UfStf dons ADS. MttttB NEWS tV BUSINESS IS BLOW, Al 11SB. THAT IT l'AXB is is VI- GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW HT HEADING THE COOS MAX TLMKH. ALL THE NEWS ALu THE TIMK TERSELY 'I OLD i: :: t: it tt rED I1' BUCCEBStfUli IJUHI , HOUSES EVERYWHERE ;; MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS mm free 'too ha!!,. oar Co. sed 0, Oft no fit. 1 LjOfflll. Established In 1878 na TIio Const Mull. E REPORTED SLAIN if" CflPF mm t iin mm w isi im IIUOWH..I via wiiiiukinb. IUUIIIIUW MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1910 EVENING EDITION- A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll nnd Coos liny Advertiser. No. 141 BE WIFE LOST Lection Against Germany Said to Have Broken Out There. OOPS ARE RUSHED' THERE BY GERMANY titi Pacific Territory Bought From Spain In 1399 Scene of Trouble. Associated Press to Cooa Ray Tlmus.) feRISDANH, Australia, Due. 27. Ill roportod Hint tlio natlvos of tape hate rovoltcd nnd murdorou If Europeans nuu hvu inuiiuiy jiu- M. "TUB" TRUST iElBERS OUT trhe Carollno Islands wero sold by Lin to Qermnny In 1899. Ttio it Important Islands nro Ponnpo l Yip. Copra Is their chief ox- tt. Their population Is forty :aiand. . , ifl VESSELS GO TIIEIIE. Concerns Said to Have With drawn From Agreement to Fix Prices. (Dy Associated I'rons to Coos Day Tlmos.) WASHINGTON, D. C Doc. 27. It wan loamed today that nt leant four of tlio II nn a allotted to bo con nected wlth'tho "Unth Tub Trust" nnd charged with being pnrtlos tn nn nKioomont alleged to bo In viola tion of tlio Sherman anti-trust law, have koiH out notice to tlio plumbing trndo that thoy aro no longer parties to tlio ngroomont nnd In tlio future will do business Independently, The government probably will complcto Its Injunction proceedings, and the criminal proceedings stntcd In De troit, it Is said hore, will not b3 stopped. Noted Magazine Writer Drowned When Yacht Sinks Near Key West One of the Crew Lost. (Dy AsBoclntod 1 ess to Coos Dny Times.) KEY WEST, Pin., Dec. 27. The body of Captain Stuart Dennett of Now York, a ningnzlno writer and ownor of tlio yacht Phrn, wns founl Jg j today near tho western banks. Ills wiro and Herman Parker, ono of tho men on tho yacht, aro also bo llovod to havo beou drowned. Dennett sailed from Fort Mcyorn Friday, In his yacht which colldol with tho Jetties near hero Sunday, sinking In a fow minutes. Threo o tho crow wero picked up yestorday, nnd reported they snw Dennett, his wlfo nnd Parker clinging to the mnst. f FILLER TO BE PROMOTED Irmanjr Sends Ti-oopn ti Put Down Insurrection. If ABSodntcd Press to Coos Day Tlmos.) BERLIN, Germany, Doc. 27. cruller Nuromburg has beou Hcfed from Hong Kong to Pono- Tbo cruiser Cormornn and a Irrcjrlng ship aro nlroady there. TSINGTAU, China, Dbc. 27. The f'rman crulsor Emdon snllod todsy Ir Ponapc, Cnrollno Islnnds, whoro lltrepoited nn insurrection occur N. BA.N'D IS SMALL. PHONOGRAPH QUIETS CHICKENS I Day Ionian Governor Claims Only Few Hnvo Revolted. iBr Associated Pross to Coos Times.) DERIdN, Gormany, Doc. 27. fce German governor In tho Cnro- lie Islands has reached Ponnpo wltn 10 soldiers. Ilo stntoe tho Insur- ents do not exceed 250 nnd that Se natives gonorully nro loyal. CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET. Pr Assoclnted Pross to Coos Dny Times.) CHICVGO, 111., Dec. 27. Wheat pbsed ns follows: December, 91 "8c; May, 95 7-8o; July, 93c. PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 27. Poul try fanciers of Vancouver, Wnsh , hnvo solved tho problem of how to keep bluo-bloodod fowls on oxhlblt- Inn from crowing nnd squawking so that visitors cannot hoar each other discuss tho flno points of tho blrdn. It Is a Blmplo romody, too, nnd wn dlscovorod qulto by Occident. A phonograph turned looso In tho poul try oxhlblt soon put n qulotus on the cackling lions nnd crowing roostora. The Vnncouvor Bhow Iioubob nbo'lt BOO fowls. Tho contlnunl racket from tho show pons hocamo almost unbmrnblo and qulto by nccldont tho romody was hit upon. A Inrgo ;ho nogrnph wns Instnlled to distract tho attention of tho visitors to somo de gree nt least from tho chnttorlng ohlckons, but boforo n dozon bars of tho popular tunos had beon ground out, tho fowls docldod that thoy had hnd enough and withdrew from tho competition. So tho canned music will bo kopt going through tho show and It Is promised thoro will bo comploto re llof from tho nolso of tho feathered aristocrats. Is Appointed Superintendent of Local Southern Pacific Properties. Tho appointment of W. F. Miller ns superintendent of tho locnl rail way stonmor Drcnkwatcr nnd other Southom Pnclflc properties on Coss Dny wns nnnounccd todny by C. J. Mlllls, vice-president nnd gcnoral manager of tho local properties. Tho appolntmont will becomo ofroctlvo In n fow days. Mr. Mlllor has been with tho company as agont nnd as sistant to Mr. Mlllls for bo mo time. Mr. Mlllls will retain his present title nnd position for tho present, but ns nddltionnl duties placed upon him will rcqulro him to spend con- sldorablo tlmo nway from Coos Day, much of tho business previously handled by him will devolve upon Mr. Mlllor. Tho promotion of Mr. MUIor will be a gratlllcation to tho many friends ho has mado In Mnrshflold. NEW OFFCERS SOCIALIST VOTE OF COUNTHV IS .100,000 EWS OUSTED FROM RUSSIA Expulsion of Race From Czar's Capital Is Begun Again. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) ST. PETERSRURG, Doc. 27. - The expulsion of Jowa assorted to be hiding illegally in St. Petersburg, has been begun. As a preliminary tep, ono hundred hnvo been de prived memberships in nrtlslan snllds hero by losing their rights to residence In the capital. ASHLAND GOES DRY. ASHLAND, Ore., Dec. 20. At the municipal election last -week, R. P Nell was elected Mayor, practically without opposition.. Ashland remains In tho dry col umn by a majority of 239, the pro hibitionists having carried every ard, although they bad only a mn Jorlty of 10 in tho first precinct. NEW YORK, Dec. 27. W. J. Ohont, statistician for tho Socialist party, announces that tho voto for Socialist candidates throughout tho country this year total over 500,000. His flguros In dotall Includo Califor nia, 49,995; Oregon, 8,059, nnd Washington, 15,947. Tho largest voto, 00,037, was cast In Ohio. HERMANN'S ACQUITTAL. Tho Portland Oregonlnn says: There will bo gonornl satisfaction at tho action of Mr. Heney In terminat ing tho prosecution of Mr. Hermann ITALY FACES . RHISIMES Railroad Employes In Referen dum Vote Declare In Favor Of It. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) ROME, Itnly, Dec. 27. Moro than ninety thousand rnllwny employes In Itnly In n referendum voto on what nttltudo thoy should assumo by u great majority, declared In favor if tho Instruments of tho strlko and "Bnbotngo." AREJLECTEQ Pacific Commandery No. 10, Knights Templar, and Royal Arch Install. Tho nnnunl election of bilkers of Pnclflc Commnndery, No. 10, Knights Totnplnr, wns held Inst evening nnd rosultcd ns follows: Eminent Commnndor W. J. Rust. GoncralllBstmo Aug. Fnrloy. Captain, General A. E. Morton. Senior Warden E. S. Dargolt. Junior Warden C. F. McKnlght. Prolate Ch. D. Solby. Recorder Geo. F. Winchester. Following tho election, tho now ofllcors woro Instnlled, Houert Lock hart, past Eminent Commander be ing tho Installing officer. Tho Roynl Arch Masons nlso held their Installation of ofllcors Jointly with tho Commandory. Tonight, tho Eastern Star nnd Dluo'Lodgo will hnvo n Joint Instal- Intlon of ofllcors, this bolng St. John's Dny. 1 wwm a i in mmmmmmm mmamam I mil. If YORK BAN! FAILURE" IS EGHD OF 1907 PANIO MUST FURNISH SHIP REPORTS I F. PLANT IN In Franco "Bnbotngo" hns como to lndlcnto orgaulzod acts of vlolonc such as destruction and crlpplln". of machinery or'othor property In ordo to forco a suspension of work. As adopted In Italy It Is probablo thi word Is usod In a sonBO to harass tho authorities In their effort to -o-storo. communication over tho rail way lino tho employes of which aro on a siriKo. INDICTMENT IS VOID. Tho Orogonlan hns never believed lyow 0n0 will Hnvo to Do Returned that tho association of tho ox-Congressman and ox-Land Commissioner with land-fraud conspirators was other than personal and political, or that his compllanco, actual or seeming, In tholr schemlngs had the slightest criminal Intent. Persistent prosecution of a hopeless cause would be not only unnecessary and unwise, but cruel nnd unjustifiable and It Is credltablo to Mr. Heney that ho has taken that Just and hu-. mane view. Now tho laud-fraud business, growing out of old conditions, old methods, old political, personal and business alliances and partnerships, is over. There is a now deal. Let bygones bo bygones and thowhola. nalnful and humiliating story bo forgotten, If It Is possible to forgot where there aro so many wounds ALUMINUM WARE at MILNETt'S nna BCnrs, The DIG REDUCTION SALE of The niG - REDUCTION SALE of "ATS is still on at Mrs. Donaldson's .jiatS Is still on at Mrs. Donaldson's Millinery store, 110 Front street Millinery store, HO Front street. In St runnier Case, PORTLAND, Oro Dec. 27. Tho trial of Dr. It. L. Gillespie and At tendants Alfred Dye and J. C. Ar nold, of tho Crystal Springs Sani tarium, for their Inhumnn treatment and nbuso of Dr, Laurel A. Stomlor and other Insane patients entrusted to their care, may be postponed In definitely. Tho indictment, which was roturnod by the October grand Jury ngalnst the trio, after tho In vestigation of tho revolting conduct of tho accused, was declared vol'l and set nsldo by Presiding Judgo Cleland, in Circuit Court. Tho Judge, however, refused to re lease the bonds of Mrs. E. J. Stan ley, who Is being helj as a witness In tho case, and provided prompt action is taken by District Attor ney Cameron, the case again may-bo put In shape for trial lthout great loss of time. A second Indictment probably will bo returned by the grand Jury for the January term f court. Steamship Arrives After Slight v Delay On Account of Heavy Fog. Tho M. F. Plant arrived In early this morning from San Francisco nftor a fairly good trip up tho coast. A heavy fog provonted hor getting In last night. Tho Plant will sail Thursday morning nt 10 o'clock for San Francisco. Among those arriving on hor woro tho following: Mrs. Dungnn, J. Stambcck, J. E. Gray, MIbb A. Drowning, M. HolHs tor and wlfo, C. Downs, Chas. Downs, C. Solzlno, A. W. Nlol, S. Van Nor ton and wlfo, M. Frlcto, D. Murray, Kid Williams, Miss G. Tollofeon, F E. Stonor, P. Mnrrnsoul, Geo Qunng, Geo Tong, A. Puuso, J. Garlapd, J. Mathlldo, K. Turlong, S, Drown, II, Nanscn. ' , R. 5 0. STRIKE t ENDED T Mechanics and Railway Com pany Agree AftSr Eighteen Months Struggle. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) BALTIMORE, Md., Dec. 27. Aft er being idlo plghteon months, tho striking mechanics from the Balti more and Ohio railroad today reach ed an agreement with tho company and will return to work. Owners and Masters of Ves sels Liable For Violation of Law. Owners and masters of vessels plying In nnd out of Coos Dny will bo prosecuted nnd punished unless they comply with tho requests to furnish tho data required for a commercial roport of Coos Day ship Ping. For sotuo tlmo, no nccurato data hns been kopt of the shipping tn nnrf out over tho Coos Dny bnr. ThlB has been probably duo to cureless ness but now It Is found that thh dntn Is absolutely nccoesary In ordor to mako tho showing rcqulrod by tho govornmont engineers nnd con gress In considering harbor Improve ments hero. Tho onglncors nnd congress nnd tho president will not npprovo of requests for hnrbor Im provements unless tho growth of the commorco will warrant it, nnd this Is shown only by reports from tho vessols. Englncor Lcofc, who hns charge of tho govornmont work hero now linn been endeavoring to obtain those roportH and finds It most difficult. Ho hns written tho owners nnd mnn tors of twolvo vessels plying rcgulnr ly out of hero nnd sovou of tlm numbor hnvo failed to furnish the roport requested. Ho bus tnkon tho mnttor up with Major Morrow who hns stated Hint "tho lnw must Jjo compiled with In n reasonable time and manner." Mr. Loofo dlsllkos to Invoke pro secution In thoso casos and havo tho offondors fnco a flno of $100 or n Eontenco of two months In Jail an provided by law but unless thoy comply, thoro Is nothing pleo for him to do. As a mnttor of fnct, tho owners nnd mnstors of vossols should rcnllzo tho bonoflt of hnrbor work nnd bo tho first to furnish tho required dntn nnd nld In other wnys In doing any thing that will nBslst In further Im- provomonts of tho bnr nnd harbor. Tho following Is tho law govern ing thoso reports: "Do It onnctod by tho Sonnto and Houso of Representatives of tho United States of Amorlca In Congron assomblod, That ownors, ngoutn, masters nnd clerks of vossols nrrlv Ilig nt or dopnrtlug from localities whoro works of river and hnrbor Improvomont nro cnrrlcd on, shall furnish on application of tho porsons In local chargo of tho works, a com prohonslvo stntomont of vossols, pas songors, freight and tonnage. ,"Thnt every porson or porsons of fending ngalnst tho provisions of this net shall, for each and ovory offonso, bo llablo to a flno of ono hundred dollars, or Imprisonment not oxcocdlng two months, to bo on forced In any district court in tho United States within whoso territo rial Jurisdiction such offonso may havo beon committed." Northern Banj Formerly the Hamilton Bank, Closed by State Official. ACTION DID NOT CAUSE ANY SCARE Inspector Says He Found Dis crepanciesHas Branches In Gotham. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK, N. Y., Dec. 27. Tho Northorn Dank of Now Yore which has sovornl brnnchos In Har lem, nnd tho Dronx was tnkon pos session of todny by Suporlntondont of Dnnks Chonoy. Tho Institution hns deposits nggrogntlng over $3, 000,000. Tho Northorn Dnnk wns formerly known ns tho Hnmllton Dnnk which hnd dlfllcultlos in tho pnnlc of 1907. Todny's closing wns no surpriso to. thoso who hnd known of tho Dnnk'a condition nnd tho suspension Is ro Mirdod as unlmportnnt. In a stn lemon', regarding tho Hank's suspen sion, Chonoy said cortaln Irregulari ties had been disclosed. IS VICTIM OF THUGS. Wellington .Man Found In Dazed Condition. (Dy to Coos Day NORTHWEST WHEAT MARJtET. (By 27. Associated Press . to Coos Da; Times,) PORTLAND, Oro., Doc. Wheat unchanged. TACOMA,. Wash., Dec. 27. Mill ing wheat Club, 81c; Rod Russian, 80c; Bluestom, 84c. is30cltited Press Tines.) SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Doc. 27. John A. Edwards, giving his homo ns Rock Hnrbor, Wnsh., and claim ing to bo tho prlvnto Boorotnry of tho governor of Washington, waa found in tho street lioro onrly today In a Boinl-couHQloiiH condition. On iflcovorlng his sonsos ho atnted ha had boon slugged nnd robbod oC uonoy nnd Jowolry vnluod nt G0O. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Bay , Times.) OLYMPIA, Wash., Doc. 27. Tim mnn found In San Francisco In a seml-conBclouB condition and whs Bald ho wni John A. Edwards of Rocho Harbor, Wash., and socrotary to Governor Hny, Is not known at tho govornor'B ofllco or nt tho State-house, IS CHANGE AT 1JANDON. The Dandon Eaglo says; "After this lssuo of the Dandon Dally Eaglo Is off tho press, tho comploto con trol and ownership of , tlio papor passes, by mutual consent and agree ment, to Phil W. Pearson and Porcy Lewis. John Aldon Scabury, found- No. 118 Is the lucky number that'er and editor of tho Eaglo until this wins the Doll a Mrs. ponaldson's time, ceases to havo any connection Millinery Storo. Anyone having that Wuh tho paper as ownor, publisher number please call and bring ticket or manager, though he will remain with them. in Bandon," Pioneer Resident of Marshfieltf Succumbs to Paralysis Today. Joshua Nolson, a pioneer rosldont of Mnrshflold, died this morning at tho homo of his daughtor, Mrs. J, O. Brldgos, at tho Pumping Station. Death was duo to an attack of para lysis sustained a fow weeks ago, and gonoral break down duo to his ad vanced years. Mr. Nolson was for years engaged1 In tho manufacture of ' pop hero but for a numbor of years has lived In retirement. Ho was born on Prince Edward Island olghty soven years, sovon months and two days ago and about thlrty-flve years ago enmo from Canada to Coos Day and has resided hore over slnco. Ho was married In 1877 to Miss Nan Dunham who dlod somo years ago. Ho Is survived by tho following chil dren: Mrs. Frank Dastln of Roches tor, N, Y., Frank, Joseph, Tom and Gago Nolson of Watertown, N. Y., and Mrs. J. C. Drldges of Marshflold. Tho funornl will bo hold at 2:30 o'clock Wednosday afternoon at th? Baptist church, Roy, G. LeRoy Hall officiating. Heating STOVES at MILNER'S. I