talk:" "A Mr. Aluxnndvr (iu wns dlsuilnn cd from a post In tbe-vustnum or Edin burgh for circulating some fuke ru mor. The dismissal Is mild to havo been thus note1 In (ho custmna book nt tho time. "A. Guu discharged for waL.. lug a falso report." Black Knowledge. A senator complained of certain falso charges that" had been made against n company ho formerly ropreseuted. "Tho spirit In which some of theso charges were brought," ho sjld, "inaLca mu think of tho blackmullor who declared: " 'Kuowledgo Is power.' "Then, with n wink, ho added: '"Yes, knowledge U power If you know It about tho rlcht person, M And So Me Unsigned. "Who-was It who said. You may flro when you aro ready)'" "'Somebody who kuow ho wns going to get discharged, anyway," Now York Press. DEAFNESS CANNOT HE CURED by 1 ral applications, at they rannot reach tho ilUtfttcil portion of tho car. There Is only tone nay to cuioiieatnes .and that (a by con itltutloualreraeiltes, Kealnuji U caused by an InOatried condition of thq mucous Untnc o( the Kustachlaa Tube. When tilts tube Is in. Ilapjcitou have a rumbling sound or lunr feet hear Inc. and when It la- entirely rioted, lX)(nei,l thejeeult, nd unless the Intlani and this tuba restored tu Its 'aqrmal cowdltlou, bearing wilt be de stroyed lorererinlnecases out ol tei; aro caused uj Kirru. nuiru ia iiuiiuii); out an iniltm ined eondtUon ol the mucous surfaces. We will alve One Hundred Dollars for any cato!dea!nes(rauaed by catarrh) that can not be cured by Uiu's CaUrrh Cure. Bend lor circulars, free. .1 F. Jl CHKNEY A CO Tl.. n RAMkvrMl..lil. - , w.w-v, . Weighing the, Bnby. Tho grocer's llw vj!iitttl))i), to tho man who had nked Willi to weigh a tlatlwn, a piav of curling, tongs, a I-reuch novel ami a Jar. of ground cof rceflt,the same tlmo stiomed Irrclovnut "Boy orgltf?" wild he. "Girl." sitUI tho man. Then the grocer dumped tl mlscol lftneous aKsorttnent Into, tho scales acd' eald. "NliUMind tlwee-qunrter pounds"- "Happens ovcry little- -while down hero, wtero not uinuy peoplo bavo scales or their own. ho explnbied. "They wont to. weigh the baby tho mlnuto- It arrlTes. So they balnuco it with edds and ends that oxnctjy tip tho lieam. Then tho noxt day they weigh iho things nnd find out: baby's j hert."-New York Sun. Twentieth Century Dugout. Pngouts aro usually associated with bygone dnys. but they stJJI flguro Id,1 ,,, lf , Maryland navigation. To dugout to1 0U' tho Chesapoake ennoo Qt the ensteru I 1 shore oystermen. It Is mado by plae- ,PIUCE'' AXD SATISFACTION GUAR inc three nine locra slix hv sliln n.,,i ' , fastenlug them togctlwr with womlon ANTKBD- O.oslto Rceakwnter of. . 1, utilNAKD. teeiit'.' IMWffW. P. DID YOU GET TKjtT SUIT." THE fIXUP decs $ Good Evening HAVE YOU ANY LAUNDRY? wo wagons. SS'.,'4.,iS!!!i,"fm...,,Up..1,. -x pins. Then the Insld is dug out with an adz nnd tho outsWo similarly shap ed. The result Is a, uonslnfcnute craft, with bow nnd stecn nllko that la rig. ged -with two sutU nnd sometlracs n "Jigger"' ns well. From theso boats the o.vstors ar& taken nn with tnnira When (ho oyster season Is over theso' If BO do nt 'orget that this U canoes are painted and aquatic raeea ' "IIB laundry whore you got tho best nro indulged In by th oystermon. ' work, and prices aro In every ono' ITnrper's Weekly, reach. Call up and ono of tho drlv- c, ., Father Kow,i will call and explain all details to He Yes. but he snhl whon T m,! u vw- ""-. ho u.u ruumue began to pay your bills I should ago Yanldly enough, Pittsburg Gazette. He.p Observation. "Did you know," said the scientific boarder, "that a clock ticks faster in winter than in summer Y' "Ho; I wasn't aware thnt a clock does," answered tho landlady, "but I know a gas moter dood."-Chtcago News. Cloth of Gold. Tbo French monarch was boaXlntr of the Field of the Cloth of Gold. "iiut is a yard of it thlrty-alx Inchest wide?" we asked. Herewith he pleaded trade customs. OUR GUARANTEE IS YOUR SAIN 1SFACTION;. MARSTIFIELI) nAND AND STEAM SiAUNDRY. ''?anzey Rrost., Prop. Phone 230-J. , For Strifitly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butier Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage FREE DELIVERIES S A. M. and 2 P. Sedentary habits, lack or outdoor exercise, Insufficient mastication, ot food constipation, a torpid Hve worry and nnjtlety, are tho m.pb$ common causes of stomach troubles. Correct your habits nnd take Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will soon be well again, For sale by all dealers, Phono 73-J J " t iv TVnnAM. rv . f : . a seB, Offlce 208-200 Coos J" Phones umcu ""t W. IIBNNBTiT LW7er' Offlco oyer FJapagao & Bennett MarBhfleld, IT' '& V OTSj(Nj,nbr of tCV, om I S m